
Von LiquifiedStars

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When Adrien defies his father's wishes, he discovers Gabriel's schemes go far beyond just the company bottom... Mehr

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

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Von LiquifiedStars

Sifting through his father's paperwork, Adrien was hopeful when he found that he had hired a private investigator to look for Marinette. He shuddered at the thought as to why his father might have been looking for her, but right now he would take any leads he could.

Unfortunately, his father's very public arrest had scared off the less than reputable investigator who wanted nothing more to do with the search for Marinette Agreste. In a hasty phone call, he told Adrien that he knew she was in New York and that he had seen her with Luka, but her place of residence and the name she was using was still a mystery. Despite Adrien's offer of a substantial amount of money, the man refused to continue the search and himself disappeared. Adrien was back to where he started.

The rain had been fairly constant for days, the grey drizzle matching his mood. Taking an umbrella, Adrien opted to walk the short distance from the mansion to his parents-in-law's bakery and try to shake off his melancholy, but the rain only made him think of her. The umbrella he gave her all those years ago was long gone now, but the rain always brought him back to that day. He had been so happy to have made a friend, never realising she would become so much more.

Despite the Christmas decorations that hung in the shop windows, it was hard to feel the joy of the season. It should have been their first Christmas together. Alya and Nino had gone to the Alps for a skiing holiday, Kagami had gone to visit her mother in Japan and Chloé and Félix were going to spend Christmas in London. His cousin had invited him to join them, but there was too much mess to sort out in Paris. Instead, Adrien decided to spend Christmas with Tom and Sabine before their move to the country. It wouldn't be the same without Marinette there, but it was the closest thing to home he had now.

At the bakery, Tom and Sabine had been busy fulfilling last minute orders. Christmas week was always their busiest time of the year, but with packing up the house in preparation for the move, it was extra chaotic. They had been grateful for Adrien's help, but also to give him the distraction of something else to focus on.

When the bakery bell tinkled, Sabine was expecting a mop of blond hair to enter, not the teal tipped hair of the musician that had walked in.

"Luka!" She exclaimed. She quickly covered her surprise and offered a friendly hug. "I wasn't expecting to see you here in Paris, how are you dear?"

"I'm well thank you. I came home for the holidays." He explained, holding up a gift bag. "Marinette asked me to bring this to you."

Sabine took the bag and saw the gifts wrapped inside. Tom walked in behind her and greeted Luka.

"How's our baby girl?" He asked, the sadness of their daughter's absence was clearly weighing heavily on him.

Before Luka had a chance to answer, the bell again rang behind him and the sound of a gasp.


Luka turned to see Adrien staring at him like he had seen a ghost. The blond man then looked around hopefully. "Is Marinette here too?"

"Ahhh...no." Luka hesitated, unsure how to handle this. "She's still in New York, but I guess you already knew she was there."

"I thought she might go to you." Adrien said, his eyes downcast. "She needed someone she could trust."

Tom and Sabine gave each other a worried look as more customers started entering the bakery. "Maybe you two should go talk in the house." She indicated up the stairs. Adrien and Luka left the bakery and went to sit in the family room, sitting side by side on the couch. There was an awkward silence before Adrien spoke.

"Is she alright?"

"Yes, she's fine." Luka assured him. "You know I would never let anything happen to her." There was another awkward silence before Luka let out a sigh. "Adrien, I want you to know that I always liked you. You're a good person and you have done more for Marinette than anyone, but there's something I have to say out loud here. You and I are in love with the same woman."

"I know." Adrien said, preparing for the worse. "I don't blame her for going to you. I was supposed to protect her but instead I walked her straight into the lion's den." Luka reached over and placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"Adrien, the fact is, she's only in love with one of us...and it's not me."

Adrien looked at him with wide eyes. "You mean..."

"I'll be honest with you Adrien, I asked her to marry me. I thought I could be what she needed. I...wouldn't blame you if you wanted to punch me in the face for that."

"I'm considering it." Adrien said, but there was no real malice in his voice.

Luka let out a small laugh before taking a deep breath. "She loves you Adrien, more than anything. She thought she was doing the right thing by leaving."

"She told you what my father said to her?"

Luka nodded. "She knows that you're not a sentimonster. She's been beating herself up that she ever believed it at all." 

Adrien's eyes diverted to the floor. "Did...did she really think I was?"

"I think deep down she knew the truth, but she was too afraid for you to see the obvious."

Adrien nodded his head. "And now?"

"Now," Luka breathed out. "Now she's afraid to come back because she's convinced herself that you hate her for leaving."

"No." Adrien said, sitting forward and grabbing Luka's arm. "Luka I love her with all my heart, all I want is for her to come back. When you go back, can you tell her that."

"I'm not going back. I didn't tell her but I decided that I would give up touring. I never really wanted to be a rock star anyway. I'm going to go backpacking through Europe for a year or two. Try and find my inner music again." Then he smiled. "So I think you're just going to have to go and tell her yourself."

"Me?" Adrien asked.

Luka rubbed his face with his hands and gave Adrien a resigned look. "I promised her I wouldn't tell you where she was, but I can't do this anymore. I can't come between two people who belong together. You two have a connection, a history that few people could ever understand and no one can replace." He took a card out from his pocket. "She's staying in an apartment owned by my father, here's the address. She's using the name Mari Noir."

"Mari Noir." Adrien repeated with a smile.

"I told you she couldn't let you go." Luka smiled, but Adrien could see it didn't reach his eyes. He reached out and placed a hand on Luka's shoulder.

"Thank you." He said earnestly. "Thank you for everything you did for her."

"Don't thank me Adrien." Luka said with guilt. "I should never have pressed my feelings into her like that, or agreed to keep her whereabouts a secret for so long. I...hope you can forgive me one day."

Luka was surprised when Adrien suddenly pulled him into a hug. "There's nothing to forgive." He then sat back with his hands still on Luka's shoulders, his face perplexed. "But it's Christmas week, I'm never going to get into a flight at this late stage."

Luka then took his phone out of his pocket. "I think I can help with that." He then dialed a number.

"Hey Dad. I've got a favour to ask you..."


Barely three hours later, Adrien found himself on Jagged Stone's private plane. Normally he would sleep on an overnight flight, but he could barely sit still on the eight hour trip from Paris to New York, his mind going over the conversation he'd had with Luka. He hoped Luka was right and that Marinette had missed him as much as he missed her. These last few weeks had been the most difficult he had been though, not only with his wife gone, but with the revelations of his father.

When the plane landed, Adrien scurried into a cab and gave the driver the name of the hotel. His heart was racing with anticipation but also fear. What if Luka was wrong? Even if she had regrets for leaving, that didn't mean she wanted to come back or even still want him. With his father gone, it's safer again, but he's still Adrien Agreste and a totally private life may never be the norm for them. With her anonymity in New York, she may feel that as a Guardian it would be better off to stay hidden. He cured his life. Why couldn't he have just been a normal person.

The cab pulled up in front of the building on the address. Adrien paid the driver and stood on the path, a light dusting of snow falling around him. It was still quite early in the morning. He wasn't even sure Marinette would be awake yet, but he couldn't wait another minute, he'd rather see her cranky morning pout. How he had missed her cute little pout.

When he approached the glass doors, the doorman reached out a hand to stop him. "It's a bit early for social calls, young man. May I inquire as to whom you have come to see." He then looked Adrien up and down. He was wearing a stylish tailored black coat with his hair styled and just past his collar. He had turned up the collar to protect himself from the light snowfall.

"My name is Adrien. I'm here to see Mari Noir. I've just arrived from Paris and..."

"So, you were the mysterious Mr Noir?" The man said. "I was wondering when you would turn up. I can see now why that young musician wasn't getting anywhere."

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. "You know me?"

The doorman smiled. "It's my job to know these things. I haven't been doing this job for over 30 years for nothing, although that private eye that had been snooping around had been a bit of a headache."

Well that explained a lot. Adrien shifted on his feet. "I know it's early, but I need to see her. I traveled all night to get here to tell her how much she means to me."

The doorman smiled and offered Adrien his hand. "The name's Chambers. If I can be of any assistance, just call."

Adrien thanked the man gratefully before taking the lift to Marinette's floor. When he approached her door he pressed his ear to it. He could hear her muffled talking, probably to Tikki, and the sound of the kettle boiling. Honestly, he was a little surprised she was even awake yet.

Taking a deep breath, Adrien knocked on the door. He heard something fall down and the sound of scurrying before the metallic clink of a chain being pulled. Marinette opened the door and her hands immediately flew to cover her mouth.

"Adrien." She gasped, tears immediately brimming in her eyes.

Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she was wearing the Chat Noir pajamas she had made. Adrien thought she was the most beautiful he had ever seen her.

"Hello Marinette." He said softly. For a moment they just looked at each other, Marinette mostly in disbelief that he was actually standing there. Behind him she saw a movement and the nosey elderly woman across the hall peaked around her door to see Marinette pulling a handsome blond man into her apartment.

Closing her door, Marinette wrapped her arms around herself and moved a little away from him. "You must hate me for leaving you the way I did." Her voice cracked as she spoke.

Adrien shrugged off his heavy coat and hung it on the hook near the door. "I could never hate you m'lady." He said quietly. Her heart skipped a beat at the familiar endearment. She turned and looked at him, his hands still on his coat.

"But I ran away...I left without saying anything and I..."

"You don't have to say anything." Adrien said, turning to fully face her and giving her a reassuring smile. "Luka told me everything.

"Then you know why I was so afraid."

He nodded, stepping closer to her. "I know what my father told you, that you were trying to protect me." He reached out, gently touching her face. "But you don't have to be afraid anymore. He can't hurt us ever again."

Marinette turned away from him, closing her eyes and letting the tears roll down her cheeks. "I broke your trust Adrien." She said, pressing her palms to her eyes. "I broke my vows, I took Plagg away, I left you to find out about your father alone, I'm a horrible person." She cried out. "I broke you."

"M'lady." He said softly, tucking a stray hair back behind her ear. "Sweetheart, please look at me." Marinette dropped her hands from her eyes and looked up at him, taken aback by the love that was held within his emerald eyes.

"Marinette, you haven't broken anything. It's because of you, because of your love that I'm unbroken."

"But.." She began, but he placed a finger over her lips.

"You didn't leave me because you didn't love me, you left because you were trying to save my life. That is love. I made a vow the day I married you to love you, to cherish you, to protect you and to be with you always." He dug his hand into his pocket and took out the ring box that she had left behind. "It's easy to love when everything is perfect, but I didn't marry perfect, I married a partner."

Opening the box, he took out the two rings. Getting down on one knee he slid Marientte's engagement ring onto her finger. "I will love you no matter what storms may come our way." He then slid on her wedding ring. "And I will shelter you under my umbrella and wait with you for the rainbow." He then softly kissed the back of her hand. "Marinette, will you come back to Paris and marry me all over again, in front of all our friends and family, my partner and my wife forever."

Marinette fell to her knees in front of him, her eyes intently searching his. "You mean, you'll take me back? You still want me?"

Adrien cupped her face between his hands. "I never wanted you to go. I love you Marinette."

"Kitty." She whispered, tears streaking her cheeks. Adrien dipped his head, bringing her closer to him and capturing her lips with his. Her lips were salty from her tears, but he felt her smile and a laugh bubbled up. He found himself laughing too. Their kisses were messy and frantic but full of the love they had for each other.

"Adrien." She said breathlessly as they parted for air. "Kitty, there...there's something that I have to tell you."

He looked at her curiously, helping her up to her feet and following her as she walked over to where her bag was. Taking out an envelope, she handed it to him.

Adrien turned it over in his hands. "You know the last time you left me an envelope, I thought my whole world had fallen apart." He said. She knew he was being sarcastic, but it still stung a little.

"Maybe this one can make up for that." She said nervously.

Adrien ran his finger under the flap and pulled out the card inside. On the front of the card was printed "Our Baby". Adrien looked up at her with wide eyes. "You mean..."

Marinette smiled giddily, nodding her head. "Open it."

He flicked open the card and saw the grainy image of an ultrasound, a bean shaped object suspended in a black mass. "We're having a baby?"

Marinette bit her bottom lip and looked at him coyly. "Look closer Minou."

Adrien looked at her puzzled before looking more closely at the picture. She could see the moment he realised on his face.

"Two?" He gasped, his face an equal measure of happiness and shock. "We're having two kittens?"

Falling into a tight embrace, he kissed her all over her face before once again finding her lips. "I love you Marinette. I love you so much." He finally said, holding her face in his hands. "I think you've made me the happiest Cat alive." Embracing her again, they didn't notice at first that the kwami's had emerged and began to come closer. Adrien looked up to see Tikki's bright blue eyes smiling at him.

"Hi Tikki." Adrien said, loosening his hold a little on Marientte. The other kwamis then also flew over to him.

"Chat Noir." They squealed, hugging him anywhere they could latch onto.

"Oh I missed you guys too." Adrien laughed. "Where's Plagg?" He looked over at Marinette who had walked over to the Miracle Box. Opening it, she took out the cat Miraculous.

Marinette walked back to him, the kwami's parting as she took his hand in hers. "Plagg has refused to come out until I gave this back to you, and only you. You're the only person I ever want by my side Adrien, on both sides of the mask. I promise you, I will never take Plagg away from you again."

She slid the ring onto his finger and a ball of green light flashed.

"Pigtails, I told you to leave me in..." Plagg stopped his rant when he saw Tikki pointing behind him.

"I missed you too Plagg." The black cat turned to find Adrien smiling at him.

"Kitten." He called out, flying up to Adrien's cheek and hugging him tight. "I knew you'd come back for us, kid. Please tell me you brought cheese with you. I don't know what Pigtails was giving Tikki to torture me with, but it wasn't anywhere near what I'm used to."

Adrien laughed at his kwami's antics. "I'll buy you the biggest wheel of the best camembert in Paris."

Plagg whirled in the air. "Yes! We're going home!"

"Home." Marinette echoed. "I've missed Paris so much."

"Just Paris." Adrien asked, taking her hand and softly kissing the inside of her wrist.

"You are Paris to me Kitty." She said, her eyes looking up at him through her lashes.

"You know." He began, that dangerous Chat smirk she knew so well playing in his lips. "We have all day before the plane is flying back."

"All day?" Marinette pondered. "What ever shall we do in the meantime?"

Adrien wrapped an arm around her, bringing her close, while cupping her face with his hand. "Let me show you how much I missed you."


Almost twelve months later, on a clear December afternoon, Adrien stood in a small chapel waiting for Marinette, ready to renew their wedding vows to each other in the presence of a small group of friends and family. As he looked over the smiling faces, Adrien thought back over the past year since he found Marinette again in New York. 

Gabriel's trial had been the front page news of Paris for months, but fortunately, Adrien and Marientte had been left out of most of the chaos. Nathalie agreed to testify against Gabriel in exchange for a plea agreement and to defend Adrien against any association with his father's plans. When the trial was complete and Gabriel had been put away for life, Nathalie felt it was safe enough to bring her mother back to Paris where she could care for her better. Sitting in the chapel now with Adrien's bodyguard, she gave him a small smile and nod when their eyes met and in his mind, he believed his mother would have been beside her watching on.

Adrien handed what was left of the Gabriel brand over to his cousin as promised. Félix and Amelie wasted no time in removing the Gabriel label and replacing it with De Vanily, disassociating themselves completely from Gabriel band. Félix had a brilliant idea for a new endeavour. Instead of a fashion house, Félix turned the company into a chain of upmarket department stores based out of London. Adrien happily recommended Eloise to become the brand ambassador now that Lila was out of the picture. Félix had trepidations at first, not wanting more trouble with models, but after learning Eloise was already married he hired her husband David as head photographer and made him part of the advertising department. It would take time, but the brand was steadily making its way up.

Félix draped his arm over Chloé's shoulder, whispering into her ear as they waited for the ceremony to start. Adrien had to smile at himself at the blush that streaked across Chloé's face before she playfully slapped Félix across the arm.

Moments later, Adrien watched with adoration as his bride walked up to him for the second time. She wore a dress of her own design, the kind of wedding gown Adrien had imagined her in, although he would always think of her in that white spring dress she married him in the first time.

In the background was the quiet gurgling of their twins, Emma and Louis, being looked after by Tom and Sabine. It had been a chaotic cycle of feeding and sleepless nights dealing with not just one, but two newborns, but Adrien wouldn't have had it any other way. They were his life and his pride and joy. The most beautiful gift that he would always be thankful for.

With Nino by his side, and Alya smiling behind Marinette, Adrien pledged his love and loyalty to the woman who would always have his heart, for better or for worse. He felt that he had everything he had ever wanted in his life with Marinette by his side. He was part of a family again, his own family.

After the ceremony, everyone made their way to an exclusive function room at the Bourgeois Hotel. The reception was a joint gift from Chloé and Kagami, who had struck up an unexpected friendship after the day they helped take down Gabriel.

As the party went into the evening, Adrien twirled Marinette around on the dance floor, the two of them laughing as Adrien dropped her into a low dip and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Oh please, save it for when you go home." Félix said dryly as he walked over to them.

"Like you weren't snogging Chloé behind the pot plants earlier." Adrien replied and delighted in the ever so slight redness in his cousin's face.

"Yes, we'll." Félix cleared his throat. "If you have a minute, I want to talk to both of you."

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other, but followed Félix to where Chloé was sitting with Kagami. The Japanese girl stood up when the trio came to the table and hugged both Marinette and Adrien.

"I'm going to go talk to Nathalie and your old bodyguard. I'd like to ask them if they would like to come work for me. I've never seen anyone as organised as Nathalie."

"You mean compared to you." Adrien chuckled. "Actually if you want good organisation, you should hire a fruit."

"What? Mr Banana?" Marinette mused. Adrien shook his head.

"No, an orange."

The Japanese girl pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "Adrien..." She warned, but he continued with a wide grin.

"I hear they can or-ange things really well."

Marinette and Chloé snickered while Kagami gave him a flat look "You're still not funny Agreste." She said amid everyone's laughter. She then leaned over to Marinette. "I'm so glad he's your problem and not mine."

"Hey." Adrien scoffed in mock offence. Marinette smiled at their friend.

"And I wouldn't have him any other way." She said, Kagami nodded and walked off towards Nathalie.

"Talking about organisation." Félix jumped in. "Now as you know, the De Vanily stores have had a good opening quarter..."

"Oh Felikins, couldn't you leave business for just one day and just enjoy the party? You can be utterly boring sometimes."

Félix rolled his eyes. "We're heading back to London in the morning, this is my only chance to talk to them about it."

"Talk about what exactly?" Adrien intervened. 

"A business proposal." Félix said confidently before looking at Marinette. "I understand you started up your MDC online shop again?"

Marinette nodded. "Only a little though. Alya's been helping me with it since the twins arrived. I sent a few designs to Athena. She's working for another company now and..." Marinette stopped when she saw Félix and Chloé giving each other a knowing look. "Oh my god, she's working for you isn't she?"

Félix let out a laugh. "Well, it isn't official yet, but it seemed a shame to waste all that talent at the old Gabriel headquarters."

"Mother and I happened to run into Athena at fashion week." Chloé interrupted. "And she showed us some of the designs you sent her. Naturally I told Félix all about it and we had Athena make one of the dresses for Eloise. The response was utterly ridiculous."

"They didn't like it?" Marinette asked worriedly.

"Quite the opposite." Félix grinned. "We were inundated with requests. Which brings me to our offer. Mother and I would like to sell MDC in our stores in an exclusive deal. If you make the designs, Athena will oversee the production with her team, and in consultation with you. MDC will be the premier line of the De Vanily Emporiums. You can still keep the online shop and you'll have a fair percentage of the sales through the physical stores. And don't worry, you'll have the flexible hours you need with those two." He pointed past Marinette to where Sabine and Tom were coming over with Emma and Louis.

"We thought you might like a hug before we head off." Sabine then tried to stifle a yawn. "We're not as young as we used to be and it's a bit of a drive home."

Adrien and Marinette took a baby each. Tom and Sabine had offered to take the babies for the night so Adrien and Marinette could spend some time together.

"So, what do you say?" Félix asked, popping a grape from the fruit salad in his mouth.

"Félix, I really don't know what to say. I'm overwhelmed. Thank you. It would be amazing to work with Athena again."

"Excellent." He grinned, feeling rather pleased with himself. "Of course, the Paris store needs a manager if you're interested, Adrien."

Adrien propped Emma higher on his shoulder and patted her back. "That would be...thank you Félix."

"Well, you got bills to pay now and there wasn't a whole lot left out of your father's estate. That is unless the pretty boy wants to model again?"

Adrien laughed and shook his head. "You couldn't afford me, cousin. These good looks are priceless."

"Louis sweetie, come to your Auntie Chloé." The socialite cooed, taking the baby from Marinette and holding Louis in her arms. "Oh Félix, aren't they just adorable?"

Félix screwed up his nose. "Oh...um...well." He stuttered, looking uncomfortable.

"You want to hold her?" Adrien offered. Felix's eyes went wide with panic.

"Ah, I...ah...wouldn't want to drop her." He said, waving his hands around. Chloé gave him a push in the arm.

"You're just afraid she'll puke on you."

"Am not." Félix defended himself. "If Adrien can deal with it, so can I."

Felix took Emma from his cousin's hold. It wasn't the first time he had held her, he and Chloé did visit when the twins were born, but at four months the babies were more alert.

Emma looked at Félix with bright blue eyes for a moment before her face went red and she began to cry loudly. Félix tried to rock her and hush her, but Emma wasn't having a bar of it, only crying louder. After giving his cousin a ribbing for scaring the baby, Adrien took his daughter back. Emma stopped crying almost instantly.

"She knew I wasn't you." Félix mused, straightening his tie and running his fingers through his hair. 

"That's because you smell funny." Adrien teased, kissing Emma on the head.

As the night wound down, Adrien and Marinette handed the babies to her parents and made their way back to their new home. After selling off the Agreste mansion and letting go of the lease on the old apartment, they had bought a lovely town house, just right for the four of them.

Getting out of their formal wear and into something more comfortable, Marinette sat in front of her dresser mirror and brushed her long midnight locks. Adrien walked up behind her, moved her hair to one side and placed a kiss on her shoulder. "Transform for me. I want to show you something."

Marinette turned around and looked at him. "I thought Alya and Nino were taking over patrols for now. What are you up to Kitty?"

Adrien gave her a mischievous smirk. "They are, but we haven't had the chance to transform for almost a year. Why waste the opportunity?"

"I didn't sign up for transforming." Plagg whinged from his pillow that Marientte had made for him. "Can't we just sleep?"

"It's your own fault for being a glutton." Tikki shided. "I saw you sneaking around the cheese platter at the buffet."

"Ugh, fine." Plagg groaned. "Let's get it over with then."

"Claws out."

"Spots on."

There were a few night owls out and about that saw Chat Noir chasing Ladybug across the rooftops, just like they had always done. These days it was mostly Carapace and Rena Rouge out on patrol, and occasionally Ryuko joined them.

Stopping on a particular rooftop, Ladybug looked around to see tea lights setup with a couple of blankets and a small basket with a bottle of wine and some snacks.

"When on earth..." Ladybug began, but Chat silenced her with a kiss.

"I have my ways." He grinned, offering her a red rose. She took it with a soft smile. Some things never change. "Do you remember the last time we came here?"

She could feel her face flush under her mask at his gaze. Even now those eyes still had the same effect on her. "Yes." She whispered. "It was the night we confessed our feelings for each other. It seems like a lifetime ago now."

Chat placed a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. Ladybug looped her arms around his neck.  "Well, I brought you here because I have another confession to make."

"Oh." She said, closing her eyes as he kissed her on the forehead. "And what might that be?"

"That I love you m'lady." She snorted a laugh.

"I kind of already knew that one Chaton."

Adrien smiled against her cheek. "I know, but I wanted to tell you again, here, where we said it the first time." He hooked a finger under her chin and raised her face towards his, her eyes shining like an ocean in the moonlight. "I'll bring you here every year to tell you again, because I keep falling in love with you and I'll never let you go."

"I love you, Adrien." She said against his lips. "I promise I'll never leave you ever again."

"You and me against the world." He murmured.

"Always." She whispered as his lips claimed hers.

A/N - This is the end of  "Unbroken". Thank you all so much for your support throughout this story. I hope you enjoyed it. There will be more stories to come, so don't forget to follow me for future updates. I hope to see you again next time 💜


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