Stolen Princess

By Elliot_Katie475

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Days from becoming the prize at her father's Bride Tournament, Wrenifred has a bad haircut and a chance encou... More

1. A Haircut
2. Only Fools Go Into The Forest
3. We Have A Deal
4. Looking Lovely
5. Hulking, Green, Handsomeness
6. Now Where Is My MooseBear?
7. Troll On The Training Field
8. No Free Wrens
9. Fight Like A Girl
10. An Orc In A Tree
11. Lost In The Woods
12. Rumors
13. The Truth
14. Let It Out
15. Danaya
16. A Fool
17. Father
18. The Other Brother
19. A Whole New Girl
20. The Wrong Sister
21. A Shiny Bauble
22. A Sacrifice
23. For Just One Moment
24. Watery Memories
25. He Calls You Deerhling
26. What Alek Knew First
27. Deehrling
28. Kaherei
30. Mother
31. No One Is Coming To Save Me
32. Never Enough

29. Through the Portal

166 17 0
By Elliot_Katie475

I follow Sosha out of the camp, she's walking ahead at such a brisk pace I can tell she's hoping I won't catch up. Leif falls into step beside me with his usual smile and his indigo uniform freshly pressed.

"So this tournament..." I let the question wander as I wait for either of them to answer, even though I'm pretty sure Sosha has decided not to speak to me again. Probably doesn't want to get too attached since I'm about to die.

"It's simple, honestly, Princess," Leif begins in his overly optimistic way, "You'll have your weapons at your disposal, anything you've gained during the extent of the tournament - including Sam - and it's a simple obstacle course."

"Nothing about this has been simple!" I scoff as we make our way past the other tent sites. There are only three of us even competing today, but every contestant is expected to remain until the end of the tournament when the winner is announced. My stomach knots itself once more. In less than an hour, I'll be dead, or I'll have won my freedom.

The daylight comes dry and sunny... much too cheerful for what's ahead of me, but at least there will be less mud this way. I enter with Sosha ahead of me, and Leif drops back to walk behind me. My face is covered in our customary traditional war paint... but after this, everyone will know it's me under here.

I scan the bleachers for Isobel's face and find her in her place beside Sothia still acting as my stand-in even though she can't stand me anymore. A heavy veil covers her face, and she put on heavy leather gloves to hide her very un-green hands. It will be quite the surprise when my father reveals that prize. Sosha's accusation comes to mind just one last time like a whisper... someone has been betraying me. That much we know... I just don't want it to be the only person I thought loved me. That's all.

"Welcome!" My father's voice booms unimpressed and overpowering across the wide-open space. Birds sing overhead, a sweet spring breeze laces through my armor where I stand in the lineup alongside Thio. Alek is on his other side, grinning like a fool. And he should be. It was just last night that he publicly bested one of the visiting Orcs, another sits in my father's dungeons and he nearly sliced off the hands of one of the Orken pages.

By appearances, Alek has this victory nearly guaranteed. Thio spares me one glance, a polite nod that probably no one else even thinks much of. I stare at his profile a little longer after he looks away. I don't know what I'm going to do if we're forced to duel... I'm just hoping one of us doesn't make it to the final piece of the obstacle course so I don't have to find out.

"Today marks the end of an honorable competition between the greatest knights our realm has to offer."

I try not to fidget at that, wondering just how they're all going to react when one of those knights end up being... well - me.

"To end this tournament of excellence we have before you the top three contestants... they will run an obstacle course set out by our very own Elin to test their merit, as well as any skill that was born from the hardship of this tournament. The two with the best times will end the tournament with a duel to the death."

I swallow hard and say a prayer to the Goddess that I'm the one Alek kills instead of Thio. He's been so good to me. I press the amulet Talon stole from Alek against my chest and feel a warm burst of its magic pass into my bones, lending me strength that was stored there again and again over time. It's how Alek has been moving so quickly, finishing everything before us... and maybe today it will give me what I need to finally beat him.

"Knights - are you ready?" My father turns to us, and he meets my eyes for one brief moment. I stare back, the wishes of thirteen years bubbling to the surface from the different places in myself that I've pressed them down, pretended I didn't really need anything from this man.

It's like a sob could burst from my lips from all this emotion... all this anger and pain. But then  he looks away again, on to Thio and it's the same as always. My father and his approval and his affection mean something to me that I will never manage to mean to him. That realization sinks over me as a trumpet blares to begin the final trial.

Even if I win, I will be no closer to winning my father's affections. Finally earning my freedom will have to be enough

Thio is tasked with the obstacle course first, leaving Alek and me standing in the arena as the smiling knight approaches a swirling orange portal that Elin has opened. It's a rare feat in our world for such a thing to be conjured, and I stare at Elin wondering just how he plans to do it for all three of us twice each. But he seems unstrained as he moves his hands in a circular pattern, keeping the doorway open as Thio enters. And then the air around the portal cinches in again, and he's gone.

"Have you ever..." Sosha asks from my shoulder.

"No," I answer in a wary tone. No, I have never traveled through a magical portal to an obstacle course of death.

We wait for Thio's return. And wait... and wait. The sun moves along in the sky, Leif brings me bread, cheese, and some water, and Alek seems to do the same. Sosha doesn't say much as the hours tick past... what is there to say now? She can't warn me for anything, can't prepare me or coach me along. No one knows what I'm about to face in this portal.

I sneak a glance towards Alek, but he seems completely at ease per usual. He must sense my gaze because he catches me staring and smiles wide. Those beautiful eyes flash that inner ugliness and I look away from him again. He lost the amulet... why does he seem even smugger than before?

There's no time to consider it because Elin is suddenly waving his hands in the air around him as if pulling apart a pair of stubborn curtains. And then the invisible curtains split open mid-air and Thio stumbles out.

The crowd gasps as he lands in the sand of the arena... and he doesn't get up.

"Thio!" I shout at him, even as I take off running and I reach him before either of his pages do. He doesn't answer me, just lays face down in the dust... I hold my breath, trying to gauge if his chest is rising and falling.

"Princess..." he mutters, and I realize just how much mud is caked along one side of his head and then I see it - his ear is missing.

"Mother of the Goddess," I mutter, "What happened to you?" I demand, even as I work one hand underneath him in the dirt.

"Itssatrickk..." he mutters hoarsely, and one of his bruised eyes opens to look at me, "Not what... seems..." he adds weakly. He is in bad shape, but I'm already fOrcing my healing magic into his lungs. I try to keep the light pressed between Thio and the ground, so the crowd can't see.

One of the pages comes scrambling to his side, shouting his name, and then freezes when he sees the dull glow of magic as I press harder into Thio. I won't have much time left... even less if this page turns me in. It's the burly one who carried Talon and I beg him with my eyes to stay silent. He presses his lips together and looks back down at Thio, afraid for his master. So am I.

The crowd is shouting, in a bit of an uproar, Alek seems to be yelling as well. But just as Elin is rushing towards us, I pull away my palm and Thio takes a bracing gulp of air.

"My lord!" Thio's page barks, and he doesn't seem to care that it was my illegal magic that saved his master just now. I sit back on my heels, worn from the strength I've given Thio. But his lips form the most pitiful of swollen and split smiles up at me, and he reaches for my fingers.

"Thank you," he murmurs, closing his eye and I sigh in peace. He'll survive.

"Get away - now!" Elin barks at me, "You're not allowed to ask the other contestants questions!"

"Put a cork in it, and heal the man you old codger," I hiss in a tired and poisonous tone that sounds a little too much like my own voice. Elin falls silent in shock as I rise and turn back to my spot in the arena. The people are booing as I go, and it takes me a moment to realize it's me they're so angry at. I don't even glance over my shoulder as I take my place again just head of Sosha.

"They do not know who you are..." she reminds me, I think it might be the kindest thing she's ever said to anyone, and that alone makes me chuckle.

"They would boo all the more if they did," I snipe back at her, then turn to face the stands of angry pink faces and fists as they call slurs my direction. Somehow, it doesn't feel all that different than how they've always treated me. It might even be... easier to take their hatred in this moment. At least it's to my face instead of whispers behind my back. Either way, I am the demon alligator they've hated since my childhood... they aren't wrong about that.

"Did he say anything?" Leif asks from  my side and I shrug apathetically.

"Something about... it's not what it seems?" I answer with another shrug. That could mean a hundred things... including a few surprises that I would be more prepared for than Thio. But Leif's face crumples into a severe frown, more worried than I've ever seen him, and he falls uncharacteristically silent.

"Aleksander Blackwater," Elin calls out as he pulls apart the sky to open the doorway once more. Thio is being carried off in a stretcher, presumably to see Gaius, but my heart is at ease, I know I gave him more than enough strength to heal over the next few days, no matter what happened in that portal.

"So much for no cheating," Sosha bites out, and I refocus my attention just in time to see Elin rapidly speaking to Alek. No doubt trying to make up for whatever he thinks Thio had time to tell me about the obstacle course. I roll my eyes. No one sees Alek for what he is. And it wears on me. If it weren't for bruises, and the distinct, gut-wrenching fear that washes over me when I hear his voice, Alek might even be able to convince me that I'm lying.

The crowd falls silent as their handsome hero waves one last brave arm, and blows a kiss in my direction. Well - Isobel's direction that is. There's an audible sigh from the female population of my father's court and I cast my eyes heavenward, praying to the Goddess until well after he's disappeared the same as Thio.

And then... we wait some more.

"They've made you last on purpose," Sosha growls after a while, and I wonder if she's about to begin pacing like a caged lion. My moose bear on the other hand is asleep in the sand at my feet in a particularly warm patch of sunlight, completely at ease. Leif still hasn't said a word, but I can hear him fidgeting, again and again, each time his armor squeaks, so I know he's nervous too.

"By the way," I begin, clearing my throat awkwardly, "If I don't make it back... it's been... nice -"

"Oh, Goddess - if you so much as think about crying at a time like this!" Sosha growls at me, and I grin. Leif, still says nothing, so I turn to him in concern. He's staring at me, his mouth hanging open like a fish, looking on the verge of tears himself.


"Wren - I - "

"No time for romantic confessions now, Leifson - throw your hat in when she gets back," Sosha admonishes, and we both look up at the sound of Elin reopening Alek's return portal.

He steps through as if he's just been on holiday to the seaside. Not a scratch on him as he waves towards the crowd. They erupt in joyous applause and my mind scrambles for an explanation.

"What is this magic?" Sosha mutters under her breath, saying the words I'm thinking.

"Wren -" Leif tries again, but then Sosha is dragging at my arm, shoving me towards Elin. The old wizard is scowling at me, holding open the portal in the most begrudging fashion you can open a portal for someone. I take a deep breath and look over my shoulder one last time in the direction of Leif and Sosha. They don't wave or anything, but they're there, and it bolsters me.

"Ready, Sam?" And I'm rewarded with the polite meow from my shoulder where four small paws land with ease. One deep breath - and I jump through the swirling orange portal in the air.

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