the experience of a lifetime...

By maddy_rodabough

3 0 0

Maeve was just an average, run-of-the-mill woman from America. When one day, she gets the opportunity of a li... More

A Surprise

A Moment You Only See on Wattpad

1 0 0
By maddy_rodabough

I awoke to my alarm, alerting me of the time. 9:00AM. I then pick up the hotel phone, and decide to order some room service for breakfast. I wasn't sure what to order, but I chose something that sounded good to me. I also ordered a coffee to get me through the day.

Today is the big day. I am meeting three members of BTS and dancing with them. One of them being my bias, J-hope.

The room service comes quickly, and I spend time eating up all of the delicious food and drinking my coffee. I'll need a lot of energy to get me through the day.

After eating all of my food, I set the tray outside as I was told someone would pick it up later. I then decide to get ready, it's now 10:00AM, so I need to be ready and out the door by 11:30. I decide to take another shower, wanting to appear as fresh and clean as possible for the boys.

After my shower, I put all of my hair products through my red, curly hair as I do every single day. It's pretty quick and easy as my hair is only down to my shoulders, with bangs sitting on top of my forehead.

As I let my hair air dry, I decide to put on a little makeup. I skip foundation, since I figure I'll be sweating a lot, and decide to just put concealer under my eyes to conceal my fatigued, and a little bit on a few acne spots I have. I put on a few coats of mascara, and then I brush some brow gel on my eyebrows. I then finish off with powder, blush, and highlight to accentuate my features. I swipe some chapstick on my lips and I am ready to go.

After putting on all of my clothes and lacing up my shoes, I check the time. 11:20AM, it reads. My heart starts racing a million beats a minute. I grab my keys and my purse, and finish off with some deodorant and perfume, making sure I smell my absolute best. I make sure to grab my hotel key as I walk out the door and head down the elevator.

As I reach the lobby, I am approached by the same driver who drove me to my hotel. "Good morning, Ms. Taylor," he greets with a smile and bow.

"Good morning," I smile and bow as well. Heading into the black SUV.

He starts driving immediately, and I take the time to put in my airpods and listen to BTS to get myself hyped and in the mood. I admire the scenery out of the window, and I realize that I truly could never get tired of being here.

We pull up to another tall building, and I assume it's for Bighit Entertainment. I step out of the car and approach the large doors at the front. I am greeted by a woman and a man who sport big smiles.

"Hello Ms. Taylor! Welcome to Seoul. And welcome to the official Bighit Entertainment building. We are so happy you are here!" the woman says, bowing and smiling at me.

"Hello!" I exclaim, "thank you for having me here. It is an honor and pleasure to be here. I am so grateful that you chose me for this opportunity," I smile and bow as well.

"Follow me Ms. Taylor. We will lead you to the dance studio where you will be working with J-hope, Jimin, and Jungkook," the man says, who I recognize as Bang Si-Hyuk, and gestures his arm in his direction.

I smile, following him towards the elevators where we go to the 12th floor. I am amazed by the size of this place. This is truly only something you read on Wattpad. I think to myself, giggling silently.

We reach the dance studio, where the only people in the room are camera crew. "The boys will be here shortly. You can go ahead and warm up, stretch, do whatever you need to do to get ready," he says and leaves the room, leaving me by myself.

I decide to listen to what he said, and put my stuff down and start stretching, not wanting to get a cramp in front of the boys.

As I'm finishing up my stretches, the door opens. Oh my god. It's them. Stay calm. Don't freak out.

In walks three of the seven men who have changed my entire life. J-hope, Jimin, and Jungkook. I am absolutely speechless. I cannot believe these men are standing in front of me right now.

"Hello Maeve, I am Jimin," he says as he approaches me with a warm smile. He is absolutely beautiful in person. His black hair is laying on his face, and his brown eyes are stunning to see in person.

"H-hi Jimin, I'm Maeve," I smile, holding out my hand which he shakes, and we both bow.

"Hi Maeve! I'm Jungkook!" the youngest one smiles, beaming at me.

"Hi Jungkook!" I greet, shaking his hand and bowing again, adoring his adorable features.

I then turn to J-hope, and my heart starts pounding again. I am really in front of my bias right now. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

"Hi Maeve, I'm J-hope," he says, as he gives me his award winning smile, holding out his hand.

"Hello Hobi," I say, greeting him with his nickname. I smile, shake his hand, and bow. He smiles back. I am unstable.

"Let's get started shall we?" Hobi says, gesturing us towards the wall with the mirror. "Do you have any experience with dancing?" he asks me.

"No I do not," I say sheepishly, "I suck at dancing," I say chuckling to myself.

He laughs his signature laugh. I die inside. He is so fucking beautiful. "No worries Maeve, we'll run it through slowly so you'll have it down with no problem," he says, giving me a kind smile.

We all get in formation. And the music starts playing with Megan's verse. God I love Megan Thee Stallian. I think to myself. The boys start running through the dance at normal speed, giving me a chance to see it all put together. They move fluidly with so much ease, and I start to feel jealous and insecure about how badly I am going to do.

"Alright!" Hobi says, clapping his hands, "you ready to do this Maeve?" He asks.

I nod my head and walk over to them. Hobi starts teaching me the dance step-by-step, making sure to go slowly so I understand. I start to struggle, finding it hard to get the rhythm down.

"It's okay," Hobi says, approaching me, "Just make sure to take it slow. Here, fix this arm right here," he instructs, grabbing my arm and adjusting it for me. He's touching me. He's touching me. Oh my god Hobi is touching me.

My entire body is on fire after that, and I feel my face start to heat up. I lock eyes with Jimin, who gives me a flirty smile as to insinuate that he knows I like Hobi. I quickly look away, trying to focus on the dance and only the dance.

"Alright let's go again," Hobi instructs, turning back to the mirror and signaling to someone to turn on the music again.

We start at the beginning, and I feel my body starting to dance to the rhythm. I am actually impressed with myself. I didn't think I could do this.

The music stops halfway through Megan's verse, and Hobi turns to me, "That was great!" He shouts, giving me a high-five and a big smile, "We are going to do this in two parts. You just nailed the first half the of the verse! Great job!" He says, smiling at me and giving me a pat on the back. He's touching me again. Jesus Christ help me.

"Thank you," I say shyly, still trying to process the fact that my bias just touched me. I am a little out of breath, but I am able to manage.

"Let's take a small water break before we start the second half of the verse," Hobi says, walking over with Jimin and Jungkook to get water.

He brings over two cups, and hands me one. "Thank you," I say, smiling like a goof.

He hums, taking a sip of his water. "So Maeve, tell us about yourself,"

I choke slightly on my water, not expecting this question, "U-um well my name is Maeve, as you know by now. I'm 22. I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana in the US. I live by myself. And I have a sister, Evelyn," I say, rambling about my life.

"Wow!" Jungkook exclaims, "That's so cool! You're not much younger than us, let alone me," he smiles.

"I don't think we've ever been to Indiana," Jimin says, putting his hand on his face in thought.

"Yeah it's kind of a boring state, but I only live about 3 hours from Chicago which is nice," I say, starting to get more comfortable around them.

"We love Chicago!" Hobi says, "That's so cool that you live pretty close by."

"Yeah I've been there quite a few times for visits, including concerts," I say, reminiscing on my times in Chicago.

"That's awesome," Hobi says, smiling at me, "Alright," he claps his hands, "lets do the second half of this verse!"

We all cheer and get in formation again, as Hobi runs through the steps of the second half of the verse. I struggle again, as this part of the dance seems a little more challenging.

"Hey Maeve, your legs are a little off position, here," Hobi says, approaching me again and touching my legs to help me. Oh my god. Here we go again. I'm going to go crazy.

My face heats up as he touches me, and Jimin takes notice of this yet again. I thank Hobi with a nod and a smile and we get back to the dance.

As we run through the routine countless of times, I start to feel uneasy. The anxiety sets in as I have not eaten lunch yet, and I start to get shaky and lightheaded. Oh no. I glance at the clock. It's 2:00PM. We've been here for two hours now.

I try to remain as composed as I can, because I don't want to become an embarrassment here. As we finish off the dance to the second half of the verse, I am out of breath.

"Awesome job Maeve!" Hobi says, approaching me, as he's also out of breath, "You're a natural," he smiles

"Thank you Hobi," I say, trying to catch my breath and stay conscious.

He looks at me, giving me a quizzical look, "Are you okay?" He asks with concern.

"I'm fine," I say, trying to muster a fake smile.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale," Hobi says, getting close to my face and looking at me.

"I'm good Hobi I promise," I say, running my hands through my hair and letting out a deep breath that I've apparently been holding in.

"Okay, I'm trusting you on this," he says, still seeming unsure of my state of health. "Lets run through the whole dance one more time, and then we will be ready to film," Hobi says, gesturing to the person to start the music.

We go through the dance seamlessly, I smile as I realize I'm doing the dance perfectly. The boys are next to me doing it perfectly as well, which is expected as they are the best dancers in the world. We finish in the correct poses and they all start clapping for me. I am now very out of breath, feeling extremely lightheaded, even more than before.

"That was amazing Maeve!" Jungkook says, giving me a high-five and a pat on the back.

"Thank you Jungkook!" I smile, which slowly fades as my vision starts to see three Jungkooks.

I hunch over, grasping my knees with my hands to try and stay conscious, breathing heavily.

"Maeve? Maeve? Are you okay?" Jimin says, rushing over to my side.

"Yeah..." I say slowly, "I'm....okay..."

"No you're not," Hobi says, tilting my head to look at him, "I shouldn't have trusted you when you said you were okay. Come here and lay down," he grabs my arms and slowly lowers me on the ground, grabbing his jacket to put behind my head, "Here. Stay here and I'll have someone bring you something to help with your blood sugar," he says, touching my forehead with the back of his hand and signaling someone to go get me some food and drink.

"You don't have to do this, Hobi," I say, still feeling weak, "I'm okay I promise."

"You're not Maeve, you haven't eaten and you've been doing a lot of exercise, that's why you're feeling like this. I need you to lay down and let me take care of you so you can continue to dance your heart out," he tells me, putting his hand on the top of my head.

I nod, closing my eyes to try to escape this madness. I feel so embarrassed. Why do I have to get so shaky and lightheaded when I'm hungry? I probably look like such an idiot right now.

"Stay with me Maeve," Hobi says, causing me to open my eyes, "We can't have you passing out in here," he chuckles.

I smile, looking over at Jimin and Jungkook, who also look very concerned for my health.

A woman returns with a handful of snacks and drinks, handing them to Hobi who brings them to me.

"Here," he says, "eat some of this and drink this as well, this will help your blood sugar."

I nod, opening the packaged food and eating it, making sure to eat it slowly. I wash it down with the provided drink, and I already start to feel myself getting better.

"Better?" He asks, looking deep into my eyes.

"Yes, thank you so much Hobi. I am so sorry. This is so embarrassing," I say, looking down at my hands, trying not to cry out of frustration.

"Hey hey hey," he says, tilting my head to look at him, "Dont feel embarrassed. This happens all the time. Especially to us," he gestures to him and the two other boys.

"He's right," Jimin says, "I have passed out many times from exhaustion and lack of food. I promise you're not alone," he smiles, touching my hand. Fuck.

"Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate this," I say genuinely.

"It's no problem Maeve," Jungkook looks at me, "We are always here for Army."

I smile, feeling so much love coming from these boys. "Okay," I say, dusting the crumbs off of me, "I am ready."

"You sure?" Hobi says, I nod. "Okay, let me help you up. Remember to take it slow," he grabs my hands and helps me stand up. I am never washing my hands again.

"Okay," Hobi says, clapping his hands as usual, "lets run it one more time. Then we will film you doing it by yourself, and then we will film it with the four of us. Got it?" He asks me.

I nod and smile, feeling much better than before. We run through the dance, and then we get ready for the camera. We are starting off with me by myself, and I start to feel nervous again. I decide to just "fake it until you make it" and pretend I'm super confident in myself.

The cameraman counts down, and the music plays. I begin the dance, making sure to have optimal facial expressions. The dance is short, only a minute long. I finish the dance with my assigned pose and I smile, feeling very accomplished and proud of myself.

"Yes Maeve!" Jungkook says, giving me a high-five, "That was great!"

"Thank you Jungkook!" I say, smiling, a little out of breath.

"You did amazing Maeve," Hobi says, surprising me with a hug. Oh my god. He's hugging me. He's actually hugging me. Oh my god. He smells so good.

"Thank you Hobi," I say over his shoulder, still hugging him.

"You are awesome Maeve!" Jimin says, giving me his cute smile.

"Oh stop it," I say, smacking him lightly on the shoulder, "I'm nothing compared to you guys."

"Don't say that," Jungkook says, "You are so cool!"

"Thank you guys," I blush, "This is the best day of my life."

They all laugh, and we gather together for the second shooting of the dance with the four of us. The cameraman counts down once again, and we do the dance flawlessly, finishing off with our poses.

Everyone in the room cheers, including us, feeling very successful in our work. "Great job everyone!" Bang Si-Hyuk says, shortly after walking in, "Boys, you are done for the day, so you're free to do whatever you want. Maeve, you are finished as well. I booked your flight for this Friday to give you the week to explore Korea. I hope you enjoy yourself."

"Thank you very much sir!" I say, bowing to show my respect, "This was such a great opportunity and I am so thankful that you chose me for this. I hope I did not disappoint."

"You did great Maeve," he says, "Enjoy the rest of your day. I will be going now. I have some work to do," he explains as he walks out the door.

Everyone starts packing up their equipment and baggage. I do so as well. As I am finishing up, I get a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," Hobi says, "Do you want to get some coffee?"


To be continued...


hee hee sorry to end on a cliffhanger guys. But my fingers are killing me with all this typing. I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! And I hope you are enjoying my story so far :) thanks for reading

Love youuuu

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