There is Everything for You H...

By Reader4524

3K 1K 820

"Okay, goodnight friend." I said it just to tick him off. He gave me a look of fake hurt, raising his eyebrow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors note!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's note

Chapter 23

46 20 9
By Reader4524

Isaac and I read closer than ever, curled up on the couch late at night a few days later. It sounded so dorky, but there was no place I would rather be. And that was saying a lot, considering where we were. I read the same page over and over again, trying to focus on the words of Donna Tartt instead of Isaac's hand drawing circles on my palm. His hands were large and smooth, the perfect size for mine to fit into.

I liked watching him read. He read with an invested intensity, flipping pages like the book had every secret of the universe. Then again, if you read enough books, you just might have it.

Every so often, I would see Jameela, or Klara peek their head in and give a nosy little smile. I just tried to focus my eyes on the page, giving them no attention. Isaac let out a sigh and puts his book down.

"Alright, this is enough reading for tonight,'' Isaac said, getting off the couch and extending a hand.

"What?" I looked up from my book, feet feeling cold from where I had tucked them in against his legs.

"Come on," he insisted, shaking his hand. I placed my bookmark in between the pages, skeptically pulling back the fuzzy blanket that I had draped over myself.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Leading me to the back of the house, we passed the rec room where Jameela and Klara were playing ping pong and went into the kitchen, which had just been cleaned, and looked spotless.

"The kitchen?" I asked, confused. He shook his head.

"No, but we are making tea first. It's an essential part in our journey."

"Is it now?"

"Well, I like to think it's an essential part in any journey really."

"I can't argue with that."

Mugs in hand, Isaac grabbed a large patterned outdoor blanket, expertly balancing his drink without spilling, and glided the sliding door to the backyard open. In the clearing between the large oak trees, he spread the soft blanket out, fixing the ruffles that formed. We sat down, blowing on our hot drinks. It was just cold enough outside for me to be glad I had some tea – goosebumps formed quickly on my arms.

"Are you cold?" Isaac pulled off his thick black sweater, handing it to me.

"Thanks," I said. Pulling it over my head, I loved the way it smelled like him. Did they put drugs in his cologne? There was something so intensely addicting about the way he smelled. I wondered if I could steal this without him noticing. But then again, he seemed to have a lot of dark sweaters, so he probably wouldn't notice anyways.

"Okay, lie back," he instructed.

"Why?" I was beginning to feel a little nervous. He lay back and put his hands behind his head. I copied him and did the same. The sky was dark and wide, the moonlight shining bright, illuminating our faces.

"Look at the stars," he whispered. "Aren't they beautiful?" Okay, this was getting weird. Isaac has some depth to him? Maybe? Just kidding, but I did like seeing this softer side of him.

Staring far into the sky stars twinkled as far as I could see. He was right, they were beautiful. I felt like I always was running around, never slowing down to look at things like this. It was nice when I did. Stopping to smell the roses and all that good stuff.

"What are you thinking about?" He turned his face towards me and smiled. Happiness crept onto my face and instead of answering, I reached over and pushed back his soft black hair, nice and silky under my fingertips.

"I don't know," I said, embarrassed to share my feelings. God, I didn't know why I got like that. It was just too hard to share my feelings, it felt too embarrassing. "I'm thinking that you need a haircut," I teased.

"I think not," he said, moving my hand out of his hair, instead intertwining our fingers and bringing them down to our sides. "Sometimes," he began, "When everything feels too much, and I need to remind myself that things are bigger than what I have pinpointed them to be in my head, I go outside and do this."

"Well well well, who would have thought you would have been so poetic?"

"Oh shut up," he said, but his words had no legs. He sat up and took a careful sip of his tea.

"Almost forgot about this!"

"I think that just how to drink any hot drink. Make it, forget about it, drink it when its lukewarm."

"Ew, that's the worst."

"It's true. Piping hot or freezing cold. No in-between." I grabbed my mug and tapped it against his. "Cheers." The felt nice and hot in my throat, and I savoured the taste, enjoying the moment Isaac and I were sharing. I never would have thought I would enjoy my stay here, but every day so far had proved me wrong. It also didn't hurt that I was enjoying my therapy too. I set my mug down and laid back on the soft blanket. It was starting to feel a little damp from dew, but I didn't care. Looking up at the stars, there was nothing else I would rather be doing.

"Enjoying your tea?" Isaac's voice seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness of the night as he spoke. I could hear the crickets starting to come out too, starting up their symphony for the night.

"It's good," I said. "The company is even better." I turned my head to him, ignoring the way the blanket pulled at my hair. He hummed in response, grabbing my hand, bringing it close to his chest. His hands felt rough, but strangely smooth at the same time.



"I've been thinking," he started, rolling onto his side. I turned onto my side too, using our hands to pull me closer to him. "I don't want to be your friend." Well, that was unexpected.

"Wow, I knew you would tire of me someday," I said sarcastically. Isaac hushed me dramatically, releasing my hand and bringing his to the small of my back.

"I mean it Stella; I want to be together. I really care about you." His words floated in the night breeze and kissed my skin. I hoped he couldn't see my face heat up in the moonlight.

"Oh," I said quietly. Without another thought, I leaned forward and kissed him hard, allowing his body to sink beneath mine. His hands went to my hair and drifting down as we kissed. After we broke apart, I could see him smiling broadly in the moonlight. I think it was the happiest I had seen him yet. "I want to be with you too," I whispered.

"Well, that works out nicely then, doesn't it?" I laughed at his words, nuzzling my face into his neck.

"I think so. Klara is going to have a fit when she finds out, she's been rooting for this."

"I'm glad we have a supporter."

"We are going to have our own fan club soon enough."

"Can I be president? I can get a little t-shirt on it with our couple name."

"Only if I can be vice president."


It was almost midnight when he walked me back upstairs, having been finally defeated by the number of mosquitoes outside.

"Goodnight." He gently stroked the side of my face, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Don't let the cows bite." I tilted my head to the side, trying not to laugh.

"Don't tell me Klara's roped you into saying it too." He held up his hands in surrender.

"What can I say, we live to annoy you." Giving me one last kiss, he said goodnight once more and just like that, disappeared into the darkened hallway.

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