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By DontfuckwiththeChuck

274K 8.7K 6K

After getting fired from your job - working at a convenience store, your life takes an eventful spin as you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 28

5.3K 206 100
By DontfuckwiththeChuck

Buzzing was the first thing he heard - the first thing that jolted him awake. He exhaled exasperatedly as he turned to his side, facing away from his nightstand, already dreading the sound his phone was going to make moments after it vibrated, the sickeningly high pitched tune of his ringtone already annoying him before it even sounded.

The shrill sound of it finally going off made him scrunch his face with displeasure. The dead silence that the middle of the night had to offer was cut short, replaced with the now constant and ear-piercing ring that his mind begged him to cut off by either picking up or declining the call.

Arthur groaned, turning over to his nightstand as he grabbed the device, bringing it up to his face to see who it could be - calling him at such an ungodly hour.

His eyes squinted as they were met with the blinding brightness of the device's screen. It took him a few moments and blinks to finally realize it was an unknown caller.

A part of him wanted to dismiss this - to decline the call and to return back to the comfort of his slumber that was so suddenly and rudely interrupted. The softness of the pillow that hugged his tired head and eased his worn out mind welcomed him in, tempting him to ignore whoever it was calling.

However, something told him to pick up. Perhaps it was his curiosity of wanting to know who this person was and how they had even gotten his number, or maybe it was the feeling that swirled in his gut that pushed him to do it. But he answered anyway, bringing the phone up to his ear as he closed his eyes.

"hello...?" He croaked, praying it was scam call so that it could be over with quickly.

"Hey, asshole..." The rough voice of another male offensively greeted as it erupted from the other line, causing his eyes to open once again, eyebrow cocking as he sat himself up immediately, slouching slightly as he tried recalling who it was. He did give out his number an awful lot, for sale purposes mostly. There was no telling who this could've been unless he asked.

"Who is this?" he questioned, trying to blink the sleepiness away as he sucked on his teeth, auburn eyes filled with confusion as they danced around his dark room.

"Friend of (Y/n)'s... She's asleep right now but she wanted me to tell ya that she changed her mind about the doll. Asked me to put it in front of your room for ya, but I figured I'd call to tell you about it just in case." The lower voice of the male at the other end answered.

Arthur's eyes then widened, gleaming with surprise and somewhat happiness through the sleepiness felt, feeling glad to hear that the doll he had previously been rejected on buying was going to be his in exchange for some cash.

Though he was overjoyed with the great news, he couldn't help but feel his stomach sink with uneasiness and a slight bit of suspicion, wondering whether he should've even believed this guy in the first place, whom claimed to be your friend.

He certainly didn't see you entering with another man, and couldn't say he remembered seeing any new cars in the parking lot as he arrived back from dinner. Nevertheless, he discarded his suspicion and replaced it with the satisfaction brought upon him as he thought about adding a new addition to his growing collection. After all, what did he have to lose?

"Oh, that's, uh... That's great! How much did she want-"

The slow and long beep of the phone cut him off, signalling that whoever it was on the other end, cut the line off before he could've even finished asking his question.

He hummed lowly at this, removing the phone from his ear as he looked down at the black screen, wondering if he should've called the person back or wait til the morning to negotiate a price with you.

His eyes glanced at the door of his room, seeing the dim beams of light pouring in through the small space between the door and the floor, slowly getting off of his bed as he sucked in the cold air, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he walked towards the wooden barrier that separated him from the doll he expected to see as he pulled it open.

The ends of his lips curled into a small smile as soon as the door tore away and left the sight of the ginger haired plaything seated on the floor in front of him. He didn't hesitate to pick it up, rushing right back into his room and shutting the door behind him before walking over to the light switch and flicking it on to get a better look at the toy.

The first thing his senses had caught onto was the realistic smell of blood that began to fill his room as soon as the doll was brought in. At first he was taken back by it, then he was impressed by it. Who knew that the company that produced these toys put in so much effort in making them as real as possible? This was certainly high quality, and he was going to put it in a glass case anyway so the smell didn't bother him as much as it would've to other people.

The next thing he noticed was the tattered clothes and the realism of the toy's skin as he grazed a finger upon it's face. It felt so lifelike... So warm...

It's eyes were so real, so wet and so alive looking. He had never seen anything remotely close to it.

He set it down on his dressing table, turning and walking away from it as he pulled out his phone to call the person back, hoping they would answer so he could thank them and negotiate a good price, deciding that he couldn't wait for morning to come to you about it.

He pressed on the number, lifting the phone up to his ear and waiting a few seconds to hear the beep that indicated that the phone on the other line was ringing.

He jumped as he heard a high and long repeated noise coming from behind him, matching the one of a phone's ringtone, which confused him, considering the only device present in the room was the one he was now holding in his hand. His heart began to race as he slowly removed the phone from his ear, putting it back into his pocket and turning around, only to see a light shining from the doll's overalls pocket, resembling a phone screen. The doll's expression began to unnerve him, seeing it so disturbingly fixed.

He was hesitant on approaching the orange haired plaything, but did anyway in a slow and composed manner. His breathing began to hitch as his eyebrows furrowed, the heavy feeling of fear striking him even though he pretended not to be shaken by it.

The room radiated with uneasiness, it was strong, so prominent, so loud, yet so silent as the ringing finally stopped.

He reached into the doll's pocket, taking out a phone, only for his eyes to widen seeing the number that had just miscalled. It was his.

His eyes snapped onto the doll once again, seeing it's piercing blue eyes now staring back at him in a manner that made him slightly whimper, not being able to comprehend or even understand what was folding out before him. Everything in his mind yelled at him to make a run for it, but all he did was inhale in deeply, trying to rationalize the situation though it was hard, considering his mind was in a fog like state.

He dropped the phone he had just found, backing away from the toy, gasping as he saw that it began to move, it's expression changing sinister as it began to laugh in a voice that didn't match the one it had sounded earlier - back when he had his first encounter with it through you.

It's sweet childlike tone was now replaced with a much lower one as it's soft dark chuckles turned into crazed cackles.

Arthur could feel his knees threatening to give out right then and there, but he tried to stay as calm as possible, hoping this was just some type of night hallucination that was caused by his lack of sleep.

His back came into contact with the hard wooden surface of the room's cupboard, leaning onto it as soon as he felt his knees buckle, sliding down to the tiled floor.

Looking back up at the dressing table, he suddenly realized that the doll wasn't there anymore, causing him struggle to get back up on his feet again, frantically looking around the room as beads of sweat trickled down his nervous face.

"Hey, Artie..." He heard a familiar voice speak from behind him, it's tone mocking and taking him by surprise as he realized that it perfectly matched the voice of the man he was previously talking to on the phone as he clicked the two and two together. His realization only made him panic even more.

Chucky didn't give the man any time to turn around in response, jabbing his knife into Arthur's calf and hearing the scream escape his mouth as he stumbled back and slipped on his own blood that gushed from his opened wound.

"What's the matter? Not satisfied with the product?" The doll taunted further, pretending to take offense to this before grinning as he heard the wheezy breathing of the man before him.

"I'm one of a kind y'know..." The doll stated smugly.

"How... How are you alive?" Arthur questioned through heavy breaths, swallowing after in attempts to control the pain he felt in the lower part of his right leg, which continued bleeding. He didn't dare peer down at it, knowing that the sight of the pool of crimson forming on the white tiled floor by the trail of blood that heated his skin and leaked from his deep cut would make him more hysterical than he already was.

"Stupid question to ask considering ya ain't gonna live long enough to hear the answer..." The doll responded, watching as the blood shot eyes of the male blinked away tears as he screamed, head hitting onto the wall behind him which he steadied himself on, not being able to take the unbearable pain that began to sink in and hurt more at every second that passed.

"But I've got a question for you." The doll eerily added, using his blade, that dripped with red, to point at the young brunette, frightening him even more with the sight of the sharp metal object that was wet with his own blood, being waved before his face.

"How much were you gonna offer for me?" Chucky questioned, looking almost amused at hearing the answer. His patience began to slip away after Arthur took too long to respond, causing the doll to stab the man's foot next, receiving another cry of anguish as his voice broke.

"How much, Artie?" The doll questioned again, this time much louder as he brought the knife up, aiming for the man's chest and threatening to stab it.

"250! Please! Please don't-" Arthur begged, voice cracking in a desperate plea and watching with a hint of relief as the doll lowered the knife down.

"heh, 250? Really think I'm that cheap?"

"No, I-" the brunette frantically tried to take back his word, not being able to say anything else as he got cut off.

"Oh, see now I'm pissed. Which is funny because I was actually considering sparing you... What a shame, huh?" The look of horror that scattered Arthur's face didn't fail to amuse the sadistic toy.

" But 250? Really? " The killer doll chuckled, suddenly slamming his blade into Arthur's chest as a cry erupted from the man's throat, his eye wide expression showing nothing but complete shock and an indication of how much pain he was in. He blinked a few times, head weakly moving down to view the gash in his chest, inaudibly sobbing as the warmth of his own blood began to bathe his torso, coating his shirt with it's thickness.

"shit, a little more and you would've been free to see another day... " Chucky taunted even more, grinning as he gripped onto the handle of the knife even harder, pulling it out, part of him already pushing himself to kill this guy off already.

"Well, it was nice knowing you, Arthur... But I'm afraid your times up... " The only reaction Arthur gave to that sentence was his uncontrollable sobs, tears streaming down his heated face as he tried his hardest to plea by shaking his head, begging for his life to be spared, though he already knew it was hopeless.

And with that, the doll gave the final blow, stabbing the man directly through his heart multiple times and watching with complete satisfaction as life drained from the young male's eyes.

The twisted smile on the doll's face as he stared down at the man who fell victim to him already showed how unremorseful of his actions he was. If it wasn't obvious enough, his sigh of satisfaction after certainly would have sold it.

"Some things in life money just can't buy..."

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