Von AmbroseAwTk

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in which jeon jeongguk, the born-singer college student and so-called fuck boy, is getting through a not so a... Mehr

27 | AROUSAL [M]


250 12 1
Von AmbroseAwTk

Later the day after Taehyung visited Soyeon's practice, he decided to head back to his room and memorise the lyrics of the song better. He learned half of it with her for around an hour, but still, it was not enough.

It was absolutely ridiculous for him not to know the full version of the song, knowing it was everywhere on his social media. His eyes caught how the guards were in many spots in the building, more than usual. Sure, the college's security was very strict, but today, it was double that of the daily one.

Of course, he had to know what was happening. He turned off the volume on his phone in case he found something intriguing for him and didn't want to be caught if something important was happening in the moment.

He pulled the hood off the grey hoodie he was wearing and headed to see what was happening. There was a black jeep in front of the university that made him question, ''No, is she here already? Is it not possible, or?'' He thought as they mentioned that an idol in undercover would join their university for the day.

Taehyung walked quietly to the school's main hall, where they would usually have big events or concerts. If anything was happening, including the celebrity in it, it would be there for sure. He leaned to the door that was closed, of course, after he waited for the big crowd of teachers to pass away before doing it.

;He heard two voices in the room, meaning there was still someone in there. One of the voices sounded awfully familiar... of course, it had to be Jeon Jeongguk. ''This is for a good reputation, son. She has seen your vocal talents.'' He said, ''This is for a good reputation, son. She has seen your vocal talents, and there's a chance Somi can give you recommendations to companies or magazines. It would be good for your future if you interacted more with current famous idols, Jeongguk.'' Taehyung heard.

It was more deep, probably for a male in his 30s. Probably to his father, the principal.

Not long after he met Soyeon, they had some small chats about Jeongguk. If they were going to be rivals, Taehyung needed to know more about his enemy.

As they say, keep the friends close and the enemies even closer. That's what he was trying to do, but not to actually communicate and have touch with him. Thankfully, to his new-made friend, he found out Jeongguk was the son of the college's principal.

heatup. To be honest, he was not very surprised by it. From the day when he was applying Jeonggukgguk was caught up by the teacher, who was bowing to him instead of the student bowing to the teachers. ''When is she coming?'' Jeongguk said, making Taehyung's blood heated up.He clenched his jaw, cursing in so many ways in his mind.

''He's really Daddy's kid, huh? Ungrateful jerk.'' Taehyung stayed only to hear when she was coming, enough for him to go and organise everything.

''Soyeon, we have around forty-five minutes. Help me learn the song and the choreography.'' Taehyung ran back to the practice room, throwing his bag on the floor and tying up his hair.

''W-wait, wait, what's happening?'' The girl was just taking a break, seeing Taehyung fruious and breathless at the same time. ''Shortly, that woman is coming, like, now.'' He said it and typed the choreography on YouTube.

''Wasn't she supposed to be coming tomorrow? So the whole class will see her.''

''Jeon's unfair games, what do you think?'' He said so, and she joined him in the practice. In her childhood, even Jeongguk wanted to have challenging games with her. Even being kids and cousins! Soyeon was sick of her cousin's behaviour, so she was glad to help Taehyung.


''Do you think it's loud enough?'' Taehyung asked after Soyeon went to check if the idol had come already. ''Pretty sure.'' She answered and gave Taehyung another sweatshirt to wear. ''C'mon, change that grey thing; this one would suit you better than the jeans.''

Taehyung looked up at her and said, ''I have nowhere to change, y'know?''

''Change here; I don't have a problem with that.'' Taehyung was fine to do it as long as she didn't bother with it.

''You sure? I won't ask twice.''

''I am a lesbian, Kim. Quit it and change up.'' Taehyung breathed out with a slight smirk and spoke up in a tease. ''And I am gay, so I'm fine with it too.''

And just because of a simple dress, they exposed each other's sexualities. Taehyung was hoping Soyeon wouldn't start crushing on him since many girls were already flirting with him. It was not a problem if they were beautiful or ugly, short or tall; he just preferred men.

And Soyeon, maybe some things will be explained. After some time, Taehyung was planning to ask about this Minnie girl, but now he had to impress the female idol for a good reputation.

Taehyung threw his clothes away so they wouldn't be seen if they came, and Soyeon quickly stood on his toes to fix Taehyung's hairstyle. She was not a tall one, after all. ''Great, now hopefully you will be seen by her. Don't worry about Jeon; he doesn't deserve the special treatment.''

''Oh.'' Taehyung smiled. ''I don't worry about him even a bit.'' The previous sample song was done playing, and the newest single was out loud and heard in the halls. Taehyung managed to learn the choreography and lyrics after forty minutes of hard work.

ConsideringHis mind was working fast, memorising memorizingquickly;es quickly, maybe that his one of the talents. Considerring the fact that he had never been to dancing classes, Taehyung was very good.

''Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me.'' Taehyung heard the saying and opened his eyes, putting on a'mask' one with an innocent smile.

He breathed out, and Soyeon sat aside, watching the beautiful woman. ''I was not expecting you here today.''

The woman slightly clapped and walked over to the boy with a smile on her lips. ''You really got me impressed and very pleased to see someone singing and dancing like this, especially a student, not even a rookie.'' The blonde girl said, ''May I know your name, please?''

''Ah, Kim Taehyung.'' He bowed down when she bent over for a handshake. Taehyung quickly eyed Jeongguk with a slight smirk, having deep eye contact with each other while bowing down to the elder woman.

Jeongguk was biting his tongue inside, even though it was not his true wish to meet her; it was going to be a big plus to his future career. ''You really have talented students in this school, Mr.Jeon.'' She said, making the principal fakely smile too.

''Only the best for Cheong A.'' He said this, gritting his teeth. ''But please, let me show you the university, Mrs.''

''Ah, of course, of course.'' But before Taehyung had the chance to jump in happiness, he got noticed by his idol, and Somi told him one last thing.

''Hey Taehyung, don't give up on your dreams, okay?'' She spoke up in English, hoping the others understood her. ''I promise I won't.'' the brunette answered, also in English, and smiled at her. His English was terrible, but it was understood, at least.

All of them left together with the K-pop idol, and Soyeon immediately ran to Taehyung, who fell to the floor in happiness. ''Good job, Kim! Bet my cousin is dying inside.

''You really want to play a game, huh, Kim?'' They heard the door being opened again angrily, showing the ravenette with mad eyes. Taehyung sat a bit on the floor, running fingers through his hair. ''What, jealous now? She knows about my talent.'' He made a stronger voice, more likely sounding like an aygo on purpose.

He titled his head, a pout forming on his lips. ''Oh, don't tell me you are disturbed by the thought I will beat you in everything, cupcake. ''Jeongguk chuckled in a low tone, his face serious again.

''Just you know that I have never lost to anyone in my life. Plus, I win and get what I want, Kim.''

''Oh Jeon.'' He sat up, singing around. ''Jeon, Jeon, Jeon.'' Taehyung walked in front of Jeongguk, facing each other. ''It will really be fun, and I will enjoy it.''

''We will see how fun it will be for you; don't get your confidence too boosted up, Kim.'' Jeongguk chuckled, making Taehyung frown. ''Tch, at one moment the baby cries, and now you are standing up for yourself as if you are the best at everything. Pathetic.''

Taehyung remembered their slight accident in the elevator, when Taehyung had an attack because of his Claustrophobia. ''Just fuck off already, Jeongguk.'' The girl said, listening to their n-nth argument.

''Fine, I have a tour to have with Mrs. Somi anyway.'' Soyeon's eyes were following how Jeongguk left and immediately pinched the brunette's arm. ''Hey, what was he talking about?'' But Taehyung just licked the insides of his cheek. ''Yah, just don't pay attention to him. You already got him mad, so one point for you, yeah?''

Taehyung zoned out for a second. ''One point, huh?'' He looked up at the calendar put in front of him in the room, staring at the months.

''So we will really play a game, Jeon? Tch, alright, let's see what will happen next.'' Taehyung whispered to himself and turned to smile at Soyeon as if nothing had happened.

''C'mon, let's get away from this fucking place.''

''Yeah, you have a story to explain, Tae.''


''About the gay thing.'' And they left.


Days were passing by, just like that.

Taehyung was now starting to feel what they meant by the'real training' in Cheong A. If you ask Taehyung from two weeks ago, he would say it can't be that hard.

It is hard.

He is now having one of those nights where he just can't sleep. Either he would be busy or the anxiety keeps him awake. Looking at the clock, it shows 3 a.m.; turning to the side again, 4 a.m.; and like that until it's time to prepare for a new day.

He is not getting calls from his family; nothing is unexpected. But at least he wished his mother would call, at least her. But they were the same people who left him as a teenager alone in Seoul. They were the same people who cursed at him, saying that he's a sinner and that he deserves to live in hell and have Satan be his only prayer.

They were disappointed that he changed career paths. Taehyung tried to convince them that he wanted it and that this was his dream. He really tried to keep his family together, but he gave up.

What did he have now to call family?

Now even his aunt wouldn't call, probably because his father found out that she was helping him through the years. His cousin, who was keeping him from all the negative things during the days, stopped texting him. A nine-year-old boy used to be his happiness resource.

One week ago, he would die on the floor that an actual K-pop artist noticed his talent. Someone finally noticed something about him, and that was it.

The past few days were fine, if you can describe them like that. The music history classes were distracting him from the fact that he was having double lessons on everything.

For the other students, an example can be Soyeon or even Jeongguk; it was not that hard with the college. But Taehyung needed to get double classes in everything just because he was further than the others.

He was probably one of the few who had never been to dance lessons, sing, or compose. He never had the chance to afford it; he didn't even have a chance to effort his college's year if it was not his aunt.

All because of money, now he's paying by giving his free time away in extra classes.

And all for just two weeks, he didn't even notice how Jeongguk and he were not fighting that much anymore. He was expecting, Who knows, everyday challenges or something?

But Jeongguk was keeping up very well, getting good points in his dancing and vocal classes, while Taehyung would have times to crack his voice because of the overworking.

'In the end, it will be worth it, right?' He was telling himself that he wanted to get away from the stress and actually enjoy his time there; once he had an actual career, it would be worse. So now, he really needed to enjoy his time somehow.


It was Monday, which meant the not-so-great weekend had passed way so quickly that it was now time for one of the first exams the students needed to get through.

The first one they needed to pass was the vocal one, the one that Jeongguk was less prepared for himself. Not to be proud of it, but he owned one of the most beautiful voices on the campus. Jeongguk was able to hit incredibly high notes that not everyone is capable of, plus he was able to sing any type of music note.

The vocal practices were not troubling him as much as the dancing ones, because the boy was getting through some waves where his body just lost its flexibility and his musculature was getting tighter. He didn't know if it was some kind of anxiety attack or muscle syndrome, but he had to drink medicine for it.

However, he still had a week to do the dancing, which was just going to be one of the many upcoming competitions. For now, everyone was getting tested on their own; they got into the room alone, just the teacher and them.

After a month, at least their head teacher explained to them that the girls and boys would be performing in front of each other on a stage. Now, don't expect a big stage as on the stadiums, but a smaller one where one student will be enough to perform.

And for that, it was going to take a lot of courage and confidence.

Something that Taehyung was slowly losing.

Jeongguk was now walking past the halls, heading to his first exam. The first thing he needed to do was find his friend, Jimin, who was also not that free these days. Why? Well.

''Oh, how cute you are.'' Jeongguk whined, leaning towards the doorframe and talking in sarcasm. ''Not keep your tongues in your mouths; get going, Park.'' He rolled his eyes and walked away from the room he had entered.

Jimin has been having just a small affair since last week—nothing much; just making out with the piano boy.

''Did you really have to do that?!'' Jimin whisper-yelled, walking out of the piano class and waving goodbye to his affair. ''I understand you are a single ass, but don't cut my sessions like that!''

The ravenette reached for Jimin's shirt, pulling it to show off the numerous dark purple spots painted on his neck. ''Yeah, just a make-out session, I see.'' He put them away, and Jimin fixed his clothes, giving them a cold look. ''It's just hickeys, nothing much. Chill out.''

''Yeah, yeah, as you say.'' Jeongguk started walking together with his friend, eyes fixed on the phone, while the other girls in the halls were checking out Jeongguk from head to toe.

''Tch, then you are the one judging me.'' Jimin muttered, looking at how all kinds of girls in the hall were just like in the movies when the popular guy was waking around. What a cliche. ''Yah, didn't you?

''Mhm.'' A certain girl with red hair passes, winking at Jeongguk, who just ignored her.

''With her?''

''Mhm.'' He kept humming, ignoring everyone. ''Seriously, I thought you still wanted to figure out your sexuality, Ggguk.''

''She's from our high school, by the way.'' He said that and finally looked up from his phone, glaring at a boy figure not so far in the hall, looking honestly awful.

''Wait, is that Kim?'' Jeongguk asked, looking at Jimin, who was also looking at Taehyung. ''Yeah..he, well, looks awful.''

''I haven't heard of him much since Somi came; since then, I thought he would be more, I don't know, challenging? Competitive? Something?'' He said as the two of them stopped walking. ''Well, too bad; I was already prepared to smash my points in his face.'' He grinned, but heard Jimin breathing out disappointment.


''Jeongguk, seriously, Taehyung is not taking it very well. Stop it, at least for now.'' The blonde-haired man said, slightly pointing at him. ''Look at him; he is not having any sleep, and the only thing he does is train.''

''How are you so sure?'' The ravenette asked back, looking at where Jimin was pointing. Taehyung was sitting on the floor near the window in the hall, tapping his leg nervously to the ground and memorising a paper in his hands. His hair was so messy that the long curls were blocking his eyes.

''Yoon Yoon told me earlier when-''

A voice interrupted him, making him so ready for the upcoming words. ''Yoon Yoon, what the actual fuck is this now?''

''Shut the fuck up, you ass; that's not important.'' Jimin shushed Jeongguk and took his chance to speak up again, clearing his throat to keep on talking. ''As I was saying, Yoongi told me that every time Taehyung visits his classes, he's fighting to stay awake. They are not who knows how close, but the teacher declined to give him lessons more than twice, so Yoon is helping him.''

''So yeah.. I know you guys are having a never-ending rivalry, but leave him for now.''

''Yeah, whatever. It's not like I care about him.''

I don't, right?

Jeongguk again looked at Taehyung, whose eyes were half-opened and the circles under his eyes were darker than the last time he saw him. True, sometimes they would have a small chat where they would argue, but there was not much tension in it.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, groaning at what he was about to do. The clock was showing he had somewhere around fifteen minutes until it was his time, so it was going to be enough.

Taehyung had the sad view that it would be a sin if anyone didn't help him out.

''Hey, Kim!'' Jeongguk approached in a stern voice with a reason, walking to the boy who was sitting down on the ground.

''For real, fuck off Jeongguk.'' Taehyung looked up, punching Jeongguk's body away, but he got him by the arms, helping him stand up on his feet.

Taehyung frowned, confused, looking at Jeongguk standing a bit too close to him. Some students around them were staring, so he spoke up first. ''Seriously, Jeongguk. Just go away, right fucking now.''

Jeongguk breathed out in a silly grin, titling his head. ''Y'know you're no fun like this, right, Kim?'' He said this to the Taehung, who seemed frozen. ''It would be too easy for me to do this; c'mon, I want a real game. You said you want to play, right?''


''If you are like this, this weak and pathetic looking, how do you think you can beat me? Weren't you the one who said in front of everyone that I would be on top and me on the bottom, were you?'' Jeongguk said, his voice low enough, so it was just the two of them in this.

''What makes you think I still can't beat you in this?''

''Hmm, just by the look, you scream a loser type, Kim. I want a real game; I want a fair win. If I am beating you, I want to know that it was a fair game and that you did your best. So it would mean I beat one of the best ones, don't you think so?''

Taehyung stayed quiet, listening to Jeongguk. ''If you want to become an idol, fucking fight for it, Kim. We are in a game for the same thing. I thought you already knew I don't like losing?''

''Oh, so you what now? What do you want?''

''I want you to get in the goddamn room and sing your fvcking throat the best you can. I don't want to be against losers; I want to know I have beaten one of the best ones. Tch, but what am I saying? You've always been pathetic.''

Something deep inside Taehyung was screaming to fight for it. Something was causing him to be the one he was a few days ago—challenging, competitive, and more alive. And sadly, to accept it, Jeongguk was right. He looked pathetic, but that was the least thing he wanted.

And now, he again wanted to be against Jeongguk in one fvcking fair game, where he would play his best cards and win.

''Taehyung Kim next!'' A woman opened the door, revealing the previous student who was there.

Taehyung quickly eyed Jeongguk, grabbed his things, and leaned over his ear. ''Just wait and listen; listen to my voice mesmerising everyone, and then your fucking cocky smile will finally fade away, Jeon. We're in the game again.''


stream nxde for clear skin yall <3


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