Married at Eighteen

By PinkieElle

2.5K 110 83

Taylor Avery Madison is getting married. At eighteen years of age. It's an arranged marriage. Forced upon him... More

Author's Note
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 2

304 13 15
By PinkieElle

————— Part 2 —————

The actual wedding ceremony and the after-party — reception, actually, but Taylor just referred to it as an after-party — went by without a hitch. Taylor and Emerson were swarmed with guests and reporters every few minutes but, other than that, it was amazing.

For Taylor's grandparents.

Taylor had decided to change out of his dress after the ceremony and had instead gotten dressed into a more comfortable and more casual dress which still looked fancy enough. His body shape and long hair made it hard to believe that he was actually a male.

One thing kept distracting him all evening long, though.

The kiss on the cheek that Emerson had laid when the wedding officiant had said that it was time to kiss the bride. Taylor had been terrified, but his worries had surprisingly been put to ease when Emerson smiled after lifting the veil back. Then, Emerson had kissed him on his cheek ever-so-sweetly. It still made Taylor swoon now, hours later. The tingles he felt around the area that Emerson had kissed hadn't really died down, either, so that was no help.

And, now, it was time to send the guests home so that Taylor and Emerson could... begin their wedding night. It was barely 9:30 p.m., but the guests had all been convinced to leave... either by Taylor and/or Emerson's families or by their own will.

Forty-five minutes later, Taylor found himself sitting on the bed in the luxurious honeymoon suite of the hotel they would be staying in for the night before flying off to their actual honeymoon destination the following day.

Emerson was taking a shower; Taylor had told him to go in first after a mini argument — the first with his husband — which he obviously won.

Taylor was sitting at the head of the bed, his knees drawn up to his chest, not caring if the shorts he was wearing under the dress were showing — it's not like there was anyone else in the room anyway. He desperately wanted to change into sweatpants and a T-shirt, but he would only do that after showering and washing off the 'bride' look. Somehow, he would have to make sure that Emerson wouldn't be suspicious during the night.

Speaking of the night.

Taylor didn't want to do anything that night — not only because he didn't want Emerson to abandon him not even a few hours into their marriage, but also because he wasn't ready to do anything like that. It wasn't that he was totally repulsed by the idea, but he just didn't want to do that.

Then, suddenly, breaking him out of his thoughts, the door of the bathroom opened and Emerson stood there dressed in black sweatpants and a blackT-shirt with a white, hotel towel around his neck.

Emerson looked hot.

The slight steam surrounding him, the kind-of-wet hair, even the super-casual clothes... everything made Emerson look amazing to Taylor.

However, before Taylor could say anything, Emerson spoke, "Taylor, you may find this hard to believe, but I know that you're a boy and that you're my schoolmate.". And, after a pause, "I know everything. All about your scheming grandparents, your blackmailed parents, and you... being a boy. Everything.".

The word to describe what Taylor was mainly feeling wasn't 'surprised' or 'shocked' or anything like that, though those emotions were there in the background.

The word was 'relief'. Relief was the main emotion that Taylor felt when Emerson uttered those words.

Taylor rushed forward, off the bed, running barefoot across the cool, tiled floor, and to Emerson, wrapping his arms around the taller man — his husband — taking him by surprise for a moment.

"Whoa! What's this for?", Emerson chuckled as he caught Taylor who practically launched himself into his arms.

Taylor just snuggled himself into his husband's warmth after realizing that Emerson's embrace was actually really warm and comfy. Emerson picked up Taylor bridal style, making Taylor squeal with surprise. He walked forward towards the bed and sat down on the stool at the foot of said bed, Taylor sideways on his lap.

The old-fashioned four poster bed had curtains hanging from it and the furniture was all stylish and beautiful. The colour scheme was clearly white and cream with very little dark colours. Thankfully, when they had entered their room, there were no flowers and candles laying about, or else that would have been embarrassing — since they were in an arranged marriage, after all. Their hotel room's overall layout was fancy and elegant with an aura of an old-timey king's room.

As Emerson sat down, Taylor seemed to realize what he'd just done and scrambled to get off the former's lap, but Emerson wouldn't let him.

So, as a second attempt, Taylor spoke, "I want to go change. If you already know my secret, then can I please get rid of this horrid dress?".

"Who even uses the word 'horrid' anymore?", Emerson grinned. "But, yes, you can change. You don't need my permission. Go take a shower, I'm sure you want to. I'll be waiting when you're done.".

Waiting for what? was Taylor's question, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he got up and off Emerson's lap. He walked to his suitcase which was by the door of their suite and opened it. Taylor took out a set of clothes — sweatpants and a T-shirt, of course — and a few hair supplies as well — his hair comb and a hair tie. After closing the door behind him as he entered the bathroom, Taylor swiftly took out all the pins and clips and ties that were holding his long hair in a half-up-half-down hairstyle. It was a bit painful with the number of things in his hair, but he managed to finish with most of his hair still attached to his skull within five minutes.

Taylor's hair was long, but not long enough to touch his waist. It wasn't shoulder length, either. Kind of in between. It was a dark, rich, chocolatey brown colour, which made his pale skin stand out. He also had freckles which had been covered by makeup, but normally he wouldn't be covering them up — his freckles were a part of his body that he didn't want to hide.

After freeing his hair, he went to take off his dress only to realize that the zip was in the back and he couldn't reach it. His mother had helped him with the dress earlier when he had wanted to change. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach it. Taylor even attempted to take off the dress from above his head without opening the zipper, but it didn't work. Finally, he sighed in surrender and opened the door of the bathroom.

Emerson was still sitting on the bed stool, but he was on his phone and the towel wasn't around his neck anymore.

"Um... Emerson?", Taylor called.

Emerson looked up and his eyes grew wide. Taylor's hair was down. He'd never seen it completely down with nothing in it. Even on the dates that they had been forced to go on, Taylor's hair was always up in some way — probably to keep it from getting in the way. It was always in a ponytail, a bun, a... something. Never. ever hanging freely around his face like it was now.

Taylor was beautiful.

"Yeah?", was Emerson's oh-so-very-dignified response.

"My dress. The zipper... I can't reach it.", Taylor explained quickly. "Can you...?", he trailed off.

"Of course.", Emerson nodded, walking forward towards Taylor.

Taylor turned around so it would be easier for Emerson and also so he wouldn't have to face him. He felt Emerson's hands on his back, sliding up to the zipper and then sliding it downwards.

That simple action made Taylor blush like a schoolgirl. This little crush that he had on his husband would surely be getting in the way of his life. 

End of Part 2

Nothing much to say. Emerson is a perfect gentleman. His character is meant to be like that. Taylor is more of the adorable, cutie-pie, "I really wanna pinch your chubby cheeks" type. 

Hope you enjoyed!

~Pink Elephant

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