Paradise on earth


25.2K 480 350

Y/N Routledge was just an ordinary girl from the wrong side of the island in North Carolina, school is out an... More

1. Pilot
2. The Lucky Compass
3. The Forbidden Zone
4. Spy Games
5. Midsummers
7. Dead Calm
8. The Runway
9. The Bell Tower
10. The Phantom
11. The Gold
12. The Heist
13. Prayers
14. Homecoming
15. The Darkest Hour
16. My Druthers
17. The Bonfire
18. The Cross
19. Trapped
20. The Coastal Venture
21. Poguelandia

6. Parcel 9

1.5K 28 51

The entire ride to the mansion you were filled with dread and embarrassment for what was to come. You were going to be living in the same house as a boy you've had a complicated relationship with and a girl who you didn't like because she was alive and living well and for a mistake, she may or may not have made. Just like John B you were protective over your family, you won't apologize for it but it would make things awkward during your stay here. Ward Cameron pulled up on the round-a-bout, parking the expensive car in front of the entrance. 

"Welcome home kids," He grinned at you and John B. You didn't know what there was about him but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something was off about him, you disregarded the thought as nerves for being in a "stranger's" home. 

Sarah greeted the both of you at the door, you assumed the only reason she was playing nice with you was because of her involvement with your brother but so long as she was playing her part, you would too. At least while you were still living with her, you did have manners you know? 

"This is your room," She led John B to one of the guest rooms on the first floor close to the front entrance. You stayed leaning against the door frame as John B took a look around his new room. "It's not too shabby, huh?"

John B tossed his bookbag on the neatly dressed bed, "Yeah not too shabby at all." 

Your brother threw himself onto the bed, Sarah leaned over the side of it saying, "And my room was just upstairs in case you were wondering." 

"You good bro?" You questioned as he struggled to get up from his position. 

"Yeah, I'm good," He and Sarah are face to face, you avert your gaze from them as she flirts with him. 

"But I gotta warn you, I sleepwalk so if I show up in your room in the middle of the night--"

"You want me to just roll with it?" 

"Yeah, maybe." You hear the sound of a kiss and then the footsteps of Ward walking towards the room.

"Sarah Elizabeth Cameron," He walks past you, "You've already broken the first rule. What was the first rule? Stay out of each other's rooms, all right seriously picture that as a boundary. Yes sir?" They nod and repeat in unison, "Alright now Sarah show Y/N her room I imagine the poor girls been standing there for a minute."

Ward stays in John B's room as Sarah motions for you to follow her whispering to her dad, "Please be nice." 

You follow quickly behind Sarah up the stairs to an empty room decorated almost identical to John B's except the color scheme was a little different with lilac purple bed sheets rather than blue. 

"Here it is," She opened her arms out like a grand reveal. "The bathrooms right across from your room and unfortunately your room is a couple of doors down from Rafe's, he's barely ever home so I don't think you have to worry. And my room is on the other side of the wall so try not to snore." She attempted to crack a joke but you didn't laugh, simply just nodding along to every word she said. 

You didn't mean to be rude, you were trying to be better but you were too busy admiring the room and internally freaking out over being in the same hall as Rafe despite Sarah's reassurance. 

"Okay, well I'll leave you to it." She turned on her heel to walk out but before she did you said a quick thank you. You promised yourself you would act maturely and not cause any more drama than you already have. You were in enemy territory and you had to play your cards right while you were here. 

You settled onto the bed thinking about catching a quick nap until John B busted in your room telling you to get up and that you have places to be. 

"Places to be" was the wreck. You were in between JJ and Pope who were sitting at a table, John B had just told Kiara about your living situation. 

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron," The irritation clearly written all over her face. 

"Don't look at me, yes man over here apparently thought it was a good idea, and since he's the oldest..."  You argued when Kie gave you a face.

"Okay look, the only reason we're living there is that her dad bailed me out, right?" He defended, "And it's way better than foster care, which by the way is where we were about to go if Ward didn't--"

"Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?" Pope joked. 

"I work at one of them so I think that's a no from me, but I'm sure since John B is Ward's new toy he might," You remarked.

"What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?" JJ asked.

"Does it come with a sweater-vest or do you have to buy one of your own?" Pope continued. 

"You promised, you said you weren't with her,"Kie brought up the conversation from the van before he fell. 

"Just admit it, bro, she's got you, "You shrugged.

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her that's fine but I'm letting you know now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah." Kie persisted.

"I don't know how that's gonna work out for you Kie, this guy literally has me living with her."

"Do you guys see her here? No right, okay a little focus would be fantastic," John B directed the attention back to the mission. "We got the map," The map was spread out on the table, you all tried to decipher it but it didn't make sense.

"It's all out of whack because the guy who made it was ganja'd when he drew it" JJ said.

"It's because the coast changed," You corrected. 

"So we just have to look for the landmarks that haven't changed," Pope noted.

"What about the old forts?" John B mentioned you saw the name of one that you knew was still around, "Battery Jasper."


The map took you to a field with a hill with rocks looking over the marsh, Pope determined that you were looking for a place with a large stone wall. You drove around the island with the map guiding you till you came to a stop in the middle of a road,  a house was standing with said stone wall surrounding it. 

"Not the Crain house," John B put the van in park.

You all got out to stand in front of the wall, "Are you kidding me?" You said exasperated.

"Worst-case scenario," JJ came up beside you. "I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." 

The theories surround the house and the woman who lived there was never-ending, it reminded you of the movie monster house, the place where no one wanted to enter because of the horror that would happen inside of it. 

"Alright, so who's first?" John B spoke. You gave him a bewildered look, "Who's first? we-I am not going in there."

"We have to, this is where the map led us to so this has to be where the gold is."

"This gold is gonna get us killed," You sighed. "I already climbed into a snake-infested grave for you, you can count me out of this one."

"I'll do it," Kie volunteered. John B and Pope helped her climb over and then jumped themselves, leaving you and JJ.

"C'mon Y/N you don't wanna be left out here on your own," He tried to convince you. You glared, "Unless you don't mind being lookout."

You groaned at the thought, "I hate being lookout."

"Well then saddle up, Princess" He entwined his hands in a lock to give you a boost. You stepped one foot on his hand throwing the other over the stone, "I'm gonna revoke the nickname rights if you keep this up."

You landed with a thump on the other side where John B, Pope, and Kie were waiting, "Keep what up?" He followed behind you.

You ignored him and walked over the bushes where Kie was leading, "You guys do know who lives here, right?" Kie questions.

"Honestly I don't believe the stories of this place," John B declares but was shut down by Pope who shushed with a finger.

"What stories did you hear?" You inquired at Kie.

"The one where she killed her husband with an ax and that she'd been holed up ever since, on certain nights, when the moon is full you can see her through the window." She teased the last bit, wiggling her fingers at you.

JJ reproved Kiara, "No, Kie that's not funny cause it's all true, I swear to God guys this is all real. I knew Hollis," JJ jumped back because of a stone statue on the side of the path.

"Wait, you knew Hollis Crain?"Pope wondered. JJ nodded a yes, "Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?"

"She was my babysitter man, she told me all about it. Told me the truth about her mother and what happened in this house." You all came to a stop and stared at JJ curiously as he told the story. "So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father and she was a murderer and all, Hollis didn't believe it until that night."

"What night?"

"It all came back to her, when Hollis was six years old she heard her parents arguing downstairs so she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink full of blood, her mother just says that she cut her finger the next morning she says her father and her split up but then Hollis noticed something," You all ate this up with every word. The place as creepy as it was with your knowledge was eerier with every sentence.

"Her mother going into the parlor constantly, in and out with plastic bags. Then Hollis decides to use the outhouse and as she's using it, she looks down and there is her father's head looking straight back at her." 

"God, you are so full of shit," John B objects. 

"Dude, I swear to God, man." 

Pope was still invested in the story," Did she call the police?"

"She didn't have time but-" 

"We can't do this-" Pope complains. John B continues ahead not believing a word, JJ grabs ahold of his shoulder, "You sure you wanna do this? She's an ax murderer, you got a cast on."

"I don't give a shit if she's an ax murderer! I got nothing to lose, you comin' or what?" 

JJ looks around suspiciously as the rest of you go along with John B. You huddle around when you get to the side of the house and John B whispers, "So here's the plan, we need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter."

"Okay, like what kind of water? Like pond water?" Pope questions.

"Bongwater?" JJ chuckles.

"It just said look for water, okay?" 

"That's the shittiest secret message ever," You walk away still hunched over. 

"You wanna complain a little more, Y/N, nobody said it was gonna be easy." John B scolds. You scour the grounds only seeing grass and statues everywhere, you catch John B facing a door then look over to you "Hey psst, come on it's the only place we haven't looked." 

The others join John B who enters the basement looking room under the house. 

"This definitely looks like a place someone could hide a dead body," You looked around the room find old nursey toys, a cradle, tools. Pipes ran along the ceiling and the walls were made of old brick.

"There's not even water in the pipes," Pope observed.

"Not a drop-a-mino," JJ commented.

"Know why we didn't find it? Bad karma." Kie says knowingly, "You know we had a good thing going, and then you decide to rope in barbie and now the trial's gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not."

Her smart tone and the slow steps she takes towards John B are enough to know she is still pissed about John B and Sarah. 

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you or Y/N about Sarah."

"Hey! I have kept my mouth shut this entire time about the bitch," You defended.

"What the hell is the deal with you three?" John B demanded. You stayed quiet, this was between John B and Kiara, you came this far without blowing your top off you could go a little longer.

"Nothing," Kie denied. 

"Nothing? is it because I kissed you, is that the problem?" Oof he shouldn't have said that. The sound of a slap echoed, you couldn't hide your smile, he deserved that. 

"Stop treating me like I'm some girl that's obsessed with you, instead of your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you."

"Did you, uh hit me?"



"Yeah," John B slapped her back. You, Pope, and JJ looked at each other in shock that John B would do that. 

"Where's your proof?" Kie asked. John B showed the palm of his hand with the dead mosquito. 

"Yeah? There was probably one right there." She stabbed him with the butt of her flashlight, whatever conflict that had gone on moments before was washed away by laughter and playfulness. 

You felt the mosquitoes around you and you began to swat around you to keep them away, you felt the urge to itch and you knew you've already been bit. "What the hell is up with all these mosquitoes?" 

"Why are they so many in a basement?" Pope said next to you.

"I'm telling you, dead bodies bro." You responded.

JJ was struggling with the mosquitoes around him, "Seriously tiny vampire bats leave me alone." 

You giggled, "Okay can we leave now?"

Pope looked at the map then stepped atop a wooden floorboard, "I just found Mrs. Crain's hidden voodoo doll guys."

"Y/N, help me move the planks." Pope requested. You did as asked and moved aside the remaining wooden planks atop the floorboard, JJ and Kie helped take off the ones that were on the bottom to reveal a well. 

"Well, well, well." Pope punned.

"That was a good dad joke, poopy," You patted him on the shoulder.

"They built this part of the house right over it," Kie informed.

"This is where she hid the bodies," JJ noted.

"Oh my god, right? that's what I was saying," You exclaimed excitedly. 

"Guys stop," The rest of the pogues reprimanded. 

"We found water," Pope said. John B smiled, "We're gonna need a really big rope." 

You and the rest of the pogues excluding John B rendezvoused back to the chateau for a meeting. You knew what John B was gonna do and you were not happy about it, Kiara was gonna be even less thrilled. You did promise yourself you were gonna stay out of it for the time being so you held your bearings, you would just sit back and observe as the show went down. 

You sat on the arm of the chair JJ was sitting on to his right, Pope on his left while Kie was pacing holes through the floor. "No effing way!" 

"You brought her here? So what she's in on this now?" 

John B looked to you three for help but wasn't going to receive any, JJ spoke up, "Look all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." 

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote," Kie brought up. "This is our thing, a pogue thing." 

"Yeah, I don't remember taking a vote on living in a place where I'm uncomfortable but too late for that now," You shrugged. Pope joined, "Yeah, I'm just gonna say I'm pretty uncomfortable right now," 

"When are you guys not?" John B remarked.

"Lots of times but you don't bother to ask," You spat back. "Yeah and I rode on the back of JJ's back pretty comfortably," Pope continued.

"It's true, most relaxed I've ever seen them," JJ confirmed. 

"That's cute guys," JB said. 

"We were all extremely comfortable until you brought her," Kiara began her argument again. 

Sarah finally spoke up, "Stop talking like I'm not here!"  

"Then leave!" 

"I told you," Sarah tells your brother. Kie looks furious, "Told him what, exactly? that you're a liar?"

"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch," Sarah argued back. Things were just getting good, you, JJ, and Pope began taking Betts to which you had money on Kie. They were throwing shots back and forth the porch turned to complete chaos with all the chatter. 

John B had enough, "Everybody shut up!" 

"Kie, you are my best friend, right?" John B directed his attention on both girls, "Sarah, you're-you're my girlfriend." 

"That's new," You murmured to JJ. 

"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information?" Kie spilled the excuse John B had spoken of days ago when trying to defend himself. 

"You said you were using me?" 


"Yeah, you definitely did," You laughed out loud as Pope and JJ agree with you. "Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B sputtered out. "I didn't expect it-- it kind of just happened, I'm not gonna deny it."

You withheld the rest of your giggles, "Oh, that's so corny." 

"Cut the bullshit John B, if she's in I'm out," Kie said. 

"I'm not doing this."

"I'm very interested actually, me or her?" The ultimatum wasn't shocking, he had to choose Kie. 

"Both," He shrugged as if it were that simple. JJ whistled, "Went for the hail mary." 

You slapped him in the arm shushing him, Kie walked out of the front porch clearly upset with his response. It left the three of you in one corner feeling very awkward while Sarah tells John B that she was leaving. 

"I'd just like to say you handled that beautifully," JJ announced. 

"That was a fucking train wreck," You sighed stressed. 

"You did not help," John B said to you directly. 

"What was I supposed to say?" You stood from your place at the chair, "That I completely disagree with Kiara because I don't. Your whole 'both' bullshit is stupid and Kie's not just gonna let that go, I sure as hell wouldn't."

"Then what would you have liked me to say, Y/N, I'm not going to choose." 

"Just for the sake of the argument, let's switch the roles up a bit, Me or Sarah." 


"Yes, seriously," You squinted at him, daring him to choose wrong.

"Both, I'm not going to choose," He glared back at you.

"I'm your sister, John B and you still would choose the both of us?" You exclaimed incredulously. 

"Yeah, you're my sister and I'm not gonna give up my girlfriend." 

You rolled your eyes, "Unbelievable." You stormed out just as Kie did not five minutes ago. You didn't know where you going but you knew you weren't going to the chateau and you sure as hell weren't going to figure eight. 

"Yo, wait up!" There was a rush of footsteps coming behind you, you sped walked faster. "Y/N!"

"What?" You whirled around to find JJ, "What do you want, JJ."

"Just want to check up on you," He replied.

"I'm good, I just need to go for a walk." You went back to walking knowing he would follow.

"I'll walk with you," He kept his pace next to you. 

"Thanks but no thanks," You were beginning to feel annoyed, though you weren't sure why normally you'd love to be in JJ's company. 

"Listen, uh- I just wanted to say, I'd choose you," He said shyly.

"Over Sarah Cameron, I'd be offended if you didn't," You scoffed. Then again, your own brother chose a girl he'd barely hung out with over you. 

"This is feeling like the start of your villain origin story," He joked, you peeked at a smile. "There she is," JJ poked at your cheek.

"You're annoying," Your smile turned wider.

"But I made you smile so that's a win for me," He shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked beside you. "So, where we goin'?"

You hesitated, "Honestly, I dunno, like I said just wanted to go for a walk."

"How 'bout we go back?" He nodded towards where you came from. Your smile disappeared, "John B's being an idiot but we still have to talk game plans and we need you."

"No you guys really don't," You shook your head. "I'm just along for the ride."

"Yes, we do all this would be boring without your smart mouth." He nudged you with his shoulder, "you don't even have to talk to him, ignore the hell out of him until he apologizes or whatever."

"He's not going to apologize," You insisted. 

"Then just come back, for me?" He stepped in front of you so you could look him in the eyes. "Please?"

It was impossible for you to deny him when he looked at you that way, the blue eyes filled with the color of the ocean, you could swim in them for hours if you could. So, like many times before he was able to persuade you to do anything he wanted, which was why you conceded to join him back at the chateau. 


You slept over at Kiara's that night, not wanting to see John B after had a small talk about who John B was gonna choose, you also didn't want to go with him to the Cameron's house so you would run into Sarah and confront her about the situation. Kie ended up waking you up early afternoon saying that the guys needed you both, you met Pope at the dock. 

"JJ and John B conked out in the marsh," He said, "They need a tow."

"Okay, well what does that have to do with me?" Kie asked as you both stepped into the HMS Pogue. 

"We need you for mechanical," He shrugged.

"Mhm, so then why am I here?" You followed up, he glanced at you nervously, you were suspicious. 

"You were with Kie so why not?" He responded almost unsure. 

"Way to make a girl feel welcome, Pope," You stared off into the water. 

"We can use the extra help," He offered. At this point, you didn't even care about why they needed help, you knew you couldn't if you tried you wouldn't be able to help even if it saved your life. You weren't mechanical, barely even knew how to change your own tire thought JJ and John B have tried to teach you multiple times. Lookout? Good. Distractions? Even better. But working mechanics? Not a clue. 

You and Kie went onto the boat where JJ and John B were stranded, they were looking into a small box in the boat where the wheel was. 

"What happened?" Kie asked. 

"Uh, the alternators not alternating anymore," JJ said which made sense to you considering you had no idea how any of this worked. 

"It's not charged," John B explained. "Did you check the plugs?" Kiara affirmed. They said no and that Kie should check them, handing her the tools, John B barely gave you a smile as he walked past you and JJ gave you a tap as he slid past you. You didn't know what they needed checking up on but you knelt by Kie anyways. 

"Uh, Is this a joke?" Kie glared at whatever was inside. You looked at her questioningly, "There are no plugs, like, at all."

"What?" You didn't know much but you knew that without the plugs this boat wouldn't be going anywhere. You heard the sound of splashing and went to check, "They're gone! Kie, they ditched us!"

There was yelling coming from a hatch in the boat, Kie opened it and there was Sarah pounding on the top. 

"Guys! Get your asses back here!" Kie shouted at them, they made no move to come back. 

"We can't, Not until you three figure it out!" John B shouted back. You were going to kill him. "There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt!" 

"Oh hell no," You removed your top that had your bathing suit underneath, Kie and Sarah did the same giving their own comments. 

Neither of them joined you as you dove into the water, refusing to be stuck with Sarah, Kie was bearable but you also don't want to be stuck with the both of them arguing. You would have to hear them bickering all night while throwing a couple of your own remarks in but it was not how you wanted to spend your day off. 

"Wait!" You called out to them, "John B you asshole!" 

"They're not coming back for you," Sarah told you still standing on the boat. You swan back to the boat once you realized they were too far, then you felt the sting. The burning sting of what you knew was a Man-o-war, in your stress, you forgot they were out during this time of day. 


"Y/N, what happened?" Kie rushed to the edge to help you.

"I got stung by a jellyfish," You grit through your teeth as you pull yourself up with the help of Kie onto the boat. 

"Maybe you should've thought about that before going over," Kie raised a brow at you. 

"Save me the lecture, my asshole brother just deserted us and I'm injured," Your chest rose up and down as you tried to regulate your breathing. 

"You know what they say about jellyfish stings," Sarah started in a suggestive tone, "Kie you have to pee on her."

The thought bewildered you, "What? No!" 

"Yeah, not gonna happen" Kiara agreed. The pain in your lower right abdomen pierced through you again by your outburst. You bit your lip to keep from crying out, you'd just have to sit through the pain until the boys come back tomorrow. 

"I have a better idea," Kie strolled over to where Pope said there was food and a blunt, a well-needed one. 

Kie sparked it up with Sarah next to her, you were struggling with the large red mark that was proof of your injury. She passed it to you next, you took a long pull "Easy," Kie warned you. You exhaled the smoke then came the coughing fit that had you  toppling over, "I needed that." You wheezed through, your lungs and throat trying to recover. 

Hours had gone by with an awkward tension and silence, occasional hits thrown between you three, it turned dark. The high had you almost completely forgetting about the sting with your giggling until you would accidentally touch that area and you would whine but eventually forget again. Sarah was worse than you, asking the most random of questions like she didn't know how to act while she was zooted. 

Normally it would be funny seeing someone act like this but considering it was the girl your brother chose over you, your attitude became hostile, "Is this your first time smoking or something?" You interrogated her after she asked the question of whether you and Kie would prefer to have eyes as nipples or nipples as eyes. 

Her features that were once bright and smiley turned into a deep frown, "No." 

It was quiet for a moment then she spoke again in a small voice that aggravated you, "Hey Y/N." 

"What?" You snarked at her sharply, harsher than you intended but it sent out the message that you didn't want to hear it. 

"Why do you hate me?" She asked you seriously, "I-I was gonna say I knew why Kie hated me but actually I don't think I even have the answer to that either." 

"Really?" Kie scoffed, she thought for a second then questioned "Why'd you do it?" 

"Why did I do what?" 

"We were best friends, we stole beers from your dad's fridge, we watched movies together and cried about boys," Kiara recalled the fond memories of their friendships during her kook year at the academy where Sarah went to school. At that point in your life you were more focused on your school and hanging out with the pogues that were left, then your dad went missing, you had a lot on your plate while Kie was thriving in her friendship with Sarah. "Next thing I know, I'm watching your birthday party happen from Instagram." 

You thought back on how Kiara broke down in your room after everything happened, the situation was petty and not relevant to real life but Kiara had always struggled with trying to find where she truly fit in. She cared about Sarah and to her, it was an important betrayal and if was important to her, it was important to you. 

"It was one party," Sarah shrugged lazily. 

"You invited everyone except me and then you told everybody I was the reason that the party got busted," You and Kie shared a look. 

"Okay, well, who else would've called the cops?" It was you, technically. You fed off Kie's anger and hurt and told her she should call the cops as revenge. You weren't a snitch but you couldn't think of any other way that wasn't illegal to get back at Sarah. You felt guilty after Kie told you that everyone had stopped being friends with her, she told you that it didn't matter anymore, she had come back to her real friends. 

"You never asked, you just let the rumor go that I was a rat, you were my best friend and then you ghosted me." Kie cried, "I don't even know why I mean really, what did I do?"

"You liked me," Sarah stated simply. You and Kie looked at her confused, "When people get close to me, I feel trapped and I bail then I blame them for it." 

It was a shitty coping mechanism but you let her continue, "I'm really sorry and I miss you. Do you think there's a chance that we could be okay again?"

"Honestly," Kie focused on Sarah, "I don't know." 

You three agreed to go to sleep to make the rest of the night go quicker, you kept tossing and turning every time you tried. You settled for just laying on your back staring up into the ceiling of the boat. "Hey Sarah," You whispered. 

"Hey Y/N," She spoke softly. 

You inhaled, "I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you but-" You exhaled to release your nerves, "Sarah I envy you. That one year Kie was gone was pretty rough for me and she wasn't there because she was trying to fit into kook life with you, you sorta stole my best friend and now it feels like you're trying to steal my brother." 

"-I know it wasn't you that got him fired but I blamed you for that because everything comes so easily to you, it's not your fault you were born into that life and I wasn't. I'm sorry for that just promise me you won't bail on John B. He's not just some other guy and he really really likes you, he literally chose you over me so that has got to mean something." 

She answered before you could continue your rambling, "I won't, I promise."

"Also, I'm sorry I called the cops," Kie lifted her head from where she was supposedly sleeping.

"I knew it, I knew it you bitch!" You three busted out laughing. 


Bright and early before the sun fully rose the boys were seen in the distance, you, Kie, and Sarah were set on not telling the boys that you had all made up. You did tell them that you were willing to work together though, so with that, you wasted the day planning and preparing for the adventure that was finding the gold at Mrs. Crain's house. 

John B finished running check on the list of supplies before you all were ready to go into the creepy yard. JB opened the sliding door where you, Sarah, Kie, and Pope were sitting making you pause, "Wait, guys, I wanna say thank you, seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight." 

You were petty about the argument still but smiled at him warmly anyways, "Always big bro." 

"Alright, are we done with this circle jerk?" JJ piped up from the front passenger's seat. 

"Off we go," You hopped out of the van then followed Sarah and Kie who were beginning to climb the wall. Once over to the other side, you directed your flashlight to the ground, looking for anything in you might trip on. It was pitch black without your flashlights, the feeling was ominous. Suddenly there was a bright light pointing at your group, you moved quickly into some bushes. 

"So, she has motion sensor lights," Pope commented. 

"We can move really slowly maybe," JJ suggested. Pope made a face, "Yeah, that's not how it works." 

"Let's throw a rock at it," John B threw out his stupid idea. 

"That's a really great idea, let the ax murderer know that we're here," You say sarcastically.

"You have a better idea?" 

"What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch, we used to play hide-and-seek here as kids and if we were brave enough we'd go all the way up to the porch." Sarah's idea was more realistic, there was no other way you'd all be able to move around without going unnoticed. 

"No," John B refused "no, you are not going in the house alone."

"Watch me." 

"Crain chops people up into pieces," JJ tried to make it clear.

"If you believe that, she's like what 85? She's probably barely still kicking." Sarah insisted.

"Me and Y/N will go with you," Kiara stated.

"Whoa what? When did I get dragged into this?" You look wide-eyed at them. You barely even wanted to be in her front yard, much less inside her house. Kie gave you a pleading look. "Ugh, fine. Since we're all apparently suicidal, fuck it."

"We'll wait for your signal," Pope said.

"Hey, Be safe!" John B whispered to Sarah.

"We will," She assured him. You follow her and Kie hunched over as you walked over to the side of the house where the stairs were, pushing past tree branches. 

"She must have a generator plugged into the power supply," You mention. The stairs creaked as you stepped on them, Sarah pointed her flashlight at what looked like a breaker, Kie opened it up but there were no switches only a bunch of wires. 

"Shit, it goes inside," Your eyes follow the thick tube the goes into the house where the breakers must be.

You open the metal gated door and go to open the actual front door that happened to be open. You signal for Sarah to point her flashlight upwards so you could continue the trail and go deeper into Mrs. Crain's home. A couple of steps in, to your right was the breaker, you purse your lips as you switch the motion sensor lights off as well as the generator. 

A sound like a grandfather clock went off loudly echoing off the walls and a creaking made you three gasp. There were footsteps and a thumping noise signifying that Mrs. Crain was up and walking, a cold shiver went down your spine. You look over at Kie and Sarah and they shake their heads, wording the words 'too late'. 

Mrs. Crain slowly steps past you three, you all had your backs pressed against the walls hoping she'd go right by you without noticing. Mrs. Crain spoke in a low raspy voice that sounded as if she'd been smoking for her whole life, "I can hear you, Leon. I've been waiting all night!" 

Her head snaps back to where you three stood, you screamed loudly, "Go!"

You, Kie, Sarah scatter around the house for an exit. You cut a corner only to find a door with wooden planks nailed to the door. "Shit," You glance behind you to see if she was there and she was, she swung her fire poker at you and you fell down avoiding her hit. 

She pulled back to swing again but Sarah and Kie intervened grabbing the fire poker and helping you up, "Come on this way!"

Sarah took you to an open room and you shut the doors with your bodies until the fire poker Mrs. Crain had now broken a hole through the door, you removed yourselves quickly. Sarah led the way, "This way, It goes underneath the house!"

You were able to get underneath the house where the boys were, "Guys, we gotta go she tried to kill us with a fire poker!" 

JJ and Pope yelled at John B that you all had to go, you five pulled on the rope holding John B and fell. You rush to the edge of the well where John B was screaming something inaudible. 

"Yo, he's drowning! We gotta pull him up!" You yelled. 

You rush to pull the rope again, using all your strength. Then there was a gunshot, you ran to hide with the girls, "She can't see! She's blind!" 

You ran out of the house, climbing over the wall quicker than you have before and into the van. 

"Holy fuck!" You exclaimed excitedly, "Is everybody good?"

"I think I'd know if I was shot right?" Kie replied, there was a chorus of laughter. 

"That bitch is possessed," You look at Sarah and Kie.

"That bitch can't aim," Sarah pants. 

John B pulls out something covered in mud, you all stare at him in awe. "No, you didn't!" 

"I did it!" He repeated. 

You all screamed and yelled in excitement, John B did it, he actually did it. All the doubt you had from before was gone and filled with euphoric joy at something good happening for once. JJ drove off as the sun rose and you all chanted 'full kook!' 

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