The Crown Prince's Bellydancer

By Mila_333

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๐Ÿฅ‡Romance, The April Awards ๐Ÿฅ‡General Fiction, Pawesome Award ๐Ÿฅ‡The Coalition Awards, Voting Track. ๐Ÿฅ‡Best W... More

Author's notes
Chapter 1: The Ultimate Struggle
Chapter 2: Kidnapping at its finesse
Chapter 3: Camel rides in the desert
Chapter 5: Welcome to Shakhghar
Chapter 6: The real audition
Chapter 7: What's the deal with Nimrah?
Chapter 8: Royal Birthday Bash
Chapter 9: Behind the curtains
Chapter 10: Incomplete Revelations
Chapter 11: Consolations
Chapter 12: The Next Step
Chapter 13: Eira, the new tutor?
Chapter 14: In His Office
Chapter 15: Try Her
Chapter 16: Dasht awaits us
Chapter 17: Vibez
Chapter 18: Tick Tock
Chapter 19: Hopelessness
Chapter 20: What has she done?
Chapter 21: Lies Beneath the Truth
Chapter 21: Lies Beneath the Truth (2)

Chapter 4: Glam Sham

210 56 260
By Mila_333

"Keep that smile and don't you dare cry! Or this pretty face will be made unidentifiable by Sahib. I believe you don't want that, do you?"

Deja vu?

Hadiba transferred these clear instructions as a young girl completed Eira's makeup. Eira woke up, feeling numb. It was best to go with the flow when you had no choice.

Hadiba and Tamur had accompanied her to this place after she had woken up at the tent. Blindfolded again, she didn't get to see where they passed on the way here.

The clock striked six in the evening and the supposed show that Hadiba had mentioned was about to start in around half an hour. She had been in a makeup studio since they arrived. It was a private area, posh and looked reserved for high class people. Even the air smelled rich.

Eira had changed into a gold fitted dress with a slit at her left thigh. Her dark brown hair was tucked to the side, resting neatly on her bare left shoulder. The three inches golden heels, gold eyeshadow and nude lips paired beautifully with the dress.

She stared at herself in the mirror and scoffed internally. No one would believe she had been kidnapped and sold during the past few days. To her surprise, Hadiba threw the blindfold in the small trashcan and led her outside, reminding her once again to maintain a good facial expression.

They both marched in the carpeted hallway. They appeared to be a luxurious hotel but it wasn't certain. Through the elevator, they arrived at the second floor where Hadiba greeted the security staff and showed them two tickets before they granted them access inside.

Several Nordic luxury crystal-led chandeliers held graciously across the air conditioned, spacious, and cream carpeted banquet hall. Thick cream curtains hung closed at each side of the room, preventing any external source of light from coming in. Many people in suits and delicate evening dresses stood professionally in groups, holding conversations while having a glass in their hands, probably filled with champagne.

She strangely felt some sort of connection with all these people as she glided deeper into the hall. She was seeing 'normal' people gathered after really long torturing days.

She was left puzzled and confused as Hadiba clearly said something about a show, but as far as the scene in front of her was concerned, Eira could conclude that they were at a high-end party where literally every aspect in the room screamed power and luxury.

She had assumed she had been sold as a slave but now realized that prostitution could be her new nightmare. High end prostitution, to be precise.

Either one made her wish to puke although this place wouldn't seem like there could be any kind of trafficking going on. Nothing was impossible at this point.

"Ya Tamur! Marhaba!" A man yelled from behind making few heads turn around their small group.

"Boss." Tamur uttered and instantly turned towards the grey-haired folk who looked to be in his sixties and side hugged him.

The old man patted Tamur's shoulder and looked to his side, "Here she is, Eira Murad."

Eira internally cringed as soon as the old man's gaze fell upon her. She could see his dark black eyes penetrating her soul ever so vilely. She wanted to vomit right on his face as she struggled to maintain a stoic expression.

Tamur smirked, knowing his Boss, Pasha, was satisfied with the deal and was getting ecstatic for their Big Boss' reaction. However, he quickly sensed Eira's disgust from her composure. As if to break the ice, Tamur commented, "Big Boss will be happy, right?"

"Happy? He'll be on cloud nine!" He began to laugh loudly, again making few heads turn their way.

Eira then realized that Tamur and Pasha were merely agents. Tamur was the delivery guy and Pasha would put a stamp and confirm the delivery. Eira had yet to discover what would be the next step. She could feel her hands shaking as reality hit her.

She was being trafficked. Right then and there.

The final step was yet to come.

She had to meet her master.

The one who bought her.

Hadiba put her arm on Eira's arm, giving it a discrete squeeze as if reminding her about her role here. The woman was sharp. She had taken in Eira's cracking facade.

"We have to go back, Pasha. I hope you like the parcel." She gave a sly smirk, distracting Pasha from noticing Eira's fear.

It was clear that they wanted their boss to believe that everything was under control. Though it appeared that Hadiba seemed to be unaffected by Pasha as compared to Tamur. 

"What's NOT to like! Unfortunately, I can't get my hands on this one," He pursed his cracky lips and felicitated, "Good job, Tamur!" Pasha patted Tamur's shoulder once again, his eyes never leaving Eira who was forcibly trying to smile.

He removed one of his cigars and said, "Bring her to the lobby. You'll meet my man there. Hand her to him." He winked at Eira as he made his way to the exit door.

"Let's go. And how many times I must tell you to keep a smile on your face or you'll get killed. It's still fine if you don't smile here, we'll overlook. But don't you dare put on this miserable expression when you get there. You won't be spared and no one will be able to find your corpse, ever. Do not resist and listen to everything they tell you every time! It'll be in your interests." Hadiba lectured.

For the first time, she felt like Hadiba had genuinely voiced out true concern for her. She might be doing her work, but she felt her speaking straight from her heart.

The three quickly arrived at the lobby where a sleek black Mercedes stopped at the main door. The driver got out and opened the back door to let Eira in.

Wow, the class! She sarcastically remarked.

Hadiba and Tamur waved at her as if they were great friends and she forcibly returned a small wave. Leaning back against the cool leather seat while resting not so calmly in the air-conditioned vehicle which provided some cool to her body, the silence gave her mind few moments to ease.

The car soon got onto the highway. They appeared to be in a city which was well developed and full of tall and high buildings. They were undoubtedly in the Middle East, Eira concluded.

All the calligraphic writings on top of the shops were in Arabic, a language she wasn't acquainted to, but had a deep connection with. She recognized some of the syllables from her Baba's journal.

Memories from her childhood flooded in, but she inhaled sharply and exhaled, as if trying to control her emotions.

Not right now.

She didn't need to think about her parents right now. She had enough on her plate already and reminiscing about the past would only bring her more pain and sorrow.

She jolted away from her thoughts when a high brick wall came into view. The car halted in front of the huge metallic gate where a couple of guards stood in uniform.

What kind of uniform? She wasn't sure. She could only guess it was close to a police uniform or was quite linked to the military.

Why would the driver bring her to the police? It didn't make sense. As far as she knew, she was a victim of human trafficking. People had literally bought and sold her.

The driver showed the guards a card and the latter let him in. Eira was fascinated at the view in front of her. A line of beautiful middle length trees adorned the entrance way. Bushes of flowers stood in between the trees  and embellished the view in a more spectacular way.

As the car continued to move inside, Eira saw a gigantic palace made of beige stone from the outside. She had to curb in her seat to take a good look.

Four walls stood high all around the Palace, acting as a fort. A massive silk cloth swayed proudly on each of the four corners of the fort. Three different colors, red, white, and cream painted the flag horizontally in equal proportions and a proud black horse reared up in the middle.

On the right side of the palace, a large garden could be found where a combination of red and white roses furnished the entrance. It was one of the most beautiful places Eira had ever laid her eyes on.

The car kept moving forward but had slowed down. They were nearing the Palace, further adorned by a lavish fountain just in front of its main entrance which was gracefully dripping with water that appeared like crystals from afar.

The driver did not turn to the right, towards the main entrance of the palace. In fact, he continued his way, passing alongside the Palace and stopped in front of another metallic gate, similar to the main gate, but it was much shorter and smaller in size.

The driver again showed his card to one of the guards posted at the gate and said something in Arabic. Eira saw one of the officers look at her and nodded at the driver to move forward. The gate opened, the car glided smoothly inside, and halted seconds after.

"This is your stop. You can go." The driver spoke to her for the first time in a thick accent. She had to get used to the accent and might even start having one if she stays here for the rest of her life.

"Where do I go?" She asked, having absolutely no idea where to go.

She only knew she had been sold. To whom? She was clueless. Wasn't it the responsibility of the person to come get her?

How useless, she thought.

The aged man in the driver seat sighed, and said, "Ask for Jalal inside."

Eira got out of the vehicle and felt the scorching heat on her skin. She had already experienced the heat in the desert at daytime,  but this wasn't any less. She longed to get back in the car and stay in there forever.

She looked around and saw a huge building, but it was not as gigantic as the Palace. The cream-colored building was connected to the palace via a skyway, built in the same beige stone, as the Palace.

"Man anti?" Eira heard a piercing voice from the side.

Glancing to the left, she saw a tall woman, her dense black hair tied into a ponytail, looking at her with all seriousness. Holding a water bottle, her face was covered in sweats and so was her tank top. Seemingly in her late thirties, her figure was one to really admire.

"Excuse me?" Eira replied in a much quieter manner.

She was not a soft speaker by nature, but she knew when to be one. The lady lunged towards her, as if to attack, but stopped dead in her face.

"No Arabic?" Eira was surprised by the absence of the heavy Arabic accent everyone carried in their English.

In fact, this woman spoke proper English. Eira felt a reassuring relief and shook her head sheepishly.

"I asked who you are?" She repeated tiredly.

Bingo! The angry woman had an American accent.

"Eira," She muttered and the lady wore a bored expression.

"And who are you again?" She asked this time dragging her question dramatically.

She wasn't sure how to respond.

"I'm Eira Murad. Nice to meet you," She gave out her hand timidly for the woman to shake as the latter looked at her as if she had lost her mind and left her hand hanging.

"Girl, what are you doing here? How did you get in?" The lady barked seeming to be out of it now. She really lacked patience.

"The driver dropped me, " Eira started.

The specific instructions was to ask about Jalal but this strange woman seemed to have no idea who she was, and Eira saw a minor gleam of light.

Maybe the lady could become a way for her freedom. She could try out her luck and see where it led her. After all, what did she have to lose?

"What driver?" The lady irritably asked.

Before Eira could open her mouth, she was cut off by a rough voice of an aged man crying out from behind.


Things will start to be clearer as from this chapter. I really hope you like this one.

How did you find Sophia?

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End of chapter question:

Summer or winter?

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