Life is Simple, Love is Not (...

By TheSandwichGhost

127K 3.5K 1.3K

- COMPLETED - - Adult/quirkless Izuku AU. - Rumi gets assigned a government liaison to help with her hero wor... More

Chapter 1: First Meeting
Chapter 2: Introductions and Insults
Chapter 3: Unfair
Chapter 4: Solitude
Chapter 5: Down and Out
Chapter 6: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 7: Mortal Coil
Chapter 8: Fading Hope
Chapter 9: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 10: Like Water and Oil
Chapter 11: Second Chances
Chapter 12: Inner Demons
Chapter 13: Crossing the Line
Chapter 14: Angels and Devils
Chapter 15: The Heart of the Matter
Chapter 16: Shadows, Killers, and Monsters
Chapter 17: Delusions of Grandeur
Chapter 18: Healthy Compromises
Chapter 19: Life Lessons
Chapter 20: No Mercy
Chapter 21: Speed and Aggression
Chapter 22: Tools of the Trade
Chapter 23: A Tough Lesson
Chapter 24: Exceeding Expectations
Chapter 25: The Abyss
Chapter 26: Emotional Support Rabbit
Chapter 27: The Dawn of Something Beautiful
Chapter 28: Clandestine Meeting
Chapter 29: The Cost of Victory
Chapter 30: Necessary Monster
Chapter 31: When Life Gives You (Lemon)s
Chapter 32: All I Need is You
Chapter 33: Happiness
Chapter 34: Crossing Paths
Chapter 35: Game Over
Chapter 36: Memories
Chapter 37: Right and Wrong
Chapter 38: Life and Love
Chapter 39: Training Day
Chapter 40: Plain and Simple
Chapter 41: What Family Means
Chapter 42: Behind the Scenes
Chapter 43: Making Plans
Chapter 44: Showtime
Chapter 45: A Nice Night After All
Chapter 46: Preparations
Chapter 47: Awakening
Chapter 48: The Aftermath
Chapter 49: Darkness and Light
Chapter 50: Changes
Chapter 51: The Fall
Chapter 52: Into Madness
Chapter 53: Might Makes Right
Chapter 54: The Lion's Den
Chapter 55: End of the Line
Chapter 56: Ride or Die
Chapter 58: From Zero to Hero
Chapter 59: The End
Chapter 60: Epilogue

Chapter 57: The Final Showdown

865 27 29
By TheSandwichGhost

"War. War never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk." - The narrator, Fallout: New Vegas


As the squadron of army helicopters flew towards the Ministry of Defense headquarters, Major General Miura broadcasted a final mission brief to everyone participating.

"Alright people listen up!" The stocky general barked into the radio. "This is the last time I will go over the plan, so shut yer traps! We are going in hard and fast, so stick together and cover each other's backs! Squads Charlie through Kilo, stick with your assigned heroes and cover their flanks. Pro-heroes, your priority is to engage and eliminate any enemy that is using a quirk. Soldiers, provide cover fire for your heroes and take out any long-range threat that is targeting them. We will attack in two assault forces. The first force will focus on taking out any anti-air threats and causing as much havoc as possible to establish a foothold. The second force will focus on assaulting the main building itself and gaining entry. Squads Alpha and Bravo will search the main building and attempt to arrest Fujikawa. Hawks and Endeavor will help our forces establish air superiority so as to deny the enemy any chance of getting reinforcements. Alright! Let's do this!"

There was a roar of anticipation from all the squads, making the general grin as he stopped broadcasting.

"Midoriya, here you go." The general said loudly before tossing a camouflage field jacket to Izuku. "Can't have you running around in just some pants and bandages. Gotta at least look a little bit presentable for the cameras."

Taking the field jacket, Izuku chuckled as he put it on. "Copy that sir. Do you have the equipment I requested?"

Nodding, Major General Miura grabbed a duffel bag that had been sitting in the corner of the helicopter and handed it to Izuku. "Everything you asked for. Can't have my best soldier going in without any weapons can I?"

Quickly putting on the field jacket, Izuku rummaged around in the duffle bag and pulled out a menacing-looking assault rifle with what looked like a small shotgun attached under the barrel. Next was a bandolier of assault rifle magazines, a combat knife, a bandolier of grenades, bulletproof vest, and a large revolver that looked like it could take down an elephant.

Seeing the concerned looks everyone was giving him, Izuku huffed in annoyance. "What?"

Hawks rolled his eyes. "Is all of that really necessary?"

Izuku gave Hawks an apathetic look "Considering I don't have a quirk, yes I think it is necessary."

"Yeah sure, whatever Midoriya." Hawks said in an unamused voice. "Just try to remember what side you are on and try not to shoot any of us in the back."

Izuku felt a vein pulse in his neck as he loudly loaded his assault rifle. "Do you really want to do this now Hawks? If you have a problem with me feel free to leave. We have more than enough people willing to take your place. If anything I should be the one worried about being literally stabbed in the back, since that is your recorded way of handling things."


Izuku immediately went silent and turned away from Hawks. Good thing Rumi was here to keep him in check, god knows what would have happened if he and Hawks had let things escalate.

There was a soft chuckle as Best Jeanist nodded respectfully to Miruko. "Thank you Miruko. You seem to have changed quite a bit since when you lost your arm. Good for you."

Rumi grunted in thanks as she continued to glare at Hawks and Izuku. "Yeah yeah whatever. One of us here needs to act like a professional."

Seeing General Miura move slightly. Izuku looked up to see the stocky man discreetly take his hand off the pistol holstered on his hip. Looking around, Izuku was surprised to see that both the helicopter pilot and co-pilot had taken their hands off their weapons. On top of that, all the nearby helicopters full of armed soldiers slowly moved back into formation.

Izuku nodded respectfully to General Miura, it was comforting to know that there were at least a few people who still believed in him.

Suddenly Endeavor spoke up. "Hawks, next time you want to start shit be more aware of your surroundings. I really do not want to get killed because you want to be a smartass."

Looking over, Izuku saw Endeavor looking at General Miura knowingly with an unamused glare on his face.

Hawks looked at Endeavor in confusion. "Are you really taking Midoriya's side on this?"

Endeavor shook his head. "I am not taking any sides, I am merely stating facts. Look around you and tell me what would have happened if you tried to do something to Midoriya."

Hawks, as well as Rumi and Best Jeanist looked around in confusion.

Finally, the three heroes seemed to realize just how close they had been to starting something nobody would have come out alive from.

His face turning a slight shade paler, Hawks nodded in understanding as Best Jeanist nervously adjusted the collar of his outfit.

"Oh...I see..." Hawks said quietly. "Sorry, Endeavor. My bad."

There was a moment of awkward silence, until the helicopter co-pilot spoke loudly to General Miura.

"Two mikes till we are in the AO general."

Nodding, General Miura smiled in anticipation. "Thanks soldier. They already know we are coming, might as well give them a show."

Nodding in understanding, the co-pilot pressed a button. Suddenly, loud music began blaring from speakers mounted to the sides of all the helicopters. Looking down, Izuku grinned as curious citizens looked to the sky in search of the source of the music.

Nodding her head along to the beat, Rumi grinned as she opened the door of the helicopter. "Showtime guys! Let's go kick some ass!"

Nodding, Endeavor and Hawks stood up and walked over to the open door. Jumping out, the two pro-heroes flew to the front of the helicopter formation as the massive Ministry of Defense headquarters building loomed in the distance. Leaning out the open door, Rumi laughed in exhilaration as the wind blew her hair back and her free leg dangled in the air. Izuku could see all the other helicopters in the squadron preparing for battle, doors opening, weapons being readied, and heroes standing up in anticipation.

In the distance a cloud of flying PLF quirk users rose into the sky and began moving to intercept the helicopter squadron as an army of PLF troops and criminals rushed around the headquarters preparing hastily constructed defenses.

Then the battle began.

With a thunderous roar, the army helicopters opened fire on the flying defenders and ground troops. Explosions and bullets ripped into the flying defenders, cutting their numbers in half in a split second. However, the survivors quickly got into melee range and engaged the army helicopters with ferocious intensity. Bodies and helicopters alike crashed into each other like two flying cavalry charges meeting head-on. Pilots were wrenched from their cockpits, bodies hit helicopter blades and turned into red mist, helicopters exploded and fell from the sky, and shrapnel ripped through flying troops like buzzsaws through butter.

Suddenly Endeavor's roar pierced the air. "FLASHFIRE FIST! HELL SPIDER!"

In an instant, blazing beams of fire sliced through the air and towards the PLF troops. Those that were not instantly knocked out had their limbs and wings burned to a crisp. Before the few survivors could react, dozens of red feathers knocked the rest of them out of the sky like miniature homing missiles.

With the sky clear of threats, the helicopter squadron could proceed to the objective.

However, just because the flying threat was gone did not mean that they were out of the woods yet.

As the helicopters descended to drop off their troops and heroes, a volley of projectiles rose from the ground to meet them. Everything from spikes of ice, to entire cars were shot at the helicopters from the ground defenders. Most of the helicopters weathered the storm of projectiles, but two helicopters were not so lucky. One helicopter was split in half by a large chunk of concrete, while the other instantly exploded into a fireball as a beam of superheated plasma pierced its fuel supply.

Landing in the destroyed parking lot, the remaining helicopters disgorged their passengers as the defenders charged forward like a screaming horde of banshees.

As Izuku, Rumi, and Best Jeanist jumped out of the helicopter, General Miura gave them a proud salute before escaping back into the sky.

"Go get those bastards for me Bravo squad! Godspeed!"

Izuku had no time to respond, as the hundreds of defenders crashed into the attackers in a wave of carnage and destruction.

The PLF defenders ranged widely in size and shape. Some were hardened criminals armed with improvised weapons, many were powerful PLF quirk users wielding dangerous melee combat quirks, and others were traitorous soldiers armed with advanced weaponry and armor.

Diving behind the wreck of an overturned car, Izuku popped up and began firing shots into the PLF defenders.

There was no time to be precise and aim for non-lethal hits, a second wasted aiming for an enemy's leg might mean the death of an ally.

First, a young hero pinned to the ground by a trio of criminal attackers. Three short bursts from Izuku's assault rifle popped the criminals' heads like watermelons. Next was a wounded soldier crawling away from a blood-smeared shark man. A burst of bullets into the shark man's heart followed up by two bullets to the brain took care of that threat. A second later, Izuku spotted a traitorous soldier aiming a rocket launcher at Fat Gum and Kirishima. A burst of bullets into the soldier's chest sent the man reeling as well as prematurely detonating the bandolier of grenades on his chest. Seeing something move out of the corner of his eye, Izuku dodged backwards just in time to avoid being decapitated by the clawed hand of a tall woman in PLF clothes.

"Nice dodge mister!" The woman jeered. "To bad you-"

The woman was cut off as two of Izuku's bullets blew apart her neck and instantly killed her.

"You people talk too much." Izuku spat in annoyance as he reloaded.

With earthshaking steps, a giant man taller than most buildings emerged from behind the headquarters and charged towards the two clashing armies. However, before he could begin his assault he was intercepted by Mt. Lady who punched him in the jaw with a wild haymaker.

"Pick on someone your own size!" Boomed the gigantic Mt. Lady as she rained blows down on her equally gigantic opponent.

Glad that Mt. Lady had survived, Izuku turned his attention back to the battle around him.

As much as he would like to stay and fight with everyone else, Izuku knew that his squad was supposed to be gaining entry to the main building as soon as possible.

Activating his earpiece radio, Izuku yelled out orders as he fired at enemies.

"Bravo and Alpha squad! Regroup on me!"

Seconds later, a nearby cluster of enemies wielding handguns were wrapped up in a giant wad of thread. Casually walking through the battlefield like it was a peaceful park, Best Jeanist nodded to Izuku politely as he wrapped up another criminal charging him from behind. Seconds later, Rumi arrived in style. Sending entire swaths of enemies flying with a single kick, Rumi jogged up to Izuku with an excited smile on her face.

"Miruko is here!" She announced proudly.

Looking around, Izuku nodded to three veteran soldiers who ran up and saluted quickly.

"Alright, Bravo squad is here." Izuku mused out loud. "Where is Alpha squad?"

A few moments later, there was a cacophony of screams as several of the PLF troops broke rank and fled.

"She is a monster!" Wailed one bloody criminal.

"Ain't no way I am fighting that!" Agreed another criminal lutching the stump where his arm used to be.

Then the source of the criminals' fear emerged from a cloud of smoke.

Covered in blood that was not her own, Miyu stalked through the battlefield like a woman possessed. Gunning down enemies with her battle rifle, Miyu looked like a war goddess that had descended to the mortal realm to dispense judgement to her enemies. Her black body armor covered in dents, cuts, and bullet craters, it looked like nothing could stop the shark-toothed woman's rampage. Behind her, a squad of loyal Ministry of Defense agents followed in her wake like black armored spectres of death.

Reloading her battle rifle, Miyu came to a stop in front of Izuku and gave him a serious nod.

"Alpha squad reporting in." She grunted. "Sorry for the wait."

Nodding in understanding, Izuku waved away his subordinate's apology. "You are here now, that is what is important."

Turning to the two assembled squads, Izuku pointed at the imposing Ministry of Defense headquarters. "We need to get inside asap. Miruko, Best Jeanist, you will be our spearhead. Clear the way for us so we can breach the building's defenses. From there, we will split up and hunt down Fujikawa. Let's go!"

Looking over at Rumi, Izuku chuckled as he saw the look on her face as she looked at the battle-scarred Miyu.

Seemingly noticing Rumi's gaze, Miyu stared back with cold eyes.

"What?" The shark-toothed woman growled.

Blinking several times, Rumi seemed to be looking at Miyu in a whole new light.

"Uhh, nothing.." Rumi squeaked. "You just...umm..."

Turning to look at Izuku, Rumi gave her boyfriend an incredulous look. "What the hell happened to her Izuku?! What happened to the adorkable and shy Miyu?!"

Izuku shrugged as Miyu huffed in annoyance and shot a nearby PLF member in the testicles.

"She is in work mode." Izuku explained. "My advice, don't get in her way."

Nodding slightly, Rumi appeared to finally be seeing Miyu's serious side.

"Miruko!" Best Jeanist called out as he ensnared a raging rhino man in his threads. "Let's get to work! I need your help to clear the way!"

Izuku watched as Rumi nodded and forward to help.

Charging forward, Rumi was quickly blocked by a powerful group of quirk users who all counter-charged with an angry roar. Grinning at the challenge, Rumi planted her feet and sprang forward with blinding speed.


Using her incredible leg strength, Rumi sent the entire group of thugs flying as she performed a cartwheel in the air with her legs extended. Landing on her feet like a professional acrobat, Rumi looked back at Izuku and gave him a quick smile like a little kid seeking praise from their friends.

All around Bravo squad the battle between the two armies raged. Explosions constantly erupted from the ground, lightning and spears of ice fell from the sky, and walls of muscle collided with earth shaking force.

Gunning down a man spitting poison at Kamui Woods, Izuku was surprised to see Iida zoom past him and block a man who was about to throw a knife at Izuku's back.

"Don't falter now Agent Midoriya!" Iida said with a grin. "We still need to show you how we have improved!"

"Hell yeah!" Ashido cheered as she shot globs of acid at her enemies. "Just you watch Agent Midoriya, we will show you just how good we are at taking down villains!"

"Uraraka! Let's show Agent Midoriya what we have been working on!" Kirishima shouted loudly with an excited smile.

Nodding in understanding, Uraraka interlaced her fingers together as Kirishima sprinted towards her. In one smooth movement, Kirishima stepped onto Uraraka's ready hands and was promptly thrown high into the sky. Floating high overhead, Kirishima whooped excitedly as he pointed to a group of villains below him.

"Now Uraraka!"

Clapping her hands together, Uraraka removed the anti-gravity field from around Kirishima.


Kirishima roared as his skin reached maximum hardness, making his body extremely hard and rugged. Falling from the sky like a meteor, Kirishima hit the ground with force equivalent to a bomb, sending all the villains around him flying as they were pulverised by the combined shockwave and blast of rubble.

Nodding in appreciation, Izuku could not help but give class 1-A a thumbs up.

"Nice work kids. Keep that up and you might put me out of a job."

As Uraraka returned to her squad of operatives like a kid showing off for their parents, Izuku could not stop himself from smiling.

With the two pro-heroes clearing the way, it was a piece of cake to make it to the front of the building. Blasting open the barricaded doors with some plastic explosives, Bravo and Alpha squad entered the main lobby and looked around at their surroundings.

Taking charge, Izuku began barking out orders. "Alright let's do this quick! The main objective is Fujikawa's office on the top floor. If he hasn't fled already, that is where he will be. Bravo squad will go through the east wing, Alpha squad will go through the west wing. Speed is the priority, so don't get bogged down picking unnecessary fights. We will rendezvous in front of the director's office."

Nodding seriously, Miyu gave a few hand signals to her armed and armored squad. "Alpha squad, on me." She growled before kicking open the west wing doors and stomping inside.

Smirking at Miyu's battlefield mannerisms, Izuku turned to look at the three veteran soldiers in his squad. "Let Miruko and Best Jeanist take point. Bring up the rear and make sure nobody sneaks up on us."

The three soldiers nodded and reloaded their weapons as Izuku turned to Rumi and Best Jeanist.

"Same deal as before." Izuku said authoritatively. "Take point and clear the way. We will be right behind you."

Cracking her knuckles in anticipation, Rumi nodded eagerly. "Leave it to me Izuku!"

Making their way through the building, Izuku and his squad blasted through defenders and barricades like a hot knife through better. Rumi was always at the front, ready to take on anyone that dared try to stop her. Several elite PLF guards had tried to put an end to her rampage, but the new and improved Miruko proved to be too much for any of them to handle. The three veteran soldiers pulled their weight as well, as several sneak attacks from behind were quickly shut down by the experienced soldiers and their heavy weapons. Eventually, after making their way to the top floor, Izuku and his squad arrived in front of the heavy double doors that led to the director's office.

Less than a minute later, there was the rattle of gunfire from nearby and a wall exploded in a shower of plaster and concrete. Charging through like an enraged bull, a massive alligator man roared in pain as he clutched the bloody hole where one of his eyes used to be.


Roaring like a crazed berserker, Miyu charged through the hole in the wall and tackled the alligator man to the ground. With her opponent flat on his back, Miyu pulled out her sawn off double-barreled shotgun and stuck it deep into the man's fanged jaws. Without any hesitation, she pulled both triggers, causing the villain's brains to explode out the back of his skull and paint the nearby wall in blood and gore.

Standing up, Miyu finally noticed Bravo squad staring at her in shocked silence. Dusting herself off, Miyu yanked the short shotgun out of the dead alligator-man's mouth and quickly reloaded it.

"Alpha squad reporting in." Miyu growled. "All members accounted for, multiple enemies K.I.A."

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Izuku nodded respectfully to the blood-covered Miyu. "Good job agent. Fall in, we are about to breach the director's office."

Nodding seriously, Miyu gave a few hand signals to her squad of agents as she reloaded her weapons. Following their leader's example, the black-armored agents reloaded their weapons then stacked up behind each other on both sides of the doors.

Turning to Rumi, Izuku gestured to the reinforced office doors with a cheeky smile.

"If you would do the honors Miss Miruko."

Smirking, Rumi flipped her silver hair over her shoulder and sighed exaggeratedly. "Well since you asked so nicely..."

Walking over to stand in front of the double doors, Rumi cleared her throat then pulled her leg back.

"KNOCK KNOCK MOTHERFUCKER!" She shouted with glee as she brutally kicked the metal doors, sending the pieces of heavy steel flying with a crash.

As one, everyone rushed inside. Ready for anything, Izuku was confused to see (former) Director Fujikawa calmly sitting behind his massive desk with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"You could have just knocked." The arachnid-faced man said dryly as he took a sip of his coffee. "Took you long enough. I honestly expected you to simply charge in and shoot me."

"Kaito Fujikawa, you are under arrest for conspiracy, treason, mass murder, and selling state secrets." Izuku said calmly as he kept his gun aimed at the director's head. "Stand up with your hands where we can see them."

Fujikawa rolled his many eyes in annoyance. "Oh so now you want to pretend like you are a good law-abiding soldier? After everything you have done under my command, do you really believe that you are one of the good guys?"

"What I did is of no concern to you anymore." Izuku said calmly. "If need be I will willingly answer for my actions. Unlike you, I don't hide behind my subordinates to keep my hands clean."

"Oh how naive you are, young man." Fujikawa said condescendingly. "Just because you admit your misdeeds does not absolve you of them."

Sighing loudly, Fujikawa stood up with his hands raised. "Well, I suppose it is time we end this."

Then the entire room exploded in a thunderous roar.

Knocked off his feet, Izuku fell to the ground as the room crumbled around him and his assault rifle fell into a nearby hole. Fujikawa must have prepared beforehand, as the explosives seemed to have been planted in the very office walls themselves. As the floor and ceiling began to collapse, Izuku spotted Fujikawa running past the two stunned squads and out into the hallway. Rolling to the side to dodge a giant piece of falling concrete, Izuku looked around frantically as he tried to decide what to do. Several of the soldiers were either unconscious or in immediate danger from the collapsing room, but at the same time Fujikawa could not be allowed to escape.

"DAMMIT IZUKU GO AFTER THAT RAT BASTARD!" Rumi yelled in exasperation as she effortlessly slung one of the veteran soldiers over her shoulder. "We got this, you can't let him get away!"

Nodding, Izuku trusted Miruko and Best Jeanist to save everyone as he jumped to his feet and ran after the fleeing director.

The explosive charges in the office seemed to not be the only ones, as a ripple of detonations all throughout the building could be heard going off in sequence. As the building began to fall apart around him, Izuku spotted the traitorous director open a door to a nearby staircase. Just before the director could begin to descend, the floor below him collapsed into a blazing inferno. With nowhere else to go, the director began to climb to the roof.

Pushing his battered and bruised body to the limit, Izuku sprinted after the director and up the shaky metal staircase. Emerging onto the rooftop, Izuku saw Director Fujikawa frantically look for an escape route, only to realize he was trapped.

"Give it up Fujikawa!" Izuku yelled over the roar of explosions and the sounds of battle. "You have nowhere else to go! Surrender now!"

Raising his revolver, Izuku pointed it straight at the former director as the arachnid-faced man turned to face him.

"You are a fool Midoriya!" Fujikawa shouted back. "How many times are you going to fall for the same lies? Those people called pro-heroes are a menace to society! For far too long they have been left unchecked, how many more innocent people must die at their hands before the world sees the truth?"

Izuku shook his head in disappointment. "You are the fool Fujikawa. You let your hate and need for revenge corrupt you. I have been there, but I realized there are more important things in life than satisfying my need for vengeance. You talk about innocent people getting hurt, but do you realize how many lives have been lost because of your schemes?"

Fujikawa laughed in a deranged fashion as he reached into one of his pockets. "You know better than anyone else how sacrifices must be made for the greater good! If the deaths of a thousand people today prevent the deaths of millions tomorrow, you can be damn sure anyone would have done the same as me!"

Izuku knew it was pointless to try and argue with the man. The look in his insectoid eyes told Izuku all he needed to know. The calm and collected man known as the Director was gone, replaced with the deranged maniac that had been hiding underneath his skin the whole time.

Noticing movement out of the corner of his eye, Izuku looked over to see half a dozen news helicopters circling overhead. Obviously the news crews were recording the massive battle below, but it seemed that the cameras were now focused on Izuku and Fujikawa.

"You of all people should understand me!" Fujikawa yelled defiantly. "You little, no-good, undeserving..."

Izuku felt time stop as Fujikawa heaved in a huge breath. He knew what was about to be said, and it would all be caught live on air by dozens of cameras and news crews.


In the brief second that Izuku looked away, Fujikawa pulled three syringes full of dark blue liquid out of his pocket and jammed the needles into his arm. Turning back to look at his opponent, Izuku's eyes widened as he saw Fujikawa's body begin to mutate and change.

Whatever had been in the syringes was obviously bad news, as Fujikawa roared in pain and agony as his body began to twist, bend, and melt unnaturally. Growing to nearly seven feet tall, Fujikawa clenched his hands as muscles quickly burst through his skin. Then several arachnid-like arms exploded from his torso as his mouth melted to change into a gaping jaw full of fangs and pincers. Whatever the drug was, it had turned Fujikawa into an unnatural amalgamation of man and spider. An abomination in every sense of the word.

Stepping back slightly, Izuku watched in morbid fascination as the mutated monster formerly known as Director Fujikawa roared into the sky with mindless rage.

Then Fujikawa attacked.

Charging forward with surprising speed, Fujikawa roared like an enraged beast as he tried to use his many limbs to turn Izuku into paste. Nimbly rolling to the side, Izuku barely dodged the reckless charge and brought his gun to bear on Fujikawa's misshapen head. However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Izuku saw a news helicopter hovering nearby with several reporters watching in shock.

Taking his finger off the trigger, Izuku cursed loudly as he dodged a flurry of attacks from Fujikawa. Killing Fujikawa was not the right way to end this. As easy and simple as it would be to kill him, people needed to see what kind of madman the director had turned into. A corpse could not be brought to trial. A corpse would not give a victim's family closure. A corpse would not be able to answer for it's crimes.

Swearing under his breath, Izuku grinned at the new challenge he was faced with.

"Fine, let's do this the hard way."

Changing his target, Izuku aimed at one of Fujikawa's spear-like arachnid arms and pulled the trigger. In an explosion of blood and gore, the massive bullet from Izuku's revolver completely blew apart the targeted limb. Screeching in pain, Fujikawa only redoubled his efforts to kill Izuku. Ducking and dodging, Izuku grimaced as he tried to figure out a way to incapacitate the raging monster in front of him. Narrowly avoiding a diving tackle from the mutated monster, Izuku aimed and fired once more, severing another spider-like appendage in a spray of blood.

Izuku continued to evade and shoot, carefully making sure to only hit the mutated appendages that had sprouted from Fujikawa's body. Just as Izuku had finished severing the last monster-like limb, Fujikawa made a sound like someone gargling saltwater and spat a wad of sticky web at Izuku. Not able to move fast enough, Izuku cursed loudly as his hand and gun were entangled in the sticky web, effectively jamming the gun from being used any more.

Caught off balance, Izuku yelled in pain as one of Fujikawa's claw-like hands slashed him across the shoulder and face. Feeling the deep gashes immediately begin to ooze blood, Izuku grimaced and finally managed to dislodge his hand from the sticky webbing on his gun. Dropping his firearm to the ground with a wet splat, Izuku drew his combat knife and faced the wounded but still deadly Fujikawa with a manic smile.

"Alright motherfucker, you want some? Come get it."

Izuku's taunt was met with an inhuman howl from Fujikawa, who then proceeded to charge forward recklessly in an attempt to tackle Izuku. Dodging between Fujikawa's legs, Izuku slashed the back of his opponent's left knee, causing the mutated man to screech in pain. Spinning around, Izuku grinned as he saw the hulking man spider limp awkwardly in an attempt to get closer. Dancing around the rooftop like a matador with an enraged bull, Izuku made several more precise slashes, resulting in Fujikawa becoming nearly immobile because of all the injuries.

Watching the panting and growling Fujikawa carefully, Izuku tossed his knife to the side and cracked his knuckles.

"Time to end this Fujikawa."

Charging forward, Izuku rolled past a frantic swing from Fujikawa's deformed arm and nimbly threw his field jacket over the mutated man's face. As Fujikawa flailed wildly, Izuku went to work. Punching with expert precision, Izuku rained down blows on Fujikawa's head. The mutated man may have had the advantage in brute strength, but Izuku had years of experience punching well above his weight class behind him. Punching without pause, Izuku pushed past the pain as he felt his knuckles tear and bleed. It felt like his arms were as heavy as steel bars, and he had lost all feeling in his hands, but Izuku kept punching the screaming monster in front of him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of punching a brick wall, Izuku watched as the mutated Fujikawa let out a wet wheeze and collapsed to the ground.

Heaving in lungfuls of air, Izuku felt his legs give out. Sitting down on the destroyed rooftop, Izuku felt his body beginning to shut down. All around him, the building continued to collapse.

As fire reached into the sky and the air rumbled with explosions, Izuku could not help but smile and look at the helicopter cameras as he raised a bloody hand and gave them a stiff middle finger.

As the final bits of the roof began to collapse, Izuku let the darkness overtake him.

Was this what it felt like to be a hero?

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