Forever Yours. A Ray x reader

By KinokoStories

39.6K 524 316

⚠️ FIXED⚠️ .. kinda. Ignore any typos. There is 38 children at Gracefeild house, they consider everyone fami... More

Important A/N before you read (updated)
Welcome to Gracefeild!
A game of Tag!
Farwell, Conny!
The secret the gate holds
This place, is a farm.
Tracking Device
Friend or Foe?
Lets play tag!
Interogating the Traitor
A/N Please Read
A talk with Krone
Quick thank you! (A/N)
The deal is off.
"Congratulations ."
(A/N) ty besties
Famillar Faces.
New Book Info
A/N- I'm so sorry 💀
A/N please read!!
A/N important.
Hey! Its Been awhile.

Goodbye, Krone.

872 17 11
By KinokoStories

(Ray's POV)
"What?! Krone found out about the tracking devices?!" I asked angered. "We have to move up the escape." Norman calmly said. "How soon can you break the devices?" He added. I sighed and took out my camera. I pointed it at the three of them, y/n was standing next to Emma. As I snapped the photo, Emma blinked and shelled her eyes. Norman looked over to her, Norman and y/n gave out a small laugh. "What even was that?" Emma asked. I handed the camera to Norman. "With this camera, I have all the pieces I need. I can break them any time." The two looked at it as y/n walked over to me. I smiled at the photo. Which caught Emma's attention, so she walked over. "Look at your faces!" I said. "Hey!" Emma whined. "Meanie." Y/n said along with Emma. I chuckled at their childish behavior. I'm gonna miss them all when I go.
-time skip-
(Krone's POV)
"I wonder why they pretend not to know anything. They knew the exact location of the tracking devices, and knew how to break them. How did they even find out in the first place?" I said stroking the head of my ratted old doll. "Rather, how will they break them? Well they use a specific tool? They have made something to do that? If that's the case, it could be that happens I need. Is that why they were scared and lied? Well then I guess it's time for a search!" I grinned.
-next day-
After I was in the kids rooms I found a note under the bed that I was shocked and started running up to my room. I frantically opened the door main side behind me. I think this caught the attention of the children who are escaping.
(No POV)
The five children in the dining area heard Krone. Emma, Y/n and Norman looked to the side at the noise, while Ray smirked.
(Krone's POV)
"I Found it. It's the truth. this is the truth. How could something like this not be?!" I threw my fist in the air as victory "How unexpected! Now I have Isabella's second weakness!" I cheered jumping onto my bed. " well then, how should I make my next move? If I should there's not a grandma and it appeals to her can overthrow Isabella? Her position as a mom will finally mine! When that happens I can check out those brats too! Wait a second. How does Ray even know about this? Because Isabella herself shouldn't be aware of it."

I heard the door knocking.
So I quickly ran and hid the note in my suitcase and closed it. With a bit of sweat rolling down my face I went to open the door. And it knocked a second time. As I opened it, Isabell was there smiling at me. I looked down and gasped. She was holding a knife. Her eyes shut ever so slightly as she walked in. I closed my eyes because I thought she was going to stab me so I prepared myself for the pain. As it opens my eyes she flipped the knife backward so I was the one holding the end of it. Then her other hand rose up and she handed me a letter. "It's from HQ. You should open it." She said. As I opened it, My eyes widened.
"Number 18684, Sister Krone. We appoint you to be mom of plant four." My hands shook as I read the paper. My eyes shot up at Isabella. "I'll be a mom?!" I shouted. "Yes. It just so happens a position just opened at plant four. I've been pushing your name for a while, so they chose you to fill it." She looked at me. "You've been recommending me?" I asked. "Grandma is waiting to pick you up." She replied. "Hurry up and pack so you can leave, and return to HQ." She smiled.

"Wait, right now?" I asked. "That's correct. I wish you luck at your new location." She smiled. I stared at her with a slight angered face.
(No POV)
It started to thunder as Sister Krone was walking to the gate, with her suitcase in hand. She was walking slowly down the hill. As she was nearing closer and closer she saw the gate in her view she had an angry grimace on her face, as sweat was running down. As she finally made it to the tall gate, the door slowly rose up. As she walked inside the dark hall, she saw grandma standing in front of her a few feet away. "Grandma." Krone muttered. grandma smiled. She walked further inside to grandma. "I'd like to report some thing." Krone said. She held up the note she took from the kids bedroom.
-inside with the kids-
"Huh? Sister is not here." Jemima stated. It was time to eat so everyone was sitting down. "Where do you think she is?" Asked Dominic. "Mom said she had to work! Phil exclaimed. Ray and Y/n was behind Dominic. The two looked at each other, and back to the chair where Krone would sit. "Work huh?" Y/n mumbled. Ray focused his gaze more on the window, "come on let's go sit." Y/n grabbed the ravenette's hand, dragging him to their seats. The boy blushed.
-Meanwhile at the gate-
Grandma was holding the note in her hand, reading it. Sister Krone was staring intensely at the old woman. "If I'm understanding this correctly, in addition to what I'm reading right here, there are three other children perfect scores know the secret." The woman said with her hand on her chin. "And two below them know as well! I don't have evidence of their escape plan, but please believe me! We have to take action! If we don't then-" Sister was then cut off. "However. They're still under control aren't they? If they remain under control, there's no issue... Just like how it was back in my day." The raspy voice said.

"You see Sister Krone, I can't have you getting Isabellas way. In case you don't know, Isabella and her plant are quite special. It's necessary to keep her here as my pawn. You are insufficient to replace her..." she then whispered in Korne's ear, "You've become a problem." Krone gasped. "To offer the best plate at the Tifari, everything at the farm had to has to be maximum profits." The women walked away. Krone began to laugh. "Ah.. I see. They were in it together. I had no chance of winning this... from the start!" She laughed out. The gates bars then shut quickly behind her. Trapping her. She heard the loud footsteps of something awful. As she heard this, she turned around to see a demon reaching for her. She backed up against the gate.
-in the house-
"Thank you for the food!" They prayed. Everyone was talking and eating, enjoying their meals and laughing together.
-at the gate-
Krone couldn't escape. She had no place to run. She stared at the monster in anger. Her past begin to flow through her mind, when she was a child. She was handed her new baby doll. Her eyes sparkled at the appearance of the doll in her hands. She played with that doll all the time. And held it close. She remembered the day she was being 'adopted'. She remembered, seeing that monster at the gate. And being offered the choice to either die, or become a mom. She remembered being in that facility training. That chip being put inside her heart, looking in the mirror in the bathroom at the scar going down her chest, being trained, having to fight other girls like her. She was going in and out of seeing her memories and seeing the present now. The demon closing in on her, it's tongue rolling out of it's jaw.

She remember being in a formation line waiting to be put up to give hand to hand combat on another person. as she stood in front of the monster in the gate, she held of the knife to the monster Isabell and handed to her before leaving. She was ready to fight the thing off. As she swung and swung the knife to it, it wasn't afraid of her. Because she was just a weak little human. Grandma watched in silence, Smiled and walked away. She remembers writing down tests, embroidering and sewing, she remembers failing, and failing to fight. She was determined to fight to become a mother. She remembered growing up and that facility writing more, so more, and finally beating somebody to the ground.

One day, she was walking in the hallway and saw two people talking. As they left, she found the room again and there was a pen on the floor, so she picked it up. She left this pen at the house. She wanted the kids to escape. She wanted them to have a free life. As the demon pulled her closer and closer to it's jaws, it held at the flower they used to stab children so they could get the blood of humans. As it jabbed it into her chest, she let out a scream of bloody murder. Her eyes widened and slowly lost life. Her last remaining thoughts echoing.

'you brats better escape understand me. You're good at tag so... Runaway. Escape. Survive this. And destroy this dammed world we live in!' her life faded from her, as the children in Gracefield, enjoyed their meal.

Laughing, smiling, Ray looked at y/n. Staring. His love for his (h/c) haired friend was growing by the day. He never wanted to lose them. He was heartbroken at the fact he had to leave such an angel behind, he wished he was born outside. So he could marry them. He slowly grabbed their (s/c) hand from under the table, causing them to look at him with a pink tint. He gave a small smile which was exchanged with another. Then they looked away. Talking to Emma, Norman and the others while keeping a grasp on each other. Little did they know, Krone was on the floor in the gate. the flower inside her chest, bloomed into the color of blood. Crimson red.

(Edited: 5/19/22)

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