The Bad Boy is a King

By Annabelle503

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Thomas Parker aka hot, popular, bad boy and best friend of rich and equally as hot, Jacob Lawson, practically... More

Day 30.
Day 29.
Day 28.
Day 26.
Day 25.
Day 24.
Day 23.
Day 22.
Day 21.
Day 20.
Day 19.
Day 18.
Day 16.
Day 15.
Day 14.
Day 13.
Day 12.
Day 11.
Day 10.
Day 7.
Day 6.
Day 5.
Day 4.
Day 3.
Day 2.
Day 1.

Day 27.

134 6 0
By Annabelle503

First period for everyone was tiring and boring. It was seven in the morning and there was a full school day ahead, so what could be so fun? I was never one to enjoy school, but I always wondered who actually likes school. Twenty minutes into first period, it already seemed extra tiring and extra boring.

Mr. Wilson clicked to the next slide as we copied down the notes. I quickly tried to copy each sentence before he switched the slide, ranting something about punnet squares.

Mr. Wilson is one of those teachers who talks too much and never gives students enough time to write down the entire slide. Then, he will exaggerate about how slow we are and how we cannot copy word for word. But, it is kind of hard not to copy word for word when he does not even give us enough time to read the slide.

River mumbled something next time me that sounded like a "I don't give a fuck about this class or about Mr. Wilson's baldness."

See, our desks are made for two people to sit at like every other classroom. Like they are a small, square table with two seats sitting next to each other. Mr. Wilson always makes it so whatever we do, we always have to be with our table person. So, accordingly, we spend a lot of time with our table person so it is best if you get along with them or it was going to be a long year.

I laughed quietly.

"He always tries to bring up his baldness into everything we are talking about."

"Yeah, this class is a drag," River whispered, drawing on his notebook.

"Wanna play tic-tac-toe?" I asked since Mr. Wilson was going on about his baldness and was done with the slideshow.

"Sure." River started to draw it on an empty piece of his notebook paper.

And that's how we spent the rest of first period, ignoring Mr. Wilson's rambling of his baldness until the loud speakers came on.

"Nicholas Samuels, please report to the principal's office."

After Nicholas was called to the principal's office, there was shuffling around until a guy's voice came on and it was a familiar guy's voice. "And, Annabelle Parish please report to the principal's office to pick up the condoms you left in the bathroom. You might not want to write your name on the condom box anymore but what kind of freak does that anyway?"

I heard chuckling on the other side before the principal's loud voice telling Thomas not to say such profanities over the mic. After that, the mic was cut off and the shrieking noise blasted through the classroom.

I stormed out of the classroom before Mr. Wilson even wrote me a pass. I heard the laughter from the classroom as I left, charging to the principal's office.

When I arrived, Thomas was still there, laughing his head off.

He bursted out laughing again and with how much he was laughing, I did not think was possible. "You-you should see-see your face," he said in between laughs.

"Funny because I'm not laughing."

"I'm just laughing with you," he replied and held his chest.

I glared at him and said with a fake smile. "So, where are my condoms that we used, Thomas? I know how you can't find any condoms small enough to fit yours."

"He is not small, love. Would you like to see?" He replied with a smirk.

"What? You mean your fake one?"

"Ouch, love. That hurts that you are denying yourself the simple pleasures in life. But, who am I to judge? Not everyone has the opportunity to see this bad boy."

"Okay, that's enough buddy boy. You're getting too full of yourself again," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"I'm full of you."

"No, you're full of idiotic, perverted comments that's what you are."

The bell rang and we left the principal's office. So, I went back to Mr. Wilson's to grab my stuff but Thomas followed me there.

"Wasn't that funny?" Thomas asked still laughing.

"Totally if I like everyone thinking I have condoms and have sex in the bathroom."

"Safe sex, and just so you know, we're even now," he said before walking to his next class and slipping a note in my hand.

"No, we are most definitely not," I shrieked.


I smirked. "You mean as sexy as my body?"

Thomas shook his head. "You are so conceited of yourself, babe. Your new name should be Narcissistic."

"This is coming from the most conceited guy. But, it's okay for you to be full of yourself? And I am not Narcissistic. I am more like Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love not the selfish guy Narcissistic who fell in love with himself." I replied.

"Yes, because it's the truth. But, don't worry Narcissistic, I can be Echo," he said, snooping through my phone.

I rolled my eyes. "Give me my phone back."

"Here," he said willingly, clearly up to no good.

I typed in my passcode and quickly searched through my phone. I saw no evidence of anything he did. I checked my social media and saw a picture of Mason doing the duck face of all faces that he took right now with the caption Man Candy Everyday goes out to this hot stuff, sugar daddy, and master @kingthomas

"Seriously?" I asked.

"I was doing it for you before you forgot, with that clueless mind of yours, Narcissistic. You're always thinking about yourself and not anyone else."

I groaned. "You're so annoying and you're Narcissistic not me."

"And, you're no grand catch either. Just give it up. You know deep down that you're Narcissistic."

"Then, go away if I'm not a grand catch. No, I know deep down that you're Narcissistic," I said, typing on my computer.

"No. I am fine here, Narcissistic," he said, starting a new game of Snake on his computer.

"Fine, but I'm just going along with it because I can't stand you. So, Echo, how did you even get Nelson to move? He's like the most stubborn person I know."

"That's a good girl. Anyway, besides your stubborn self, only wanting to fall in love with yourself," Thomas added with a smirk. "I told him that you got an STD and herpes but you still wanted to have sex with him. After I said that, he looked really grossed out and left. Although, he never had sex, I don't think."

"You're disgusting," I said.

"But, no worse than you, kissing yourself and loving your-" Thomas said and a look of realization dawned on him. "Oh shit. He's gay.  I mean crap."

I rolled my eyes. "Just because someone has never had sex does not mean they are gay. He could be religious."

Thomas stated seriously, "Nope, he's as gay as every straight guy after they see me. Get it? Because I'm so sexy that even straight guys turn gay."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really conceited and really really annoying?"  I asked, typing the notes.

"Are there twenty one letters in the alphabet?" Thomas asked, ignoring my question, as he was still playing Snake.

"Um no," I answered, not really listening.

"Guess I forgot 'U' 'R' 'A' 'Q' 'T'."  He said, laughing hysterically as he threw his head back.

"Hilarious," I mumbled, "What innocent girl is going to fall for that?"

"Who knows? Perhaps she could be sitting next to me and not even know," he muttered.

"Who? Your invisible transgender male friend?" I asked, hiding a smirk.

"Clever," he said, laughing sarcastically.

"Am I interrupting something?" Mr. Maddison asked.

"Of course not," Thomas said, faking a smile.

"Just go back to playing your game. It's not like you're going to pay attention otherwise," Mr. Maddison mumbled, and continued to write on the board.

"You're right. I'm too busy trying to beat my high score in Snake which is the first on the leaderboard and will stay there," Thomas agreed as I typed what Mr. Maddison was writing.

"Thomas, you're going to get in trouble," I hissed.

He grinned at me. "Oh, what little do you know about me, Princess."

"What's that supp-"

"Mr. Maddison, can Annabelle and I leave for a few minutes while I go fuck her in the janitor's closet?" Thomas asked as he stood up, grabbing my hand and walking towards the front of the classroom. Students in the classroom started to laugh.

I could feel the jealous stares of girls as I was dragged behind Thomas. Mr. Maddison sighed. "Alright just don't tell your parents about it or the principal."

Thomas winked at me after grabbing the bathroom pass. He smacked my butt as we walked out of the classroom and I heard the guys holler. I slapped his arm away. "You, mister, are getting too full of yourself again."

"Haven't I already been?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "By the way, we are not going to the janitors closet."

"Fine but just remember when you want to, you're the one who said no," he said, pouting like a puppy who was denied a treat. "Where do you want to go then?"

"Back to the classroom where we are missing all the notes and we have a test tomorrow," I pointed out.

"Don't worry, love. I'll get someone to give you the notes."

"You're such a great person, Thomas," I mumbled, following him to who knows where.

"So, we can go to the cafe," he suggested.

"All right but I don't have any money with me," I told him.

"Don't worry," he replied as we walked into the cafe.

"Afternoon Thomas," Said a worker inside the cafe, "How's Lance?"

Who's Lance? I thought.  He sounded familiar but I sucked at names.

"Hi, he's doing well," he said and then asked me, "What do you want, babe?"

"Surprise me," I said with a shrug, still wondering who Lance is.

He smirked at me and started to say, "So, you want to-"

"No," I shrieked. "I didn't mean it like that."

He chuckled and picked out two chocolate muffins and payed. "You're cute when you're angry."

"You're not cute when you're annoying," I told him.

He grinned. "Aw, it's okay, Kitten. You don't have to admit that I'm cute if you're too shy. I know you think I am so it's totally fine.  I'm not going to force you to admit your true feelings for me."

I sighed and he handed me the chocolate muffin so I said, "Thanks, Thomas. I'll have to pay you back."

He shook his head. "It's fine but I'll just add this to your 'I owe Thomas' tab."

"I have a tab?" I inquired as we walked through the halls, eating our chocolate muffins.

"Yes and it's getting filled up," he said.

"It's getting filled up?" I asked with a chuckle. "You know, if you really wanted to-"

Thomas groaned. "Does everything have to be a sexual joke?"

"Hey, buddy boy, you're the bad influence here not me," I said as I tossed my muffin wrapper into the trash can after Thomas did.

He rolled his eyes. "You sure about that?"

"Yes, I am. So, where are we going now?" I asked, following him.

"Don't know," he said. "So, since you're full of such classic sexual jokes today, do you want to trace the lines of my abs right now or feel the muscles on my arms?"

"Uh, no," I said, my face scrunching up.

"Fine, I was just trying to make your dreams come true. I'm like the sandman," he stated.

"Geez, MuffinTop. You really are loving these innuendos. We are not doing anything that involves cum, if you know what I mean. Oh, and the sandman makes children sleep by putting sand in their eyes; he doesn't make their dreams happen," I said, smirking.

"You're the bad influence here, Miss Parish and yes, he does. I think I would know since I'm the sandman," he said as we continued roaming the school halls.

"Mister Parker, you are quite wrong," I said which sounded like a British accent.

"I said my name is hot stuff, sugar daddy, or master to you," he whined, "And, I'm the sandman.  I can do whatever I want."

"Fine, mommy," I said, with a smirk.

"What a rebel you are," he said with a roll of his grey eyes.

"So," He said with a huge smirk, "If I said that I wanted to smear you in green paint and spank you like a disobedient avocado, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?"

I immediately smacked his arm as he laughed uncontrollably.

"So, what will your answer be?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not falling for that but I pray for the sweet girl who does."

He sighed, dramatically as we kept walking down the hallway. "Why do you have to be smart?"

"Well, some of us our not graced with your exceptional abilities to make everyone swoon for you, so being smart was the second best thing."

"I want to lick you right now like my dog licks his a- I mean butt," Thomas said with a straight face.

"You're disgusting," I shrieked as we continued walking through the school, no one noticed because their doors were shut.

"You're not going to think I'm disgusting once you see m-"

"Shh. That's enough gross, sexual things comi- evaporating from your mouth."

He almost chocked and started to laugh, again. "Ev-evaporating?"

"Yes, I-"

"First you said come as in the sexual way and now you're speaking like a scientist," he said, chuckling.

"Wait, why didn't you swear?" I asked, realizing what he said before.

He stopped laughing, only chucking lightly now and inquired, "What?"

"When you said "I want to lick you right now like my dog licks his butthole" I repeated.

"I know you think I am hot, love, but your desire to have me is really getting out of control.  I'm flattered and all but honestly, I can't take the pressure.  I'm not ready for this type of commitment," he said, ignoring my question.

"Why didn't you say ass like you were about to?"

"Maybe you can find out why sometime," he said, with a boyish smile, as he looked away from me and at the floor.

"You're so secretive," I said.

"No, I'm not. You're just oblivious. I didn't tell you because you already know why. I can't swear with you next to me because you'll go running to the principle saying how I'm so bad."

"I didn't tell the principle before."

He rolled his eyes. "You should really start to be honest. This lying thing better not become a habit."

"This self-absorbed thing should really not be a habit for you either," I retorted.

We continued walking down the hallway and he stopped. "Why'd you stop?"

"What?" He said and furrowed his eyebrows as if trying to hide something.  Then added with a confused look, "I didn't stop."

"Okay then," I said, not pressing the subject anymore.


After paying for my lunch, I headed to our usual table in the middle of the cafeteria. Just as I was about to sit down, Thomas took the seat next to me. I guess I can't look up pictures of Zac Efron now without him thinking I was weirder than I actually was.

"What the fuck are you doing, Thomas? I thought we were done talking, " I said. I normally don't swear but this guy infuriates me so to get the point across I just had to.

But of course he didn't get the memo. Who even says that anymore? Anyway, he didn't get the message. Avoiding my question, Thomas mocked as he raised his wonderfully sculpted eyebrows, "The snitch swears. Holy shit, I think I am going to have a heart attack." Thomas grasped his chest in an exaggerated way.

"Can you not?" I inquired and furrowed my eyebrows together.

The rest of my friends were not here yet. I was early today and I suddenly regretted it. Today, I chose to sit with Emily, Molly, and Julia, instead of Anthony and his friends, mostly because Thomas sits with them and as you can tell, the boy angers me. The girls are still in the wrap line because Emily forgot to get lettuce. So, I am stuck with Thomas until they come. Who forgets lettuce anyway? That's like one of the main ingredients in every wrap.

"Can you not?" Thomas mimicked in a high-pitched voice.

"That's not how I talk."

He said it in the same voice as before, "Like, that's not even how I talk. I can't even right now nor can I odd."

"How can people even stand you?"

"The same way people can stand you," he said, snatching an olive from my salad.

"Hey," I said while throwing an olive at his face which was merely caught in his mouth.

"Hi?" He took another one.

"No, not as hey, hello. I meant it as: why are you eating my olives with your dirty hands?"

He chuckled, taking another olive. "So, that's what 'hey' means? Wow, I am living in a completely new universe now. Thanks for informing me of this new universe, babe."

I rolled my eyes and since I didn't have any good comeback, I went with: "Just go away," and closed the lid of my salad to prevent him from taking anymore olives.

He merely opened it up, chuckled and grabbed another olive. "You can never stop me. I'm am the olive thief. I can imagine it now: Thomas Parker, the olive thief. I'll even have my own television series and mini action figure that people will mistake for a doll even though little boys will complain that I am not some stupid girly doll."

"You're so childish."

"No, I'm not. I'm just saying how the future will be as an olive superhero. I want to be prepared for the difficulties I'll have to face in my different life. Shit, babe. Don't tell anyway about it. It'll be our little secret." Thomas winked.

"You're not going to-"

"Quit ruining my dreams!"

"Then make realistic ones."

He scoffed. "You're supposed to dream big. People say there's no limit and that the sky's the limit. But you're actually setting a limit to how big you're going to dream."

"Okay, Mr. Philosophical. What should it be then?"

Thomas smiled at me, his dark eyebrows raising up a little bit and his grey eyes sparkling. If I didn't know his personality then he might actually look cute. Thomas' dark brown hair was messily tousled, a little bit in the front stuck up. He was wearing tan khaki pants, black converse, a plain white shirt and a black dress shirt overtop but it was left unbuttoned. That boy knew how to dress himself, I'll give him that much.

Thomas said without his usual teasing voice, "No limit. Dream as big as you want and don't think twice about not reaching it."

"So that's how you're going to do it? You can't possibly think you're going -"

"Love, enough negativity out of you. Shush and eat your olives." Thomas told me.

"Are you giving me orders?"

"Well, if you want to think about it that way-"

"Don't even say it, you perverted animal."

"- then I'll gladly give you more orders. Especially ones that involve the both of us naked and a bed but I'm up for practically anything like a counter or a table. Aw, your pet names just keep getting better and better, babe."  He squealed and threw his hands up for effect.

I didn't even bother to reply. Ignoring Thomas was a specialty of mine after being with him after all these years. "Oh, here," I said and reached into my bag to give Thomas his note.

"What's this?"

"A note." He smiled at me and then started to open it up. I yelled quickly, "Don't read it now."

"Thanks, babe. Can't wait to read you confessing your love for me. Quite pathetic, don't you think? That you had to write it down because you're so afraid to do it in person. It's okay. I won't force you to love me or say it in person even though I know you do. You just shouldn't -"

I groaned. "I don't love you."

"Quit holding your feelings inside."

"I said I don't love you. What don't you get?"

"Babe, come on. I'm not oblivious. I know your true feelings for me and that is-"

"I don't love you."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"No, you don't."

I sighed. Not really paying attention, I said," Yes, I do." Thomas grinned after I said that.

Wait. Why was he grinning?

"I knew it!" He exclaimed.

"What do you-"

"Annabelle loves me. She finally admitted it to me after all these years-"

"I don't love you!"

"-we've known each other. She finally had the guts to say it to my face and quit hiding her true feelings. Childhood sweet hearts-"

"More like childhood sour tarts," I mumbled to which he ignored this comment. Typical.

"-soon we'll be getting married, buying a house together and having cute little house parties, cooking-"

"Oh my gosh. Never!"

"-together, having babies-"

"Stop," I grimaced.

That's when, I finally saw my friends at the cash registers.

"Okay, leave now."

"What?" He asked and scrunched his face together as he continued munching on my olives. But I really loved olives.

"You heard me, olive thief."

"I don't remember what you said," he told me, with a confused expression.

"Do you seriously hate me that much that you don't even listen to me?" I muttered.

"Can you just tell me what you said?" He asked, ignoring my last question albeit I didn't necessarily want to hear his answer.

"I said that you can leave."

"Why babe? Getting rid of me won't help you have sex with me. But don't worry. I'll never reject you despite how rude you are to me. I like the abuse. It's kind of a turn on."

I rolled my eyes and afterwards popped an olive into my mouth. "Because my friends are coming, you goon."

He smirked and leaned his arms across the table.

"I'll just have to stay so I can see them, love. We are friends after all so your friends are my friends and perhaps they'll be nicer than your rude -"

"No, no. We are definitely not friends so you can go," I said watching as they neared our table.

Thomas shook his head and grinned at me like a crazy person. "I'm here to stay. All of me and for your information, we have always been friends, love. But if you'd like to be more than friends, I'm totally fine with that."

Emily said giving me a confused look about the boy who was sitting next to me and happily eating olives while I sat with an irritated expression, "Hi Annabelle and Thomas."

He said without looking at her, his eyes staring into mine, "Hey babe."

Molly started to twirl her hair and flashed Thomas a smile. "Hey Thomas."

He broke eye contact with me and returned her smile with a wink just to madden me even more like one of Edgar Allen Poe's poems. "What's up, babe."

Julie didn't respond but texted someone on her phone who I presumed to be her boyfriend. They were so in love it was sickening and sometimes I wished I was that in love with someone. But my mind always thought of Thomas and if that's what boys acted like around girls - not counting my brothers - I would hate to have a boyfriend.

I gave him a nasty look and he smirked. "It's okay, Nutter Butter. You can always be my third babe."

I knew what he was trying to do. Thomas was trying to embarrass me in front of my friends but I would not let that happen. So, I decided to play his pet name game. I just rhymed accidentally. Weird.

"MuffinTop, I would love that. You can be my fourth babe behind Nelson."

I heard Emily trying to suppress laughter.

Nelson was not exactly anyone's babe, if you get my drift. Okay, I am seriously spending too much time watching old movies with my brothers.

"Oh, Honey Buns. I would love that too. Almost as much as I love you," he said, grinning and had the nerve to pinch my cheeks. I swatted his hands away.

"BigHead, don't you have somewhere else to be?" I asked, anger evident in my voice.

He shook his head and yawned, replying with a drowsy voice. "Nope. I'm all yours, lollipop."

"That's great, FatCat, because I wanted to go for a walk with you."

"Anything for you, kitty."

I forcibly took his hand and dragged him out of the cafeteria. "What was that?" I grimaced, "Honey Buns?"

"I thought our relationship would be better with some cute pet names, Nutter Butter."

"MuffinTop, we are not in a relationship and we are not friends," I said, slowly, hoping that he would catch on.

"What kind of pet name is that, love?" He asked, ignoring everything else I said.


"It's the You-Disgust-Me-So-Leave pet name."

He chuckled.

"You want to leave with me and see everything I can do?"

"You're such an egotistical jerk," I said, turning around and heading back into the cafeteria.

"Hey. Wait up, Nutter Butter."

"Don't call me that."

His voice was softer, but I didn't notice that, "You can call me Nutter Butter if you want."

"Just go away, Thomas," I said, stomping away and he surprisingly did. Yet there was a part of me that felt bad. I ignored the feeling and went back to the cafeteria where I stayed quiet for the rest of the period.


The bell rang, signaling it was time for dismissal. I headed out the back way where less people were. Until I saw Thomas, standing by himself.

"What are you doing?"  I asked him. We haven't talked since lunch. That was also really surprisingly because Thomas usually tried to come with me everywhere and talk.

Thomas blew smoke from his lips.  "What does it look like?"

"It looks like you're killing your lungs"

Thomas laughed and drew the cigarette to his lips.  He blew the smoke out in one big huff.  "Killing my lungs?" Thomas continued to chuckle, not phased by it.

"Yes, killing your lungs. And inside of the school. You could fucking get expelled," I added. But I don't normally swear like ever so why did I, especially only around him?

"If I wanted a lecture I'd talk to Lance."

"Why Lance?"

He sighed and averted my gaze.  "You should probably go before your lungs get contaminated, too."

"I'm not leaving until you throw that away."

Thomas huffed as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.  He threw the lit cigarette into the trash can.  "Happy?"

   "Not really but your lungs will be."

"I don't think lungs can be happy."

"I don't think you can either," I added and walked with him outside.

Thomas smiled, not sarcastically though. "I'll be happy when you -"

"I've had too many sexual comments for one day."

"I wasn't going -"

"Yes, you were."

Thomas guiltily smiled. "All right, fine. You got me. I'll see you tomorrow, love."

"You too." I didn't even bother correcting him that time.

We parted our ways until I looked at Thomas who was heading left. He looked back at me and chuckled. "Miss me already, babe?"

I rolled my eyes, unable to think of a clever comeback. Thomas walked back up to me and said, "Turn around."

"What?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Just turn around."

So, I did. That was one of the first times I trusted what Thomas told me to do. I felt as he slipped something around my neck. It was a necklace and he clasped the back of it. I picked it up in my fingertips and saw there was a single pearl with a diamond above it on a silver chain. Simple, but beautiful.

"What is this for?"


"Thank you, Thomas. I don't know what to say. It's beautiful."

He said, "Just like you."

I blushed and before I could respond, he hugged me.

Where did this nice Thomas come from?

He let go, quickly and any signs of niceness were gone. "See you tomorrow.  Don't forget to get your beauty sleep because we know you need it.  I don't, though.  I'm always this hot."

I ignored his last comment. "Thank you again, Thomas. See you tomorrow."

I continued walking towards my brothers. Lee was standing against the car with Drew and Anthony while Wesley was sitting on the roof, smoking.

"You're late because you were talking to Parker number two?"

"Parker number two?" I asked.

"Yeah, Lance's younger brother," Lee told me.

"Oh, right."

"Don't fucking tell me you had sex."

"Wes, don't swear around her sweet little ears," Lee chastised and covered my ears.

"Lee, I know what swear words are."

My eldest brother frowned. "So? I know what dicks are but I don't suck them."

"You are literally the strangest person I have ever met." Anthony went in the car.

"You know what? If I asked for your fucking opinion, I'd ask your fucking self, Anthony."

"You are such a hypocrite. You complain about swearing yet you do it," Wesley mumbled.

"Why do people even have kids? Just for them to bad mouth you?" Lee grumbled and slammed the car door.

"You're not our dad."

"Thanks, Dictionary Drew but I feel like I am. I have to drive your lazy ass to and from everywhere and slave over a hot stove for breakfast.  But once again, if I asked for your fucking opinion, I'd ask your fucking self."

Usually our car rides went like this and music with swear words in every sentence in the background. I sat squashed in the middle of Anthony and Drew in the backseat of Lee's beat up car. He refused to take the nice, black car that resembled a sports car because everyone would scratch it. He was such a big baby sometimes.

"Again, hypocrite."

"I wasn't swearing. I said freaking."

Wes said, "All right, fine. But, it's only hurting yourself."

"Quit trying to go all philosophical and shit on me. Drew is the dictionary."

"Actually -" Drew tried to say.

"Yes, I know. I got high honors and a 4.3. That still doesn't matter. I don't even remember half the stuff."

    Wes said, "You just wanted to impress Jackie."

   "Jackie Chan?"  Anthony asked.

    Lee rolled his eyes.   "Oh fuck.  No, you idiot.  She was a girl in my calculus class."

   "She wasn't even a seven.  Are you sure you're brain is functioning properly?"  Wes asked and fixed his blond hair in the rear view mirror.

   "Is that all you do then?  Criticize girls?" I asked him.

Wesley grinned and patted my head. "Shrimp, I can do a lot more than that but I like to keep it PG just for you and Lee."

Lee smacked Wesley on the back of his head and I said, "Wow, thanks."

"That should be illegal," Drew pointed out.

"I'm not driving.  We're at a red light and I'm keeping this guy in check." Lee motioned to Wesley.


"Where's Lee?" I asked as we waited around Lee's car.

"He should be here," Drew answered, checking the time on his phone.

"Lee told me he wasn't going to be home tonight. He's spending the night at a friend's," Wesley came, waving the keys in his hands.

"It's the anniversary of her death?" Drew asked.

Wes nodded and did not say anything else nor did he have to.


Later that night, I read the letter from him.

"To: Kitten aka Snitch aka worst pranker ever

From: The person who doesn't have a name because he is just so perfect. Want me to say it in Spanish? Perfecto. I didn't even look that one up. I'm so smart :)

This full proof plan might take a lot of time to perfect like how perfect I am but this is what I came up with so far:

We get fake I.D's and Passports, right? Then, we get on a plane to Paris because that's the most fashionable city according to Yahoo Answers. We tell the school that we got into a car crash and we'll even have actors pretend to be us but they won't get hurt or anything. It'll be fake blood and staged so no one will ask where we are. We'll have fake names to match our fake I.D's and Passports. We'll get so big, I can see our names in shining light already. Kitten Milkshake and Hot Milkshake. (Our stage names, of course.)

Any other revisions?

Fine, you weren't humping my leg but, you sure were thinking of it while you were not sexually jumping on my leg. You were thinking of something more, but you're afraid to admit it.

Your BESTEST and FAVORITE guy in the whole wide world,
Perfecto Mano. (What's man in Spanish? Don't lose hope in me, love. I'm still smart)

P.S. Okay, that was one time. I thought you were mad at me. I don't speak 'girl.' Okay, fine. Babe, stop giving me that look. Maybe I do but only on Thursdays."

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