Like Boys Do (Jenlisa)

By YnahRivera2

56.7K 1.5K 194

Lisa will make her best friend realize that she's the one for her because girls like girls... like boys do. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

2.5K 76 1
By YnahRivera2

Summer vacation ended very quickly for them since they are all excited to attend the same school again. There was a little problem when Jungkook didn't inform them that he was already enrolled in another school, good thing his father used his connection to transfer him to Seoul University.

"How could my first day in college be this boring?" Lisa murmured while listening to her professor

"Boring because you already know what the prof is saying." Jungkook whispered

Heaving a sigh, Lisa ignored Jungkook's remark and busied herself listening to the discussion she already knew

"And that's it for today." The professor concluded their lesson for the day then exited the room

"Have you seen Jennie?" Lisa asked Jungkook while they are getting out the room

"Not yet. You'll have a hard time seeing her since we're not in the same department." Jungkook wrapped his arm around Lisa's shoulder "Let's get something to eat."

"Your fault for not waking up early." She pinched Jungkook's waist

"Ouch! Says the one who insisted on drinking before the first day of school." He pouted while rubbing the spot where Lisa pinched him

Jungkook was supposed to take Business Administration but his father insisted on taking the same course as Lisa; Civil Engineering.

"I didn't tell you to get wasted, dumbass."

When they entered the cafeteria, they saw Jennie waving at them.

"I think we're finally meeting her college friends." Jungkook said pertaining to the people that were in the same table with Jennie

"Yeah." Lisa suddenly felt nervous

Every step she takes, the more pounding her heart gets.

"What if they are above my league?"

Jungkook felt how Lisa's aura changed. He stopped on his track and made Lisa face him.

"I hope you're aware that you're saying your thoughts outloud." He placed both of his arms on Lisa's shoulders and said "You're smart, pretty and nice so don't ever think that someone is above your league."

And that swiped Lisa's nervousness. The guy really knows how to make her feel okay.

When they finally reached the table, Jennie was slightly annoyed but Lisa doesn't know what's with the quick change of mood when Jennie was just smiling when she waved at them.

"This is Irene, Seulgi, Jisoo and Rose." Jennie plainly introduced her friends to her best friend "and girls, this is Lisa and Jungkook."

"That's a great way to introduce your childhood best friend."

Lisa was hurt how her best friend introduced her but she just brushed the feeling off and forced a smile.

"Nice to finally meet you." Seulgi was the one who spoke first then they invited the fake couple to sit

Jungkook was really hungry so he excused himself after asking Lisa what she wanted.

"Jennie didn't tell us that you have a boyfriend." Irene said, "She always talks about you."

Lisa glanced at Jennie who was busy on her phone, probably texting Kai.

"Is that so?" Lisa once again forced a smile

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable with us. You're Jennie's friend so that means that you're our friend too." Rose said because she could feel how Lisa uncomfortable was

"Friend? Right, maybe she told them that I'm just her normal friend."

They entertained Lisa while waiting for her boyfriend because it looks like Jennie has no intention to talk to Lisa.

"You know, Jen. You should be the one talking to Lisa." Jisoo said out of the blue

"Why bother? You're already talking to her." She said in annoyance

"Bitchy Jennie." Irene heaved a sigh before turning to Lisa "Sorry about her."

"It's okay." Lisa felt her chest getting heavier the more she stayed there "Maybe she's not in the mood." She spotted Jungkook walking back to their table. "Jungkook and I might as well look for another table."

"What? why?" Jungkook just arrived when he heard what Lisa said. "You two fought again?"

"No, they didn't. Jennie is just being bitchy." Irene said "Stay here, Lisa. Just don't mind her."

"Let her. Don't force her to stay." Jennie said still busy with her phone

"Thank you for the warm welcome." She smiled at Jennie's friend before standing up and pulled Jungkook to look for a table

"What exactly happened?" Jungkook asked the moment thet took their seat

"She was ignoring me and it seems like she just introduced me as a mere friend of hers. You heard how she plainly introduced us to them." Lisa explained "I don't know what's happening with her. We were okay this morning, she even called just to say good luck then this happened."

"You two are really stupidly oblivious." Jungkook placed the plate of pizza in front of Lisa "She was acting like that because she saw what I did, when I placed my hands on your shoulders. She was jealous."

"I don't think so. She's just being herself. Jennie could be bitchy sometimes."

"If you say so but you said it yourself, she could be bitchy sometimes, why are you acting hurt?"

"Because I am! I was expecting that she already told them that I am her childhood best friend but whatever." She took the pizza from her plate and started to eat

She didn't imagine that her first day would turn out like this, so far from what she imagined.


"You acted like that because?" Irene sternly asked Jennie "That wasn't the proper way to introduce your best friend to us. You really ruined the atmosphere."

Jennie didn't answer. All she could think of is Jungkook being sweet with Lisa in public.

"You need sex." Jisoo casually said before sipping on her juice "Are you jealous?"

The question made Jennie stop scrolling through her Instagram and faced Jisoo "Jealous? Why would I? Lisa and I are just best friends."

"Not like that, Jen. Jealous because your best friend has a sweet boyfriend unlike yours, a douchébag." Jisoo responded

Jennie felt embarrassed for thinking that way.

"Don't call my boyfriend like that just because you don't get along." She glared at Jisoo

The reason why Jennie couldn't eat with Kai during lunch break was her friends couldn't stand breathing the same air with Kai. They never liked the guy for their friend.

"Whatever, I still hate you for treating Lisa that way. What happened to Jennie who always bragged and talked about Lisa? Now that she's finally here, you're acting like a brat. I don't get you sometimes." Jisoo stood up "I'll go now. I don't want to hang around with that attitude of yours."

The truth is, Jennie regretted instantly how she acted when Lisa was walking away from them. She knows to herself that what she did was wrong. She doesn't know what's happening to her.

"I guess I really ruined our first day, huh?"

"I'll lie if I say that it's okay because it's totally not. Jisoo is right, you were always bragging about Lisa but when we finally got to know her personally, you acted like that. It's not so you." Seulgi said "Lisa was hurt, how could you just introduce her like that? When you were talking about her, you described her so dearly. What's happening, Jen?"

The three waited for her answer. Maybe she could tell them a little bit of what she's feeling.

"I'm still not used to seeing her with someone else, you know? I imagined her first day here with just us but she has a boyfriend now. I still get this weird jealousy feeling whenever Jungkook is around because before it's just me and her." Jennie told them "Is it wrong for feeling this way? Am I being selfish?"

"I think you are. I know you love her as a sister but you can't prevent people from coming to her life. She needs people to grow and learn. You don't own her, Jen. Lisa has her own life, you should learn to accept the people that want to be part of her life because that's what she did when you let Kai into yours." Rose stated to wake her friend's senses up


Jennie couldn't concentrate on her class the whole day. All she could think of is Lisa. She badly wanted to apologize.

"You really need to concentrate, babe. Stop sighing, Mrs. Jung is looking at you." Kai whispered

Though they are in different courses, the two have two same minor subjects together.

"I'm sorry." Jennie sighed for the nth time

Finally the bell rang signalling that their last class ended.

"I'm sorry. Coach called for an emergency meeting." Kai felt sorry for letting his girlfriend go home alone

"It's okay. Jisoo could give me a ride. Go now, I'll just wait for you to come home."

Kai kissed Jennie's lips before running towards the gym. Not far from where Jennie was standing, there was Lisa and Jungkook watching them.

"Why do I have to torture myself?" Lisa released a bitter laugh "Let's go. I thought I'm ready to talk to her."

Jungkook hesitantly followed Lisa.


It was Jennie who was running after them.


The students in the hallway were looking at them. Wondering what is happening.

Lisa felt uncomfortable with the stare of the students, she had no choice but to stop and wait for the mad kitten running after them.

"Should I leave the two of you alone?" Jungkook asked before Jennie could reach them

"No, stay here. I don't know if I could handle talking to her." Lisa held onto Jungkook's arm "Stay here."

"We need to talk." She held Lisa's hand "Just us." She said when she noticed Lisa didn't remove her grip on Jungkook's arm

"If you want to talk, say it right here. Jungkook is my boyfriend." Lisa coldly said

"Hey, it's okay. I'll wait for you at the gate." He gently removed Lisa's grip from him. "You can do it." He pressed his lips on Lisa's forehead before leaving them

"Traître." (Traitor)



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