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Por FictionalWorldz

27.2K 762 71

๐ŸŽต๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฌ๐™š'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™›๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™๐ŸŽต After summer break the pack is thrown back into the wh... Mรกs

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.

Chapter 10

689 21 0
Por FictionalWorldz


Stiles ,Malia and Alex stood in Noah stilinskis office as he updated them on the current chimera situation.

Alex wasn't concentrating much, she hadn't slept much in the last couple days, everytime she closed her eyes Tracy was there. She spent most of last night trying to do research about the disappearance of kids in San Francisco, none were ever found all were assumed dead. It led her to a dark hole of dread doctors and people going missing.

Everything she found made her believe more and more that she was one of them. She could pass mountain ash, she wasn't born or bitten and maybe... maybe venom had no effect on her.. maybe Tracy wasn't an act of defense.

Alex tuned back into the conversation not wanting to miss something important. She looked up the board noticing Noah had pinned a picture of Donovan up.

Stiles Heart ached as his dad put up his picture assuming he was still alive. He looked down at his feet in shame.

Alex looked at her boyfriend and intertwined her fingers with his,  she squeezed his hand tightly.

"Our station tech guys confirmed something for me... They said, both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic." Noah explained

He held up the book "You said that, uh, these guys..."

"Dread Doctors." Malia called them

Noah's face scrunched up"Are we really calling?" He asked

They all gave him a nod.

"So they broke Donovan out? It's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?" He asked

Malia pondered Noah's question "Donovan's a Chimera. Yeah. But... Is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?"

Stiles wriggled his hand free from Alex's, he walked over to the corner as if he was putting himself on a timeout for his bad behavior.

Alex looked over her shoulder and seen stiles looking disgusted for his actions, she walked over and sympathetically rubbed his arm. Stiles turned and faced her with sad puppy eyes. Noah and Malia in deep conversation didn't notice stiles was in a peculiar moo.

She looked at him softly "I'm not gonna tell you it will be okay because right now I'm feeling everything you are. I know seeing him up there hurts but you have to remember baby, he was going to kill you just like she was going to kill me" she spoke quietly

"Does it still hurt like hell seeing her up there, of course. This won't be something we get over it will be something we learn to live with"

Stiles couldn't help but admire her honesty. She knew right now he didn't want to hear "it will be okay" when they both knew it wouldn't be, but as long as he had her things would always be okay.

Noah noticed his son was rather quite, he turned around and seen he was talking with Alex. "You're uncharacteristically quiet"

He hesitated " Yeah... Sorry, I'm, uh... I'm just trying to think about it." He lied, hoping bus father wouldn't notice "Uh... These are all teenagers, right?,  So, now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers?" He asked

"If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that... Burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail..."

"They couldn't have been chosen at random." Noah realized

"They had to have something in common" Alex followed

"Something that made them right for this experiment." Noah  added

"Something that made them special." Malia finished


The day passed and night had dawned. 8 teenagers stood around a coffee table in Scott McCalls living room. Staring down at 8 copies of the dread doctor book that laid in front of them

Despite the conflict between Scott and Alex, this was still Alex's pack and she would help as much as they needed. Scott would just have to learn to live with her.

"My mom's book club usually has more wine."lydia remarked sarcastically.

Alex scoffed "Boy I could use some of that"

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." Stiles added

"That's why Malia's here." Scott told everyone "So none of us go running into traffic.. Or worse."

"Like what happened to Judy." Malia spoke.

Everyone glanced up at her, waiting for her to clarify her respond. Malia looked confused for a moment, before remembering she had read it before the rest "Chapter 14." She clarified

"Maybe I should have my mother read it." Lydia suggested, picking up the original copy from the table "She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone."

"Yeah, if it works" stiles warned

She sighed "It has to"

Alex looked towards the banshee, concern on her face "What's that mean?"

"I think I saw them during my surgery. When I look at the cover of the book... It's almost like..."

"A memory trying to surface" Theo finished

"Yeah. Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" Alex asked

"If they did something to me,"I want to know what it is" Lydia declared, walking away from the table to find a comfortable spot to sit.

They all took a copy from the table and found somewhere to get comfortable for the night.

Although Alex didn't feel so comfortable right now, normally the McCall house was like a second home but the tension between her and the true alpha was quite strong.

Stiles sat down on the couch, Alex took a copy and sat beside him. She took his arm and warped it around her, he smiled as she did so.

They had each other to fall on in all of this, they both done something they never thought they would and they both had each other to help.


Some times had passed and everyone was running out of energy for this book. Alex just finished chapter 4, she yawned and put the book down for a second giving her eyes a break.

Everything sounded so familiar to what she had read up on online. The dread doctors taking people and changing them.. making them all unique in their own way. They break every rule of the supernatural world but so did she.

Stiles had moved into the kitchen so he could drink his coffee. Malia in there with him getting a refill.

Alex stayed seated on the couch not wanting to move out of comfort.

"Anyone feel anything yet?" Scott asked

Kira yawned "Tired"

"Hungry" Lydia followed

"Bored" Alex huffed

"I think he meant the book" theo smiled in her  direction

"Well, it sure does beat the reading for biology" she joked.

Theo sniggered lightly and even Scott managed a smile at her joke, Alex noticed the small grin, feeling  a warmth in her heart at the idea that Scott might be slowly getting over his anger.

Alex turned the page over, staring down at the words, they all became blurred. Her brain feeling as if it fogged over


She heard the low staticky voice in her ear.

She blinked a few times, her vision returning to normal. She looked around and seen no one had noticed the 5 second episode.

Alex dropped the photocopy onto the seat beside her, she stood up taking the attention of the room "im going to get some air, I'm starting to see double" she told her friends, Leaving the room.

Isaac noticed as Alex walked out to the front porch. Days had past and the two hadn't gotten a chance to speak a word to each other, he had been so busy as was she. Both working from separated sides

"I could definitely use some air" he sighed, standing up. He walked to the front porch, hoping to get a chance alone with his best friend

Alex leaned against the wooden rail, taking in the night air. Feeling normalcy taking over for a few second.

She heard low footsteps coming up behind her, she turned and looked to her side, seeing Isaac lahey stood beside her.

"Hi" she greeted

He sighed, turning to face her "we haven't gotten a chance to talk since.." he paused, knowing Alex knew when they last spoke

Alex nodded, "I was giving you space. I figured you were mad or dis-.."

Isaac held out his hands, "woah woah" he stopped her "what do you mean mad?"

She shrugged "Scott pretty much hates me, you hadn't spoken to me much so I assume you agreed with him"

Isaacs wide eyes softened, he let out a small sigh "Alex I don't hate you, I never hated you. We were just pulled away to separate people and hadn't a  chance to talk"

"Really?" She asked, her eyes full of hope "I thought you'd hate me for.. for killing Tracy" she uttered, her stomach flipping

"God no" he exasperated "Alex I knew the second I walked in, there was a reason behind what you did, you had spent the whole day trying to find a solution for her. I knew you wouldn't have killed her, if not to save yourself"

Alex didn't say anything, she found herself wrapping her arms around the wolf. Thanking god that he was on her sides.

Isaacs body stiffened, he had never received a hug from "this is weird" he whisper

Alex rolled her eyes, stepping back from him "you always gotta ruin it" she whined like a child

"Oh I'm sorry" he mocked

Alex hit his arm, holding back a laugh "so any news on your end?" She asked

He paused "I eh.. I think I might love malia" he confessed

Alex felt her mouth drop as she stared at the boy with raised brows "love?" She asked

He nodded quietly

Alex smiled like a child on Christmas Day "this is amazing" she cheered

Isaac rolled his eyes at her reaction, regretting that he told her so soon "alright, no need to make a big deal"

Alex glared at him "this is very much a big deal" she argued "Isaac, you love her. This is such a good thing, have you told her?"

"No!" He raised his voice "and don't you go doing it either" he warned

Alex tsked "as if"
She softened her expression "tell her when you feel it's right, but just make sure you do because this is a good thing. You two make a good couple"

"I will" He nodded

Alex grinned at him "you love her" she teased

"Yeah yeah, whatever" he dismissed it

"Alright" she stopped her teasing "let's go back inside, I'm almost in chapter 5" she told him

"I'm only on chapter 2!" He exclaimed

"I'm a fast reader" she shrugged

She opened the door, making her way back to the living room. Isaac following behind her.

She found her spot on the couch, noticing that stiles walked in. He sat down beside her, he lifted his arm and alex nuzzled her head into his shoulder, smiling up at him

"Comfortable?" He asked

"Very" she nodded


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