Get Used To Being A Fucking D...

By Xxshiplord16Xx

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Katsuki found the woman who hit him with the fertility quirk. He had her use her quirk on him, in a professio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Book 4

Chapter 8

815 18 8
By Xxshiplord16Xx

Chapter 8

The next morning

Katsuki stood at the stove, flipping pancakes. Eijirou came up behind him and put his hands on his hips carefully.

"Is this okay?" he asked, still weary of Katsuki's space after everything that happened in the last two weeks. He had been forgiven, and he and Katsuki had made up in the best of ways the previous night (even if it was technically 'fake sex'), but wasn't sure if that meant anything.

Katsuki nodded. "Yeah. You can be even closer, dumbass."

Eijirou took a step forward and pressed himself fully up against Katsuki. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and held him tightly. Katsuki melted against him with a sigh.

"See? You're forgiven now, idiot, act like it. Go back to your normal clingy self already," Katsuki said. He was still slightly self conscious, but he knew he had to tell Eijirou soon anyway. He heard Eijirou gasp from behind him, and pull his hands away from his stomach.

"Uhhh-" he said, "Katsuki- I think your stomach is possessed."

Katsuki cackled and let his head hang down. "Holy shit you're stupid-"

"Hey! Mean!"

"Go sit down, Eiji, I'll tell you over breakfast," Katsuki laughed.

"Alrighty... But you seriously might need to call an exorcist. Your stomach is moving like crazy."

Katsuki howled with laughter again. "I- I don't need an exorcist, Eijirou!"

Eijirou shrugged and walked over to the table, sitting and waiting patiently for pancakes with his children. Katsuki finished soon after that, plating the food, then bringing it to his family. He sat down and took a bite, then looked at Eijirou.

"So," he huffed, "Ei... A while back.. No... Fuck, babe, I'm pregnant."

Eijirou stared. He cocked his head to the side like a lost puppy. "What? That's not possible."

"It is. There's a clinic that specializes in male pregnancies.. Run by the woman who hit me with the quirk initially. I went to her and.. Got hit with it again."

"Holy shit.." he whispered. Tears filled his eyes and he reached over to grab his husband's hands. "So you don't need an exorcist, huh... That movement was..." Something clicked in his brain and his eyes narrowed. "Wait, how many weeks are you? I felt them move already."

"I.... I'm.. twenty three weeks.."

"Twenty- Katsuki!" Eijirou gasped, "That's nearly the third trimester! I- what?!"

"Fuck, I'm sorry- I was going to tell you two weeks ago but then you cheated- the kids have known for a few weeks..." Katsuki said.

"But why didn't you tell me the twenty one weeks before that happened?" he asked.

"I... was worried I would miscarry, at first, then.. I was worried you'd be mad that I didn't tell you for so long so I just kept putting it off. That... that was why I was distant and didn't want you touching me. I thought you'd find out."

"Shit, Kat.. I could've helped you. You... Wait, you're not big enough to be 23 weeks. Yeah, you have a little bump, I guess, but..."

Katsuki stood up in front of him and lifted his shirt. He exhaled and out came his bump, testing the strength of his sweatpants elastic. "I hid him. Sucked in my bump," he told Eijirou.

"Him... Him? It's a boy?" he asked, tears starting to fall down his cheeks.

Katsuki nodded. Eijirou stood quickly and hugged him, crying into his shoulder.

"We're having a baby boy?" he asked.

Katsuki hugged him back and nodded again. "Yeah. Yeah, we are. Fuck, I'm so glad you know now.."

"Who else knows?"

"Doctors, kids, you, boss-"

Eijirou pulled back quickly and he held his shoulders. "Oh fuck no, you've been working this whole time!" he realized, "Katsuki! You knew! And- and a few days ago-!"

"I know, I know. I had my suit remade to protect my stomach."

"Still! You got hit so many times!"

"I have a doctor's appointment today to check up on him, but the EMTs said he seemed fine. Nothing has changed, so I'm not worried," Katsuki reassured him, "And now that you know, I can stop going out in the field."

"But... you endangered him.. Why?"

"Because you didn't know... You'd be suspicious if I just stopped working... Fuck, I know it sounds horrible and selfish but I can't think right with all these fucking hormones!"

Eijirou sighed. "Well, it's in the past, so there's no use in me dwelling on it," he said. He lifted his hands from Katsuki's shoulders to his cheeks. He gently rubbed his thumb over his cheek. "I'm just a little pissed that you kept him from me for so long and were a bit reckless, but that's not what I'm going to focus on. I'm so happy to have another son, Katsuki. And I'm so happy that you're bringing him into this world. I didn't get the chance to help you through the first half of your pregnancy, but I promise I'll make up for it in the last half."

Katsuki gazed at him for a second, then broke down into tears. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that."

"I'm glad I can help," Eijirou said softly. He leaned forward and kissed Katsuki's forehead. Katsuki grabbed his hand and put it on his stomach.

"Say hi, baby," he whispered to his bump, "That's your Papa.. The one I keep talking about." Eijirou received a big kick to his hand. He locked eyes with Katsuki in wonder.

"He's strong," he noted.

"He got that from kicking my spine all day. It's his favorite activity," Katsuki snorted.

"Aw, that must hurt," Eijirou cooed, rubbing his hand up and down Katsuki's belly.

Katsuki shrugged. "I'm used to it after having six, now seven, kids that liked kicking the shit out of me. That's what we get for being energized assholes ourselves."

Eijirou laughed and kissed him passionately.


Chiba gasped in excitement. "Yes! Eijirou! Finally!" she cheered, "You told him!"

Katsuki laughed. "Yeah, I did. He begged me to let him come with me to the appointment so he could see him."

"I wanna see my baby, what's so wrong about that?!" Eijirou laughed.

"You're just cute, angel," Katsuki cooed, kissing his nose, "You're so excited and you've only known about him for hours."

Eijirou blushed. "I already love him so much," he huffed. He put his hands on Katsuki's bump and smiled. "He's kicking!"

"He's always kicking."

"Oh, come on, you've known about him for 23 weeks! It's not as crazy for you anymore!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and sit there, angel."

"You're so mean and then you add on a cute nickname like that'll make it all better," Eijirou pouted, "It works, but still-"

Katsuki laughed and shook his head at Eijirou's antics.

"On with the appointment?" Chiba asked. The couple nodded. "So, this will be slightly different from normal to start since I have to make sure the baby is okay from the fight. Speaking of which, you can not keep working. Fighting, I mean. I'm hoping now that Eijirou has been informed of the baby, you'll stop. If that wasn't the plan, now it is. Any more of this and you could lose the baby."

Katsuki paled and put his hands on his bump. He nodded. "But- but I'm not going to lose him from this, right?"

"I don't think so. I have to finish the examination to be sure," she said.

Katsuki closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the pillow under him. His hands rubbed up and down his bump, savoring the kicks that he felt from under his skin. He nodded and pulled his hands back, opening his eyes and motioning for her to start her examination.

She put her hands on his bump and gently pressed in a few spots, before Katsuki hissed in pain. She looked up to him and asked, "That hurt? How bad, 1-10?"

"Eh, three," he said.

She nodded and moved on, pressing a bit to the side and earning another hiss of pain. "How bad?"


She nodded again and kept going. He had minor pain in a few more places, but nothing too serious. She pulled her hands off his bump and looked at them. "So, it seems you have some deep bruising, but it's nothing too serious. It just might hurt a bit more when he kicks hard."

Katsuki nodded and grabbed Eijirou's hand. He squeezed it tightly.

Eijirou leaned over to Katsuki and kissed his cheek. "You'll be okay, Lemon Bear. I'll help you through it all," Eijirou whispered.

Katsuki turned his head and kissed Eijirou softly. He mumbled against his lips, "Don't leave me..."

"Never," Eijirou promised.

"It's time for the ultrasound. I'm assuming you'll finally want prints?" she asked.

"Yes, please," Eijirou said with a smile, retreating from Katsuki's personal space.

She nodded and squirted some gel onto Katsuki's stomach, rubbing it around with the wand. She looked at the monitor as it came to life. Their son came up on the screen, kicking around in all his glory. She smiled. "Well, he seems perfectly healthy! He's not acting abnormal, I don't see anything different or concerning since your last visit. You're lucky you had that suit and only got left with bruises."

Katsuki sighed in relief and turned to look at Eijirou, only to see he was crying heavily. "Oh shit, Eijirou-"

"I'm so happy!" he cried, bringing Katsuki's hand up to his lips. He kissed it multiple times, then just held it there and cried into it.

Katsuki snorted and rubbed his thumb over the back of Eijirou's hand. "Shh... Don't cry, angel. He's not even born yet."

"But he's so adorable!!" Eijirou wined, "We make such pretty babies, Kat... Look how precious he is..."

"If you take out the 'we make pretty babies' part, you sound like a grandma," Katsuki laughed.

Eijirou pouted. "I'm happy. Oh, and speaking of grandmas, we have to tell our parents!"

"Oh fuck, my mom is gonna be pissed."

"Why?" he asked.

"You know how she is with this shit. If I don't tell her immediately, she freaks," he sighed, "She'll want to help Mina throw me a baby shower or some shit."

"Does Mina know?"

"Yeah, and Hanta. Denki doesn't, unless they told him," Katsuki answered.

Eijirou nodded.

"How many pictures do you want of the baby?" Chiba asked.

"Uhh.... Five?" Eijirou answered.

"Alrighty," she said, pressing a few buttons. The printer in the back of the room started printing the pictures. "So, Katsuki, you know the drill by now. Head to the bathroom, the cups are in there and you know where to put it after. When you're done, come back out and we'll check your blood."

Katsuki nodded and slowly got off the bed, then walked to the conjoined bathroom.


"Why're we turning here? Home is the other way," Katsuki asked.

"We're getting you some clothes. You don't have anything that fits you," Eijirou said.

"Oh," Katsuki said, "Can't I just wear your shit? It's comfier."

"C'mon, baby. Just a few shirts and pants, okay?" He said, turning into the target parking lot.

Katsuki sighed. "Fine."

Eijirou got out of the car and jogged to the other side of the car so he could open Katsuki's door for him before Katsuki could. Katsuki rolled his eyes and hopped out of the car.

"Chivalrous bastard," he grunted, nudging his shoulder in annoyance.

"You like my chivalry," Eijirou said, "And you know I can't help it. I'ma help you out. Doesn't mean you're weak or anything, just that I'm here."

Katsuki pursed his lips and turned around to shut the door with a sniffle. He kept his head lowered as he started walking to the store.

"Kat-? Oh, baby, are you crying?" Eijirou asked, jogging after him.

"No," he said wetly. He sniffled. "Your words are dumb and they have no effect on me or my raging pregnancy hormones."

"Mhmm. Sure, okay," Eijirou laughed. He caught up to Katsuki and wrapped his arm around his waist. He pulled him close enough to kiss his head softly. "Sorry I made you cry. That wasn't my intention."

Katsuki let his head flop onto Eijirou's shoulder. "Fucker," he huffed, "I hate crying."

Eijirou stopped him once they got to the sidewalk. He turned him so they were facing each other. Eijirou gently put his hands on his cheeks and wiped away the tears that fell. He made dumb faces at Katsuki to try and cheer him up. After a minute of holding back laughter, Katsuki started laughing, his forehead hitting Eijirou's chest.

"You look stupid!" he laughed.

"Good! I wanted to cheer you up! I know you think it's funny when I'm stupid," Eijirou laughed with him.

"I wasn't upset, Ei," Katsuki said, lifting his head to look at Eijirou, "I was crying because you said something stupidly sweet and.. My hormones decided to fuck shit up. But I wasn't sad.."

"You still weren't happy and laughing," Eijirou noted, "But I'm glad I didn't say anything bad."

Katsuki put a hand on Eijirou's cheek and brought him down for a soft kiss. Eijirou smiled into it and held his hips. Katsuki pulled away slowly and rested his head on his forehead. "I love you, angel," he whispered.

"I love you too, Lemon Bear," Eijirou smiled.

Katsuki gave him a small peck, before turning and walking into the store. Eijirou laughed and followed after him. 

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