Break My Heart

By MiaStevenson5

516 12 2

If I woulda known it, baby... I would've stayed at home 'Cause I was doing better alone But when you said "He... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

393 7 2
By MiaStevenson5

And I' don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

-I'm Gonna Show You Crazy, Bebe Rexha

The car was lazily strolling through the small path. The light that filtered from the top of the trees hit the face of the girl that was half asleep next to the window. They continued moving towards the top of the mountain, until at last the old school gate was on sight.

The girl got down from the car as she waved goodbye to the driver. There was an old man waiting for her at the entrance of the main building. He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit and had a permanent scowl on his face. His slick white hair was combed to the side, not a hair out of place. Violet eyes staring back at her matching colored ones.

–I thought I had told you those kinds of "accessories" were not allowed here.– He gestured towards her ears.

–And I thought I had left clear what my thoughts regarding that were.– She answered smiling to him.– A pleasure seeing you as always grandpa. –She snickered.

The man turned around without saying a word and started walking into the building, she took that as her cue to follow. They started making their way through the different halls and stairs until they were standing outside classroom 2-A.

–I expect nothing but the best from you.– He said while looking at the door. The girl let out a small sight. She knew that him sparing her a lecture was something too good to even dream of.– You are a Kamiyama, and it is time for you to act like one.– She was about to answer back when he shut her up again.

–I am warning you Rei, not even the smallest fault will be consequented.

–Anything else you'd like to add, Mr. Headmaster?– She said while directing her gaze towards him.

–Come to my office once your classes are over.– He handed her a small paper containing her schedule and knocked on the door twice.

–Yes sir.– She muttered while rolling her eyes.

The professor inside the classroom opened the door. He was surprised to see the institute's headmaster standing outside with a girl that looked awfully similar to him.

–Kamiyama-sama, good morning.

–Good morning Kudo-san, this is the new student we talked about. She'll be joining your class.

–Of course, we were expecting her.

–Then I leave her in your care. Have a nice day.– And with that, he started walking away.

–Nice to meet you Kamiyama-san. I am Kudo Asahi. I am going to be your counselor this year, so if you have any kind of problem, please do not hesitate to tell me about it.

Rei looked at the man standing in front of her. He was young, probably in his early 30's. A warm smile was decorating his features. She felt a little compassionate towards him for having been assigned to look after her.

–The pleasure is mine Kudo-sensei. Thank you so much.– She replied while giving a little bow.

–Now, why don't you come inside and introduce yourself to the rest of the class?

The moment they crossed the door, everyone in the room went quiet. –Listen guys,we have a new student joining us today.

All of them were staring at the girl who had entered. She was wearing the same uniform as everyone else, except for the chains that were loosely hanging from her hips. Her dark purple hair was tied up in half a bun so you could clearly see all the different piercings that were decorating her ears. Her hands were displaying a set of metal bracelets of different patterns, some of them matching the two asymmetrical necklaces that were resting just above her white blouse. She planted herself in front of the whiteboard and spoke with a sweet yet confident voice.

–Hello, my name is Kamiyama Rei. Nice to meet you!

Saying that the boys were surprised was an understatement. How was it possible for a girl to be in Mori Mori?!?! Murmurs started rising from the back of the class, growing louder with each passing second.

–Everyone please, calm down. I understand this is an unanticipated situation, but I expect you to treat Kamiyama-san with the same respect as you would any other classmate. –With that, the room went quiet once again.

–Please, take a seat behind Takeda-san– He pointed towards an empty desk in the third row, beside the window. She simply nodded and walked to her place. She could feel every pair of eyes in the room following her. Some stares were simply curious, others...well...let's just say they're not the kind of stares that are welcomed. 'Jeez, I've only been here for five minutes. Control your fucking urges.'

She finally sat down and looked straight ahead, pretending not to notice the two different boys near her trying to start a "friendly" conversation. 'This is going to be a fucking long day, isn't it?'

–Ok then, who wants to tell me where did we left our last lesson at?


Only 5 more minutes to go before recess started and, to be honest, Rei was kinda dreading the moment they'll be dismissed. Sure, she was not particularly fond of integral equations but the company of math formulas was way more pleasant than the company of strangers. Male ones at so.

Don't get her wrong; it's not like she had never been near boys in her life, she was pretty used to dealing with them. It's just that she's never been entirely surrounded by them. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel a little intimidated.

She needed a plan.

Going to the cafeteria was completely out of the question. 'No way in hell am I getting myself into the hurricane's eye the first day.' Staying inside the classroom might have been the most sensible option if she had not been starving. Perhaps she could go looking for a vending machine and get a snack, she was sure there ought to be one on this floor. With that in mind, the bell finally rang and she didn't waste a second's time, she was off before anyone had the opportunity to intercept her. She was aware this might come off as a rude gesture, but those kinds of social norms were of very little interest to her.

As she was walking, the crowd in the hallways started to grow. She hurried away and soon enough she was out of sight, at least of most of them.

Walking around unnoticed is not an easy task in itself. If you add to that the fact that you're a very recognisable female in an ocean full of males, getting around in peace and quiet is a complete odyssey. Even if she was trying her best, and not to brag but she was actually quite good at sneaking around, 2 boys dared to stop her to ask her what class she was in. She lied of course. But other than that, she considered her mission a total success; she'd gotten her snacks, had found a nice spot of shade under a tree behind the laboratories' building, and was now heading back to class with just one unrequested guide on her way.

While waiting for the professor to come, Rei started studying the rest of her classmates. They all looked just as any other teenage boy would; tall, messy hair, deep voices and with an excessive amount of energy. There were a couple of guys that were cuter than the others, but nothing out of the ordinary. She was about to take out her phone when a sudden blur of pink entered her vision. 'Now, that is what I call a bad bitch.'

He was wearing a light pink sweater that was only a couple of shades lighter than his bright pink hair. He had several piercings in both his ears and different bracelets and rings in his manicured hands. Around the pale skin of his neck was a gorgeous black choker with silver accents. A pair of shades were covering his eyes. He walked straight by, unfaced by everything, and sat down two seats behind her. 'Perhaps this school has some people that are not tightasses after all.'

When the class began again, she actually paid attention during roll call. 'So, Yuri Ayato hmm? It fits him.'


The bell rang once more indicating the end of the day. While Rei was packing her things up, the boy that was sitting in front of her turned around and started speaking.

–Hi Kamiyama-san, how was your first day?

–It was alright, how about yours Takeda-san?– She answered politely. The boy was a little taken aback by this, more specifically the fact that she remembered his name. A slight blush tainted his cheeks.

–I-it was fine, thanks. I just wanted to tell you that i-if you need any help or have any questions about the school I can h-help you.– He concluded. She giggled a little at his awkwardness making the poor boy blush harder. She had been studying the boys in her class the whole day and Takeda seemed like a nice guy. And there was actually something she was curious about.

During the breaks, even if she didn't talk to anyone, she'd hear some interesting conversations among the other students, but there had been one specific topic that caught her attention. It was a peculiar club that, as far as she was concerned, hosted really specific activities in which the rest of the boys of the school usually took part in.

At first she thought she was making things up, but the moment she passed by a couple of guys during the second recess and heard them whispering how they hoped she would join the club, things became a little clearer.

–Thank you so much for your offer Takeda-san, I appreciate it.– She flashed him a smile.– Actually, there is something I'd like to ask you.

–S-sure! What is it?

–What club are you in?

–Uh? In the chess club. Why?

–Simple curiosity, I was wondering which club should I sign myself up to. Do you have any suggestions?

–It really depends on what you like. There are a lot of clubs here, but most of them involve physical activities. Are you good at sports Kamiyama-san?

–I'm not a great fan of running or exercise in general, so all those clubs are a big no from the start.

–That makes two of us then.– He answered light-heartedly.– Perhaps one of the cultural clubs then? There are only 3 or 4 but in my opinion those are the best clubs in school.

–Like the chess club.

–Exactly!– He replied proudly.

–Well then I'll consider it as an option. – She stood up and smiled as she waved good-bye.– I'm sorry, but I have to go now. It was nice talking to you.

– Wait! Do you want me to show you around the school? It can be very intimidating to get around when you're new. One time I was lost for 45 minutes....

–I appreciate the offer but it'll have to be another day. I know how to get to where I'm going. See you tomorrow Takeda-kun!

–S-see you tomorrow Kamiyama-kun!

She walked out of the classroom and started heading towards the office building. She had given up in trying to stay out of sight and everyone noticed her as she went by. 'I guess it'll take some time before they get used to me being here, I just wish they didn't stare at me as if I had grown another arm.'

She arrived at the office and after being announced by the receptionist (who Rei suspected was the only other female in the mountain), she was let in.

Her grandfather was sitting down behind a large and sturdy-looking wooden desk. He was going through some papers and didn't even bother to look up from them when she came in.

–Ahem– No answer.– If you are busy I–

–You are late.

–Perhaps a couple of minutes.– She replied with a slight shrug. He always had something to lecture her about.

–Let this be the last time.

–Sure thing...–There was a slight pause before he continued talking.

–Your room is in the C building, number 205. It is one of the big rooms so it has its own bathroom for your confort.

–How considerate~

He gave her a stern (and a little annoyed) look. –Your things are already there.– He handed her a little silver key.– You only have access to one key and a spare, so don't lose it.

–May I leave now?

–Not yet.

She huffed a little in annoyance.

–Have you decided what club are you joining?

–I have a couple of options that I'm gonna check out right now. You'll have your answer tomorrow.

The way in which she said that made him suspect there was something more to it (when was there not with this girl), but he decided against further questioning, he'd had enough from her for a day.

–Then you may retire.

–Thanks old man.

The door banged shut behind her before he even had the time to reply.


The school was bigger and more complex than she remembered. That or she had a terrible sense of orientation. Or was probably both.

Rei had been trying to find the club room for nearly 20 minutes now, and the only thing she had found so far had been empty classrooms. She was about to give up when suddenly she saw a tall boy with dark blue hair turning around the corner. She had decided that it was ok to lose her pride by asking for directions to get out of this maze long ago, so she didn't hesitate to approach him.

–Hey!– He stopped and waited for her to catch up.–Hi, do you know by any chance where the photography club is?

–Oh! That's where I'm going, do you want to come with me?– He asked her with a bright smile. She was dumbfounded for a second. He didn't strike her as the type of guy who would need to use the club, he was handsome enough to get his way on his own, but she was not one to judge.

–Yes please. Thank you...

–Kashima, Kashima Yuu. Nice to meet you...erm

–Kamiyama Rei.

They both started walking and made some small talk to fill in the silence. 'So a first year transfer-student. That explains why he's so excited about the club.' As they were nearing a corner Rei could have sworn she had heard someone screaming, but Kashima didn't seem to notice, he was way too excited talking about finding out that his cousin was also enrolled in this school.

–Look! We made it.– Kashima pointed to a door to his left. The sign "Photography club" was hanging on it.

–After you, Kashima-kun

–Welcome to the photography club!

Rei must admit she was not ready to witness what she did when Kashima opened the door. At the center of the room were five boys posing as if they were on the cover of a superhero comic. One that was definitely not PG 13 considering that they were all holding different types of dildos and other sexual toys. Without taking that small detail into consideration, she gave them a 10 out of 10 for effort and enthusiasm. Bonus points for being in sync.

–I'm sorry, I think we got in the wrong room...

–Nope, this is the photography club.– A small blond boy who might or might not be literally shining approached Kashima.–Who would've thought that the two transfers would join our club? What a great day for– He interrupted himself abruptly.–What are you doing here?– His smile didn't falter but his welcoming attitude had done a backflip and left the chat the moment he had laid eyes on the girl behind the door.

'Damn, this is the type of psycho that stabs your eye with a butter knife and then boils your tears to make tea.'

–Hi, I am Kamiyama Rei. I-

–I didn't ask who you were, I asked what were you doing here?

'So this is how you wanna play pretty boy? Fine, I can be a fake bitch as well.'

–I'm sorry. I came here to join the club.– She gave him her warmest (cof-fakest-cof-cof) smile.

–Oh! You can't. Go away and don't come back.– He stated while trying to close the door on her face.

–Wait! Why not?– She questioned while stopping the door with all her might. 'For being pocket size, this kid's definitely strong.'

–Because we already have more than enough new recruits this year, obviously.


–I'd be more than happy to give her my place in the club, so that's not a problem.– A boy interrupted. Rei had not noticed he was there, probably due to the fact that she hadn't even been let inside the room. While she was fighting to get in, the poor green-eyed boy seemed desperate to get out. 'Oh, the irony.'

–That won't be necessary Toono, you are already a member and nothing can change that.– The blond replied.

–Well, I think this club is not for me. So I am leaving now...

–No, you are a member as well. The moment you step through that door there's no going back.– He was quick to cut Kashima's hopes of running away.

–So the only thing I need to do to be accepted is get through the door?

–Those rules don't apply to you.

Rei was getting really pissed off now. She had thought she would be able to get into the club as any other member would. She was certainly not expecting this guy, who she was assuming was the president because no one seemed to question his rude manners, to be so reluctant. She really had not wanted to play her cards so soon, she didn't want to come off as a manipulative bitch, but he was leaving her no other choice.

–You can't do that or else you'll be expelled.

–Excuse me?

–Any form of discrimination against any of the students is punishable acording to what the teachers seem fit. Misogyny is a very serious thing, you know? Especially towards someone who just came to sign up to your club. The presidents of the clubs have no right to turn any of the students asking to join down. Not unless a school authority explicitly states that the student is not allowed to. Which clearly is not the case. So, are you letting me in or not?

The guy stayed silent for a couple of seconds. His smile was still there but his eyes were burning with rage. Rei strongly suspected that if given the chance, he would gladly rip her head off.

–Sure.– He moved aside for her to get in.

She closed the door behind her and went to stand next to Kashima and...Tuno? Tuna? She had no idea.

Mr. "get the hell out of my sight before I murder you", introduced himself as Akemi, the president of the club. He then introduced the rest of the members; a really pretty boy with glasses and the longest eyelashes Rei had ever seen in her life was Shikatani, the really tall and pacific-looking guy standing in the corner was Itome (and to her utter surprise, Mr. pocket size's boyfriend). Then Akemi pointed towards the couch where the pink-haired guy who had caught Rei's attention in the morning was. The moment he threw something directly aimed at Akemi's head for saying he had a loose screw was when Rei decided he was her new favorite person in the whole building. Lastly, the blue-haired boy was introduced as Tamura. Rei would give him that he was hot, but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, any attraction she felt was flushed down the toilet.

After explaining the club activities and "traditions" to the new members, he turned around to look directly at Rei.

– You are a second year, right?

–What about that?– She eyed him with suspicion.

–Oh, it's something really silly. Since you're not a first year, you must pass a test to enter the club. It is meant to prove that you're at the level of the rest of the members so you won't slack off in our activities.

–And what test would that be?

–Hum? I'm not sure. Do you have any suggestions boys?

–I say we change forward the date of her gang-bang,– Tamura said while getting closer to her– and don't worry about a thing president, Yuri and I can give her something that'll be worth the whole club.

–I highly doubt that darling– she answered mockingly sweet– my standards might be a little higher than yours~

–Huh?! What do you mean by that ugly?!

–I think you know what I meant, and if not, then you're way more stupid than you look~

–Listen here you little-

–I know!– Akemi interrupted whatever curse Tamura was going to send towards Rei– You need to make at least one of our members so impressed with your sex skills that they're left speechless.

–Just that?


–Well if that's the case-

–You're doomed!– Tamura cut her short.–Everyone here is so beyond the amateur leagues, we've practically seen everything there is to it! Good luck trying to do that ugly, you'll need it. If I were you I'd give up now before you are the one who ends up begging below me. If-oi!

Rei had had enough of the guy's stupidity. Without breaking eye contact with Akemi, she approached Tamura until she was mere centimeters away from him. She raised her arm and violently grabbed a hold of Tamura's blue sweater making him bend down to her level. She looked straight into his confused blue eyes before leaning in to kiss him.

The roughness of the kiss took Tamura by surprise. Well, that and the fact that she had kissed him out of nowhere. She bit his lower lip, hard. He yelped and at that she introduced her tongue into his mouth. No battle for dominance happened after that, he was completely at her mercy. In just a couple of seconds she had him acting like the bottomest bottom you had ever seen. Not fighting back but rather begging for more. As he moaned into the kiss he tried to wrap his arms around her waist, but at that she pulled back.

–Don't get ahead of yourself darling, I never said you could do that~

–...what..?– He whispered. Rei must admit he was now such a sight to see. His cheeks were flushed and his lips were a little swollen. But the best part were his eyes; he looked completely lost. She was sure that if someone had asked him what his name was at that moment, he wouldn't have known what to answer.

–I'm sorry for being so rough with you, but your blabbering was starting to get on my nerves.– She brought her hand up to his face to gently caress his cheek. He practically melted into the touch as he leaned more into her palm and closed his eyes. –You are actually such a pretty thing when you're not acting like a jerk, you know?

He didn't answer anything. Nor did he move when she drew back. He just stood there, blushing and looking like a lost puppy.

–I don't know about you president, but I think I just passed with flying colors.

–I guess you did, congratulations. – The hostility behind his cheree words was pretty damn obvious.–But I'm afraid you still can't be considered an official member. You have to be on a "testing" period for at least 3 months. Rules are rules.

'His disappointment about that is almost as fake as saying this club is straight.'

–I understand that senpai. But don't worry, I'll give it my best~.

–Great! You're all dismissed for today.

Toono (yes, she now knew his name was not Tuna) and Kashima didn't need to be told twice before they were already out the door.

–It was nice meeting you everyone, I hope we get along!– Rei happily declared before closing the door . The three of them started walking towards the patio.

–Ufff, that was more intense than I expected.–The girl sighed.

–That was nothing of what I was expecting, how did I get myself into this mess????– The poor green-eyed boy certainly looked miserable right now.

–I get you,– Kashima agreed–this certainly was a surprise for me as well, but I think we can make it work nonetheless!

'Wait a second, what are these two talking about?'

–Hold on, so neither of you knew about the club's real purpose before Akemi told you?

–If I had known I would've never even gotten close to that cursed classroom.

–I didn't know either, I genuinely thought it was a normal photography club.

–.....Hahahahahadhuwgf34qoihog– Rei was having trouble breathing and her eyes were filled with tears. She had to steady herself by grabing Kashima's shoulder or else she would've fallen down.


–Sorry...sorry. Is just that... you two are idiots hahahaha– She started laughing again.

–So you did know what the club was?– Asked Toono, who was starting to feel a little annoyed.

–Of course I knew! Everyone talks about that. It only took me two hours to realize that there was something off with the "photography club". Honestly guys, I bet my ass you are the only two souls who had no idea about it. And you dived head-first into it hahahaha.

–So you chose to join the club even after knowing the truth? Willingly? – Kashima asked cautiously.

– Yes, yes. But it's not like that ok? –She had finally calmed down from the laughter attack and now only little giggles were escaping her lips. –I did know about "Yaribu" BUT I didn't join because of THAT.

–I don't get it...

–Look, –the girl let out a sigh as she covered her eyes with her hand for a second. – almost every club here has something to do with physical activities and I didn't want to do anything. So I looked into the cultural clubs and was going to pick the less demanding one from those when I heard about the photography one. I realized that if I convinced the president of that club to let me in I could find a way to pretend as if I did something without actually having to do anything. So it was the best option for me; I get the club credits without breaking a sweat, and I can steal some snacks from the club room while I'm at it. The drama is a bonus though, I wasn't expecting to have such a fun time pissing Akemi off hehe.

–So you're not there for the...well, you know...– The shorter boy left the rest of his question usaid.

–The sex?– The girl teased.– Nope. I'm just here for the credits, the snacks and the drama. That 's it.

–But what about the gang-bang thing?

–What about it?

–Are you not worried?

–Not really. We still have a month until that happens. And I don't think that at least half of the club is very eager in fucking me, they're gay after all. The only ones that could have any interest are those two second years, but I can handle that. I'd be more worried about you though.

–I-I'm worried for us as well.– Poor Toono shivered, it looked to Rei as if he was ready to pass out.

–Then, Kamiyama-san-

–Just Rei,– she interrupted him– we are club partners after all ;)

–Right. Then, Rei, can I ask you a question?


–Why are you here? As in, this school.

She stayed silent for a couple of seconds, debating whether or not to tell them the truth. Kashima started worrying about having offended the girl with such a direct question when she started talking again.

–Fiiiiiine, I'll tell you. It's not like you wouldn't find out anyways.– Her expression shifted to one that portrayed complete solemnity.– I killed my last school's headmaster and they kicked me out.

–WHAAAAAT?!?!?!– The two boys had stopped walking and were staring at her with a mixture of terror and incredulity.

The girl bursted out in the most scandalous laughter. She was hugging her stomach with both arms and had trouble keeping her balance.

–Hahahaha oh my gods you guys are making me laugh so much it hurts hahahaha.

They just stayed silent, waiting for her to calm down.

–You should've seen your faces, they were priceless haha.– She took a deep breath to compose herself.– No, but for real. I didn't kill anyone, relax. I just made every single teacher hate me to the point they wished they could kill me. So they kicked me out :D.

–Ah, that's such a relief.– Toono murmured relaxing his shoulders.

–And how did you get in Mori Mori? I thought it was an all boy's school only...– Kashima was truly curious to know the reason why an academy such as this one would bend their own rules to accept her.

–That was the old man's doing.– She explained as her eyebrows knitted together in a sour expression.– No other academy would take me in because of my record, and he wouldn't let me drop out, so he got me a uniform and sent a car to hijack me and bring me here. Worst part is that he already threatened to keep me prisoner in these mountains until I "finish my education", no matter what I do. As if I couldn't make him send me on my way in two weeks...

–The old man..?

–My...– Rei made a face as if she was about to throw up– grandfather.– She concluded as she faked a shiver.

–Your grandfather... –The tall boy ventured to ask.

–Yes, the headmaster. "Kamiyama-sama!"– She gestured widely with her arms with fake enthusiasm.

–Wait, so you are the headmaster's grand-daughter?!– Toono practically screamed.

–Shhhhhh, – she was quick to cover his mouth with her hands– not so loud! The demon might hear you if you summon him like that.


They still had a lot of questions for her and she was a little curious about them as well but, before anyone could say anything else, they were interrupted by a guy who came out of nowhere.

–Hey there pretty thing, that's a nice ass you've got there~

Rei didn't even bat an eye as she kept walking, and she wouldn't have even looked at his face if it wasn't for he was now blocking their way by standing right in front of them.

–I am talking to you babe, shouldn't you be a good girl and listen to me~?

He looked like a second year student to her. He was kinda tall, with dark hair and eyes. He had a self-sufient grin on his face, the kind you see on stupid idiots that think they look smug and hot when doing that, but in reality they look ready to be punched in the face.

–I'm sorry but I don't talk to idiots, the doctors say it can lower one's IQ.– She replied without hesitation.

–What did you just say?!– His face was starting to turn a little red because of the insult. Whether of shame or anger, Rei couldn't care less.

–Idiotic and deaf? What a combination.

–Who do you think you are, huh?!?!?

–Someone who was just trying to walk by without being interrupted by a sensitive airhead.

–Listen here you little bitch, you're gonna regret that. I was planning on going easy on you, invite you to eat something before fucking you even. But now I'm gonna make you scream as I make you my bitch whether you want it or not.

–My my, I'm so scared.– She said with a straight face and a bored tone.– Are you moving now? People are staring.

That was true. Since the little quarrel started, more and more students had gathered around them, waiting to see what would happen.

–I think you should leave her alone-– Kashima started but he was cut short.

–Shut up idiot, no one is talking to you. This is between the bitch and I.

–Good gracious, so now you're insulting my friends as well? Those silly little words must have really taken a toll on your fragile ego, didn't they? Don't worry, there's nothing a good therapy session can't solve.

– You bitch! Listen up-aaahhhh!

Everything happened so quickly that the guy barely had time to register it. He launched himself forwards to grab Rei by the collar of her blouse but before he could even feel the fabric, she moved aside and grabbed his outstretched arm twisting it behind his back, keeping him in place with her other hand by pulling hard at his hair.

–Aaahh! Let me go bitch!!

–Bitch here, bitch there, you seriously don't know any other insults right? As if your greasy hair wasn't pathetic enough. Honestly man, I'll have to wash my hands with dish soap to get rid of the grease. It's disgusting.

Everyone was death quiet. Not even the idiot's friends were doing something to help him.

–Now listen carefully you sexist little piece of shit, –her expression was no longer indiferent. Everything she did and said, from her eyes to the way she was twisting further back the arm, denoted a terrifyingly controlled rage.– people, especially women, are not here to do as you say. If I ever catch you trying to force your pathetic piece of dick into someone, I'll personally chop it off from the rest of your masacreted body with my own nails, got it? If ever again in your life you catcall anyone at all using that slimy tongue of yours, I'll make you bite it off with your own teeth and then I'll feed it to the crows. If you ever dare to forget about this and think about being a dickhead again, I'll cut your balls so that we don't have to worry about you passing on your stupidity as a legacy. Have I made myself clear enough or are you waste of space gonna make me repeat myself?

–N-no.– The guy replied with a shaky voice as he blinked away the tears that had started to well up in his eyes.

–Good.– She let go of his hair and yanked him forwards.

He stumbled to regain his balance and stayed looking down for a couple of seconds. She was about to turn back when he suddenly lunged towards her. Rei would later say that what happened after was a mere self-defense reflex, it kinda was, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy every second of it. She shifted her weight to her right side and using her upper body's full strength, she landed a direct blow at the poor bastard's nose.

–AAaaAaAhHHHhh!!!– He went straight back to the floor. He was holding his face with his hands, blood dripping from his red nose.

–I thought never attacking someone from behind was a rule even an uncultured prick like you knew about. – She said while looking down at the pathetic guy's fallen frame. – I think I broke your nose, so you might want to have that checked. And don't forget to mention to the nurse why I punched you like that.

She looked up to see all the rest of the onlookers' faces. The group was now somewhere around 50 persons give or take. Many, if not all of them, had a surprised look on their faces, half of them were terrified and at least two seemed ready two throw up at the sight of the bloodied nose.

–Let this be a warning for you all as well,– she said raising her voice so everyone could hear– if I have to teach one more of you dickheads fucking respect and basic human decency, I won't be as considerate as I was to him. And to you idiot,– she said talking to the guy on the floor again– I'm not just a bitch, I am THAT bitch, so you better not forget about that.


That night Rei layed exhausted in her bed. Completely understandable taking into consideration the day she had. After the incident on the patio she had said her goodbyes to Kashima and Toono (the last one being one of the guys who were looking green because of the blood), and headed straight to her room in hopes that locking herself in there would prevent the old man from coming for her head. It didn't work.

Twenty minutes later a professor came to knock on her door uring her to go see the headmaster. During the next hour or so, she dissociated while her grandpa shifted from burning rage to amber like anger and back to fire hazard again, all while explaining the various "atrocities" she had committed today. Apparently, getting physical while teaching manners to some jackass was not the standard protocol procedure (and what a pity that is for real). He may or may not have mentioned something about her new club, but since her daydream's plot was on its climax during that moment, she didn't hear a thing.

After she was finally released from the dragon's cave, she went to the cafeteria only to find out that it was already closed. With a rumbling stomach she had embarked on the treacherous task of finding a vending machine (for the second time that day), and after claiming her "high in sugar" treasure, she'd gone back to her room to start the tedious task of organizing all her stuff. Her whole life might be a mess but god forbid that her books and records become one.

Overall, even after everything, she was satisfied. It was not everyday that she got to:
a)Make the old hag fume.
b)Make a dickhead choke back on his own words.
c)Make a pretentious ass shut up by kissing him so fucking hard he saw stars.
d)Break a fucking piece of shit's nose.

'And to think this was only my first day here. I don't know if I should be worried about the rest of the year or not hehe.'


-6,435 words


First of all, thank you so much for clicking this story, every view, vote and comment means the world to me 🥺

Secondly, the first chapter is dooone!!!(I finished at 1 am :)) I never thought this day would come but here we are. I promise to give this story my best and I hope you have so much fun reading it as I have writing it.

The reason for writing this is no other than lack of content in the fandom. Three manga volumes are not enough and the fics I've found are not really my cup of tea so I said "fuck it, I'm writing my own" hehe.

I'm gonna try to make consistent updates but please bare with me; life is complicated and school makes me want to commit arson 😔

Last thing is that English is not my first language so I do apologize if I sound American sometimes and Brit others 😅

So with that being said, enjoy the rest of the story!!!!!

(Feedback is appreciated btw)

Have a wonderful rest of your day/night.
                                                    -Mia ☆

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