Starry Eyed

By EclipseKissed

5K 244 25

Y/N, the princess of the independent planet of Suraniat, faces the threat of assassination by the Separatists... More

Chapter 2. General Kenobi
Chapter 3. Genesis
Chapter 4. Celebration
Chapter 5. Dancing partner
Chapter 5. Bad News
Chapter 6. Secret mission
Chapter 7. The Banking Clan
Chapter 8. The prince of Keluura
Chapter 9. Apprehension
Chapter 10. Shattered spirits
Chapter 11. Discovery
Chapter 12. Afraid
Chapter 13. The tide turns
Chapter 14. Resolution

Chapter 1. Self-doubt

533 19 3
By EclipseKissed

"Your lack of trust in me baffles me, father." I exclaim, pacing his office up and down with my arms to my back. "I am in no need for a personal guard. I have my royal guards to escort me to events, and they're enough to drive me up the wall sometimes. I definitely don't need another idiot to follow me around like a little duckling to his mother. Besides, why would any bounty hunter come after me, when they can come after my older brother? He'll be the future king of Suraniat after all, not me." I let my body fall on the sit behind me. My father, the king of Suraniat, who was gathering his paperwork unbothered, looked at me from above his glasses with a look of disbelief.

"May I remind you of the fact that you have decided to announce publicly your wish to become a senator for our "possible allegiance to the republic"? You clearly have no idea what senators for the Republic go through because of the Separatists. We're in a delicate situation right now. You have just become a valuable asset for the Separatists in the fight against the Republic; If they got to you, It would mean access to our royal family, therefore to our kingdom and all our future decisions. A risk I'm not willing to take. You see, right now I'm considering whether granting you the possibility to become a senator was the right decision." He sighed. "Now, excuse me while I arrange this with the Jedi council." My father said, looking for this conversation to end."

"I think you're being obnoxious." I tried to insist once more before he put his papers down and looked at me frowning.

"Maybe you should have thought twice before deciding to pursue a title as Senator. Maybe you could have at least listened to the council's advice."

"I don't need a bunch of older men telling me I'm too young, too inexperienced or too childish to become a senator. I have my own father for that." I said sarcastically. "I've been studying and working hard all these years, I've built a relationship with our people. This is all I ever wanted. I deserve it." I looked away for an instant, to avoid his look of disappointment, focusing on the window behind him. "I don't want to be just a pretty face. I want to be something more. My brother will be King, and I don't want to sit around and do nothing. I'm more than that."

"All I care about is our kingdom. And your safety. There are battles we can't fight." He said with his usual monotonous voice, putting his glasses down.

"All I'm asking is for you to reconsider." I sat up and made intense eye contact.

"What am I going to do with you?" He finally sighed, shaking his head lightly.

"Is that a yes?"

"I'll give it a few hours." He gestured his hand towards the door. I got up from the chair and walked towards it.

"Thanks father." I quickly left the room, prancing my way to my brother's quarters. 

"It worked." I entered, to find him lying down in his bed, completely absorbed by a book. "He'll reconsider."

"I'm sure he told you that so you would shut up." He laughed, closing it down and sitting up. "You're going to have a Jedi follow you around wherever you go because you couldn't keep your mouth shut."

"The people needed hope. They need us. We can't let them be scared by Separatists, our allegiance to the Republic must happen."

"I'm not saying it shouldn't." He sighed, placing his elbows on his knees. "But you shouldn't be so loud about it. You know it's not convenient to insult the Separatists."

"I didn't insult them." I crossed my arms jokingly.

"Yeah, you only said that our kingdom would never negotiate with murderers."

"I see no lie in that."

"You really have a nerve, I must give that to you." He laughed once more, shaking his head. "But promise you will be more cautious." He advised more seriously.

"I promise." I nodded and gave him a heartfelt smile before leaving his room. It was true I should have been more careful with my speech earlier that day, but when it came to my people, I just couldn't let the fear spread due to the rumours that abounded of a takeover by the Separatists.

I had been secretly studying to become a senator for the Republic and had managed to painstakingly convince my father, the King, to consider becoming a Republic planet, which I would represent in the senate. War was inevitable, and if we were to choose a side, we had to do it fast. Everything was going great until the Separatists found out about the possible allegiance, and decided to threaten with creating a blockade to stop resources from entering Suraniat after a heated discussion with general Grievous. This was our wake up call, and we wasted no time to contact the Republic, which were to send their troops as fast as possible. My father had also requested a warrior to protect me after my public speech on the upcoming battle, which I found exaggerate.

I pushed the heavy doors of the library. The tall windows were opened, letting in the light breeze that made the curtains sway and the smell of daffodils, our native flower that was found all over our royal gardens. My mother sat in front of the small wooden desk, sipping her tea elegantly. She smiled as warmly as the sunlight that creeped in, as I made my way to her, my footsteps echoing around the room, whose ceilings were the tallest of the palace.

"You're late." She placed her teacup down. We always had tea at the same time each Wednesday. "Although I don't blame you, I know your father is the most hard headed man in the galaxy."

"He said he'd reconsider." I said triumphantly, sitting down and pouring some tea in my cup.

"Good." She looked out the large window for an instant before continuing. "Maybe you should reconsider too. I mean, about this "becoming a senator" idea of yours. I know you want to be like your long-lost aunt Iris, but look how she ended..."

"Disappeared. Because she knew too much." I looked to the floor while memories of my aunt flashed through my head. She was curious and hard-working, like me. She wanted to help this planet before war broke out more than anyone. Iris would always talk about some sort of conspiracy going on around in the depths of the palace, something to do with Separatists, but no one believed her, until she disappeared mysteriously and no one dared investigate. "I won't make the same mistakes, mother." I reassured.

"I know you can take care of yourself, you're my daughter after all." She interrupted. "But we care for your security."

"I appreciate it." I sipped on my cup. "But I can't just sit while war happens in front of us. "

"Just know what you get yourself into before you make the decision" She concluded. It was no secret I was closer to my mother than to my father, meaning her lack of support affected me more than my father's, which was expected anyways.

"It has already been made." I replied coldly and confidently to make it seem like I didn't care; Deep down, I wanted more than anything to make my parents proud, something I wasn't able to admit yet. However, I was starting to reconsider all my choices myself. Was my decision to become a senator too risky? Was I getting myself into something completely out of my league? A lot was at stake, and the odds were against me. Our slight tension was interrupted when the doors of the library flung open. My father stormed in accompanied by four guards.

"You must come with me. Immediately."

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