
بواسطة melvauthor

141K 5.2K 1.7K

Camila has lived and worked all her life in Hawthorne Manorhouse. It's all she's ever known along with the ki... المزيد

HAWTHORNE - Introduction
Prologue - Break-Down
1 - Last Goodbye
2 - Duties
3 - Heir
4 - Moving in
5 - Late nights
6 - Family dinner
8 - Letter
9 - Succumb
10 - Deal
11- Realization
12 - First time
13 - Brotherly
14 - On your knees
15 - Bend over
16 - Royal Baby
17 - We're better off
18 - Calm to my storm
19 - Friends and Allies
20 - Feels too right
21 - Picnic
22 - Not bogeyman
23 -Invitation
24 -Official Duties
25 - College Reunion
26 - Crazy
27 - Cherishing
28- Hawthorne's Tribute Lunch
29 - Unexpected Guests
30 - London
31 - Early Christmas Gift
32 - New Year's Ball
33 - I'll find a way
34 - The truth
35 - I love you
36 - No way out
37 - Beginning of the end
38 - Shattered
39 - Lawyer up
40 - Recognition
41 - Free but at what cost?
42 - Chance
43 - Coronation
44 - Loyalty
45 - One last dance
46 - No
47 - Everything but that
48 - No charity case
49 - By the end of the Night

7 - Eat

2.7K 114 93
بواسطة melvauthor

Camilla White

I've never seen the Duke lose his temper before.

He's usually the first to keep his bearings together, especially with his mom. Sure he's always assertive but tonight he didn't put up with her attitude. 

I am somehow pleased and uneasy.

It made my stomach flutter that he stood his ground against her. It means he won't be doing her bidding every single time.

On the other hand, it made me realize I will never want to be the target of his bad temper. 

The man's always calm and collected but he seems to be hiding a cantankerous person.

I certainly hope not, because if I happen to fall in the middle of one of his bad ones, I know my life will be a living hell in here.

And that's mainly the reason that after accompanying the Duchess and his Grace, Edgar Hawthorne to their car, I've steered clear from him.

Initially, I wanted to go check on him and maybe bring him some dessert but fear kicked in and changed my mind.

What if I go there and he yells at me? 

That could be enough to be on his black list. 

I need to keep my cool and cleaning does the trick. 

So, right after that disastrous dinner I dismissed the rest of the employees and started to clean the kitchen. It wasn't a big mess, since they know to clean up after themselves. But the dishes from the dinner were still out, as well as the floor that still had to be cleaned. 

I didn't even eat yet. I mean, after all of that tension I wasn't really hungry and now I just want to finish this so I can take Primrose to the orchard and then collapse on the bed. 

Tomorrow's a new day and the Duke will be in a better mood for me to try and plan the menu for the upcoming week so there aren't surprises like the one at dinner tonight. 

Just when I am crouching by the bottom cabinets, rearranging the pans, a ruff voice sounds from behind me: "What are you doing?"

It's enough to make me turn around with a pan clutched to my chest.

"Uhm, I-," I stutter. 

"I asked you a question," he says after clearing his throat, with a stern tone.

"I am cleaning," I confess.

"I thought I had people who were appointed for the cleaning, and you're not one of them." 

"I know, your Grace but I just wanted to keep busy tonight and sent them off early."

"Well then, the hours will be deducted from their payrolls. I don't-"

"What? No!" I exclaim, cutting him off.

His hands, which, so far had been hidden in his slack's pockets, make an appearance, only to cross in front of his chest. My eyes follow their movement, settling on his face, where  I see a cocked eyebrow.

"Come again?" He asks in a silent and calm tone.

However, his eyes tell a different story. I can see the hardness, the storm brewing inside and I am sure I've been the draw the last straw.

I, unwillingly, poked the bear. But I couldn't stay quiet when he just threatened to cut on people's wages. 

"I-, I-," I pause, taking a deep breath, trying to start again with more confidence. "I sent them home, I decided to stay behind and do the work by myself, so if you want to cut hours from someone's wage, take it from mine." 

"Well, it's not your decision to make is it?"

"I-, no, Your Grace, but I didn't see anything wrong with it. I thought that having the house clear of people would've been the best option." I wince when I realize what just come out of my mouth.

"Well, next time, Ms White," he drawls my name followed by a short pause. "Don't decide without asking me first. You might be the housekeeper and I might not be able to fire you but you're not the one who says what goes and what doesn't. Got it?"

My stomach flutters. 

Not because of the big scolding which I am fine with because he is right. But because of the way he referred to me.

Ms White. 


"Good. Now leave things as they are and go have some rest," He orders.

"I just wanted to fi-"

"It's been a long day, even longer dinner. Just go have some rest." He cuts me off.

His mention about dinner reminds me of my need to have him tell me the dishes he wants to choose for the weekly menus.

"Your Grace, I will need a little bit of a more detailed guidance on the menus from here on out."

"Detailed guidance?" 

"Yes, I don't want a repeat on today's dinner. You gave me free rein and I went too close to home." I pause, taking a deep breath. "I got sidetracked and forgot that the meals should be to your liking, not mine."

"The meal was entirely to my liking. I only request you to have on the same day a meal of meat and fish, other than that I am not as exigent as my mother and I appreciate the variety."

"But your mo-"

"My mother," he cuts me off pointedly, "is not your boss. Is she?" 

I shake my head, wide-eyed.

"Then you keep doing as I tell you and things will run smoothly."

"Sure, Your Grace."

Then a long and awkward silence stretched between us and as I look around, a thought pops into my mind, making me ask without even thinking.

"Was there anything you needed from the kitchen?" 

"Ahm, yes. I, uhm," he stops and looks around. "I got hungry." 

"I can whip you something quickly, what is it that you-"

"Is there any dessert left? I'll be fine with it, no need to cook an entire meal just for me." 

"But I coul-"

"If that dessert is anywhere near what the dinner was, I'd rather have the dessert please." 

What is with him and cutting me off tonight?

"Your Grace doesn't think I can cook? The entire meal was based on my mom's recipes. I've been helping around the kitchen since I was twelve." I try and counter with the most polite tone I can manage but still, there's an edge to my voice.

"I never said that, Camilla," he drawls again. "I am just craving something... sweet tonight. To get rid of my sour mood." 

The way he rakes his eyes up and down my body while emphasizing the word sweet makes my skin tingle and a shiver run down my spine.

I'm stunned to place at the sound of his words, unable to keep my eyes from his face. His expression was nearly unreadable if it weren't for the slight upward tilt on the corner of his mouth.

"Uh..." I can't even form a word and as the silence stretches and our gazes stay locked, it gets even more awkward.

How worse can it get? 

"Are you going to serve me or stand there eye-fucking me all night?" 

Well, I guess I spoke too soon.

With ablaze cheeks and a tight jaw, I turn around and head for the fridge.

"I had a traditional pudding ready for dinner but, earlier today I had done an Asian dessert,"  I blurt out. "It's my, uhm, guilty pleasure..." I trail off.

"Bring it on."

Meanwhile, I hear the scrape of a chair and I know he sat by the kitchen island, on the stool. I bring the dessert out and start to plate it accordingly. 

Once it's done, I turn around and carry it to the kitchen island, gingerly placing it in front of him.

"What's this?" he asks.

"It's fried banana, I usually add some vanilla ice cream and chocolate topping. It's my absolute favourite!" I gush.

A small smile appears on his face before he nods in understanding. 

Realizing I probably looked like a silly child gushing about lollipops, I blush and step away, giving the Duke some distance and privacy to eat the dessert. 

Unfortunately, my stomach had other plans because as soon as I hear the crunch of the fried banana being chewed, it growls. Giving away the fact that I haven't eaten yet. 

I mean, I hadn't even remembered I was hungry up until now.

Stealing a glance at the Duke I notice his attention on me with an arched eyebrow so, hastily, I turn around and busy myself.

Pans were never appealing as they are right now. 

"Camilla," the Duke calls, but I keep on putting them in the right cabinets, with my back to him.

"Don't make me repeat myself." 

His strong and assertive tone roots me to place.

"Y-yes, Your Grace," I stutter like a fool.

"Did you have dinner?" 

"I, uh, I was nervous at first and then I got busy and I-"

"I asked you a question, Camilla. And I don't like to repeat myself." 

"I, uh, no, Your Grace," I mumble.

"I prefer it when people face me while talking to me, Camilla."

I turn around and face him, while still avoiding his eyes.

"Why didn't you eat?"

"I was busy with serving you dinner, and got nervous because I wanted the Duchess and Your Graces to like it, and then things got so intense that I busied myself with cleaning to get rid of the anxiety... It's something I tend to do," I rant.

When I make the mistake of looking at him, he has his intense and unwavering gaze locked on me. Unreadable expression while slowly eating the dessert. 

It's enough to make my stomach growl again and for water to grow on my mouth.

"Come here."


"Did I stutter? Come here, Camilla," he insists.

Without a question, I do as he says, stopping only when I am standing right next to him.

To my surprise, the Duke pulls the stool and moves his head, indicating me to sit down.

I hesitate. Why would he want me to sit next to him?

"Sit down, Camilla," he orders but I hesitate. "Am I not speaking English?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

So, I sit down.

His eyes roam my face, showing me a tiny sliver of appreciation for following his orders. 

As if I had a choice not to. I know he can't just fire me like that but if I want to stay here I'll have to keep him happy with my work. That involves obeying him.

As soon as my bum hits the stool, his hand pushes it closer to him and a fork full of fried banana and ice cream is placed right in front of my face.

"Oh no, Your Grace, I couldn't-"

"No one will starve themselves in my house," he growls. "Eat."

I do as he says, closing my mouth around the spoon. The banana is no longer hot but it still maintains most of its crunchiness. The vanilla ice cream gives it such a soft finish that I can't help but moan as soon as the flavour reaches my taste buds. 

At the same time, I feel a cold droplet on the corner of my mouth.

Immediately, I open my eyes and find the Duke watching me intently, with dark eyes. 

With his intense gaze upon me, I start to feel all jittery and the need to break the tension leads me to clean the ice cream from the corner of my mouth with my index and suck on it quickly.

Just as I am about to lower my hand, the Duke grabs my wrist tightly. It doesn't hurt but it's strong enough to keep in place.

"You," he whispers before pausing, his speech just enough to pull my finger out and slowly trail it underneath my lower lip. "Missed a little bit."

And then he stuck it inside once again. 

This time around, I don't break the eye contact and notice how his pupils dilate at the sight of my lips sucking tightly around my finger. His skin on mine sends small tingles down my arm, and warmth reaches my lower belly. 

Never in my life, a man has left me aroused for having him watch me.

His hand tightens on my wrist and a small whine leaves my lips, setting my finger free.

In a split of a second, his hand that had been grabbing my wrist cradles my face while his own comes closer.

"Your Grace," I breathe.

"Call me Vincent," he says with a low and husky voice.

It's enough to make me squirm and he takes it as a sign to come even closer, to the point our breaths are now mixing. His scent, now familiar, fills my nostrils.

Leather, wood and benzoin.

My new favourite scent.

Vincent's thumb grazes my lower lip, while his tongue peeks out to lick his own. Like a starved lion looking at his meal.

Except, I'm the meal.

"Tell me to stop," he whispers while coming even closer.

Not enough that we're touching, but enough for me to feel the warmth irradiating from him.

My stomach flutters and my eyes flutter involuntarily. 

We can't. 

We shouldn't.

It's wrong. But why does it feel so right?

Why does his presence affect me every single time? Why do I feel so comfortable in his touch? Why am I not telling him to stop?

Because I don't want to. And from the look of it, we both want it.

I nod and our noses bump at the same time his hand lowers, from cradling my cheek to my jaw, with his fingers digging into my scalp, right behind my ear. Just as I shiver his body moves and I know our lips are just about to touch.

Woof. Woof.

Primrose's bark brings both of us back to reality.

The Duke places his forehead on mine with a defeated sigh while I pant.

We were just about to...kiss.

Realization sets in and I abruptly stand up and flee from the kitchen to my bedroom.

"Camilla, wait," I hear the Duke call but I ignore it, locking myself inside my bedroom.

👑 A u t h o r ' s N o t e 👑

Whoops, that was some tension, don't you think??

How are you enjoying this story so far? 

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