Love me or hate me it's still...

JoAnn314 द्वारा

767 375 520

After being trapped in a relationship that bores you to death and following your path to something new, how w... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 14

12 11 0
JoAnn314 द्वारा

25 years ago...

"Right, Nyx, darling, grab your things, we need to leave now!" Fay said, trying to stay calm for her two children. Fay was a powerful woman, given the power of regenerative healing when she was born into her fairy convent. She never got ill, and her tears healed any nasty wounds; however she could not cheat death like with healing cancer. Her husband, Marin, was of equal power, his magic let him cover things up that he didn't want seen, the art of cloaking. Their son, Nyx Reynolds, was a 7-year-old confident little boy who had not received any powers when he was born, a human boy that his parents loved so deeply they worried for his future in a world full of secretive magic merged in everyday life. Their daughter, Effie, had just turned 1 years old. The Reynold's house was still decorated from her party the day before; pink glittery balloons gathered in the hallway; her three-tiered Barbie cake was still holding strong on the kitchen table. The rest of the three-bedroomed house was a mess. They all had the most wonderful day, full of presents and laughter. They looked fondly at their children playing together, wishing their hopes and dreams would come true.

However, unbeknown to them, Steve Wesley had learnt a few days before from his brother Chad Wesley that his work partner, Marin Reynolds had found his 1-year-old doing the most unexpected things. Chad had taken Marin out for drinks to celebrate his daughter's birthday, not being able to make the party they were holding for her, and coaxed information out of Marin that he had no idea what to do with. He learnt how Marin had masked himself as a human for decades after meeting his beautiful wife Fay in Portsmouth doing the same thing. Her reasons were dark and dangerous; her family were evil, desperately trying to find a way to gain eternal life, ever since she could remember, to deliver misery to others for eternity and she wanted nothing to do with it.

Unbeknown to her, her family had managed to get hold of dark magic and created a potion which had to be injected into someone with magical abilities who was carrying a baby. Sen, Fay's twin brother, knew of his sister's secret pregnancy, being linked to her from birth and organised for her to meet him in the shopping centre by the sea. He had promised her a friendly catch up but within minutes she had realised there was an alternative reason behind it. Out of nowhere he had injected the potion into Fay, praying that it would give her unborn child the gift of giving eternal life to anyone that drank her blood. Fay's twin brother and parents were all power hungry, always had been and Fay had tried to run. Her and Marin fled to the busy London streets but she knew deep down that no matter where she tried to hide to escape from them, they always managed to catch up to her eventually.

After Chad had provided his brother, Steve, with this information, Steve became power-hungry, desperate to get his hands on the girl who could give him eternal life, thus making him the most powerful man in the world. He wanted control, he wanted to be the most dangerous man around and he vowed he would do anything to get it.

The day after Effie's birthday party Fay's family, finally finding out where she had been hiding, beat Steve to it and surprised the Reynold's household. Fay opened the door and clutched the door tightly in her grasp as she saw her mother staring back at her. "Good afternoon Fay dear, mind if we come in?" her mother, Olette asked, faking a smile so wide you would think she had her daughter's best interests always at heart.

Fay held Effie tight to her, caressing her little head against her shoulder as she stared at her mother's purple eyes glinting at her. She looked older than she remembered, the chase finally catching up with her. "Olette, you need to leave", Fay demanded as she felt some little hands on her leg.

"Oh, and who might this strapping young boy be?" Olette asked, crouching down to say hi to Nyx.

Fay put her hand on his head comfortingly and pushed him behind her, "Olette, I have asked you to leave."

Olette stood tall, feeling pissed off at her daughter's hostility, "we wanted to wish Effie a very happy birthday, is that too much to ask?"

Marin appeared next to Fay, taking Effie from her and looked sternly at Olette as he walked away, grabbing Nyx's hand to pull him along too. Fay didn't take her eyes off Olette as she tried to step forward, but she was pushed back by a shield protecting the house and everyone inside it. "Oh, I see how it is. Magic won't protect you forever Fay, you know that right?"

Fay's eyes widened as she saw her father, Nidaw, appear with her twin brother Sen not far behind. Olette turned to face them and smiled, "ah, lovely. Some more people to join the party."

Fay shook her head, "leave us alone. All of you. I have my family and you have yours, why can't you just leave me alone?"

Sen flicked his blonde hair away from his face, his evil snake-like eyes looking her up and down greedily, "because you now have something we need. Something we created so yes we are here to retrieve what is ours."

Fay shook her head, "you have another thing coming if you think you are going to take any of my children from me!"

Olette laughed, hitting her husband's shoulder next to her, "oh Fay, you always were such a drama queen. We don't want both your children..." she spotted Marin in the kitchen trying to quieten Effie down who had started to cry, "we just want her."

Fay turned around, suddenly feeling sick, the thought of anyone laying a finger on her daughter made her want to run away from the whole world and hide. She turned back to face her family, "NO!" she screamed as she slammed the door shut. Fay ran into the kitchen, grabbing Effie off Marin and ordered him to get their supply bag from the cupboard which they had made ready just in case this day came sooner than they anticipated.

"Nyx, come with me!" Marin demanded, grabbing his hand and dragging him upstairs to get the rest of their things.

Effie started crying, feeling the panic and worry surround the room. "Sh, sh, sh, my darling. It will be okay Effie I promise. No one will harm you", she uttered, kissing her daughter's head gently as a tear escaped her eye, sliding down her cheek and onto Effie's perfect little head. Marin reappeared as there was a knock at the door. Fay looked around her in a panic, "Marin, where did Nyx go?"

Marin glanced behind him and then down the hallway as he heard the front door open, "Nyx, no!" Marin screamed, but he was too late.

Fay had created a barrier against her family coming in, but not for anyone who was human. "Well, well, well, I guess what my brother has said was true, is this the darling little girl?" Steve asked, inviting himself in as he stared harshly at Effie in Fay's arms.

Fay shielded Effie as Marin came out of nowhere and hit Steve in the nose, pushing him down to the floor. Steve rubbed his nose on the floor angrily, glaring at them, "look, I came to help, I want to make a deal. I have a 7-year-old and a 3-year-old at home, I understand."

Marin stood back, pushing Nyx behind him, "we're listening."

Steve stood up and put his phone on the kitchen table, glancing at it every so often like he was waiting for someone. "My brother, Chad, told me everything Marin. I know who your daughter is and what she is capable of, and that kind of magic should only be trusted with a human, not any of your kind." He waved his hand towards Fay, meaning her wicked family.

"How can we trust you?" Fay asked curiously.

"I know your kind Fay; I have done my research, I know how to help. I thought these kind of things were all made up but then odd things happen around the world with no explanation so I started doing some digging. My wife, Mikaela, likes to think of herself as some kind of witch. She went into the dark part of London, where no one really goes and came across a convent of your kinda people. They gave her this..." he revealed a black, glittery potion from his jacket pocket and put it on the kitchen table in front of him. He watched Fay and Marin's eyes light up, knowing exactly what it was. "Ahh, I'm glad you recognise it."

Marin grabbed it from the table and brought it up to his eyeline, "how did she get hold of this? This is dark magic. It might not even work."

Fay went up to him and put her free hand on his arm, "but it's worth a try."

Marin nodded and looked at Steve, "what's your offer then? You have my attention."

"Fay, your family killed my brother this morning. Just like that. Gone. They said he knew too much, they have been following you Marin, for weeks it seems." Marin didn't look shocked at the news, upset his friend had been killed but Chad only had himself to blame, finding out information that wasn't his to be had. "They have threatened my family and I am not having that. I have built up a perfect life for myself and I am not about to lose it to some stupid fa la la family who think they are better than everyone else. Effie will be safe, you know they won't kill her, so my deal is for him." Steve pointed at Nyx who worriedly hid behind his hands, behind Marin's legs, understanding every word they were saying. Fay and Marin believed every word that came out of Steve's mouth, clutching at how trusting most of the humans they had come across were; however Steve's plan was not to help them but rather to help himself, he needed Effie alive so that he could eventually get his hands on her. He knew he would have to be patient but this way he would have the upper hand against Fay's family. "I suggest you make them both forget about you two, forget about your world, the magic, the violence, your family, your convent and let them be human. This potion, as you know, will make them both as human as they could possibly be. What do you think?"

Fay looked at Marin then back at Steve clutching Effie tight to her chest, "but eventually they will find Effie, they won't give up. How can I trust you won't let them?"

"Ah, yes. Mikaela spoke to someone about this. The potion hides her from them. She won't know anyone of your kind, none of her family. She will be invisible to them all... Until she meets her one." His eyes glistened, "the person that will throw her life upside down. That is when she will remember, that is when they will be able to find her, but by then she will be ready. By then she will know how to destroy them for good. She is powerful enough, I can feel it from here", Steve said, eyeing her gleefully. This little beautiful baby that held so much in her tiny little hands.

Marin looked at Fay and kissed his daughter's head, "Fay it is the only way they will both be safe."

Fay felt the tears stream down her face at the thought of not seeing her beautiful children grow up. She looked at Steve, making her decision. It was life or death and she knew which one she wanted for the both of them. "Do it. Before I change my mind."

She passed Effie to Marin and crouched down, pulling Nyx close, smelling his hair and kissing his cheek. She couldn't love anyone anymore than she loved her children and she hoped her love would flow through them throughout their entire lives. Marin held Effie tightly as he turned her around to face Steve. Her purple eyes drew him in, he had never been so mesmerized by such a small being. Marin tilted her head back as he watched Steve grab a clean bottle from the drying rack and empty the potion into it. He passed the bottle to Marin who gently gave it to Effie to drink. With all the trust a 1-year-old infant had she received the bottle happily, drinking every last drop. Steve watched in awe as a black eternity ring started to etch into her skin. Effie let out a piercing ear-screeching scream; her pain shooting through them all as the mark wove its way into her skin like a permanent tattoo she would never be able to rid herself of.

"It's done", Steve said, watching the magical glow Effie had around her fade. "She is human."

Marin grabbed his daughter as a wooden plank flew through the door. Steve ducked out the way and made his way out the house through the back door, knowing his part of the deal had been completed. "GIVE ME THAT CHILD!" Nidaw yelled through the broken door, not being able to come in but making sure they made their way out.

Another sharp wooden plank flew in through the window, just missing Fay's head as it shot past. Olette laughed, knowing full well where she was aiming. Fay grabbed Nyx's hand and shouted at Marin to go with her as she shot magic towards them, pushing them all off their feet. Fay hid round the corner with their two little children as Marin turned the corner watching Sen approach. "You know Fay's magic isn't as strong with me. We are twins meaning I can break down whatever party trick she tries."

Marin stared at him furiously, "you will never get her Sen, she is ours. What you did to Fay whilst she was pregnant, that was the last straw!"

Sen laughed, looking at his parents behind him, "oh you are such a stupid man. I told Fay that the day we met you. Pathetic."

"You will never get to my family. Over my dead body!" Marin seethed.

Sen grinned, "so be it." He started murmuring weird mixed-up words and Marin watched the magical wall surrounding their house start to break down, piece by piece.

Fay screamed, "no, not Effie. You cannot take my darling girl."

Olette grinned, watching the wall break down, "give me the baby, Fay. She does not belong to you, she is too powerful."

Fay shook her head, holding Effie tightly, "no, please Sen, Marin and I will do right by her. You cannot use her for evil purposes."

Sen stopped murmuring, the magical wall around the house gone. He put his foot forward, into the air, wondering whether it was going to push him out. But it didn't. He smirked at the couple standing a few meters in front of him, getting a euphoric amount of pleasure at their scared little faces. "It is too late Fay, Effie belongs to us. Marin step out the way", he demanded as Marin stepped in front of him, protecting Fay, Effie and Nyx behind him.

"No, I am here to protect my daughter and her mother, you cannot have Effie. Over my dead body."

Sen cackled then abruptly looked dead pan, "as you wish Marin..."

"Noooooo!" Fay screamed as Sen put his hand on Marin's chest, stopping his heart instantly. Fay watched him drop to the ground like a bag of bricks. "What did you do?" she yelled passing Effie to Nyx.

"Fay, what are you doing?" Sen asked, watching intensely as Fay closed her eyes, raising her hands and started murmuring a range of words that only fairies could understand. "Fay, stop, you can't protect her, it's too late."

Fay stopped and suddenly opened her eyes. Sen stepped back looking at her eyeballs that were glazed over with a thick white liquid. He looked down at the children who had vanished from plain sight then looked back at Fay who stared back at him expressionless. "No. You are too late." She screamed. A scream so loud it made Sen, Nidaw and Olette fall to the ground. Her powerful energy tearing their insides apart.

Sen pulled himself forward in agony as he grabbed Fay's foot, tripping her over, sending her straight to the ground and pulled her towards him. He forced his hand aggressively over her mouth, stopping her scream long enough for him to recuperate some strength. "I said stop!" he shouted, ringing his hands around her neck, choking her, watching the life drain from her face until she was nothing but a ball of flesh in front of him. "Stupid bitch", he snapped emotionless as he sat back, leaning on the wooden panel of the kitchen archway trying to regain enough energy to move.

Olette got up, looking at the mess in front of her, the pain of losing a child affecting her in the smallest of ways. She stepped slowly into the house, expecting something to come at her any minute. "Sen, where are the children?"

Sen tiredly put his hands in the air, "I don't know mother. Why the fuck would I know?"

Olette turned to Nidaw who was still sat on the ground, putting his fingers in his ears trying to stop the wringing that he could still hear from Fay's scream. "Nidaw, get up. We have work to do. We need to find that Steve, whoever he is, before we lose them all for a long, long time."

Nidaw shrugged, "you killed that Chad Wesley. He was our only source of knowledge. Not my fault you can't control your temper."

Olette screamed in anger and picked Sen off the ground, "stupid boy. Fay was our only way of finding them. You better sort this out", she seethed.

Sen nodded, scrambling to his feet, nodding excessively. "Yes mother, anything. I'm sorry."

Olette let go, shaking her head as she walked out the front door. "Let's go. There isn't anything here for us anymore."

Sen and Nidaw nodded and quickly walked off to keep up with her, following her every footstep to try and stay on her good side.

Fay didn't know how powerful she was, especially mixed with the dark magic of the potion Steve had brought. All her abilities were passed onto her darling little girl, the love she had for her poured into both her children's very beings. Both her and Marin would echo in their hearts forever and guide them to stay strong through the hardships that were to come.


"Nyx? Are you okay?" Tasha asked, shaking him awake. He sat up in bed trembling as she looked at him worriedly. "You were dreaming babe, what happened?"

Nyx shook his head, catching his breath. "It wasn't a dream. It was a memory." His eyes said it all and Tasha backed away, pulling the covers up to her neck in comfort as Nyx looked out the window trying to regain his thoughts and process what was coming for them. 

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