Finally Found Him

By kuchbhechalga

15.2K 876 166

They finally found Him , the person they wanted from ages the person they lost ........ More



1.1K 74 14
By kuchbhechalga

Gulf ran to his door took out his spare key and opened the door once he was in he ran to his room took out his bag packed some basic things he needed as fast he could he had saved some money too from part-time works he took that money his phone and decided to run from the back Door ....he thought its finally time run he had enough for surviving for a while but as soon as he exited the house the three brothers were already standing there smirking at him.

Mew - I already warned you didn't I, yet you tried to run.

Bright - we gave you a chance, come with us silently or it will be hard on you only.

Bright and mew held gulf decided it's the last chance to survive so it's better to shout.

Gulf - help mom dad, sister three guys are trying to kidnap me but before that win closed his mouth with a cloth and everything went black for him.

Gulf could hear someone talking while it was slowly getting unconscious

Destroy and burn this is the only thing he heard then he was lifted by someone ..........

A few hours later -

Gulf woke up in a big room which he looked around he and saw the door too he directly went there and started screaming but it was of no use.

Gulf - sweet mother of my lord what should I do now yes I should escape from the bathroom yes there will be a exist for sure, gulf turned to run from the bathroom but before he could the three guys came in with food and a bag too.

Win - let's get something first how to say.

Gulf - ok gulf blandly said and sat on the sofa mew sat on one side and win on the other and bright sat parallel to him, gulf could feel mew and win were trying to touch him but he just ignored it

Bright - so gulf which school did you go to.

Gulf - decided to ignore the questions.

Win - held gulfs waist don't ignore our question gulf.

Gulf - I will if I want to now get lost.

And that was it for mew, he just pinned gulf down and stared in his eyes, you won't ignore our question if you want to know about us am I clear.

Gulf - no I won't he kept struggling under mew but mew was stronger

Mew - gulf don't disrespect him or you will be in trouble just do as he says.

Gulf - who was already scared ok ok I will listen to you please leave me now.

Mew nodded and left Gulf's hands both stood up and sat where they were.

Mew - held gulfs hand I am sorry baby I was not trying to scare you but tharn can't stand disrespect.

Gulf - I don't care and who the hell is tharn your name is mew.

Bright - don't worry we will explain everything once the time comes for now rest little boy.

Gulf - hey I am already 18 don't call me little boy you jerk.

Mew- you surely have a sharp tongue and I don't like it.

Gulf - leave me alone, let me go I don't even know you guys how can you expect me to respect you, you have kidnapped me.

Bright - we didn't kidnap you, you belong to us and it will be good to accept this soon. Saying bright, win and mew left the room and locked it from outside too.

Gulfs pov -

What the hell they just can't lock me in here I have to find a way out as soon as possible, there is no way out I opened every single cupboard there are just clothes and some basic stuff are they planning to keep here forever no no I shouted I have to run away I have to find a good job pay my friends back I can't be stuck here......

End of gulfs pov - ( night time )

Bright win and mew returned late night and saw gulf was already sleeping curled up in his blanket.

Mew - he is adorable.

Bright - true brother yes he is short-tempered and aggressive but he is adorable.

Gulf who was sleeping peacefully got up due to the noises the three guys were making....

Gulf - finally you guys are back now let me go

Win - lifted gulf and made him sit on the bed, gulf baby calm down we are not here to harm you we will protect you and you are safe with us now he hugged gulf now tell me what do you want to eat I will order for you.

Gulf smiled at win and hugged him back for the first time in his life someone was taking care of him and who is he so throw it away

Gulf - can I get pizza, pasta, chocolates ice cream, Thai curry American breed , soup and I want big bag of chips too

Bright - ok ok that's enough this all will be too much, you will get chubby

Gulf hugged win tighter win make him go away he is calling me fat can you get all this for me he showed his puppy eyes

Win - sure baby whatever you want and bright stop being mean to him 

Mew- win is right baby is so skinny we need to feed him more

Bright just rolled his eyes to his brother's attitude but he smiled after seeing gulf sticking his toung to him

Gulf - now tell me why did you kidnap me on a serious note I have no money no family even if you kill me you won't get anything you are just wasting your time

Mew - you don't have to worry about it we will tell you everything when the right time comes for now just relax

Gulf - I still don't like you meow

Win - haha good one

To which mew just sulked more.

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