Don't Fade Away: A Solangelo...

By fandom-trashhhh

84.5K 2.5K 7.9K

Nico di Angelo is finally happy. He's learning to accept himself for his sexuality and as a son of Hades. Aft... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter 3: Friends
Chapter 4: What Does it Mean?
Chapter 5: Nico's Birthday
Chapter 6: The Return of Mr. D
Chapter 7: Testing Confidence
Chapter 8: What Would You Do Without Me?
Chapter 9: Doctor's Orders
Chapter 10: In Memory Of
Chapter 11: Familiar Faces, Familiar Places
Chapter 12: Hell Hotel
Chapter 13: Rosemary
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: Shared Experiences
Chapter 16: Fate
Chapter 17: A Shocking Claim
Chapter 18: Moving Cabins
Chapter 19: Valentine's Day
Chapter 20: Tattoos
Chapter 21: Texas Trip
Chapter 22: Meaningful Chats
Chapter 23: The City
Chapter 24: Back to Camp
Chapter 25: Remember
Chapter 26: Nail Polish and TV
Chapter 27: Confrontation
Chapter 28: Breaking News
Chapter 29: The Hedges
Chapter 30: Break-In
Chapter 31: It's Coming Back
Chapter 32: Resurfacing Memories
Chapter 33: A Tug in the Gut
Chapter 34: Introducing Estelle
Chapter 35: Aftermath
Chapter 36: The Escape
Chapter 37: Fairness
Chapter 38: Band-aids
Chapter 39: Ringing Ears
Chapter 40: Stages of Grief
Chapter 41: Stay With Me
Chapter 42: Breaking the News
Chapter 43: The Oracles
Chapter 44: Jason's Funeral
Chapter 45: Fading Away
Chapter 46: Back Online
Chapter 47: Camp Jupiter
Chapter 48: May I Have This Dance?
Chapter 49: Hunter Reyna
Chapter 50: Diagnosis
Chapter 51: Voices and Glowsticks
Chapter 52: Piper's Visit
Chapter 53: Remnants of a Life
Chapter 54: PTSD
Chapter 55: America
Chapter 56: Six Months
Chapter 57: Rachel's Parting
Chapter 59: Wherever You Go, I'll Follow
Chapter 60: The First Day of Summer
Chapter 61: Epilogue
Authors Note

Chapter 58: Escapees

958 31 40
By fandom-trashhhh

As she left her house in America while saying goodbye to Nico and Bianca, and headed to the secret location and opened up the door, Nico was prepared for the dream to end.

But this time it was different.

As she opened the door to go inside, he was able to see the people inside for the first time.

There were about 2 dozen people crowding the place. They all looked scared and upset. There were people of all ages, both female and male. The only thing a lot of them had in common was their dark hair and eyes.

"You can't stay here long." Maria told them. "It is still illegal in America for Jewish people to live here, and for homosexuals to have rights. So you have to go before you get taken back to Poland and sent to concentration camps. There are underground passageways starting over here." She pointed outside and showed them all a secret entryway underground. "And different pathways will take you to any of the countries that take refugees. While the Jewish people in this room will be able to live freely there, I regret to inform you all the homosexuals will not be able to live freely in any country. And I'm very sorry for that. I have hope that someday in the future you will have the rights you deserve, including the rights to marriage. Love is love. We're all people."

As she walked about the busy room helping injured people and having conversations with others, a young woman asked her how there were conveniently tunnels and passageways that were able to send people to and from. Maria smiled and told her it was a coincidence that's why she chose that place, but Nico knew better. He had a feeling it was his dad's doing.

A young man walked up to Maria. "Excuse me, you said you helped people in Italy as well? Because I had heard rumors about you."

She smiled and nodded. "I did."

"May I ask how many?"

She thought for a minute. "At least a couple hundred. It isn't nearly enough, though."

The man lowered his head. "No, you are doing amazing. I thank you for your help. We'll always be grateful. You are a wonderful woman."

Her smile turned sad. "Please, don't thank me. Thanking me makes it seem like I'm doing something extraordinary when all I'm doing is something that is the right thing to do."

"So humble, miss." He joined his family.

Another woman came up to her. "Do you really believe that I'll one day be able to live freely for who I am? For loving women?"

"I cannot say for sure, but I really hope so. All we can do is hope, and try to change the world for the better."

"Thank you."

She talked to multiple other people before giving them more instructions on traveling through the tunnels. But by then, the dream was fading.

But this time, Nico wasn't anxious for more. For now he knew what his mother had been doing. 

Nico smiled at his mom with tears in his eyes. He had a feeling that this was the last memory he would be shown. Even though it was a memory, even though he wouldn't be able to feel her, he tried to hug her.

"Ti voglio bene mamma. Mi manchi tanto. Arrivederci." Which meant, "I love you, mama. I miss you so much. Goodbye."

When she turned, it almost looked like she was looking at him.

Then the dream was gone, and he was awake in his bed.

Nico had his hand over his mouth, shaking. Yet again he was crying.

Will woke up. "Nico? What's the matter? Another nightmare?"

Nico shook his head.

Will sat up. "Hey, it's alright. Do you want to tell me what's going on?" He asked him gently.

Nico moved his hand away from his mouth, but he was still shaking and crying. "Mama."

"Another dream about your mom?"

"I....I know what she was doing now. She was helping Jewish people and gay people escape from prosecution from the Nazis. She was a hero. She got hundreds out of Italy safely, and helped some that ended up in America illegally."

Will's eyes widened. "Start from the beginning."

Nico told him everything that happened.

"That-that explains so much!" Will exclaimed. "Why she was so secretive, why people were huddled up in abandoned buildings, why she got in trouble from that guy and had to flee the country!"

Nico was still crying.

"Why are you still upset?"

"Because. Beforehand, I wanted to find out so badly what my mom was up to. But now I wish the dreams never ended, and I still didn't know because now I won't be able to see her anymore. Seeing these memories showed me things I didn't know about my mom, but that won't happen again. Getting these dreams were kind of like she was still here in a way. Now she's gone again."

Will held his hands. "Hey. It's going to be okay. You were pretty lucky to get to see new things about your mom, you know? And know that you'll probably get to see her again someday. Because of all of the things she did, I'm sure she's in Elysium. I know Hades would make sure of it."

"You're right."

"And think about how great it is that you found out what your mom was doing! I mean, now you know she would be supportive of you!"

"That's the other reason I'm crying, you know. I'm so happy about the things she did for Jewish people and the LGBT+ community. I'm so happy that she was accepting."

"I am, too. Though I had a feeling she would be."

As the 2 laid back down, Nico had a slightly easier time falling asleep that night.

His mom was a hero.

And she would have accepted him.

It was like a weight had been lifted. All the worry he had about his mom hating he was gay. Then the worry about what the Hades she was up to. All of that worry was gone.

He was sure she would like Will. Maybe one day she would be able to meet him.

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