Is This Shoulder Taken?

By dawndwrites

61.2K 3.9K 318

Kendall Prescott and Greyson Carrington. Can a broken heart ever truly heal? Kendall Prescott is looking forw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

621 41 6
By dawndwrites

That night, Andrea invited me out to dinner. I agreed we would meet for sushi at this new restaurant. She conveniently left out that Colton and Greyson were meeting us for sushi too. I was slightly annoyed with my best friend for her matchmaking. I smiled graciously and the four of us had a very nice time at dinner. Greyson, paid for dinner and walked me to my car like a true gentleman.

Man, this guy is too good to be true.

"Could I have your cellphone number in case of an emergency?" He shoved his hands in his pants pockets. "I'd like to call you." Greyson, shyly and nervously said as he pulled out his phone.

Who says in case of an emergency? I just met him, why would he call me in an emergency? I would rather he just ask for my phone number. Sweat was actually beading up on his forehead, he was apprehensive. I'm glad he added the second part. I smiled hesitantly and gave him my cellphone number, knowing he was on edge.


The next day was Friday. I was going home to relax and looking forward to some me time after a long week. I was getting ready to close the gallery and go home, and I didn't expect to see who entered the door before I could leave. It was Greyson.

"Hello, to what do I owe this surprise?" I was eager to know.

"Have dinner with me?" He folded his arms across his broad chest and waited expectantly.

I was a little hesitant since I don't know him well. I wasn't sure how it would be going out just the two of us. I asked if Colton had plans with Andrea. He informed me they were meeting the wedding planner, Miss Cara, to discuss wedding plans tonight.

I quickly reasoned we would be in public at a restaurant, and so far he has behaved as a true gentleman. I did enjoy talking with him. It's not often that a handsome man asks me out on a dinner date, and I was starving.

I said, "Yes, I'd love to go to dinner. Just let me close up the gallery."

We both loved the same burger joint where they serve the best sweet potato fries, and apple pie a la mode for dessert. I ate with no shame. He made me feel like I could be myself. I felt like that when I first met him.

I hadn't talked and laughed like that since I could remember. I'm happy I said yes to dinner with him. I had the best time. It felt like we were becoming fast friends and I liked that. I didn't want to admit it, but I could use a good friend. My best friend was planning her wedding. She didn't have much time in her schedule.

I was truly happy for her and Colton, but a part of me longed for the kind of love they had. When we were leaving, Greyson paid our dinner bill and walked me to my car. "Why didn't you call to ask me out to dinner?" I had to know.

His eyes danced with laughter. "I'm saving your cellphone number for an emergency, remember?" Ha ha very funny. Handsome and he has jokes.

We both burst out laughing. "Thank you for asking me out to dinner. I had a great time." My voice shook nervously.

He kicked a rock in the parking lot and looked at me, examining my face. "We'll have to do this again, sometime soon."

I shyly agreed, with my fingers fidgeting to find my car keys. "We definitely will." I nodded my head in agreement. I knew my resolve would betray me around this man. There was something different about him.


Andrea called me Saturday morning to invite me to a picnic lunch at the Carrington's ranch. Part of me wanted to go, but part of me wanted to stay home. I would be meeting Greyson's parents for the first time. I was petrified what they'd think of me. I didn't grow up living in the grand style that they did. I wondered if they even knew that Greyson and I were friends.

I decided to go and meet Andrea there, hoping he would be at the ranch also. I wanted to dress to impress Mr. and Mrs. Carrington. Part of me wanted Greyson to notice also. I wore a sundress befitting a southern belle. I paired that with wedged heeled sandals that showed off my fresh pedicure. I put my hair up in a loosely curled messy bun. I quickly dabbed makeup on my olive skin. I applied pink lip gloss and headed out the door.

I don't come from a family with money. Let's just say we didn't have the finer things in life. I went to college and received my bachelor's degree in Art History. Fortunately, I was able to apply for a few scholarships. I saved every penny for several years and was able to achieve my goal of opening my very own art gallery.

I wondered if I would be accepted by the Carringtons. Their opinion really mattered to me. Andrea said, "Don't be silly. They will love you."

I arrived at the ranch a few minutes early. What a magnificent sprawling ranch. I was in awe at the land and the estate they lived in. I walked up the steps and rang the doorbell.

"You must be Kendall." Mrs. Carrington herself greeted me. I wasn't expecting that. She was so warm.

Before I could answer, Greyson entered from another room and gave me a hug. "It's nice to see you. You look beautiful." A blush spread across my face. His hug added a whole new feeling I couldn't name.

Ava scolded him. "You rudely interrupted me giving Kendall a proper welcome."

"I'm sorry I thought you two had met."

"We were meeting." She held her chest. "I'm Ava Carrington. As you can see, I'm Grey's momma. I'm pleased to finally me you Kendall. Grey has spoken often about you."

Apparently everyone else calls him Grey, except me. We were still standing in the foyer with its marble floors and exquisite mahogany woodwork. There was a massive chandelier hanging and an impressive atrium ceiling. There was so much of this house to observe.

In walked Colton, Andrea, and a handsome man that looked like Greyson. He had the same jawline and those beautiful gray eyes. The only difference, is he had a full head of gray hair. He greeted me kindly. "You must be the Kendall we've heard so much about. It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Colton, II."

Greyson stole a glance at me and winked mischievously. Mr. Carrington remarked, "You can call me Colton and my wife, Ava."

His momma motioned her hand. "We are not formal around here. You will find us very easygoing. Be sure and give her a proper tour of the ranch after lunch."

We all headed outside. It was set up for the most mouthwatering picnic lunch. The weather was mild and pleasant. The grass was a vivid green under the white picnic blanket. It was thick and lush. There were acres of pasture land with cows grazing. I viewed sheep herders in the distance gathering the sheep.

I poured a glass of refreshing lemonade as I continued to become acquainted with my surroundings. You could tell the grass was freshly cut. It still had lines in it from the lawnmower. I wanted to walk through it barefoot.

I love living in Dallas and getting to experience all four seasons. And I loved it here at the ranch. I'm so happy I decided to accept Andrea's invitation.

"We're waiting for two more guests to arrive before we dig into our lovely picnic lunch." Ava informed us.

Andrea hadn't mentioned anyone else coming to our little picnic. I was sitting enjoying the view and I could hear voices coming from inside the house. It was odd that one of the voices somehow sounded familiar. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back looking up into a pair of the most worry-filled gray peepers.

I could hear muffled voices and things were a little blurry. Everything started coming into full view. I saw relief on Greyson's face as he slowly helped me sit up.

"I want you to take your time. You really scared us." His voice had a slight tremor. I caught sight of a familiar face. I could not process why he would be here.

"Momma, can you get Kendall some water?" Grey asked.

"Sure darlin. Would you like something to eat, Kendall?" Ava met my eyes.

"Maybe a little something." I answered distracted. I still couldn't get over the presence of Mark West!

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