Wraith (Kabane x Male Reader)

By Oliver812

14.3K 809 138

After rescuing Shiki's family, The Kemonoists recieved word of a so called 'haunted house' near a village at... More

Dead Quiet
Burnt House
Knife and Doll
Gilded Diary
Strange Doll
Teaser Art
Misty Memories
Unsavoury Dinner
The Wraith Appears

Flames of Hatred

1K 78 20
By Oliver812

Kabane's POV

Anna "the young master... please save him..."

We both looked at Ms. Anna in surprise.

Inugami "he's here? In this house?"

Anna "i... i don't know... but i feel his presence somewhere... please... save him... he doesn't deserve this fate..."

Ms. Anna soon disappeared once more and we were left to ponder. Inugami-san paced around as he thought about what to do with this new-found info. After a while, he stopped and looked at me.

Inugami "well we made it this far... the wraith hasn't seem to attack yet but we're getting a bit too close to finding out the truth. It's starting to turn the other ghosts against us. If it ever tries to attack, there are some things you should know; Wraiths are not ghosts. They are not the spirit of someone that died. They are beings born of hatred and sadness that latches on to a curse given by someone who died. Sort of a spirit for vengeance."

Inugami "they can go into spectral or material form and we can only hurt them on that second form. But to destroy them... well that's complicated. We need to fond what exactly binds that wraith to this place."

I took a moment to digest all that information. Inugami-san was about to continue with the explanation but was interrupted by more clicking. I held the doll and extended my arm all the way and it turned it's head just like it did before.

Inugami "well. Looks like we've got another lead. Are you ready?"

I nodded.

Inugami "alright. Let's go see where this thing wants to take us next."

We began to follow the doll and it lead us out of the basement (thankfully) and into the central living room. The one with the big fire place.

Inugami-san placed the diary back down, opened it, and said:

Inugami "Mary Belladonna. October 3rd 2018."

A single sprite of mist came out and it was Karl. While holding his bleeding stomach, he limped his way to (Y/N)'s bedroom but was blocked by a fallen wardrobe, no doubt the doing of either Miguel or Mary in an attempt to keep him safe.

In a wounded state, Karl wasn't strong enough to move the heavy wardrone nor open the locked door.

He cursed under his breath and walked away into the kitchen and grabbed... gasoline?

He limped into the living room and poured it everywhere, even on himself. Miguel and Mary then both came out of the library and saw Karl. Their faces immediately went into worry.

Mary "Karl... what are you doing?!"

Karl "I'll see you all in Hell... you two, and that demon you gave birth to..."

Karl lit a match and threw it into the fireplace.

Miguel "Karl no!"

Red mist came out this time. One made it's way to the fire place and created spectral flames throughout the entire house. I didn't feel hot so i knew it was all still an illusion.

The entire living room was set ablaze. The fire spread quickly and engulfed Karl himself. The man screamed and ran around, flailing helplessly as the flames ate away on his flesh.

Mary and Miguel went down the hallway and tried to open the wardrobe covering (Y/N)'s room, but before they were able to, flaming wooden beams came crashing down. Making the way to (Y/N)'s room completely unaccessable.

Mary screamed out (Y/N)'s name as Miguel dragged her out the house and the illusions ended...

Inugami-san could only look around in shock while i felt rage boil within me. Then from the ground came a spark of flame. It grew bigger and formed the burning ghost of the man i felt unworldly anger for...

Karl Belladonna...

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