radiant | jung hoseok | ✓

By Juliander2

2.7K 456 353

Finley enjoyed her life as a barista for a small-town cafe, Hallowed Grounds, and wished for nothing more. Th... More

| author's note | important |
| awards |
| aesthetics |
hallowed grounds | drinks & treats
chapter one | straight black coffee
chapter two | iced angelic americanos
chapter three | london fog lattes
chapter four | caramel macchiatos
chapter five | shots of espresso
chapter six | anatolia café
chapter seven | vanilla lattes
chapter eight | java chip frappuccino
chapter nine | flat white
chapter ten | irish cream coffee
chapter eleven | old fashioned coffee
chapter twelve | salted caramel latte
chapter thirteen | cold brew coffee
chapter fourteen | hot chocolate
chapter fifteen | sugar cookie tea
chapter sixteen | dark roast coffee
chapter seventeen | french press
chapter nineteen | devil's dark chocolate mocha
chapter twenty | toasted white chocolate mocha
chapter twenty-one | cardamom rose latte
chapter twenty-two | cappuccino
chapter twenty-three | dark moon
chapter twenty-four | el mercadido
chapter twenty-five | the fun flask
chapter twenty-six | the love shot

chapter eighteen | hot white russian

67 11 23
By Juliander2

"Do you need me to call the police?" Yoongi asks, sitting across from me on the couch. His gaze is sincere as he looks over me for any sign of injury.

I sink down into the nest of thick blankets, nestled warmly, and my back pressed against the couch. I shake my head. "No, it's alright. It's okay now."

Yoongi looks over at Hobi with concern. "Is it?"

Hobi walks over to the living room area with two mugs of coffee in his hand. He walks with care but his face grows dark at the mention of Tyler. "I'm trying not to think about it right now." His lips pull down into an upside-down triangle as he fails to stop thinking about it.

Yoongi's gaze grows distant for a moment as if to give him space through a lack of attention. He looks to me instead, "Are you sure you want to go to work tomorrow?"

"I can't stay home forever," I reply weakly. In truth, I am exhausted. After the chaos of the attack and now the Tyler situation, I don't know if I have much left in me. I know life goes on, and I am supposed to continue moving with it. I feel as if I am wasting time, or doing something wrong without realizing it.

I am forced to break the routine and without it, I am not sure what to do with myself. Breaks and vacations are foreign to me. I work constantly, but happily. I need to pay my bills and support myself; taking too many breaks will lead to problems in the future if I am not careful.

It's difficult to distract myself from reality, even if I am given grace for the recent events.

Hoseok kneels in front of me and offers me one of the cups. He raises his head to reveal guilt in his caramel brown eyes. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner," he apologizes again.

"I told you that you don't need to say sorry," I plead, taking the cup from his hand. Our fingers brushing gently over each other. I draw the cup close to my chest and inhale the calming aroma of the dark roast. "It's not your fault. All that matters is that you came in time."

"How did you know, by the way?" Yoongi asks.

Hoseok shakes his head. "I don't know, I just... knew."

Yoongi's eyes linger on Hoseok. "Just knew?" he repeats. "Like something was telling you or... just a random feeling?"

I could have just imagined it but I swear Hoseok stopped breathing.

My stomach twists with gentle discomfort at the sight of Hoseok's hesitant expression. "It doesn't matter, only the outcome. And it was good, so there's no need to worry..."

Yoongi raises his brow before shrugging. He sits back on the cushions and glances at the TV. "No need to get defensive, I was only asking."

What does that question mean to Hoseok?

When I look at Hoseok, I notice a soft blush resting on his cheeks. He blinks a few times and regains focus. "So I was hoping you had a movie in mind?" he asks instead, changing the subject.

I shrug. "I'm down for anything. Whatever sounds good to you."

"No horror movies," Yoongi chimes in and flashes Hoseok a smug look. "Unless you want to hear him screaming the whole time."

Hoseok forces a sarcastic look and scowls at Yoongi, playfully. "Ahh it's just not my thing."

I smile softly at him, "Me either. I don't like them either."

"You and the rest of the house. Jungkook and Namjoon seem to be the only ones who enjoy them," Yoongi says.

"What's your favorite type of movie, Hobi?"

"I... I like watching comedies."

"He likes rom-coms," Yoongi chimes helpfully.

"Same here," I brighten and give Hobi a smile. "Have you seen You've Got Mail? It's one of my favorites."

Hoseok's demeanor begins to relax at my encouragement, almost as if he were relieved. "I haven't but I've heard of it."

"It's a great movie, a true classic. I've got a whole list of them. Leap Year, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Sabrina which has Harrison Ford, While You Were Sleeping..." I trail off when I realize Hoseok is staring at me. The fondness in his gaze isn't easily missed but it's distractingly cute. I smile shyly under his attention, "Just to name a few..."

"That sounds amazing, I'd love to."

Yoongi glances between us with a soft look. "I'll leave you to it then," he comments and stands from the couch.

I blink in surprise as I watch him leave. "Oh..." I didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable. If Yoongi wants to watch movies, he can too. I don't want to force him out of his own living room...

Yoongi smirks over his shoulder before he enters the hall. "Keep the volume up, 'kay?" With that, he leaves the room.

I blink in confusion before turning back to a very embarrassed Hoseok. His lips quirk as he fights his emotions before he snapping himself out of it. "He's just messing with us," he says.

"He's sweet," I comment.

"He is, but I wish he didn't have to be so blunt about it," Hoseok laments but finds himself smiling. "Yoongi hyung tends to state the obvious when nobody else will. I just wish he didn't..."

I nod in understanding. "Don't worry about it. Besides, embarrassing family members are the best ones, when they have good intentions."

"That's true."

"So... what should we watch first?"


"Hot white Russians usually make me think of Christmas, but I think the weather outside is dreary enough to whip some up, don't you think?"

I lean back against the kitchen wall as I watch Hoseok work his magic. He stands with his back to me and his attention trained on the hot stovetop. His hands are swift and purposeful; he knows what he's doing and it's extremely hot.

His gray sweatpants cling to his waist, sagging on the right side, and his baggy t-shirt coming over his torso like a blanket. His chestnut brown hair is fluffy with soft curls at the ends, and his forehead is slightly exposed. His heart-shaped lips form a straight line as he concentrates on our drinks.

He grabs the black bottle of Kahlúa off the counter and pours it into the pot. He adds vodka to the drink, using a plastic bottle with a squirter on the end of it. The coffee and heavy cream has already been added. He stirs it at moderate heat and waits patiently for the liquid to heat up.

I take a moment to soak in the sight of him, knowing I am not being watched. My gaze slowly moves up and down his body as if to memorize the shape of him. There is a quiet voice in the back of my head wishing we were closer, close enough to allow one to explore each other. I wonder what it would be like. I wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped in his arms.

What type of relationship will we fall into? Neither of us has done this before. How fast do we move? Are we going too slow or taking large leaps?

I know love isn't something quantified or studied, but the logical side of me is struggling to regain her bearings. It wants to know all the answers when the questions haven't even been asked.

He glances over his shoulder and catches me staring. I quickly avert my eyes, bouncing my gaze to someplace around him, and stare at a cabinet to fake daydream. However, he melts into a smug smile, "Checking me out, Fin?"

I wave him off, fighting my urge to blush, "I'm just thinking."

Thinking about how handsome you look when you're working.

It's surprising that he hasn't had a partner before. Or any of the boys, for a matter of fact. They are all handsome, kind-hearted, and care deeply for each other. And considering how many people go to Bangtan Chicken for their model-worthy waiters, it's shocking how they are able to avoid getting into any kind of a relationship.

Their secret comes into account when it comes to isolating themselves from others. It is the whole reason for keeping to their own, to their little pack.

And I was the one they let in.

"Does my butt have anything to do with those thoughts?"

I hadn't realized I was staring at him again and this time, I blush fiercely. I shake my head quickly, "No no, I wasn't. I wasn't paying attention."

He flashes me a teasing smile before looking back at the pot. "You're so cute," he says as he ladles the drink into two mugs. Hobi adds a swirl of whipped cream to the top and smiles proudly at his creation. "I love this drink, it makes me feel warm."

I take a mug and sip cautiously, feeling the whipped cream stick to my upper lip. The drink is full-bodied, rich, and sweet with the taste of coffee with the vicious bite of vodka. There are notes of vanilla and caramel; it takes me by surprise but I didn't see him add either of those ingredients. It must be the Kahlúa. The warmth of the drink creates a warm feeling in the base of my stomach and suddenly, I understand why this is a winter drink.

"It's raining again," Hobi comments, looking around me and towards the window. "This drink never fails to keep me warm. It's a household favorite in the winter."

"I can see why. It's very warm, and calming..." I take another drink and lick the whipped cream from my lips. I sigh out loud as the drink settles in my body. "It's strong, the vodka adds a kick to it."

"I'm glad you like it," he smiles and his expression lights up, "I was hoping you would."

"I love how we can make drinks with both our passions," I comment wistfully. "You have your alcohol and I have my coffee, it's so great how they can combine."

"They are a good match." Hobi winks and takes another drink.

I smile softly at him and nod. "They are." And I take a drink as well.


The living room is dark with shadows of rain falling across the walls. The hypnotic sprinkling of the rain against the windows and the sweet, succulent scent of dark roast coffee and burnt caramel enhancement the sleepy atmosphere of the apartment. There is warmth in the air, and it is making my eyelids droop with phantom exhaustion.

It isn't noon yet and I am already falling asleep. My body is squished into the couch cushions with my legs curled underneath me. I lean against Hoseok's side, my head resting on his chest. His heartbeats are soft and comforting against my ear and lull me to sleep. My arms rest comfortably in my lap and have begun to tug at the hem of his t-shirt, an absent-minded movement.

The end credits of the movie roll with quiet piano music playing in the background.

Hobi inhales deeply and causes his chest to rise up, then fall once again. I attempt to match his breaths again but I end up breathless. I can't seem to catch up with him. During the movie, sometimes we would sync our breaths but the pattern broke when I actively tried to match his pace.

Hoseok's arm is draped over my leaning body. His fingers draw slow circles over my back, the area is beginning to tingle from his constant touch. His head is tilted towards me but he can't rest it on my head since I am slouching too low for him to reach.

"That was a good movie," he says, breaking the held silence. He doesn't move. "You made a good choice."

You've Got Mail is an excellent choice for enemy-to-lovers fans and book lovers. It's a classic and has a peaceful, autumnal vibe that never fails to leave me feeling warm in the end. It may be spring, but with the drizzle of rain and dark skies, I could be convinced otherwise.

I hum in agreement.

I am too comfortable to move.

I don't want this moment to end. Not yet.

"The kids should be back soon," Hoseok adds with a note of regret. "I'm surprised the hyungs haven't come out for lunch yet."

"Maybe Yoongi went back to sleep," I suggest quietly, my lips barely moving. "And Seokjin is still sleeping."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Jin hyung was still sleeping," Hoseok replies in a knowing tone. "But we have to work today..."

I suppress a heavy sigh and make another silent wish to never leave this room, to move away from Hobi's gentle embrace.

Don't go.

"We open in five hours, and we have prep work to finish. Tuesdays aren't busy, but we have a party reservation for twenty. A retirement party." He laughs to himself, "Ironically, they prove to be quite energetic. But we need to prepare for them... set up the tables..."

My hand encloses around the edge of the shirt, tugging it closer to himself. I press my head against his chest, squeezing my eyes shut, and feel an ache form inside of my chest.

I don't want you to go.

"Oh Fin..." His voice is tender and low, "you don't want me to go?"

I shake my head in small movements.

Hoseok sighs and wraps his arm tighter around my body. His free arm moves and he interlocks his hand in mine, giving me a gentle squeeze. "I don't want to go either, you know."

A soft whine escapes my mouth and I realize Hoseok is trying to move me closer to him, instead of nudging me away. "You're soft and warm and I don't want you to move."

Hoseok's heartbeat begins to pound faster as I cuddle against his body. Subtle waves of heat begin to waft from his body almost like a heater. The scent of his cologne is weaning yet the underlying scent of thick fur and the forest cling to his body...

"You have no idea what that does to me," he whispers, his voice rough with masked emotion.

He twists to face me and I am forced to lift my head from his chest. I sit back on my knees and stare sleepily at him, still dazed by the atmosphere of the room and the light buzz from the hot white Russian. Hoseok gazes into my eyes and takes both my hands in mine, placing them in his lap. "God, you're so beautiful," he breathes.

I press my lips together to fight my growing smile, bashful under his sudden attention.

He smiles at my reaction and tilts his head to one side. "It's that smile that makes me wish I could stay home with you."

I duck my head and hold his hands tighter. "But I know you have to go..." I complain, trying to sound mature and not-at-all clingy.

Then I feel a soft kiss on my forehead.

I look up in surprise and find him leaning away from me. He hums quietly, satisfied, and reaches up to touch my face. He cradles my cheek on his hand and I lean into his touch, gazing into his eyes. "I'm finding it difficult to leave, but I promise to come home as soon as I can."


He leans forward and kisses my forehead again. My eyes flutter close at the touch of his soft lips. He pulls away and brushes his finger across my cheek in a slow movement. "I'll see you soon, Fin."

"I'll wait for you tonight," I add as he begins to stand up. "I want to say goodnight to you."

Hoseok smiles over his shoulder, shy, "Okay. I'll see you tonight."

And he leaves the living room to wake the others.

A/N: The softness I felt while writing this nearly gave me a heart attack. I fell so deeply in love and it's hard to shake myself from it. I usually struggle with fluff scenes, but I think I finally nailed it! I usually write romance based on "falling in love" before dating, but this time I am doing it from the "in the relationship" perspective! What do you think? And thank you so much for 500 reads!!! <3 Remember to take care of yourselves, drink water, sleep early! I love you guys!!

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