Finale - Rewrite - Part of yo...

By rose_sparrow17

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3 years have passed since Harry's arrival to Auradon with his fellow vks, and things are going great! he has... More

part 1 - Good to be Bad
Part 2 - Jinxed
Part 3 - Queen of Mean
Part 4 - Drained
Part 5 - The Ember
Part 6 - Knights
Part 7 - Beast
Part 8 - lies
Part 10 - We won, but at what cost
Part 11 - resolved problems
Part 12 - Break this Down
Epilogue - Closing the book

Part 9 - Our once upon a time

430 11 8
By rose_sparrow17

(Mal art in moodboard by clashatdemonheads on tumblr and dragon art by Manweri on tumblr )





Mal fell back as she stared at the stone versions of her beloved friends, tears running down her face and dripping off her chin as she stared in silent horror "No" Mal whimpered, stumbling to her feet and walking over to Ben, reaching up and cupping his marble turned cheeks "no"

Mal fell to her knees, her hands sliding down to clutch onto Ben's stone hand, hanging her head between her shoulders as she sobbed. "Please no...I can't-I can't do this alone, I need you...all of you"

Mal looked at Jay and Carlos through her wet lashes, letting out another sob as Audrey's/her mother's cold cackle rang in her ears. 'all alone~ as it should be~' her mother's voice cooed in her mind. Mal pressed her lips together and let her forehead rest on Ben's arm 'no one to fight with you, no one to lean on. All alone my nasty little girl~'

Mal swallowed down her tears and shook her head, you'd think after three and a half years she'd learn to ignore her mother's taunts, learn to be better...apparently not.

Mal took a shaky breath and opened her eyes, biting her lip as she stared down at the ember that had fallen from her grip when she grabbed onto Ben, the once glowing gem now resembled coal.

Mal; Here you are alone...and you deserve it.

Mal whispered out, releasing one of her hands from Ben's and picking up the gem, turning it in her fingers

Mal; your friends have turned to stone, and that's on you.

Mal slowly stood, looking up at Ben through her tears, stepping forward and completely leaning against him, resting her cheek on his stone chest.

Mal; You had a cause to serve but did you serve it?

Mal took a heaving gasp, closing her eyes and almost falling to the ground again as she let her full weight collapse against Ben

Mal; or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?

Mal opened her eyes, looking down at the ember then closing her fingers around it as she pushed off of Ben, looking towards Jay and stumbling towards him.

Mal; Why tell all those lies? You feel unworthy

Mal reached up, laying her hand gently on Jay's stone hair, her chin crumbling as another sob ripped from her chest.

Mal; like there isn't solid ground, for you to stand

Mal glanced around Jay, moving to kneel next to Dude and Carlos, running her hand atop Dude's stone head as her other hand curled around Carlos' fingers.

Mal; But a stack of lies is not a firm foundation. You cannot build a castle on a mountain made of sand

Mal stood, trailing her fingers against Carlos' head as she walked between Evie and Ben.

Mal; This is not your father's fairytale

She looked towards Ben and Jay, reaching out towards Ben and grabbing his outstretched hand.

Mal; And no, it's not your mother's fault you fail

She looked back at Evie and Carlos, her other hand reaching out to Evie to caress her cheek.

Mal; So when our story comes to light. Make sure the story that they write

Mal fully cupped Evie's cheek and gave her best friend an apologetic look as she started to walk away. She needed to fix this, and now. And the only way to do that was to defeat her mother and remove the possession spell she had placed upon the poor princess.

Mal; Goes; once upon a time, they fought a dragon.

Mal's mind flashed back to three and a half years ago, when she and her friends had fought her mother, together. And together they had all cast a brilliant spell to shun Maleficent into the pathetic form of a lizard.

Mal; Once upon a time, that beast was me!

She remembered three years ago, when she had gone against the then villainous Uma, transforming into a great dragon and pushing Uma back until Ben had reasoned with them both before they destroyed the boat and hurt everyone on it.

Mal; Once upon a misspent youth, they faced themselves, they spoke the truth!

She remembered sitting in the limo, glaring at Harry as he ignored her for Gil and candy, then sitting in the boring goodness classroom with FG, "learning" right from wrong. And then the night she made the anti-love potion. The night she admitted to herself that maybe Auradon...and Ben, weren't the worst things in the world.

It was the same night everyone else thought the same thing as her, maybe Auradon wouldn't be so bad if they stayed.

Mal; That's how I see our once upon a time. This time

Mal clenched her hand around the ember, looking down the road where you, Harry, Hadie, and Uma had gone. Maybe she had enough time to catch up, convince them to help her save Auradon.

She had to make things right.

Mal shoved the dull ember into her thigh bag, started her bike then drove off, leaving the stone statues of her friends behind as she pushed her bike to its speed limit in hopes of catching up.

And it was just her luck, the four were just crossing the courtyard of Auroria castle. Mal revved her engine and zoomed ahead of them, (y/n) sliding her bike to a stop as Mal drifted in front of her. "Guys!" Mal stumbled off her bike, holding her hands up as (y/n) rolled her eyes and went to keep driving "Guys, please, please stop! I need your help" Mal slammed her hands onto the handles of (y/n)s bike as she went to go around Mal again "we have a chance if we do this together!"

"Your friends kick you to the curb?" Uma snapped, glaring at Mal as she looked at you and Uma pleadingly. Her face was set in tears and guilt "Good." Uma rolled her eyes as Mal turned to her, holding her hands out to Uma.

"Uma please, if-if my mother gets her way, Auradon will be destroyed and-and there will be no place for future vks to go" Uma was about to mention Mal's deal to close the barrier but Mal beat her to that "I know I know, It was a stupid decision and I regret it with all my soul but-if you help me, the barrier won't be closed, the kids will continue to come off the isle but-you have to help me. Auradon is worth saving, if not for Auradon itself then for the vks" Mal gestured out towards where the isle would be beyond the forest. Uma spared it a glance before closing her eyes and shaking her head. "please...(y/n), Uma...." You looked away from Mal, Harry pressing his lips together before catching Mal's attention

"Yeh talk pretty" Harry snapped, hurt clear in his voice as Mal looked to him, tears running down her face "but they've made up their minds" you and Uma glanced at Harry, then you spoke up, Mal sobbing a bit as you looked at her with no emotion other than rage.

"You brought yourself into this mess figure out how to fix it." you revved your bike's engine and nodded at Harry, who followed your lead.

"Hadie-" Mal tried but her bother just glared at her, the four disappearing into the darkness of the forest as they exited the courtyard of the castle.

Mal stood silently for a moment, then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, resting her hand against her thigh bag where the ember was.

Mal; Life is not a storybook but life unfolds in chapters. Turn the page and start to make amends

A series of flashes played in Mal's mind, the first being when she had dumped shrimp on Uma's head and laughed at her, then when she had apologized to her earlier that day.

The second when she had not been invited to Evie's 6th birthday party and had become so spiteful because of it, then she had shoved Evie in a bear trapped closet years later, and then when she had taken the scepter instead of Evie to save her. And then, almost 9 months later after she tried to basically kill Evie twice, she apologized to her for everything.

The third was when she spelled Ben, forcing him to love her and then revealing the truth and apologizing almost a year later. The fourth was when she first met Audrey, and then when she apologized for everything that had happened that month the day of the coronation after the defeat of her mother.

Mal; There's no pre-written guarantee of "happily ever after"

Mal smiled to herself as a flash of the day before played in her mind, of you and Harry getting engaged, smiling brightly, and holding each other tightly. Your happily ever after with each other

Mal; Step into your greatness before your story ends

Her mind flashed back to when she chose good, with all her friends, defying their parent's expectations.

Mal; So when our story ends, they'll say. They'll say once upon a time they all flew higher

The time they fought Uma's pirates flew into her mind, all to save Ben. Fighting against each other. And then earlier today when they switched the narrative and fought as one, to save Auradon.

Mal; Once upon a time, they made things right

She remembered her friends grabbing her shoulders, all chanting the spell to defeat her mother 'the strength of evil, is good as none/when stands before, seven hearts as one.' And then the bright multicolored blast that transformed her mother into the lizard.

Mal; Once upon a tie that binds, they changed their hearts; To change their minds!

She remembered the small circle of fist bumps when they all chose good, she remembered leaning against Ben as (y/n) rested her head on Harry's arm.

Mal; That's got to be our once upon a time!

Flashes of times with her friends raced through her mind, years ago when they were on the isle, just barely trusting each other, to late nights in the boy's dorm room after eating copious amounts of sweets. When she announced she would never love someone ever in her entire life when she was only 11, to genuinely falling for the prince of Auradon.

She remembered promising herself she would never have a weakness, but that changed when Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, (y/n), Harry, and Gil wormed their ways into her heart. Hell, she would even take a hit for Audrey, Jane, and Doug. She held them all so close to her heart, even if some of them didn't share the same feelings.

She and Harry still only tolerated each other but in that, I don't like you but I still care about you, kinda way.

Mal; This once upon a time. I'll finally see our once upon a time. This time!

Mal took the ember from her thigh bag, sighing in slight defeat as she looked down at its shiny black surface. She had magic she had no idea how to control and a now useless ember that was her only hope to defeat her mother.

What was she going to do? She had to stop Maleficent before sunrise or she would have failed not just Auradon, but the isle too, and all the kids still there.

Suddenly, Mal was thrown out of her thoughts by a bloodcurdling scream from one of the spires of the castle behind her. Mal twisted around looking for the source, eyes widening as she spotted two shadowy figures on a battlement next to the tallest spire.

The green glow gave it away, it was Audrey...and Celia! "Celia!!" Mal called in a panic, eyes wide with fear for the younger girl. Celia screamed out her name and while Mal could barely hear it due to the two being so high up, Mal could tell Celia was crying from fear and struggling to get free from Audrey's grasp.

"Mal!!! Help me!" she heard her mother's cruel laughter as green and pink lighting shot across the sky.

"Come save your little friend Malsy~!!!" Mal clenched her jaw, looking around for something to help her get to them. Dammit, why did she have to lose her ability to turn into a dragon!

Mal yelped as she was blasted off her feet and thrown back further into the courtyard, the ember still tight in her grasp.

"Shit!" Mal cursed, bringing it close to her chest and chanting a spell that would hopefully help the situation "Regain your might and ignite!" nothing, she said it again, her voice drowned out by the lighting crashing around her in Maleficent's attempt to harm her. "Regain your might and ignite!!"

Mal held down a sob as the ember stayed black as coal, she had to figure out a way to fix this. She had plan rushed plans before and they worked out one way or another, it could work now!

Mal suddenly remembered earlier, when just after they had defeated the knights. She sneezed, and then accidentally teleported! Maybe she could do it on purpose this time! Mal shoved the ember back in her bag and looked up, trying to focus on the battlement where Audrey and Celia were to pinpoint her spot to land. She did the same as she did when she turned into a dragon, she focused and imagined herself teleporting to that exact spot.

Mal gasped as dark blue smoke swirled around her and she dissipated into thin air. She heard her mother's sound of confusion from Mal's disappearance and Mal grinned, finally, for once she has the upper hand on her mother.

Mal appeared just behind Audrey and Celia and leaped at them, grappling onto Audrey's back and peeling her off of the young VK. Celia gasped and tumbled onto the stone railing, watching with wide eyes as Mal struggled to get the scepter from Audrey "Let.Audrey.go" Mal hissed out, her eyes glowing yellow as her hair ignited like fire. Audrey just cackled in Maleficent's voice and kicked Mal back. Mal yelped as she went over the railings but quickly caught herself on a small window ledge.

"Mal!" Celia yelled, running over to the railing Mal had gone over and looked down at her.

"I'm okay!" Mal yelled back, trying to keep Celia from panicking "just keep- Celia!" Celia and Mal screamed as a strong magenta blast hit Celia's back and threw her over the edge. Mal reached out to catch her but Celia was too far away and plummeted down to the edge of the courtyard.

"CELIA!" Mal screamed in terror, releasing the ledge and air diving towards Celia, her arms reached out in hopes of catching her "HANG ON! I'VE GOT YOU!" Celia screamed out in fear, tears streaming down her cheeks from her closed eyes.
"Mal!!!" Celia sobbed, Mal's eye's widened even further as she saw a large metal spike just below Celia, maybe only a couple hundred feet down "Help me!"

Mal clenched her jaw and focused, turning to smoke and speeding towards Celia, catching the girl midair and redirecting them towards the grass of the courtyard.

Mal grunted in pain as she rolled out of the smoke with Celia in her arms, she continued to hold the girl to her chest as they rolled across the grass. Mal sat up as soon as they stopped and leaped forward with Celia still in her arms as a strong green lightning blast hit the spot they just were "COME ON MAL, FACE ME, LIKE THE BRAVE LITTLE HERO YOU ARE" Maleficent cackled, and when Mal looked up at her, she felt that old fear she felt about her mother return in full force. Audrey hardly looked like herself anymore, her hair was almost black and her eyes were bright green. Maleficent was transforming Audrey into another version of herself.

Mal didn't have much time left, she had to finish this now.

"Celia, run!" Mal pushed Celia out of her arms and towards where Uma and the others had gone "find Uma, she'll protect you!" Mal twisted around as magenta smoke began to billow in front of them, a telltale sign of her mother's teleportation spell.
"What about you?!" Celia asked, backing away from the smoke as Mal took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

"I'm fixing this mess" Mal muttered, her hair igniting again as her eyes glowed bright yellow "no matter what it takes" Celia watched the two with weary eyes before bolting off to where Mal had pushed her and hoped Uma and the others hadn't gone too far away.

"This is between you and me mother" Mal echoed her words from three and a half years ago, glaring at the possessed form of Audrey as the smoke dissipated and Audrey took its place, a cruel grin on her face.

"Ah~ Darling" Maleficent cooed, tapping her thumb against the dragon's eye "You really think you can defeat me this time? You have no friends, no ember, no wand. And powers you have no idea how to use?~ you have no.chance"

"I might not" Mal started, clenching her fists and smirking a little as blue fire erupted from her palms and surrounded her hand with no injury to her. "but I can damn well try" Maleficent scoffed and the scepter glowed a bright green, Mal dodging to the right just in time to not be blown up by a blast of lighting "come on mom! I know you can do better than that!"

It probably wasn't the best idea to anger her mother but, it might buy her some time to make a plan to defeat her. Maleficent growled and waved her hand, the ground below Mal's feet glowing magenta before poisonous bushes of thorns suddenly grew, overwhelming Mal for a moment before she teleported away in a swirl of blue smoke "Come on! Really?! Thorns? So old school" Mal threw her left fist forward as she ran and sent a blast of fire directly at Maleficent, who blocked it with a shield and sent lightning right back at her. Audrey's now green eyes glowed furiously.

"You little brat!" Maleficent snarled, snapping her fingers and summoning spiky pillars underneath Mal, growling as Mal continued to leap around and dodge her attacks, sending powerful fire blasts back at her in retaliation. "Running away?! Like the little coward you truly are!?"

Mal didn't fall for her taunts, continuing to barrage Maleficent with fire attacks and once in a while kicking the pillars at her mother. Maleficent didn't expect the second attack, eyes widening as a large stone pillar, spike facing forwards, came hurtling at her at a frightening speed.

Maleficent quickly teleported out of the way and stared wide-eyed at the spot she once stood, now destroyed under rubble "Impressive," Maleficent muttered, maybe she should have let Hades attempt to raise Mal a bit, then Mal would have had access to these powers from the get-go. But- that was then and this was now, so; "But enough of this" Maleficent muttered, swinging her scepter out and a beam of bright green magic slammed into Mal and threw her into the castle.

Mal gasped for breath and fell to the ground, coughing as she tried to get her footing again. But she was picked up by magic and thrown across the courtyard, a breathless scream ripping from her chest.

She slammed against a tree, feeling her back crack as she did and she collapsed on the ground, darkness curling in the edges of her vision.

"little, baby, Mal" her mother cooed in a soft voice; one a mother would use on their child. But it was cruel, her lips pulled into an evil smirk as she walked towards Mal's crumbled body "all alone, with no one to turn to, so weak. Pathetic"

Mal struggled to get up, gasping in pain as her back flared like fire. "you are nothing without my magic, nothing without magic at all" Maleficent cooed, leaning down next to Mal and tipping her chin up, smiling at the tears of pain that trailed down Mal's pale cheeks "you've said time and time again that you aren't me, that you are a separate person then I, but" she poked Mal's nose with a sinister smirk "you can't even truly separate yourself from me, you have always been known as the daughter of Maleficent and nothing else. No one knows you as Mal"

She grabbed Mal's neck, picking her up off her feet and holding her in the air as Mal grabbed at her hand to breathe. "You are nothing, without my legacy~" Maleficent cackled and threw Mal back to the ground, the ground cracking under Mal from the strength Maleficent put into it.

The sorceress turned on her heel and began to walk back towards the castle, preparing to destroy it to get her first revenge against Aurora and her precious prince. "To Auradon, maybe" Mal muttered, sitting up slowly as her back started to heal rapidly thanks to her newly altered 'Hades' biology. "But to the important people?"

Maleficent rolled her eyes and turned, leaning on her scepter as she watched Mal with bored eyes. "They know me for who I truly am." Mal got to her feet, glaring directly into Audrey's possessed eyes "To them I am Mal. To them, I am their friend. To them I am more than my parentage" Mal clenched her fists, the fire igniting brighter than before. And the glow from her eyes started to waver out, imitating fire rising from her eyes. "I am more than you. I always have been, I always will be."

Maleficent snarled and tapped her scepter on the ground, smoke billowing around her "I'm done with this childishness" Mal stepped back in fear as Audrey turned to a tall wall of magenta fire, and Mal knew she was doomed.

Maleficent's cold laughter echoed through the courtyard as a large magenta dragon with black and green markings appeared, with black sclera and green beady eyes, and the glowing scepter embedded in her chest. She flared out her gigantic wings and laughed again "Let's see you defeat me now!!! With no ember to drain me of my ever-growing magic~!!!"

"Mal!" Mal looked to the right, gasping as she saw Uma, Harry, Hadie, (y/n), and Celia run back onto the courtyard, all going wide-eyed at the new dragon. "Hold on, we're coming!" Uma yelled, her necklace glowing as water surrounded her suddenly and blocked a blast of fire from Maleficent. (y/n) jumped around the blast and ran towards Maleficent, drawing her sword and cutting Maleficent's jaw as the dragon leaned down to snap at her.

Maleficent howled, pawing at her new cut "you!" she snarled, glaring down at the smirking (y/n) as she slid to a stop and ran towards the dragon again, sword poised to strike "you're Hook's little lover!" Maleficent attempted to swipe at (y/n) with her paw but (y/n) just rolled under the swipe and ended up slicing into the dragon's fingers with her sword. Harry pulled Celia back as she went to go help (y/n), knowing the others would want her safe, so he and Celia stayed out of the battle, watching everyone else do the hard work.

Maleficent roared in pain again, rearing back and cradling her paw as (y/n) turned on her heel and ran towards Mal. Mal stumbled towards (y/n) and fell into her arms, breathing heavily as the last couple blows from her mother started to catch up with her "Are you okay?" (y/n) asked, wrapping her arm around Mal's waist and holding her up, Mal's other arm going around (y/n)s neck to support herself.

"I will be" Mal muttered, feeling herself already begin to heal, once again thanks to her newly altered 'Hades' biology. She took the ember out of her bag and clenched it in her hand. "we need to reignite this, or we have no chance" (y/n) nodded, looking around for Hadie as he might prove some insight about how to relight it. At the moment he was attacking and dodging Maleficent, blue fire from his fists barraging the scales of the large magenta dragon.

"Uma!" (y/n) paused as Harry's scream rang out through the courtyard, whipping around in fear to see Uma batted away by Maleficent, tumbling towards the forest and laying limp as she rolled to a stop.

Maleficent cackled and took a heaving breath, releasing a mighty pink flame towards the unconscious sea witch.

"UMA!" Mal screamed out, disappearing from your grasp in an instant and reappearing on top of Uma, shielding her with her body and bracing for impact. You let out a blood-curdling scream as the fire hit and the two disappeared within the flames, surely dead from just the heat of the fire. Harry fell to his knees, unable to speak as Maleficent eased on her attack and cackled, finally! Her daughter is dead! along with that octopus nuisance!!

She stopped as she realized their magical energies were still very much there, and Mal's had grown extensively...and frighteningly fast. She took a step back as the fire suddenly dissipated by a strong wind from within it, and two large wings appeared, raised high in defense. "What?" Maleficent muttered, her eyes widening in horror as she saw her daughter glaring directly at her.

Mal had changed in an instant, saving Uma in a moment of self-sacrifice and becoming a 'true hero', as Hercules did when he risked his life to save his love Megara. Her sclera was black and her eyes glowing bright emerald green with blue fire rising from them. She had sprouted dark purple horns, which resembled her dragon form horns, that shined purple when the light hit them, large dark purple and green wings with bone-colored spikes on the arch of her wings, a tail that was the same color as her wings, and sharp fangs that protruded from her mouth.

Her body was glowing a light purplish-blue as she stared Maleficent down, the sign of a god among men.

Maleficent was struck with dread as she realized her 'weak' daughter had come into her own just then, accepting her role as both daughter of Maleficent AND Hades, becoming the Demi-god she biologically was. "HOW DARE-" Maleficent didn't finish her sentence as Mal's wings flared again and she sped towards her mother with a roar that cracked the windows of the castle. Maleficent howled as her head cracked back, the force of Mal's punch to her jaw sending her back towards the forest, hitting the ground with a loud crash.

Maleficent stood and roared at her daughter, who just glared back at her. The dragon took to the skies and Mal followed close behind, her smaller size and large wings letting her keep a quick pace. Hadie ran towards Uma as the daughter-mother duo fought above, blue and pink fire clashing brightly.

Hadie kneeled next to Uma's body and placed his hand on her forehead, breathing in slight relief as she let out a small huff "wake up" he commanded, his hand glowing blue as he rapidly healed her. Uma might've been a descendant of the gods, just as he and Mal were, but she had yet to truly step into her god-hood so she didn't have all her abilities available.

Uma woke up with a jolt and she sat up, grunting as (y/n) and Celia slammed into her with hugs. "holy shit you're alive" (y/n) whispered, pressing her cheek against Uma's as the sea-witch patted her and Celia's back.

"yeah, and I'm about to die from suffocation so lemme go" Uma rasped, grinning at Harry as the two rapidly jumped off Uma. "where's...oh holy shit" Uma stood and looked up in awe as she watched Mal batter Maleficent with quick attacks.

At one point Maleficent unleashed a breath of fire at Mal and Mal just redirected it with her new fire manipulation abilities, sending it right back at her mother and scorching the scales. The dragon roared and swiped at Mal, but Mal only twisted and disappeared into purple smoke and appeared behind her mother's head, circling her arms and creating a strong beam to send directly at the back of the dragon's head.

Mal had never felt this powerful before, she thought at first she wouldn't have control but she felt in command of every movement, every breath, every spell or blast she threw. She was in complete and total control of her combined magics.

She was moving quicker than she ever had in her dragon form, almost disappearing into thin air as she dashed around her mother's attacks, dodging and weaving between swipes from her claws and tail.

Mal decided she had enough of this air fight, in a few quick flashes of bright blue light, Mal battered the chest of the dragon where the dragon's eye was with mighty blasts of fire. Soon the gem cracked and Maleficent roared as she suddenly started to decent, her magic beginning to leak out.

The dragon turned to smoke as it reached the ground and the possessed body of Audrey landed on her feet, the cracked scepter in her hands as she breathed heavily. "I won't be defeated" she growled out, glaring at Mal and her friends as Mal hovered just above Hadie and Uma. "not by some silly children!"

"Enough talk" Mal muttered, reeling her fists back and they were surrounded by iridescent light, then Mal pushed them forward towards Maleficent, a singular strong beam shoot towards the sorceress and pushing her back. Maleficent created a quick shield and yelled out in frustration, glaring under the bright beam at her daughter.

"How dare you?!" she snarled, holding up her other hand to create another shield as Hadie started to blast her with a bright blue beam of his own power "after everything I've done! I protected you! I raised you! Gave you a roof over your head! and this is how you repay me?!"

Mal just scowled, landing on the ground and solidifying herself as she strengthened her attack, the scepter cracking more under the pressure "those are the bare fucking minimums mother" Mal snapped, her eyes igniting with blue fire as her hair did the same as she summoned all her might "I protected my damn self, I was raised by my friends" Uma joined the fray, her body and necklace glowing as she sent a strong turquoise beam at Maleficent, who cowered back as the triple beams of magic pressed down on her. "They are my family, this is my home, and you will never threaten it again!" Mal snarled, her body glowing a fierce purple as Hadie picked up the ember, clenched it in his fist, and ignited it, the gem once again glowing a bright blue.

He tossed it to Mal who caught it and paused on her attack, circling her arms around the ember as it spun rapidly before pushing it to hover in front of her. The ember turned into pure light and shot a beam directly at Maleficent, who howled in pain as the ember quickly drained her of her magic, the scepter cracking with every passing moment.

"No-no!!!" Maleficent blinked, Audrey's honey-brown eyes revealed as Mal pulled the possession spell away "Mal-h-help me!!" Audrey sobbed out, the shields around her dropped as Maleficent lost control.

"Hold on Audrey!" Mal yelled over the hum of magic " I've almost got it!" Audrey blinked again and Maleficent was back in control, she screamed and slammed her scepter on the ground, creating a bubble shield.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" she screamed, eyes widening as Mal's friends gathered around her and set a hand on her shoulders, all glaring at Maleficent.

"The strength of evil is good as none!" Mal echoed the same spell she used to defeat her mother three and a half years ago, everyone joining her as the ember glowed purple "when stands before, six hearts as one!"

With a blast of purple and blue light from the ember, the shield shattered along with the scepter, and Audrey was consumed in bright pink light, Maleficent's scream echoing around them as Mal felt her mother's magic disappear.

Mal let the ember drop to the grass as she rushed forward to catch the falling Audrey, who had been restored to her previous stare before she had been possessed. The crown fell from her head and the empty scepter clattered to the ground, laying against the shattered pieces of the once-mighty dragon's eye. 'at least it can never hurt anyone again' Mal thought, cradling Audrey against her chest as she looked away from the scepter. "Audrey?" Mal licked her lips in concern as she looked down at the sleeping princess, her eyes closed and breathing deep in a peaceful sleep. "Audrey?" Mal searched for anything, something to tell her why Audrey wasn't waking up. But it wasn't until she cast a spell to look at souls did she see the problem "shit"

Her mother, Maleficent, was clinging on for dear life onto Audrey's soul, she really was a stubborn bitch. But Mal guessed that's where she got it from. But...if Mal didn't separate her mother from Audrey soon, the possession spell would still take full effect and Audrey would be lost forever.

"Why isn't she wakin' up?" Harry asked as he curled his arm around (y/n) and pulled her into his side, (y/n) resting her head on his chest and sighing, glad the hard part was finally over.

"My mother still has some hold on her" Mal muttered, picking the princess up with ease and flaring her wings out, turning to her friends and getting ready to fly back to the dorms "if any of you could please find the others, they should be on the road towards her from the cottage. I'll be at the dorms; in Audrey's room." (y/n) nodded and turned, going over to her bike and Harry followed, the two speeding off back towards the cottage to find Ben and the others. Mal and Uma nodded at each other and Mal crouched down a bit, then flew into the sky.

The battle was over, now it was time to get rid of Maleficent from Audrey once and for all...

But how in the actual hell was she going to do that?

-end p9-

yeeeeeeeeeeeee part 9!!!! i hope that final battle was satisfying, i know it was for me~!!! and i hope it actually was epic instead of *points at d3 final battle* how that was (i mean dont promise us a cool epic battle and then FAIL epically!!!) 

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"You're my Pirate and only mine." "I am all yours darlin'." ~ Takes place during Descendants 2 Harry Hook Fanfic 18 and up please
391K 10K 67
You lived in Auradon, your parents weren't necessarily royalty or whatever, but they were still considered the good guys. "Yo-You can't be serious, B...