A Taste of Chaos

By DaddyIrishman

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A young demon in the Cirlces of Sin finds himself selected to become the new Demon Lord in the Circle of Lust... More

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 1

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 3

141 2 3
By DaddyIrishman

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 3

By: DaddyIrishman

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, I've been struggling with health issues and real life and I simply can't devote as much time to writing as I'd like. That said here's the newest chapter of Damiex's story. Silver Guardian is on hold right now as I honestly got bit burned out on it. I will go back to it eventually but for now I am focused on Taste of Chaos. Don't give up hope just be patient please.

Damiex woke to the now familiar sensation of cum rushing up his shaft and spurting out and a set of weeping nether lips riding his face. He groaned in ecstasy into the perfect little pussy on his mouth and attacked the clit causing thighs to clamp against his face and a scream to erupt above him. He felt multiple sets of lips trade off during his long orgasm until he was finally done and Willow as it turned out climbed from his head and chest. It seems all of the girls including Alizay got their treat this morning as seven drunk faces greeted him with pleased smiles.

With a demonic grin on his face Damiex greeted them. "Good morning my ladies, thank you for the wake up call."

All in sync as if they'd practiced it they said as one, "Good morning love!" Before they all giggled and started to get ready for the day. Alizay led him into his wardrobe and dressed him in what had become fairly traditional clothing for him of an elaborate buckled and strapped leather vest in blood red and tight black pants and high chunky boots. Alizay had commented more than one morning on how dangerous and powerful it made him look and how she got wet just looking at him. He still knew nothing of fashion and pretty much let his little succubus always have her way which pleased her to no end.

After a quick but filling breakfast Amaranda, Alissa, Cassius and Lunara left to attend to other duties and tasks. Being the Sins and near the top of the Lands of Lust they all had troops and responsibilities within the Palace and capital that they saw to regularly. Each Sin's troops were fanatically loyal to their Sin and would fight feverishly in defense of the Palace and the Capital. Most days they were busy but Damiex had made sure that they took some time for themselves as well.

Zaxen and Damiex along with Willow and Ariel and Serenity and Alizay however made their way to the back of the Palace to the small personal farm that had been erected discretely on the grounds at Damiex's order. Damiex wanted Zaxen there at the ground level as well as Willow as both of them would be involved in every step as this either succeeded or failed.

When they got there a sizable collection of the ground staff was waiting for them having been organized previously by Alizay. They all had experience tending the grounds and orchards and vineyards around the Palace and Alizay had even had some staff brought in that had experience raising livestock native to Lust as well.

Damiex and Willow addressed everyone and shared what they had gathered and what they knew of the different needs and care of the animals and crops so that everyone involved had the same knowledge. Damiex passed out dozens of farmers almanacs that he had bought at the stock show to use as a guide as well. The staff's focus was to find out what food the animals were tolerant to that grew here natively and to care for their needs and tend the crops. It would be a new challenge and a learning experience but aside from the animals this would be old hat to them as it's what they did daily for the rest of the grounds as well.

The next two hours was spent unloading all of the different animals and getting them setup in their enclosures and pens as they began to settle down and explore their new homes. After that it was time for the crops. A decent garden and field had been plowed for all of the crops and eventually all of them were unloaded.

Damiex instructed Alizay to have Ariel's roses and Serenity's lilies planted in his private waterfall garden and to have special attention paid to them to be protected. The rice due to its unique growing needs was sent off to another part of the grounds along a stream where they had constructed and flooded a rice paddy for optimum growing conditions.

When Damiex looked back Willow was walking the tilled soil and was casting a few spells that he saw settle into the ground. He made his way over and saw her talking to Zaxen as she did this and the rest of the staff were listening intently.

"The soil is already rich and fertile, it's been well tilled and should support everything without problem. I'm just casting a few spells to enriched the soil with a few common nutrients from Earth to help them thrive. It's low level earth magic so it isn't difficult and should be easy for most demons to cast since they are so rich in magic. I'll teach it to you here later Zaxen."

Maturity smiled at her, you could tell he was happy to be involved and excited to start work himself. "Thank you Lady Willow, I look forward to learning from you so I can help make our Lord's dream a success. I'm also looking forward to working the land myself. I spent a few years on a farm in my youth and am looking forward to experiencing it again."

Willow smiled and laughed a bit. "Just Willow, Zaxen. But I understand what you mean, I have spent a lot of time on farms myself over the years and I love growing things. Now the soil is ready so we can begin planting."

Over the loud protests of Alizay and the gathered staff about how it wasn't proper and was beneath him, Damiex got right into it and helped with the planting of all the crops as well. He shut down their protests when he simply said, "Hard work is something I've always done and it certainly isn't beneath me. It's good for the soul and it's my project and I want to be involved."

Ariel and Serenity were right beside him with smiles as were Willow and Zaxen while Alizay ran and organized everyone and kept constant attention on Damiex and Serenity wiping them down and getting them frequent cool drinks and juices.

A few hours later and they were all finally done.

Ariel and Serenity and Damiex and Zaxen and Willow were walking around looking at their work proudly. They made their way over to the animals and Willow spoke up.

"This is perfect. Look closely, see how they are relaxed and already grazing and going about their business? They aren't frightened or scared they are relaxed and happy. So long as their digestive systems agree with what they eat this should work. The only thing we are missing is horses."

Damiex laughed. "I hadn't planned on eating horses. Everything here is meant eventually for eating when we grow in size for trade and consumables just like on Earth. Horses weren't on my menu."

Willow slapped his arm. "Not for eating you dork! I just meant on farms you typically see horses and I absolutely love horses, I've been riding for all my life and I will miss them. Are there any horse like creatures here?"

Damiex shrugged and looked at Ariel who responded. "We do in fact have something though they are fairly rare and most roam in wild herds. Some are used similarly to how horses were before cars. They are called Nightmares, slightly larger than all but the biggest breeds of earth horses, they are pure black with twin twisted horns like a ram and glowing red eyes and can breath fire. Oh and they also have a large pair of wings like ours and both run on the plains and soar through the sky."

Willow's eyes lit up in joy and even Damiex had to admit to himself that they sounded very cool.

"Are they trainable? Can they be tamed?" She asked.

Ariel nodded, "If you are strong enough then yes. They form a bond with their master but they are proud creatures and quite powerful. If you don't have enough power then they won't accept you and will try to kill you. If they do accept you however they bond for life and are extremely loyal."

Willow was practically bouncing up and down in excitement. "Do you think I'd be strong enough?"

Ariel walked closer to her. "I don't know, I've never gauged your strength before. Here take my hand and pour your magic into me and let me get your measure. I'm one of the strongest demons in the Circle, Damiex is on a whole 'nother level so he wouldn't be a good judge."

Willow grasped her hand and centered herself as she brought her magic to the surface and channeled it into Ariel. Ariel's eyes widened slightly before she smiled broadly.

"That was surprisingly impressive. I'd judge your power to be on the level of an old and rather powerful archmage. Rather surprising, how old exactly are you, it's rare to find a human that found the means to cheat time. There have been several through the ages but you I don't know."

Willow smiled in pride and loved the look of appreciation and pride she saw in Damiex's gaze at that news as well. "You know better than to ask a lady her age, I will just say that I've been around for a long time and the Middle Ages were both very free in some ways and very dangerous in others to my kind. I've always managed to stay under the radar and keep to myself mostly."

Damiex had already made up his mind and turned to look or Alizay only to realize that once again she had seemed to appear at the perfect time as if by magic. He smiled at her and gave her a little kiss causing her to blush especially as she was in front of so much of the staff right now.

"It always amazes me how you do that my cute little succubus, you're a treasure."

Alizay bowed to him smiling her loving smile. "I live to serve you my Lord and try my hardest to anticipate your needs."

"You do a remarkable job my lovely. Now how feasible would it be to get a couple of Nightmares here stabled on the grounds? Willow would be over the moon to have her own and I find myself wanting to ride as well." Ariel and Serenity took that moment to slide up to him and look at him knowingly.

"And it seems my wives want to join us all as well." Causing them to nod their heads and then kiss his cheeks.

Alizay was quick to respond. "That won't be a problem my Lord, I will see to it that an appropriate Nightmare is found for you and will procure several more for everyone. They tend to thrive when they are in groups of six or more so I will ensure that a dozen including a stallion for you and plenty of mares for him will be here within the next few days. I will have an appropriate stable and pasture setup for them. They roam but always bed down at their home once they are bonded."

Damiex was impressed by just how much she knew. It always amazed him how she not only anticipated his needs but make a request and not only was it completed without hesitation but by the time he finished his thought Alizay always seemed to be several steps ahead and knew everything about whatever he asked. A treasure seemed to be a term that didn't truly do her justice.

"Thank you my little darling that's perfect."

When he turned around Willow was looking at him with hope it her eyes biting her lip in an adorably sexy way. He simply nodded his head and smiled widely. She screamed in joy and launched herself at him and he caught her in his arms as she kissed all over his face and neck before trying to suck the tongue out of his mouth and humping him as she clung to him.

"Ok ok ok calm down." He said as they broke the kiss. "In a few days they will be here and we can all form our bonds and start riding. You're going to have to help teach me as the only thing I've ridden before is a woman into heaven."

He said that last part with a demonic grin and she slapped his arm and giggled happily.

"Ok let's go relax a little bit. I think you'll like my little garden area."

Willow climbed down off of him and they all made their way around the grounds walking through the beauty of it. The grounds were vast so it took a while but eventually they made their way into the secluded and private waterfall garden. When they entered through the grove of trees Willow gasped in surprise at the splendor of it all. It was one of the most beautiful natural scenes she had ever seen.

"This is my private retreat for just me and my Lady Lust and our Sins and my lovers. Ariel's Red Cascade roses and Serenity's Lilies will be grown here just for them. I know you cultivate a lot of plants for your craft, would this be a good place for you to grow them?"

Willow was beaming at him as she nodded yes. Before Damiex could even ask Alizay responded.

"I will have a natural large plot is set aside for Lady Willow and will also bring in the Capital's foremost herbalist to come and tutor her at her convenience as well."

Damiex just smiled at her and gave her a little kiss. The group went over to a covered gazebo structure and sat down in the comfortable loungers. Ariel and Serenity were on his lap like normal and Zaxen was on his left and Willow was on his right.

Zaxen sighed in contentment. "That was a good mornings work, what we need now is an ice cold beer! Nothing better after hard work under the sun."

As soon as he finished saying that Alizay appeared with two large and frosty mugs of that very thing which she handed to Damiex and Zaxen. She was soon back and had served wine to the rest of the ladies. Serenity and Ariel and Willow started up their own conversation and Zaxen and Damiex had theirs.

"My Lord I took it upon myself to do some of the work to ramp up for the next stage. I truly believe this will be successful and I wanted to start work on what comes after. I know you have little knowledge of the Land whereas it's something I have to know intimately for the security of yourself and the Capital. Outside the main ring for the city stretches vast plains where a considerable amount of farming already takes place. I suggest that we setup around a dozen farms and a few ranches each around 2,000 acres. I know we can't get the materials for all of them at once but the land and structures and everything need to be ready by the time we do. It will take a bit of time for everything to be built and we also have to staff it."

Zaxen took a long pull on his beer and then continued.

"We can get some of the labor from the city but the rest I suggest we get from the large farming families that are around it already. If we give them the land and a stipend to setup in time and agree to give them a small portion of the profits then they will work the land and raise the herds. The families are large enough that they could split and keep working the existing farms that supply the capital and everything else including trade and other districts, but the younger generation could start their own farms working for you."

Damiex considered what Maturity had to say as he absentmindedly rubbed one of Ariel's horns just how she liked it.

"You know that's a really good plan. I'm impressed Zaxen and very grateful for the effort and thought you put into this. Let me ask you this, you already have so much of this worked out do you want to lead it and make it happen?"

Zaxen smiled broadly glad he could be helpful to his Lord. "I'd be honored to my Lord and it would be a pleasure. I will get started and we can start breaking ground immediately. I'll have the families contacted like we discussed and make the proposals. We demons are rather industrious with our numbers and magic, we should be finished with construction in the next month or so. It's not like we will be building massive walls or stone structures."

Damiex nodded amazed at the speed with which things could be constructed. "That does bring up a question I have. This is still going to be rather expensive. How is this going to be paid for?"

Alizay stepped up and answered before Zaxen could. "My Lord, you are the Ruler of this entire world. It is not like many of the human governments and being a democracy or anything. You are the highest authority and this is a monarchy. While there are budgets and gold tied up in the economy and government you have a massive yearly slush fund that you can use however you desire. The Land of Lust is very very wealthy and is heavily involved in trade and commerce. A large portion of that is for your personal use. Since this is your own personal project you could easily pay for it from that. Think of the contents of your vault as your savings, and this as your daily working capitol."

Damiex's eyes went a bit wide at that, he hadn't been told in such plain terms to realize just how wealthy he really was and how and why he could always get anything he asked for. There was a cathedral of gold just waiting for his any request.

He coughed a little bit at that before he regained his composure. "Ahem, well that's interesting. But sounds good, use what you need Zaxen and I'm sure Alizay will ensure whatever is needed is done. Keep Ariel and Willow in the loop as both will want to know. Ariel keeps track of my life and Willow wants to be involved in the operation too so make sure to bring her in. I'm sure you two will be busy over the coming weeks and be in and out of the Palace."

When he finished his beer, the first one he'd had and he'd decided he quite liked them, Ariel grabbed his attention.

"You still need to keep up your training love, you know that."

Damiex sighed but agreed as they all got up and started to break up into the rest of their day. Zaxen went off to start work immediately while Willow, Serenity and Ariel made their way into the Palace and over to the training grounds for the remainder of the afternoon where they met Amaranda who continued to be Damiex's primary magical instructor. When he was working with Ariel one on one in combat, Amaranda was working with Willow and Serenity. Willow knew that sooner or later she'd have to engage in combat and also wanted to work with her growing magic power from being with Damiex.

She knew that war was a frequent companion to the Hells and it had been a long time since she could practice so freely. It had become harder and harder to hide on Earth in such a modern world with such widespread electronic eyes now. Indulging in her magic and soon in her witchcraft and brewing would be a wonderful and new experience to her. She could tell she had a lot she could learn from Amaranda, no matter that Willow was technically older than her she cheekily thought to herself. She never planned on letting slip her exact age and grinned at the thought.

After an arduous afternoon of training the five of them entered the attached bath to clean off. Damiex grabbed Amaranda and brought her into a steaming shower with him as he began to wash her gently and throughly as she sighed in pleasure and let his magic fingers go to work on her beautiful body. Damiex had wanted to talk to her alone and this was the perfect opportunity.

"My beautiful Desire I wanted to talk to you for a while. Have you thought about what I asked you a little while back? How can I show my love for you? What do you desire?" At the last he whispered it out into her ear as she moaned when his fingers tweaked her nipples. She kissed him and rubbed herself against his body before she broke the kiss and smiled naughtily at him.

"You already satisfy so many of my desires and you do it like no other. In that regard you can satisfy me more tonight. But to answer your very sweet question yes I have. Like my title I am a very materialistic demon and greatly desire gold and gems and jewelry. I use it heavily in my magic and I have skill at enchanting. I've always dreamed of having my own jewelry store and enchanting shop. Surrounded by all that gold and precious stones and all of that beauty would be heavenly."

Damiex smiled at her as he gently ran his fingers through her nether lips as she shivered and mewled for him. "Very well my Desire, I'm glad to grant your wish. Where do you want your store?"

He continued to manipulate and tease her body building her closer to her climax. She stammered out as she gripped his arm getting close her thighs trembling "I-In -t-the Palace!!!! Nnnnnngh, a small high end store and enchanting shop! Ohhhhh FUCK!!!!"

She screamed as she came apart and exploded in climax against him. He continued to tease her clit and kiss along her neck as he gently brought her back down.

"Then that is what you shall have. Arrange it with Alizay and you can get started on it immediately if you like. I will cover the cost of everything for you so do whatever you like and the cost doesn't matter. I do want to commission the first piece though. I want to commission it for you and I want it to be a masterpiece. Make something that you've desired more than anything else, it doesn't matter what it is or how expensive it would be I want you to make it to better protect yourself. I love you and want you around for a very long time. I know the most powerful items will likely require some rare souls and you know I don't deal in them, but I also know there's an economy on them and merchants in all of the districts. Get what you need no matter what it is."

Amaranda pulled him down for a deep and passionate kiss before she began to wash him herself and massage his tired muscles out after he had taken care of her so well.

When they were done and stepped out Alizay was already waiting for him with a towel and dried him off before dressing him in clean and comfortable silk clothing for the evening.

They made their way back through the Palace and towards the dining room to find Alissa waiting for them. She quickly got her kiss and fondle before ushering them in.

"I've been busy today and completed my first two pieces. I wanted you to see them so I waited for you. The first is in here, the other is out in front of the main entrance."

When the doors opened Damiex and everyone stared in surprise, all but Alizay who already knew about it. There above his throne in the back of the hall suspended above and slightly behind it was a massive shield made of perfect ice. It was a crest of a crown of horns pierced by Durandal and surrounded and wreathed in large demonic wings. The ice wasn't one dimensional though, Alissa had somehow colored and shaded it as well and the horns and wings were black and Durandal was blue and gold and silver and the background was a crimson red. It was amazing and beautiful!

"You are the Lord of Lust, you needed a house crest so I created one. It is eternal and imbued with my magic."

Damiex smiled at her before giving her a passionate kiss. "Thank you my snow maiden, this is beautiful and I love it! You do amazing work!"

Alissa beamed in pride as the other ladies hugged and kissed her praising her work. "Can I show you the other one after dinner? It's be best if we were all there."

Damiex nodded, "Of course."

They made their way to the table and Damiex had Alissa claim the seat of honor on his lap for the meal for her work and he spent his time eating as well as feeding her as she radiated joy and pride. After the meal where Damiex had enjoy having a beer again they all made their way down to the main entrance where

Alissa stopped them and spoke.

"This one is big and it took me most of the day. It's just outside of the main archway and is the main feature of the path leading up to the Palace. I hope you all like it."

With that the doors opened and they all gasped in awe. About 50 feet from the steps leading up to the entrance was a massive fountain and sculpture made of ice and running water. By this time night had fallen and the sculpture was lit up in lights. The base was about 100 feet around and two feet high and contained a pool of crystal clear water with jets rising out of the water and ringing the pool. In the center atop a large pedestal raised 10 feet off the base was a perfect and naked 20 foot tall representation of Damiex in excruciatingly intricate detail. He had Durandal unsheathed gripped in his right hand, blade laying across his shoulder with his other arm at his side while he looked up into the sky. His wings were spread wide behind him. At his feet and draped across his legs with arms surrounding him were equally perfect and equally naked copies of all the ladies. Alissa herself of course, Serenity, Ariel, Amaranda, Lunara, Willow, and even Alizay were staring up at him in with love and adoration. She hadn't colored the ice but frosted different areas to bring out a crystalline lifelike detail to it.

Damiex was surprised to say the least to see a massive and naked version of himself in front of his home but it was exquisitely done art and it really was breathtaking. He heard the comments from all of the different ladies beside him.

"Ohhh damn he looks soooo sexy!"

"That is so beautiful I love it!"

"Wow we all look amazing like that!"

"Fuck that is one fine ass demon!"

"Alissa you're incredible!"

"Absolutely breathtaking!"

They mobbed Alissa as they congratulated her showering her in praise. Eventually they parted and Alissa stepped in front of Damiex and looked at him hopefully. So far he hadn't said a thing.

"My incredible snow maiden, you are so amazingly talented and I adore you. Thank you for the honor and I love what you've done. I wasn't expecting to see me there but it's incredibly beautiful and powerful art. I worry about the message I'll be sending but I told you that whatever you did would be amazing and it absolutely does just pop."

He hugged her tight and happy tears trailed down her cheeks before he kissed them away.

"I want to see lots more of your creations, just promise me you will do some of other people too. I know not to tell you not to do anything else regarding me but promise me you'll do whatever else you want too."

Alissa kissed her lovingly but shortly. "I promise. I just really wanted to start with these two. You're the one that made my childhood dream come true again for me and I wanted to start with you."

They all made their way up into the upper levels of the Palace and into his rooms where Damiex led them out onto the balcony. It was a beautiful night and he wanted to relax for a little while. Amaranda ignited the fire pit with a wave of her hand and soon conversation flowed as did the wine as everyone relaxed in the warm night air. As the wine continued to flow the girls got horny but they all wanted some one on one time with their man as they were in a romantic mood tonight. Serenity pulled rank to go first as his lawful wife with a smug grin on her face and the rest played a vicious game of Rock Paper Scissors to determine the order they would go in.

Over the course of the night Damiex had been happy to accommodate all of them but tonight was soft and slow and loving with each and every one of them. Once again by the end they were all little puddles of bliss and Damiex walked into the bath whistling a happy little tune, completely satisfied and satiated for the night. The ladies joined him a while later as normal and then they finally retired to bed for the night snuggled up in the nest with the stars overhead.


It was a few mornings later and Damiex was awakened to his morning blowjob and this time it was Lunara that was riding his tongue. After the usual "Good morning my ladies." They crawled out of the nest and Alizay took him into his wardrobe to get changed.

"So what's on the agenda this morning my cute little succubus?"

She spoke as she dressed him and this time added a long black overcoat lined in black fur with a large hood wreathed in pure white fur on the edges.

"The Nightmares arrived during the night so after breakfast I knew you'd want to head out there. That's why you have the overcoat today, it gets quite cold high up into the air and this will keep you warm. Plus if you want to journey into the mountains this will be needed as well."

Damiex smiled at her and gave her a little kiss as she mewled at his attention. He walked out into the room where the rest of the ladies were still getting ready.

"The Nightmares arrived during the night. Who wants to join me after breakfast to go make a bond?"




"Me too!"

Ariel, Willow, Serenity and Lunara all ran up to him in various states of dress excitedly at the news.

"Alright well finish getting dressed and bring something warm. We will get breakfast and then head to the stables."

They quickly made their way down and ate breakfast and soon Alizay led the five of them through the Palace and out into the grounds. They made their way to the pastures where at the far end the stables had been built but Damiex was surprised as the pastures as well as the stables he could see in the distance were far bigger than he expected. He looked questioning at Alizay who answered the unasked questions.

"Due to what I wanted to procure for you my Lord we needed to increase the size of the herd we wanted to acquire and therefore the size of the pastures needed and a much larger stable and barn."

As she explained they had walked down the lane and had laid eyes on the herd. It was much bigger than Damiex expected as there had to be at least 50 of them all beautiful and majestic. There was one however that stood apart and watched over them all, a massive stallion that was truly magnificent. Damiex instantly knew who Alizay was referring to about what she considered a Nightmare fit for him. The powerful stallion stood at least 20 hands high and was huge dwarfing even Damiex's large frame.

"He is the King of his kind and leads all the herds. He needs at least this many close at hand to keep him happy and content. He is the only one fit for you my Lord."

Damiex smiled at her. "You did wonderfully once again my cute little succubus. Someone has earned quite the reward. You'll have to collect soon."

Nightmare's were omnivores. They grazed like human horses but they also ate meat and their favorite treats were raw Gwar meat, a large bovine like animal native to the Land of Lust. Ariel had prior experience with Nightmares herself and had prepared ahead of time. She pulled out a few large chunks of Gwar meat and handed them to Damiex and coached him on what to do.

"He's going to challenge you. When you get near him he will turn and lower his horns and stamp the ground and snort. Just stand your ground and introduce yourself and throw a chunk of meat in front of him. He can't talk to you even when bonded but he understands plenty. Make your promises to him as you approach. How you will treat him, what you will and will not do. You're building trust and as you are doing this you throw out and occasional chunk of meat. When you reach him you will place your hand on his head and pour your power into him as he tests you. When he accepts you, you will feel it and he will eat the final piece of meat which is in your other hand. You then have to give him a name which comes from the heart and then the bond will be made and he will follow your commands and be loyal for life."

Damiex took the Gwar meat and entered the pen and made his way around the herd and approached the stallion. When he was about ten feet away from it the stallion turned to him head on and snorted a puff of fire. He lowered his head and stomped the ground and snorted regularly. Damiex stopped and squared his shoulders and stared straight at him and stood his ground. After a minute the stallion stopped snorting but kept his head lowered and his horns and stomped the ground.

"I am Damiex Black, the Lord of Lust and Ruler of this land. I am of the blood of the fallen All-Father and touched by chaos. I mean for you to be my partner in times of peace and also at my side in battle."

Damiex tossed out the first piece of meat that landed just in front of him. The stallion stopped stomping the ground and hesitantly leaned out and sniffed at it before snatching it up and easing his head slightly. Damiex took a few steps forward talking as he went making his promises.

"I will never break you or beat you. You will never have a bit in your mouth and will always be surrounded by your kind. You will always have your mates and can raise your children in safety. I will care for you and ensure all your needs are met and you will be treated with respect and affection."

He had thrown out a few more chunks as he approached and he was now directly in front of him with one piece left. He placed his hand on his head feeling the soft dense hair beneath him and focused his will and poured his power into the stallion. He felt resistance for a bit and then it snapped and he felt a sense of power and respect and acceptance returned to him. He smiled at the stallion and drew his power back before the stallion ate the last piece of meat and raised his head and looked into Damiex's eyes.

"Thank you my friend. You shall be Shi-Drakon, it is ancient demonic meaning Shadow King. Come and meet my mates my friend, they very much want to see you. You truly are magnificent Shi-Drakon."

Damiex walked over to the other side of the herd with Shi-Drakon following to the waiting ladies. Lunara, Ariel, Serenity and Willow were standing inside the pen waiting for him. Shi-Drakon came right up and stood in front of them.

"Shi-Drakon, these are my mates Ariel, Serenity, Willow, and Lunara. They will treat you just as I do."

Shi-Drakon bowed to them and then the ladies were petting him and running their hands down his neck and face giving him plenty of affection as he chuffed in happiness.

Lunara turned to Damiex, "Shi-Drakon, I love the name it's very fitting. But where did you learn ancient demon?"

Damiex tapped his forehead. "Asz's knowledge. It's been long enough that it's starting to assimilate and it's getting easier to access parts of it. Amaranda says that as it continues my power will continue to grow with it. She says it scares her a little bit because she's not sure where or if it will plateau. That's why I'll always have to keep my power in check."

Willow asked, "So I didn't hear what does Shi-Drakon mean?"

Ariel answered her since she was right next to her. "It means Shadow King in ancient demonic. A very fitting name for the King of the Nightmares."

The ladies backed away and Damiex patted his friend's neck as he spoke to him.

"My friend, my mates needs mounts as well. I need you to pick out four fearless and powerful mounts that are fit for the Queens of this land. They must be loyal and smart and always look to protect my mates."

Shi-Drakon snorted and shook his head before he trotted off and weaved through the rest of the herd for a few minutes. Eventually four beautiful mares approached and one stood directly in front of each lady while Shi-Drakon came and stood next to Damiex who was off to the side. Over the next 15 minutes with coaching from Ariel they each made their bond with their Nightmares and named them. They stuck with the naming convention that Damiex started and they all had names in ancient demonic though Ariel helped Willow.

Lunara named hers Lustara which meant Taste of Sex which Damiex grinned at. Serenity named hers Shi Straka which meant Shadow Star in honor of her being the blood of the Morningstar. Ariel named hers Qyn Devolus which meant Queen's Devotion, and Willow named hers Nyx Dancray which meant Night Dancer.

Damiex turned to Alizay but she was already a step ahead of him again as he grinned. She had staff arranged each carrying a saddle for all of them. Damiex's saddle was blood red with black and silver scrollwork and silver buckles while the others were all black with gold scrollwork and gold buckles. They showed them how to saddle their Nightmares and then they spent the next few hours riding through the pastures as most of them learned how to ride. Willow and Ariel didn't have any trouble having ridden before but the others caught on quickly.

Damiex found himself at the far end of the pasture trotting along beside Lunara and enjoying himself.

"You know it's been a while since I got to talk to you alone my Seduction. How have you been?"

Lunara smiled at him as they trotted along. "I've been well, great actually! Though I have been fairly busy with matters in the Palace and some in the Capital. I don't like that I haven't been able to make as many of your trainings lately. But every night ends with me being fully satisfied by you and falling asleep next to you which I absolutely love. And now I'm excited to have my friend here to ride with you and spend some more time together. Things really are good."

They turned at the fence and trotted back the way they came. Damiex and Lunara both were feeling confident and comfortable in the saddle and they were having fun.

"I'm thrilled to hear that, I'm pleased that you are so happy. Have you thought about my request. I told you I'd be speaking with you all after that."

Lunara gave him her own demonic grin. "Yes I have in fact and I do have two requests. A smaller one and a bigger one but they are related."

"Oh and what's that?" Damiex's eyes were drawn to her massive breasts at the bounced as they trotted along, it was a bit hypnotic and Lunara noticed and thrust out her chest even further.

"I used to dance just for the joy of it. It was a creative outlet for me but I haven't danced in many years and I miss it terribly. I'd like to dance again and that is where my two requests come in." She revealed.

"Go on..."

"Well for the small request, I was hoping you could put a small stage and a pole in the bedroom and once or twice a week I could dance for you? That kind of dance I only want to do for you and you alone. I am Seduction and you've never seen me dance like that before and I'd really like it if I could."

Damiex laughed loudly, "I'd have to be crazy to turn that down and I'm not. That is one request that is truly my pleasure to grant. I will arrange it with Alizay and get it taken care of. Now what's the other part of your request?"

They had stopped and Lunara and Damiex were facing each other atop their mounts.

"I'd like my own dance studio. In the Palace preferably as it would be the perfect location. I don't want to teach the masses, it would always be near me when I needed to be at it, and there is a huge number of entertainers and dancers employed here as well. I'd like my own studio and I'd like to be in charge of entertainment for parties and celebrations that we have at the Palace."

"Damiex reached over and took her hand and squeezed it lovingly. "You have my full blessing to do just that. Work with Alizay and like the others you can start whenever you want."

Lunara let out an uncharacteristic squeak of excitement before she leaned over dramatically and kissed Damiex nearly dragging him out of his saddle.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I'm going to throw the best parties for you and I hope you'll like my dancing!"

Damiex chuckled. "Lunara I love you and you are one of the most erotic and sexy women to have ever existed, I will adore your dancing and you know that."

They started moving again and made their way back towards the stables where the others were riding around. When they arrived everyone came together to talk about how much they were enjoying this.

"Is everyone ready to take to the skies yet?" Damiex asked.

"Yes!" Everyone said nearly at once. Damiex turned and found Alizay near him and he told her they would be back by dinner time. She assured him she would meet them back here in the evening and be waiting for them.

Damiex leaned down and patted Shi-Drakon's neck. "Ok my friend, take us into the skies."

Shi-Drakon whinnied and stomped the ground before he took off at a full gallop with the other four following him. He unfurled his massive wings and leapt into the air as he began to beat them heavily as they quickly gained altitude. Shi-Drakon led the others as they began to spiral up catching the air currents until they were high above the Palace looking down into the Capital.

Damiex pointed them out of the city towards the plains as they flew over the city for a little while (it truly was a massive city so it took some time) and then they were out on the plains. Damiex took them higher and for the next hour they played in the clouds chasing each other doing corkscrews and loops as they laughed and shouted in happiness as they played. Eventually Damiex led them out of the clouds and down to the grassland plains and they realized they were much further out than they thought.

They landed at a gallop and Shi-Drakon tucked in his wings and continued to run leading his and Damiex's mates across the grasslands. This area was largely untouched and it was beautiful to run across the prairie and see the wildlife. Serenity pointed out a herd of wild Tanta which were large wooly mammoth like creatures that were used as transportation among districts in the Land of Lust. Later on Ariel pointed out a large herd running parallel to them of Antilex, they were medium sized deer like herd beasts that were extremely fast and nimble and looked like a cross between an Ibex and an Antelope with impressive horns and a striped tan and white coloration.

After several hours they were approaching the mountain range that the Capital and Palace were backed up to that ran for hundreds of miles in either direction. Damiex yelled out to the rest to be heard over the wind and hoof beats. "Does everyone want to head into the mountains now?"

He saw nods of agreement from everyone and with a few words to Shi-Drakon they once again leaped into the air and Shi-Drakon and the others beat their powerful wings and brought them into the sky. They flew through the foothills and shortly made their way into the mountain range itself.

They followed the natural valleys and canyons, sometimes skimming just above the water as they would follow a large whitewater river up the mountains with other times seeing them flying around the sheer rock walls as they pushed deeper and deeper into the mountains. They climbed in elevation and soon were surrounded by snow everywhere on the mountains and valleys beneath them and the views were staggering.

Ariel flew close to Damiex and hollered over. "We are near the largest village of the Yuki-Ona's do you want me to lead us there?"

Damiex nodded and she pulled out front and began to lead them north with purpose. They flew for about thirty minutes and went through a wide tunnel as a pass through a series of incredibly high mountains and once they were through it opened into a secluded and large but very high mountain valley. Below was the picturesque village of Ice Falls named for the beautiful and perpetually frozen 500 foot waterfall that fell at the back of the valley. The architecture was distinctly Japanese Damiex noticed and their altitude dropped as they made for a modest Japanese castle at the end of the valley situated in front of the frozen falls.

When they were nearly there Damiex saw a group of snow maidens come out of the castle and wait in front of it. They landed and came to a stop in front of the group. The tallest one in elaborate white and blue robes stepped forward and bowed to him.

"Welcome Lord Damiex to Ice Falls. I am Sakura, High Priestess of the Yuki-Ona. Please feel free to dismount and we will see to the care and rest of these beautiful creatures."

Damiex and the others got down and the Nightmares were led off. Damiex took a good look at Sakura. She was about 6' tall and lithe though it was hard to get too much of a sense of her body with the large elaborate robes covering her but there was no doubt she was beautiful and regal, fitting for a High Priestess he thought. She had long straight black hair that was elaborately styled with adornments woven into the style. She had ice blue eyes and Snow White skin with pale pink lips that were set in a warm and welcoming smile.

He held his hand out and she placed hers in it as he lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed the back of it.

"It's a pleasure and honor to meet you Sakura and I'd like to say you are truly stunning as is your home. Thank you for having us here."

Sakura smiled richly and bowed to him. "The honor and the pleasure is mine my Lord Damiex and thank you for your kind words. Would you introduce me to your beautiful companions?"

Damiex took Serenity's hand and introduced her. "This is my wife the Lady of Lust, Serenity Morningstar."

Sakura bowed to Serenity. "It's an honor to meet the new Lady of Lust, your beauty is without equal my Lady."

Serenity surprised Sakura by stepping up and hugging her tightly. Sakura was frozen at first before she relaxed and hugged her back just as tightly.

"You don't need to be so formal with us. Both Damiex and I are rather relaxed and thank you for the compliment. You are a truly beautiful woman yourself and I'm pleased to meet you as well!"

Damiex took Willow's hand and then introduced her as well. "This is Willow, she is an extremely powerful human witch and my new concubine. We met recently on Earth and she came to live here with us as part of the family. It was her love of horses that led to to being here on our Nightmares today."

Sakura was a little surprised at first. "Oh! You don't see many humans in the Circles, it is a pleasure to meet you Willow and I'm glad you have found yourself here today. I absolutely love your red hair and your pale skin is beautiful!"

Willow blushed a bit. "Thank you Sakura. Your home and this village is just breathtaking, I'm so glad we came! And your skin is absolutely beautiful as well, it looks so perfect."

"Thank you dear, I try to take care of it and part of it comes from being a snow maiden anyways."

Ariel and Lunara came up and hugged Damiex's arms to their bountiful chests. "I believe you know these last two already Sakura. Lunara and Ariel, the Seduction and Devotion of Lust."

Ariel and Lunara both hugged Sakura and it was clear they were all old friends.

"Yes of course, Ariel and Lunara it's so good to see both of you again! Keeping out of trouble are you?"

They both laughed and Lunara responded first. "We are keeping in with our man and getting into plenty of fun trouble when we can."

Ariel giggled. "Yes it's Damiex that we are trying to keep out of trouble. He's surprising us left and right and it takes all of us to keep a close eye on him. Sometimes we have to vigorously show him what's best for him." She said the last with a very naughty twist at the end.

Sakura laughed and bit her finger. "Oh I'm sure you do!"

She turned to Damiex smiling. "Well please come in and relax and warm up, you all must be cold."

Sakura and the gathered snow maidens led Damiex and the ladies inside where they were given slippers to wear and their coats were hung up. Sakura led them to a beautiful lounge room through sliding shogi doors. There were furs and cushions on top of the tatami mats and beautiful embroidered silk art covering the walls depicting cranes, snow, ice, and mountains wrapping around the room. In the center was a small sand area with a beautiful stone basin that had a nice wood fire burning in it with a hood and exhaust pipe leading into the ceiling.

Everyone sat down and got comfortable and several maidens passed out hot tea and some Japanese style finger foods.

Sakura asked what brought them here today.

"Pure chance to be honest. This morning we bonded our Nightmares and the remainder of the day we've been out seeing the land. This afternoon we came into the mountains and Ariel let me know we were close to Ice Falls and we decided to stop. I haven't seen almost anything outside of the slums in the Capital and this seemed a perfect opportunity to not only see more of the Land of Lust but to also meet the leader of my Yuki-Ona."

Sakura was startled to hear he had almost no experience outside of the poorest part of the Capital. "I'm afraid I don't understand. Not much detail has been shared and made its way to most of us about our new Lord of Lust. Why were you in the slums?"

Damiex considered what to say. It would be best if at least the more important people and leaders knew more about him and he knew more about them as well. He sighed and proceeded to give Sakura a condensed version of his life and the recent events. He kept back many of his skills and oddities but he did share what the Vision of Greed had told the conclave and the observing demons since that would be widely known among who witnessed it.

When he was done Sakura was shocked to say the least. Ariel patted her hand and spoke to her. "Trust me we have all had this reaction when we first met Damiex. His story is shocking to put it mildly but as you heard he is also doing some amazing things as well. When his ideas bear fruit it will greatly strengthen and boost the entire Circle and be a tremendous asset to all of its citizens."

Sakura regained her composure and spoke. "That is quite the story and a lot to take in. But I agree, what you're doing for the Land of Lust is amazing and I'm very impressed. I look to the future with hope and I and all of my sisters of the Yuki-Ona support you Lord Damiex. I'm now very excited to see the future of your rule."

Damiex smiled at her and nodded his head as a maiden refilled his tea.

"I do have one question for you however. How is that wayward daughter of mine Alissa?" She smirked.

Damiex's jaw dropped open in shock. Sakura was Alissa's mother?!

Sakura was giggling at his reaction. "I see she hadn't told you that yet. When I last spoke to her was the day you took over. She called on her crystal to me and simply informed me you were the new Lord and that she would be busy training you along with the other Sins. I haven't heard from her since then."

Damiex groaned. "You'd think someone would have mentioned that to me before now..."

All of the ladies but especially Ariel and Lunara were openly laughing at him being blindsided by the news.

"To answer your question, Alissa is doing very well and has been instrumental in helping me in many ways. She is very happy from what I can tell."

Ariel snorted and tried to contain her laughter but Lunara had no problems with that and blurted out. "Ohhh yeah she's happy, she's getting fucked stupid every night and is floating on clouds every morning!"

This caused the other ladies to laugh loudly and Sakura to be shocked only to quickly change into uproarious raunchy laughter as well. When they finally calmed down Sakura spoke to Damiex with a wicked grin on her face.

"Oh my and do tell who is sticking it to her so thoroughly and masterfully hmmmmm?"

Damiex groaned and covered his face with his hand while Ariel answered while pointing her finger at Damiex.

"You're looking at him." Which just caused another round of giggles.

Sakura, with that wicked grin still plastered to her face, and as enjoying watching Damiex squirm. "So not only my daughter, but clearly these four ladies as well. Pray tell who else shares your and my daughter's bed at night my Lord?"

Damiex just buried his face in his hands and refused to say anything more. Ariel had no such issues however and continued to pile on.

"Well there is myself, Alissa of course, Willow, Lunara, Serenity, Amaranda and Alizay who is a special case. There there is Samara who definitely wants to bounce on his pogo stick, and the Empress of Pride Andromeda looks at him like she wants to play slave girl to his conquering hero at any cost. But remember he's only been at this for a month and a half so he's still getting started. Who knows who else he will collect as time goes on. He already has a Snow Maiden, a Princess, several succubus and a human witch."

Damiex tried to say something, "Ummmmmm....."

All of the ladies present turned to stare at him and they all wore the same wicked smile.

"On second thought, nothing."

Once again the ladies laughed at his reaction.

Serenity took pity on him and kissed his cheek. "Relax my love, we're just teasing you. You're the Lord of Lust, it's expected for you to have a harem. Besides you never fail to fully satisfy each and every one of us so we are all happy and there's no fighting. It's perfectly ok."

Damiex smiled and just accepted it. "On another topic, you will need to come and see the Palace sometime. Alissa started sculpting and I encouraged her to get back into it as it was something she loved and missed. She has a few pieces finished there now and she seems to always be working on new ones."

Sakura smiled in delight. "Oh she has? That's wonderful, she always made such beautiful ones when she was younger. I will have to come to visit her and see her work."

Damiex smiled at that. "She really is talented, though her first one surprised me. It was all of us and we are completely naked."

Sakura laughed throwing her head back. "That doesn't surprise me at all, she always was a horny little thing. I blame that on her father, a rather horny and spirited blue incubus who was a talented lover. He kept me up for nearly two straight days and by the end I was carrying Alissa."

Lunara laughed at that. "She hasn't changed at all, she is a complete slut for our Lord. I've seen some of her new ones that he hasn't seen yet. In one of the orgy rooms there's statues of Damiex fucking the shit out of each and every one of his ladies. The detail of our faces in orgasm is dramatic. She's had a lot of exposure though so I think she simply drew it from her memory."

Damiex asked incredulously, "We have orgy rooms in the Palace??"

Lunara nodded, "Of course."

Go figure he rolled his eyes.

"Oh the stories I could tell you about her when she was younger." Sakura giggled.

Ariel and Serenity both leaned in. "Go on..."

Sakura smiled. "Well even from a young age that girl was always thinking about sex. Snow Maidens are fairly sexual beings normally anyways but this girl loved to sculpt cocks and different sexual positions, it was actually rather funny."

Lunara chuckled, "Well now we know where she got her skill from."

"Oh yes there is no doubt. But I can't tell you how many times I walked in on that girl jilling off and screaming her head off. She had no shame that daughter of mine."

Everyone even Damiex was laughing hard at the stories Sakura was sharing. While Alissa had grown up and matured and now acted more reserved in public settings, in private she was still the same sexual animal that it seemed she was when she was younger too.

They stayed a few more hours as they chatted and relaxed before they mounted back up and headed back for home. It took a couple hours but eventually they were descending to the Palace grounds heading for the pastures and stables to land. They touched down and Alizay and several palace staff were waiting for them.

"Welcome home my Lord, I trust your trip went well?"

Damiex gave her a little kiss and squeezed her ass as she blushed for him. "Yes it did, it was wonderful. Shi-Drakon is a magnificent creature and perfect partner. I got to see much more of my land and we also visited Ice Falls and Alissa's mother, Sakura."

Alizay smiled at him as she led him and the ladies back to the Palace for dinner.

"I'm sure the High Priestess was thrilled to host you my Lord. It's good for you to have met her and be introduced."

They continued to talk about what they had seen as conversation flowed as they made their way into the dining hall. When they were seated Damiex found Serenity on his lap and Ariel on his right. By chance Alissa was sitting on his left tonight and he decided to tease her a bit.

"Aspiration my dear, you'll never guess who I met today while we were out."

Alissa smiled at him as she finished a bite. "Oh who was that?"

"Your mother my love."

Alissa had been lifting her fork to her mouth to take another bite when she froze as she heard that and dropped her fork. Her already pale face seemed to become even whiter and she stared at him with horror on her face.

"Seems you were keeping secrets my naughty little snow maiden. I got an earful about how she hasn't heard from you in a while and that you weren't even there when she met your new man. She did share a number of fascinating stories of your youth however."

Alissa's eyes widened and her mouth was opening and closing but nothing was coming out of it.

"It seems she wondered if she hadn't misnamed you Jill instead of Alissa for how many times she found you jilling off and cumming your little pale brains out."

Alissa's embarrassment and mortification was complete. Serenity and everyone listening around had been trying to contain their amusement and laughter at her expression and response and finally couldn't contain it any longer when Alissa screamed in horror and buried her face in her hands with her face and neck turning a bright red in the biggest blush he had ever seen on her.

Several minutes later when they had finally calmed down Alissa had a scowl on her face and growled out.

"I'm going to kill her."


Damiex came awake to a slightly different morning routine. Once again he had a perfect and dripping set of nether lips grinding against his mouth but this morning he had another set of gushing nether lips wrapped around his cock. He attacked the clit that was being drug across his mouth as he bellowed into the quivering hole above him as he unloaded into the current mystery pussy causing all three of them to shake and scream in climax.

As their orgasms subsided the two ladies fell off of him and crawled up to snuggled on either side of him. It turned out Ariel was riding his face and Serenity had been riding his cock.

"Good morning my loves." Damiex said as he kissed each of them.

"Good morning my husband."

"Good morning love. We let you sleep in today because it's a special day. The others have already gotten up and left but you've been stressed out waiting for news on your project and we've seen how you've been distracting yourself with training so hard in the meantime and we wanted you to get some extra rest. So this morning you're going to make love to me since Serenity already had you and then we will pamper you and clean you up and have breakfast out on the balcony. Then we will take you down to the farm and you can finally get your answer."

Serenity chimed in. "Willow and Zaxen will meet us down there later and you can get the news from them.

Damiex smiled liking this plan and turned to Ariel. She held her arms out for him and spread her legs wide and pulled them back as her sex opened waiting for him.

"Come to your woman Damiex, come claim me and fill me with your seed."

Damiex lay on top of her as he slid right in to the base as Ariel wrapped herself around him groaning in pleasure at the sensation of being stretched so deeply and widely. He let his aura out which immediately ensnared both Ariel and Serenity as their pleasure began in earnest.

Damiex began pumping himself into her with long deep strokes dragging his shaft along her clit with every motion as she screamed and cried in ecstasy milking him with her velvety fist inside of her core urging him to deposit his cum deep inside of her. He was kissing and sucking at her neck and ears leaving little nips that were driving Ariel wild as she sunk deeper into her sin.

After a while she started begging between her climactic screams. "Fuck me Damiex! Fuck me until I can't see straight! I want you to cum inside of me, creampie that red pussy and stain it white! I want to feel your seed scorching my womb as it burns me with its heat! Give me that cum, I need it now! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!"

Damiex buried himself balls deep and roared out as he came deep inside of Devotion and began to pump pints of his powerful cum into her womb. He felt her muscles clench around him as she sprayed into his groin as she wailed out a scream that made his ears ring. He kept feeling her rhythmically clench and massage him as his orgasm eventually came to an end a full minute later.

Damiex rolled off of her as she followed him plastered to his side as she shivered and jerked occasionally from the aftershocks. He saw Serenity sprawled out her eyes glassy and fingers still buried in her snatch with a little drool running down her cheek as she too twitched and jerked occasionally. Smiling he pulled his wife to his other side and just relaxed for a while.

Eventually the ladies were alright and they dragged him up and marched him into the bath where they started a hot shower as they both washed him with as much bodily contact as they could manage. It ended in a tag team blowjob and two cum-drunk succubi swaying on their knees with silly grins on their faces as he walked out of the shower whistling a little tune. They soon followed him when their wits returned and Alizay was waiting for him just outside of the bathroom where she led him into his wardrobe and dressed him while the girls got dressed themselves.

They met out on the balcony where a huge breakfast was waiting on them and they quickly devoured it. Serenity was heading out to see her Mother, she wanted to setup trade negotiations with the Plains of Pride and add another notch to their current alliance.

Alizay led Ariel and Damiex down through the castle when they had finished and was walking them out to the farm on the backside of the grounds. Damiex had completely disengaged and stayed away for the entire week not wanting to further stress himself on whether or not it would work so he hadn't seen it since the first day.

When it came into view he saw several of the staff milling about doing chores and Zaxen working on one of the fences. He looked around and saw Willow was milking the cow and humming to herself.

Damiex just watched it all for a few minutes with a contented smile. By that time both Zaxen and Willow had noticed him and had walked up to join them.

Willow was smiling and threw her hands up. "It's a complete success! All of the animals are thriving on their new diets, the chicken eggs are healthy and tasty, the milk from the cow is rich and good as is the goats milk. The coats on the sheep are rich and soft and that's only after a week under the staff's and our care. You have green lights across the board!"

Damiex whooped loudly and grabbed Willow in a tight hug lifting her off her feet and spinning her around as she laughed in delight. A cheer went up from all of the staff and everyone around as the project was officially deemed a success.

Damiex finally set Willow down after kissing her breathless.

He turned and Ariel was in his arms hugging him. "I'm so happy for you, you did it!"

Damiex kissed her and smiled. "I guess we will have to tell Samara the good news and get things started."

Ariel nodded, "Already setup, we have a meeting in one hour back at her shop that I arranged. We should get going so we can make it in time."

Willow came up, "Zaxen and I are staying here for a while and then we are going to head out to some of the new farm sites. He's already got people working on it and some of the families have already agreed to the deal and construction has started on the nearest ones. The first half of the farms and the first couple of ranches will be finished inside of a month so we are busy and will be for a while now."

Damiex nodded his head, "Ok I'll see you later then. We need to get going ourselves."


Ariel and Damiex walked into the same office that they had a week ago and found Samara sitting in a comfortable chair in the lounge area sipping coffee and reading through some papers. She stood up when they walked in and Ariel and her hugged. She gave a grin and a little finger wave to Damiex.

"Hi guys it's good to see you again, sit down would you like something to drink?"

Everyone sat down, "Sure that sounds nice."

Samara poured Ariel and Damiex some coffee and relaxed.

"So I assume you have some news and that's why you're here?" Samara asked.

"Yes actually, it's a complete success and we are good to go. We're going to make the Circle of Lust the premier trading partner in all of the Circles. Have you been able to start expanding with the investment capital I sent you last week?"

Samara whooped in excitement at that and had a huge excited smile on her face. "This is going to be huge! The money is going to be pouring in! This is going to be so great!"

She calmed down a bit and then continued. "As for your question yes, I got started on it immediately and have already begun expansion. I've grown a little bit on Earth but I don't store anything there for more than a day, but I did increase the number of human shoppers I use so I can get a lot more and much quicker now too. Where I expanded was here in the Capital and I've had members of Scythera scouting several of the other Districts to expand to them soon too. I want to build an economic empire here. I want to get out of the assassination and protection business for hire and if I can expand then I can keep my own group just working for us and protecting our own empire. When war eventually comes we'd still be battle hardened and ready to fight and we can also be a huge supplier and distributed of the army's needs."

Damiex smiled at her, she had quite the plan. "That sounds impressive. I have no problems with that so long as you are fair and balanced. I don't want you taking over everything and driving out all other business. So long as you are also working to enrich your people and the Land of Lust as well and not become a tyrant I will support you. You don't want me angry at you."

Samara shivered at that thought. She had only felt a taste of his power and it had been used to make her whole body sing in pleasure. She never wanted to experience his power turned to punishment on her.

Samara nodded her head, "Absolutely. I've always been loyal to the Land of Lust and always will be. I don't want my dream to harm you or the Land and will always keep that in mind."

Damiex relaxed and smiled at her. "Relax Samara, I like you and I do trust you because Ariel does and I trust her. I just wanted to say that once to make sure we agreed. I want what's best for everyone and improve the overall quality of life for all of my citizens."

Samara relaxed again and smiled. "I didn't take it as a threat and understand completely. You're very rare for a Ruler of Sin. Most are selfish and cruel beings, at best they are laid back and frivolous. There has never before been a Ruler of Sin who most beings would consider to be a good demon. Demons can rise just like angels can fall. There's never been a risen Ruler of Sin before. I wonder if you could be the first in time."

Damiex scoffed and shook his head. "No definitely not. Even if I could I wouldn't. First I don't want to leave my ladies. I am more than anything a true creature of the sin of lust and I always will be. But I still feel and act on all of the sins at times too. How I behave and what I do and believe is certainly quite different I'll give you that, but I am and will always be a demon and capable of great evil too. I just choose to control that and live how by what I think is right."

Ariel sat down in his lap and kissed him. "And that's why we all fell in love with you Damiex. We all found something special in you."

Samara spoke up. "You're going to make waves and you've already started to. Most will love what you're doing and what you will continue to do. But there will be those that are threatened or upset by this and you'll make some enemies. As you said we are demons after all and we have some real shitheads in our population as well. They won't care that you are the Lord of Lust, they will still try to attack you. You better start keeping a closer eye out whenever you are outside of the Palace Grounds. Ariel, I'll keep my ears open as well as all of Scythera to try to keep track of problems but you know how it goes. It could start anytime. The construction outside the main ring is already being noticed in the Capital and rumors are flying. You know the previous lord wasn't interested in anything other than what randomly took his fancy for quite awhile. We haven't had a Lord of Lust who was so active and involved in a long time. It's making waves."

Ariel's face turned grim and she glanced at Damiex noticing he looked the same. She responded simply, "We will be ready."

Samara gently clapped her hands and sat back. "Well that's enough of that. So getting back to it do you have the list of items you need?"

Ariel and Damiex relaxed and Ariel pulled out an envelope and handed it over. Samara opened it and read through the papers while Ariel spoke.

"For the first phase we are setting up 12 farms and six ranches and they will be quite large. The first six farms and three ranches will be ready in one month. Everything is broken down by what each one needs. Can you do this?"

Samara finished reading everything and then put it down and smiled. "Yes I can do that. I can have enough for the first month wave by then and I can have the rest by the next month. The animals we will have to start delivering as they arrive in a few weeks though."

Damiex waved his hand. "That won't be a problem. I'll let Zaxen and Willow know, they are who you will be working with on deliveries and anything else they need. I'm sure Ariel will arrange it knowing her."

She kissed his cheek and nodded. "Yes."

"So what else are you going to be dealing in Samara?" Damiex asked.

Samara grinned widely. "Oh yes lots of things. Furniture is going to be a big one as well as art. We are increasing in fashion and consumables like food though that part is temporary until the first harvest start coming in. It won't be needed then. But also electronics and entertainment."

At her last statement Damiex's face screwed up in confusion. "But we don't have electricity? We use completely magical means."

Samara laughed. "Oh I've fixed that and it's going to be another branch of business. Home installations and conversions. We use solar panels and generators and contract for a steady supply of fuel. It's genius!"

"You certainly are taking complete advantage when it's given." He chuckled.

Samara licked her lips. "I am a demon after all."

Damiex and Ariel just laughed and smiled at her.

"I'm going to have Alizay contact you on a few installations at the Palace. We can be some of your first customers."

Samara gave a shark smile. "Consider it done. I'm sure you'll enjoy the new toys. I'll see to the selection personally so that you're stocked completely."

Ariel rolled her eyes and Damiex just chuckled and shrugged.

Samara stood up and motioned for Damiex so he stood as well and followed her as she made her way to her oversized desk.

"I have our contract here and now that we can start we can finalize this and begin. It just needs your signature."

Damiex read through it carefully but everything was correct and he signed the contract. She handed him a second duplicate and he signed that one for himself. He handed it over to Ariel who put it away.

"I think we should seal our relationship with a pussy-shake."

Damiex's face screwed up. "A what?!"

"It's like a handshake to seal the deal but it's between your cock and my tight little white pussy." Samara said this with the most wicked grin on her face that Damiex had seen yet.

She turned in front of him and bent over her desk and ran a talon up the back of her skirt cutting through it like butter as it fell away revealing a sculpted and tight white ass with a set of dripping lips below it. She started to shake her ass. "Let's shake on it Damiex..."

She snapped her fingers and music started to play that he didn't recognize that must have been human music (it was OneRepublic's All The Right Moves) as she started to sing along with it swaying her ass and bouncing up and down.

Damiex grinned his patented demonic smile and glanced at Ariel who was giggling and nodding her head.

Samara looked over her shoulder at the sound of a zipper and smiled as she saw his cock throbbing in front of him. She smiled and continued to sing as he approached her thighs and ass.

All the right friends in all the right places

So yeah, we're goin' down

He got all the right moves in all the right places

As she took a little artistic license and finished her last verse Damiex buried himself balls deep inside of her weeping cunt causing her voice to climb up several octaves.

He just held there as she trembled and then hauled back and slapped her ass as he felt her clench on him and she screamed in delight as his aura ensnared her. She started thrashing around on the desk as he held her pinned while she went through her first major climax. Ariel climbed on the desk in front of her and spread her legs and pulled her dress up her chest.

Damiex looked at Ariel and smiled wickedly. "Teach her how to multitask while she's being ravaged. I haven't even started yet, I hope she's up for the challenge."

Samara's eyes locked on Ariel's and went wide as she listened and continued to moan and twitch. Ariel grabbed her friend by the horns and roughly pushed her dripping snatch into her face. "Put that screaming mouth to work right here. Yeahhhhh that's it scream for my man and send those sweet tingles through my sex!"

Damiex had started to slowly stroke deeply from tip to root in and out of Samara making her feel every inch and stretch back and forth as her internal spot was being so deliciously abused. Samara's hands had wrapped around Ariel's thighs and was going nuts on her deep red slit. Every scream and moan being channeled directly to her clit.

He started working up to a faster and faster rhythm as she pushed her tight white ass back at him harder and harder as he fucked her faster and deeper. After a while he could feel the cum boiling in his balls demanding release so he grabbed the base of her tail and pulled gently as he buried himself to the absolute limit inside of her tight against her ass pushing his way into her womb and unloaded with a roar that shook the room.

Ariel had kept Samara sealed to her pussy and when a Damiex unleashed inside of Samara both women went absolutely nuts. Samara was bucking and twisting around her legs flailing against the desk kicking it hard as it thundered in the room while Ariel had reached such a high pitched scream that it seemed ultrasonic and she violently shook and whipped her hair around while her feet beat against the top of the desk adding to the noise.

When he was finished pumping himself inside of her he pulled back as she collapsed and he watched them fall like dominos as Ariel collapsed right in front of her. He stepped back and just watched the scene of the two panting women that were enjoying coming down from bliss. Ariel recovered first having far more practice at it. When she saw Damiex's dripping cock covered in her friend's cum but more importantly still rich in his own she moved surprisingly fast he thought and it was soon down her throat as she moaned and savored it. It was often said in jest but he seriously did think she was addicted to it. She finally pulled free and he was perfectly clean again and she tucked him back in.

Samara had climbed onto her desk and had turned and was lying on her back on it. She was raised up on her elbows and just grinning like an idiot.

Before they left Damiex did think of one thing. "Hey Samara, there was one request just for me I'd like you to handle. I saw several motorcycles on Earth and it looks like the perfect way for me to get around the Capital. I don't know anything about them so would you pick one out and have it delivered please?"

Samara laughed and nodded. "For you sexy sure thing. After that fucking you just gave me consider it my personal thank you. I'll have something for you tomorrow as well as instructions on how to use it."

He had turned and was about to leave but turned his head back. "Thank you. Oh and when you are cleaning up make sure to properly destroy or dispose of my cum. It's too powerful to leave alone. If you tasted it you'd know what I mean and find out why Ariel and the others are so addicted to it."

As he turned back and started walking out with Ariel giggling behind him he caught sight of Samara greedily digging handfuls out of herself and shoving them into her mouth and she twitched and screamed around her fingers. That was the last image he saw as he closed the door with his trademark grin.

As they walked down the hallway Ariel stopped him. "I want you to gear up. After hearing what Samara said we need to take more precautions. When you're wearing your wraps you have protection from all but the most potent weapons."

Damiex nodded and opened a pocket and pulled out his gear and pulled everything on. Once ready they descended the steps and walked through the store. They were descending the steps outside when they heard a commotion. Damiex turned and suddenly a green demon barreled into his backed as a loud SNAP echoed through the air. Damiex grunted and grabbed at his back but Ariel reacted instantly and grabbed the demon by the throat and threw him in the air. With her other hand she drew her sword and with a cruel slash cut through the demons head as he fell back to the ground bouncing away. The body began to decay from the effects of her sword and she turned and looked at his back. The blade the assassin had tried to use had snapped and there was little more than a small gouge. She hugged him in relief.

"Aren't you glad now I told you to gear up?!"

Damiex just held her and soothed her as the crowd dissipated. She knew that he was much tougher than that anyways and it was a very weak attempt but it still bothered her greatly. She should have caught it before he even reached Damiex. She would have to be more vigilant she scolded herself as she clung to him.

Damiex got them walking again and Ariel was scanning their surroundings the entire time. It was a fast walk back and Ariel wanted more protection for him since it was starting already. Ariel didn't relax until they entered the palace grounds. Ariel grabbed the first guard she found and made some fast whispered instructions and the guard quickly saluted and sprinted off.

When they got to the front entrance Alizay was waiting for them with a serious expression on her face. She spoke to Ariel first.

"Lady Devotion, the other Sins are being gathered as per your request. You know where to meet them. I will escort our Lord to his rooms."

Ariel kissed his cheek and mumbled an apology and rushed off. In a break for normal Alizay wrapped herself around his arm pushing her breasts around him as she guided him through the Palace.

"I'm so glad you're ok my Lord, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." She said softly.

Damiex sighed he thought everyone was making far too big a deal out of this. "It's not that big of a deal my cute little succubus. I was hardly injured. Ariel took care of the childish assassin almost immediately"

Alizay shook her head vehemently. "It IS a big deal my Lord, if you hadn't been geared up you could have been seriously injured! And even if it was an amateur effort someone still tried to kill you!"

Alizay stil clinging to him was shaking a bit. He ran his fingers through her hair and soothed her. "It's ok my little one, I'm fine and nothing happened. It'll be ok."

Alizay just nodded her head and burrowed into his side tighter. They entered the room and Damiex saw that everyone was out and they were alone. Thinking this would be a good time for Alizay's reward and that she could use some one on one attention and comfort. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"My cute little succubus, I think it's time for your reward that you've been so patient about. How about you put that little outfit on and I'll help you feel better hmmm?"

Alizay looked up at him in surprise at first before she blushed and a naughty smile crept up on her face as she nodded her head and quickly disappeared.


Ariel was walking through the halls of the Palace heading back towards Damiex's rooms reviewing what she and the other Sins had gone over in the security briefing. They had been lucky and far too lax up to this point. Now they were reacting instead of getting ahead of the threats and all of them were upset at themselves but none more so than Ariel.

She was his first she told herself, she was Devotion and should have been more careful and cautious. She was determined to be better and to better protect her Lord.

Several changes had been decided upon by the time they were done with the briefing. Patrols and guards on the grounds and at all Palace entrances were being doubled up. Each Sin was taking some of their personal troops and they would be patrolling the the interior of the Palace at all times and all Palace staff was to alert any guard about anything strange or unusual that was noticed. Battle hardened veteran troops were being selected from the Sins own regiments and would be posted and rotated through at the entrance to the Lord's private wing and at the entrances and stairs leading to it.

Xixian, the Palace Guard Captain had been righteously furious when he had joined the briefing and had been informed on the attempt on Damiex's life. He had promised that the Palace would go on lockdown for the foreseeable future and that his troops would work seamlessly with theirs. He made special note of protecting and increasing security on the staff as well.

Xixian may not have spent much time directly with Damiex but he was extremely observant and very smart and by watching and listening and talking to those that did he had built a very good picture of his Lord. He knew that if any of the staff or the Hells forbid, any of his friends or especially ladies, were injured or killed, not only would his Lord take it personally and blame himself, but the destruction he would unleash would be uncontainable.

When Xixian voiced this everyone's face became very dark and they all solemnly agreed to prevent that at all costs.

Zaxen agreed that he and Willow would increase their guard when they were out at the Farms, and they also agreed to setup protection forces around the farms as well. Ariel said she would contact Samara and see if she wanted to help protect their combined assets as well.

Lunara and Alissa and Cassius were going to start investigating the nobles and merchants and mercenary groups to try to find out who ordered this and if there were more.

Amaranda was going to double up with Ariel as his personal guard especially as he often had the Lady of Lust with him. Serenity was formidable herself but she was also a very big weakness for Damiex if anything ever happened to her. She should be guarded just as he would be.

Outside of the Palace they would always be battle ready until this threat was put down. Training would continue until he fully assimilated the transferred powers and knowledge. No one knew how long that would take as it had never been done before in the Land of Lust so they would be patient and they would ensure that Damiex was diligent. All of this caution was for his safety and in the end was best for him.

Ariel was drug out of her thoughts when she opened the doors to their rooms and heard the sound of flesh slapping flesh in an instinctual ryhtmic way along with very womanly cries and slutty sounds. She turned the corner and smiled at the sight that greeted her.

Alizay was wearing her French maid outfit bent over a high table with her dress bunched around her waist and a feather duster sticking out of her ass. Her hands were clawing at the table in front of her as a collar and a black leash were strung taut to Damiex's hand and her head was up with a look of pure ecstasy on her face as he pounded into her from behind.

It was a masterful scene and it was turning Ariel on to watch it. She could feel the edges of his aura caressing her and lightly licking her skin. His control lately had become incredible, he had such fine control of it he could take you from a slow simmer to a mind shattering explosion in either seconds or hours. It was incredible and it was maddening just what he could do.

Ariel's hands found her breast and her lips beneath her dress as she caressed herself watching her man fuck one of his lovers, it's a damn good thing they were demons as she loved it and always got off on it. Happily leading to a harmonious home at least she giggled in her mind. She could tell Damiex was getting close because Alizay started begging through her cries.

"Oh fuck my Lord you're stretching out my little demon cunt so much, don't you love how it feels wrapped around you? Cum for me my Lord, fill my fertile womb with your unholy seed and breed your servant!!!!!"

Ariel watched Damiex's hips go into overdrive before he finally slammed home and roared out as Alizay wailed and started jerking and shaking wildly.

When Damiex came he had looked at Ariel and winked at her as his aura seized her and drove her to a blistering orgasm. Ariel screamed and fell to her knees as her climax consumed her.

When her senses returned Alizay was passed out on the table and Damiex was standing in front of her with a smile on is face. Ariel smiled too as she decided it was her turn.


One Month Later...

Damiex had a relieved smile on his face as the wind swept through his hair. The clouds swirled around him as he and Shi-Drakon flew silently through the clouds alone for the first time in a month.

He loved his ladies to death but even he needed some alone time now and then and he knew they meant well, but when they wouldn't let him do it he had slipped their notice using his increasing knowledge and skills of ancient magic (his training was going very well but he wanted a break) he had escaped on Shi-Drakon and had already seen the first of the finished farms and ranches as he flew high overhead out of sight from all but his keen eyes. The more he acclimated to his inherited powers the more he grew and his perceptions had sharpened as well.

The first six farms were planted and under constant guard by a coalition of his troops and Sycthera. Next to human souls these were some of the most lucrative and attractive targets around right now and something entirely new. There had already been several infiltration attempts and two attack attempts that were quickly put down.

Ariel had informed him recently that they believed they were closing in on who was behind everything. He hadn't had anymore attempts on him directly but like the farms there had been several attempted infiltrators and assassins caught before making it to the Palace and more information was being uncovered. He had been confined mostly to the Palace save for just a few trips to the farms during his well intended incarceration.

But he'd had enough and now here he was not getting into trouble just flying with his friend through the sky. He knew he'd catch hell when he got back eventually but for now he was simply enjoying his surroundings.

It was about two hours later and he had descended out of the clouds and was still several thousand feet in the air along the foothills of the mountains enjoying the silence when a flash of light caught his attention. They turned and faced that direction and Damiex could see in the distance a large encampment with around 50 or more demons facing off against 9... Angels?! Damiex was shocked to find angels on his land and urged Shi-Drakon faster as the descended and headed straight towards the encampment.

As he got closer he could feel them, a large collection of human souls, these were a camp of soul hunters! They had brought angels into his land! Damiex's rage grew and he began to channel his power as he drew Durandal. As they approached he watched the unfolding battle, it was a bit strange as there were two equal groups of four angels and then one lone angel who was fighting by herself. She was extremely powerful and was keeping over 15 demons at bay with a giant claymore that she wielded but she would soon be overwhelmed. The other angels seemed to not care and while they were killing many demons, there were simply too many for only 9 angels to take on alone. He watched more and more of them escape in a beam of light after touching their chests as they began to fall back but the lone angel stood fast as she began to be overwhelmed just as Damiex knew she would be.

For reasons Damiex couldn't explain this deeply saddened him and before he knew what he was doing he had jumped from Shi-Drakon's back as his wings caught the air and he plummeted towards them.

Damiex landed in a crouch in the middle of the demons like a meteor plummeting to impact as a huge crater formed below him and bodies flew around him. He turned towards a group of them and sent a wave of Hellfire roaring towards them as it consumed them to a man. There was 20 down. He started to cut through them mercilessly as he quickly made his way towards the lone angel that was left as she stood valiantly despite her numerous wounds.

His rage drove him as his empowered steps thundered through camp as he mercilessly cut down all around him in a blur of violence and rage utilizing everything at his disposal as his spells fired off just as Durandal cut through flesh.

Just before he could reach the angel he saw an incubus thrust a sword through her stomach as the angel screamed in pain and fire erupted from the wound and she collapsed without moving to the ground.

Damiex screamed in rage as he took the head of the incubus and send a wave of Hellfire through the remaining demons as the camp fell silent.

He quickly wrangled his anger back under control and rushed to the angels side. In the back of his head he questioned why he was reacting like this to an angel of all things let alone this angel but something was calling her to him and he would ensure she lived.

He pulled the sword from her stomach as the flames grew acting like they would soon grow to consume her. Damiex called on his Dominions of blood and flesh and placed his hands over the wound as her holy fire burned and blackened his hands. He grimaced but held fast and poured his magic into her.

He was completely shocked to find an answering echo of darkness resonating from her but it accepted his will and he saw the flames die back and begin to retreat as her body knit back together. It took about five minutes but eventually she was completely healed even of the other cuts and gashes she had accumulated before the potentially mortal wound.

Dante finally pulled his blackened hands away and sighed in relief. He used the stored life force from his Signet and restored his hands. He did think it was a shame he couldn't just accumulate it, but then again that would be a bit unfair not that he particularly cared.

He looked around in the now silent camp and saw a collection of tents including one larger one that had another section attached to it.

Damiex picked up the angel in his arms and took a close look at her. Compared to him she was tiny, though she wasn't that small but he guessed she was only about 5'7" tall. That said she was absolutely gorgeous and had a lot of body and curves packed into that smaller frame. Compared to him she simply cradled right into his body and fit against him perfectly as he dwarfed her. She had long liquid gold hair that was currently in a long elaborate braid down her back with an innocent and pure face and full lips. Her breastplate and armor hinted at an impressive chest and her armored war skirt hugged full round hips.

As he carried her he picked his way through the trash on the ground, he hated soul hunters and was glad to do a bit to clean up the trash, he made his way to the large tent. When he stepped inside he saw a desk and some chests as well as a large bed. Damiex stepped over to the bed and carefully set the angel down and then stepped back. He looked around and saw a flap for the other room. He walked through and saw several large chests open and overflowing with human souls. Damiex sighed and shook his head. He walked back out and sat down at the far end of the bed on the ground to keep an eye on the angel. He didn't know what to do with her but he didn't want to leave her alone either.

He closed his eyes and waited. He ended up waiting for a while...


Layla came awake with a start but remained still with her eyes closed.

Where am I and what is going on?

The last thing she had remembered she had ported into the soul hunter's camp in the Circle of Lust with eight of her fellow angels, though comrades or even friends she couldn't call them. She was hated and despised in Heaven, thought ugly and tainted. But she had been fighting against over a dozen demons using her vast martial experience and years of fighting in the endless war against demons and those that prey on human souls to kill many that stood before her. But she had been slowly overwhelmed more and more and had watched as one by one the other angels ported back.

Then something had exploded in the camp and the demons started dying in droves. She had seen glimpses of a red and black blur approaching her before her stomach erupted in agony and fire and her world went black.

Layla finally opened her eyes to see a very large and strange looking black demon looking at her with a surprisingly gentle smile on his face.

She sat up suddenly. "Who are you?! What do you want?!"

Damiex put his hands up but otherwise didn't move and remained relaxed. "Hi, I'm Damiex and I'm an incubus. I healed you and didn't want you to wake up alone in a strange place and have simply been watching over you."

Layla gasped and looked down at her armor and through the large hole in it could see nothing but smooth bronzed skin. She looked at her arms and legs and saw nothing but smooth bronzed skin too. She looked at Damiex suspiciously at first but surprisingly she could see no hint of deception or ulterior motives. She finally relaxed a bit and sat back but she was still very confused by this demon. She had a long existence and experience with demons and they were selfish and cruel beings. They would never do something like this demon did.

"But you're a demon? Why did you save me?"

Damiex frowned and then answered. "Well I saw you fighting alone and I didn't like how the other angels were basically leaving you to die. Plus I figured out this was a soul hunter camp and you did nothing wrong, they did. So it seemed that both the demons and the other angels were against you for some reason and that made me really sad and really angry. When you were hurt I wasn't about to let you die so I healed you and then brought you into one of the tents and waited for you."

"But demons are cruel and selfish, there was nothing in it for you and I'm your enemy!"

She didn't know why but she was unsettled by how kind Damiex was being and what he had done for her.

"Your right." Damiex nodded his head. "Many demons are selfish and cruel, I've experienced it myself too. And your right that angels and demons fight in a constant unending war, but not all demons are like that. I know many who are truly wonderful people that I love dearly. I'll admit it is certainly rare but demons can experience all emotions as well and can choose to do good if they want. But demons like these soul hunters I have no use for and cut them down without mercy."

Layla was still very confused but her sense of amazement was growing as well. She couldn't believe it, a demon who had already treated her better than any of her brethren. A demon that seemed to have a sense of morals and though brief had already demonstrated it. He didn't even blame her for being there attacking his own kind.

"I might just outlaw soul hunting here. I don't support it at all."

Layla's eyes went wide at that before they narrowed and she stared at him with intensity.

"Just who are you really Damiex the incubus? I can feel your sin of lust, I can feel your attraction to me but you aren't acting on it for some reason."

Damiex turned serious, "I would never force myself on a woman and I doubt an angel would be attracted to me anyways."

Completely catching Layla by surprise she blushed and realized that wasn't entirely true. He had a certain dark appeal to him and his strength appealed to her warrior heart. She quickly pushed that aside as he spoke again.

"As for who I am I shouldn't have mentioned outlawing it as I didn't plan on saying anything."

Eyes narrowed she prodded. "Anything about what?"

Damiex winced and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm a Ruler of Sin, the Lord of Lust."

Layla sat up straight as her eyes flew open wide. "WHAT?! But you can't be!! Asmodeous is the Lord of Lust! You said your name was Damiex!"

Damiex chuckled at that a bit. "I guess it's not surprising that news doesn't spread as fast in the Host, but Asmodeous died a few months ago and transferred his power to me. I'm the new Lord of Lust, Damiex Black."

Layla started to breath heavily as all of this raced through her mind. There was a long several minutes of silence before Damiex tried to break the tension.

"How about we start over as just two people having a normal conversation. Hi, I'm Damiex and it's nice to meet you. I don't know your name yet but I'd like to be your friend if you'd let me. You are not my enemy and you are absolutely free to go whenever you'd like."

He held out his large hand in offer. The moment stretched on but eventually Layla started to calm and with a very tentative smile on her face she hesitantly put her hand in his and they shook.

"H-Hi Damiex, I'm Layla Lightbringer and I've never had a friend before, let alone a demon friend, but I'd like that." She looked down then and shyly and with shame mumbled out, "The tainted ugly abomination angel."

Damiex squeezed her hand tighter as his face twisted in shock, "What are you talking about, you're gorgeous!!"

Layla's head shot up and she was shocked. No one have ever told her that before and she had no idea how good it would feel!

"But that's what everyone in Heaven says about me. Every angel is created by God and we all have power over heavenly light. But for some reason when God made me he also gave me power over darkness. He's never told anyone why he's done it and I've always wondered why. I'm hated in Heaven for being born this way and everyone says I'm ugly and tainted and I shouldn't exist. I've never had a friend, even among angels I've seen that they can be cruel and sinful. Anytime I had thought I made a friend they'd find some way to turn on me and embarrass me."

Damiex had heard enough and quickly sat up and hugged Layla tightly before he knew what he had done. He quickly stepped back and apologized. Layla blushed, she was beginning to feel stirrings of something she'd never felt before. She was amazed by how good it felt when she was in his arms being comforted by him. It didn't even bother her that he was a demon and that surprised her.

Damiex sat on the bed near her and spoke. "I know what that's like actually. I grew up abandoned in the slums, a small black demon fighting tooth and nail to survive. No idea where I came from or who I was as I tried to live from day to day. I saw and experienced a lot of cruelty too. But I did get lucky in the demon who mentored me, he was rare and he was unique. He installed a sense of morals and balance in me and I survived. I know what it's like to be hated and looked down upon. If it wasn't for Asmodeous pulling me out of there the day I turned an adult I'd still be fighting against that just to see tomorrow."

Layla lay her hand on his arm and smiled at him as she whispered out, "A kindred spirit."

Damiex smiled at her, "And I know about unusual powers and not knowing why as well. I did find out just a little about my past recently, my sire was the fallen All-Father and I was bathed in chaos and survived. My power and my magic is tainted by it and my unusual coloring and size and horns all show marks of it too."

Layla's jaw dropped open again, the shocks just didn't stop coming with him. "I-I guess you would understand that as well."

They started to just talk to one another telling each other about their experiences and getting to know one another. Slowly Damiex drew Layla out of her shell and he really liked the woman he found. She was sweet and innocent and pure and naive in many ways as well. She explained that in Heaven and among angels they normally suppressed their emotions and being in the Land of Lust she was experiencing them again and trying to get accustomed to it.

Several hours had passed as they talked and Damiex knew he'd have to start making his way back soon. He'd been out most of the day and his ladies were likely going to skin him alive when he finally got back. They'd be furious that he was in a fight alone without any backup.

Over the last hour Damiex had noticed that her wings were graying and the luster of her halo was dimming. He was worried that maybe spending so much time in the Hells was bad for her.

"Layla you uhhh aren't looking so good I think. Do you need to go?"

Layla blushed and shook her head quickly. "NO! I-I mean I'm fine."

"Then what's going on, your wings and halo look dimmer and grayer."

As they had talked Layla couldn't deny her growing attraction to Damiex and had thought hard about her life. She had never been happy in Heaven, it was supposed to be so idyllic but it was forever tainted by the angels that treated her so poorly. She now had a friend, she found someone who didn't call her ugly or an abomination and not only that but he truly understood her and liked her. He even told her that he was attracted to her. She thought about what kind of relationship she started with Damiex and what she wanted and surprising herself she came to the conclusion that she wanted this demon as her lover. She had never had one before but he called to her and she had decided to fall and to give herself a chance at happiness for the first time. She came from a hierarchical society and the idea of serving him was powerful to her and she decided to seize it with both hands.

She shyly glanced at him and blushed before she spoke. "I'm falling, that's what's going on."

Damiex was shocked and gasped at that. "But I haven't been trying to make you fall or anything!"

Layla smiled at him with such a cute and innocent expression that it completely melted his heart. "I know but you're the most amazing man I've ever met, even if you are a demon. I couldn't help myself and I decided to fall. I want to be with you.... Master."

Layla started to crawl towards him. She was so innocent and pure and that made what she was doing so much sexier. "Wait, Master??"

She stopped just in front of him and began to unbuckle her armor. "Yes Master, that is what you shall be to me. It is my choice to fall and my choice for you to be my Master. You will help me complete my Fall won't you Master? Don't you want me?" She pouted and Damiex couldn't stand it.

He finally gave in, "Yes."

He kissed her for the first time and Layla moaned into his mouth at the sensation of his lips upon her and his forked tongue caressing her own. His taste was overwhelming and she felt his aura grow surprising her.


"Shhhh shhh my beautiful little angel it's alright. I wasn't planning on showing you this but my aura is a bit more powerful than you're used to. With never experiencing anything like this before it's going to be a bit more intense for you the first time. I promise I will take care of you and guide you through this. Just relax and accept what I give you and I'll treat you right.

"Y-yes Master." She moaned out as her armor fell away and his hands came up and caressed her large swinging orbs as she shivered and moaned at his touch. He began kissing her neck and making his way down her collarbone and across the top swell of her breasts. Her breathing came quicker and she felt his aura licking at her body as the tension and heat grew in her sex. She wasn't used to this and was squirming and panting and moaning and just going out of her mind at the maddening new sensations she was feeling.

Damiex spent plenty of time sucking and kissing and nibbling on her hard nipples as his tongue swirled around her large pink areola and her stomach was tensing and quivering. He made his way down and licked in her bellybutton causing Layla to gasp and push her stomach into his mouth.

He laid her back and stripped off her armored skirt. She had a warriors body and her toned muscular but lean legs were on display and led to a set of glistening bronzed lips that was drawing him like a moth to flame. He spread her legs and watched her sex open to his view as a trail of honey ran down the cleft of her ass. Damiex left a wet trail behind as he ran his tongue up her leg and higher along her thigh until he came to her dripping slit. He breathed deeply inhaling her strong and sweet scent that was musky and rich. He placed a kiss right above her clit and Layla whimpered for him as her hips scrunched up trying to get contact.

Her wings were laid out beneath her and were becoming a fuller and fuller gray. While her face was screwed up in pleasure and frustration her halo was dim and cracks had appeared along it.

Damiex smiled and ran his tongue from her puckered asshole all the way through her steamy folds and flicked her clit at the end.

"Oh shit!" She screamed out and her eyes bulged.

Damiex stopped teasing her and dug in as he licked all along her lips and circled her clit as Layla's body started moving involuntarily with her pleasure. Damiex was on a mission to make her first orgasm something spectacular for her. His wicked forked tongue buried deep inside of her rasping along her g-spot as his lips and teeth nibbled and pleasured her clit. Damiex couldn't get enough of her flavor and was drinking down her juices as they poured out of her. Layla's moans were becoming constant and her voice was rising in pitch as she climbed closer and closer to her orgasm.

Damiex inserted two of his fingers into her sex and curled his fingers and began a rapid tapping and rubbing on her g-spot as he sucked and gently bit her clit. Layla's body curled up as she tensed and held her breath before she slammed her head back and arched her entire body holding herself up only by the back of her head and her heels as her entire body went taut. Her feathers rippled on her wings as they vibrated and then she screamed to the heavens as a mixture of light and dark shot out of her eyes and mouth as she exploded in her first orgasm and came apart thrashing and screaming and beating her hands against the bed.

Damiex gently tongued her sex bringing her gently back to reality as she finally collapsed and panted heavily.

She groggily looked up with a happy but lost expression on her face. "W-what w-was that?"

Damiex smiled at her and chuckled. "That was an orgasm. Your first of many."

Layla giggled and smiled widely. "Oh I could get used to that."

Damiex got on his knees and positioned himself between her bronze thighs running the head of his cock through her lips smearing her cum along his cock.

"Are you ready to Fall for me my pure little lust angel?"

Layla wrapped her legs around his ass as she shook her head. "Yes master, fuck me and make me Fall!" She pulled him in with her legs and felt herself stretch and stretch until the head popped in and she moaned deep in her chest as her head rolled back and forth on the bed. Her halo crumbled and let out a small burst of light as it shattered and her wings turned a dark gray. Close but not completed just yet.

He worked his shaft into her slowly as she was extremely tight while she kept pulling on him with her feet trying to get him deeper.

"More more more more more Master pleasssse!"

He finally bottomed out in her with his balls pressed tight against her ass as Layla's chest quickly rose and fell as she shivered at being so stretched and full for the first time. He decided it was time to rock her world and show her just what life she was signing up for. His aura ensnared her and he watched her scream and begin her first series of climaxes as he began to ravage her virginal pussy for the first time.

Over the next thirty minutes Layla lost count of her orgasms but had been turned in more positions and fucked in new ways and she was coming apart from the pleasure. She never could have imagined this before and she had lost herself to her new sin and submitted utterly to her new Master's wants and desires. She was currently on her hands and knees and Damiex was pounding his cock into her from behind. She was so close to something really big and just needed that final bit to go over.

She heard Damiex grunt and felt him start to swell and twitch inside of her. "I'm gunna cum!"

With a wild look in her eyes she turned back and screamed out at him. "On my wings! Shower my wings with your cum Master!"

She pulled her wings back so they were spread out alongside her back and running down her ass. Damiex slammed home one more time before he pulled out and took hold of his cock jerking on it as he came with a roar and coated her wings in his unholy seed.

When his cum hit her wings it looked like they all puffed up and vibrated as her back arched and once again light and dark spewed forth from her mouth and eyes and she screamed at the top of her lungs and her pussy exploded and sprayed the bed beneath them as her whole body shook and jerked.

Damiex watched fascinated as he continued to pump his seed onto her that wherever his cum touched her wings they changed color into the richest and most lustrous black he had ever seen. He watched it spread out over the rest of her wings like oil spilled across them until it was finished and her wings were a perfect midnight black as they continued to shiver and puff out.

Damiex lay down and rolled Layla over and pulled her to him. She was coming down from her monster climax and had finished the Fall and was now his newly fallen angel of lust. He wondered how he was going to explain this to his other ladies and hoped it would go as smooth as it did with Willow.

They just snuggled in silence for a while as Layla lay sweet little kisses over his chest and neck and face.

"I love you Master. That was so wonderful and I feel reborn! Thank you."

Damiex smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm falling for you too my angel but the real world is calling and I think we have to get going."

Layla smiled and sighed. "I suppose you're right. You are the Lord of Lust and I am sure you have responsibilities you have to get back to. Where are we going now?"

They both got up and started to get dressed and geared up again as Damiex answered her question.

"We are going to head back to the Palace. I technically slipped out today and disappeared and went off without any guards. I've been basically locked in the Palace for the past month due to some attacks and assassination attempts. I'm likely going to have some very upset ladies waiting for me when we get back just to warn you. You don't have to worry about them liking you however, I have no doubt they will love you and I promise you will make lots of new friends. But I will have to calm them down first and they are probably going to chew me out."

Layla was aghast at his admission. "You've been out unguarded and there are assassins after you?! We have to get you back and safe Master, I will protect you as we make our way. I no longer have my weapon, Heaven revoked that when I fell, but I have my magic and I will keep you safe."

Damiex sighed and shook his head. Not her too!

"What about all of the souls? What do we do with them?"

Layla shook her head with a sad look on her face. "There is nothing to be done. Once they are taken they can't be returned. Once they are used up or consumed they return to their respective circle of Hell for their punishment before they are then reborn. Take them, they shouldn't be left here."

Damiex nodded. "I may not support soul hunting but I know it's an integral part of demon society. At least I know someone who could use them and get the most out of them. You'll likely meet her when we land, her name is Amaranda and she is one of my Sins. She recently opened a jewelry and enchanting store in the Palace and could put them to use."

Layla nodded, "That sounds perfect Master. I look forward to meeting her and your other mates."

As Damiex packed up all the souls into his pocket space he told Layla about the other women in his life and what was going on at the Palace and with his projects and plans right now. They eventually mounted up on Shi-Drakon as Damiex put Layla sitting in front of him tight to his chest and groin which she really liked. They made their way back to the Capital and Damiex told her all about her new home and all of the ladies and his Sins over the trip back.

Eventually they began descending towards the stables at the back of the grounds and he saw four demonesses waiting for him. He could see Ariel, Amaranda, Serenity and Alizay all waiting on them. Alizay just look worried whereas Ariel, Amaranda and Serenity looked pissed.

Ah hell... he thought to himself. They landed a bit away and Damiex slowed Shi-Drakon to a stop right in front of them and jumped down leaving Layla in the saddle. It seemed the ladies had completely ignored the person in the saddle with him and marched up to him with fire in their eyes. Ariel and Amaranda had their arms crossed in front of them and were glaring at him as they marched up but it was Serenity that lit into him poking him in the chest and slapping at his chest hard!

"Where in the 7 Circles of HELL have you been mister!!!!?!? Do you have any idea just how worried we've all been?! Everyone has been out combing the Capital and plains looking for you and you disappear for an entire fucking day?! I should string you up and whip you for the hell you've put me through you bastard!"

Damiex trying to lighten the mood and add some levity chimed in, "As long as you were naked then I'd be up for it..."

Serenity's eyes flared and flashed dangerously as she looked at his sexy grin before she finally screamed and launched herself at him as he caught her in his arms as she began to beat on his chest. She finally calmed down as he soothed her and she started crying into his chest she had been so worried. He set her back on her feet and both Ariel and Amaranda rushed into his chest and he enveloped the three of them in his strong arms and held them as they calmed down realizing he was safe and sound.

Ariel leaned up and whispered into his ear, her voice laced with cold steel.

"If you ever slip my guard again like that, especially during a threat, I will run you down to nothing with a two day straight training session without breaks and then I will chain you up and milk 100 orgasms from your cock and drain you of every drop of seed you posses to teach you the error of your ways. Do you understand me my Lord?"

Damiex gulped at the threat fully believing she would too and quickly nodded his head.

He stepped back, "Ladies I'm sorry I worried you but I desperately needed some space. I've been a virtual prisoner in my own Palace for the past month. I know you all have the best intentions but I just needed some alone time. I'm not going to stay locked up here forever."

The three ladies frowned, "It's not forever it's just until we deal with this threat you're under. We are getting really close to finding out which group is responsible. It's one of the soul hunters groups we know."

Damiex smiled guilty knowing this would likely cause another explosion. "I might have some more intelligence on that."

He pulled out a bunch of papers and scrolls that he had taken from the main tent that he came across before he left and handed them over.

Understanding of just how he would have come across this grew in their eyes and once again equal expressions of horror, worry and anger bloomed in their eyes. It was Ariel who ground out though clenched teeth.

"Where and how exactly did you get this?!"

Damiex rubbed his horn sheepishly, "Well it's not completely my story to tell all that so how about I introduce you to someone."

He stepped over to Shi-Drakon and helped Layla down. She stepped in front of them and gently bowed her head.

"It's nice to meet you all, I am Layla Lightbringer, Master's new fallen angel of lust. Master saved my life in an encampment of 50 or more soul hunters and made me fall for him."

Three sets of jaws dropped and the ladies eyes just turned and stared at Damiex. He spoke very quickly and explained exactly what had happened and his whole day and once the shock and anger had passed that he had once again endangered himself against 50 demons alone they calmed down and accepted that he was fine and had taken care of himself just fine without them.

When the emotions had settled and everyone was all smiles again Ariel, Amaranda and Serenity all introduced themselves and after a round of hugs and kisses on the cheek she was welcomed as the newest member of the family.

Amaranda turned to Damiex with a smirk, "Sooo.... Master is it? I didn't know you were into that love!"

Damiex gave a rare blush and squirmed a bit. He didn't know how it happened either but he couldn't deny it didn't turn him on whenever he heard Layla's pure innocent voice call him Master.

"What can I say?"

The ladies all giggled at him while Layla just had a contented smile on her face and looked at him with something akin to worship in her eyes.

"Ok well let's take this up to the room. Layla and I need to clean up and we need to get her something to wear. Her ruined armor is not the answer."

"Oh and Amaranda, I got something for you. Do you have space in your pocket right now?"

Amaranda looked at him curiously and nodded her head. He pulled out three large chests and set them on the ground and then opened one to show all of the souls inside. Here eyes went wide as she saw all of them.

"From the soul hunter's camp?"

Damiex nodded his head. "Yup."

"Thank you love, this is a kingly gift and I will put them to good use."

She picked them away into her own pocket space and then Serenity and Ariel took Layla's arms and Alizay and Amaranda took Damiex's as they walked back up to the Palace and headed for their rooms.


When they got inside the rooms Layla looked around in wonder at everything. She was surprised by a few things, one being just how large the nest and sleeping area was, but another was the stage and pole and lights that was setup in front of the lounge. She was also surprised to see several massive human TV's and entertainment systems in the lounge and also on a wall near the nest with their accompanying stereo and media systems. She smiled widely thinking it was perfect and loved her new home. It was so different from Heaven and everything was new and exciting.

Ariel and Amaranda and Serenity guided Layla into the bath as Damiex followed along. They then carefully removed her ruined armor and clothes before stripping themselves as well. The four ladies gave a little wave and then headed off for their own shower for some sisterly bonding time. Ariel and Amaranda and Serenity wanted Layla to be as comfortable and happy as they were as quickly as they could and were taking her under their wing so to speak.

Damiex took a long relaxing hot shower washing off the dried blood and other filth from his fight earlier in the day. He listened to the happy but muffled voices of the three ladies in another shower as random bouts of giggles and laughter could be heard now and then. He was happy that Layla seemed to be fitting in already and was both thankful and amazed by his ladies who were so loving and welcoming to anyone new.

In the ladies shower Layla was telling Ariel and Amaranda and Serenity about her life in Heaven and how unhappy she had always been, how the other angels treated her and spoke to her.

Ariel pulled her into a hug, "You poor thing! Your story sounds so similar to our man's. You both went through so much even if yours was far longer."

Layla nodded, "Yes but at least they weren't trying to actively kill me in Heaven unlike with Master. I was always so lonely but I at least had my duty and my mission. But over time my faith wavered. I guess that's why I eventually fell."

Amaranda hugged her from behind as her breasts pressed against her wings. "Well I for one am glad you did. I think you'll be much happier here and you are so sweet and kind. I'm glad to have a new sister and a new level of protection for our Lord."

Ariel chimed in. "Our man certainly is impressive. There hasn't been a new fallen angel in hundreds of years. This I going to be big news in the Hells when it gets out."

Layla nodded her head. "Master certainly is most impressive. I know I haven't seen all that he can do, but the level of his power is staggering! I wouldn't be surprised if he is a step above the other Archdemons. I think it would take at least two Archangels to try to match him."

There was a moment of silence before Serenity broke it changing topics. "So why do you call my husband Master?"

"Well Mistress..."

"Wait Mistress?"

"Yes Mistress, you are Master's wife and the Lady of Lust, you are my Mistress. But to answer your question you have to understand that Heaven is a hierarchical society. Everyone serves others, even the Archangels serve God directly. Master is not my equal and I wanted a subservient position to him. But more than anything, submitting to him just seemed as natural as breathing. I know almost nothing of sex or lust but I could just instinctively tell that not only did I want to submit to him, but that he would show me love and passion and be the man I need as he guided me through my awakening to this life."

Serenity smiled at hearing that knowing it was true. She gave Layla a gentle little kiss on the lips and hugged her.

"Our man is amazing and he does become whatever we need from him, even our protector though we don't want him in harms way. Welcome home Layla, you'll be surrounded by love and friends and joy here."

They spent the rest of the time with the other ladies telling Layla about their other sisters as they thought of them in their family and the other Sins and what they were currently busy with lately getting her up to speed.

Damiex finished up his shower and stepped out to see Alizay holding a warm fluffy towel for him and she quickly rubbed him down and dried him off before leading him into the room and towards his wardrobe. Alizay quickly dressed him in his normal vest and pants and boots and he made his way out to the lounge and sat down and relaxed waiting for the ladies.

He soon heard them come out of the bathroom and head to the massive wardrobe where they disappeared for a while.

Some time later the door opened and Serenity, Ariel and Amaranda marched out blocking his view of Layla. The stopped in front of him and Serenity smiled and then with a flourish spoke.

"Presenting the newest fallen angel of lust and your new submissive, Layla Lightbringer!"

With that they all stepped aside and Layla blushed as Damiex stared are her. Her hair was styled to fall around her face and cascade down her back and her golden locks shined brightly contrasting beautifully with her black wings folded behind her. Her golden eyes practically glowed and she had some makeup done making the area around her eyes smoky and seductive. Around her neck was a black fur lined collar with a large gold d-ring attached to the front.

Pushing up and nearly exposing the entirety of her bronzed busty breasts was a red satin corset and bustier with black stitching and accented embroidery. It ended right above a tiny black leather pleated skirt that gave peeks of the blood red micro-thong underneath.

Damiex smiled broadly, "You look beautiful my Lightbringer!"

Layla who had so cutely been chewing on her lip nervously shined at his words. Her face lit up and a huge smile spread across it as she launched herself into his lap as he caught her and quickly kissed her deeply as she moaned for him.

"Seeing you like this I have to say I think I definitely have a thing for corsets on you, you look amazing."

Layla beamed her happiness to him. "I'm glad you like it Master, my new sisters helped me with everything. They are wonderful and I'm so happy!"

They all left and went down to the dinning hall where Layla was introduced to the rest of the family and they ate a delicious full meal.

That night Layla got to start with Damiex when the clothes came off but when they were done she was first introduced to the joys of sapphic sex by her new sisters as Damiex continued to pleasure the rest of the ladies. It was a long and pleasure filled evening before they all fell asleep with Layla claiming his left side for her first night with them.


The next morning found Damiex and Layla along with Ariel and Serenity deep in the heart of the Palace heading for the Vault. Layla first and foremost needed a new weapon to defend herself and her new Master. Damiex remembered a specific item in the Vault before he had found Durandal but it was far too large for his taste and was a two handed sword so he had passed it over, but he thought it would be perfect for her.

When they arrived at the stunning stone doors Layla gasped at the sight.

"Heaven has amazing sights as well but I've never seen a door quite to this scale before, it's incredible!"

Damiex smiled. "I agree, everything I've seen since coming here and leaving the slums has been incredible for me too. It's had its challenges to adjust to."

He put his hand on the stone and once again became anchored to it momentarily before the ominous groaning started and the massive blocks slid apart.

The group walked through the corridor and into the treasure cavern. Layla's eyes grew large as she gasped and stood in place just staring at everything. Ariel and Serenity were watching her as Damiex just smiled. They all thought the same thing that anyone who saw this for the first time would always react like this and chuckled.

Layla turned to them still amazed. "I've never seen anything like it before, where did all this come from?"

Damiex spoke, "This is everything that Asz collected over his life. As the new Lord of Lust this and everything else is mine now. I want to put what I can to good use without causing chaos. It needs to be balanced instead and enriching the lives of those in the circle. Now let's go find that sword."

Layla smiled at his response and nodded her head as they all followed along. They made their way through the mountains of gold and gems and along one of the streams running through the massive cavern. Eventually they were into the artifacts and gear section. Damiex led them over the an alcove in the section for the swords. There was one sword sitting alone on a stand that Damiex was leading them to.

When Ariel saw it she smiled widely agreeing with his choice.

"A rare shadow-sword is what you had in mind love, that's perfect." Ariel stated.

Layla was looking at the sword closely, it was huge for her size most would think but it was roughly the same length as her claymore and she was a master at it. The sword blade was about 6 feet long but what was unique about it was that the blade was dark gray and had a pitch black shadows wisping away from it like tendrils of smoke. Where the crossgaurd would be was a thin disk like black concentrated smoke with a black wooden two handed grip came out of it connecting the blade together.

Damiex picked it up and handed it to her.

"As Ariel said this is a shadow blade, they are very rare and very difficult to use since you have to be compatible with it. You have to be able to use shadow manipulation which even among demons is more rare than you'd think. But with your power over darkness I know you can wield it and learn. I know you haven't ever practiced with it before but we can help teach you and train you. What makes this sword so dangerous is that you can attack and move through shadows. I think with your own light magic you can create more and different shadows and use it to even greater advantage at times too. It will still serve as a perfect blade to use as you always have until you learn that though too. Try it out."

Layla smiled widely to him in thanks and took hold of it. They headed out of the alcove and she made her way to an open spot and started going through what was clearly a long practiced routine of exercises. Everyone was impressed to watch the massive sword spin and cut through the air as it whipped around her body with tremendous speed. Damiex already knew how talented she was himself but Ariel and Serenity both were very impressed with the smaller angel.

Layla eventually came to an end and was smiling broadly. "This is perfect! Thank you Master, I will work to be worthy of such a gift."

Damiex walked up and hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "You already are my little angel. I'm glad you like it."

After that they made their way back out of the Vault as it sealed behind them with Layla's new sword in a sling and sheath on her back between her wings. They had found her new armor as well and surprising everyone Asz had even stashed some ancient archangel armor from some long war past that Layla was given since she could actually wear it. She still could wear her own it had just been ruined and couldn't be repaired anywhere but by heavenly smiths. Only her sword had been revoked, though to Damiex the system made little sense even when Layla tried to explain it to him.

Alizay was waiting for them when they exited the Vault.

"My Lord, while you were unavailable Desire found crucial information and we need to attend to it. I will lead you to the briefing room my Lord."

Ariel's face grew grim hoping they had a break finally. Everyone followed behind Damiex as Alizay led them up into the Palace. They arrived into the room and Amaranda was leaning over the table with pages and scrolls spread across it looking at one of them while Lunara as there next to her doing the same. Along the other side Alissa and Cassius were doing the same and then Zaxen was at the head of it with another set of pages. Willow was smiling at him standing off to the side since she wasn't involved in the investigation portion.

Ariel took charge once she walked in and Damiex sat down with Serenity and Layla on either side of him.

"What do we know?"

Lunara looked up and spoke. "We know who is after Damiex now! But there's a lot more here. It's a large portion of the soul hunter network and we are still going through it. But we know who is behind it all. It's Silence."

Ariel groaned. "It had to be them didn't it?"

Damiex raised a brow. "What's the problem?"

"Silence is one of the most powerful and one of the larger mercenary groups in the circle. It's headed by a old and very powerful black wrath demon who is a cruel and merciless killer. His name is Silaz and he is a former Sin of Wrath who lost favor and was exiled. Taking out not only him but the rest of his group will be rather difficult for the Sins even with our troops."

Damiex nodded minutely. "That won't be a problem."

"How so? They are based out of a mountain fortress with 5000 heavy fighters. We have to get there and then fight our way in. That's going to take time and be very difficult. We can and will do it but it does create problems."

Damiex smiled. "I'm going with you that's why."

Ariel growled as the rest of everyone looked up and frowned at him. Her jaw was clinched with eyes narrowed.

"And just why do you think that?!"

"I told you I'm not going to be a prisoner forever and I was built for a siege. With my magic I can cripple and overwhelm their defenses and draw him out. Plus I can open a large enough portal for us to move what troops we need through. It's happening Devotion so no arguments."

Ariel growled some more as she stared into his determined and set eyes. "You will not run off alone. You will have guards, clear?"

Damiex gave a small but pleased smile. "Clear."

Damiex looked around the table at everyone. "So how many soldiers should we take with us and when do we start?"

Ariel looked around at the different Sins and Xixian who all nodded to her. "We will want to assemble a force of at least 10,000, if you are going to be there too then we need to be a truly overwhelming force. Even with you there for the opening siege we need adequate numbers. As for when, it will take us two days to stage and muster all of the troops from our own ranks and from the Palace Guard. We will stage in the open areas in the First District and will prepare to leave at dawn in two days."

Shortly after the meeting broke up with many leaving to start organizing troops while others stayed and looked over all of the intelligence and data that they still had. In a break from the normal it was just Lunara that was guiding Damiex back to his suite to relax for a time. When they entered the room Lunara had a thought and smirked in amusement. She led Damiex over to the lounge and sat him down.

"We rarely have time alone together like this so I'm going to take full advantage of this. You just sit back and relax while I change into something more appropriate." Lunara kissed him before sashaying over to the walk in and disappearing.

A few minutes later the light in the room dimmed and the stage that Damiex had built for Lunara lit up. Damiex heard the click of heels walking and saw Lunara get up on stage under the bright lights.

"My God.... WOW!" Damiex gasped out upon seeing her.

Lunara was barely wearing a tight leather vest that struggled to contain her impressive chest and left most of her stomach uncovered. A red leather miniskirt was draped over her impressive ass riding low on her hips and her hair was falling about her face and back. Completing the look were spiked red heels that were at least 5" tall.

She snapped her fingers and music started to play loudly in the room with a deep bass beat. Damiex glanced at the screen and saw quickly that Lunara had picked Nickelback's Shakin' Hands for her song.

Lunara started to dance around the stage grinding on the pole and bending over showing Damiex a view up her short skirt. Lunara was singing along as she started to peel her clothes from her body as she twirled and danced around the pole. He saw her vest go flying off and she turned and out her back to the pole and squatted down. He could see her prodigious breasts pushed up by a quarter cup lace shelf bra that left her tits exposed as she pulled and twisted her nipples. Her skirt had ridden up and he could see that she had chosen some special panties as they were black matching the shelf bra but was split up the middle and was showing her weeping sex to him encased in lace.

She straightened up and continued to dance and excite Damiex as her skirt joined her vest and left the stage. The song finally came to a close with Lunara bent over in front of him with her legs spread and reaching back spreading her ass to completely show her Lord everything she offered him.

Damiex couldn't take it anymore and leaned forward and buried his face between her soft thighs and started licking and sucking on her weeping sex. Lunara moaned and pushed back hard trying to get his tongue deeper inside of her as he spent a good long time licking her from one orgasm to the next.

A new song came on and Lunara turned around and squatted down in front of him and pulled his pants down as his thick cock sprang free. She growled in want and quickly took it into her mouth and down her throat getting it slick and ready. Satisfied with her work she stood up and straddled him before pushing his cock deep into the depths of her pussy. Damiex let his control slip and ensnared Lunara as she proceeded to ride him at an incredible rate screaming and cumming constantly as Damiex feasted on her breasts that were shoved in his face as her pussy squeezed and rippled along his length urging him to fill her to overload with his cum.

"Nnnngggh please love, please fill me up and make me cum! I want to feel your cum soaking into my deepest parts, please Damiex cum for me and send me to bliss!!!"

Damiex could hold back no longer and and thrust up into her hard as his hands clamped onto her ass and pulled her onto him as he erupted deep inside of her spraying her cervix in his hot seed. Lunara's head was thrown back and she screamed at the top of her lungs as her pussy exploded and she came apart. She was grinding herself against him as hard as she could as she shook and twisted in his grasp as her orgasm tore her to pieces. When it was over she finally collapsed on his chest panting hard but with a huge satisfied smile on her face. She straightened up and as she pulled off of him she felt a mouth attach itself to her sex and a tongue probe deeply within her.

"Oh fuck! Who is that?!" She yelped cutely.

Damiex chuckled softly and they both looked down to see Ariel smiling with her face and mouth full peeking between their legs with eyes partially glazed over.

Lunara chuckled, "Someone was eager."

She slid off of him to the side and curled up against him while Damiex pulled Ariel up and close on his other side.

"You both are as are the others each in your own ways, but I love that."

Lunara purred out contentedly, "We know, trust me we are all very happy. No one has ever cared about us like you do. And you do it with everyone, the Palace is a happier and livelier place now. You've made lots of little changes here and there that have added up."

Ariel turned Damiex's face to look at her and she smiled lovingly at him.

"You've dramatically increased your everyone's pay, introduced mandatory time off, given choices and options, new work and opportunities. I swear we keep joking about the first Risen Ruler of Sin but in a lot of ways you are going about things in a similar manner. And what you are doing for the Capital and also the whole Circle with these new programs will dramatically improve everyone's life in many ways."

Damiex kissed her softly and smiled but then his face turned hard.

"What I'm going to do in just a few days is nothing a Risen demon would do."

Lunara turned him to look at her and stroked the back of his neck with a thoughtful expression.

"I'm not sure I'd agree with that. Angels can be just as violent and merciless as Demons can be. After all the Eternal War has had ups and downs over the eons but it's still ongoing and in essence a stalemate to this day. That means power and violence is roughly matched on each side too. From a Demons perspective there are countless atrocities that Angels have inflicted upon us over time. So yes, even though we are headed on an extermination mission in a few days it is most certainly something even a Risen Demon would do. But regardless I think for you what is most important is that it may be a harsh reaction but it is a balanced response and reaction."

Damiex looked at her thoughtfully, "How so?"

"Well you are doing a lot of good for the whole Circle and a lot personally for those closest to you as well as the whole Palace. That's a lot of good you've been spreading around, but for Demons as a whole your ban on Soul Hunters and harvesting human souls and now actively hunting and executing them, that does in some ways harm society. Demons are instinctively built to harvest human souls. As you know not all of us follow that instinct but it is still a crucial part of all demon society. Even were you to one day somehow take over all the Hells you couldn't eliminate it because it's part of our instinctual DNA and all of the Circles and societies are built around it.

What you can do is what you are doing now. Ban it in your own but allow the sale and trade and use of them. That means we will always have to import and that makes demand increase and money as well. So you took something away from the Circle but then you added something back to offset that. Balanced. This is just part of that balance, Silence and all the other groups are not only defying your rule but also trying to destroy what you are building."

Damiex closed his eyes and leaned his head back and pulled both of them tight hearing little purrs of contentment from them.

"Thank you both. I'm at peace with what is to come. Now it's just a matter of waiting."


The first rays of the sun were just spilling into the massive grounds around Damiex and his retinue. He saw his forces laid out in front of him. 10,000 of the best the Capital had all formed in neat ranks and ready to march. His ladies and Sins around him forming a perimeter and 200 of his personal guard from the Palace with Xixian leading them and keeping a fierce gaze on everything.

Ariel leaned into him always at his right and spoke softly.

"It's time my Lord. Say something to the troops and then we can begin."

Damiex grinned and nodded before walking up onto a raised platform to address his troops. His voice boomed as he stood illuminated in the red hued light from the sun that was rising red today.

"A red sun rises today as a Blood Dawn, for today we make war! We go to destroy a threat to what is being built here in our Circle, a threat to all with who they are. Leave none alive in our wake, they will forever be remembered as the Silence that fell forever."

Damiex drew Durandal and turned towards where he would form the portal. He focused his will and with a massive slash and ripping sound tearing through the air a huge portal several hundred feet wide tore into being. Several loud horns sounded as Damiex stepped aside over to his group again. Troops started marching through the portal to the distant mountain valley that held Silence's stronghold.

Damiex and his guard would be one of the last through as they wanted to stage and secure the assault grounds before they risked him coming through. Damiex rolled his eyes at that, he always thought everyone treated him far too carefully, he could take care of himself quite well by this point and was growing more powerful daily as he continued to assimilate and adjust to Asz's power and knowledge. Lately he felt like it wouldn't be much longer until he could truly call it his own. He would still be young and needing to build his own experiences, but the process seemed to be close to complete.

For an hour he watched the red sun rise and his troops quickly pass through the portal. The last through were the workers who would setup camp on the other side. Even though Damiex was certain it would be a slaughter it would still take a lot of time and then they'd have the entire fortress to comb through afterwards. They would be here at least for a day or two.

Eventually it was Damiex's group turn and they could close the portal after they were through. They walked through and into a scene of strictly ordered chaos. A massive camp was quickly being erected around them and he could see his troops moving down the valley toward the fortress.

In fact they all got their first look at their target. At the far end of the valley only a few miles away the two mountains on either side of the valley rose up and converged to a large peak at the back. Where they were was a section of the Black Spires, a mountain range of very high and very craggy peaks made of black granite giving them their name.

Cut into the large peak was a huge fortress towering out of the living rock. There was a very tall solid rock wall in a half moon in front of the main gate cut into the mountain to allow entry. The main gate alone must have been at least 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide and barred shut with huge slabs of black granite. Between breaking through the outer wall and then through the gate would be asking a lot of his troops. It was well defended and he could see scores of enemy troops on the walls and battlements that towered up the fortress. There had to be at least 2000 demons that he could see, not quite half his forces he thought.

Dante turned and saw his forces marching on the wall and deploying when he made his decision. He saw a small rise off to the side about a quarter mile from the edge of the fortress wall and decided that would do nicely. Everyone else had been watching silently but when he pulled out Durandal he got their attention. Damiex made a slash in front of him as a much smaller portal than the last time opened. He turned to his Sins and ladies and held his hand out.

"Shall we?"

The ladies eyes all narrowed like one big group thought while Cassius and Zaxen were smiling and ready for anything. Damiex again rolled his eyes at their extreme overprotectiveness. It was Ariel that voiced what the ladies were thinking.

"Where do you think you're going and why, hmmmm?"

Damiex smiled confidently, "We are headed close to the front to break the initial siege."

Ariel still speaking for the ladies frowned. "Why do you think we will let you do that? That's why we brought overwhelming numbers, this is what they are trained for. You saw the siege equipment we brought through. What makes you think we'd allow you at the front at this time?"

Damiex's eyes grew hard, "To save lives. I didn't come here today to watch my troops die, even die well, when I can do something about it. I came here today to make the other fuckers dead, not my own."

Serenity stepped up next to Ariel, "And you think you can do something about that fortress? Love we all know you are powerful, and if we can draw out their troops then it would be different, but right now I don't see how you could do anything about the wall or gate besides getting close enough to cut through it with Durandal and we'd never allow that."

Damiex smirked and rubbed the back of his head. "Wellllllll..."

He looked at Amaranda a bit guiltily and she raised an eyebrow and stared at him silently.

"I've been holding out on you when you've been training me lately love."

Amaranda walked up to him as the ladies gathered together watching him.

"Oh you have have you my Lord? And pray tell what have you been holding back?"

Damiex looked up breaking the intense stares piercing him and chuckled.

"Welllllll I've been holding back quite a bit in practice even when you've thought I've been going full power. I can feel that the transference and process is nearly complete. I know a whole hellluva lot more spells and magic than I've let on. It all comes as knowledge from Asz, but let me tell you there is one aspect of Asz that was just as greedy as the Governor of Greed. He hoarded any and all magic that he could come across and learn and came up with a lot of his own personal spells too. It's taken time but I know and can cast nearly all of it now."

The more he spoke the bigger everyone's eyes became. Amaranda was the one the break the silence.

"Just how much have you been holding back Damiex and how long has this been going on?"

Damiex smiled ruefully at her, "I've only been holding back for the past few weeks, it took time. All of the training has been paying off though and a few weeks ago it seems like something clicked and far more was unlocked and I started assimilating everything much quicker. As for how much I'm holding back, ummmmm."

Amaranda huffed, "Just tell us Damiex, it'll be fine."

Damiex smiled sheepishly, "The highest you've seen me push is about 25%. Anything above that would be too dangerous for anyone around me and would also destroy the grounds."

Everyone's jaw dropped when he said that, even Cassius' and Zaxen's.

Amaranda asked incredulously, "Are you serious?!"

Damiex just nodded, "Yes, that's why my control has gotten so good and refined lately, I have to use it with everything so it's begun to just come naturally. Now, I ask again, shall we go?"

All of the ladies looked at each other and seemed to have some magic private and silent communication before they all turned to him as one and nodded. Ariel spoke for them.

"Ok we can go, but we will be watching you closely and you'll listen to us!"

Damiex just nodded and sighed but he walked through as the others followed. They were now on top of the small rise looking directly at the wall and the gate further in the distance. The front line of his troops was just passing where they were and getting ready for their assault. One of the commanders at the front saw Damiex and a moment later a loud horn blast cut through the valley and the column came to a halt.

Damiex turned back to his group, "I appreciate all your concern but you all worry just a little too much. How about a little demonstration to help put everyone at ease that I'm not as vulnerable as you may think."

Damiex pulled Durandal from her sheath and thrust her into the ground and kneeled in front of her and started speaking in ancient demonic as he began casting. Everyone around began to feel his power swell up and it was like watching the awakening of a slumbering Titan as it grew and grew and grew. The pressure was absurd and bursts of power and color circled around him in an ever increasing pace. That's when they noticed that it was getting dark.

Ariel was the first to look up and gasped drawing the attention of the others. Angry and terrible looking black clouds boiled in the sky, you could watch them twist and writhe and it circled above the peak that the fortress was carved from. Ominous thunder rumbled loudly now and the wind was picking up every second, the flashes of lightning lit up the black sky and continued to grow until it looked like the entire storm system was racing between itself. The wind was gale force and howled around everyone and between it and the thunder and lightning no one could hear anything.

A sudden silence and stillness and enveloped them and lasted only for a moment just long enough for the Sins and ladies to hear one word from Damiex to finish the spell.


A shaft of power and energy surrounded Damiex and erupted into the storm above supercharging it until it finally broke. The storm unleashed and a blanket of blood red lightning fell from the raging black clouds and crashed into the wall and fortress over and over as the entire valley glowed with an unholy red light for several minutes until the winds started to calm and the clouds began to break as silence reigned in the aftermath.

Damiex stood up and watched as the dust cleared and saw that the wall had been destroyed and there were clear paths through in many areas. He saw severe damage to parts of the fortress and many of the enemy troops were dead and strewn across the valley floor. The gate however was still intact.

Damiex narrowed his eyes. "Hmmm we still need to get through the gate. Ok one opening coming up."

For now he was simply focused on the task at hand and hadn't been paying attention to his family around him. He sheathed Durandal and knelt down in front of everyone on the hill and placed his palms flat on the bare rock. Once again his power began to grow and with it came the unfathomable pressure as the ground under his hands began to flow and quickly grow in size. Heat poured off of Damiex as his power rose and his hands began to sink into the ground as he continued to chant in ancient demonic.

They watched him appear to grip something and then with a rising voice he heaved upwards and stood as a huge molten core of rock and metal was torn from the ground and held above him Dwargon even his large frame. They could feel the energy and power pouring into it as it crackled and burned.

With a final chant Damiex pulled back and threw it with all his strength and power at the gate as a massive sonic boom broke in front of them from the small meteor that was now hurtling towards the large gate. A moment later and the explosion was deafening as they watched the gate simply vaporized before a tremendous cloud of dust and debris enveloped the entire rear of the valley area.

A huge cheer and roar rose up from his troops and the ground rumbled as everyone was stomping and beating their weapons on the ground or against shields. Once more several loud and echoing horn blasts blared in the valley and the column surged forward to engage the enemy now that the way was clear.

Damiex watched all this as he breathed heavily and struggled to remain standing and as he took a step back he started to collapse. He was immediately caught in strong and loving arms as he saw that Ariel and Serenity were holding him up and looking at him in awe and wonder. They turned and he looked back at his group and all of them, even Maturity was open mouthed and staring in wonder like Ariel and Serenity were. Damiex tiredly broke the silence.

"I need a few minutes and then we can join the front."

That broke the silence and suddenly everyone was shouting as one but the overall effect was clear and that no one had any intention of sending him forward. In a brief moment order was restored and Ariel took control.

"Absolutely not, you are going back to camp and resting! You've already done plenty and have single handedly completed the siege to open the fortress. You're exhausted and need rest, it will take time for our forces to clear the fortress and Silaz will be holed up with his best forces somewhere deep inside. It will take time to get there and then you can join the fight again, but not before!"

Damiex was too tired to argue further after two full power spells like that. He nodded his head and everyone relaxed a bit. Damiex gathered himself and stood upright and with help from Durandal opened a portal back to camp. Damiex along with Layla and Ariel and Serenity holding him up stepped back into camp first as the rest followed immediately behind.

They found Alizay and Xixian waiting for them in front of a beautiful and grand tent complex. Seeing it as well as memories from Asz who had been around since the beginning, he thought it looked like something that a Sultan would travel with to impress people, and even though this was his he was still impressed and laughed softly.

Alizay had a look of concern on her sweet face seeing Damiex's condition while Xixian was shining with pride and awe looking at him. Alizay took charge.

"Please through here and into your chambers immediately my Lord. We will take care of you and you can rest. Quickly please, you look very weak right now."

The three ladies marched him into the tent complex as the others followed including Xixian. Alizay led them through several sections and to a lounge area that had a very large tub currently full of steaming water and oils that looked like heaven to Damiex. Around the tub were several lounges and couches and seats as well as tables near them filled with food and drink.

Ariel and Serenity looked at each other and smiled and nodded before letting go of Damiex. Layla looked at them with a question and Serenity answered.

"Take care of our Lord and help him relax. The rest of us are going to sit and eat and we are all going to talk a bit after witnessing all that."

Layla smiled brilliantly at them before she quickly stripped down Damiex before stripping down herself and guiding him into the bath and joining him. Alizay had already gathered a large platter heaping with food and brought it and several glasses of wine over to the tub and set it down in close reach.

Layla snuggled into him and began to feed him as he soaked between sips of wine. Everyone else was eating and casually drinking and it was Ariel who broke the silence. She always seemed to be the spokeswoman of their groups.

"So what did we just witness love? What were those two spells that you used, I've never witnessed anything like them before. None of us have I don't think."

Layla fed him a large bite of soft and roasted tanta meat and he groaned. As he finished it he opened his eyes and looked at those gathered around. He was glad to see Xixian there as well, he really liked him and wanted him more involved as he knew he wanted too.

"Those were two signature spells from Asz that he had come up with. I have others, but those two served my purposes this time. These were spells Asz came up with and named which means some of them are like the demon and rather frivolous. I think he sometimes would pretend he was the hero in a Japanese anime or something with some of the things he came up with. But that was Blood Storm and Meteor Shot."

Layla looked up at him and fed him another bite of food as he smiled and chewed. She asked, "Were they supposed to be that powerful and destructive?"

Before Damiex could answer Amaranda shouted out, "No fucking way, that was so far over the top it would be hard to compare to even."

Alissa chimed in, "Yeah that wasn't anything normal at all."

Cassius and Amaranda were nodding as well. Ariel looked at Amaranda and spoke.

"Take a shot at it and try if you would."

Amaranda nodded and had a serious look on her face.

"Ok let's do some comparisons and that will help. Let's say that the power of just any normal average demon could represent their power with a simple pebble. A powerful demon would be represented by a small rock that could fit in your palm. Leaders of Districts or powerful mercenary groups could be represented by a large rock as big as our Lord's fist. Pretty damn powerful. Most Sins in the Circles would be represented by a small boulder that is maybe a foot across, or basically some of the most powerful beings in the Hells. Rulers of Sin however are on another level entirely, as they grow older they get more and more powerful. The average Ruler of Sin's power would be represented by a large boulder that's maybe 10 feet across. The more powerful of them even bigger, maybe double that and 20 feet. Still compared to anything or anyone else it would be no contest. The Warmaster as an example, when he would truly utilize all his power and experience and skill being the oldest one now at several thousand years old, his power would be a boulder 30-40 feet across. Truly monsterous and only some of the very old and powerful Archangel's such as Michael or maybe one or two others could hope to match him."

Everyone even Damiex was nodding along though Damiex was still devouring all the food that Layla kept feeding him. Ariel prodded Amaranda to continue. "So what about Damiex. I honestly couldn't gauge his power accurately enough to say."

Amaranda nodded and looked very serious. "Ok so if the biggest measure we have previously would be the Warmaster at full strength and in a rage was a boulder 30-40 feet across, well Damiex earlier his level would have been equivalent to a small hill or mountain maybe. Literally a boulder several hundred feet across. Something never seen before and in all truth utterly terrifying in its majesty and power. In terms of raw power or energy, it would probably take all of the other Rulers of Sun at full strength to even try to match him. Our Lord lost to rage and channeling everything he could though, I suspect it could be much worse and more dangerous though. Today he unleashed twice at full power, but it wasn't fueled by pain or rage or hate or anything. We know emotions run strong in demons and affect us greatly. Think of it this way. This was a calm release as ridiculous as that sounds, it wasn't emotional."

Everyone just turned and stared at Damiex as he watched all of the emotions play across his loved ones faces.

"I'm still just me, nothing changes."

It started with Layla but quickly grew and caught everyone and soon they were all laughing and it took a few minutes for everyone to stop. Ariel finally spoke when they all calmed down.

"Ok we will try to be a little less overbearing and protective of you and will calm down a little, but we all reserve the right to go a little crazy now and then especially when we think it's prudent."

Damiex just smiled and shrugged. "I know it won't stop, I just don't want you all to worry so much. Two of those spells took a lot out of me but I'm already doing better. Food helps a ton as you know."

With that Layla stole a kiss and then fed him another bite as he continued to chow down. Xixian walked to the door and came back a moment later and spoke to Damiex.

"They've already breached what little remained of the gate my Lord. We have begun to clear the fortress but it will still be many hours until we near the stronghold. Continue your rest and we will alert you when we know Silaz's position."

Damiex munched away and nodded. "Thank you Xixian, I have every confidence in our men and women. Keep me or Ariel informed as things progress."

Layla pulled Damiex out of the tub and she and Alizay dried him off and dressed him in loose fine silks before they and the other ladies guided him towards another room just setup for sleep. He started to play his hands against any open skin he could find before he was gently grabbed and pulled down. It was Lunara who spoke and stopped his fun.

"It's rest time my love, we can celebrate later but for now you need to rest."

All of his ladies curled around him and all the soft warm flesh and encased him and in a short time he had drifted off.

It was many hours later when Damiex was drug from sleep with the now familiar sensation of exploding in a willing woman's mouth. He groaned out his pleasure for a minute as one by one many sets of lips wrapped around his cock and drunk their fill.

"Hello ladies." He sighed out.

In one harmonic voice he heard, "Hello love!"

He chuckled and Serenity was the first to him for her kiss and then Ariel followed along with Layla, Alissa, Lunara, Willow, and Amaranda. Alizay was the last and took the opportunity to guide Damiex out to a large table to eat as the others followed behind and sat as well. She immediately served Damiex and Serenity and then the others quickly were served as well and everyone dug in and just the contented sounds of eating followed.

Near the end of the meal Alizay led Xixian in where he reported.

"My Lord we've found the throne room and believe that Silaz has barricaded himself inside with 200 of his elitist men. We are preparing for the assault but have finished clearing the rest of the fortress and have begun mapping and recovery efforts. We have found tunnel complexes but no true exit or escape tunnels."

Damiex nodded his head. "Good work Xixian and I want that passed onto the soldiers too. They can loot the fallen of course but what we pull from here will also go towards rewards for the troops. We will get geared up and head to the front and finish this."

Xixian bowed, "Yes my Lord we are ready for you."

Everyone quickly geared up and formed up in front of the camp. Damiex drew Durandal and opened a portal in front of what used to be the gate to the fortress and Xixian led them through where they were met by members of the Palace Guard. They started to make their way into the fortress as they passed scenes of battle and blood as the made their way higher and deeper into the black mountain fortress.

It was strangely quiet as they made their way to the throne room as all but this final group had been eliminated, it was like the final breath before the plunge. Eventually they made it to a very large double stone gated door sealed shut and throbbing with power. The door was at the end of a large wide hall that branched in front of it with paths across either side. Arranged behind them and to each side were scores of his troops. Damiex stood in front of the door with Ariel on his right, Serenity on his left and Layla behind him watching his back. Cassius, Lunara, Amaranda, Willow, Zaxen, Xixian and Alissa were arrayed around them ready to enter the fight as soon as Damiex opened the way.

Damiex took a deep breath and called on his slumbering power bringing it to the surface and charging every cell of his body. The air thrummed with the power and a vast presence and pressure surrounded them. He drew Durandal and focused himself. He took a single step forward and made a series of lightning slashes and then held his left hand in front of him and started to chant. The door seemed to just hang there for a moment and then with a grand crack and explosion it blew into the room just as Damiex finished chanting and a wave of Hellfire roared into the breech with Damiex racing after it.

With a primal roar they all charged into the room with Damiex leading as they slammed into the enemy as they viciously cut into them as screams filled the air. It was dirty and brutal close quarters fighting and Damiex couldn't chance using too much of his magic with so many allies around and just focused on cutting down the enemy as fast as he could as blood flew around him. At his side Serenity was quickly taking out casters in the back ranks with her bow and picking off others who were peering around columns or tables that had been setup as barriers. Ariel was staying step for step next to him carving an equally bloody path towards the rear and likely hiding place for Silaz while Layla was keeping them off their back and from encircling them.

They were devastating them but it was taking time to get more troops in and increase the pressure. They were halfway there when Damiex heard a primal scream of rage next to him and when he glanced over he watched Ariel nearly vanish in front of him. He glanced up and saw that she had vaulted above him and was now racing across the heads and shoulders of the enemy demons towards the rear of the deep room. He looked at the end and saw a large black demon casting into his troops killing them mercilessly, it could only be Silaz.

As Ariel raced to engage him Damiex's rage grew and he worried for his lover that she was too far in without support.

"Fuck this!!" Damiex roared and drew on his dominion of blood and slammed his left fist to the ground. Terrible screams of agony filled the room as a wave of demons in front of them had hundreds of spikes of blood erupt from them as they fell and bleed out. Damiex rushed forward towards Ariel and Silaz who were engaged in combat and striking at each other brutaly. Every time it appeared that Ariel was about to land a finishing blow Silaz would slip away and nearly slip her guard too. Ariel was tireless but she was nearly encircled and Silaz was starting to take advantage of it. Damiex pushed harder getting closer and closer but wasn't there yet.

Suddenly Ariel leapt into the air and slammed her sword into the stone and hundreds of spears and swords exploded outwards like a wave. He watched as Silaz was apparently impaled only for him to shimmer and appear above Ariel with a cruel and victorious smile on his face. Damiex watched as if in slow motion as he heard Silaz begin the chant for the Death Touch curse and watched Ariel look up and a look of horror cross her face.

Wrath bloomed in his mind and his power exploded out shattering the stone around him and shaking the entire room as he roared out, "SILENCE!" He felt the flare of heat from his necklace and saw the command take effect as suddenly Silaz's mouth snapped shut and his eyes bulged as he choked on his words. Damiex screamed as Durandal slashed in front of him but seemed to disappear.

No one was more surprised than Silaz when his head suddenly slid from his neck and he dropped to the floor. The moment was broken and suddenly with several booming steps Damiex cut through those between them and he was at Ariel's side as the remaining enemy tried to scatter in terror at the monster that was in front of them. The Sins and the rest of his ladies quickly put the remainder down and gathered around Damiex trying to calm his rage. Ariel had her forehead pressed against his own and was staring into his eyes soothing him while Layla and Serenity were each whispering into an ear calming the raging beast. It was over and he needed to come back, he had to find his balance again.

Slowly the pressure and power began to fade and Damiex was taking deeper and slower breaths until he finally let out a great gasped and fell to his knees as he finally locked it back away and regained his senses. Damiex had those three protectively curled around him as the rest closed ranks outside him to shield him from view. No one needed to see their Lord like this until he was back on his feet, he already terrified them enough when they felt and saw his unquenchable wrath spill forth for even a moment, it was something entirely different from the power he had displayed to siege the fortress at the start, this one felt like it would consume and devour everything around it and was enough to make even the oldest and most powerful demon terrified and feel as if they were staring into the lowest and darkest pit of Hell itself.

When Damiex opened his eyes and gathered his senses he found himself staring into Ariel's golden eyes. He mumbled out, "I made it in time."

Ariel smiled at him and he could see the love in her eyes. "Yes love you did. Thank you for saving me. What do you remember?"

"I remember Silaz about to launch his death curse and the look of horror on your face and then nothing but all consuming wrath and hatred. It consumed me, and is a bit hazy. I remember Durandal somehow disappearing and then Silaz's head falling and then not much until I came to staring into your eyes."

He glanced around himself and got kissed from Layla and Serenity and smiles from everyone gathered around him before he turned back to Ariel.

"I'm glad we could get you to come back to us. Your power was going out of control and stared destroying the room around us and would have brought down the fortress. It was a close call but it's over now. How are you feeling?"

Damiex hugged all three of them close and then stood up testing himself and helped the other three to their feet.

"I'm fine now, hungry but I've got plenty left in the tank. I'm ok really, now that we're done it's time for the clean up."

Xixian came forward and bowed to him, "We will handle most of those tasks your Lord, however we do have three places that we'd thought you'd like to visit before you head back to camp. We have found Silaz's personal quarters, the treasury and also the soul chamber."

"Soul chamber?" Damiex asked.

"Yes, you'll understand when you see it. It's where all of the souls that Silence collected are stored, it's impressive."

Damiex nodded. "Ok let's move, let's just head to whichever is closest first."

Xixian nodded, "That would be the Soul Chamber. If you would follow me my Lord."

They picked their way through the rubble and bodies in the room and headed out of the ruined throne room and back into the fortress. They went down a few levels and past a large round metal vault door that lay flung open into a vast room filled from floor to ceiling with shelves loaded upon every surface with souls. The whole room seemed to glow and pulse, you could feel the vast power and collection of all the souls like a living thing.

Damiex looked around and with a bit of awe said, "There must be thousands of them! How long had Silence been hoarding this?!"

Ariel laid her hand on his arm. "They were one of the biggest and most powerful in the Land of Lust, banning soul hunting was crippling on them and threatened all of their power. Some of these are likely very old but this is a good indicator of just how powerful they were."

Damiex sighed, "What the hell am I going to do with all of them though?"

Amaranda stepped up next to him and pulled his head down and kissed him deeply.

"Love, let me handle this. The rarest of the souls will be collected and we will put those in your vault, the rest we can collect and I can store them in another vault at the Palace and we can use them when we need to. There are always uses for them as you know. It will be a great benefit to the Palace."

Damiex smiled at her, "Very well that will be fine. Feel free to use whatever you need for your store as well. Consider it part of your reward. Thank you for managing this aspect for me."

Amaranda went and spoke for a while with Xixian as she laid out what she wanted, he would pass that to the troops that would handle this room and see it done perfectly. While they spoke Damiex and Serenity walked along the aisles looking at all the souls as everyone else spread out a bit and explored. When they were done Xixian gathered them all up and led led out of the chamber and in another direction of the fortress.

A few minutes later they arrived at yet another

large vault door thrown open as they reached the treasury. While nothing would quite compare to the mountains and literal rivers in his own vault it was still an impressive selection of gold coins and bars and gems.

Damiex whistled, "Not bad. What would be a good reward for each of the troops from this?"

They all talked for a moment before Ariel called out, "500 gold coins per soldier would be one helluva reward. That would be more than a months worth of hard drinking to go through."

Damiex nodded in thought, "Ok then, let's say 1000 gold coins per soldier from this. And for everyone in the room here now, 10,000 coins per person as well. The rest I'll use for the projects we are still working on and any new ones we come up with."

He heard a cheer go up behind him from the soldiers that were listening and he could see Xixian smiling proudly while everyone else was quite surprised and pleased by his generosity. The ladies made a round of kisses as thanks and promised to show him their real thanks later on.

Xixian once again guided them through the fortress to their last location which was a suite of rooms that used to belong to Silaz. The Sins swarmed over his office and collected every scrap of information they could find. They wanted to finish off any remnants of their soul hunter network and this was a treasure trove of information.

While the Sins were looking in the office Damiex walked into a storage room full of trunks. Opening them he he stood back and took stock. Several cases were filled with souls, others with gold bars, a few others of gold coins, some gear and weapons, and a few filled with gems and enchanted items including jewelry. He muttered to himself, "He had quite his own personal hoard here.

He called out, "Amaranda can you come take a look at this?"

She walked in and her eyes narrowed as she walked over and spent a few minutes looking through everything. While she was looking Damiex noticed that she gasped a few times and muttered to herself. She eventually turned to him and smiled.

"Silaz had quite the little collection here. The souls are what you'd expect from him, all rare and all powerful. What was most surprising is that he had an ancient and powerful dragon soul in his collection. He also has among the gems a dozen dragon heart stones as well. They haven't been seen since the time of the dragon hunters thousands of years ago. I don't know how he got them or that soul but I suspect he either killed or stole from a powerful descendant of one of those clans. The gear is all high level and highly enchanted and among the jewelry and there are even a few items that would be upgrades for some of my own."

Damiex kissed her, "Take what you need and put it to use. I want you as protected as I can get you. Have the others look through as well and see if anything works for them. Make sure Xixian checks too. Whatever is left have boxed up and we will put it in the vault, same with the souls."

Amaranda squealed in delight and leapt up into his arms kissing him deeply as she rubbed herself on him. When she pulled back she looked slightly hesitant. Damiex just looked at her and gave her a little kiss on her nose.

"What else is it, you know you can have whatever you want."

Amaranda blushed and then smiled back at him. "I want the dragon soul and the heart stones. They're not for me though, I want them for a project I have in mind for you, the Governor himself would drool and offer anything to have what I want to create for you. Coming across all this is a once in a millennium opportunity that I don't want to pass up. It will be my finest work."

Damiex kissed her again loving seeing her so excited. "Sure they are yours, but what are you going to make?"

He let Amaranda down and she looked up at him biting her lip or so sexily. "Would you mind if I kept it a surprise? It'll only be a secret for a week or so and then I can show you. Is that okay?"

Damiex nodded ok and took her free hand as they walked around and Amaranda collected what she wanted along with the extremely rare dragon soul and the dozen heart stones. They came out of the room and into the office where everyone else was gathered. Damiex addressed them and got their attention.

"Everyone, take a short break and head into the other storage room and look through the gear and gems and items. If there is something you can use and is better than what you have then take it. That includes the souls, if you have a project in mind or wish to have a soul weapon crafted and see what you need then take that and I will pay for the crafting. I especially mean that for Willow and Xixian, Xixian you only have a moderately enchanted weapon and my Captain needs an upgrade. Willow you don't have a weapon at all, I know you are a caster but I would feel better if you had something in your hands when the killing starts."

Xixian bowed to him and Willow looked thoughtful.

"I don't have any experience with any edged weapons but I do have a lot of experience with a staff. Being a witch and all and connected to nature that's about the only thing who's use comes naturally to me."

Amaranda took her hand, "Come with me. We can enchant a staff for you and I saw the perfect soul for you to use as a witch, it was one of the other surprises I found when I was looking earlier. There is an elder dryad soul in there that would be perfect."

Their voices faded out as they left the room with everyone following them. Damiex moved over to the large series of bookcases and glanced through them and pulled out a few. Most were tomes and various spellbooks. Some very old, and others rather mundane, but it was an impressive personal collection all the same as he had come to expect from Silaz's holdings.

Damiex would have the oldest go to his personal collection in his office and the rest to the grand library in the palace. He'd make sure that Alissa, Cassius, Willow and Amaranda had access to his personal library and the new additions as well. He wanted all of them to have every opportunity to grow with him. To him it was a simple as knowing the stronger they were the safer he could help them stay.

He meandered around the rooms slowly exploring and time quickly passed he caught everyone coming out of the storage room and noticed that everyone was sporting several new items each. Xixian had new armor though he'd have to have it changed to the Palace Guard colors and have his rank put on it, but he noticed that all of the men and ladies had found items in this trove. Most had some new rings, amulets, cuffs or other items, but everyone was smiling broadly at their new spoils of war so to speak.

Damiex just smiled, glad that he could share this with everyone, he'd rather it be put to use by those he cared about than sit in a vault and collect dust. They all came over and thanked Damiex once again for his extreme generosity.

After everyone had said their piece Damiex turned to Xixian. "How long to pack up these three areas? I don't want to head back to the Palace until the contents of these are coming with us."

Xixian thought for a moment and then responded. "We will be able to depart back to the Capital by sundown tomorrow. It's just started the night here and it should only take a day to finish crating and transporting all of this to the camp with the number of troops we have available. We have secured 1000 troops that have volunteered to stay behind and begin work on clearing, cleaning and reconstruction of the fortress. I know you don't want it just abandoned."

Damiex nodded at that and paused for a moment. "Xixian make sure the volunteers get double pay while they are here after we leave. That's some hard and dirty work they have ahead of them and it's very appreciated that they volunteered. I want to reward our people and not rule through fear. Every demon knows that gold inspires along with drink. How will they be relieved?"

Xixian smiled widely once again pleased at how thoughtful and generous his Lord was. "When we return I will immediately organize a large caravan to depart back here. It will take a day or two to load and organize and then several more to make it here, but we will leave plenty of supplies behind and they will be relieved not only with supplies but also workers and laborers within a week. In truth it won't be that bad of a job."

Damiex smiled at that and acknowledged it. "Good, I'm impressed with how much you've thought out already, very well done and thank you. Take whatever gold you need to make sure that there is plenty of meat and wine in the caravan that relieves them. They deserve to celebrate and have some comforts."

Xixian shook his hand. "Of course my Lord. Your people are already fiercely proud of you and devoted to you. Your first major battle as the Lord of Lust and you very expertly demonstrated to all why you are the Lord. You inspired your people and saved many lives. We were expecting heavy loses initially but you alone broke the enemy. Your troops love you and are in awe of you. You keep giving them gold, food and drink and chances at advancement and it will only grow from there. You keep on the path you are on and the entire Circle will stand behind you and become the most fanatical and loyal forces in all of the Circles of Sin."

Damiex shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "I just want to improve what I can and that means the Land of Lust and all of my citizens. If that makes them happy then great, I just think it's the right thing to do."

Xixian bowed low and Damiex saw that all of his friends and lovers were bowing their heads to him as well. "We know my Lord, that's what makes you so special and why we all love you as our Lord. There had never been a Ruler of Sin like you before and we are all so grateful that you lead us. You inspire like none before you and you care more about us and the Land than any other. The wisest decision the previous Lord ever made was placing you as his successor."

Damiex heard Asz chuckle in his head at being talked about but just seemed to radiate smugness at finding and choosing Damiex. Durandal just purred and gave a sense of agreement with Xixian.

Humbled by everyone Damiex kept it simple. "Thank you Xixian and my family. I will always do my best and will always rely on each of you for your thoughts and feelings. Now I think it's time to head back to camp. Is everyone ready?"

A chorus of yes' sounded out and they gathered behind Damiex save for Xixian.

"I still have much to accomplish here for now my Lord so you and everyone else go ahead. I will report in the morning when you wake."

Damiex nodded. "Very well, but I want you to rest too Xixian. It does no good for my Captain to be run down trying to do everything himself. Delegate what you need and setup shifts and then retire yourself. That's an order Captain."

Xixian smiled warmly at him and bowed. "Yes my Lord, thank you."

Damiex nodded and then drew Durandal and with a quick slash opened a portal to the camp and walked through with everyone following him. Alizay was waiting for them right outside the main entrance to the tent and quickly guided Damiex and Serenity inside and to the head of the large table setup in the dining area. Layla and Ariel sat on either side of them and his Sins and ladies sat down around them as Alizay served Damiex and Serenity as others came in and served the rest. Conversation was animated as everyone spoke about different aspects of the fights and battle.

Damiex just took it all in and was glad everyone made it through without any major injuries. When he was done eating he had Layla and Serenity curl up in his lap while he held Ariel's hand and everyone relaxed and talked and laughed. It had been a long month and it had all led up to this, but it was finally over and you could tell by everyone's lighthearted mood. Several hours later everyone was getting tired and the little party broke up.

Damiex and the ladies retired to the bedroom and Zaxen and Cassius headed for their own quarters. This would be one of the rare exceptions where none of the Sins would be on guard tonight. Being in the middle of the remote mountain range and surrounded by thousands of troops it just wasn't necessary tonight.


Several days later back in the Capital...

The wind whipped past Damiex's face as a large grin was plastered to him. He could feel Ariel's arms wrapped around him from behind and her prodigious breasts pressed hard against his back as the engine noise climbed as he raced down the streets.

This was the first time he had been able to get on his new motorcycle that Samara had delivered. He didn't know a whole lot about it but it was bright red from a company called Ducati and it was something called a Panigale V4 R. Damiex didn't know what that all meant but damn was it fast and he loved racing down the streets of the Capital on it with Ariel wrapped around him behind. Speaking of Ariel another damn was in order because she looked fucking hot on the back of his bike today.

She had on an elaborate black leather bikini top barely holding in her massive breasts and a pleated black leather miniskirt showing off miles of leg that disappeared into a set of heavy buckled and chromed boots with a gold chain wrapped around her waist and hanging on her hips. She looked like sex on wheels and Damiex was smiling that she was all his. She was currently screaming and yelling in delight as they weaved around corners and raced through the streets.

Eventually they made their way in front of the tall white marble building and Damiex parked the bike in front of Samara's. Ariel climbed off the back and quickly plastered herself to Damiex's front and began making out with him deeply. When she finally broke the kiss she was gasping for air.

"Oooooooh I really like your new toy lover! It gets me all kinds of hot and bothered. Take me for another ride somewhere private when we are done here. Those delicious vibrations are wonderful and I love holding onto you as we race by everything."

Damiex just smirked, "Sure thing babe. But you're gonna have to pay for the ride. Ass or cash?"

Ariel bit her lip and turned around grinding her ass into his groin as she brought his hands up to cup her tits.

"How about some ass lover, something nice and tight for you to sink yourself into?" She sexily growled out.

Damiex leaned down and bit her ear sucking on the earlobe, "You've got yourself a ride slut."

Ariel groaned and shivered at that before she threw a smile at him over her shoulder and led him into the boutique. They found Samara up in her office working on some papers.

Samara looked up and smiled at who had come into her office. "Well hello you two it's good to see you what brings you by today? Was that your motorcycle I heard out front?"

Damiex smiled at her as Ariel and Samara embraced.

"Yes it was. First chance I've had to get out on it but I love that red rocket, thank you again."

Samara smiled as they sat down on the couches. "I'm glad you like it, she was special to track down. Congrats again on eliminating Silence, Silaz and his ilk were a blight on the land. It's good that they are gone. I have been hearing some unique rumors though."

Damiex smiled, "Yeah, that little trip didn't take as long as we were expecting, we were in and out in just two days."

Samara smirked, "Well there's this wild rumor flying about but most people are pretty skeptical on it. Some people are saying that you Damiex, singlehandedly took out all of the defenses of the fortress in a single move but I really don't believe it. I know that fortress, it was huge and one of the stoutest defensible locations in the Circle. I know you are powerful Damiex, but not even a Ruler of Sin could have done that alone, even the Warmaster who is now the oldest and strongest of the Rulers couldn't have done that. So what's the real story?"

Damiex just grinned a silly little grin and shrugged, he wasn't one to toot his own horn. Samara turned to Ariel though who had a wicked pleased smile on her face and was just nodding her head yes.

Samara's mouth dropped open and she blurted out, "Bullshit! There is no fucking way, it's impossible!"

Ariel laughed lyrically, "Oh no it's all true Samara."

Samara leaned forward a look of wonder on her face. "Details girl, details!!"

Ariel raised an eyebrow and looked at her lover who once again shrugged as of to say 'I don't care either way' to her.

"Ok I will share, but we are happy to keep it at just rumors for now so keep this private. In time it won't matter but for now just let the rumors do their work."

Samara nodded excitedly, "Sure thing. Now tell me what happened."

Ariel leaned back and took a drink of coffee. "Well the first thing to talk about would be a misconception we all had at the start. You said that the Warmaster is now the oldest and strongest demon in the Circles now right?"

Samara looked a little confused, "Well yes, it was Asmodeous our previous Lord, but with him gone that title goes to the Warmaster now."

Ariel smirked, "No, no it doesn't. That title now belongs to Damiex. When you first met him he gave you a taste of his power, remember? Even you were impressed with just how powerful he was."

Samara narrowed her eyes and nodded yes. "Yes, I've met many Rulers of Sin over my lifetime and it was surprising that his power was on par already with most of them even though he is so young."

Ariel nodded and continued. "Well when you met him the transference and integration of Asz's power was just starting, no one expected it to grow much for many hundred years, it takes a long time to build power as you know. Well something strange has happened with Damiex, the transference is nearly complete but his power has grown tremendously. He had been hiding it from us but especially Desire who is his primary mentor in magic. Apparently he didn't want to worry us, so he kept it quiet."

Samara's eyes were wide, "Just how powerful is he now?"

Ariel smirked, "There are two comparisons I'll give you to put it into perspective. Compared to when you first felt his power compared to now I'd say that that level was only about 15-20% of his overall power now. Let's also compare the Warmaster, which was your earlier benchmark. If the Warmaster's power could be represented by the size of something, let's say that your entire store which is rather large represents just how much power the Warmaster can muster. Damiex's power would be represented by the entire Palace..."

As Ariel was talking Samara's eyes just kept getting bigger and bigger, when she was finished Samara's eyes were nearly bulged out and she had a trace of fear in her gaze as she stared at Damiex.

"There is nothing to fear Samara we are friends and allies. I'm still just me."

Samara blinked at that but relaxed and soon a small smile was on her face. "So what are you exactly Damiex?"

Damiex shrugged again, "Not sure exactly. I don't think there's ever been someone like me before. I'm part black demon, part Asgardian God, and Chaos Born. Take your pick at what may have caused this."

Samara turned to Ariel, "So what happened at the fortress? I now understand just how powerful he is but what did he do?"

Ariel leaned backed. "He called on just two spells. Two spells to bring down the entire fortress. If his goal had been to destroy it to the last brick he probably could have done it with just one spell, but his goal was to keep most of it intact and just shatter their defenses and he did that. The first spell he called a storm, but it wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. It was so black and so large that it turned day to night temporarily, but the power you could feel was terrifying to be honest. Between the lightning and thunder and the screaming wind it was like being at ground zero of Armageddon. The power of the storm just kept building and building and when it finally broke then blood red lightning rained down on everything in a blinding sheet. It lasted for a few minutes and the entire valley was blinded the entire time."

Ariel picked up her coffee and took another sip, "When the dust and our sight finally cleared the entire outer wall was destroyed and any defensible position in the fortress had been taken out as well, but the massive gate remained. He cast one more spell, he melted and ripped a meteor from the rock underneath him, a huge solid molten mass of stone and metal packed with magic and then hurled it at the gate. One moment the gate was there, the next it was simply vaporized in a catastrophic explosion."

Ariel paused and kissed his cheek lovingly as she wrapped her arms around him before looking back at Samara.

"They had 5000 demons at the fortress and we brought 10,000 to overwhelm them but expected to bring home only half that number. Damiex not only shattered their defenses but he also shattered their spirit. We lost less than 200 demons ourselves compared to 5000, he saved all of our troops' lives."

Samara was silent for a while, "I really am not sure what to say to that. There's a piece of me that is going extremely awed and excited to have a Lord that is so powerful, it means the Land of Lust will become one of the most powerful Circles of them all. But there is another piece of me that can't get a grasp on it. I mean it sounds almost like a fantasy, and in truth it's pretty scary too, that kind of power..."

Ariel nodded soberly, "I know what you mean. But then I remember the man, his heart and soul that is behind that power and it reminds me not to worry. If there is anyone who can handle it and not be corrupted by it, it's my man. But that instinctual fear you had is very real, that's why we are just letting it be as rumors right now. We don't want anyone, especially other Circles to react in fear and irrationally start a war with us or anything. Remember, what we told you is just for you to know. If you do share it, keep it quiet and only share with the top level of Scythera and those that will keep their mouths shut if you choose to share at all."

Damiex clapped his hands together, "Speaking of the fortress there were two reasons why we wanted to come by today besides just visiting. I'll just lay this out there, I want to give you the Black Fortress."

Samara jumped up spilling her drink on the table, "WHAT?!?!"

Damiex and Ariel both broke into laughter at her reaction. Samara was breathing quickly but sat back down and just stared at them. It was Damiex who broke the silence.

"Yes, I'd like to gift you the Black Fortress. I'll make this plain and easy. I really like you Samara, but more importantly I really like what you and your group is doing not only with my new projects but your own ideas and how you are improving things here in the Land of Lust. Your bringing in new technology and ideas from Earth. Your building entirely new markets as am I, but your approach is very balanced and that is what is so important to me. Yes you're out to make a profit, but that is not your primary focus. You're not ripping anyone off and you've already started working with other businesses to expand as well. You're working with the economy not against it. It's not just you getting ahead, your pulling others with you."

As he spoke Samara started to smile and by the end she was sitting upright and back straight and you could see the pride shining in her eyes. "Thank you Damiex for saying that, it means a lot to me. I took it to heart when you said you wanted me to not only succeed but to help the Land of Lust as well. You handed me a golden opportunity and I've just been doing my best."

Damiex smiled widely at her, "You've done a tremendous job so far. That's why we are going to do another round of investments with you. You and Scythera are going to grow into one of the biggest trading partners in the Circle. I want us to expand to all of the other districts and remake part of the Circles economy and then I want to grow it large enough for us to be able to trade in volume with the other Circles. We won't have any source of souls for the economy and have to trade with other circles for them. Instead we will build up new areas around human agriculture and new technology."

Samara had a grin on her face that was positively giddy, she struck out her hand which Damiex took and shook firmly before she responded. "You got yourself a partner and a deal!"

Ariel spoke up at that, "Take a few days and come up with some proposals. Our Lord is willing to invest a lot of money in this. We want you to be as aggressive as possible and ramp up and expand across the circle as quickly as you can so long as you can maintain supply and quality. Scythera needs to grow and grow quickly. Whatever you want to subcontract out and bring others in on is fine with us, but we want you leading it and holding the reins. When you've got everything together come to the Palace since you, me, Willow, Zaxen and Alizay all need to work out the plans together. You'll also need to expand your operations on Earth."

Samara nodded, "Yes that's true. I've always wanted to break into new areas, nows the time. Lucky for me I have a long time trusted subordinate who is one of the very rare and few in the Hells whose can open her own portal. That's how we've been able to operate for so long. We've stayed off Heaven's radar by not hunting souls, and we are very discrete. I think we will need to expand into Japan, the UK, Germany, and Argentina."

Ariel had a slightly confused look on her face. "Ok I get Europe and Japan, but why Argentina?"

Samara explained, "Argentina has a large cattle and agricultural presence and will be perfect for that aspect of this project."

Ariel and Damiex looked at each other and nodded. "That's just another reason we trust and believe in you. You have the knowledge and know how to put it to use. Let's talk about the Black Fortress for a moment. I already have a large caravan en route to it as we speak and they are going to start on the reconstruction. I'm willing to split the cost with you but you'll need to send some of your own people as well. I'm sure the one thing that you've been worried about is how remote it is. I want you to use it as a headquarters but as it stands it's far too removed from everything for that to be effective. I'm solving that by having a gate put in that will connect to wherever you want."

Samara looked up at that, "How are you managing that? Don't get me wrong it solves my problem and I'm very grateful for your generosity, but the gates between the circles are old and very rare."

Damiex grinned, "I've been doing a little experimenting with Amaranda. Using a combination of the magic that powers the existing gates and Durandal's ability to cut through dimensions, I've found a way to make my own permanent gates. It's a personal project that I will be deploying over time to different parts of the Land of Lust. I'll be focusing on each district first but I'm going to build a network to increase the ease of travel across the circle. Since I personally am building them though I'm keeping it quiet since I don't want an outpouring of demand over them. But I've already put in the plans for the Black Fortress and they will construct it alongside the repairs and changes you instigate as well. Here are the original plans for it that we found so you have something to work with."

Ariel pulled out a large rolled sheet of parchment from her own pocket space and handed it to Samara who took it and rolled it out and started looking at it.

Ariel reminded her of one item, "You will likely need to redo the entire throne room, it's mostly rubble after Damiex's rage. Silaz nearly hit me with a killing curse and Damiex saved my life but he flew into an uncontrollable rage over it and nearly brought down the entire area down around us. THAT was scary, but fair warning to you there's not a whole lot left of it."

Samara gulped as she heard that tickle of fear from Ariel when she spoke about it. "Understood, I'm a little scared and also a little excited to see the damage with my own eyes sometime. But thanks for letting me know and I will build what I want into the plans."

Damiex stood up and brought Ariel with him. "Well we've given you a lot of information and left you with a lot of work and we should get going. Stop by the Palace in a few days when you're ready and then we can get started. Until then it was good to see you and thank you again for what you are doing."

Samara stood up and tightly hugged both Damiex and Ariel. "Thank you both as well so much, we are going to do great things together. I will get everything pulled together and talk to everyone in a few days when I head up to the Palace. Take care and see you both again soon."

Damiex and Ariel made their way out of the boutique and climbed back onto the bike. Ariel wrapped her arms around Damiex as he started it up and then clicked it into first gear and twisted the throttle and took off. For the next hour they sped through the streets of the capital just enjoying the fun and being together. Eventually Damiex found themselves at the top of a secluded overlook in the city and parked and shutoff the bike. Ariel twisted herself around and straddled her man wrapping her legs around him and bringing his head down for a voracious kiss. They made out on top of the red Ducati and lost track of time as they kissed and lost themselves in each other.

Ariel's bikini top was pushed off of her mountainous breasts and Damiex was roughly sucking on one and fondling the other while his aura stroked and pleasured the demoness in his arms as she moaned and cried out above the city. Ariel's hands snaked down and quickly fished his cock out of his pants that was steel hard and started stroking him as he groaned into her tits and bit her nipple causing her to hiss loudly and thrust her tits harder into his mouth.

She leaned down and put her mouth next to his ear and growled out, "Fuck me lover, right here right now. Fuck me!"

She leaned back over the tank of the bike with her huge tits sticking up high into the air and spread her legs with her tiny skirt riding up to her stomach. She reached down and pulled her soaked thong to the side displaying her dripping sex to her man and started begging for it.

Damiex reached out and roughly grabbed her tits and placed his crown right at her entrance. With a vicious thrust he buried himself into her steaming core and seized her with the full force of his sin. Ariel's scream thundered out across the city as her back arched and tits thrust hard into his hands and her legs wrapped around his ass.


Damiex just chuckled and started plowing himself into her over and over again as she screamed out her pleasure to the whole city. Damiex let go of her breasts and wrapped his hands around her skinny waist and fucked her harder driving the slutty sexy sounds from her lips at higher and higher volumes. The visual delight for Damiex was too much, her pendulous breasts shaking back and forth thrust up into the air, her hair a mess whipping around her neck with her eyes tightly shut in rapture and mouth open in an endless scream of pleasure, not to mention her crimson pussy lips stretched wide and tight around his thick cock as he plunged into her was too much. With a roar that thundered across the city Damiex slammed himself inside of Ariel and pumped his cum deep inside of her as she shrieked and sprayed him with her own cum as her biggest climax yet overwhelmed her.

When he finally stopped jerking inside of her he was panting, but he wasn't done with her yet. She was so fucking sexy today and he wanted to tear another piece off of her. He was in predator mode and she was his pray. Ariel was still out of it and flopping around on top of the bike when Damiex picked her up with ease and manhandled her straddling the back of the bike. Her ass was hanging off the end and her feet were spread and placed on each of the passenger rear foot pegs and she was bent over the bike hugging the tank. She was still a bit out of it and stuttered out, "W-What???"

Damiex stepped up behind her, wrapped his fist in her hair at the base of her neck and pulled as he drove his still iron hard cock up her slit and buried himself to the base. That finally got a reaction from her as her jaw dropped and her tongue rolled out and she screamed.

"UNHOLY FUUUUUUUCK! Oh my LORD what are you doing to meeeeeeeee?!!"

Damiex reached back and slapped her perfect round ass hard as he fucked her brutally turning her red ass an even deeper shade and decorating it with his big handprints over and over again.

"Take it my slut! Keep cumming for me baby I'm going to break you bitch!"

Damiex was fucking her harder than he ever had before and it had turned into just one massive orgasm that never ended as he used and abused her body in a way that it cried out for in need. It was so perfect but she could only grunt in pleasure as his cock slammed into her over and over shattering her mind into a million little pieces.

She felt him swell and knew he would soon be filling her with his seed and that brought a moment of clarity to her. With his fist still in her hair pulling her head back she twisted her neck and locked eyes with him. The intensity of her gaze was startling to Damiex.

"I can feel you swelling in me my Lord, cum for me and breed me lover! I'm serious Damiex I want you to breed me and impregnate me right now! I'm ready and I want your child, give it to me baby I NEEEEEED IT!"

Damiex was shocked but he could tell just how serious Ariel was and he had promised he would impregnate her. He was so close right now and hearing her demand that she was putting him over the edge when he made his decision.

"Yes love, get ready to be a mother! FUCK!!"

In that moment nature took over and both demons willed themselves fertile. Ariel felt his thick cock push through her cervix and enter her womb as he buried himself to the balls within her and swelled before it exploded and coated her in his potent seed.

Ariel's pussy clamped down on his cock squeezing and milking it viciously as her world detonated in the biggest orgasm of her life. She didn't make a sound though, all that could be heard was the powerful roar screaming everything from her mate. No for Ariel it was too powerful to escape. Her entire body seized and twisted upon itself as a waterfall of her own cum cascaded out of her. Her jaw was clamped shut and she was shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm ravaged her to her very soul in silent ecstasy and pain it was so intense. Every jerk and throb of his cock and spray of his seed inside of her built upon itself until she thought she wouldn't be able to survive it.

Finally it was over and her body simply collapsed like it's strings were cut and she let out a huge gasp and started panting trying to force air back into her lungs. She couldn't talk, couldn't move, just little groans and shaking was the order for now.

Damiex had pulled himself free and was standing back with a silly shit eating grin on his face taking in the view. Ariel was a mess like never before. He'd never seen her so wrecked and was awfully proud of himself. Her crimson pussy was swollen and a very very deep dark shade of red gaping open and leaking a steady trail of cum onto the ground with her ass high up in the air and bare save for the ruined thong splitting her ass and her skirt pushed up to her stomach. She looked like the entire Roman Army just fucked her to unconsciousness.

He walked around the bike a bit and got a look at her face. It was a beautiful mess but she had the dopiest silliest grin plastered on her face with her eyes softly shut breathing deeply. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him and they radiated love and happiness and worship, and yes devotion.

She picked her head up and whispered, "I'm going to be a mother... I'm going to have your baby."

Damiex smiled so softly and lovingly at her before gently picking her up and leaning against the seat and holding her protectively in his arms.

"Yes my love, you're pregnant. I bred you just like you asked and we are going to have a baby together. I love you and I'm glad your happy."

They stayed that way in loving silence for a long time just cuddling together and sharing in their joy and love. Eventually Ariel broke the silence.

"You know that Serenity is going to want to get pregnant immediately now too don't you?"

Damiex chuckled softly, "Oh yes, when I made the decision to grant your wish I knew I was making it for both of you. I wouldn't be surprised if she demanded it when we get back in fact just so that you both are pregnant on the same day and share your pregnancies together. You know she loves you almost as much as me right. She loves all of us, but you are my right hand and Serenity is my left. It's always been both of you together."

Ariel giggled, "Yes we really are co-wives to be honest and I love her so much as well. I think you are right though and by the end of the day we will both be pregnant. I can't say this is what I expected when I woke up today, but I am so glad it turned out this way. I've been building up to that for a while now."

Damiex kissed her deeply, "I know."

Eventually he cleaned both of themselves up and destroyed the remnants of their play and got seated back on the bike. With one last look at the view that neither would ever forget they turned the bike around and started to make their way back to the Palace.


When Damiex and Ariel walked back into their room it was empty save for Serenity who was working at Damiex's oversized desk in his work area with a bunch of documents spread out across the big desk. Serenity heard them come in and turned and smiled at them before standing up. She gave Damiex a big hug and kiss first before turning to Ariel when she stopped.

"What? You look so happy, what happened while you were gone. Something good obviously."

A huge smile split Ariel's face and she squealed in excitement. "I'm pregnant!!!"

A look of sheer joy bloomed on Serenity's face and they both screamed in happiness and hugged tightly.

"That's AMAZING news I'm so happy for you congratulations!"

It took a few minutes to calm down, but when they did Serenity quickly turned on Damiex and for the second time that day saw a stare of incredible intensity. This time it was a set of royal blue eyes that looked like they were on fire instead of golden, but he recognized the same look and knew what was coming.

"You're getting me pregnant tonight husband!"

Damiex took Serenity into his arms and proceeded to consume her with his passion before breaking the kiss and speaking.

"Of course my love, anything you want and I already expected this. I knew I couldn't get one pregnant without the other."

Serenity smirked at him, "Damn straight, we're co-wives we share everything together so of course we will share our pregnancies. Just make sure you get the job done tonight stud."

Damiex sharply slapped her ass as Serenity bit her lip and closed her eyes and moaned. "That won't be a problem baby, you get to be the center of attention tonight and I get to breed your sexy little ass. I'm looking forward to it."

Serenity moaned and shivered in his arms until she took a deep breath and let it out and patted his chest gently and disengaged.

"Ok stud well as AMAZING as all of this is and as excited as I am, I'm also glad your here now. This is the perfect time to catch you up on what I'm doing and what I've gotten accomplished. You two pull up a seat and I will take you through it."

Damiex and Ariel both pulled up seats and Damiex nudged her along.

"Sounds good, what do you have for me?"

Ariel quickly pulled through the different stacks of paper and pulled out several and laid them in front of him.

"Now before we get into the details, you know I've been working on your slums revitalization project and that's what all of this is. I wanted to wait to start it until after the threats were dealt with, but I spent a lot of the last month in meetings and with planners and getting everything setup and I think I'm finally there."

Damiex gave her a hug, "That's great news, I'm so proud of you!"

Serenity smiled at him and continued. "Well the Capital is the biggest city in the Land of Lust. It's roughly the same size as New York City on Earth but we aren't nearly as densely populated as they are. In New York they have approximately 8.5 Million Humans there. As I said we aren't nearly that densely populated but the last estimates for the Capital are around 2.5 Million demons of some kind or other. The slums is basically its own district here and had grown over time but right now there are approximately 250,000 people living in the slums. They have all agreed to the proposal that I laid out a few days ago and was circulated around the slums. It's going to be expensive at first but it's within budget and during this time we will start to see more and more income from your other ventures so there will be nothing to worry about."

Serenity pulled out a packet and pamphlet and handed one each to Ariel and Damiex.

"This is what everyone received and agreed to but basically it breaks down to this. Over the next four weeks everyone in the slums is moving out. They have all been assigned housing in other districts for now with the help of the other district leaders here in the city. This is temporary housing for only one year paid for by the Lord and Lady of Lust. Each citizen will receive a stipend of 50 gold coins per week. For nearly everyone this was like a steady fortune they can now rely on. It may not sound like much to us, but it's enough to not only cloth and feed them well but unless they party and live it up each week they will even be able to start a savings. They will have housing for one year and by the time that year has passed the slums will have been reborn."

Serenity reached over to the other side of the desk and unrolled two large sheets of parchment that were drawings of the new "slums" when it was finished and it was gorgeous!

"This is what we are aiming for and I've been assured that it can be completed by the deadline. The hospital, school, training center and new housing will go up first. Then the shopping district and entertainment areas will go up last to help bring new business in. Housing will be free for the first five years to give everyone a chance to select a form of training or profession and to get their feet under them and then after five years we start an income based rent fee with a buyout option so if they decide they want to own their own place instead of rent then they can do that too. In the communal housing sections each will have their own large kitchen and community eating area. Breakfast and dinner will be served free daily and for the near future the hospital, school and training facilities are all free. Our goal is to educate, enrich, and empower this portion of our population so we are giving them every advantage. Based on the number I've spoken with myself it's clear that the vast majority are very excited for this opportunity and are looking forward to taking control of their lives and changing their fate. This is a wonderful thing you are doing my love."

Damiex pulled her quickly onto his lap and held her close and kissed her. "It may have started as my idea baby, but you're the one that has put in all the work and effort. This is a testament to you and I couldn't be more proud of you and the incredible job you've done!"

Serenity was beaming in happiness at his praise.

"I've already contracted for the demolishment of the current slums as well as the construction of its replacement. I also have already started on staffing and employment and have several offers from businesses in the Capital wanting to expand into this new area as well. That reminds me, we can't call it the slums anymore, or at least we won't be able to soon. What do you want to name it?"

Damiex paused and gave it some thought. "This is basically going to be a part of your legacy love and you've done all the work. It is going to help a huge amount of people and become a safe place for a better life. Let's call it Serenity's Haven."

Serenity was smiling but there were small tears running down her cheeks as she spoke. "Thank you love, I'm honored and I love you."

Ariel cleared her throat and both Serenity and Damiex turned to look at her. Surprising both of them Ariel pulled Serenity to straddle her and kissed her deeply and with passion for a full minute before she broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.

"I am so damn proud of you! You are the best Lady of Lust we could ever hope for and the only match for our Lord. You know what he's trying to do and change and you are right there next to him every step of the way. I love you and am very proud to be your co-wife Serenity."

Serenity cupped her face and smiled at her. "I love you too Ariel and am glad to be your co-wife too. We're both perfect for him and for each other. It's the three of us to the end as well as our sisters of course."

They both laughed and Ariel said, "Of course."

Serenity showed them a few more things but they were mostly done. It worked out perfectly because Alizay came in and let them know it was dinner time and led them to the great hall where they were happy to see the rest of the Sins and the other ladies. It was a very happy night and they celebrated as everyone quickly heard that Ariel was pregnant and that Serenity was just minutes away from being pregnant herself alongside her once they got back to the room.

True to his word Damiex and the ladies made Serenity the center of their attention and by the end of the evening she was not only pregnant but blissfully boneless and senseless. Damiex then took the time to reward each and every one of his other ladies and they eventually all fell asleep together in the nest. It had been a damn good day.


The next few weeks passed quickly by and it seemed like everyone was moving in multiple directions. Serenity was heavily involved for several hours most days with progress on The Haven as she had been calling it. Zaxen and Willow were busy setting up more farms and ranches as expansion was booming and would be for the next year or so as it expanded in the Land of Lust. They both worked closely with Samara and everything was growing quickly. Damiex's troops were all back from the Black Fortress and Samara had taken over that portion of things, though as Damiex promised he was footing half of the expenses for her.

Cassius, Lunara and Alissa had all been spending time tracking down the final remnants of Silence's soul hunter network and had travelled to several other districts and handled the dregs of it. The other soul hunter groups were all leaving the Circle of Lust. The complete and total destruction of Silaz and Silence convinced them that they didn't all want to die for this and they were moving to the other circles. Damiex was pleased by this and was glad he didn't have to hunt all of them down. He had no interest in mass murder and was pleased to see them move on instead of fight.

Layla and Ariel spent a large amount of time around Damiex just like they both wanted and had always asked of him. Ariel still ran and organized his projects and life and Layla assisted her with everything. They also kept up Damiex's training, it would be a long time before they would let him relax on his training. It wasn't every single day anymore but it was still most days and a significant amount of time.

Amaranda had been spending a lot of time in her shop working on projects herself. She managed to always make Damiex's training sessions but she was just as busy as the others.

In fact Damiex was the only one that regularly had the most free time. When he brought it up and complained about it to Ariel she shut him down and explained it to him. One, he was the Lord of Lust and as Asz had pointed out from the very first night, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. No one could make demands of him (save for his ladies but he wasn't about to being that up to her) and if he so chose he could fuck off all day every day. Two however, was that as he had already proven, he was the idea man, the dreamer. It was his vision that was being created but it was also his job to delegate. He simply couldn't do all of them himself and he was too important to try to do it all alone as well. She also reminded him as did Layla right behind her, by allowing his Sins and ladies to take charge of these various things he was making them happy and giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

So with his extra free time he spent it doing one of two things. One was he spent a lot of time at first in his office and then later in the grand library learning and reading. He first went through the various tomes and spellbooks that were in his personal collection furthering his knowledge and understanding of greater degrees and intricacies of magic, but then moved onto the library and focused his studies on Earth. Some of it was about past history, but he spent most of his time learning as much as he could about the current climate on Earth and the various governments and technologies. The more he learned the more he wanted to introduce more and new technologies to his own land. He decided that a mix between a magical society and a technological one would be a blending and balanced case of the best of both worlds.

Most recently however he had moved onto researching the great Pagan Wars when they were all exiled. He had a special reason for this but for now had kept it to himself as he quietly started making plans.

The other thing he did with his free time was to make a point of scheduling some one on one time with all of his ladies as well as his male Sins. With Ariel he went out on rides on the Ducati at times but they spent most of their days together anyways. With Alissa he walked the grounds and the Palace and watched as she made her art and even took a day trip to Ice Falls and visited with her mother.

With Lunara he was sure to schedule a private dance or two with her each week, he would never get over just how hot and sexy she was and he loved to watch her dance and strip. It would always end with her fucked within an inch of her life and smiling wildly. They also spent some time riding and flying together on their Nightmares. With Willow they also took time to ride and fly together and he also spent time learning about her magic as a witch and watching her brew things or work in her garden near his private waterfall.

Cassius just loved to have fun. One time they went out drinking at a few brothels where Damiex got drunk enough to lose control and shut down the brothel for the afternoon. Between him and Cassius they fucked the entire whorehouse and left each and every succubus with a permanent smile plastered to their faces. Another few times they went to an underground coliseum and entered a few tournaments with Damiex polymorphed and all of his appendages sucked in so no one knew who he was. He and Cassius cleaned up together each time they went.

With Zaxen it was much different. Zaxen really was maturity, and when he could he loved to simply work the Land on the farms and work with the animals. Zaxen and Damiex would work hard but quietly with smiles on their faces and then relax in a private field and drink beer and just talk about life and hopes and dreams. It was a simple and slow time and they both relished it when they could.

When Damiex would spend time with Amaranda he would learn a lot. She loved to craft and enchant and she had begun to teach him the art of enchanting. They also explored new aspects of Damiex's magic and he was even teaching her some things as well. They would spend time in his office, the library, the training grounds and also her new shop in the Palace. She never showed him the work on the project she had for him but he did get to see her working on Willow's staff at one point. She had told him earlier that week that she was nearly done with her projects and they would all see them soon.

He took the time to seek out Xixian as well. He was a military buff and they spent a lot of time talking tactics and going through past battles and breaking them down. It wasn't the point but Damiex always came away with a better understanding after talking to Xixian and was becoming a much better and smarter military commander. Xixian also walked him around the Palace and introduced him to his troops and spoke to them as they watched them drill and practice. Damiex got a new appreciation for just how much time and effort all of his forces put in at his home.

Layla, similar to Ariel, was the easiest and the hardest at the same time. She and Ariel spent most of their days with him anyways but he wanted to still put in the effort but she didn't have a whole lot of her own desires or hobbies. Her whole life had been either about fighting for Heaven, or being alone. Slowly Damiex was bringing her out of her shell and introducing her to life and he loved watching her experience anything new to her. So far the two passions they had found for her was both surprising and at the same time not very. One was her love of submission to him. She was always happiest after a private session with him where he would bind her and string her up before whipping her and fucking her silly. Any stress or angst or worry would disappear and she would be relaxed and happy and content for the rest of the day. She also fell in love with flying with him. She didn't want her own Nightmare, but just like their first flight together when he saved her life, she loved to sit in front of him on Shi-Drakon and fly through the sky together.

And finally with Alizay, since she always took care of him and saw to his every need he spoiled her and reversed it on her. He took her out on a few romantic dates into the Capital and had people wait on her every need. He took her to a spa and had her done with every treatment and then took her to a wonderful romantic meal. She was blissfully happy and felt very loved and treasured.

The one thing that Damiex had insisted on with everyone going in so many directions was that they all had to get together and relax as a family. Xixian with his duties could only join them on some occasions but Damiex was glad he could join in at all.

That was where Damiex found himself tonight. Layla was in his lap and he was running his hands through her hair as she relaxed against him and watched everything going on. Ariel and Serenity were leaned against him snuggling on their couch and everyone was talking and having a few drinks and catching up on what they all did today and news of each of their projects and interests. Amaranda who was seated off to Damiex's left stood up holding her wine glass and clicked her nails against it causing it to ring getting everyone's attention. She glanced at Alizay who nodded slightly and stepped away and came back holding two packages. One tall and thin, and one large box before she handed them to Amaranda.

"All of you know that I've been busy and spending a lot of time working on a few projects. I've finished them and wanted to present them tonight now that they are finished. They are for Willow and my mystery project was of course for our Lord Damiex. Willow we will start with yours."

She handed over the tall slim box and Willow took it excitedly and opened it pulling out a beautiful 5 foot staff. It had a solid metal cap on one end encasing around 6" of the bottom end. On top of it was a large brilliantly cut emerald the size of a golf ball with the wood carved and twisted around it holding it in an organic cage. Runes were carved in a spiraling pattern down the entire length of the staff and the whole thing had a queer color to it. The wood was a mixture of greens and browns and silvers all streaked and swirled together.

Willow's fingers reverently traced over the staff as she inspected it smiling the whole time. When she finally looked up Amaranda smiled at her indulgently and spoke.

"There are several things to know about it but let's start with what it's made from. This is made from wraith wood, it's a very rare tree that only grows in one part of the Circle. It is very light, very strong, very durable, and most importantly is resistant to magic. It acts as an insulator so you can very effectively channel magic through it, but most importantly you can use it to help block magic with it to keep you safe. It's one of the few materials we know that actively fuck with magic when used against it. The end cap is solid platinum and very durable and hard. The runes you already know about, I got them from you and carved them myself. You know more of what they do than I do. The emerald on top however is not only very pretty and very large but is a natural reservoir for your power. It can hold a lot of energy and you can charge it and store it in there so that you don't always have to use your own energy."

Amaranda paused and she could see everyone was rapt with attention as she spoke.

"The most significant thing about the staff however is that it was made and fused with an elder dryad spirit. It was a powerful nature spirit and as a result it comes with two main powers. One is that the staff is now basically a living thing. It can grow, shrink, sprout vines, twist, you name it. Whatever you want it to do it will within reason, you'll have to experiment and find out the limits of just like with any new weapon. Use your imagination is the advice I would offer you."

Willow gasped at that and her smile grew even wider.

"The other power this grants you is a limited command of nature thanks to the dryad's spirit. You can commune with and to some degree command nature which I think is perfect for our resident witch. You can't exactly have a conversation with plants or animals but you can get impressions from them and learn certain things. You can also command them to a degree. You couldn't tell a squirrel to go run into a wolves mouth, but you could tell a bird to go scout ahead and tell you what it sees, or for vines to wrap around something and snare it. Like I said not complete command but definitely some limited ability. Again you'll have to practice and explore the limits of it but I think it will be a perfect partner for a nature witch."

When she finished everyone cheered and Willow stood up and wrapped her arms around her sister thanking her and telling her she loved it.

"It's so perfect I absolutely love it and this will help so much with all of my magic and work, even on the farms and with the animals! Thank you so much sister, I love it and I love you too!"

When they sat back down Amaranda turned her attention to Damiex and everyone looked at the larger box sitting on Layla's lap holding it for him as he held her. She scooted around a bit and handed the box to him and he unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful and intricately carved dark wood box that was hinged. On the top of the box was the same seal that Alissa had come up with for his coat of arms.

Amaranda smiled at him. "Open it love."

Damiex reached forward and unclasped the lock and then opened it. As the contents came into view everyone around him that could see it gasped. Inside was a crown, a very unique crown that is. It was mostly black but there were many golden highlights and accents on it and spaced evenly around the perimeter were the twelve dragon heart stones. The main loop looked to be a woven knot work design with thorns sticking out of it and what looked like talons stuck up around it grasping and holding the large heart stones in their clutches. The strange part was on the front and along the sides there were gaps and notches and slots around it that he didn't understand at first.

Amaranda reached in and took it out and held it. "You are not only our Lord and the Ruler of Lust, but I know in time you will grow and become even greater than you are now. You need a crown and this one is yours."

She moved behind him and lowered it over his head. Everyone suddenly understood the notches and grooves as it slid down around and between his crown of horns. She settled it and then tapped one of the heart stones twice with her nail and suddenly the metal moved around his horns wrapping and spiraling around them and locking into place. The black and gold crown now looked like it was part of him. She moved back in front of him and beamed in pride as she saw it on him.

"I made it out of solid gold. The black metal that you see is just an enchantment I used to change the appearance, so even though it may not look it, it is solid gold. As for what it does, let's start small and go from there. Like with Willow's emerald, each of the twelve heart stones is a magical reservoir. Though because they are heart stones the amount they can store is amazing, you can store enough in each one for one full power blast of all your magic. It will take time to charge them all but you can store a lot of power in your crown. The other benefit is that it makes you immune to any mental probing or manipulation. No mind control, no illusions, no magical lies and all that. Everything so far though is more of a byproduct really. Everyone else is finding out now and only you knew before, but what makes this so special besides from the stones, is that I made this with an ancient dragon's soul."

Everyone gasped at that, any kind of dragon souls hadn't been seen in a long long time but an ancient was legendary. Damiex hadn't spilled the beans and knew that Amaranda would eventually tell them anyways.

"What makes your crown so powerful and dangerous is that it is basically a direct upgrade to the necklace that Serenity gave you when you were wed. When you are wearing it anything you say can be a command. What I mean by that is when you put power into your voice and you will it so, anything you say becomes a command that cannot be broken. In this case anyone with less power than you has to obey, anyone with more power than you can fight it. This is literally your right to rule. With you being the strongest being in the Circles, if you chose to you could honestly command anyone. Be very very careful with this."

Layla got off his lap and he stood up and took Amaranda into his arms and proceeded to kiss her breathless. "Thank you my love, you really did make a true masterpiece and I will wear it with pride. I won't let you down."

Amaranda smiled at him as she stroked his face. "If it were for anyone else I never would have made it. It is extremely powerful and could be used terribly, but you're a good man and I trust you. We all trust you and we know you will use that power responsibly. You already posses terrifying power, so in many ways this is nothing new. But we all already believe in you."

After that they all sat back down and went back to talking and drinking while everyone praised Amaranda's skill and ability and also congratulated her on her achievements. Damiex did speak with Serenity and Amaranda about his necklace. He didn't want it to go to waste even though it wasn't needed for him now. Serenity and Amaranda agreed to have it redone in a feminine fashion and Serenity would wear it going forward. Anything to keep the ones he loved safe.

They quickly rejoined everyone and music was playing on the stereo as they drank and socialized. When the evening was winding down Damiex snapped his fingers and the music stopped causing a lull in the conversation. All eyes turned to Damiex and he smiled at them.

"I have one last announcement to make this evening. We are all going on a trip soon, in fact we leave the day after tomorrow."

Everyone started talking at once, even Serenity and Ariel weren't aware of this.


"What's going on?"

"Is it another Circle?"

"Is it Earth again?"

"What are you planning this time?"

Damiex just waited for everyone to calm down before he spoke.

"I'm going to find my Father. We are going to one of the forbidden worlds."

Ariel spoke for all of them as usual. "Why love, why now and what for?"

Damiex paused and gathered his thoughts. He had a stern look to his features.

"I need to know. It's the oldest question I've ever had. I've always wondered who my parents were. Now I have a clue and a way to get more answers. It's like a splinter in my mind and it digs in and is always there. I need to know why I am what I am. I need answers. I feel that it will help clarify what I want to do in the future as well, but I need answers. Now I have the time and the ability so I'm going. All of you are coming because many of you wouldn't let me go without you, and I think this might end up being a bit of an ambassodorial visit as well. I just don't think this is going to be a confrontational visit, I don't know that for sure but I just don't get that sense but we shall see."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, when he opened them he continued.

"I also need to see where I was born. I need to see the Chaos. I feel this instinctual pull to it and feel it in my blood. I have no idea what if anything will happen but I need to do it. For that trip only I'm going."

He heard both Ariel and Serenity start to protest.

"Ok only me and these two since they will follow me even if I try to go alone. I don't want anyone else exposed to it, it's just too dangerous."

Serenity pulled his head down and kissed him before speaking.

"We are all with you all the way my love. If you need to do this then we are all behind you and will see it done. We will be ready and we're looking forward to a new adventure. But how do you know where to go?"

Damiex smiled, "Durandal can feel it from the chaos inside of me. She can trace it back to the source and there is only one world to our knowledge that has both my Father and a source of Chaos on it. She will get us there."

Ariel nodded and whistled. "She is quite special and powerful, we're lucky she took a liking to you. She's made all of our lives a lot easier many times now."

It was late and after that the little party broke up and they made their way to bed, their trip to the forbidden world heavy on all of their minds.


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