games of insanity (reupload)

By akiradachi65

381 0 1

yep the original version is here More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 26
part 27
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part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
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part 37
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part 39
part 40
part 41
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part 81

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By akiradachi65

"so, hikari is out, roaming around in that disgusting berserk mode." Katsumi acknowledges, resting her hand against her knees, as Rin stays behind, scared to move. She watches through the others eyes, making sure she stays away from hikaris knowledge, knowing she's unstoppable right now. She watches, in boredom, knowing the others are in the killers area, but decides not to move, wanting to mess around more, as she learns about eveyones strengths and weaknesses, whilst keeping an eye on hikari and sakura.

"Runt, come here for a second." She mutters, making Rin stagger up and walk over, shaking in fear, as she turns around, looking at him, and his fear. "What do you know of about me and my daughters?" She asks, making Rin pause, and stutter, trying to think of what to say, but his fear says otherwise. Katsumi watches, staying quiet, as he starts to hug himself, unable to say anything.

"U-um, that t-the saiko bloodline is one of the most p-powerful killers. Starting with t-the mother, who's family was well in the genes, and t-the father who was wise. They h-had two kids, and disappeared." He starts, as katsumi tries not to laugh at his mediocre attempts of talking, finding it funny. 

"The parents had said t-they died, as the youngest killed them, but hid until she h-had a good partner." He adds, pausing as he spots katsumis  smirk from a mile away. He steps back in anxiety, as she stands up, looming over him as he stands there, unsure of what's going to happen. 

"The perfect partner, that's, impossible. We came around when she was busy with that karma. Waste of space he is, fucking dumbass. Now, the tratior wasn't a bad partner, but lacks the sympathetic side she needs. Then we have these groups of survivors. A clever bunch, not the smartest, but still. A few caught my eye, and one decided to take sakura." Katsumi pauses, looking down as sal walks into the scrapyard, looking around as hikari remains far away from the group. 

"You see, sakura is pathetic, sure she's racked up a nice amount of kills, but, she's stupid. Apparently she has mommy issues, which I see no reason to why, I made sure she was scared of everything. Now she's down there, empty of emotion." Katsumi points, as Rin reluctantly looks over, finding her sitting there, with a blindfold back around her eyes, the shallowness of her face says she's weak. 

"Even hikari didn't stand down during her time she was sick. Carries on like I trained her too." Katsumi says, before leaning down, and looking at Rin, knowing exactly who his family are. Rin looks back, unsure of why she's suddenly so calm and collected, knowing she's a high risk according to the files. 

"Now, I know your my grandson, and for once, your something that actually holds potential, especially to me. Your mother down there let you get abused and neglected, now look at her." Katsumi starts, pointing to hikari, who stops and looks around, her jaw now back to normal, as she licks her burnt jaw, cleaning up the blood coming from it. Rin looks in shock, as she waves the scythe around and carries on walking. 

"S-she didn't leave me. I-i remember she w-wants me back." Rin mutters, as katsumi laughs, grabbing his Chin and forcing him to look at her. His tears flowing down his face, as katsumi draws blood, finding he has more of hikaris gaze than she first thought. 

"So, you want to disobey me? I'll kill your mother before she even knows your alive." Katsumi warns, knowing she can't actually beat hikari. Rin shakes and shakes his head, not knowing that information. "Good, now, go to Sal, and stay with her. She'll make sure you stay away from the sisters." Katsumi says, pushing him off the cliff and watching. 

Rin falls down, screaming in pain, as his arm breaks on impact, knowing his abilities can't manifest until hikari helps him. Katsumi laughs at it, as sal walks over, pushing him up and slamming him against the wall. "Shut up, I want to keep my hearing." Sal spits, before throwing him down, watching as he staggers back up, and nods, following sal behind her.

Katsumi snickers, as she spots hikari pause, hearing his screams, as she shakes and grabs her head, screaming back, as Rin picks up on it, before she turns it to laughter, thinking it's fake, and proceeds to set a small nuclear explosion off, vapourising the units besides her making katsumi pause, suddenly unsure about her power. 

"That's a redacted ability, how." Katsumi mutters, knowing hikari has most, "she'd die if she has them all, yet has them all?" Katsumi adds, before falling over, realising why her berserk mode is so dangerous. "She can't use all her abilities normally, so, in the berserk. She can, use them all." Katsumi says, knowing she has them all yet can't access them. 

Katsumi jumps back up, looking at Rin, as she watches him walk away. "Fucking runt. I swear if you get both their abilities." Katsumi mutters, before looking at his father. 


"What!? Excuse me, lemme just put on my bullshit glasses." Twisted yells, as she takes them off, and puts them back on, ignoring alphas concern as venom and dark remain in shock. Kioshi sighs, as he nods, just confirming what she just heard. "Wait, wait, lemme think, your crusty ass might be getting names mixted up. Karma!? As in, Mr edgy aroace!?" Twisted yells, cursing afterwards as her body refuses to let her move, whilst alpha and venom try to heal the majority of her body. 

"Hikari and karma where selected to the experiment, both being killers, having their gentials removed alongside their sexualities, they wanted a kid that was powerful, so used deltas stability and hikaris ability to handle the abilities." Kioshi explains, as twisted looks at him in shock, still not quite believing him. Alpha sighs, having known this for a while now. 

"Delta doesn't even know. He was just farmed for his part, to which hikari got given, and had the kid." Alpha mumbles, remembering the procedure, making him pause. "Sometimes I do question what I was given to do." Alpha adds, still in regret, as venom looks over picking up on it. 

"Hey, it's not your fault. It was just what you was told to do. And hey! At least when you and twisted have kids you'll know what to do!" Venom says, making both of them look at them with shock. Dark laughs as kioshi hides his smirk making venom laugh and then look at them. "Hey! If you have a kid, I'm stealing them." Venom adds making twisted blink in confusion. 

"First who's 'we' having the kids, secondly, why would I let you steal them!?" Twisted asks, as venom gasps in shock, as alpha looks away, embarrassed. 

"I mean, having kids would-" alpha starts before getting cut of.

"Don't you start, fucking bitch, I'll puke otherwise at this bullshit." Twisted says, making alpha sigh, catching kioshis attention, as dark remains laughing immensely. 

"Personally think pets are better." Dark suggests, as venom nods and pauses for a second, and looks at twisted again, who remains in shock, but venom grins, knowing how she works. 

"Why not have both? Like pets are nice, and I want one so bad, like a hybrid! But, kids are nice too. Damn why does everyone else get a kid!?" Venom says, making kioshi almost stack it from laughing, as dark chokes on air, whilst alpha just hides his face, leaving twisted to sigh and guess someone was going to say it at some point. 

"Can we like, focus on getting out first?" Twisted says, making the rest nod in agreement, knowing that even if they all laugh and have fun, people can still die. 

"It's fine to be humourous, even in a time like this." Kioshi says, making venom nod, agreeing. Dark sighs smiling, and agrees, as alpha stays hidden. Twisted shrugs, and stays still, as venom and alpha go back to healing her. "Which reminds me, Alex, how does nulling work? Because twisted got nulled so where here." Kioshi asks, as alpha looks over and pauses, spotting the injection mark. 

"It's a small injection, why?" Alpha asks, as kioshi pauses, remembering the last time he asked for this. 

"Can you use your null ability to counteract it?" He asks, make alpha pause and twisted to snap into the now. Dark jolts as twisted curses in pain, making venom push her back. 

"His nulling will kill him, don't even fucking start! Last time he tried to use it, he almost died." Twisted yells, as alpha sits back, pausing for a moment. Kioshi nods, and gestures vaguely. 

"Yet it's obvious he wants to." Kioshi repiles, making twisted pause and lean back, as dark stands up, needing to stretch for a second, as venom stops their healing, unsure if they should carry on. Twisted remains quiet, as alpha stands up, and helps her up, walking her to the room hikari was in, and closing it. 

"Man, why can't I join them!?" Venom asks, making kioshi look at them in confusion. Dark snickers, as venom gets up, walking over to the door and slamming their first against it. "Cmon it's obvious their going to do something!" They add, making kioshi rub his head, muttering to himself as he tries to remain calm.

"Their in that room, because the null ability is dangerous, hence why it's redacted. And yes, they have to be in contact but that can literally be just alpha poking her face." Kioshi says, staying passive agressive, forgetting venoms file and personality. Dark laughs in the background, as she remembers walking up to them. 

"Well, we'll know if they suddenly take a hour in there." Dark says, crossing her arms as kioshi blinks and sighs, wishing he had at least someone who can handle these two, knowing he's not smart. Venom laughs and nods, as they stand next to the door, praying they can at least hear something. 

After around five minutes, the door opens, startling dark who almost fell asleep as alpha jumps back, as venom leaps forward, looking at them both and smiling. "So what did you guys do?" Venom asks, as twisted catches alphas stumbling back, sighing, knowing venom would have asked. 

"Did the nulling, nothing more." Twisted repiles, as alpha walks past venom who sighs and steps back, whilst kioshi looks at twisted, who flips him off, making him laugh at the gesture. 

"Man, that's boring." Venom says, as alpha adjusts his eyepatch and looking at the rest with anxiety. Twisted strolls out, as dark stands by the hallway, grinning, whilst kioshi smirks underneath his hand, whilst venom plans ideas in their head to one day catch them in a act. 

"So, what's the plan crusty?" Twisted asks, making kioshi roll his eye, bored of the nickname already. Dark comes to attention, as venom glances over, still thinking to themselves. 

"We'll use Delta, to get Rin, then use Rin to get hikari, to then get everyone back." Kioshi says, pausing. "It's not simple, but we have alpha as a useful asset." He says, watching his wording as twisted stays quiet, and alpha sighs, getting bored of being used all the time. Dark nods as venom looks around and nods, not sure exactly what's happening. 

"We need to locate Delta, and stay safe from hikari. Bare in mind, he can use his banshee scream to alert the rest, so this may fail." He warns. "If it fails, we'll have to use a secret room to hide it out." He adds, placing down a map where the rooms are located. 

The others look at it, as he points out the nearest rooms. "Their easy to access, and impossible to find. Me and katsumi used them to spy on you guys." He says, as the others stay quiet. "well lure him to one, and if he uses his scream, we'll go to one." He says, looking up.

"Delta is our main focus right now. We have to stay worried about hikari however."

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