games of insanity (reupload)

By akiradachi65

381 0 1

yep the original version is here More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
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part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
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part 51
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part 101
part 102

part 65

2 0 0
By akiradachi65

Katsumi sighs, and wanders pack to the old spot, her head hurting as she staggers against the rockface. 

"These fucking god damn chains." She curses, yanking them before getting a burning sensation up her spine. She winces as she lets go of them, looking around making her realise kioshi isn't here. She steps forwards, and drops her arms, letting them dangle as she looks around. 

"They, actually did it. They have everyone." She mutters, before grinning, and grabbing her face, throwing her head back as she laughs in insanity. "They actually did it!" She yells, crying of laughter, her face breaking into a grin before she snaps herself back to standing properly. "They actually did it." She breathes, grabbing the mask and looking at it. 

She puts it on, watching kioshis point of view, which tells her exactly where they are. She makes him look over, and spots the state of everyone. She notices hikari glancing over, her face tells her she's aware. Grinning, she takes her sight back to where she is now. Looking at the ground, she leans down, grabbing the gravel and grinning.

She sets off a massive explosion, ignoring the unbearable pain from the chains, as she carries on, melting the ground, before finding what she needed. Picking up a small vile, she shakes it and laughs. 

It's black substance stays still, as she swallows the entire vile, snapping her neck and shaking the chains off. "Fucking finally." She mutters, shifting into a copy of omega, walking towards the unit. "Let's see how they handle it now." She mutters, sounding exactly like omega. 


"What, something on my face old man?" Saber laughs, as kioshi looks over, his right eye covered, a he watches saber and hikari, his concern spiking each second. "Hey! I didn't do anything!" Saber adds, spotting his behaviour, as a small popping sound keeps hitting his ear, followed by laughing. He looks over at the noises, and grabs the air, somehow grabbing something. 

Saber looks at him as if he's lost it. Before standing up and throwing whatever he had away, turning around, actually looking sinister. Hikari grabs saber, before painfully looking at him. "That's enough katsumi." She says, whilst saber tries to get out of her grip, before she stops a invisible shot of acid. 

It melts her arm to the bone, before kioshi grabs his bandages, making hikari let saber go, and look at him. "She took your eye." She mutters, as kioshi looks back, with sorrow in his eye. Hikari tries to get up, but the wounds say otherwise, keeping her down. Saber looks over, spotting the wounds opening up, whilst kioshi curses and rushes over, grabbing her and trying to heal. 

"She took my healing, I should have known." He says, falling back, as he grabs the bandages and tears them off, showing a empty socket, being kept open by staples, as a sick torture. "This, was taken, because I was the first tested with foresight." He mutters, as he looks at the other killers. 

"She saved me from neutralising. And used my kindess for her goals." He adds, looking at the group, before standing up, wrapping the bandages back on. Saber steps aside, as he leans against the floor, sorting hikaris blanket out, making her sigh, knowing he cares about her. 

"Enough with the favouritism. Sakura is wanting help." Hikari sighs, pushing him away, as he looks at her and sal, spotting sal try to comfort her, as her body starts to heat up, making it feel like she's burning alive. Sal tries to grab her, but jolts back, almost getting her hand burnt. Saber looks at the situation, and stays quiet. 

He pauses, and gets up, walking over to sal and omega. Sal refuses to look his face, as he leans down, pressing his hand against her chest, making sal almost break his arm off. "No. It's not like that. Her abilities seem to always be the worse where the chains are. Most fall down here." He explains, tugging at a selection of chains, whilst omega screams in pain, as sal hesitates, trying to stay calm.

He looks at her face, spotting the tattoos, before watching as the eyes start to become bloodshot. "She's got internal bleeding, it's causing her abilities to go haywire." He warns, before looking at alpha. "That one, he's able to reverse overdrive." He says, whilst alpha remains asleep, laying on top of twisted. Sal snickers and looks away.

"Yeah no chance of getting him. You'll lose a arm." Saber laughs, as she looks over. Kioshi pauses, and looks back to omega, who remains in discomfort. He can feel hikaris gaze on him, as he lets go, stepping back, as some of the others start to move, waking up. 

"Jesus! I thought that was that masked bitch!" Dark yells, as she spots kioshi standing there, jolting veemy and venom awake. Kioshi sighs and drags his hand through his hair. 

"Because I'm the villain isn't it?" He mutters, as the rest wake up. Twisted throws alpha off in shock, making him fall down. He looks away, knowing he's overstepped his boundaries, making galaxy chuckle slightly.

"Twisted, it's obvious." She mutters, making twisted look at her in shock, knowing if she said anything, at least half the group would attack her. Alpha looks at galaxy, with confusion, as she laughs and looks at the rest, them also knowing what's going on. 

"Well Obviously." Berry says as kioshi looks around, spotting a various amount of looks. He sits down, and looks at omega. Twisted stands up and grabs alphas collar, dragging him back, before slamming him to sit down. The others sigh, as she sits next to him.

"I don't want anyones trust. I don't want to be with katsumi." Kioshi says, making saber spit out her water in shock. Sal and venom laugh at sabers reaction, as veemy giggles.  

"Nobody will trust you. So where are you getting at?" Twisted adds, whilst kioshi walks over and grabs alphas jaw, squishing his face as he looks at him carefully. Twisted looks over, and punches him in the face making kioshi stumble back. Alpha looks at twisted before she sits back down. 

Delta looks over, and gets stopped by berry who makes him sigh, guessing its for the best, so he smiles and sits back down, letting frosting jump onto his lap.he jolts and pats frosting, before kioshi looks at him. "I need your brother. To remove the overdrive." Kioshi says, making alpha look in fear, as kioshi grabs his collar. 

Delta and twisted pause, before twisted slams kioshi down, ignoring the others look of fear. "Don't even. Unlike you assholes, that's gonna kill alpha if he uses it." Twisted yells, as she stands up, looking at the group, not trusting their judgment. "Sakura is unstable, a bigger threat than alpha." Twisted added, making sal jump up and look at her, with frustration. "Call me the bad guy, I fucking dare you." Twisted smirks, pushing sal away. 

Sal looks at her with disgust, making the rest look at eachother with fear. Sal stays calm, as twisted laughs slightly. "Just because your over protective, doesn't mean drop the others. Shockingly I'm thinking of everyone's status." Twisted says, pointing finger guns to her head, before laughing. 

Kioshi steps back, whilst sal walks away. "what, can't fight me? Because your too weak? Or is it because your scared." She spits, making sal sigh, and pause. 

"No, it's because I see no point in fighting unless I'm threatened or feel the need to defend someone." Sal repiles, taking a seat, as twisted grins, before grabbing iris and aiming a knife to her throat. Everyone pauses, as sal looks at her with hate. 

"What about now, Sally." Twisted mutters, breathing down iris neck, as she remains frozen in shock. The rest stand their ground, knowing not to make a move. Sal breathes in, knowing twisteds behaviour. She grins and puts her mask up. 

"Don't yell at me if your wimpy ass gets beaten to next year's" sal says, moving swiftly and grabbing twisteds arm, breaking it behind her back, making her drop the knife.iris falls down, and runs back to the kitsune, as twisted laughs, throwing sal down, and blowing up her chest. 

Sal curses as she lays there. Twisted gets back up and walks to omega, who remains in agony, making sal grunt at get up, healing herself, whilst twisted crushes omegas throat, making hikari painfully try to get up and fail. Sal walks over to twisted and grab her hoodie, throwing her away, not seeing the point. 

Twisted grumbles and gets up, only to get stopped by Delta, who remains concerned. "Can we not start another fight." Delta mumbles, not wanting to make anyone else get hurt. Twisted pauses, but gives in, knowing Delta isn't usually a fighter. Sitting back down, and stays by alpha, in fear of anyone using his redacted ability. 

"So uh, what are we going to do?" Venom asks, trying to change the subject. The others don't reply, as sal makes sure omega is ok. Kioshi stands back up and looks at alpha, who remains scared.

"It's either, im killing that boy, or he sorts my daughter out." Kioshi says, making everyone pause.

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