
By Avatar_Roku32

904 23 1

The bright and easy-going smile that Richard was so famous for was getting harder to maintain. The constant f... More

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Succumbing to repressed acceptance
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A Merry Reminder that not all is Lost

47 1 0
By Avatar_Roku32

It had been a month and a half since Bruce Wayne had been maliciously been unveiled as The Batman. A month and a half since Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth were declared dead.

The public funeral was large and very advertised. Dick couldn't turn without finding a camera in his face. It made saying goodbye to his father feel more like a circus act, rather than the respectful salute he deserved. He bore it, however, for the victims and survivors that were saved by the Dark Knight of Gotham. For those that appreciated what The Batman stood for, what he was willing to do to protect the city he loved. The city that ran deep in his veins. Not just for Batman, but Bruce Wayne. The socialite that donated a vast amount of time and money into ensuring Gotham thrived and developed in uncertain times. For the charming man who was loved by many, and was truly understood by few.

The Justice League had made their scheduled appearance and had taken the spotlight with ease. As each member said their piece about their famed and admired teammate, Dick focused on his brother. Tim kept his head held high, offering him his own look of comfort as if Dick was the one who was in the need to be reassured. As Superman finished his inspiring speech of hope and peace, the trumpets played loud as the crowd remained silent with reverence. Two soldiers handed Superman the neatly folded symbol of recognition for Batman's service. The Kryptonian turned towards Dick and Tim and offered the youngest man the flag with a small smile. Tim took it in thanks and shook Superman's hand, nodding at him with respect. Dick rubbed Tim's shoulder in assurance before he threw his arms around Superman's neck and squeezed the hero tightly.

"Thank you, Clark." He whispered. Superman returned the hug and his smile widened at Tim, who was extremely tempted to roll his eyes at his brother's very public show of affection for the superhero.

"I'm going to miss him too," Superman whispered back.

So yeah, that had been a surreal experience. Something Dick had had little time to prepare for. The small private funeral that Dick had personally planned without help from the city council or input from members of the League, was simple, but personal. With Tim, Barbara, Lucius and his family, and Commissioner Gordon at his side, Dick managed to say a few words about his 'father' and 'grandfather'. Each of them told stories of both the men they had come to love and cherish. Some brought tears to Dick's eyes, others had him laughing out loud. The funeral regrettably had to come to an end, something Dick had been terrified of. Lucius left with his family after he offered Tim and Dick his condolences and only after Dick squeezed him into a hug goodbye. Tim eventually left with Barbara and her father, and for once, was reluctant to let his affectionate brother go.

Dick couldn't turn his back on the headstones, couldn't turn from the engraved names that had the hairs on his arms rise. He slumped down in front of Bruce and Alfred's headstones and brought his knees towards his chest. He smiled lightly at the butler's name as he recalled a conversation, he had with Alfred in the early months of becoming Bruce's ward.

"I know you said once that when I was little, that you wouldn't be buried in the family plot because you weren't a Wayne." Dick started and glanced at Bruce's name. "But you are a Wayne, Alfie. You raised B with that ageless grace and unwavering love that no one else would have done. You pushed him when he needed it, understood him unlike anyone else, and tolerated his vast mood swings between brooding and anger. If that isn't what a father does, then I don't know what is."

"That was sappy, Dickiebird."

Dick jolted in shock and snapped his head to the side to see Jason climbing over the fence with effortlessness.

"Jason. You came." Dick swiftly rose with a pleased smile and watched as Jason approached the headstones. Dick remained quiet as Jason traced Alfred's name with his fingers and muttered something that Dick couldn't quite hear. He tried not to appear so curious when Jason approached him and wrapped his arm around Dick's waist. He leaned into Jason and buried his head into his neck. "I don't know if I can leave." He confessed in fear.

"We don't have to," Jason replied and kept his eye forward. "We can stay for as long as you like."

Dick sniffled out a 'thanks' and started to babble about little things he never got to tell Bruce or Alfred. How that he should have told them he appreciated them more often. How that he wanted to visit more, but couldn't. That he had always looked forward to Alfred's call once a month. Jason remained at his side through it all, ending his silence with a quick, but a sweet, kiss to his crown.


After that afternoon, Dick once again barely had time to rest. His wounds were practically healed, aggravating every so often if Dick moved the wrong way. But with his line of work, it was hard to remain still. He had been commuting between Blüdhaven and Gotham for weeks now. Both for work, brotherly support and vigilante work. He barely had time for himself, unlike the others. Tim was enjoying his cushy schedule; being CEO, planning a wedding and galivanting as Robin at night. Barbara was much the same, always Tim's eyes on the rooftops and making suggestions for flavoured cakes, and themed decorations. Dick often turned his communicator off and headed back to his city for his own strenuous patrol.

He'd barely seen Jason since the funeral. They spent a few hours in a sparse couple of evenings together when Dick would stumble into the penthouse, after his arduous workday. Dick would melt into Jason's embrace and turn to putty under his touch. They would share dinner that Jason either prepared or picked up, Dick easily talking about his day. Then Jason would take him by the hand and they would end up sprawled together on the bed, Dick writhing and chanting Jason's name like a prayer before succumbing to a short nap that Jason would coax him into with his fingers running dreamily through his hair.

When Dick would wake, Jason would be gone. He would swiftly change into his Nightwing gear, eyeing the duffle bag he came back with the first time he returned from Blüdhaven after discovering Jason was alive. He hadn't dare open it since the first time when he had discovered it on his bed a few months before Halloween. The crate, which was very clearly Wayne tech, had piqued Dick's interest. What he discovered inside was something the acrobat had to touch to believe. The black Kevlar felt increasingly heavy in his hands. When his eyes had fallen upon the cowl, Dick's breath had hitched dangerously. He had swiftly stuffed the suit into the nearest bag, along with the cowl and utility belt and stuffed it at the back of his wardrobe. He had anxiously walked backwards, hands up in front of him, uncertain what Bruce meant by giving him a suit he had vehemently sworn against.

Dick had forgotten about it until the fateful night Batman was taken from the world.

Now he understood. Bruce had known he was on a time limit. He would have had to lock himself away eventually until he and Tim could formulate a cure for his Joker infection. They needed a Batman impersonator while Bruce was indisposed. But that contingency plan had been made obsolete thanks to Scarecrow, The Arkham Knight and the villains of Gotham. Tim had yet to mention the Bat-suit Dick had in his possession; which inevitably meant Bruce had never told him. Which meant Dick had to eventually tell the new and free-winged Robin, he was about to be clipped once more. When that would happen would be up to the anxiety eating away at Dick's confidence in his abilities. He had been trained by Batman, everything he knew Bruce showed him, drilled into him. He could be Batman; just a young and inexperienced one. Just had Bruce had been all those years ago. Dick was terrified he would disgrace the mantle to the point that Batman would become a laughable symbol of justice. The pressure was enormous and it continued to mount high above Dick's shoulders.

He hadn't dare think of what Jason would say if he knew Dick had the cowl. What he would think of Dick in the suit. Would he remind Jason of Bruce? Of the man that had failed him? Of the man who had replaced him with another?

Dick shook his head to clear his thoughts as he jumped across the buildings. The snow was getting heavier as it neared the middle of winter. Christmas was fast approaching, just a day away. The blinking lights of red, green and gold lit up the city with merry reminders of the giving day. Dick had always enjoyed this time of year. Indulgent hot chocolates were an acceptable everyday drink, wrapped warmly in scarves or blankets, cuddling up to those you love on the couch.

Dick had offered to take over patrol on Christmas Eve so Tim could spend Christmas morning with Barbara and her father. Dick knew Tim was an adult now, no longer the eager child who wanted nothing more than to impress the Big Bad Bat, but Christmas was one of the holidays where the family would put aside their differences, and spend the day together. Dick loved Christmas at the Manor. Especially when he had been a child. To find the pile of brightly wrapped presents just for him under the tree, and the encouraging smiles from Bruce and Alfred had given him those first few Christmases had filled Dick with holiday cheer that was still strong even now that he was well past the age that the magic should have dulled.

Dick was rubbing his gloved hands together, and breathing out puffs of cold foggy air when he heard a pair of boots hit the roof behind him. He turned and smiled happily when he saw the red helmet.

"Replacement isn't out tonight?" Red Hood asked with his mechanical voice. Nightwing shook his head in response and suddenly felt a shiver race up his spine. "How long have you been out?"

"A few hours," Nightwing answered and shrugged. "Hard to stay warm without thugs to fight."

"You could wear a better suit." Red Hood replied and motioned to the skin-tight Nightwing costume as if it was the offending piece that was making Dick cold.

"I could...but, would you really want me to?" Nightwing asked with a cheeky smirk, sauntering towards Red Hood. Jason grunted and grabbed Dick by the waist as soon as he was within reach and brought him to his chest. Dick felt Jason's other hand run up his arm before lifting above them. Nightwing cocked a brow in curiosity before following Red Hood's movements with his eyes. Dick couldn't stop a goofy smile spread as he recognised the white berried plant bunched in Jason's fist, held high between them. "Mistletoe?" He returned his gaze to the red helmet.

"You know what that means."

Dick could just imagine the smug look Jason had beneath the helmet. Nightwing hummed lightly and let his fingers travel up Red Hood's chest sensually and graze his neck to find the mechanisms that allowed Dick to unbuckle the helmet. He pulled it off Jason's head and smiled softly into the domino mask Jason kept over his eyes.

"Hi." He whispered before he tangled his finger into the hair at Jason's nape and pulled him into a tender kiss. Jason managed to keep his arm up until Dick nibbled at his lip and the acrobat soon found his legs wrapped around Red Hood's waist as the anti-vigilante supported him with his hands cupping his behind with an eager knead. They pulled their lips apart for a moment and Dick felt himself swoon as Jason lightly brushed away the snowflake that landed on his cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Dick," Jason said breathlessly as he gazed up at Dick's blinding grin and said the words that had the acrobat heating in the all-right ways. "I love you."

Dick dipped his head and locked their lips together, not daring to ask what compelled him to confess. Jason hummed in surprised approval as Dick hungrily attacked his mouth, whining needily for him for more. Dick pulled at Jason's hair and forced his head back, licking his lips at the groan of wonton passing the anti-vigilante's lips.

"Take me home, Jason," Dick commanded and leaned over to whisper into his ear. "I'll give you your Christmas present."

Jason gulped at the suggestive tone and let out a breathy noise of pleasure as their bodies rubbed together.


Dick knew when he opened his eyes that morning it was Christmas day. He glanced over his shoulder to see Jason sleeping somewhat peacefully, arms wrapped around his waist and chest. Dick's heart warmed and he shuffled in Jason's hold so he could face the rousing man. Dick ran his mouth across Jason's bare clavicle, smiling against his skin as Jason murmured sleepily and nuzzled his nose into Dick's crown.

"Merry Christmas, Jay," Dick said and kissed up Jason's neck and nosed at his jaw contentedly. Jason yawned and stretched, compelling the acrobat to dislodged himself from Jason's side.

"Mmmm..." Jason rubbed his eyes before hefting his arm up and letting his head lay on his palm as he looked down at Dick. "Morning."

"You seem tired, Little Wing." Dick smiled in amusement and ran a finger down Jason's cheek.

"Well, that Christmas present was something else." Jason mused and smirked as Dick flushed in embarrassment and swatted at Jason playfully.

"You enjoyed yourself." Dick dared him to deny it and Jason snorted and pecked Dick's lips. Jason grabbed Dick's behind under the covers and hauled them together.

"I hope I have another Christmas present." Jason squeezed and Dick gasped and clutched and dug his nails into Jason's shoulders.

"You do. But not this." Dick chuckled lightly and closed his eyes as Jason kissed his chest, craving to touch every inch of him. Jason hummed in question and pulled away.

"You got me an actual present?" He asked in surprise. Dick blinked up at him and tilted his head.

"Of course, I did. I got everyone one." Dick informed Jason and shuffled to sit up. The acrobat watched the minute range of emotion that flickered across Jason's face as the man leaned back.

"Where are you going?" Dick tried to grab at Jason as he left the bed and started to pull on his pants and jeans. "Jason?"

"I'll be back soon," Jason announced, leaning across the bed to kiss Dick before scrambling out the window, wrestling with his jacket as he went. Dick stared at the empty window for a few moments before he sighed and slumped back in confused defeat. He laid there for a while before he rose and dressed warmly. As he headed to the bedroom door he winced as his foot hit something hard. He looked down to see that he had kicked Jason's Red Hood helmet, and pinched his brow together in perplexity. Jason had forgotten his helmet, which meant he wasn't on a Red Hood mission. Dick pursed his lips in thought as he placed the helmet on the bedside table. Jason would be back, but for now, Dick just had to occupy himself until then.

Dick was humming along to the Christmas song currently playing in his apartment as he watched tv. He was huddled on the couch, mug in hand and blanket around him, as he watched the muted food channel. The roast dinner the home cook had cooked looked delicious with its accompanying sides. When the family made an appearance, laughing and eating together, Dick glanced to the empty seat next to him and sighed emptily. Jason still hadn't returned and his message to Tim had still been registered as 'unread'. He shouldn't be grouchy, Tim was making a life for himself, and Jason wasn't obliged to spend the entirety of the day with him.

Dick was beginning to think about putting his tv dinner in the microwave when his door buzzed. Dick ignored it for a passer-by who accidentally pressed his apartment number before it became persistent. The acrobat placed his now cold mug on the coffee table before he rushed to the intercom.


"Will you open the door?"

"It's freezing out here!"

Dick gaped in shock and wavered before he quickly let his guests in after they started reprimanding his hesitancy. Dick was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited in the open doorway for the elevator to open.

The wheelchair appeared first, Barbara grinning widely at seeing Dick, a few presents piled on her lap. Tim was behind her, pushing her forward, another present under his arm. Commissioner Gordon followed after them, arms full of presents and bags of food, smile stiff as he looked up at Dick. Who followed after Jim had Dick blinking in surprise and smiling in glee, Jason was grumbling about being forced to carry the rather sizable raw turkey in his arms.

Their greetings were short as they piled past Dick and into his warm apartment, Jason and Jim heading to the kitchen before the Commissioner returned barely a moment later and joined his daughter and Tim place the remaining presents beneath Dick's colourfully decorated Christmas tree. Jason appeared at Dick's side and wrapped his arm around the acrobat.

"Merry Christmas, Dickiebird," Jason said and Dick glanced up at him.

"You did this for me?"

"Can't have you sulking on Christmas day." Jason nudged Dick with his hip and headed for the kitchen. "That's my job."

Dick couldn't help but laugh and surge forward to wrap his arms around Jason.

"Thank you, Little Wing. This is the best present ever." He said before he let go and smacked Jason's behind, hustling him into the kitchen, blowing him a kiss as Jason glared at him. Dick headed over to the others, and the coldest he felt earlier melted away, as Tim drew him into a brotherly embrace.

Jason spent the majority of his time in the kitchen, Barbara and Dick both took turns to check on him, eventually being kicked out after Dick taste-tested one too many times. Jim's shoulders were still tight, and Dick had found out from Tim that he and Jason had come to a cease-fire for today, and only today. Barbara had forced a drink into her father's hands and insisted he lighten up. They played foolish Christmas games, watched a movie and unwrapped a few presents before Jason announced dinner was ready.

Dick rarely used the dining table that the apartment came with, but seeing it now arranged with the food Jason had cooked and promised a memory he wouldn't soon forget, Dick felt his contentment reach a new level. As he sat at the head of the table, on Tim's persistence, with Jason on his left and Tim on his right, he grabbed their hands and squeezed them gratefully. Tim shared a smile with him and Jason allowed a small quirk of his lips.

The crackers were pulled before digging in, Jason and Dick wrangling with each other as the acrobat forced the paper-thin crown onto his head. Jason huffed in defeat and folded his arms sulkily as Tim sniggered at the pink-coloured crown colouring Jason's dark hair. The jokes were classically awful, Dick laughing joyfully as the others groaned in horror. Dinner was exquisite, even the Commissioner praised Jason's cooking, no doubt thanks to the fifth alcoholic drink being handed to him by his daughter.

They retired to the living area, Tim and Jason slumping down onto the couch, stomach's full and threatening to succumb to the materialising food coma. The rest of the presents were opened, Jason happy to watch on with his arm laying on the back of the couch, fingers playing with Dick's hair. It wasn't long before Tim began to doze off alongside Commissioner Gordon, who was already asleep in the armchair. Dick offered Barbara and Tim the spare room his brother had been using and pulled the sofa bed out for Jim. After everyone had retired for the night, Dick wrapped himself warmly before he joined Jason out on the balcony, wrinkling his nose at the smoke leaving his lips.

"You should really quit that," Dick stated as he came to stand beside him and snatched the cigarette from Jason. Jason's protest died to a quiet annoyed huff as Dick dropped the offending death sentence and squished it beneath his shoe.

"Did you come out here to nag me about my health?" Jason asked sourly, gazing at his squashed cigarette in longing. Dick clicked his tongue in amusement and shook his head. He pulled Jason's present from behind his back and offered it to him with a shy smile. Jason was swift to forget the cigarette and gingerly took the present, raising his brow in recognition and seemly relaxed slightly. "A book."

Dick sighed and folded his arms before pouting at Jason. "You're supposed to open it."

"But it is a book, right? Feels like one." Jason insisted and ripped the paper away. Dick watched Jason's reaction and found that he wasn't sure if he did the right thing when he saw the novel in the window of the bookshop.

"If you don't like it, I can take it back." Dick began to babble. "I guess you don't like the same things you did when you were younger. I'm sorry, Jay, I-"

"You remembered." Jason looked up from tracing the title with his fingers, looking at Dick like he was something the world didn't deserve. "This was my favourite. Alfred gave this to me."

Dick smiled and nodded in confirmation. "I remember. It was one of the first times I truly saw you smile. You used to take it with you everywhere. I called you a book worm and you whacked the back of my knee with it."

Jason coloured in embarrassment and looked out into the distance. Dick tapped his fingers against his leg and bit his lip in enquiringly.

"So, you like it?" He asked quietly. Jason snapped his head back and swiftly nodded.

"Yes. Thank you, Dick." Jason leaned over to kiss the acrobat in appreciation. Dick savoured the affection and intertwined their fingers, knowing that everything would be okay.

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