The Empire King | ✔️

By cloudy_Alya

436K 11.6K 4.1K

Mason King 👑 Leader of One of the most feared Mafias in the country, The Empire. Strong ,handsome, rich... More

.♦. Welcome .♦.
.♦. Aesthetics .♦.
.♦. And So It Begins .♦.
.♦. Coincidence .♦.
.♦. Emotions .♦.
.♦. First Day .♦.
.♦. Alaska .♦.
.♦. Whipped .♦.
.♦. The Ball .♦.
.♦. Ex boyfriend .♦.
.♦. Secrets Exposed .♦.
.♦. Dinner .♦.
.♦. Betraying Him .♦.
.♦. Escaping .♦.
.♦. Girl's Night .♦.
.♦. Finally Free .♦.
.♦. Part Of The Family .♦.
.♦. Back To Work .♦.
.♦️. Date .♦️.
.♦️. Empire Queen .♦️.
.♦️. I love you .♦️.
.♦️. Eavesdropping .♦️.
.♦️. Mask Off .♦️.
.♦️. The End .♦️.
.♦️. New Book .♦️.

.♦. Confrontation .♦.

13.9K 467 128
By cloudy_Alya

« I don't wanna die, but I don't wanna live like this »

🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I stared at my bruised body through the mirror's reflection . I traced my cut right next to my eyebrow as I sighed in distress.

How much more can you take until you break down?

Getting ready to leave for work , hiding all my bruises and cuts using make-up. But make-up won't be able to hide my broken soul.

My monster of a dad, is still determined to send me back to find the information he needs, saying that I made a mistake and took a picture of the weirdo shipment, but I can swear it was his shipment that I saw.

When I stepped foot into the building , two bodyguards approached me saying that they had orders to escort me right to Mason's office.

I nodded hesitantly as confusion clouded my features. What is going on?

One of the two bodyguards knocked at the door before opening the door for me and closing it right behind me. Mason was set ahead of me ,on his chair behind his desk, with his elbows resting on the table as his hands intertwined in front of him.

He stared at me with a cold look I've never seen before. A look of anger , betrayal and ... hate. I gulped down as I saw the daggers his eyes were sending my way , my mind running a thousand mile trying to figure out what's happening.

"M-mason?" I said hesitantly.

"It's Mr.King for you" He said with venom in his voice.

"What's g-going on?" I asked, taking a step back .

Mason then held a file and threw it next to where I was standing. I looked between him and the file in confusion before kneeling down to pick it up.

As I stood up , I looked wearily at Mason, then opened it. As soon as I figured what file this is , my hands let go of it like it burned my skin, as the file's papers scattered around.

"M-Mason I-... I can explai-'' I said but was cut off with a loud bang.

Mason hit the table with his fist before standing up ,his chair tumbling to the ground " Explain!" He said raising his voice" Explain what? How have you betrayed my trust ? How you fooled me to take pity on you just for you to spy on me with help of your fucking dad and boyfriend?!!"

"No Mason please listen-" I said, tears running down my cheeks by now.

"I don't want to fucking listen to a word you say " He said with a murderous look on his face " I don't listen to liars "

"Please listen to me I was forced-" again I was cut off as Mason raised his index finger shutting me.

"I said shut up!" He ordered, then added " You should be grateful you're not dead , take your lying ass out before I lose my temper even more, and if i see you or your dad anywhere near imma end you both"

I couldn't stop my tears, my throat was burning and my ears were ringing " Mason I swear to God I didn't trick you not until my dad forced me to get him that information. Please believe me Mason I-"

"I said, It's Mr.King ,to you. Only close people can call me Mason " He said as I felt my heart explode from sadness " and I don't believe you, how can I believe you when you betrayed me ?hmm?"

I stood there ashamed as silent tears burned my cheeks.

He was right. I betrayed him and his trust.

"Leave " he said before collapsing down on his couch.

" I'm sorry...Mr. King" I said before exiting his office and closing the door behind me.

I ran out of the building and through the streets my cries grabbed the attention of everyone I passed by. I ran and ran until my feet hurt , until my energy got drained, until I was numb...

I finally stopped when I noticed where I was . Mom's grave.

Every time I end up here crying for my mom , crying for my life , crying because of this world's brutality. And I wish I could just join all these corpses , cause what's the point of living if that's how my life is going to be.

"Oh mom, why did you leave me here? Why did you leave me by myself with those monsters? No one cares about me , no one loves me , everyone hates me and now even Mason does" I cried out.

"No one would even notice if I was gone . No one will even care. I should just join you and be with you, at least you care" My voice cracked at the end of the sentence, no tears left to shed.

As I laid my head on my mother's grave something cracked in me. Why am I the one who should die ? I didn't do anything wrong , it's all their fault . And right then and there with all the sadness and anger fuming my heart I decided and I was determined to run away . Even if I die tryin I won't give up.

👑 Mason's POV 👑

I glanced at the door as she closed it behind her . The rational part of my mind was screaming at me to listen to her but my betrayed heart refused too.

A knock sounded on the door and in came my brother Luke. I sighed as I asked " You heard that didn't you?"

"Well you were kinda loud I had to send everyone away for a while " He answered.

"You should've listened to her" He stated.

I snapped my head towards him in disbelief " she put the whole mafia in danger and you're telling me that I should listen to her lies?"

"This isn't the Mason I know. The Mason I know would never lose his temper, he would listen the other side and think with his mind not heart"

"What are you now, a psychiatrist? I thought you were a chef or something ?" I scoffed .

He looked at me with a look like he's saying 'really' while arching his eyebrow.

I sighed and rested my head between my hands ." You're right. I don't know what happened to me I just couldn't stand her , out of all the people, to do that to me "

"I think you acted like that because you like her" Luke said .

"What I d-don't .." Luke cut me off and said " Don't lie to yourself . There's nothing wrong with liking her , you always put us and our needs above yours that you didn't have time to live your young age properly. And that's why you don't understand what you're feeling "

He paused for a bit before adding " I think you're more hurt not because she was 'spying' on you , but because you like her and it made you feel betrayed . Let's be clear this shipment wouldn't hurt our mafia, not even a little bit . So get yourself together and think like the Mason King everyone knows ".

He got up , patted my shoulder and headed towards the door " I'll see you later" before he fully closed the door he peeked his head through and said teasingly " it's nice seeing the great mafia leader stutter because of a girl"

He quickly closed the door before the pillow I threw at him could hit him. "Fucker" I muttered under my breath.

I gripped the ends of my hair tightly as I thought of this messed up situation."Now what the fuck am I supposed to do "

🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I sneaked into my house as quietly as possible and tiptoed my way up to my room to pack my stuff and leave this shitty place.

As I was passing by my dad's office I heard some voices inside and me being the curious idiot I stopped to eavesdrop.

"So what should we do?" A strange voice asked.

"We have to threaten them with something valuable " My dad said .

"And what should that be?" The other guy asked.

"I don't know ..his sister ?" My dad suggested.

" I don't know about that -we'll be messing with "The Empire Princess " and even her boyfriend's gang " The guy answered with nervousness.

"Don't be a coward Harry , don't you won't to get your precious goods back ?" My dad said, trying to convince him.

"I do but.." I decided to leave before someone caught me , but that was too late.

As I turned around to leave I bumped into someone's chest , that someone being Rider.

"Well look at this curious little rat we have here" He said then smirked .

"R-rider?" I said , shocked.

"Yes, sweetheart? " he answered , amused by my nervousness. I on the other hand shuddered from the nickname coming out of his mouth.

Just my luck, my dad decided to open the door right then . His face turned furious as he stared at me with disgust before ushering the other man out.

"What's going on here?" my dad asked.

"Oh nothing, I just found your beautiful daughter eavesdropping on your conversation " He said casually.

"You bitch" He slapped me " should've had a dog instead of your useless ass".

"I wish you did , at least it would have spared me from having you as asshole as my father " I don't know what got in me to say that .

Rider let out a laugh while my father was fuming. He grabbed my hair and brought my face closer to his " Just wait and see what will happen to you " He threatened before dragging me by my hair to the basement.

He threw me in as I tumbled down the stairs before saying "Let me deal with this king's issue first then I'll teach you how to talk back to your father" .

He closed the door and locked as I was left in the dark basement clutching my body in pain . There was no light , no blanket , no mattress , nothing but rats and insects .

Then I remembered his conversation with Harry and how they're going to kidnap Sophia . I gotta do something quickly.

I gotta alert the Kings . I have to alert Mason...

—— - ♦ - ——

(A/N): Surprise! Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Tell me your thoughts, theories and ideas for the next chapter.

Also I made an instagram account just for Wattpad : @alya_priv29, so go follow me there if you want ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

💐 sending you all of my love 💐

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