✔️|| 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 • 𝐊�...

By -retroclark

80.3K 2K 853

𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑰𝑬𝐒, 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍. ☆༄ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇, Astrid Mikaelson - wife of Niklaus M... More

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1.1K 35 2
By -retroclark


AURORA IS DRIVING A BLACK TOWN CAR, and she has just pulled into the small parking lot behind St. Anne's Church. Once she's parked, she gets out of the vehicle and walks around until she reaches the trunk, which she opens to find Davina just as she left her the previous night— seemingly unconscious with a blood-crusted bite wound on her neck.

Aurora smiles at the sight of her, she was a devious woman and well, she was jealous. All she had to do was make sure the cuffs stand on Davina, if they didn't, it was bye bye Aurora.

"Aw, poor dear! Still sleeping. Well, you have a big day ahead of you. We should get started." Aurora smiles even wider and bends over to pick Davina up out of the trunk.

However, before she can even begin to lift her up, Davina reveals that she has been awake all along by quickly opening her eyes and grabbing the crowbar laying next to her before whacking Aurora upside the face with it. Aurora shouts in pain as Davina takes advantage of her distraction and tries to run away.

"Ahh!" Aurora yelled as Davina runs as fast as she can in the opposite direction of Aurora, but the ancient vampire catches up to her easily and blocks her way, glaring at her in annoyance as she does so.

"That was not nice." Aurora told her as Davina's eyes widen, and she appears to be so scared that she simply freezes in place. "Okay, you and I need to have a little heart-to-heart conversation. Come along." Aurora grabs her by the arm and drags her into the back entrance to the church.

Once inside, they find at least a half-dozen men working out in Marcel's fight gym. One is lifting weights at the bench press while another man spots him, and two other men are sparring inside the cage. Davina looks terrified as Aurora continues to drag her toward the equipment.

"What—what are we doing here?" Davina asked as Aurora grinned at her before answering cheerfully. Annoy Davina even more.

"I heard a rumor these men train here, hoping to be made into vampires." Aurora tells her. "So, I'm going to grant them their wish." Aurora shoves Davina forward, and Davina quickly turns to face her with a pleading expression.

"Wait. Please. I — Kol and I aren't even together!" Davina pleaded as she had heard Aurora listening to the voicemail Kol had left her. "I know who you are, and if you have a problem with me, fine. Just let them go." Davina pleaded again, but it wasn't for her life it was for theirs, Aurora looks at her in surprise.

"Huh. I had assumed you plead for your life." Aurora says as she looks at Davina for a brief moment before continuing on. "No matter. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aurora de Martel." Aurora fake-curtsies in front of Davina, who looks confused and scared.

"Long-lost love of Kol Mikaelson. He and I are having just a little bit of a spat at the moment, as he took my brother captive. Now, it's come to my attention that you are... quite precious to him. Very precious, as he loves you." Aurora laughs bitterly and takes a good look at Davina's appearance before referencing a conversation she had with Kol in the flashbacks.

"So, I'm taking you. And these "lovely, delicious, delightful" specimens are going to provide incentive!" Aurora looks over at the men sparring in the ring before turning back to Davina. "Once they're in transition, they'll need to feed." Aurora tells her as she circles around Davina and brushes her hair off of her shoulders to reveal her neck.

"And since you will be the only human blood available... Well, Kol better give me what I want," Aurora then grabs Davina by the hair and shoves her so hard she collapses onto the ground. She then raises her voice to call out to all of the men working out in the gym. "Gentlemen! Come down! Quick, quick. Off you pop!" Aurora claps her hands for emphasis, and the men reluctantly gather around her, though it's clear they're wary of what she wants.

"Thank you!" Aurora exclaimed as Davina starts to pull herself into a seated position and watches as Aurora turns to the two shirtless men at the bench press, who stand to join the others. "Hello! You, too! Congratulations. You have all been selected to receive the highest honor bestowed upon your pitiful species." Davina looks at Aurora in horror, before she turned to the men and looked at them pleadingly.

"Don't do this!" Davina begged as she turned to Aurora, who looks around at the men for a moment until she finally stops at a blond man standing near her.

Aurora bites her lips in excitement as she vamp-speeds over to him, bites into her wrist, and feeds him her blood. As soon as she's sure he's ingested enough, she snaps his neck without any warning, causing Davina to flinch before Aurora drops his body onto the ground. Aurora then looks at the other men with blood staining her lips and teeth.


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TRISTAN IS TIED TO A CHAIR, that was placed in the kitchen, as Astrid looked around the cabinets. Tristan sighed as he opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by Freya and Elijah entering the kitchen.

"Hayley Marshall is in the living room, and she's asking to see you?" Elijah told Astrid making her nod and smile before she walked over to Tristan and pushed his rolling chair towards the living room as Freya laughed.

Astrid had been torturing the man, Klaus had even given Astrid some short shorts so she could tease Tristan. Klaus and Astrid had been doing all they could to make Tristan uncomfortable and frustrated.

Astrid walked into the living room to see Hayley standing there awkwardly, Astrid smiled and left Tristan by the couch. Walking in front of him and purposely swaying her hips, just to tease him on what he couldn't have.

"Hayley!" Astrid exclaimed, catching Hayley's attention, Hayley's eyes widen once she noticed Tristan. "I would like to say it's good to see you but last I saw you, well you were a threat to my daughters life." Astrid said making Tristan eyes widen, Hayley had done what?

"I know and I apologize. I am deeply sorry, Astrid. I never meant to put you or your daughter's life at risk. Tyler was threatening me with the safety of my pack and I know that is no excuse, and I know you will not forgive me..." Hayley was cut off by Astrid, who smiled at her, before turning to Tristan.

"Actually...I will only forgive you if you find Davina Claire." Astrid said quietly but Hayley heard her. "She's missing and im pretty sure Tristan's sister, Aurora, has her. So, you find Davina, and your pack is welcome in the quarter." Astrid tells her as she turns to Hayley, who immediately nodded.

"Of course. Anything." Hayley tells her making Astrid smile, a thankful smile. "Just give me a description of Aurora and I'll get you Davina." Hayley tells her making Astrid nod.

Astrid gave Hayley a description of Aurora and then sent her on her way. Astrid soon turned to Tristan and smirked before she pushed him back towards the kitchen.

Astrid put Tristan back in the spot he was before, she then moved back in her spot and pulled out a bowl and some ingredients for cake mix, which confused Tristan.

"I thought you couldn't cook?" Tristan tells her making Astrid shrug as she started to make cake mix.

"It isn't cooking, it's baking, and I can't. But I want to learn and when I'm done, you'll try it! Right?" Astrid asked as she fluttered her eyelashes at him innocently, making it hard for Tristan to resist her.

"Whatever you want." Tristan tells her making Astrid smile at him before she went back to mixing, and trying to follow Elijah's recipe.

Tristan watched for a whole thirty minutes as Astrid tried to figure out what to do with the batter, he tried telling her what she had to do, but she just threw an egg at him.

Klaus walked into the kitchen to see Astrid bending over the counter in front of Tristan, and Tristan looking away as he was being respectful. Niklaus smirked and walked behind Astrid, his hands on her hips, before they reached up and grabbed her breasts.

"Don't be dirty, Niklaus. I'm trying to bake a cake for Katerina!" Astrid muttered but she didn't push his hands away, which made Tristan red in the face.

"I can't help myself, you're just delicious." Klaus muttered as he started to press wet kisses to her neck making her giggle and turn to wrap her arms around his neck.

Astrid leaned up and kissed him making Klaus smile and pick her up to wrap her legs around his waist. He then set her on the counter and made her moan when he bite her throat.

Tristan groaned and threw his head back, this had not been the first time they did this, they had done it the library, but they never went far. It was just to make him uncomfortable.

"See, Tristan. Astrid...is mine...and only...mine." Klaus said in between kisses before he ripped Astrid's shirt off, making her gasp, as Tristan glared at him.

"Niklaus! That was a very beautiful shirt." Astrid exclaimed as the only thing covering her chest was her lacy red bra, making Klaus smirk.

"It was my shirt." Klaus told her making Astrid giggle before she ripped his shirt down in the middle, her face turning lustful.

"Fuck me." Astrid told him making Klaus smirk before he grabbed Astrid and sped them out of the kitchen and towards their bed.

Tristan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Freya and Katherine walked into the kitchen, laughing, before they grabbed Tristan and took him to the study.

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ASTRID DANCED AROUND THEIR BEDROOM, in nothing but one of Klaus's button ups, as he watched her from his spot on the bed. Cami had taken the kids out to get some ice cream, she was basically their babysitter, of course she got payed!

Astrid swayed her hips as she walked towards the bed, pressing her knees to the bed before she crawled towards Klaus, who watched her intently.

"What are you up to, love?" Klaus asked with a smile as Astrid giggle and straddled him. "You, my beautiful Queen, are one of kind." Klaus tells her before he presses his lips to hers making her bite his bottoms lip before letting it go.

"Love me forever." Astrid told him making him chuckle, of course he would, he would love her till his time came.

"I will love you til the end of time." Klaus tells her making Astrid smile. "I promise you, Astrid, i won't ever stop loving you." Klaus told her as she linked their fingers and hand.

"And I won't ever stop loving you, Niklaus." Astrid tells him making Klaus smile, he loved it when she said his name, and vice versa.

"I'm yours." Klaus muttered making Astrid smirk, of course he was hers, just as she was his. "I'm forever yours, always." Klaus tells her making Astrid nod.

"I'm forever yours, always." Astrid repeated before she yelped in surprise, when Klaus flipped them over so he would hover above her.

"Hear that Tristan?" Klaus spoke to the air, knowing Tristan would hear him. "She's mine." Klaus said before he kissed Astrid passionately.

Astrid loved it when Klaus was possessive, he knew when to cross the line and when to not when it came to her, he kept her sane. Astrid was entirely and completely Klaus's, and it would never change. Just as Klaus was completely and entirely hers, and nothing would make it change.

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HAYLEY HAD BEEN CALLED BACK TO THE COMPOUND, Astrid wanted her here instead out looking for Davina. Aurora was crazy and Astrid couldn't risk Hayley's life, even if the hybrid didn't like her very much.

Now, Astrid watched as Hayley had just finished giving Tristan at least a half dozen hybrid bites over his neck and arms as he screams in pain.

Hayley wipes the blood from her mouth and backs away from him, groaning in annoyance, as Astrid smirked, hayley was good.

"Don't be such a baby, or I'll give you something to really cry about." Hayley tells him as Tristan continues to pant for breath as he replies,

"You mistake me, milady. I cry out only in grief. I was so struck by your beauty when I saw you enter. And now, after this affront to my person, I'll be forced to pluck those lovely almond eyes from your perfectly shaped skull." Hayley rolls her eyes at him just as Klaus, looking amused, walks into the room to join them.

"My goodness, I could watch this forever..." Niklaus says as he walks over to Tristan and puts his hand on his brothers progeny's forehead, yanking his head backward painfully. "...If only my sister wasn't trapped in the bottom of the ocean." Klaus lets go of him before he continues to speak. "Let me ask you again, Tristan— the coordinates, please." Klaus tells him as Tristan groans in pain.

"Mmm. If I tell you, you'll just kill me." Tristan tells him making Astrid and Klaus chuckle, as he was right.

"The truth is Tristan, Nik will kill you either way." Astrid said as Tristan glanced at her, she now stood besides Hayley.

"I think I'll hold off on any confessions. At least until The Strix arrive to free me and burn your home to the ground..." Tristan tells her making her and Klaus look amused.

"Burn my beautiful compound to the ground, even after I gave you an egg?" Astrid asked with an innocent fake pout making Tristan glare at her.

"You threw an egg at me!" Tristan corrected. "Then you practically screw your husband in front of me, twice!" Tristan exclaimed in anger and jealousy

Klaus smirks as he did an innocent look at Astrid, who gaped at Tristans words, before she laughed out loud.

"I don't apologize for our behavior. But I know it's hard when I tease you because you get so hard." Astrid smiled innocently before she turned and walked away swaying her hips on purpose.

"Now, that is my wife, and I am about to go make love to her once more. Maybe a couple of more times." Klaus whispered to Tristan before he looked at Hayley, who was smiling softly.

"I think the pompous dick could use a little more persuasion." Klaus tells her before he leaves the room to go make love to his wife and to allow Hayley to take her frustrations out on him once again,

When Klaus's gone, she walks over to him with her arms crossed over her chest and glares at him. She had been frustrated, and doing the Mikaelsons dirty work so her pack could be allowed in the quarter? Well she saw that as a win.

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FREYA WAS OUT IN THE BAYOU WITH HOPE AND SAMUEL, after Cami had arrived, Freya wanted to take the kids to visit their grandfather, Ansel, Klaus amd Astrid agreed. Freya is holding her talisman pendant in her hand and staring out the window of Hayley's cabin, when suddenly, Mary Dumas enters the room behind her. Freya turns and looks at her suspiciously as Mary takes off her jacket.

"You must be the sister. Freya?" Mary says making Freya frown, and look at her warily.

"And who are you?" Freya asked making Mary sigh and nod at the little girl playing with Samuel.

"Name's Mary. I'm a Crescent. Closest thing Hayley's daughter has to a great-grandmother." Mary tells her making Freya nod, she was also watching Hayley's daughter, Anna, as Hayley was a bit busy at the compound.

"Where's Hayley?" Mary asked making Freya look back at the kids, and answer Mary.

"She's across town helping with a... family matter." Freya tells her making Mary roll her eyes at this news. Of course.

"Was that Astrid's idea?" Mary asked making Freya sigh and give Mary a look. Already not liking the woman.

A moment later in the Mikaelson Compound, Hayley has stepped out into the hallway after Freya has called her to verify what Mary has told her.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's a little rough around the edges, but she's family. Don't worry. I'll be there soon." Hayley tells her before she hangs up and sighs.

Elijah appears behind her, looking concerned, Klaus and Astrid had told him about how Hayley was helping them.

"Is everything okay?" Elijah asked her making Hayley sigh and shake her head, she didn't know the guy very well.

"Just fun with the in-laws. Jackson's grandmother just showed up. Which is very strange, considering that he's out sulking in another part of the bayou. Not that I can really blame him, considering I didn't try to stop him, or run after him..." Hayley rambled as Elijah frowns, not liking that Hayley's life has been made difficult by their current drama. "...Mainly because Astrid called and I came running." Hayley says, and she has no problem helping Astrid, she wanted to do it.

Though Elijah does seem mildly touched that Hayley would do that for them, he gives her a sympathetic look.

"You've done more than enough. Go to your family, please." Hayley and Elijah share a long look before Hayley smiles weakly and turns to leave.

"I, uh, tell Astrid and Klaus thanks, I really needed the workout." Hayley tells him before she walks out of the compound, and started to make her way towards the bayou.

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ASTRID AND KLAUS WERE IN THEIR BEDROOM, when they heard commotion downstairs, it was Elijah and Marcel fighting, they immediately rushed out of their room only to find Katherine and Stefan also going downstairs.

"That's the thing, Elijah..." Marcel says as he reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out the enchanted stake he was given by Aya.

"See, I betrayed you before I even got here." Marcel tells him making Klaus and Astrid frown, what?

They all turn around at the sound of footsteps to see a dozen suit-clad male members of The Strix flooding into the room from every entrance. Elijah turns back to Marcel and gives him a cold look, as Klaus looked at Marcel in betrayal.

"Katherine..." Klaus trailed off, Katherine immediately nodded before she ran back upstairs and towards Samuel and Hope.

"Marcellus, what did you do?" Astrid asked tears filled her eyes, making Marcel turn to her and sigh.

"Mom..." Marcel trailed off but he was cut off when Klaus sped over to him and punched him in the face.

Stefan and Astrid were grabbed by Strix's members but they fought them off and kept them away from the stairs. They couldn't let them go upstairs, especially with Katherine and the kids up there.

Klaus shoves Marcel backward so hard that he hits one of the weight-bearing stone columns and chips off a large piece of rock from it. Marcel falls to the floor, allowing Klaus to turn and start fighting one of the other Strix members.

Elijah fought against the members of Strix, as he looked around for Katherine before he heard her upstairs trying to calm down a crying Hope.

Klaus is still in the middle of fighting two of The Strix's members. He rips the heart out of one of them and drops it unceremoniously onto the floor before spinning and karate-chopping the neck of the other so hard that he's decapitated, causing a splatter of blood to spray against the portrait of Elijah hanging on the wall.

Astrid bit into one of the vampires neck before she ripped off another's head off. She was thrown away from the stairs and a vampire rushed upstairs without them noticing.

At an apartment complex next door, both Hayley and Mary have realized an attack is happening at the compound, and they both look out the balcony of the apartment toward the compound's balcony in hopes of seeing something.

"There's something going on over there." Hayley muttered as she moves to leave, but Mary immediately tries to stop her.

"Hayley, no! Whatever trouble that is, it ain't yours." Mary tells her but Hayley gives her a look before vamp-speeding toward the balcony so quickly that Mary flinches in surprise.

Hayley then launches herself from her balcony to the one at the compound in a single bound, landing in a crouched defensive position on the floor of Klaus's and Astrid's bedroom.

Only to come face to face with Katherine fighting against a vampire, Hope cries as Samuel tried to calm her, his own tears falling. Hayley rips out the vampires heart as Katherine breathed heavily.

"Go." Katherine tells her, making Hayley nod and immediately rush downstairs. "Sammy, I need you to run into the bathroom and lock the door. Now!" Katherine exclaimed making Samuel nod as he picked up his one year old sister and rushed towards the bathroom, locking the door behind them.

Katherine stands watch by the door, focusing on the grunts downstairs and if she heard any steps coming towards them.

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MEANWHILE, the fight is still going on in the living room, where they are all fighting several other Strix members. Klaus has just punched one in the face before twisting his arm so hard that it snaps, but is too distracted to see another Strix member grab him in a headlock from behind.

Fortunately, Astrid instantly vamp-speeds toward the man and snaps his neck, allowing Klaus to do the same to the other vampire. The two glanced at each other and they're about to relax when Marcel comes up behind Elijah and stabs him through the heart from behind with what looks like the stake he was given.

Hayley and Stefan fight together as they came to stop only to see a desiccated Klaus on the floor, they glanced at each other confused, how did that happen?

"Niklaus!" Astrid yelled as Marcel drops Klaus to the ground, and his skin starts to turn gray and desiccated as Astrid glares at Marcel in confusion and betrayal.

Just then, two other members of The Strix start to surround her, cornering her while Marcel watches from behind them. Not doing anything and that hurt Astrid even more.

Marcel watches with a frown as one of the vampires grabs Astrid in a choke-hold and pins her against one of the stone columns. Astrid struggles against his hold for a moment before reaching out with her right hand and snapping his neck.

When the other vampire attacks her, she kicks him in the gut, only for yet another vampire to speed toward her. Each vampire takes one of Astrid arms and pins them to the column so she can't fight back.

The older-looking vampire starts to choke Astrid, but before they can kill her, they both collapse onto the floor, revealing that Marcel has ripped out their hearts through their backs.

As Astrid coughs and tries to catch her breath, Marcel gives her a significant look and holds up the hearts before dropping them onto the ground.

Astrid is clearly confused as to what game Marcel is playing, but before she can recover and decide what to do with him, Marcel vamp-speeds away.

Astrid continues to cough and massage her throat as she looks down at Klaus's incapacitated body on the floor. Astrid looked up when Elijah and Stefan helped her up from the floor.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Aya has just broken the magic circle and has gently helped Tristan up, wrapping his arm around her shoulders so she can support him. Tristan stops and looks down at Freya as she gasps for breath and bleeds out on the ground.

"Oh, Freya. Things might have been different. Alas, you chose poorly." Just then, Marcel vamp-speeds into the room with a worried expression and looks at Aya.

"Hey, you need to get him out of here." Marcel tells her as Aya, annoyed, gives him the side-eye.

"Are you giving me an order?" Aya asked as Marcel gestures toward Tristan and scoffs in frustration.

"Look, he's too weak to fight, and they are all down, so go now!" Marcel tells them as Aya looks over at Tristan, who nods in agreement with Marcel's assessment.

She nods in understanding before taking Tristan's hand and vamp-speeding him away. Once they're gone, Marcel looks down at Freya and walks toward her, taking note of her bleeding stab wound and what sounds like a punctured lung.

He pulls out the stake Aya gave him from his pocket, revealing that he didn't actually use it on Klaus, before walking toward Freya, who looks as though she thinks he's going to finish her off. Instead, he lays the stake on the nearby table and kneels next to her, rolling up his jacket sleeves.

"My father's gonna wake up mad at me." He gently lifts up Freya's head and bites his wrist before feeding her his blood. "When he does, be sure to remind him that I am sorry, I'll be back." Marcel tells her as Freya, shocked by this turn of events, whimpers as she drinks his blood to heal from her wounds.

"The kids?" Freya asked as she breathed heavily, making Marcel frown. The kids, he didn't even think about them.

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ELIJAH PULLED OUT THE DIAMOND DAGGER FROM KLAUS, they all looked up when Katherine walked down the stairs with Hope in her arms and Samuel by her side. Astrid rushed towards her kids and got Hope from Katherine before hugging her and Samuel tightly.

Freya walked down the stairs to see Klaus desiccated and a the dagger in Elijah's hand.

"This stake was imbued with dark magic." Freya tells them as Astrid looked at Freya. "It's strong enough to take down an Original." Freya tells them making Elijah, who has been pacing around the destruction, look down at the dead Strix members.

"So apparently The Strix has no shortage of weapons." Elijah said making Hayley sigh as she recalled on how Marcel saved Astrid.

"Well, at least they don't have Marcel..." Hayley tried making Katherine scoff and pace along with Elijah.

"I'm not so sure about that." Katherine said bitterly making Freya, who seems to disagree, look her in the eyes.

"Look, I know he attacked us but— look he apologized about what he had done, he saved me, he save Astrid!" Freya to her before she looked around and gestures toward the stake in her hands. "He could have used this thing on Klaus, and he didn't." Freya told them as Elijah doesn't seem convinced.

Klaus gasped making Samuel and Astrid rush towards him as he sat up, angry. He immediately stands and pulls Astrid in for a hug with Samuel and Hope in between them.

"Where's Marcel?" Klaus asked as he pulled away from his wife and kids.

"It's not his fault, Nik." Astrid tells him making Klaus frown in confusions then who's fault is it?

"Do I need to remind you that because of your beloved hero, Tristan is free, Rebekah is lost..." Elijah told Astrid before he is suddenly distracted by the sight of the blood splatter over his portrait on the far wall.

This triggers a flashback to the visions he received from Alexis. First is a flash of the portrait of Elijah that has been splattered by a fount of blood, just like what happened in the fight less than an hour ago, followed by a glimpse of a grimoire that is open to a page with a complex-looking spell written on it and illustrated with pentacles.

He then sees the part of the vision that includes a very strong-looking, unidentifiable man who snarls, revealing wickedly-pointed fangs that are longer than any other vampire seen on either series. In the present day, Elijah looks concerned as he stares at his portrait.

"This prophecy threatens to devour us still." Elijah says as he points as the portrait making them all turn and frown, he was right.

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KOL WALKED ONTO THE COMPOUND, with a sleeping Davina in his arms, he had healed her and saved her from Aurora. Kol walked up the stairs and towards his room, placing Davin gently on his bed before covering her up with the blanket.

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KLAUS HELD ONTO ASTRID TIGHTLY, afraid to let go, she had her head laying on his chest with her leg thrown over him. They had been over thrown and attacked, it was a moment that they feared for Hope and Samuels lives, something they had only experienced once with Hope. They never wanted to go through that again, but they never knew what was coming for them. Something was always coming.

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ELIJAH SMILES IN SATISFACTION BEFORE PUTTING HIS PHONE AWAY, Marcel had just told him about some insider information. Elijah then walks over to the nearby armchair where an angry and miserable-looking Kol is sitting and waves the file in his face. Elijah quickly skims the contents of the file while he explains to Kol what he's learned.

"The Strix have numerous corporate assets, including private airlines. One of them specializes in cargo jets. Now, according to Marcel, a vessel they favor the most has the codename 'Cepheus.'" Elijah told his younger brother as Kol looks intrigued as Elijah hands him the file and shows him the part he's referencing. "Records show this flight here left Marrakesh to Miami the very night our sister was taken. Now that we have the course, all we need to do is match the path..." Elijah told him and Kol seems cheered up by this news and finishes Elijah's sentence for him as he sets the file onto the coffee table.

"With the latitude I plucked from Aurora." Kol says making Elijah grin and nod.

"'X' marks the spot. The very moment we have our sister once again, Tristan and Aurora no longer have any leverage whatsoever, and we are free to deal with them however we choose." Elijah stops pacing around and turns to Kol with a bright smile on his face. "I recommend something delightfully gruesome." Elijah told him as Kol smiles weakly and stands to his feet, stopping in front of Elijah before he heads into the other room.

"Just make sure you leave Aurora to me." Kol said harshly, as he wanted Aurora to pay for putting Davina in danger, Elijah's smile falls slightly, but he nods once in understanding. Once he's sure he's understood, Kol walks past him and into the hallway.

Elijah soon made his way upstairs and towards Katherine, who was in the bath, silently crying. Elijah walked into the bathroom to find his girlfriend crying making him frown and rush towards the bath.

"Katerina?" Elijah said in confusion as he kneeled besides the bath, making her let out a sob.

"They were in danger, Elijah. If Hayley hadn't gotten there in time, I would've been dead, Samuel and Hope could've gotten hurt!" Katherine cried as she buried her face in her hands, she would've been dead and yet, she didn't everything to protect the kids. "I would've given my life to protect them." Katherine whispered making Elijah frown but nodded understanding, he would give his life too for Hope and Samuel.

"They're okay. You're okay. That's all that matters." Elijah told her before he pressed a kiss to her temple.

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DAVINA OPENED HER EYES ONLY TO BE MEET WITH DARKNESS, she sat up to see Kol staring into the fireplace with a drink in his hand, he looked like he was in his thoughts. She slowly walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I love you too." Davina told him making Kol smile softly before he turned around and brought her in for a kiss.

Davina returned the kiss, she didn't care about what he had done with Aurora, all she knew was that she was in love with him and that she almost died without telling him how much she loved him.

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IN THE ATTIC OF ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL, Freya is just finishing setting up for a spell by lighting the dozens of white candles that surround her around the room. She picks up the tallest candle from the far table and brings it over to the one she uses for spells, where she sets it in the middle of the tabletop.

When she finished chanting she smiled softly, Samuel and Hope were just put under a protection spell as Klaus and Astrid asked.

Just then, Finn, in his original body, appears behind Freya. She senses his presence and immediately turns on her heel to face him. He smirks at her as the two of them take in the other's appearance.

"Sister." Finn said with a smile making Freya gasp as she didn't believe her eyes, what the hell?

"Finn. My brother." Freya muttered before she wrapped her arms around him, and he returned the hug with a chuckle.

"How...?" Freya asked as she pulled away making Finn smile at her before he looked around the attic.

"A witch called Davina. She actually brought be back a few days ago, but I've been looking around the city." Finn tells her making Freya nod before she made a mental note to thank Davina when she got home.

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ASTRID LAID SAMUEL ON HER BED, she had gotten up and went to grab him, she didn't care if he was sleeping, she wanted him to be close to her and Klaus. Klaus walked into the room from Hope's nursery, with a sleeping Hope in his arms.

The married couple soon laid down with Samuel and Hope in the middle of them, they couldn't sleep, so they went to grab their kids. They soon relaxed knowing their kids were save between them, and that no harm would come to them.

Astrid and Klaus soon let the calmness wash over them and they whispered a small 'I love you' before they sleep enter their system. They fell asleep, as it had been a tiring day, they just needed a bit of rest.

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What? Finn is back! Thanks to our favorite witch, Davina!

Also, third update of the night, so enjoy!

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