Falling for you | FNF | Carol...

By fandomwriter175

5K 91 63

Join Whitty as he describes his adventure of mystery, drama, heartbreak to get to his one true love. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Authors Note
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

369 9 10
By fandomwriter175

*Ring Ring... Ring Ring...*

Whitty groaned as he heard a buzzing in his ears. As soon as his hearing tuned in, the annoying sound identified itself as his cell phone. He groggily opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. It was too early for this crap. He stretched a little bit and looked around at his messy bedroom. His bedroom was small due to him just living in a 1 bed 1 bathroom apartment. He didn't have anything significant in his room, except the standing out 9-foot long bed. It barely fit in the room, the bed was almost touching both sides of the walls and he had to step over the bed (proceeding to always forget about the ceiling and hitting his head) just to get on the other side of the room. But he did have room to put furniture in the room because even if it was a long bed, it wasn't a wide bed. Whitty wiped his eyes and looked over to his phone ringing on the nightstand. He turned on his phone and was almost blinded by his phone's brightness. As his eyes adjusted, he saw the time was startingly at 6 am. He groaned and looked at who was called him, it was Sunday.
"Of... course." He sighed to himself. But he answered anyway.
He held the phone and responded with a skeptical "Hello?"
Without warning, Sunday started screaming/singing (He could not tell),
Whitty just stared, simply stared into space with disappointment. He rubbed his hand on his head and let out a heavy sigh.
"What... was that? It is 6 am Sunday. What was that?" Whitty had a very distinctive morning voice and it was deeper than his normal voice. Sunday nervously laughed.
"Well Whitty, you are now my friend so now you're gonna be a part of the Sunday Sunday Tradition!"
"Creative name. Now, what is the Sunday Sunday Tradition?" Whitty wasn't surprised at this point.
"Well, every Sunday, the only day of the week that I am willing to get up for, I call all my friends and sing the Sunday Sunday song! Which is the GLORIOUS song you just heard, made by mwah."
"...So this is happening every Sunday?" "Yep!"
"...Sunday. I will not even hesitate for a millisecond to block you if you do this hellish tradition to me. Every. Single. Sunday."
"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Who screwed you over last night?"
Whitty suddenly remembered the incident last night, the evidence of Updike's return, the passing out, the dream.
...Carol. Whitty took a deep breath as he soon felt his heart pounding with anxiety at the events that occurred last night. He didn't want to remember that. But he knew he had to face the facts eventually.
"I-It's fine, I just had a rough night last night. Anyway, I.. might need to talk to you."
"Sure, what uppp." Sunday sounded as though they were laying back on the couch, which they were. Whitty sighed, he decided not to tell Carol or Sunday about the dream. And he knew that even if he was an idiot, Hex wouldn't tell either. But he did need advice.
"So... I was thinking that maybe... I could..." He felt his heart pounding in his chest from anxiety, he'd never done this before. "Maybe what?" Sunday asked curiously, with a little hint of smugness that she already knew what he was going to ask.
"I could ask Carol.. to eat?" He heard nothing on the other end of the line. On the other side of the phone, Sunday had put down her phone, pumped her fist in the air, and was currently silently screaming.
"...Sunday? You there?" After a few seconds, he heard them again.
"Yep, anyway, lemme guess, you need advice from me, Sunday." They said with a hint of cockiness.
"I'm asking the one person I know who's close to Carol. Anyway, but I've never asked someone to eat before so I don't know how to go about it."
"Well Whitty, come over later and we'll do some training. And then you'll get your date with Carol!"
Whitty's face turned red and he rolled his eyes, "It's not a date, I just wanna eat and talk with her without you and Hex butting in."
"Aw you've wounded me good sir, but I'll help you anyway. Cause I'm awesome like that. Meet me at the house at 2-"
"Woah Woah, what about Carol? I don't want an incident like last time. Also, I shouldn't be out this frequently."
"Why?" Sunday sounded genuinely curious and Whitty's blood turned cold.
"It-It's nothing. Anyway, I'll be there I guess. You've already woken me up so there's no point in going back to sleep." He saw the time on his phone, 6:03 in the morning. He usually gets up around 9 but it's fine. Early start to the day.
"Glad I'll be seeing you, buddy. Also, you coming back to the club Wednesday? I perform every week. And with your little show, I don't have to worry about the manager's bitching." Sunday let out a laugh of triumph and Whitty smiled.
"Glad me compromising my safety helped you out. I shouldn't have done that, to be honest, I was so stupid."
((A/N: totally not me hating the first chapter with every cell of my body-))
"Well, you did it and saved my ass, what you gonna do about it?"
"Never go there again because that manager could report me to U-." Whitty shut his mouth as his villain's name almost slipped out. Sunday didn't know about Updike and he didn't want Carol nor Sunday to know, then they would worry about him and Updike could reach them and hurt them. Hurting him was one thing but he wouldn't let Updike touch his new friends with a 10-foot pole.
"Come onnn Whitty! I want you to be there! Plus, if you hadn't gone there, you would've never met me and your soulmate." Sunday whined into the phone.
Whitty rolled his eyes. "One, shut up. Two, I already know all of your songs! What's the point?" Look, Whitty did want to be there, it was his lousy actions of the past and the manager that made him not want to go there.
"It's the fucking manager holding you back Whitty I know it, so how about this! If I get the manager fired, then will you come Wednesday?"
"How in the world are you gonna get that guy fired? He's probably worked there since it was built!" Whitty exclaimed.
Sunday took a deep breath and Whitty could almost hear them smiling on the other side of the line, "I have my ways... So if I get him fired, or make him quit, will you come?" Whitty seriously doubted Sunday's naivety and her over-confidence but either way it didn't matter so he shrugged his shoulders and decided why not.
"Oh well fine, I will only if you can get that manager fired or for him to quit." Whitty had a feeling that she couldn't do it but he learned to always expect the unexpected with Sunday. So he chose to believe in them for now, though he wouldn't be surprised if this was a bluff.
"Great! Well, I'm officially inviting you, Hex, and Carol to my show on Wednesday!" After that statement, Whitty grew curious at the night in question of him meeting them. "Hey... why wasn't Carol there the night that we met?" Sunday fell silent for a second. Whitty listened for their voice in the abyss but it never came.
"Well... Carol and I actually used to sing together at these shows but I decided to go solo. She didn't take it all too well so she's uneasy coming to watch me alone. But! With a friend group, it'll be ok!" Sunday sounded nervous but kept on smiling.
"Well, it's most likely going to only be Carol and Hex watching cause this plan of getting the manager out of his job sounds sketchy."
"Aw come onnnnn Whitty! I, the GREAT Sunday, will definitely get you your foe fired. Or have him quit." Whitty rolled his eyes, he still had doubts this strategy would even work in the first place. But, it couldn't hurt him to let Sunday try and fulfill the goal.
"Alright alright..."
"Welp, see you at two!"
"Hey wait-!" As Whitty tried to communicate his objections, he was cut off by Sunday hanging up. He sighed as he didn't want to do this. It was stupid. But, if Whitty didn't go, he knew that Sunday would not hesitate to come to his apartment. And he did not want that. He looked at his phone again. 6:05 am. He groaned as he wanted more sleep after his little meltdown last night, but he was the type of person to not be able to go back to sleep after waking up. And he was starved. He decided to make some breakfast.

((A/N This segment may be a little disturbing so proceed with caution!!!))


Police tried to make the crime scene as little noticeable as possible even though it was in the middle of a busy highway. It was kind of annoying in its sad way that they had to deal with the angry people trying to get through their daily routines without knowing that a killer was among them. Cars honked as they put up barricades. The coroners already confirmed the victim was dead, but they needed to investigate the crime scene.
Detective Janny Polinda walked up to the scene, "What do we got here?" She asked one of the police officers. She was handed a file of their findings as of the half-hour they'd been there.
"Witnesses say that the body was dropped out of a van in the middle of heavy traffic. The van had no license plate. Descriptions of the van correlate to a maintenance van that was reported stolen two days ago in Ballas."
"The victim?"
"The victim is unidentifiable, crime scene photographers already took pictures of the teeth and sent them to forensic odontologists to see if we can get a match on identity but we'll have to do an autopsy for more accurate results. We're checking missing reports but no luck so far."
"Any leads?"
"The van was already miles away before someone saw the body under their wheels detective. Blood spatter on the road correlates that the victim was released out of the moving vehicle two miles ahead of this very spot. The victim seems to have been kicked around a lot."
"Cause of death?"
"With all due respect ma'am, I think it's obvious that the cause of death was being run over by well over 30 cars at 70 miles per hour." The policeman scoffed but Janny simply rolled her eyes. "Officer, with no due respect, that kind of narrow-mindedness will get you shot." She said bluntly. The officer scowled.

They walked up to the body laying almost neatly in the middle of the three lanes, Janny nealed down and lifted the white cloth off of their Jane Doe. In all her years, barely anything surprises her. But for this, she took a gasp. The body was mutilated, every bone broken and shattered. The victim's neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, she could see bone sticking out of their right arm, their chest was crushed, both legs were broken, and she saw that victim's body was covered in bruises and lacerations. The victim appeared to be wearing a purple T-shirt and blue jeans, their skin was a shade of sea green. They had short white hair with bangs and two broken and bloodied antennas sticking out from under the hair. This was not a human. Though she wasn't sure what type of species, the body looked very young, about 10-11 years old, 4'8, 80 pounds. It's no wonder cars didn't see her. She held her head down and shook it, god what a cruel world. She said nothing and quietly examined what she could. The officer looked over, "Anything?"
The detective remained silent and flipped the body over on their stomach (with gloves of course). But something did catch her eye.
The officer was starting to get impatient, "Detective, we don't have all day and I'm not gonna sit here and watch you watch a body all day."
"Officer, tell me what you see." She ignored his complaining. The young man looked down and looked at the back of the victim.
After a second, he shook his head. "I don't understand detective, there's nothing." Janny rolled her eyes and put her arm around the officer.
"Look, you see on the back of her shirt?"
The policemen peered down once again trying to see what she saw. And then finally he saw it. "Blood."
"Yes, now let's give the big smart policeman a prize." She said monotonously. The guy glared at her and laughed.
"Oh wow! There's blood on a dead body! Who would have ever guessed?!" He said sarcastically, "Detective, don't waste my time with meaningless observations, there's still work to be done on this crime scene and frankly, you're starting to piss me off. I know you're my higher up but if you're going to treat me like I'm below you, then you can kiss my-"
"Stop your whining and look closer. The blood is dried, DRIED. And I bet you there's something here."
"What are you-!?" The officer yelled as Janny swiftly pulled up the victim's shirt. He gasped as he saw what she had been implying. There were 7 stab wounds on the lower back of the victim. He fell silent. "What does this mean?"
"It means that the victim dropping out of the car wasn't the homicide, it was the disposal. And we've might've just let a killer get away."

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