Little Red Riding Hood (Siriu...

By angelraeken

154K 4.9K 12.2K

(y/n) and Sirius Black have been enemies since the day they met at the sorting hat ceremony. No one really kn... More

1 - The start of a new year
2 - The Boggart
3 - The Black dog
4 - Detention with Sirius Black
5 - Potions Partners
6 - Werewolf in the woods
7 - Quidditch
8 - The man in the window
9 - Hogsmeade
10 - Christmas
11 - The apple tree
12 - The Room
13 - The Prank on Snape
14 - Wolfsbane
16 - Bruises
17 - Exam Season
18 - A Lasting Memory
19 - Mine
20 - A walk in the woods
21 - The Marauders
22 - Dancing in the rain
23 - A familair face
24 - Theodore Wing
25 - Returning to Hogwarts
26 - Research
27 - The Hogwarts Games

15 - The Kiss

5.4K 172 329
By angelraeken

The four of you walked with a stride in your steps towards potions. For once you were all on time, a rarity when you were all together. Remus had decided to keep out of potions, he was far too tired and it was probably for the best, especially as Snape was sat only a few inches away and even the sight of that greasy bloke made Remus panic. As long as he was safe that's all you and the boys cared about. What you did forget about was that you now had to endure another hour of Sirius Black by your side to annoy you and after what the two of you had just nearly engaged in you really didn't know what to expect or what he'd say to you. 

Both you and Sirius sat down together, his eyes kept lingering on you. You wanted to yell at him to stop being weird but you weren't sure where those actions would lead you, maybe back to the supply cupboard. Even just thinking about the event made your cheeks flush. The two of you were drunk off one another, each other's scent just engulfing you both. Could the two of you kissed if James didn't find you? Maybe it would have developed into something more. Did you want that? Of course not. He was an asshole. 

"Ah Miss (y/l/n)!" Slughorn strode over to you as you began to pull out your books and quills. "I have something for you." He fished through his pockets and pulled out a letter. "Mr. Black asked me to give you this, he said it really couldn't wait." You knew he meant Regulus, it's not like Sirius would be begging anyone let alone a teacher to give you a letter.

"Thank you, Professor." You smiled, taking the letter in which he was holding out towards you. Sirius was staring at you as if you had killed a family of muggles in front of him, he watched you carefully pry the letter open but you caught onto his glare within seconds. "Do you need something Black?" 

"Just want to know why my brother needs you so urgently." He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Is that any of your concern?" Raising your brows, you turned to face him but you were taken back with how close his face was to yours. 

"Your safety is my concern." He replied.

"Just because I've joined your little gang doesn't mean you need to look after me -" 

"I would have looked after you regardless or not." He snapped back, perhaps a little too forcefully.

"Why?" You replied. "Aww, does Sirius Black suddenly care about me?" 

His expression turned dark, a wicked smile shot across his face. "Oh (y/n) ... love you really think I care about you? If my brother wasn't in the picture I wouldn't even give you a second glance." 

And just like that, the flirty Sirius Black who charmed his way into your head had vanished. He was back to his old spiteful ways. At times you honestly believed it was all for show. That he was just putting on an act and one day he'd reveal it all to you but that seemed more unlikely than anything right now.

"So you glance at me more than once?" You decided to play into his anger and annoy him even further. "I mean how couldn't you? It's not like you're able to see beauty when you look into the mirror." A smirk washed upon your face as you picked up your quill and began to write, hiding the letter Regulus had written you. 

"No you're right, when I look in the mirror I just see perfection." He whispered in your ear which only made you chuckle lightly to yourself. 

"Looking at a photo of your brother doesn't count as looking at your reflection."

"He isn't perfect!" 

"He is to me." 

"Do you fancy my brother?" Sirius looked almost offended at your words. 

"He's handsome, definitely the most handsome Black family member."

"And I thought James was blind." Sirius gave up on the matter, turning his attention to his own work but, he kept a keen gaze on the letter which you were slowly opening. Taking a small glimpse at the letter, you could easily make out what it said.

Dear (y/n), 

I hope this doesn't find you too late but I would like to ask you to come and watch Slytherin's Quidditch practice later tonight. I understand if you are unable to make it due to your and my brother's ridiculous curfew. I'll know your answer by your presence at our training. I hope you stay safe darling. 

Regulus Black

"You're not seriously thinking of going?" Sirius spoke out loud before you could even catch a glimpse of him looking towards you. 

"Why wouldn't I?" You replied. 

"Because it's the Slytherin Quidditch team." 


"And?" Sirius shifted in his seat, his mouth ape with every second that passed by. "And? (y/n) they try and kill you every time you play them in a Quidditch match. You're really going to go there on your own when they tease and bully you?"

"I'll be fine -" 

"What if they try and do something?" 

"I thought you didn't care about me?" Your words hut him deeply. He knew that wasn't true but he had to keep up that lie. After all, who knows how you'd act if you ever found out the truth. "And don't you dare hit back with 'I don't I just care about how Remus feels' because you evidently don't and besides that's no excuse."

"I just don't them trying to take advantage or do anything to you." 

"Well how about this, a proposal," 

"You haven't even taken me to dinner yet," Sirius smirked. 

"Not like that you idiot, a deal of some sort." 

"Like what?"

"Let me go and greet Regulus like everything is normal and then you can send Kaz in to look after me." 

"Well, why can't Kaz come with you when you turn up?" 

"That may draw more attention, besides, taking a dog through a castle might pose to be rather difficult, and not to mention, I don't want anyone on the team to question it." You looked deep into his eyes, reflections of the moon in the sea glowed back into your own eyes as he maintained eye contact. "Do we have a deal?" 

"We do."

"Fantastic." Your tone dripped of sarcasm before turning back to your work whereas Sirius kept his sly yet wicked grin on his face. 

What you didn't know what that you had just signed away even the smallest amount of privacy you wanted with his brother away as now he was able to keep a watch over you. Even so, this way he was also able to control if his brother was able to get within a few meters close to you. His dog form gave him the chance to bark and growl as much as he desired without any consequences being delivered his way. Sure you may have given him a few stern words and perhaps the odd disapproving looks but he could take that. Not only that but it was far easier to sneak out of the castle now rather than a giant black dog roaming the halls.

As Sirius was deep in thought, evidently happy yet you weren't interested in his emotions as you slipped him a note. Taken back by your actions he opened it and found you'd written him a list of ingredients. 

"What's this?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"A list of ingredients." You replied, not bothering to look up from your work.

"Obviously." He straightened up in his stool. "What's it for?" 

"No wonder why you weren't put in Ravenclaw." You muttered but he heard you loud and clear. "It's for the potion. You know the one for Remus." 


"And I need you and the boys to collect the ones which aren't crossed off whilst I go to meet your brother." 

"Why do we need to collect them?" 

"Not sure if you can remember but you lot have some magical map and James has his cloak. You'll need to get some from Slughorn's own personal stash but I'm sure you can all handle it." 

"What about the ones crossed out?"

"Thought that would be self-explanatory but evidently not." You rolled your eyes before continuing. "I have everything that's crossed off. I'll brew the potion after dinner, we'll all go to the girl's bathrooms together. It'll be quiet and we'll only have to deal with a few students walking around. We should be able to brew it without anyone noticing." 

"What about McGonagall?" 

"I've already dealt with her." 

"What've you told her?" 

"That if she needs us we'll be studying in the library and we will be both back by eleven at the latest."

"What if she goes looking for us?" 

"Then we will deal with that if it happens, besides we'll have the map so if we see her getting a little too close then we can always run there." 

"Godric save us both." 

The pair of you decided to talk through the plan throughout the lesson although Sirius had to be careful he didn't trip over his words. The secret of Kaz would have to go to the grave with him, it never mattered how close the two of you would get now that you were in their friendship group, he would always keep that from you. 

The plan was laid out like this - Sirius, James, and Peter would head back to the common room and let Kaz out so he could join you on the Quidditch pitch. Whilst you were there the three of them would go hunting for the ingredients you desired. Once you were done you'd meet them inside the Great Hall for dinner then along with Remus you all would dash through the castle to brew the potion. 

"Can I meet you once their practice has finished?" Sirius asked after the plan had been finalized.

"Why would you want to meet me? I'll be meeting you in the hall after it's over anyway -"

"But you'll be walking in with them."

"And? What's the problem?"

"People might talk, you know a Gryffindor walking in with the entire Slytherin team." 

"Let them talk -" 

"If not me then what about James?" 

"You aren't going to let this go, are you?" At this point you had lifted your head to look at him, his eyes already staring deep at you. 

"Nope." He popped the 'e' at the end, a small smile danced onto his lips and found itself dancing onto yours. 

"Fine." You shook your head, the smile still on your face before looking down. "You can meet me after so we can walk to dinner together. 

"Can I bring James?" 

"Are you incapable of a simple task?" Laughing you looked back up at him. 

"Just some company in case the team gets difficult." 

"I'm sure they'll be fine." 

"You say that as if that team hasn't landed you in the medical wing countless times." 

"You say that as if I haven't landed that team in the medical wing countless times." You hit back, a smirk on your face. "Oh and I forgot, thank you for giving me a heads up in the last game, you saved me from the bludger." 

"You're welcome, love." Your heart jumped every time he called you that but you brushed the feeling off, it was just a silly nickname. "Are you sure you don't want all of us to come with you?" 

"I'll have my wand and Kaz, he's a good dog. I'll be fine." 

"You like Kaz don't you?" He smirked. 

"Who wouldn't? He's a beautiful animal, not to mention he's so sweet. Saved my life from now who I know to be Remus before."

"Oh yeah?" His smirk grew despite him trying to keep it at bay. 

"I've always wanted a dog, Mum did too but we never got one because of my parent's work, plus I wasn't home to take care of it as I'd be here." 

"You Mum seemed like a wonderful woman," Sirius spoke, his words surprised you. 

"She was, my parents were made for one another like Romeo and Juliet -" 


It was normally rather annoying when you referenced something from the Muggle world as most of those who you knew weren't familiar with Muggles. Sirius's face told you that perfectly. "Romeo and Juliet, they're in a muggle story about love. The two of them fall madly in love and then they end up dying together although their deaths could have easily been prevented."

"Sounds interesting." 

"If you're into that sort of stuff, some people find it hard to read as the English is outdated but once you get the hang of it it's rather interesting."

"Maybe one day I'll read it." 

"Maybe one day Black."

The lesson soon ended and you said goodbye to the boys before walking through the grounds and swiftly down to the Quidditch pitch. Sirius had walked off with everyone as far as it took before you could no longer see him. Once you were out of sight he dashed after you but chose another route so you wouldn't get suspicious if you saw him anywhere. Meanwhile, he'd set Peter and James to find everything you'd asked for and you'd meet them both at dinner with Remus to discuss the potion.

As you walked closer to the pitch you could see Regulus holding his broom, waiting for you to turn up. Once his eyes laid on you his face lit up, glowing with happiness and pride. "I thought you weren't coming." He took a few steps closer to you as you inched forward. 

"I wouldn't miss the chance to watch and steal your tactics." You replied, a smug grin on your face as he stood in front of you, his eyes scanning your body before making eye contact. 

"You'll be too focused on me to be watching our tactics." He was cocky, just like his brother which was no surprise. 

"Don't kid yourself, Black." 

"I won't need to when I know I'm right." 

"You're never right." You smirked at him. 

"Oh yeah? I think we both know that's not true." 

"Care to prove me wrong?" 

"Oh, I'd love to -" As Regulus took a step forward a sudden noise pulled him back. Running over to the two of you, barking at the top of his lungs was Kaz, making sure everyone knew that he was here. "What the hell is that?" Regulus didn't seem impressed at the sight of him. 

"Oh," You reached your hand down to pet the dog. You never needed to bend down in order to pet him at all due to how big he was. "This is Kaz." 

"Is he yours?" Regulus asked, holding a hand out but Kaz only narrowed his eyes and sent him a low growl. 

"Yes." You quickly replied, not wanting to call out or draw any attention to James."He's very protective." 

"You can tell." His gaze narrowed. "I didn't know you're allowed dogs at Hogwarts." 

"You aren't exactly."

"Is (y/n) (y/l/n) breaking the rules?" He teased, a glint in his eye. "That's unlike you." 

"Then you must not know me, Regulus Black."

"Evidently not." The glint in his eye now reflected into yours as you both spoke. "So how's dealing with my brother been like?" 

"Hell." You replied, Kaz, whining at your words. 

"That bad huh?" 

"Your brother won't stop twitching in bed." 

"The two of you share a bed?" 

"Unfortunately." Kaz barked at your words, clearly annoyed. "Stop defending him." You frowned at him as the three of you walked to the stands. "The room McGonagall put us in only has one bed and there's nothing like a sofa or anything so the two of us have to share."

"That is unfortunate." 

"Very." You replied.

"Well (y/n)," Regulus spoke as you started to climb the stairs of the stands. "Enjoy the show." He winked before mounting his broom and leaving you and Kaz. 

"C'mon buddy," Kaz followed after you as the pair of you found yourself seats to watch the team. The two of you weren't alone as a few students tended to come and watch teams whilst they studied but thankfully the two of you weren't in close proximity. To the others meaning you could talk and keep out of the way. 

 "Look I know you belong to James and evidently love Sirius but you can cut Regulus a break." The dog huffed but that only made your gaze harden. "I'm serious Kaz, he's my friend too, leave him be, for me at least." The dog slumped its head into your lap, whining as he did so which only brought a smile to your face as you pet him. 

The pair of you spent your time watching them play, Regulus sending you a few winks and smiles throughout the time, Kaz didn't say anything but he had a smug look on his face almost as if to say 'you might be smiling at her but I'm the ones she's cooing and giving attention to'. After a few bludger saves from Regulus after his teammates deliberately hit them towards you, the practice was finally over. 

Both you and Kaz made your way down the stairs to greet Regulus. "You can head back to the common room now buddy," You spoke as you approached the Slytherin boy. "Sirius said he'd meet me so you don't have to worry." With one last pet, the dog gave a little nod and one last dirty glance at Regulus before dashing away to what you believed was the common room but in reality, he wasn't going too far. 

"How did you enjoy practice?" Regulus asked, clearly relieved that the dog was no longer by your side. 

"You know I thought that you were rather slow." Teasing him you smiled as you both started to walk back with the rest of the team. Regulus laughed at your words before speaking. 

"Slow? Oh (y/n), if that's your idea of slow you'd be in for a long night." 

"Oh, would I now?" Regulus was about to reply when he spotted his brother and James awkwardly trying to watch on what was happening as they hid behind one of the pillars by the courtyard. He saw the dark look on his brother's face and decided to take advantage of it. Grabbing your hips he pulled you to face him. Dropping his broom by his side his hand reached up and cupped your face, making you look straight at him. 

"You know (y/n) you're beautiful." 

The moment wasn't like the one you'd had with Sirius only hours prior. When you were put in that place with Sirius you felt as if time had stopped, your heart was beating hard but with Regulus, it wasn't but part of you blamed that on how quickly this event all went down. He didn't wait for you to answer before he put his lips onto yours, moving them fast, pulling you deep into the kiss he'd created. 

Meanwhile, Sirius and James were watching on from afar. 

"Pads relax -" 

"Shut up James." Sirius didn't wait a second before storming over to the pair of you. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right before his own eyes. 

"Pads don't do it!" James called after him. "You'll only look at idiot -" 

But Sirius didn't listen to his best friend. He was pissed and you were about to find out how mad he really was. 

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