When Sparks Fly (in editing)

By clara_michaels

124 2 0

Cassandra Blake has never really fit in. Her mom left when she was young and her dad is rarely ever home. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

3 0 0
By clara_michaels

Okay before I start this, real quick: I don't remember Drew's stepmom's name so it is now Jamie. Wanted to say that in case I called her a different name before -- if I did then please tell me what it was. Also, I kinda forgot about the project Drew and Cassie had to do so now some details about it changed so that whole plot line doesn't just disappear. Okay thanks!



"Are you completely positive this is okay with your stepmom?" I asked Drew for like the tenth time that day. We were standing outside getting my stuff out of my car to bring into his house when I started to second guess again.

"For the final time Cassie, I'm completely, utterly, definitely positive it is okay. Jamie can't wait to really meet you and neither can my dad. Alyssa is ecstatic to have you room with her. So shut up and let's go inside because I'm cold."

"I just don't want to intrude. You didn't have to..."

"Let me stop you right there. You're right, I didn't have to go through all this trouble, which wasn't even that much, for you. I chose to. Everyone deserves a good Christmas, including you. The only thing I would change about this is you telling me before Christmas Eve. And, again for the final time, you aren't intruding."

"Okay. I get it. I'm welcome. Now let's go inside."

"Oh I wonder who had that idea." I shoved Drew aside and walked up to his door, leaving him to jog to reach me. "You know you should really rethink this whole shoving me around. I do have the power to kick you out."

"You couldn't even if you wanted to." I tease. Drew just shakes his head and leads me inside while carrying my bag. "I could've taken that, you know."

"And what? Make me look like a bad friend for letting your grab your heavy bags?" The word friend made my heart drop the slightest bit, but I chose to ignore it.

We finally get inside and I take off my coat and put it on the coat rack. Drew does the same and hauls my bag to the couch.

"Okay. We are the only ones home because my dad and Jamie are out last minute shopping and Alyssa is getting her nails done. Something about Christmas Eve photos. How about you settle in, and I make us some hot chocolate?"

"Works for me." I smile and bring my bag upstairs to Alyssa's room. Upon entering, I thought her room was going to be a total disaster but instead was met with the most organized room I've ever seen.

Her bed was shoved against the corner with tons of fluffy colorful pillows. There was a desk across the room with a bulletin board above it with tons of magazines with clothing on it but scribbles over each clothing piece, not doubt her doing. She had a full length body mirror standing in a separate corner that was next to doors, I assumed to be a closet. The weird part was that it came slightly into the room. I turned around to see another door that was slightly ajar so I could see a bathroom through the space.

I set my bag on the ground next to the desk and opened the closet door. What I saw was definitely shocking. The closet was huge! There was a counter table thing in the middle with a couch-like thing against it like something you found in a shoe store. Three walls were loaded with shelves and spaces for hanging clothes. The wall opposite of the door had cabinet doors with mirrors and most likely held stuff like jewelry. Shoe boxes filled the open shelves while some had drawers.

I exited the closet feeling like I had been in fucking Narnia and chose not to go explore the bathroom. Instead, I walked downstairs and saw Drew taking two hot chocolate mugs out of the microwave. He grabbed a cinnamon jar and put some in both and began to stir.

"Hey." I said, breaking the silence.

He looked up and smiled. "Hope you don't mind cinnamon in your hot chocolate. It is a Casey family thing."

"Never tried it."

"You'll love it." He told me, before finishing up the drink with whip cream and more cinnamon.. "So do you want to watch a movie, tour the house?" He asked when he handed me the cup.

"Depends. Does your whole house look like Alyssa's closet?"

He cringed. "Yeah. She had paid some contractors to make it bigger and look like that. I thought she was crazy when she said she needed more space. Guess I was wrong."

"Little bit."

"I thought you've seen it before."

"No. All the sleepovers we've done have been at my place. You know, the house where no parentals are." I joked.

"Right. Anyway, movie?" I nodded and took a sip of the drink and my eyes went wide. "Told you you'd love it."

I just laughed and sat on the couch. Drew grabbed the remote and sat next to me. His leg brushed against mine, and I tried to ignore the flutter in my chest. He turned on Netflix and began searching for a good Christmas movie.

"That one." I said when he selected 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'.

"Really? Why not Polar Express?"

I gave him a look. "Because that movie of overrated and overplayed."

"And the Grinch isn't? The Polar Express is classic."

"So is the Grinch but the difference is the Grinch doesn't get old like The Polar Express does. It's about a kid who goes on train to get a gift to only lose it and get it back again. The Grinch is about someone who has been treated like an outcast his whole life just because he looks different leading him to fall down the wrong path but is helped by a little girl who sees everyone as an equal."

We stare at each other for a solid minute before we start laughing. "Fine. You win. We'll watch the Grinch." Drew says after he catches his breath.

We both relax into the couch to watch the movie but all I can think about is his thigh against mine. We drink our hot chocolate and when I finish, I put it on the coffee table in front of us. I squirmed in my seat slightly before laying my head on Drew's shoulder, trying to get comfortable. I felt him tense before slinging an arm around my shoulder and pull me closer. We watched the movie in comfort and as I was about the drift asleep, the door swung open and Drew and I sprung apart.

Alyssa walked into the room with a Starbucks in her newly manicured hand and gave us one look before conclusions started spinning in her head. "Were you two making out while everyone was out of the house?"

I blushed a deep red and I saw Drew's ears go pink. "No, Lyss. We were watching a movie." I looked back at the TV to see the credits begin to role in."

"You both look flustered, breathing heavily, and aren't looking at each other. Are you sure it was just Netflix and not Netflix and chill?"

"Alyssa." Drew said in a warning tone.

"Fine I'll stop. Anyway, Cassie where are your things?"

"Your room." I said.

"Awesome. Come on, I'll help get your stuff all in my room. Drew I'll take her now."

Drew shook his head in amusement before grabbing our cups and going to the kitchen. I stood up and followed Alyssa to her room and when we were inside she looked at me.


"You and Drew, that's what. I know you two weren't just watching a movie."

"We were just watching a movie. Nothing happened, I swear."

"Then why did you two look so flustered?"

"We weren't flustered."

"Okay fine, nothing happened. Anyway, let's unpack your bag. I'll give you the details about tonight and tomorrow."

"Right." We began to unzip my bag and take my toiletries out and head to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was nothing shocking like that closet.

"So tonight, we all eat some really good meal that Jamie makes. We all open one present around the tree and the fire thing in the whole is typically going. Then we all watch a movie or play a game. I prefer the movie. Morning, I wake up super fucking early because presents. We will both wake Drew up and go downstairs. Then we look and guess to see what the presents are while watching a TV show or something. Then around 7, Drew gets Jamie and our dad and breakfast happened and then presents again. And I'm assuming Drew told you about Elizabeth and John."

"Yeah he did." We keep talking as we put my stuff away in her closet and bathroom. By the time we finish, I lie on her bed, exhausted.

"How are you tired?"

"Don't judge me."

"Whatever, scooch." I move over so she lies down too. "Why don't you want to tell me what happened during that movie? Are you embarrassed?"

I cringe. "Not exactly."

"Trust issues?"

"I'm not sure how you'll take it. And trust me, it honestly isn't a big deal. It's more about how I felt."

"Just tell me. If it really isn't that bad, then why worry? I mean, if you two got right down and did it on my couch, then yeah I'll be upset."

"Alyssa! We did not have sex!" I yell, hitting her with a pillow. She just laughs.

"Okay, okay. You didn't have sex. Then what did you do?"

"We were just watching a movie and I laid my head on his shoulder. He got tense and then relaxed to put his arm around me. I almost fell asleep, but then you came in."

"So that  was what you couldn't tell me? No kissing, no hot make out, just cuddling? And not even real cuddling?"

"I told you so. Not a big deal."

"You also said I might not like how you felt about it?" 

"I just liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Okay?"

"Girl, I know you like Drew. You told me and Elizabeth at the mall. Why wouldn't I like you liking cuddling with him?"

"Protective twin sister, I don't know. I just, I really like him, and it's slightly embarrassing talking about it with you."

"Exactly how much do you like Drew?"

"Yeah, we're done with this conversation." Alyssa burst out laughing and I slapped her shoulder. "Shut up would you?!"

"Okay okay! But why not tell him?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because he doesn't like me back?"

"Dude, are you dense? The boy seriously likes you!"

"No he doesn't!"

"Then what were you two doing yesterday? I know you guys were hanging out!"

"He asked me to go to his first gig at a coffee shop. Then we got home and the whole Christmas discussion thing happened."

"Wait! Drew got his very first gig at a coffee shop, and out of all the people he could've asked to go with him, he chose you. And you think that is code for just friends?!?!" Alyssa smacked in the head.


"When are you gonna notice that Drew is practically in love with you?"

"He is not in love with me. Drew does not even like me like that. Got it?"

"No, I don't, cause it isn't true."

"Yes it is. Drew doesn't like me. I'm not gonna tell him about my crush on him. And neither are you."

"Just please tell him!"

"Why would I?"

"So I can make John and Liz pay up."

I was about to respond when I took a pause. "You three put a bet on us?"

"Yeah. I bet that you two would realize your feelings for each other and make out tomorrow."

My jaw dropped. "One, that is just stupid. Two, never gonna happen."

"Oh sister. If only that were true."


Crappy ending, I know. Bear with me.

Also, I know I mentioned this up top, but I did forget about the project plot line. It was included so they would be forced to spend time together and then I forgot about it. So instead of the project being due in two months from the time it was mentioned like  I originally put, it is now due after break because I don't want that whole plot line to disappear. The change in the chapter it was mentioned has already been made but still, oops.

Second thing, I already mentioned this earlier as well, sorry about forgetting if the stepmom had  a name. I did look for it but could not find it. If you find it or remember it, please tell me so I can change it. Again: oops.

Third, sorry for getting this out so late. If you couldn't tell, summer is over, school has started. I'm slow, I know. I have four tests this week, one for every four days after Monday. I'm busy so you know, slow updates. I was bored from studying, so I decided to this. Also the book is almost done so it isn't like we are only a few chapters in. Cheers that I'm finally almost done. I swear there are only a few more scenes for like double the chapters but who cares. I do.

Fourth, I redid this chapter. I forgot Cassie already admitted her feelings. Again (third time) oops. No judging!

See you soon!

-Clara :) 

P.S. this was hectic I know and excuse any mistakes. I make them a lot

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