Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of Th...

By sunflower8907

166K 5K 1.1K

******THIS IS A SEQUEL***** James has finally moved on from his horrible past and with the help of his mate A... More

Author's Note
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY
Author's Note


4.5K 142 29
By sunflower8907

The sun beats down on the massive beasts. They're locked in an intense stare down. One wolf chocolate brown and the other midnight black, both panting from exertion. Each opponent vying for the chance to become the second Beta of Red Dawn.

Throughout the entire fight my eyes have been glued to black wolf from my front row seat. He's fast, agile, tactical, and fierce. The way he moves and fights is a thing of beauty. He has improved so much, he is hands down our greatest warrior, maybe even better than me.

They've been going at it for awhile now and it's become obvious to me that the black wolf has the upper hand in this match up but I know he won't go for the quick take down. He's going to prolong the bout to give his opponent dignity and as a show of sportsmanship.

I watch as James rushes Jared but Jared easily dodges not realizing it was a ploy. James having anticipated his evasion spins around as he passes him and pounces on to his back taking him off guard. The sudden weight causes Jared's legs to buckle and to collapse onto the grass. James makes a half hearted attempt to pin, his teeth inches from Jared's neck but Jared breaks free and James rolls off to the side. Jared seemingly upset for falling for the trick charges James without thinking.

James is now on his feet and doesn't move an inch he just watches. The brown wolf launches into the air leading with his claws and teeth and it is now that James moves. He bends low, tenses his muscles and leaps up with such speed he's just blur to me. The next thing I see is the contact of his head to Jared's abdomen like a wrecking ball. The head butt is so powerful blood and saliva spews from his mouth as he flies a few feet back landing with a bounce when he hits the ground.

Jared isn't moving I hear people begin to talk questioning if it's the end of match but then we see movement from Jared. He slowly stands staggering and shaking his head.

James releases a bark and Jared looks over to him. James takes a stance as if about to sprint forward. Jared nods his head in understanding and takes the same stance. The meaning is clear: It's All or Nothing Time.

They race towards each other at maximum speed. When mere feet apart they jump up clashing on their hind legs.

Savage growling fills the air and the atmosphere crackles with energy. The two grapple looking for the upper hand, neither willing to fall back. Jared uses his paws and slashes at James but he dodges over and over again. James attacks on the other hand are connecting with his legs, chest, neck, arms, and face. All superficial wounds strategically placed to weaken him instead of maim. Soon Jared is leaking from multiple wounds and I can tell he is becoming weaker. His breathing is labored and his movements are sluggish. Seeing his chance to win. James repeating smashes his head into Jareds disorienting him. Jared leans back almost tipping over his limbs falling limply to his sides, but James grabs him around the neck with his two front legs.

Instead of of keeping then upright James falls back taking Jared with him. The brown wolf lands on top of him but before Jared gets any ideas to capitalize James uses his hind legs like a catapult and tosses him 30 feet into the air.

Jared comes crashing down a few feet away and hits the ground with a sickening thump giving him no chance to recover James pounces on him covering his body and snarling in his face.

Having very little strength left and realizing he has lost , Jared presents his neck to James and James swoops down and clamps his jaws around his neck.

The crowd erupts in deafening cheers immediately following the submission signaling the finale of the epic showdown. After all intense matches, close calls, KO's, amazing demonstrations of fighting abilities in both forms, and great shows of integrity, we have a victor.

James removes his teeth carefully from Jared's neck and backs away. He looks around at the crowd going crazy chanting his and gives cute wolfy grin tongue hanging out at the side almost appearing shy at the attention. I giggle at his modesty.

Jared now back on his feet trots over to James. They stare each other down for a moment and the crowd grows silent. The two appear to be having a mental conversation. James gives a single nod, straightens his posture and raises his head while Jared leans low and gives him bow of respect.

James then lifts his muzzle and releases a powerful howl into the clear evening sky the sound sending delicious vibrations down my spine and tempting my wolf to respond. The howl flows and reverberates through the pack link establishing his new position. Jared soon straightens and does the same singing into the sky. Every one except myself bows their heads showing loyalty to their new Beta and Gamma.

After the howls die down a celebratory trumpet melody sounds signaling the end of the tournament. Everyone begins to disperse and the two shift back into their human form.

My mouth waters at the sight of James. He's looking extremely sexy in a pair of loose fitting black basketball shorts that hang low on hips, to compliment them he has on a pair of black high top sneakers, a pair of black finger-less gloves, and my favorite part of the ensemble, the absence of a shirt.

I watch as sweat drips down his face onto his flawlessly defined pecs. It trails lower glistening on his abdominal muscles highlighting a six pack and dark trail of hair that leads to more naughtier territory.

The scars of his past that litter his body only adds to his appeal in my opinion. The mate mark I gave him also shows prominently on his shoulder. I find myself wondering if it's still as sensitive as before. Everytime Dallas brushes mine a sliver of repulsion races through me that I have force down. I guess it's fates way of reminding me he is not my true mate.

Besides that snag things are going well with Dallas. He has been showing me his romantic side and taken an active role in my pregnancy getting me anything I need and even doing at home Lamaze classes with me. He has the the labor breathing down better than I do.

Intimately, we've had a few intense make-out session and heavy petting but I'm not ready to take things any further than that. I don't know if James will be affected and I don't want to take any chances of hurting him again.

So lost in my thoughts I don't realize I'm the last one sitting in the bleachers. I look around and see that many have left to go back home, some are hanging about socializing, and a few have gathered around James and Jared congratulating them.

I notice a few guys are starting to disassemble the bleachers opposite of me so I get up to get out of their way and make my way over to James.

As I approach there's lots of back slapping and bro hugs and I overhear their conversation perfectly.

"That was a hell of a match!"Jared exclaims clasping James on the shoulder. He also is clad in only shorts. His body is covered trails of dried blood but all the wounds are closed.

"That it was. You almost had me a few times" James replies humbly.

Jared let's out a bellowing laugh "No I didn't but thanks for being nice. Man, It was like you were reading my mind out there. Every move, even ones I hadn't yet decided to execute, you knew. What the hell is your sectret?"

"It's a technique I learned where you train your eyes to pick up even the slightest of movements."

"And that does what exactly?" Jared asks.

"Well a simple tense up of a muscle can give away which way you're going to move or which limb will strike out. I use it to my advantage and adjust accordingly. I've learned the body gives away many clues to our emotions, lies, and actions."

"You have to teach me that." Jared eyes grow wide in excitement like a little child who just heard Santa down stairs.

"Certainly, in fact I was actually thinking about teaching a class once I mastered it."

A few of the other guys weigh in on the idea with equal enthusiasm and by the time I finally reach the group they're talking about scheduling.

Upon noticing my arrival the group parts and lets me through. I receive the customary head bows and 'Good Evening Alpha's'. I finally reach the pair and turn to Jared.

"Congratulations Jared I can't think of any man better for the job" He blushes at my compliment and gives me a confident smile.

"Thank you Alpha that means alot."

I then turn to James whose eyes are already locked on me. We stare at each other for a moment then I glance around at the group silently asking for privacy. They get the message and scurry away making up random excuse about checking on things until its just James and I. I turn back and James has a secret smile on his face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing its just really sexy how you can command without saying a word."

I scoff.

"Most of it comes with the title. It's more impressive when I see you dictate because that means you've earned their respect and that couldn't have been easy with this stubborn bunch."

"I try not to be too dominating it's not really my thing."

"Oh I can think of one place where its definitely your thing." I quirk an eyebrow alluding to our previous bedroom activities. James looks confused until realization dawns and his eyes start to gleam.

"Yeah well there I had a very inspiring submissive" a wicked smirk playing on his lips.

Watch it Amber you told yourself no more flirting with him. It does nothing but complicate things. Why is it that everytime you get around him you act like you're in heat? Get back to why you came over in the first place.

I clear my throat banishing any hazardous memories.

"Anyway I um just came over to congratulate you. James you were really amazing out there. I'm really proud of you." I finally get out. My breathy voice betraying my previous thoughts.

"Thank you Alpha" James respond professionally. His eyes soften a bit but he never loses that mischievous smile, that is until something over my shoulder catches his attention and all amusement it sucked from his face.

A large hand falls onto my shoulder startling me. I look over to see Dallas who had been absence for the past few hours due to overseeing the matches and doing some behind scenes management.

I glare at his hand an obvious show of his ownership. If there is one thing that irritates me about Dallas it's his unnecessary possessiveness. Which is ironic because it would turn me on when James would go all cave man on me. I guess what really bothers me is that he only does it when James is around like he's trying to start shit with him. It's make it not feel genuine just petty.I feel like a fire hydrant that dogs are peeing on.

"What's going over here?" Dallas in a blase attitude although the hand on my shoulder tightens slightly.

"Nothing just chatting" I shrug his hand off annoyed. Dallas looks over to James eyeing him up and down.

"Congratulations are in order James your fighting was something I've never seen before you...deserve the title as Beta." the words come out strangled like he had to struggle to get them out. Next Dallas does something shocking he extends a hand out to James to shake.

James hesitates looking at it like its a trick but eventually he reaches out to take it giving it a firm shake. Something passes between them and I notice them both visibly relax. I sense that the handshake was more than just compliments. I think they're finally putting aside their grievances. They have little choice being Betas they will be working closely from here on out.

"Thank You Dallas" A high pitched voice breaks through the moment.


We all look over to see a running Renee coming our way. She launches her self at James nearly tackling him. He laughs picking her up and twirling her around once. She giggles gleefully her eyes glued to James. I don't think she even notices Dallas or I.

"You were awesome out there James"

The woman before me is so different than the rogue I interviewed weeks prior. At first I didn't know who she was but the prosthetic was a dead give away. I have to commend her bravery she wears her faux leg proudly she doesn't hide it like some people do. She's wearing a pair of tight white jean short shorts, a pink halter top that shows the cleavage she has acquired with proper diet, one white flip flop, and a single pink hibiscus placed in her short hair right by her ear. Her scars have faded greatly although you can still see in them in the sunlight especially the one on her face. It must have been done with silver but in-spite of them she looks absolutely beautiful. I can't help but notice Dallas subtly checking her out as well.

"All because of you Little One you were my good luck charm, thank you" he leans down kisses her chastely on the forehead. She swats at him teasingly. I find myself growing envious at their easy banter and relationship.

"Like you needed any help."

Renee's eyes finally flicker over to where we are and her face pales as she looks between us. Her eyes drop to my stomach and deep sadness reflects in them before she blinks and it's gone. She bows her head to me.

"Alpha" she greets sounding on the brink of tears.

"Renee its good to see you" I acknowledge giving a polite smile. Her eyes move over to Dallas.

"Beta" upon saying his title she looks down and away. James grabs her hand and she leans into him.

"Hey what's the matter?" James ask looking completely loss. I realize then that James probably doesn't know Dallas is Renee's mate or he would see why this is a very uncomfortable situation for her.

"Nothing I'm fine" she leans closer and he wraps an arm around her glaring at Dallas in speculation.

Tense Horrible Awkward silence soon follows. This is the first time we have all been together and I freaking hate it. It makes me realize how glaringly wrong this is, playing house with each others mates, and causing unnecessary pain to good people. Unfortunately there is nothing to do about it now we've all made are beds.

I clear my throat ready to excuse myself when shrieking cries break through the awkward tension and draws our attention to the treeline to the right of where we're standing.

A chorus of heavy breathing, stamping feet and crashing foliage soon follow. Two small children burst through the trees holding hands and running as fast as their little legs will carry them. Their face show pure terror and tears are streaming down their cheeks . I recognize them instantly as little Kayla and Kiki our resident mischief makers.

"Mommy Mommy!!!" Kiki screams running up to their mother Mandy who was standing nearby chatting with a couple girlfriends.

"Girls what's wrong are you hurt?" Mandy goes into full mother mode kneeling down, twisting and turning the girls inspecting them for injuries.

I begin walking over to them to find out what's the problem. I hear the others follow behind me obviously concerned or simply curious.

"No Mommy there's ghost in the woods." Kiki replies.

"A ghost?" Mandy drops her hands and sighs in exasperation, her face turning stern . "Is this another one of your pranks girls because if it is-"

"No Mom it's not I saw it too. We were picking berries in the groves when we saw it in the bushes." Kalya sniffles wiping at her nose.

"What's going on here?" I ask walking through a group of onlookers up to Mandy. She stands up to greet me.

"It's nothing Alpha. My girls think they saw a ghost."

"We did see one" Kayla crossing her arms indignantly.

James steps around me with a worried expression.

"Hey girls"

"James!" they cry in unison running over to him completely ignoring me. They attach themselves to his legs.

"Tell me what happened" he says gently.

"We saw a ghost" Kiki speaks slowly as if talking with an invalid.

"Ok well how do you know it was a ghost?" he asks patiently rubbing there backs soothingly encouraging them to continue.

"Because it had white hair." Kayla pulls on her hair as example and James nods his head as if coming to an conclusion.

"Maybe it was was one of the Albino Deer that have migrated onto our land. Renee and I have seen a couple when we go for runs. They're harmless girls"

"No it was standing upright smiling at us and it was...it was...." Kayla stammers her eyes starting to water.

"What was it doing sweetheart?" Mandy asks stepping closer.

"It was eating a heart." Both girls start to cry they release James and walk over to their mother. She picks them up one on each hip nuzzles them and making comforting noises.

I hear a sharp gasp from behind me. I look back and Renee's eyes have grown to the size of saucers and the horror in them is palpable. Her whole body is trembling and her hands are covering her mouth. When she notices my gaze she drops her hands suddenly and tries to appear nonchalant.

I squint my eyes in suspicion. That was strange. I turn back around focusing on the task at hand.

"How do you know it was a heart?" I ask trying to get all the facts. There story is very disturbing and worthy of investigation.

Kayla lifts her head off her mothers shoulder "I know because I've seen hearts before when Papa cleans and skins game outside."

"Alpha if you don't mind I'm going take these two home.They've had a long day"

"Of course Mandy have a nice night"

She smiles and bids me farewell walking away towards their home behind the courtyard carrying her kids in tow. Everyone else begin to leave the field too. As they depart I hear frightened murmuring about the girls story, evidently having unnerved a few members . I mentally roll my eyes, just what we need panic over a ghost story.

I look back and see that James has pulled Renee aside and they are talking amongst themselves. From what I can hear he wants her to go home and wait for him. She seems reluctant at first but he leans forward and whispers something into her ear that I don't catch because the wind picks up . She laughs then finally relents turning around and starting off home.

"That was a odd story." Dallas statement draws my attention to him.

"Yes it was"

James jogs back over and pity he now has a shirt on. Jared is following him all cleaned up now.

"I heard what the girls said. What do you think Alpha is it worth a look see?" Jared ask.

"With the panic that's already setting in with some of the pack we can't afford not to, at least to set their minds at ease. I'll go and check it out"

"By yourself?" Dallas inquiries.

"Yes by myself" I snap balling my fists and placing them on my hips.

The looks I receive differ from person to person. Dallas looks furious, Jared stares at my baby bump with a grimace and James seems to be contemplating something. I know what their thinking but no on is stupid enough to object until Dallas opens his big mouth.

"No you're not. You're not going anywhere. I forbid it and that's final Amber."

James and Jared stare at him in stunned silence. Then they both step away perhaps not wanting to me associated with his ludicrous demand or not wanting to get blood on them. Either way smart move on their part. My lip curls up and I growl threatening stepping directly into Dallas's face.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Amber the bab-"

My arm strikes out and my hand snakes around his neck in a tight grip. I lift him off the ground.

"You don't forbid me EVER. I'm not one of your bimbos you could order around understand?" His face turns red and a blood vessel burst in his left eyes spread through the white but I squeeze tighter waiting on my answer. He nods his head as much as he's able. I release him carelessly and he falls to the ground on his ass coughing and rubbing at his neck.

"This goes for all of you" I point to every man "Do not treat me like I'm weak just because I'm pregnant. I've trained just like you and I'm perfectly capable of defending myself. I'm a big girl I'm sure I can handle a ghost" I lift my hands in air quotations on the last word. "The next person to question me will lose their teeth."

"It's just a ghost story Amber"

"What?" My head swivels to James. He shrugs his shoulders and crosses his arms.

"I'm just saying why waste your time it's probably nothing. How about Jared and I go check. It's a simple task and it will give us a chance to break in our new titles. If we find anything we will let you know but I doubt we will." James reasons casually.

I'm not stupid I know what he's doing he's done it to me before. He down plays situations enough to make me not worry or protect me just to get his way. In this case though he does have a point. This is a good opportunity for the two of them to show me they can handle problems so I give in.

"Ok you two are on but I expect a full report when you get back" I say using my Alpha tone.

"Yes Alpha" Jared replies while James walks up to me and places a hand on my arm.

"Thank You" he gives me a appreciative smile then looks back to Jared.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Let's go" The two walk off towards the trees disappearing into the shadows.

I look down at Dallas whose still sitting on the grass. His eye has healed, his breathing is back to normal and his face is no longer red. He is staring at me in irritation.

"For the record I'm not sorry Amber I had good intentions but I could have approached it differently."

"And I'm not sorry either I don't respond well to commands but the attack was unwarranted. I'm not usually so violent."

"Yes you are" Dallas snorts

"True but the situation didn't call for it, blame it on my mood swings" I reach down and help him to his feet. Dallas looks over to where James and Jared left.

"You think they can handle it?"

"Yeah there's not much to it. Let's go back home and wait for them" I hook my arm in his and we leave the field.

Although I say the words with confidence I don't completely feel this way. I can't shake the inkling this may be more than we think. I look back one last time.

Be safe James.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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