Reincarnated as a .. what? [O...

By ParadexTM

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Reincarnated as a .. what?

3.6K 86 41
By ParadexTM

Rimuru POV

Well you guys propably know who I am , jep that dude who died ang got reincarnated as a slime. After that i grow stronger .. stronger then humans can belive. Well i would be a god when you want to describe me. All my friends also evolved in higher beings. At the beginning i sure loved my new life , I had good friends , I had a Nation full of Monsters and Humans , I had the power to controle what i desire. Well now I am the being that controles the entire Multiverse , i had left my Planet and visited the end of the Void itselfs. I don't even know how old I am or how many Planets i visited.

/You are currently 1.296.552.641 Years old and you visited 409.853.532 Planets/

/Well thanks for that useless information Ciel/ i said with a sigh

/Better useless information then no information/ she pouted

/You really got a smoothtalker don't you?/

/Of course i never lost a argumentation with you/ makes a smug face

'Really? Did she just make a smug face .. well what ever? I am way to old to get angry at her .. she is the last one at my side'

All of my Friends died or choosed after a few million Years the eternal sleep. For example Testarossa said that she cant help me anymore because i am way too powerfull and could do it by myself so she had no reason to live anymore. I must say i really was sad over a few thousand years. But now i made up my mind.

/Ciel , can you start the eternal sleep mode?/ i saked her

/You want to leave me , you promised to never leave me Master/ she said sad

'she is right .. well you could say Ciel is the one who showed me my way to what i am at the moment without her i would have died against a goblin or something like that . That is a bit selfish from me now..'

/Ah sorry for that Ciel i don't thought about you , do you have any idea what we could do?/

Ciel POV

We were traveling the Multiverse like always i didn't notice a change in my Masters emotions or thoughts. All was normal but then he suddenly stoped in the void and asked me something.

/Ciel can you start eternal sleep mode?/

It was then when everything was in front of my eyes .. everything we experienced , all adventures we did , the promise he had with me. As if this would be our last conversation. I really was sad you are asking how a Manas can have feelings .. well it's the only thing in this Multiverse i don't know. I don't know how this could happen .. i didn't even noticed that my Master has this negativ emotions.

/You want to leave me , you promised to never leave me Master/ it was the only thing i could say .. i feared he would be gone in a few seconds , how could this happen? We are together for such a long time and now when i activate that skill he would be gone in an instant. I got dragget out of my thoughts after he answered.

/Ah sorry for that Ciel i don't thought about you , do you have any idea what we could do?/

Of course i have an Idea , better then die. Reincarnation!

Rimuru POV

/How about reincarnate yourself Master ? You can Reincarnate in every Race it gives in this Multiverse. So you don't really need to die but can live another live instead/

'Reincarnation again huh? Well why not'

/Okay the reincarnate me Ciel/ i said determinded

/As wich Race do you want to be reincarnated Master ?/

/Randome just throw my soul in the reincarnation circle/

/Confirm Reincarnation into random Race YES[] NO ?/

/Yes!/ That was the point when everything went black , i felt like i was sleeping unable to see , hear or sense anything.

'I guess i am in the circle now .. then the best thing is to sleep and wait i think'

On that Day Rimuru died and entered sleep mode until he got Reincarnated.

After a few Years - Rimuru POV

I awoke from my sleep. 'So i got reincarnated ? Well i cant see anything again .. i feel wierd what am I? Fuck i didn't thought if Ciel will be with me!'

/Ciel ?! Ciel can you hear me ? Are you here ?/

I can hear someone giggle /Of course i am Master . Fufufu you seem to be a unique again/ what does she mean with that ? /I don't have information that this is possible i will Analyse this Situation right away/

/Ciel what am i ?/ i asked concerned when even she has no information about this.

/Do you want to aktivate {Magic Sense} Master ? Yes [] No ?/

/Of course , do it!/ after she activated the Skill and i could see what I am .. well i can say i would lose all my strengh in my Legs and fell on the Ground like someone who is scared the hell out of his Mind .. well this would be the Situation if i had Legs.

"WHAAAAAT ? I am a fucking planet ? what is going on?"

/Correction. You are the Core of this Planet Master/

/So i won't be able to be something like a human or a lovley slime?/

/I've analysed your situation Master , if ythe Planet's Core , that would be you , has enough power , he can create a humanoid body for itself/

/And how do i get more Power ?/

/As you can see Master your Planet is small and has nothing as the Ground . You need to grow and build your Planet./

/So how do i grow ?/

/According to your Memories from your first life a Planet gains his mass from meteorides that crush on your surface/

/So i just need to get older to get stronger ?/

/That's the first step right/ She said proudly

1.000 Years progess

Well not much happened i watched the other planets that are my Neighbors know. Well i wouldn't even dreamed to have Planets as Neighbors , thats really Crazy .. in the meantime i gained a bit mass but I am still smaller then Earth.

10.000 Years progress

Ciel analyised for me this Solar system. It seems i have the best Position .. even better the Earth was in my First life . Well thats good i don't need to care for this things then. Also it gives 12 other Planets in this Solarsystem . Sad things said i did not gain any weight. Now that i need them the kilogram's won't come..

100.000.000 Years progress

/Ciel I am really wondering if i can name these planets and Moons and the Solar System itselfs/

/Of course you can , well it won't change anything but if you create intellegent life they will create the names after what you named them. So to speak the planet itself will maipulate the mind when they want to name something they don't kno./

'That's really Interesting .. i wonder if it was on Earth the same ?'

500.000.000 Years progress

If you will belive it or not i don't know a name for these things. I am bad at names anyways and i want to have cool names .. that's really hard. But i must say I am coming closer to my age from my last life but I am feeling like I am a child.

/Of course it would be this way .. for a planet core 500.000.000 Years are nothing you know/

/Wow wow Ciel don't get to carried away with your words/

/hmpf/ pouted

'she won't change hm? Well i like her this way anyways'

But what changed is my mass , i got know a bit bigger then earth but i think i will wait until I am as big as the Jupiter or Saturn. And i got a moon the meteoride is bigger then the moon but he looks the same so I named him Tsuki , well it's japanese for moon but they will never know so its okay i thought. Years progress

I've named everything YOSSSHHH! Well i will begin with the Solar System name i called it Nebuale-System why? Because at our end of the Solar System we have really beatiful nebuale.

Then i called the Sun , Sun again why ? because why not. The Planets are called

1. Themisto

2. Anthe

3. Triton

4. Charon

5. Me

6. Sycorax

7. Prospero

8. Despina

9. Dysnomia

10. Calypso

11. Miimas

12. Kerberos Years progress

It's time , the last Meteoride hits my surface . Ciel told me that for a very very long time it won't give a Meteoride crash only Tsuki will get some hit's bot nothing special. I gained my mass from Jupiter and I am really gratefull for that, so i wanted to begin and create my own planet.

/Ciel .. how can i now create things on this planet ?/

/You first need to name it , because you are his core it will evolve like a named monster and the you can create things./

/Hooo , i really forgot to name my planet ../ I really named everything .. but not my planet and now i don't have any names left ..

/Ciel , that's the name of the planet/

/.../ she said nothing

/Does it disturbs you Ciel ? I thought you would be happy/

/I am happy Master , i just don't know to how to respond sorry for that/

/ah don't sweat about that ... so i have work to do hehe/

2.000.371.937 Years Progress

Well .. i know created everything .. well that take me long . it gives four seasons like on Earth , i created a few seas , mountains , 7 Continents a few bigger a few smaller.. well i hope they won't start war's against the samller ones .. thats just unfair. I created live , well not humans but bacteria. I created Storms , Blizzards and these Natural disasters.

Well of course i did much more then that but let's say it's really like Earth just .. bigger .. a lot bigger.

I am really excited how this planet will looks like in the future.

/Ciel I am gonna go sleep , wake me up after I am Years old/

/Then should i activate {Sleep mode} Master ? Yes [] NO ?/

/Yes!/ Years progress

/Wake up! Master Wake up!/

'Argh .. just as i had a really good dream .. is it already time ?' I am so sleepy

/So Ciel do we have humans?/ i asked with a load yawning

/That's right Humans exist's now for a few 200-300 thousand Years they have created similar cultures to Earth and are on the same technogoly standarts. But magic exist's and Dungeons , Monsters living in forests and these Dungeons./

/Wait ? Dungeons , Magic and Monsters? Really ...? Did I create a fucking fantasy World? Ciel i can sense Teleportation ways what's about that?/

/Answer. The Dungeons are connected with Teleportation magic to places on other Planets in the Nebuale-System , that's most likley why Humans cant clear the dungeons that are connected with Themisto , Anthe , Dysnomia , Calypso , Miimas or Kerberos because they would need {absolute resisstance's} for heat or ice. Magic isn't good evolved at the moment./

'That is .. really interessting' i thought and giggls

/Does this means on all Planets exist Live ?/

/That's right but only Monsters no Humans/

/Do i have enough Power for a humanoid form on my Planet now?/


/How strong am I?/ i asked curious

/You are the Planets Core .. of corse you are the strongest beeing in existence Let me Explain It gives 7 Magic cores : Fire , Ice , Earth , Water , Light , Darkness and Basic Magic corse . Humans can become Adventurers as these they have Ranks: G-F-E-D-C-B-A-S-SS-SSS.

50% of Humans - 1-2 Magic cores ---> Most likley G-F Adventurers

40% of Humans - 3 Magic cores ---> Most likley E-D-C Adventurers

9,8% of Humans -4 Magic cores ---> Most likley B-A Adventurers

0,2% of Humans - 5 Magic cores ---> Most likley S-SS-SSS Adventurers

You of course can use all 7 Magic cores. So do you want to form you humanoid body Master ?/

/Yes please do it Ciel , i can't wait to see my World fufu/

Creation of humanoid Body succesfull , infuse your Soul complete .

That were Ciel words i heared shortly before i opened my eyes and found myself in a little park in.. WAIT TOKYO??? this seems like it is Tokyo .. i heared a few Humans talk about something .. I didn't understand a single word.

'So it looks like Tokyo but they don't speak Japanese ..'

/Ciel can you do something about this problem?/

/Of course Master, you should now be able to understand every language on this Planet/

/Thanks/ i said shortly and runned to a little pond i was excited about how i would look and well ..

'Shit.. I am a fucking Child !! Well i look like Rimuru. At least that ...'

Then let's see what we will do in this World.

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