His Weapon (Loki)

By blushpixie

241 0 1

After being chased into an abandoned building by three men Arya came across a weird blue object. Everything w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

20 0 1
By blushpixie

I can't sleep.
It's been almost two hours since I left Loki's room and I still haven't fallen asleep.
A few minutes after I left I heard him go out but he was only gone for a about half an hour, I don't know where he went but he said it was none of my business so Im not going to ask.

Because I couldn't sleep, I decided to explore a little. I remember going past a library earlier so I thought I would try find it again. Everywhere was dark and there was very little light, the only light came from a few candles around the place.
I had been wandering around for a little until I reached a room that I thought might be it, I went in and it was amazing.
All the walls where covered in books, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This room definitely tops my bedroom.

As the minutes went past and I was still looking at all the books, until I reached the history section. I was going to skip past this section because it's my least favourite but one book in particular caught my eye. I picked it up and went to the context library, it was a whole book dedicated to the infinity stones and their history.

I decided to take the book back to my room, I might as-well try to find out more about this power inside me.
Once i got back to my room, i went to sit on the balcony wall. Straight away I went to the space stone section to see what it said.
As I was skimming through the pages I found out that the earliest the tesseract was recorded in this book was in 1942 where a man named Johann Schmidt, the leader of an organisation called Hydra, retrieved it to use it as a weapon. The tesseract then somehow ended up with captain America but it was sunk to the bottom of the ocean alongside the Captain. For years people believed it to still be at the bottom of the ocean however a man by the name of Howard stark got it.
I recognise this name, he used to be a billionaire until he died and all his wealth was left to Tony Stark.

In 2012 it was stolen by no other then the god of mischief himself. He then used it to open a wormhole allowing aliens to invade New York. God I remember that. But obviously he failed and the tesseract was then in the possession of Thor and Odin, Loki was then locked in a prison cell on Asgard. I wonder how he got out, I'll ask him later.

According to this book the tesseract was kept on Asgard? So how did it end up in that abandoned building on Earth?

The book then went on about the powers that the space stone possesses. It allows you to create portals through space and travel through them, it has previously been used to crush and pull objects and it can manipulate gravity. It was all cool until I saw the last bit

If used alongside the other infinity stones, the space stone can wipe out whole planets.

I was completely shocked. This power I have inside me right now can be used to kill millions...
What if I loose control one day and hurt someone?What if I hurt more then just one person, what if I wipe out a whole planet?
I can't do this.

I have to get out of here, I can't have this power inside me I don't want to hurt anyone.
I need to leave this place.
But what if I get caught? Loki said there will be punishments for breaking any of his rules.
I have to risk it, i can't stay here.

I walked over to the door between mine and Loki's room and gently opened it to check he was asleep. The whole room was dark and I couldn't see very clearly but I think he is asleep.

I crept back out of his room and slowly closed the door making sure not to make any sounds. I need a plan if I'm going to do this. I'll creep out of my room making sure not to wake Loki and then go through the palace trying not to bump into anyone.
Then I'll go down the rainbow bridge and then home here I come.

I put my hand on the door handle and slowly turned it making sure to make no sound at all.
Once I opened to door slightly I slid out only to crash into something hard.

I looked up to see Loki staring down at me, arms crossed with an angry expression on his face.

"Where do you think you are you going?" He asked


He stepped forward causing me to step back as he towered over me.

"I asked you a question" he said, the anger in his voice growing

"I was-" I need to come up with an excuse and quick

He rolled his eyes "Before you lie to me, remember I can read your mind" he said staring down at me

After a few seconds he backed me into the room again and shut the door behind him.

He rubbed his face with his hand as he said "four rules" he paused "I only gave you four rules and you can't even do that"

I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent.

"I'm going to let you off this time. But try anything like that again and I promise you, you will regret it" he said

"I can't stay here" I said raising my voice slightly which only seemed to make him more mad

"You don't have a choice"

I tried to push past him but he pushed me against the wall trapping me from moving. I could see his anger growing every second.

He leant down so he was the same level as me and whispered in my ear "you will do as I say and you will not try to leave"
He paused for a second and then carried on "you are mine. You will follow my orders and you will not disobey" he looked down at me "I own you now"

"You don't own me and you never will" I said trying to stand up to myself

He hit the wall next to my head causing me to flinch "I am trying to go easy on you because it's your first day here but I wouldn't test me if I where you" he said raising his voice at me

He stormed over to the door leading to his room but just as he was about to go through he stopped and said "Sleep. Now."
And with that he left, slamming the door between us.

I let out a frustrated yell. God who does he think he is commanding me like that.

"I own you now." Shut the fuck up

I was too angry to carry on reading but I couldn't sleep so I went back out onto the balcony and sat there thinking until I saw the sun start to rise over the horizon.
I honestly don't know how long I was sitting there for but my thoughts where interrupted when I heard the door between mine and Loki's room open.

Dick better be coming to apologise to me.

"Why are you out here?" Was the first thing he said to me but I didn't answer "I told you to sleep"

"Yeah well I wasn't tired" I said

"God why do you have to be so complicated" he said "follow me" this came out more as a command

I didn't have much of a choice because I didn't want to annoy him anymore so I followed him through the door and into his room.

On the bed lay a suit. Not a tuxedo kind of suit, it was more like a superhero suit you'd see the Avengers wearing.
It was all black and leather, there wasn't any sleeves but to the side I could see elbow length gloves. Attached to the top was a hood and a mask that would cover the bottom half of my face.
The bottoms had a belt type thing wrapped around going down the whole leg which had space for what I'm guessing weapons to go in.
It looks like something you would wear in that game Peter plays, I think it's called Assassins Creed.

"This is your suit, put it on" Loki said as he gestured to the suit and then to the bathroom.

I didn't say anything I just picked it up and went straight to go change.
This is the most complicated thing I have ever had to put on in my life.

Once I finally got the outfit on I went back into the room to show Loki.

"Ta-daaa" I said as I enter the room grabbing Loki's attention.

"Wow, you look badass" he said as he looked me up and down as his mouth turned up into a small smirk.

I grinned at him "like what you see?"

He let out a low laugh and mumbled "you have no idea"
He then snapped out of whatever trance he was in and pretended like nothing happened "right, let's go train"

"Train? This early?" I asked

He rolled his eyes at me "come on grandma it's not that early" he said as he walked out gesturing to follow him

We walked down the halls as I was thinking of everyone back at home. Would my brother even have noticed I was missing? What about Peter, would he look for me once he realise I was gone?
I try not to think about home as all it does is make me sad so I focused on something out. I decided to try to memorise where everything was for when I try to leave again.

Loki suddenly stopped walking and turned to me "you've got to be joking" he said towering down at me "You. Are. Not. Leaving."

I smiled and let out a little laugh "I knew you where reading my mind"

He rolled his eyes at me and carried on walking.

After a few more minutes we arrived at the training room. It was a massive room with mats in the middle, along the side was all kind of gym equipment, ranging from treadmills to weights and punching bags.

"Right we are going to start with weights then we will work our way round the room" he looked me up and down and said "put the hood up and the mask on"

"But it's hard to breathe with them on" I protested

"Your going to have to get used to that, when we go out on missions you have to hide your identity by covering your face" he said "it will protect you in the long run"

"Aw so you do care, how cute" I said mocking him

"Yes. I care about all my property" he said with a smirk "Now. Weights. Go."

I rolled my eyes but started to do the weights, I then moved onto the next section and worked my way around the gym just like he said. When I was done with that we both sat in the middle of the room and tried seeing if I could summon any powers, but I had no luck with that.

After a painfully long hour Loki finally said "fight me"

"What?" I asked

"Come on. Fight me" he said again

I went over to the centre of the gym to get ready.
"Ok now, let's see how well you can fight" he told me

Was he really expecting me to go up against him and not die? This man is the strongest person I have ever met, well apart from his brother but still. Alongside that he was also a lot taller then me, I barely reached his shoulders, I'd say he's about 6ft4 and I'm 5ft4 so he's roughly whole foot taller then me!

I went to punch him but he blocked it without moving an inch, I went to hit him again the other side but again he blocked it as if it was nothing. He smiled down at me and laughed

"Is this amusing to you?" I asked him

"Very" he responded

I went to try and knock him down by going for his legs when that backfired and he knocked me down. He reached a hand to help me up but I wasn't going to loose this easily so I pulled him down with me. He landed on top of me as he laughed.
He was now laying on top of me as we both laughed. But he stopped suddenly when he looked into my eyes.

"Your eyes-" he said
"They're glowing"


Just for visual purposes here's what Arya's suit looks like, obviously if you don't like it just picture something else :)

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