Will I see the sun again? * d...

By Princess_Bookworm23

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* discontinued at the moment* ⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!!! This story will include the following: self-harm, depres... More

Please read!⚠️
Chapter 1 - The begining of everything
Chapter 2 ⚠️Tw⚠️- The meeting and the pain
Chapter 3 - The Saving
Chapter 4 - Where am I?
Chapter 5 ⚠️Tw⚠️- Dinner with the Avengers?
Chapter 6 ⚠️TW⚠️ - This can't be happening
Chapter 7 - Ugh men
Chapter 8 - Am I in grippy sock jail?
Chapter 9 - Searching for answers
Chapter 10 ⚠️TW⚠️ - Flashbacks can haunt you
Chapter 11 - The video
Chapter 12 - Unfolding
Chapter 13 - Is this a dream?
Chapter 14 - Secrets unfold
Chapter 15 - Getting a feel for things
Chapter 16 - is it Thanksgiving?
Chapter 17 - You did this?
Chapter 18 - Don't you knock?!
Chapter 19 ⚠️tw⚠️ - Training the newbie
Chapter 20 - Interrogate
Chapter 21 - Oh you've got to be kidding me
Chapter 22 ⚠️Tw⚠️ - Life is a game of chess
Chapter 23 ⚠️tw⚠️ - Hold up a second
Chapter 24 ⚠️TW⚠️ - Get me out of here
Chapter 25 - Escape
Chapter 26 ⚠️tw⚠️ - Hope for Vengeance
Chapter 27 - We need a plan
Chapter 28 ⚠️tw⚠️ - I wouldn't mess with me
Chapter 29 - Finally, a familiar face
Chapter 30 - Coping with uncertainty
Chapter 31 ⚠️Huge TW⚠️ - This is it, This is the end of the line
Chapter 32 - Help and why
Chapter 33 - Worry
Chapter 35 - Home sweet home
Chapter 36 ⚠️tw⚠️ - Telling the truth
Chapter 37 - Holy Gold
Chapter 38 - Anger and Panic
Chapter 39 ⚠️TW⚠️- This is a shït show
Chapter 40 -Directions? Meh
Chapter 41 - Getting back into it
Chapter 42-Curiosity makes you weak in the knees
Quick little update
Chapter 43- ⚠️Fuck, more problems
Chapter 44 - Battle wish⚠️
Chapter 45 - a dream is a wish
Chapter 46- A fairytale
Chapter 47 - oh boy...

Chapter 34 ⚠️tw⚠️ - Awake

126 5 0
By Princess_Bookworm23

Steve's pov
*ring, ring, ring, ring*
"Is your ringtone seriously programmed like a 50s phone?" Sam laughs, throwing a sweaty towel over his shoulder.
"I'm still getting used to today's technology Sam" I laugh, picking up my phone from the wooden bench in the training room.
"Hey Peter what's up?"
"She's awake! Mr Rogers Y/n is awake!" Peter practically screams.
"What? Are you serious? This is amazing! We'll be there soon!" I say before hanging up the phone.

"Haha! Did the kid finally punch that flash kid at school?" Sam jokes, picking up his water bottle.
"No, Y/n woke up" I turn, facing Sam smiling.
*chokes on water* "WHAT?! Are you serious! Please tell me you are serious!"
"He said Tony is there and the nurses are running some tests, I also think he may have had some coffee or two" I joke, as Sam is grabbing the towel to dry his shirt.
"Oh my god this is awesome! We should probably take a quick shower first before seeing her," Sam smiles.
"I agree, if you feel you'd stick to the floor like a dead worm" I laugh, as Sam hits me in the shoulder.
"Okay, that hurt"
"Hey guys, *smells the air* oh god what perished here? Oh- never mind Sam is here. That answers my question" Bucky announces walking in.
"I hate you"
"Okay whatever, Wanda made banana chocolate chip muffins, you guys better get some before Thor gets back from Asgard" Bucky laughs as he takes a bite of his muffin.
"Ooooh, muffins!" I say leaving the two idiots behind.

After grabbing a muffin or two I tell Wanda that Y/n is awake before going to take a shower.
"What! She's awake?! I need to make more muffins! PIETRO GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE! WE NEED MORE MUFFINS!"

I walk into my room shedding my clothes, throwing them into the dirty laundry basket before turning the shower on.
"Damn, guess that really is America's ass," a feminine voice says laughing.
"NAT! What the hell, I'm naked here!" I say as I feel my face turn red, rapidly grabbing the towel nearby to cover my lower half up.
"Relax, it's not like I haven't seen a man naked before, anyway I came in asking if you were gonna go to the hospital later," she says leaning against the light blue wall.
"Yes I am, I was going to after my shower which you interrupted!"
"Sadly it's not the worst thing I've seen in my entire life, but cool I'll get the car ready," she says, starting to walk away.
"By the way, hot abs! And how the hell are you still single?!" she laughs before exiting my room.

The rest of my shower went uninterrupted, thank God.

Y/n pov

People kept coming in and out of my room, mostly doctors and nurses taking tests and vitals galore. Peter, MJ, and Ned came and we talked for a bit before they had to go home to do homework. Tony ended up falling asleep on the tiny couch on the side of the room, and Pepper came and brought me some loose clothing and Toiletries. 
I couldn't sleep, maybe it's because I've been asleep for the past 4 days or because I felt different, in a good or bad way? That I didn't know. Tony gave me back my phone well, a newer phone but he transferred everything from my old phone to my new one, including all my texts and photos.  I honestly forgot I even had a phone. As I open my phone, I notice the date, April 25th.
"Holy shit, it's almost been 2 months? I've been gone for almost 2 months?! Oh my God, my birthday is in 3 days...oh my god"
I lay back in disbelief, letting my body sink into the bed.
"Oh my God, breathe Y/n breathe" I keep telling myself as I take slow deep breaths. Upon calming myself, I hear a knock at the door.
"It's open!"
"Great more tests" I groan to myself, but when I look up, I feel seven familiar faces gazing at me.
"Hey, we brought muffins," Wanda says speaking first, quickly setting a basket full of fresh muffins down on the side table.
"Are you guys just going to stand there? Or are you going to hug me?" I say grinning, as Nat steps up first to hug me.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again" she whispers in my ear, kissing my forehead. Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, Clint, Sam, and Steve all do the same. Bruce just waved and stayed back by the wall.
"Okay, scoot over," Nat says smiling, gesturing to me to move over so she can sit.
"So what have I missed?" I smile, as Bucky and Wanda sit at the end of the bed while Pietro pulls up a chair.
"We've mostly been trying to track you down along with some other stuff," Bruce says, mumbling the last part.
"Oh by the way can we have a meeting about knocking," Steve announces with a bit of sass. 
"Why?" I laugh
"Someone is just pissed I walk in on him about to get in the shower" Nat chuckles as Steve glares at her.
"Hahaha, karma is a bitch Rogers" I laugh as he rolls his eyes.
"I see your sarcasm didn't get injured"
"Now that would be quite a shame" I smile
"It's good to have you back doll" Bucky smiles, patting my lower leg.
"Where's Thor and Loki?" I ask, hoping to see them.
"That we don't actually know, but I'm assuming Asgard" Bruce answers as a nurse comes in, to take my vitals again.
"Oh, I see," I say, a bit disappointed.
"Excuse me, miss? When can Y/n come home?" Nat asks, turning to the nurse as she types away on the computer.
"Everything is checking out good, so I'd say tomorrow evening" she smiles.
"Oh good!" Wanda smiles clasping her hands together.
"Yes, it'll be good to be home...and take a shower" I laugh, smiling.
"Where's stark?" Steve asks, I point to the small olive sofa.
"At least he's sleeping now" Nat laughs as does everyone else.
"I missed you guys," I say leaning my head onto Nat's shoulder, smiling, being grateful for them and for how much they care for me.
"We missed you too, Doll" Bucky grins
"Okay, now who's ready to get their ass beat at go fish?" I joke, grabbing the deck of cards I was playing earlier with Peter.
"What? Worried I'll win?" I smirk
"Oh, it's on," Sam jokes, grabbing the deck from my hands.
And I enjoyed it, I took in the time we had right then and there. There was no mission, no worries, no saving the universe, no panic, nothing. Just a family enjoying each other's company and being happy.

For now.

Tony went home that night and Steve and Bucky stayed with me, it was...eventful to say the least. Bucky found out they had free jello and pudding in the cafeteria, the nurses banned him from the cafeteria because he took so much. Steve fell asleep on the dark olive couch watching Dumbo, I tried to rest but I could not get comfortable for the life of me, and I could hear Bucky being restless in the chair.
"Hey, buck?" I speak, laying in my hospital bed, staring at the ceiling.
"Do you ever wonder why you're allowed to live?" I straightly ask in a numb tone.
"Doll? Are you alright?" I hear him shift in the chair as he speaks.
"I mean, after you live with something so horrible why do you even try anymore?" I say looking out the big window, letting the night sky and the city lights overthrow the darkness.
There was a long silence, I assumed he would just ignore the question and change the subject or just say 'go to bed' but instead, I heard him shuffling then I felt a weight on my bed then he simply said "come here".
I sat up in the dark, not knowing what was going to happen. Bucky said a thousand words with just one simple movement, he took my cold hand into his and said "Because we are strong," feeling his face spread into a heartwarming smile in his voice, triggering silent tears. No words were needed, Bucky took my body and picked me up, rearranging my placement so that I was next to him and he was cradling me like a baby missing its mother only wanting love and something familiar.
And we sat there, only listening to each other's breaths and heartbeats as he stroked my hair. I felt safe for the first time in a while.

Loki's pov

"You shouldn't be in here" a feminine voice spoke, one I did not recognize. I carefully turned around, having my daggers at the ready, only to be faced with the tip of a gun and the person holding the gun was a blonde woman.
"Not many people can sneak up on me, you should be impressed with yourself. I smirk, ready to hurl my dagger.
"Don't think I haven't studied your case file...Loki"
"Ah so you do know my name, how marvelous," I say, moving to the side, acting carelessly to show I'm not worried as she moves with me still pointing her gun.
"You shouldn't act so recklessly, I could execute you in less than a second"
"I thought you read my file? If you did you would know I've killed 80 people in 2 days before" I smirk.
"And nearly took over an entire city" she spoke, still aiming her gun at my face.
"Oh yes, that was an exhilarating day"
"Now, any reason why you're here?"
"Yes, actually, but I don't believe that is your business, now if you would excuse me" I declare now, getting fed up with this stalling.
"Not so fast-" she quickly said before I enchanted her, making her collapse to the floor. Glancing at her badge, I peered at it so that I could see a name.
"Agent Sharon Carter, S.H.I.E.L.D"
"Oh, bloody hell" I roll my eyes, grabbing the file case I needed before exiting the room.

Once I reach my room in the compound, I shove the file box under my bed. I needed to make sure my theory was correct. The limited information about the stone doesn't get me anywhere but I recall a hole at Stonehenge in Europe, when mother took us there for a 'field trip'. I had to get as much information as I could about the keys and the stone. I knew the stone was safe but the keys retained a relation with it and I was required to know what it was.

Next morning

Wanda and Pepper were buzzing around cleaning and decorating the living room and the kitchen for Y/n's return. We were all excited to be able to have Y/n home soon, I was too but something was telling me to be careful no matter what.
"HURRY UP WITH THE DECOR SHE'LL BE HERE IN LESS THAN AN HOUR!" Wanda yelled across the room to Sam, Tony, and Nat.
"Is she always like this?" I ask them, about to trip over boxes that covered the floor.
"Sadly yes, Wanda is a HUGE planner and we've learned it best to keep her emotions at bay otherwise who knows what could happen, she could take over an entire town!" Sam whispers as he was hanging up a 'welcome home' banner.
"Happy just called, he's on his way to pick them up" Pepper yelled from the kitchen, as Peter walked in.
"Hey guys- Woah what happened in here," He said in shock, everything was a mess and stuff was spilled all over the place.
"A party...I think" I say looking at the floor around me as I felt eyes roll around me.
"HELLO, ALL!" Thor bellowed as he joined us.
"Thor, inside voice" Wanda reminding him, smiling.
"Oh dear god," she said looking up at the ceiling in annoyance, I on the other hand walked over to the dark coal couch and watched as the show began.

Steve's pov

"Alright, Happy is on his way, you sure you're feeling better?"
"Yes captain worried, plus physically I'm healthy and I'm sure they need this room for someone else" Y/n laughs putting some stuff in a bag Pepper gave her.
"I'll go fill out the discharge forms then, Buck-" I start to say before I get cut off.
"Yeah, yeah, I know keep an eye on her" he laughs, shooing me away.

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