Stray Kids One Shots

Por MeowMeowfanfics14

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"Stay with me, forever and ever?" . . . "I can be your friend." . . . "Why is it so hard for you to see." He... Mais

Movie Date- Hwang Hyunjin
Yes day- Lee Felix
Stay- Bang Chan
Workout Buddies- Seo Changbin
Catnapper- Lee Minho
Catnapped pt2- Lee Minho
A Page Apart- Kim Seungmin
Nightmare House- Han Jisung
Cult- Yang Jeongin
Bunk Beds- Hwang Hyunjin
To All The Boys I've Hurt Before- Lee Felix
I'll Wish you back -Han Jisung
I'm back- Hwang Hyunjin
Authors note
Jealous?- Bang Chan
Closer- Han Jisung
You were beautiful- Kim Seungmin
One night- Seo Changbin
New York Nights || Han Jisung
Authors note (shud I continue this?)

A Paw Away- Lee Minho

8.4K 172 290
Por MeowMeowfanfics14

Lee Minho and I did not click.

There was just something about us that didn't really match. Our friends would say it's because we had similar personalities, the whole 'like forces repel and unlike forces attract' thing, but I didn't see it. Sure, Minho and I did share some traits, like getting ticked off easily, grumpy resting bitch faces, and interest in torture methods, but that was beside the point. Minho and I pissed each other off, so we kept our distance.

Considering that fact, I questioned myself on why I was standing at his front door, ready to ring the doorbell.

It all started when he did something out of the ordinary by offering to help me. I had missed a couple of days of school and had been asking around for notes when the boy had slid me his notebook without a second glance.

"Give them back by Wednesday or I'll hunt you down."

Before I could protest, he simply stood up and left.

This bitch.

I didn't want to accept the notes, as it felt like he was doing me a favor. And if he was doing me a favor, I was indebted to him. I did not want to owe something to Lee Minho of all people.

But he had already left, and I needed the notes badly.

I'll just take pictures of the notes, and I'll return them as soon as I can. I'll have to pay him back, but I can figure that out.

So on Saturday afternoon, I had taken the books and headed towards his house. Jisung had told me the address, warning me not to tell Minho that he did.

"Hyung will hang me up like fresh laundry if he finds out I told this to you ." He had shivered.

Maybe he'll hang me up like fresh laundry since I came here unannounced.

Frowning at my own thoughts, I pulled myself together and rang the doorbell.

I waited.

And waited.

Pressed the bell a couple more times.

Knocked on the doors.

Then the windows.

No answer.

Finally realizing that no one was home, I pulled out my phone to text him.

Of course, when having the boys ever been home on a Saturday afternoon? They usually go bowling during this time.

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰

Me: Oi, I'm standing outside your house, open up

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: My house???? Why?????

Me: Your notes

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: you want to give them back now? When no one is home 😑

Me: No one's home????
I'll leave it at your doorstep then?

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: so the neighborhood dogs can get a new chew toy?
We have a spare key under the carpet
Keep the books inside

Me: that's a stupidly obvious place to hide your keys
You're basically asking to be robbed

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: Why? You planning to rob?

Me: well there was that Rolex I saw you wearing last week...

Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: Don't you dare

Me: ...
Devil Bunny 👿 🐰: Y/n?
Istg if you touch ANYTHING I will cut off your hand and feed it to the aforementioned neighborhood dogs!!
God, I hate you.

I pocketed the phone, chuckling to myself.

Oh, the things I could do with this opportunity.

I whistled to myself as I reached for the key under the carpet and unlocked the door.

I pushed the door open, entered the house, and was met with three cats sitting patiently at the doorstep.

Oh. I didn't know Minho had cats.

I stood there awkwardly as the cats examined me. I expected them to attack me or something when they realized I was a stranger, but they gave me one last look before walking away, ignoring my existence.

"Wow, you really are asking to be robbed Lee Minho."

Closing the door behind me, I made my way into the house, studying its interior. It was a mix of modern and antique, with marble floors and wooden furniture. It was an awkward combination, but it had its own charm. What really brought the place together was the scattered cat toys and perches, making the home more lively and warm.

I placed the books by his coffee table, looking around the house.

"I could steal something from him, just to piss him off," I murmured as I walked around. "Or maybe mess up his room... no, it's probably already a mess."

I didn't really have the heart to mess around with Minho at the moment, not because I was scared of his plans on feeding me to the dogs, but because he helped me with those notes.

Besides, his cats were watching my every move.

"See this is why I didn't want your help," I said to his picture hanging on the wall. "You make me want to be nice to you in return."

Picture Minho said nothing, just smiled adorably as his mother ruffled his hair.

Devil in disguise.

"Okay fine, I won't do anything." I scowled. "Stop smiling like that, pretending you're all nice."

One of the cats hissed at me.

"Okay okay, I won't badmouth your owner in front of you." I rolled my eyes.

You're talking to cats Y/n like they could understand you. Listen to yourself.

Shaking my head, I made my way to the front door. But, as I reached for the door, I was blocked by the three cats.

"Uhh, I need to go now. I didn't take anything." I put my hands in the air. "You were watching the whole time too."

The cats didn't budge. I tried to reach out to pick them up and move them away from the floor, but they hissed.

"Okay then, I guess you're guarding your home." I squat down to their level. "Smart move, keep the thief in and wait for the owner, rather than chasing her away. I acknowledge your intelligence."

One of the orange cats purred, seeming satisfied with my compliment. Knowing I was going to stay for a while, I settled down cross-legged on the floor.

Only till I earn their trust enough for them to let me leave.

"Now, what are your names?"

I reached out slowly to one of the cats, and she allowed me to take a look at her name tag.

"Soonie... why does it sound familiar?" I murmured to myself.

"You have a dog? I have a dog too! Her name is Kkami~ The only one I knew who had pets was Minho hyung, but he has cats, Soonie Doongi and Dori."

"Ohhhh I've heard of you kitties!" I exclaimed as I softly petted Soonie. "The famous three that no one remembers the names of!"

The other orange cat let out a meow of indignation, turning its head.

"You must be Doongi, and the grey one must be Dori."

On mentioning Dori's name, all three cats perked up. Soonie backed away from me, and the cats all exchanged a look.

"That's weird..." I said aloud. "Is something wrong?"

Soonie leaped past me into the house, and Dori followed. I craned my neck to see where they were going, but Doongi had decided to take a nap on my lap.

"Oh, you're going to sleep here? I want to get up now though...?" I try coaxing the cat to move, but she wouldn't budge. "Okay then... I guess I'll just sit here until you want to get up... is that soon by any chance?"

The cat just purred. I sighed and accepted my fate, petting the sleeping cat. Something was calming about it, slowly running my fingers through the soft fur while I murmured nonsense.

"I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Y/n, a... acquaintance of your owner. He and I don't really get along, so it'd be better if you let me go before he arrives."

Doongi meowed, which clearly meant 'yeah, no.'

"Okay then." I sighed. "It's weird how you like him so much, he probably never gives you attention, since he isn't very affectionate."

Doongi let out a meow of disagreement, her tone angry.

"Oh then does he take care of you well?" I asked, surprised. "Well, I guess he has a soft spot for you then. He doesn't really like people much. He particularly doesn't like me."

Again, Doongi meowed in disagreement.

"Am I just imagining your tone of disapproval or are you just meowing?"

By this time, the other cats had come back. Doongi took that the signal to get off my lap, sitting down next to her siblings.

"Were you keeping me here on purpose?" I asked in confusion. "Ma'am were you distracting me while the others got into some trouble?"

The talkative cat did not answer but looked towards the youngest.

I hadn't noticed it before, but there was something different about Dori now. Along with her name tag, there was a blue jewel pendant latched on. Dori approached me with excitement as if showing off her new accessory to me.

"It's very pretty," I said as she rubbed her head against my jeans. "Do you want me to pet you?"

The cat climbed onto my lap, sat down, and waited. Soonie and Doongi watched eagerly as if something was going to happen.

"I have a bad feeling about this but okay." I hummed, then reached to scratch behind her ears.

Nothing happened.

"God you cats got be going paranoid." I chuckled, moving to scratch her chin. "What did I expect? An explosion?"

I spoke too soon.

My hand grazed the pendant for a split second, but that was enough. I heard the crack of thunder before my body went cold, and my vision dimmed.

And with the three cats watching with anticipation was the last thing I saw, before I blacked out.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes again, was my own body.

The Fuck!???

Am I dead???


Before I could properly mourn for myself, my body's eyes blinked open.

As I gasped dramatically, my body sat up, looking down at herself in shock.

"It worked! Soonie, Doongi it worked! I'm human now!" I- I mean, my body exclaimed.

What's going on!?

The other two cats jumped onto my lap, meowing in excitement.

"It worked? It really did? The old lady wasn't scamming us?"

Wait... how can I understand them?

I tried to move and felt myself rise. My vision cleared, and I looked down at myself.

I saw paws.

Wait a damn minute.

I twist my furry neck to examine my body and found myself staring at a tail.

A grey tail.

"I am you!" I exclaimed after scanning herself. "And you are me!"

Instead of words, angry meows came out.

"I can explain." My body turned to me. "I am Dori, and you and I just switched bodies."


I doubted she understood my meows but replied accordingly.

"I..." She hesitated. "I made deal with someone, and she promised me if I could find a human to touch this pendant, I could become human for a day..."

"So you chose me??" I meowed angrily. "Why didn't you choose Minho!?"

"We don't want him to know about this," Doongi said calmly. "All we need you to do is pretend to be Dori for the next couple hours, then you'll be back to normal."

"I don't remember agreeing to this! I want my body back! Go choose another human!"

I saw myself getting on my knees, begging. "Please Y/n, I've dreamt of being a human for so long! Just eight hours, give me eight hours and we'll be back to normal!"

"I- you're asking me to be Minho's cat for half a day Dori, think about it!" I meowed in frustration. At this point, it was clear she understood me.

"Bear with me, just for those six hours. I swear to god I will do anything to make up for it!"

I was about to say no when Doongi interrupted.

"Think about it, having Dori spy on Minho for you. We can get you his deepest secrets, and all the information you'll need to keep him under your control."

I tilted my feline head. "Why would you agree to spy on your own owner?"

"It's not a big deal, he's just the guy who feeds us."

I actually considered the offer. A personal spy in exchange for my life for eight hours didn't seem bad to me.

I tried raising my nonexistent eyebrows. "You're tickling my 'something sus is up' senses again."

"Well, it's not like you have a choice at this point." Soonie yawned. "Either go out on your own and find a way to switch back, or stay here under our protection till you change back and pretend to be Dori."

I weighed my options. It seemed like there was no way to immediately turn back, so I had to decide how I'd spend my next few hours as a cat. Ask Minho to take me home and go through it alone, or pretend to be a cat with two real ones, who could help me out if something goes wrong.

"Fine, what are you going to do now?" I asked Dori, who was in my body.

"Really!?" She exclaimed, and I cringed at my own voice. "I have everything planned out so don't worry. I have a list of things I want to do, and I'll be back as soon as I'm done! Then we can secretly switch back without Minho knowing."

"Wait wait, you're going out in my body? What if you accidentally hurt me or something!? You'll be a house cat in the city!"

"You can trust me! I've been studying humans since the day I was born!"

I shook my head, which was impossible as a cat. "It's not safe. You're only keeping this a secret from Minho right? Then tell my brother the truth, and ask him to tag along with you. He'll be confused sure, but it'll be better than having me hurt or getting him suspicious."

Dori looked down at the cats, who meowed in agreement.

"It'd be safer for a human to be by your side. Just try not to freak him out." Soonie said.

"Well okay then!" She grinned. "Thank you so much Y/n, I'll never forget this!"

"You better not," I grumbled. "Now, how are you going to make it to my house?"

"Tell me your address. I've secretly taught myself how to use google maps."

I did not question the cat, but instead, gave her my phone and my address.

"If you get lost, call Channie okay? He'll guide you home, or come pick you up."

Dori nodded enthusiastically. It was weird to see myself doing such expressions.

"I'll be on my way now~ Bye Y/n~ Bye Soonie and Doongi!"

The cats meowed a goodbye, while I just watched myself skip out of the front door, heading off into a world of danger.

As the door closed behind her, I turned to the cats and sighed.

"I'm going to regret this."


The cats did their very best to educate me on the ways of the feline species before Minho arrived.

"You're the nice attention seeking maknae. You like being with him 24/7, and you always beg him for attention."

I had protested, explaining how I wanted to be as far away from Minho as possible, but the cats didn't allow that.

"He'll get suspicious if his youngest child suddenly starts acting distant."

"Maybe I'm going through puberty?"

The cats did me the favor of ignoring that statement.

By the time we estimated Minho to come home, I was fully accustomed to my new body. Even with my insane balance and reflexes, I had managed to stumble and trip over nothing in my new form. But now, I could walk and leap onto tables like a dignified cat.

At six pm, my ears caught the sound of a motorbike being parked outside the house. Soonie and Doongi sprung up and leaped over to the door.

Minho must be home.

Hesitating, I joined the cats and sat patiently by the door.

We heard the knob twist, and Lee Minho walked in.

"Bitch didn't lock the door before she left." I heard him grumble.

Ok, I ain't doing it anymore.

Before I could walk away, I felt myself being lifted in the air.

"I'm home~" Minho cuddled me, pressing a kiss between my ears.


I thrashed out of his arms and pounced onto the ground between Soonie and Doongi, and booked it under the table.

Lee Minho just kissed me! Even if it was on the forehead of a different body, Lee Minho just fucking kissed me!

"Dori? Is everything okay?"

Minho crouched down to look at me, a worried expression on his face.

"Are you sick baby? Did I hurt you?"

Did he just say 'baby'? Can I puke?

Soonie slid in next to me, hissing. "I told you to act normal! Get out there!"

I refused, firmly planting myself in my spot. I was traumatized.

But as a kitten, my efforts were in vain. Minho easily reached out and took me out.

I began thrashing again, but he held me snugly against his chest.

"What's wrong Dori?" He murmured, voice laced with concern.

"Stop thrashing you, idiot!" Doongi hissed. "He's getting worried!"

All I wanted was to leap out of his arms and hide somewhere, but it's not like I had a choice. Minho was holding me in a way that made it impossible for me to move.

So I stopped thrashing. I stayed put until Minho loosened his grip, and sat down on the couch.

"I guess you got spooked for a second huh?" He comforted me, checking my limbs in the process.

"He thinks you're hurt, physically." Soonie sighed. "He's worried now."

"What am I supposed to do!? I didn't do it on purpose! He just grabbed me!"

My angry meow reached the boy's ears, and he cooed.

"Do you need to go to the vet sweetheart?"

"NO!" The two cats meowed, jumping onto their owner's lap. "She's completely fine!"

"Comfort him, show him your okay." Soonie hissed.


"Kisses, he likes it when we give him kisses."

"Fuck no!"

Minho flinched at my high-pitched meow and took out his phone.

"There's definitely something wrong, I'm calling the vet- hey stop it Doongi!"

Doongi was doing her best to distract him, grabbing at his phone.

I hate myself.

Sighing internally, I meowed softly and began licking his fingers.

This feels so wrong.

Minho looked down at me and petted me between my ears. "Are you feeling better now?"

I meowed a yes, hoping my tone would convey the message. I wasn't faking it either, there was something about his touch that was relaxing. It was like being drugged for surgery, feeling sleepy and listless when you're well aware you're body is going to be opened up. It was scary.

"Okay then, how about you get some rest after dinner hm? I'll wake you up after playtime."

I purred.

I did not know I could do that.

Minho picked me up and headed towards one of the rooms. The older cats followed, seeming annoyed.

"He forgot our 'back home' kisses because of you," Soonie grumbled.

I gave an apologetic meow, before being let down on the floor with the other cats.

We were in his room.

It was simple. A queen-sized bed with grey sheets, a mahogany desk covered in notebooks and stationary, and a drawer for clothes. Not as messy as I expected.

What was weird was the bundles stuffed under his bed.

"Did you have a good day? Y/n must have dropped by today."

He crouched down and pulled out a bundle, untying it. A jumble of clothes lay inside.

Soonie went and rubbed her head against his knee, asking to be pet.

"Yeah, she's right here."

"I hope she didn't take anything, or cause trouble." He sighed in frustration. "You never know what that girl is planning."

"She was too scared to do anything under our supervision." Doongi purred proudly and I scoffed.

"Hm, if only she was a little less annoying." He pulled out a pair of sweats from the bundle. "She and I would have gotten along."

I growled. "If only you weren't such a prick, I'm sure we would have been best buds."

"You seem really sensitive today Dori." Minho frowned, noticing my angry meows. "Okay then, we'll talk about her later. Dinner first."

Minho took Soonie off his lap, giving her a little kiss between her ears. He stood up, dusted off his clothes, then proceeded to take them off.

No cat would have screeched as loud as I did. As soon as his hands reached for the hem of his shirt, I dove under the bed, hiding between the bundles.

You saw nothing. You saw nothing. You. saw. nothing.

"You act so weird." Doongi criticized, crawling in next to me. "He's going to think you got switched with another cat."

"Bitch was literally stripping in front of me! What was I supposed to do???"

She just groaned. "Humans are so weird."

She crawled out, and I stayed under the bed in silence, until she told me he was done.

"Where did Dori go?" He hummed.

I hesitantly crawled out, and sat down by the foot of his bed, building up the courage to look up.

Dressed in grey sweats with his messy hair, he was pulling off a really good boyfriend look.

What is wrong with you???

"There you are you naughty little cat. Why so sensitive today?" He cooed, picking me up once more. He snuggled his face into my fur and kissed me.

It felt weird and good at the same time. It felt nice to receive kisses and snuggles, but once my brain registers that I am not really a cat and that I'm being kissed by Lee Minho, the urge to scream returns.

But honestly, I didn't really get why I was so repulsed. This sweet honey-voiced Minho was so different from the grumpy annoying one I knew.

"He thinks you're sick, so he's giving you extra attention." Soonie meowed in annoyance. "Usually, I'm the favorite."

"I'm sure you are." I comforted her.

I was let down when we reached the kitchen, and I took the moment to stretch. God did it feel good.

"Dinner time~"

The cats leaped up, clawing at his sweatpants as he carried bowls of food.

"You know the rules, sit." He ordered firmly.

"You think you're the boss of me." Doongi meowed but sat down obediently. "You are my slave human, you live for me."

"Cut the dramatics," Soonie argued. "He teases us when you do that."

Minho just chuckled and placed the bowls of food in front of us.

"What the fuck is this?" I scrunched my nose. The dark brown gloop looked as appetising as dirt.

"Smell it."

The other two cats were already digging in.

Cautiously, I sniffed.

Oh wow.

The human inside of me was disgusted, but right now, I was a cat. A hungry cat.

Unable to resist the cravings of my new feline body, I licked it.

"Hey, it's not bad! Like mushy chicken gravy and fish!"

Enthusiastically, I began eating the cat food. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Minho watching me carefully.

"You seem to be eating well, I guess that's a good sign."

Is he still worried I'm sick?

"I'm good, don't get so worried." I meowed, knowing he wouldn't understand me.

"I'll just have to wait and see tomorrow." He hummed, scratching under my neck.

No that feels amazing.

Maybe it was because there were drugs in the food, or that there were still some of Dori's instincts inside of me, but I didn't feel repulsed anymore. It was hard to deny it, but underneath the surface, I found warmth and comfort in Minho. Wasn't sure if it was because this body was so used to his love and affection, but I was craving it.

Ok Lee Minho, I will forget my strong dislike towards you, for now.

After our bowls were wiped clean, and Minho had his own dinner, he sat down to play with us.

"No, you go to sleep." He stopped me when I chased after the laser pointer's light. "I don't know if you're hurt or not."

"But the red dot is getting away! I need to chase it!"

But none of my cries were heard. Minho wrapped me up snuggly in a blanket and left me in one of the cat towers to fall asleep.

"Good night kid." Soonie and Doongi had snickered.

I had thrown another tantrum, wanting to play, but my young kitty body was tired. I had been emotionally traumatized so many times the past few hours, that I desperately needed some rest.

So I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't in my blanket anymore. Instead, I was snuggled into lee know's lap, and he slowly petted me as he talked to his older cats.

"Yeah, I won for some reason. I was really bad at bowling last time, but somehow, the tables turned this time. We made a bet for some well-cut beef, and the kids are thankful I got it because I'm the only one who knows how to cook it properly."

Aw, he talks about his day to his cats? That's so cute.

I yawned and stretched, and Minho noticed.

"Slept well?" His voice lowered. Ah, it was so soothing.

I meowed in content, and he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Ah right, Y/n dropped by right? I wondered if you guys recognized her." He spoke, looking at the orange cats on the bed.

"Recognise me?" I asked.

The two ignored me but answered Minho instead. "Yeah, long-haired shortie, sly and nosy. Drama queen and a weirdo. She fit the description, so we assumed it was her."


"Why are you getting so worked up." Minho frowned.

"Keep it down kid, try not to blow everything up last minute." Doongi glared.

"Last minute? How much time do I have left?"

"Not long." Soonie sighed. "I hope Dori is on her way."

Maybe it was the lazy sleepy cat feeling, but I didn't worry much.

"Eh, she'll be back." I stretched.

While we talked, Minho was still rambling about me.

"I mean, she's annoying, she's nosy, but she's not that bad." He said, rolling onto his stomach.


"But she just despises me you know?" He began complaining. "I mean sure, at first, I couldn't stand her as well, but then it just became amusing. I began annoying her on purpose, but I wasn't serious about it. She always storms off."

"Because you tease me 24/7! There's no end to it!" I defended myself. "Besides, I thought you were a heartless jerk, and you probably will still be one when I turn back into a human. You're only nice to your cats."

"I mean, I can't help but tease her y'know." He rolled over to grin at the ceiling. "Cuz she's so cute when she's angry."


Wait what!?

If a cat could blush, I would have been as red as a tomato.

"Like I can't stop myself. She furrows her eyebrows and pouts adorably, then curses me out like a sailor. I mean I know it isn't funny, but how can I take her seriously when she's so tiny."

My kitty heart was beating out of my chest. I didn't know whether to be flustered or mad.

"To be honest." Minho picked me up, held me like baby Simba as he looked up at me. "I think I like her."

My heartbeat slowed down.

The clock struck twelve. Kittyrella's magic wore off.

Minho wasn't holding up his dear kitten Dori anymore, instead, a very heavy Y/n fell on top of him.

We held eye contact for a split second before he yeeted me off the bed.

I rolled off and hit the ground with a large 'oof'.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I heard him scream.

I groaned on the floor, rubbing my head. Soonie jumped down, and quietly examined me.

As I winced, I heard Minho shuffle in his bed and look down at me.


"Hi, Minho~" I smiled awkwardly.

The man blinked, rapidly.

"Where's Dori?"

Yup, that was his first question. No 'how tf did you turn into a cat?' Or 'was I talking to you as Dori the whole time? Or ' 'What sort of sorcery is this!?'

No actually, it was really sweet that his first thought went to his cat.

"I asked you." He growled, suddenly angry. "Where the fuck is my cat?"

"Relax, I can explain." I tried to calm him down.

"I can hear your story later." His gaze turned to steel. "All I want to know right now is where my cat is, and if she is safe."

"She's probably with Channie right now, so yeah, she should be safe." I tried to calm him down. Minho and I often shared death glares, but it was the first time I was afraid of him.

"Probably with Chan? Should be safe???" He cried out, pushing back his hair. "Where's my phone, I need my phone."

I watched him as he scrambled around his bed, throwing away pillows and blankets until he found his phone. He fumbled with it for a minute, before calling my brother.

"Oh hyung, is Dori with you right now?" He asked, his tone anxious.

"Oh, you found out?" I heard Chan's voice. "Yeah, she turned back a while ago. She didn't tell me there was a deadline."

"Video call, right now," Minho said and changed the settings in his phone.

I crawled back onto the bed, looking over Minho's shoulder to see my brother.

Chan appeared on the screen, and he waved us both hello.

"Doin' good?" He asked me in English.

"Mhm, possibly fractured my skull, but fine."

"You can have your sibling reunion later, show me Dori," Minho said, a low growl to his voice.

Chan just chuckled and moved the camera to show Dori fast asleep on my bed.

"She's had a long day, so she decided to take a nap." Chan lowered his voice. "That's why she probably forgot to come back before twelve. She was so set on making sure you never found out."

Minho's face fell. "As long as she's safe."

"I'll bring her up soon, and take Y/n with me. It's late."

Minho and I nodded in unison, then gave each other the side-eye.

"Good to see you two get along." Chan switched to English, winking at me. "See you soon."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye Channie."

Minho hung up and let out a sigh of relief. Then, he whipped his head towards me, glaring.

"You." He seethed. "Explain."

So I did.

After listening to me while petting his cats, he raised an eyebrow.

"So, you and Dori switched bodies because she wanted to experience life as a human, and you've been pretending to be her for the whole day?"

"Basically yes. I came in this evening, and these cats tricked me into doing it."

If a cat could roll its eyes, Soonie and Doongi would have.

"That explains everything." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I thought you were sick."

"Your cats are perfectly healthy, so don't worry too much."

"Wait wait wait." He held his hand out. "Does that mean you talked with my cats? You understood them?"

"Mm, yeah."

Excitement filled Minho's eyes. "Really? What do they think of me?"

"Seriously? Your cats just made a master plan to kidnap a human's body and store her soul into another cat, but this is the first question you ask?"

"Eh, it's not like they sacrificed you to summon a demon or anything." He waved it off. "Now, answer me."

This lil bitch.

"They don't even know who you are."

Doongi, who was sitting next to me, meowed angrily.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "They pretend you're their slave, but they love you very much and get heartbroken when you're sad."

Doongi meowed angrily again as if to say 'how dare you expose me human.'

"That's good to hear." Minho smiled warmly, kissing Soonie's fur.

See that's the thing about this man. One minute he's obnoxiously annoying, and the next, he's a softie who gives his kitties kisses.

"So, you're not going to address the fact that you literally confessed to me?"

I expected him to get surprised, but he just looked up at me with a blank expression.

"Yeah forgot about that." He said casually. "What about it?"

Is he dumb or is he doing this on purpose?

"What about it?" I yelped. "The guy who makes my blood boil just told me he likes me!"

"So? Just ignore it." He shrugged.

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because what if-" I stopped myself, then took a deep breath. "What if I feel the same way?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought I was the guy who made your blood boil."

"Well." I blushed. "Today changed things..."

He fell deep into thought.

"Was it my abs? You were in the room when I changed right?"

This son of a bitch.

"NO! GOD NO!" I shrieked. "I dove under the bed, I didn't see anything."

He raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Then was it the kisses? I kissed you a lot."

I let out a strangled sound, wanting to dig a hole and bury myself then and there.

"No!!! Stop phrasing things that way!" I hid my face with my hands. "You gave Dori kisses, not me."

"Do you want kisses?"


"I'm serious."

My jaw dropped. I looked at him in utter disbelief, cheeks red with embarrassment. I had forgotten the cats were in the room, and now, they were enjoying the drama quietly.

"I said I think I like you, not that I actually do." He said bluntly. "I want to test my theory."

"Test your goddamn theory some other way! I'm out." I got up to leave the room, but he pulled me back into his arms.

My face was inches away from his, he looked down at me with his stupid grin.

"What's the worse that could happen, hm?"

Instead of responding, I kissed him.

He reacted instantly, his hands tangling in my hair as he pulled me impossibly closer.

Everything else disappeared. I couldn't feel the fabric of his shirt that I was clutching so tightly, nor could I hear the cats meowing in complaint. I was high on the sensation of his lips on mine, and I wanted more.

"Fuck, I'm screwed." I gasped when we pulled away.

"Why?" He breathed out. "Regret kissing the guy who makes your blood boil?"

"No." I looked into his eyes. "I'm screwed because I really do have feelings for you."

He didn't waste any time, his lips met mine once more.

"You guys up here?"

Before I could pull away, the door opened and my brother walked in.

He looked at us, we looked at him.

All I can say is, it was my turn to yeet Minho off the bed that night.


Y'all already know I'm bad at endings so pls excuse me.

Also, istg I have other one-shots for Minho that don't center around Soonie Doongi Dori hehe.

What were your thoughts on this sudden genre? It was my first time trying something out of the ordinary, so a bit nervous. My first reader and critique can't read my work at the moment, so I have no idea if I did something wrong.

Anyway, as always, I hope you guys enjoy this one. Comment your thoughts, and vote if you liked it 🥰.

ALSO, thank you so damn much for 900+ reads!!!! I can't believe I can reach 1000 reads oh my god. I can't thank you enough for this guys, I've achieved a goal I never even imagined. I love you guys so much 😭

Currently feeling 'ooh~ so soft and fluffy'

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