Sinbound ✔️

By swritess1

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This is Book Three in LOST AND FOUND SERIES but can be read as a STAND ALONE. *** Being kept in the shadows a... More

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By swritess1

Chapter Twenty Two:

"Feeling like I'm out of my mind, 'cause I can't get enough,
Only one that I give my time, 'cause I got eyes for ya.
Might make an exception for ya, 'cause I been feelin' ya,
Think I might be out of my mind, I think that you're the one."

I felt a finger trailing down the side of my face and I shifted a little in my sleep before opening my eyes and rubbing them.

When my vision cleared, I saw Darius standing above me and I instantly sat up in my bed. The sun had not risen yet, making it still dark outside.

"Hey." I croaked out and checked the time on the clock placed on my nightstand.

It was currently five in the morning and he was dressed in a formal attire.

"I am leaving, Κούκλα." He whispered.

My heart dropped at his words and whatever remaining sleep I had, vanished in thin air.

The thought of him leaving me was unsettling.

He clicked his tongue, seeing my expressions, and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Eirene, I had to be there on the day before yesterday but I cancelled that plan because of you. Don't be like this, now. I will be back the day after tomorrow, baby." He spoke quietly while caressing my cheek.

His touch calmed me and I nodded my head in understanding. I knew it was important for him to attend that wedding.

He will be back soon, I tried to assure myself.

"I understand." I whispered and looked in his emerald eyes.

"Good. I just came to say goodbye and to wish you best of luck for your first day at office. Be confident, baby. I believe in you." He said back and kissed my cheek.

I closed my eyes as his warm lips touched my soft skin and a sigh pushed past my lips, "Thank you. And please, be safe."

"I will. Now, if anything and I mean anything happens, you call me. Don't go out alone and I have asked my security to follow you to your office, they will keep an eye on you from afar. You will meet them in a few hours and Apollo will be your driver, okay? There's a gun taped under the table in my office and one hidden under the sink cabinet in the kitchen. Don't talk to strangers and if you feel uncomfortable or afraid, call me. Don't go anywhere without informing Apollo and leave me a text every hour, did I stutter?" He all but instructed in one breath.

I swallowed and looked down to see his hand resting on my bare thigh and nodded my head.

"Words, Eirene." He warned.

"N-No, you didn't stutter." I replied and bit my lip.

"I know." He said and grabbed my chin before pecking my lips.




I blushed and pulled away as he smirked.

He was about to stand up but I placed my hand above his and he looked back at me with furrowed brows.

"I-I," I stuttered and paused before taking a deep breath and spoke again, "I'll miss you."

He kept staring at me blankly at me before I saw his lips lifting up in the smallest of smiles and he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"I will be back soon."

With that, he strode towards the door but just as he was about to pull it open, I called him once again.

He turned around with the smile from before still intact and it warmed my heart to think that I was the reason behind it.

"Come back to me safe." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

His fingers that rested on the doorknob twitched and an unknown emotion crossed his face but he was quick to mask and replace it with the usual blank look though his eyes gazed at me softly.

He nodded his head once before going out and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

After sitting in the bed for a few minutes, I finally stood up and walked to my closet to select an outfit for my office.

I was not going to get any more sleep, anyways.

After ten minutes of going through multiple racks, I finally settled on a black V-neck blouse and paired it with cream pants.

After showering, I tied the robe around my body and blow dried my hair before going downstairs to the kitchen to cook myself some quick breakfast.

I opened the fridge and found a jug of freshly squeezed orange juice resting there. I frowned as I took it out and inspected it from all the sides.

I didn't make it.

I shrugged and placed it on the counter when something caught my eye.

A post-it note.

I frowned as I did not recognize the neat handwriting and picked it up to read it.

Breakfast's on the counter and the juice is in the fridge. Don't cook something, Anna will bring food for you in the evening. Have a great day, Κούκλα.


My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my lips upon reading the note.

I looked to my left and saw a plate resting on the counter covered with a plastic wrap. I grinned as I saw that he had made me sandwiches.

I took one and munched on it, happily. My phone rang and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." I spoke after swallowing a bite.
It was delicious.

"Angel." I heard his strained voice and the smile immediately dropped.

"Angelo, are you alright?" I asked in panic.

"Yeah, yeah." He answered after a while.

"What happened?" I inquired, not believing him.

He sighed and then the line went quiet for a few moments making my heart thump wildly against my chest.

"Ang-" I started to say but his voice cut me off.

"Dad tried to attack Darius." He whispered from the other side.

A shiver went up my spine as I recalled the dinner last night. After Darius had told me who attempted to attack him, I asked him how did he find out about it and he told that one of the men took my father's name just before Darius killed him.

"I know."

"I am so sorry, Lea. I am trying to disassociate him from the business as soon as possible but there's still a couple of things left in order to do that. Just a few more weeks, please." He pleaded.

I swallowed and shook my head, "I understand, Angelo. You don't have to apologize but just promise me one thing, though."

"Anything for you." He was quick to reply.

"Don't let him take Darius away from me." I spoke quietly.

"I promise." He sighed out.

"And you, too. I can't lose any more people."

"I promise you, princess."

"I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see you soon, be safe." He said and hung up.

I sighed as I placed the phone back on the counter and looked at the time. It was now almost seven and I had to be at office at 8 sharp.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open and the sound of shoes clicking against the floor reached my ears. Panic bubbled in my chest but it died down as soon as I saw Apollo come in my view along with two other men.

"Good morning, ma'am." He greeted with a nod.

"Good morning, Apollo." I greeted back and my eyes went to the two buff men who stood with a blank look on their faces as their eyes were set on the wall behind me.

"They'll be your security guards from now on. Sir had handpicked them." He informed.

My heart swelled at his words and I made a mental note to thank him once he's back.

"Good morning, miss. I am Hector." One of the buff men spoke.

He stood almost as tall as Darius and had a thick beard with a shaved head. I smiled politely at him and nodded my head.

"Good morning, miss. My name's Damon." The other one spoke, his accent was a bit thick.

They both looked like they have rehearsed this line a million times over.

Damon had pitch black eyes and similar buzz cut hair making him look more intimidating.

"It's nice to meet you, both. Would you like some breakfast?" I asked with a small smile looking at the three of them, one by one.

All of them shared a brief look as they shifted their weigh from one foot to another with shock written on their faces in bold letters.

Guess they were not used to it.

Apollo cleared his throat and spoke up, "No, thank you, ma'am. We'll be outside."
With that, they excused themselves and left the house.

I quickly ate my fill and covered the rest of them with the wrap before putting the plate in the fridge.

I rushed upstairs to change into my clothes when my steps froze on the last stair.

Oh my God.

I looked down at my attire and my face heated up.

I can't believe I greeted all of them in a robe.

A robe?!

I face palmed myself at the second hand embarrassment that I was now feeling.

That's why they only kept their eyes fixed on the wall.

You're so stupid, Eirene. I scolded myself but finally made it to my room.

I slipped into my clothes quickly before making a neat ponytail and grabbing my black heels. Then I picked up my phone and left a text to Darius informing him that I was leaving for office.

When I finally made it outside, I saw Apollo leaning against the car with his hands in his pocket as he looked around for any potential threat.

I shook my head silently thinking about how paranoid the men of this mafia were, all the time.

But maybe, this is what happens when you sort of run the country.

I had to ask Darius about it, though.

"Ready to go, ma'am?" Apollo straightened as soon as he saw me and I heard the engine of another car.

I looked behind us to see an SUV.

"That's Hector and Damon." Apollo supplied when he sensed my confusion.

"Oh. Let's go." I turned to him with a polite smile and he opened the door for me.

I thanked him once I was settled inside and then we hit the road after he jumped in the driver's seat.

After a good fifteen minutes, we were stood outside the standard building which was now my office.

A mix of nervousness and excitement rushed through me as I looked at the three-storey building which was made of red bricks and had tall glass windows.

It was nothing fancy but the vibe it radiated was homely, just like the last time I had been here.

"Thank you, Apollo." I said to him as he opened the door for me once again and I got out.

"It's my duty, ma'am. I will be here at 5 sharp to pick you up." He informed and left.

I made my way inside but not before greeting the aged guard who smiled warmly at me, in return.

"Oh, Eirene! You're early." The lady at the reception spoke taking me by surprise.

"I am sorry, my dear. I didn't intend to startle you." She apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, it's alright. I am just a little... skittish?" I said and we both chuckled.

Paula, was a kind lady in her late forties who worked as a receptionist. She was the one who had spoken to me over phone regarding interview and everything related to my job.

Her warm smile and motherly attitude had already grown on me even though we've only met once.

"Anyways, I'll show you to your cabin. Ms. Richards came in a few minutes, ago." She told referring to my boss, Penelope Richards.

Penelope had started this news agency slash publishing house ten years ago from scratch and today it was considered one of the top-tier agencies in Greece.
There was a total of a hundred employees working here, including me, and all three floors had their own supervisors.

I had applied for the post of an online journalist and my beat would be crime.
Ironic, right?

Penelope told me that their previous journalist had resigned after the birth of her four child and she had a disgusted look on her face when she said that. I remember silently laughing at her distaste.

She was easy-going and extremely chill and luckily, I was given a cabin right next to her on the ground floor.

"Thank God." I sighed out as Paula showed me my small office.

She chuckled, "She's in a meeting currently so you'll have to wait for a bit," she informed me. "If you need coffee, kitchen's on the right at the far end."

"Thank you." I smiled and she left after that.

I turned to assess the space I would be working in and there wasn't much to explore but I still liked it. The walls were painted a light shade of blue and the furniture was all white. A table was placed in the center with a leather chair behind it and a bookshelf was pushed in the corner of the room. A small flat screen TV hung on the wall opposite to my desk and next to the bookshelf, was a tall window that stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

There was a dedicated cabin for everyone on each floor because Penelope, although chill, took work very seriously. She believed that everyone should have their own space where they can work in peace and are able to focus better.

The insane number of cabins made the interior of the office look like a hotel with a large hall in the center where the employees could probably rest or eat during break or whatever.

I walked to the kitchen cautiously after seeing that the employees have started to arrive. I didn't wanna be around too many people this soon so I quickly located the mugs in the kitchen and took one out before going to the coffee machine.

I should get out of here before anyone else comes here.

When my cup was filled with coffee, I turned to add cream and sugar into it and saw a tall man leaning against the doorframe with a smirk.

I stopped myself from jumping in shock.

"Penelope didn't tell me that she had hired a Goddess." His thick accent reached my ears as his blue eyes twinkled in mischief.

My eyes widened and face flamed at his comment but I didn't dare speak a word.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY, PRETTY BOY. I NEED MY COFFEE OR I'LL KILL SOME MOTHERFUCKER'." I heard a woman's voice and cringed at the choice of her colorful words.

The unknown man rolled his eyes playfully and made way for her and a beautiful dark-skinned woman came in my view as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. She was dressed in a figure-hugging white colored dress and her chocolate pools surveyed the kitchen before they finally landed on me.

She stopped as soon as she saw me and her eyes widened slightly, "Dear Lord, who's this gorgeous lady?"

I blushed even more, if possible and mustered enough courage to put my hand forward for a handshake after placing the mug on the counter behind me.

"Hi, I'm Eirene." I introduced myself with a polite smile and thanked the heavens for not making a fool out of myself by stuttering.

"And she sounds just as divine as she looks." The man commented.

The woman flipped him off to which he laughed heartily before she took my hand while showing her pearly white teeth, "I am Cassandra, the floor supervisor. You're the new addition?"

I nodded my head with a smile of my own.

She clapped her hands, "That's great! I didn't like that old hag anyways. She was such a bitch." She made a sour face while referring to the woman whom I had replaced.

I giggled and her eyes lit up, "If I wasn't straight, I'd definitely ask you out."

I am sure that now my face was as bright as the shade of tomato.

"I am straight, too. So can I do the honors?" The man spoke up once again reminding me of his presence in our room.

He smiled cheekily when I looked at him in shock and walked towards me, "Hi, I am Andrei." He introduced.

"Hello, Andrei. She's taken." Cassandra answered while taking my left hand and showing him the ring on my finger.

I couldn't help the smile that adorned my lips and I heard Andrei whine, "Aw, no! It's always the beautiful ones that are taken. Guess, I'll die a miserable, single life." He spoke dramatically.

I chuckled at his antics and he looked at me with wide eyes causing me to stop immediately.

"Wow! I am sure I can replace whoever put that ring on your finger and woo you." He said like an excited child.

He was giving me major younger brother vibes, if I was being honest.

"Oh yeah girl, I would also like to know the man who was able to score such a fine woman." Cassandra said while fanning her face.

My heart pumped faster as the image of the very person invaded my senses.

"Darius. Darius Pantazis." I told and their jaws dropped.

"Of course, it's the hottest businessman in Greece. Why am I not surprised?!" Cassandra exclaimed loudly as my eyes went to Andrei who suddenly looked like he was about to pass out.

"I think I shat my pants."

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