A Adventure To The Multiverse

By TFBRanni

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Many many years ago god not the ones you think the one true god he made the universe as well as many others t... More

Short Introduction
Chapter One
I'm Who?
Final Selection
Traveling Worlds PT1

Damn Devils.

414 9 1
By TFBRanni



As I was flying over this city I noticed a building that really intrigued me due to a spell I casted on myself only those who at least have something else then human blood can see me.
I landed right infront of the buildings gate for me thats what it looked like for others it just seemed like I walked and appeared here

I take a look at it and the people walking towards it and it seems to be a school I finally found out what this is searching through my mind Kuoh Academy turned girl only school to a normal one well normal as a few Devils and other entities in this town

I need to fit in so I immediately made it so I'm supposed to be here with my overwrite ability as a new student and I am now wearing one of the worst type of uniform I've ever seen the fabric is cheap so I used my overwrite once again to make on par with a high class suit.

Girl1: Oh My!

Girl2: He looks more handsome then the prince!

Girl3: Is he a new student!?!

Girl: He looks like a king!

Kan: King huh I'll use that name just to annoy these Devils I'll have to alter my blood though.

As I walk in the hallway I got lustful stares form girls while death glares from boys while i was walking I am using my overwrite to ch age this body's contents of to a pure pendrgaon giving myself acces to that sword Excalibur but I don't like it that much so I'll use that true Excalibur(From the fate series) But I'll make it look like it's altered version generating both Holy and dark energy just like me I cant wait to see the faces of those Devils and so called angels when they feel my power.

I stop at a door then open it  knowing what class this is and not needing what they call time tables since I can easily know it and such I don't want to interact with those Devils just yet.

Teacher: Ah you must be the new student well introduce yourself.

I start to walk to the the chalkboard a write my name and I face them with a fake but shining smile.

Kan: Nice to meet you all my name is Kan Pendragon I like gaining knowledge training and sleeping.

As I said that all the girls started to screechinf while the boys began looking at me like I'm already dead.

Teacher: Any questions?

Girl1: Are you single?

Girl2: Are you a pervert?

Boy: What do you mean by training?

Girl3: How big are you~

I was annoyed of the questions but I just held it in.

Kan: Well I am single and no I'm not a pervert and when I meant by training like martial arts and other stuff and for the last part well you should expect something.

I should not have said that they began to scream fangirl and have drop to the floor blood streaming down their noses well for the boys well the began to get scared thinking I know lots of martial arts well except a certain brown haired boy...... Oh the red dragon emperor that's pathetic and he's a devil he must think he could beat me.

Teacher: Alright you can sit near the window....... Wait what?

Heh I just bended faith a little bit I didn't want to sit with that Red Dragon he is very weak a 10 year old is stronger then him without his sacred gear and magic wise his energy and mana is weaker then a baby he relies on his gear too much maybe I should take it.

After class.

I was sleeping at my desk I know that multiple girls are staring at me but I can at least give them to admire this vessel until I heard the words I was waiting for.

Kiba: Hello but are you Kan Pendragon?

These Devils really wanna turn me into a slave huh well I'll play along.

Kan: Mhm! Is there anything you need?

I see a blonde haired girl. So I'm in one of those realities we'll can't complain.

Kiba: I would like you to come with me please.

And I did just that I followed her I got stares but this time only from the boys the girls well they were glaring at this Kiba I followed her till we came to a stop

It looks terrible but I can sense multiple seals on it we went inside and I got stares one from a certain red dragon one from a obvious Nekomata or something one from a hybrid and I cna hear water yup seduction tactic I waited and waited until I finally saw the devil a gremory huh?

Rias: Thank you for coming I didn't have time to take a shower at my home so please forgive me.

Yeah really I just saw you earlier staring at me while I was flying didn't think I notice huh?

She sat down and the hybrid gave us tea it was pretty decent but ive had better I can't keep wasting time like this once I finish my job here I'm leaving and erasing my trace that I was ever a student here.

Rias: Now Kan was it? Do you believe in the super natural?

Kan: Of course I do why do you think I came here and made myself into a Pendragon you devil.

As I said that all of them were on guard rias however was shocked I bet she was thinking what I meant by made myself into a Pendragon.

Rias: What do you mean made yourself?


Kan: Alright I'll get straight to the point I'm here to meet your brother I didn't want to go to the udner world since it's filthy and I really wanna play a long but it was hopeless since this dimension is really boring and what I meant by I made myseld into a Pendragon I altered this body I can even make myself a dragon or a devil hell even what you pathetic mortals think of as a God which are weak by the way.

Rias was on edge she just heard multiple information at once dimensions? Calling superior races weak altering once self? One question was clear who was the person sitting infront of her. And how can she use him.

Rias: Hm it seems you are very powerful would you like to join my peerage?

That what made Kan snap this bitch just offered him to be a servant there are infinite numbers of version of this world who would care if one got erased? His creator wouldn't mind as long as their is balance and right now it's 48/52 in the whole multiverse if he destroys this one he can fix it easily but there are worlds worse then this so he will let them try to make him a servant.

Kan: Try it i dare you and im serious try it.

Rias was now smirking she quickly grabbed a piece and began chanting it was a knight piece it began mutating she was happy she thought she had a new servant but something made here widne her eyes as it made contact to kans chest it turned to dust.

Rias: W-what?

Kan: See I told you now let's summon you're brother shall we.

I released a fraction of my power directly towards the underworld as I did that everyone around me collapse but a magic circle appeared I smirk at this my job might be hard but I can have some fun hell in not even 3 days old yet.

Sirzechs: RIAS!

He saw them in there knees he might thinking im attacking them he immediately made a ball of destruction well as far as something weak like that I'll use what that purple cat used.

He throws it at me but I just streched out my hand and release 2 percent of my power yes 2 percent the strongest being here can't be even 1 percent of my power this is the weakest reality of this world I know pathetic.

Kan: Hakai.

(Replace funny green man with the destruction ball)

He was shocked and scared the power his seeing now was something he never saw the perverted dragon tried to hit me from the back with the gauntlet but once It touched me I removed it and placed it in a pocket dimension he was confused and scared this universe is done the balance is already at 39/61 thanks to my stunt I flew up and did something I need to do there were millions more of this same World just different outcomes so I did what I had to do I looked at the oh so mighty lucifer of this reality and he had fear in his eyes he knows what I'm gonna do while rias had tears.



I floated down they might be thinking I wasn't gonna destroy this universe.

Sirzechs: T-thank you i a-

He was cut off by a giant orb in the sky it was like the moon was close to them it had pure energy I looked at him and spoke.

Kan: Do you know there are millions hell even billions of this same world with different outcomes and people this one is just a waste of space unlike the others when I immediately came here the balance was already changed it shows that any version of this reality they are all power hungry mortals.

As I said that the orb came down destroying this planet and everyone in it

just like the balance was back to 50/50 well time to go to another world I hope this one is better and just like that I'm off to a new world.

As Kan said that he opened a portal this time he knew what this place was it was full of actual demons it's balance was heavily tipped thanks to the demons but he wanted to experience the word fun so he implanted himself in it with a katana and went to a mountain full of them and they call it a test.

Somewhere else

God: His methods may not be that good but he gets the job done..... I'll let this one slide he wants to experience that statement fun I'll let him.

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