Abused RWBY x Big Brother Rea...

By JD_rules02

138K 1.9K 2.2K

Team RWBY were abused when they were just kids by who they thought were their family. So they each decided to... More

Bio and Family
Meeting the Girls
The (L/N) Family
Initiation Day
Initiation Day Pt. 2
Dealing with Problems
Mystery Person
Family Time
The Search
Food Fight and Master Plan
Day Off

First Day

13.4K 187 530
By JD_rules02

We now see (Y/N) sleeping in his bed with Zwei sleeping at the end near his feet at the end of the bed. However, (Y/N) was starting to stir in his sleep and what we see in his mind is that it is white and quiet as he looks around for a way out.

(Y/N): Hello? Is anyone here? (Silence) Where the hell am I?

As he starts to look around he starts to faintly here a voice.

???: (Y/N)... (Y/N)...

He then starts to look around, trying to find the person of the voice. But then he starts to wonder, he's heard this voice somewhere but he can't seem to figure it out. As he looks around he see's a figure. And when he looks closer he is haunted to see who it is. It was Michael.

(Y/N): M-Michael? No this isn't real! You're dead! I held you in my arms as you died!

Michael had his head looking down as he slowly walks towards (Y/N), but as he does, with every step he takes the white background becomes black as he gets closer to (Y/N). (Y/N) was scared of this as he just stands there with fear. As the figure gets closer, (Y/N) could feel the dread and hate from this person.

Michael: Why? Why didn't you help me?

(Y/N): W-what?

Michael then puts his hands on (Y/N) shoulders which gets him even more scared. Michael then slowly looks up and what (Y/N) saw, made him go paler than a ghost.

Michael then proceeds to grab (Y/N)'s neck and push him to the ground and starts to choke him.

Michael: I'm dead because of you! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

And at that point (Y/N) wakes up in a jolt and gasps with sweat and was hyperventilating as he grabs his throat trying to catch his breath. He looks around and notices that his clock says it's 6:50 a.m. in the morning. He then hears Zwei bark looks at the dog and sees that he is worried about his owner. (Y/N) then starts to Zwei and calms him down.

(Y/N): It's ok boy. Just a bad dream, nothing serious. But I do need to get up and get ready as well as get you some food. You ready to get up?

Zwei: *BARK* *BARK*

(Y/N): (Smiles) Atta boy. Come on then!


We now see (Y/N) entering the school yard he can see many students eyeing him with males fanboying wishing they were him and the females crushing and swooning over him.

Boy 1: Holy crap it's him!

Girl 1: *SQUEAL!!!* He's so cute!

Girl 2: Oh how I wish he was younger.

Boy 2: Wonder how tough he is?

Boy 3: Hey careful man! Don't push him.

Girl 3: Wouldn't matter anyway. Pretty sure Mr. (L/N) would beat him no problem.

(Y/N) just smiles at the students comments and keeps on walking. As he does he see's Ozpin and Goodwitch walking as well greeting the students, so he walks up to them and greets them.

(Y/N): Good morning!

The teachers turn around and see him walking up to them with his signature smile.

Ozpin: Ah good morning to you as well Mr. (L/N)! How are you doing this fine morning?

(Y/N): Just fine. Although I kinda missed my morning cof-

Just then Ozpin pulls out an extra mug of coffee and hands it to (Y/N) which makes him go wide eyed at the magic that just happened. He then takes a sip and tastes that it is just perfect with the right amount of cream and sugar.

(Y/N): H-how did kno-

Ozpin then smiles and brings his finger to his mouth saying he will not reveal his secret. This creeps (Y/N) out as he slowly takes a couple steps back.

Ozpin: Anyways, lets take a walk and enjoy our morning before classes start.

(Y/N): Uhhh.... sure. I guess.


The three teachers were walking along as it was about 8:57 a.m. and were making sure some students were heading to class and were not lolly gagging. As they were walking they start to hear rapid foot steps as they look to their left and see teams RWBY and JNPR running for their first class.

(Y/N): Hi girls!

RWBY: (While running) Hi Onii-chan!

They then run by as they keep on heading towards their first class. The teachers smirk as they see the children trying to not be knowing full well that they will be. As they lose sight of the kids, they keep on walking and as they rounded a corner, (Y/N) bumps into someone and falls on top of them. 

(Y/N): Ow! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention are you-

He then opens his eyes and see's the person he is on top of is his old teammate.

(Y/N): Kanao?

Kanao: (Y-Y/N)?

???: Hey (Y/N)! What's up?

(Y/N) looks to his side and looks up to see his other teammate Samuel with his usual smug and snakey toothed smile.

(He's going to be a snake faunus.)

(Y/N): Sam?

Sam: *WHISTLES* Damn (Y/N), didn't know you had the guts to get down with Kanao?

(Y/N): Huh? (Looks down and see his current position with Kanao he is in and they both blush)

(Y/N) and Kanao: AHHH!

They both frantically get up and apologize to each other while Sam laughs like crazy, Glynda is giggling and Ozpin is just standing there with his thumb up. Once they all calmed down, started to ask questions.

(Y/N): So what are you guys doing here?

Sam: Well you see we're actually here to be teaching assistants here at the school. Just like you.

(Y/N): Really? Who are you guys assisting?

Sam: I'm gonna be with the stealth and security teacher, Ann Greene.

(Y/N): I mean that's gonna be your best choice considering your semblance and the way you......... fight?

Sam: Dude... I'm a snake faunus. I'm meant to be stealthy, so if you say something like that I won't be offended.

(Y/N): Right sorry. What about you Kanao?

Kanao: I'm with Dr. Oobleck.

(Y/N): Oh... well I know you'll do well.

They then all hear the last bell and the teachers start heading to their respective classes. As (Y/N) and Glynda were walking, (Y/N) could feel as if someone was watching he turns around and sees no one there. Just the sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing as there is no students in the court yard because they were all in class.

Glynda: Mr. (L/N) are you coming?

(Y/N): Uh yeah... yeah... I'm coming.

As he takes one more look he finally looks back and continues with Glynda into the school.

*Time-skip to the combat class*

(I don't know how the school schedule for Beacon works so I'm just winging it)

We now see Glynda and (Y/N) in the first class of the day and Glynda was looking over the class making sure that no one was late, (Y/N) on the other hand; was just looking at the students and he sees his sisters and JNPR. He smiles knowing that his sisters are doing well so far, he was thinking that Yang would've hit some asshole for accidentally touching her hair or something dumb like that.

Glynda: Alrighty then! Now for today we will be having all of you students do 1v1 sparring matches. During your matches, Mr. (L/N) will be walking and watching your forms and techniques and will help you learn and adjust while I, on the other hand, will be grading your performances.

The students start murmuring and were getting excited, this causes him to smile and chuckle at their antics as Glynda closes her eyes and sigh.

Glynda: Alright now children, settle down.

The students quiet down and some time later we see all the students working on their fights with (Y/N) going around looking at their performance making sure they are doing well. So far all the students were doing well, he could tell that they were trained well. Of course there was the occasional off footing or misblock, but that's something that they can improve cause it's something they need to learn and focus on. As he was walking around he saw something that made his blood boil a little bit, and that was a certain students bullying a fellow student who was a bunny faunus.

Bully: Give up yet freak?

Faunus: P-please stop!

Bully: Guess I'll take that as a 'no'.

He brings his mace up and was was about to bring it down on her, that was until (Y/N) used his speed to grab the bully's mace and looks at him dead in the eye which kind of scared the kid. This sudden action got the attention of everyone else as well as Glynda. All the students were looking at (Y/N) with a look of shock and concern.

(Y/N): Miss Goodwitch?

Glynda: Uh yes?

(Y/N): What is the name of this kid of whose weapon I am currently holding.

Glynda: That is Cardin Winchester. Team leader of team CRDL one of the new teams this year.

(Y/N): I see. (Looks at Cardin with venom) Why would you try to hurt her? Tell me please.

Cardin: Why not? Faunus's are just animals that need to learn their place!

(Y/N) then looks back at the faunus girl on the ground, who was pretty beat up and see's the sadness in her eyes. He then looks to Blake who was looking down and touching her scar as she remembers the most inhumane things that were done to her. He then looks back at Cardin with murderous intent which makes him more terrified.

(Y/N): Miss Goodwitch, I would like to request a sparring match with team RWBY against team CRDL.

All the students go wide-eyed and within seconds the students started leaving the arena to their seats while the bunny faunus walks up to (Y/N), but still looks shy for some reason.

(Y/N): 'Must be embarrassed about wanting to say thanks.'

Bunny: T-thank you M-Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N): Your welcome. Are you alright though?

Bunny: Y-yes.

(Y/N): What's you name?

Velvet: Velvet Scarlatina.

(Y/N): Nice name. Now go ahead and head to your seat.

Velvet: Yes sir!

All the students go wide-eyed and within seconds the students started leaving the arena to their seats while RWBY run over to their brother to find out what he was doing.

Ruby: Onii-chan what are you doing?

Weiss: Yeah! Why are you getting so defensive all of a sudden?

(Y/N) looks at Blake and then back at the bunny girl who was healing herself up. He can see the hurt and worry in their eyes which pissed him off. He then looks back to his sisters and gives them a sympathetic look. 

(Y/N): Because I don't want people hurt. Because I want you girls to help those in need. If you girls want to be huntresses, then you need to stand up for yourselves but most importantly, help whoever needs it. Look at Blake and look at Velvet, Blake is remembering them  and that girl is afraid. Do you girls want to see innocent people hurt? Especially your friends and classmates? Then think of them as family and protect them with your own hearts and minds. Isn't that what I taught you?

The girls look down thinking about what he said as they then look back up with determination in their eyes. (Y/N) smiles knowing their answer.

(Y/N): Alright then. Now go kick their asses to next week.

Ruby: Swear! (Holds out a jar from nowhere)

(Y/N): *Sigh* I hate that jar. (Puts lien in the jar) Alright, now go kick some a-

Ruby slowly raises the jar which causes (Y/N) to shut his mouth.

(Y/N): *SIGH!* Just go kick their butts.

The girls all giggle as they head over to their side of the arena. As they were walking, (Y/N) looks at them and smiles before he catches a certain little bunny girl watching him. She notices him looking and looks away towards the middle of the arena with a blush on her face. This causes (Y/N) to smile and chuckle as he knew that she heard their conversation. He then heads over towards Glynda and stands next to her to also supervise the fight.

Glynda: Would you like to announce Mr. (L/N)?

(Y/N): I would love too. (Steps forward) Now for the rules. More specifically, my rules when it comes to a sparring match. Aura is allowed and so is the use of dust based ammunition. However (The students look at him with raised brows except for RWBY) no semblances.

Students: WHAT?!

(Y/N): Silence! (The students go quiet) From my experience in the field and with the current generation that is all of you; it's come to my attention that you all rely on your semblances too much. So for this match I want to see what team CRDL has against... my little sisters.

Students: SISTERS?!?!

The students then start murmuring again, this makes (Y/N)'s eye twitch in annoyance. 

(Y/N): ENOUGH!!! 

(Y/N)' voice boomed throughout the arena as all the students looked at him with shock and a bit of fear. Even RWBY was caught of guard a little as well as Glynda. He rubs his eyes in annoyance as he knows time been wasted enough.

(Y/N): That's enough distractions, time to fight. Team RWBY are you ready? (The girls get in stances) Team CRDL, are you ready? (They hesitantly get in stances) Ready! And..... BEGIN!!!

(Time-skip because we all know CRDL is gonna get their asses whopped.)

(Y/N): And that's the match! Team RWBY wins!

The students all cheer and that's when the final bell rings as all the students start to leave except for RWBY as they walk up to (Y/N) as he congratulates them for winning their match. As he was giving praise, Velvet walked up behind (Y/N) and tapped on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Hmm? Yes Velvet what can I do for you?

Velvet: U-ummm... can I um... can I call you Onii-sama?

This shocks (Y/N) and RWBY which makes (Y/N) gasp and then he hugs Velvet with pure joy and glee.

(Y/N) OH MY OUM, YES! I don't mind having another little sister!

Then Glynda came over and told them that (Y/N) and team RWBY were requested to the Ozpins office for something important. 

(Time-skip to the elevator)

Yang: Wonder what Ozpin wants?

Weiss: Who knows?

Ruby: *GASPS!* Maybe it's a mission already?!

(Y/N): Relax Rosebud, you guys won't get your first mission for a while.

Ruby: Aww man!

Blake places her hand on her sister's shoulder, reassuring her that their time will come. They then heard the elevator ding and as the doors open, the girls skins go pale and cold but (Y/N) glares as his blood boils to the people that they never wanted to see.

(Y/N): Ozpin... what are "they" doing here?

And those people were the girl's old parents and and family members. The girls backed up behind their brother out of fear.

Ozpin: Well you see, these people are the girls biological family and they have been super worried about their little girls after they ran away. And so they came to me to try and find them.

Summer: Ruby? Is that you sweetheart?!

She was about to hug Ruby until she felt the cold hard steel of your blade against her neck. This shocked the others as (Y/N) stared at Summer with murderous intent.

(Y/N): You will all stay away from my sisters.

"Families":  Sisters's?!

(Y/N) then kicked Summer so hard that she crashed into Tai and Qrow. This angered Raven and Ghira as they both decided to try and rush (Y/N) but little did they know, that this was their worst mistake as (Y/N) moved out the way and uppercuted Ghira so hard that he crashed into roof and fell back down out cold. Then Raven tried to use her blade and slash (Y/N), but he used his blade to block it and then performed multiple slashes on her that it almost broke her aura. He then heard the sound of glyphs as he turns around and sees Winter about to attack him. She fired multiple shards from the glyphs towards him as he gets in a breathing stance and chanted something.

(Y/N): Sun breathing, sixth form: Solar Heat Haze.

He then dashes so fast that the only thing that could be seen was the fire trail towards Winter. Winter prepares for the impact as it completely vaporized the shards and was heading towards her, but when she opened her eyes she saw no marks on her and turned around to see (Y/N) behind her in a slash pose. She scoffed and smiled thinking he missed and as she was starting to get in a another stance, (Y/N) slowly sheathed his blade with an audible metal clang as it went fully in.

Winter: Ha! Seems that you... you... missed?

She looks down at her stomach and sees a gash over her stomach spilling out blood and then she falls to her knees looking back at (Y/N) with fear at his speed and power. He then walks up to her and stares right in her eyes with hate as her aura tries to heal her as fast as possible. This causes everyone but Ozpin and RWBY.

Winter: W-who are y-you?

(Y/N): The names (Y/N) (L/N).

They all go pale as they realize who they were dealing with. And that was the huntsman who killed 1,000 grimm all by himself when he was just a student. He then back hands Winter in the face as she falls to the ground in pain trying to 

Qrow: Why is he here Ozpin?

Ozpin: (Inhales and exhales as he adjusts his glasses) I hired him and his team here as assistant teachers. Now I want answers of why Mr. (L/N) has acted so aggressively but as to why four of MY students are afraid of their biological family?

They all stay quiet as they don't want to reveal what they did. This annoys (Y/N) as he decided enough was enough and it was time to stand up to them now.

(Y/N): I'll tell you Oz. These... "people"... abused my sisters when they were just kids. 

Jacques: He's lying! This bastard is just spreading lies so he can keep you manipulated and keep our daughters under his influence and keep them away from us! Our daughters love us and not you!

(Y/N): Prove it.

Jacques: ...What?

(Y/N): Prove it. Try and walk up to Weiss and hug her. See what happens.

Jacques hesitantly tries to walk up to Weiss, but the girls run away towards their brother and get behind him as they keep looking at their families with fear. (Y/N) smiles knowing that they are screwed, all he had to do was seal that deal and it was over for them. He turns to the girls and nods to them and in which they nod back as well.

(Y/N): Show him girls.

The girls walk up to Ozpin's desk. Ruby rolls up her sleeve while the rest remove the make up that was hiding their scars. This makes Ozpin gasp at the scars that the girls have been hiding for so long. This gets Ozpin furious, but he tries his best to keep it as professional as possible.

Ozpin: So... you all did this to your daughters.

They all look away as that confirms his suspicion.

Ozpin: How long ago did you girls decided to run away?

Blake: We all ran away the day we got the scars.

Yang: That was 10 years ago sir.

Ozpin: And for how long did they abuse you.

Weiss: It started for me and Blake when we where 4 years old. But for Ruby and Yang we don't know, only they know and they haven't even told Onii-chan.

(Y/N) looks at Yang and Ruby as he also wants to know. He's been trying for years to get that information for a long time and today was the day that he finally know. He then looks at team STEQ and see's that they're shaking in their boots. This confused him a little cause they knew that once he heard their response they would be trouble.

Yang: For me and Ruby it started when we...

Ruby: ...when we were both 3 years old.

Ozpin's eyes go wide as he grit his teeth to the point that a little bit of blood was coming out of his gums. In all of Ozpin's years, he has never seen abuse this bad. Of course being a headmaster at one of, if not the best huntsman schools on the planet, he has seen many cases of abuse, bullying and racism. But now that he sees clear evidence of his once most proud students abusing their children at the young age of 3. Ozpin was about to say something until they heard a crack as everyone looks to see (Y/N) with his fist in the wall, hair covering his eyes as they start to hear hissing and what they see looks like fire and steam coming out of his mouth. Only team RWBY and Ozpin what this meant as (Y/N) looks up and faces STRQ and slowly unsheathes his katana and his knife and looks up at them with a pissed off look and a strange mark spreading across his face.

(I know this is Tanjiro as a demon but I think it makes the most sense. Just don't mind the demon eyes and the teeth.)

(Y/N): I'm gonna kill you.

Before (Y/N) could move, he was suddenly lifted up in the air which confused everyone until they turned around to see Glynda with Kanao and Sam next to her as they see (Y/N)'s current condition. And from the looks of their faces, it seemed they heard everything.

Glynda: Mr. (L/N) please refrain from killing these people. Even though they do deserve it.

(Y/N) is slightly lowered but is still pissed, that is until RWBY walk up to the bubble and he looks at their sad faces and realizes that he is scarring them. So he takes the moment to calm down and he had calm down the mark had gone away.

(Y/N): I'm fine now Glynda.

He is then lowered down back onto the ground and is out of the bubble. Ruby then runs straight for him and tightly hugs him as she slowly starts to quietly cry into his chest, (Y/N) then hugs her back as they stand there for a moment as there was complete silence between everyone. That was until (Y/N) picked Ruby up in his arms and then looked at Ozpin.

(Y/N): Me and my sisters will be taking our leave now Ozpin. (Looks at the "parents") I believe you want to discuss something with them.

Ozpin: You are quite right Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N), with Ruby in his arms, walked to the elevator with the other girls following close behind. Once they reached the elevator, (Y/N) hit the button for the ground floor and as the door closed, the only thing that could be heard was Ozpin yelling. It was quiet on the way down and only thing that could be heard were the sniffles of Ruby quietly crying which made (Y/N) gently tighten his grip around her. He then felt a tug from the back of his haori, he turns his head around to see the others holding it. Once they reached the ground floor, (Y/N) motioned them to follow him outside, but this didn't go unnoticed by teams JNPR and CFVY as they were walking by together and noticed the five of them with sad and angry faces.

Velvet: Onii-sama?

Jaune: Hey, isn't that team RWBY and Mr. (L/N)?

They then heard the elevator ring one more time as they now see a group of adults coming out with hand prints on their faces as well as looks of defeat. As the adults walked away, they all looked to each other and decided to follow (Y/N) and RWBY. Later they followed them behind a corner, so they decided to stay hidden behind said corner and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Coco: Wonder what their talking about?

Pyrrah: Who knows?

Fox: Shush! Let's listen.

They all stay quiet and start listening in. And what they hear, breaks their hearts.

(Y/N): Are you girls ok?

The girls stay quiet which makes (Y/N) confirms his suspicion that they are still scared. He then walks up to them and gives them a tight hug which the girls gladly return. This makes the other teams raise an eyebrow as to why he's asking if they're ok. The next thing the heard was crying and sobbing from RWBY, which made the other teams become worried for their fellow huntsmen. 

(Y/N): You girls do remember my promise right?

Ruby: ...... That you'll never let our families take us back.

(Y/N): That's right. And I plan to keep it that way. The fact that I now know how long those bastards were abusing you four makes my blood boil. And it's the fact you were all just abused when you were children just pisses me off and I wish I had killed them there and then.

Weiss: .... Please don't Onii-chan. This is something we gotta face ourselves alone.

(Y/N): No!

The girls are startled by the sudden outburst as well as JNPR and CFVY. 

(Y/N): *Sigh* That's not how a family faces a problem. We face it together, laugh it off together and cry about it together. No matter what, I will be there for you girls no matter what, whether if I go to jail or give my life for you girls, I WILL do it.

The girls start crying as they hug their brother even harder because if they think they let go of him, he will disappear. The other teams were beginning to cry as they watched this tear jerker. They all decided to leave them and let them have their moment and ask about it tomorrow.

(Y/N): You girls wanna go get some food?

They all nod and start to walk off. As they were on the bullhead, heading to Vale, (Y/N) felt another tug and turned around to see Blake with the others behind her, looking embarrassed.

(Y/N): What's up kitty?

Blake: Can um... can we sleep at the house tonight?

(Y/N) smiles knowing why they want to. Because their scared of losing their brother and want him to comfort them as their big brother.

(Y/N): Of course you girls can spend the night at the house. We can spend tonight celebrating you four getting into Beacon. Also... I think Zwei wants to see you girls again. (Looks directly at Blake) Especially you kitty.

Blake: Well I don't miss him. (Gives a small smile)

They all laugh at the joke and then the bullhead landed and then they got off and started walking over to place where they can grab some comfort food for dinner.

(Y/N): So what do you girls want? Remember...

RWBY: Nothing fancy and nothing crazy.

(Y/N): There we go. So what's it going to be?

Ruby: Hmmmm?

Ruby starts looking around and then looks at a very familiar place. A common ramen shop that they all knew very well named 'A Simple Wok'. This made Ruby smile as a light bulb went ding above her head.

Ruby: Onii-chan! How about ramen?

(Y/N): Only if it's ok with your sisters. What say you girls?

Yang: That's fine by me!

Weiss: I guess that's ok.

Blake: As long as I can get fish instead.

(Y/N): Don't worry Blake. The owner knows us, so I'm sure you'll get your fish.

They all walk up to the stand and take their seats as they wait for the owner. The owner then walks out and everyone nods knowing what they want and in which the owner does the same and he then runs into the kitchen to start cooking and later comes out with the food along with someone else. 

???: Here's your food. Anything else?

Weiss: No I think we're good. Thank- Klein?

Klein: Weiss?

There was awkward silence for second as everyone else was eyeing what was happening.

(Y/N): Weiss... is the butler you were talking about that helped you escaped?

Weiss nods as (Y/N) looks back at him with a smile.

(Y/N): So Mr. Klein... would you like to come work for me?

Everyone: Huh?

And done! This literally took me about a month because I've been busy with work, trying to come up with ideas for this story and I've also been on vacation but now this chapters done. See you soon rock stars!

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