Hellfire | Hayley Marshall

By SprintingFox

189K 6.7K 1.7K

Backstabbing, bickering, butchery, repeat. It took a werewolf to bring the Mikaelsons together in the place w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Final Author's Note

Chapter 47

1.9K 81 12
By SprintingFox

Hayley was at Eisa's door the next morning.

"Wow, you came to Algiers," said the Original, rubbing her eyes as she moved aside to let Hayley in. The hybrid had brought Hope with her, and Eisa cast the little girl a sleepy smile before going to set out a playmat for her.

"I didn't really know where else to go," said Hayley, her cheeks turning red as she knelt down to help Hope set out her toys.

Eisa pulled over two chairs, then went to her kitchen. "Has she eaten yet?"

"Yeah, she had some fruit. Don't worry, I'm not hungry."

"Well, I am," said Eisa, grabbing herself a bowl of cereal before returning to sit with her. "What's wrong? You look troubled."

Hayley winced. "Maybe I shouldn't have come."

Eisa blinked. "Why not? What's happened?"

"It's Jack. I just... I shouldn't have come to complain about him when you've been so respectful of the fact I married him despite being involved with you."

Eisa pursed her lips. "Well, believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've given relationship advice to someone I fancy. Go on."

"Yesterday, I promised Jack I would be there all day to celebrate with him and Hope. He got a bit annoyed when I went to the Compound to ask if you guys needed help... I guess he thought I was looking for an excuse not to hang out with him. He told me that if I preferred to be with you guys, all I had to do was let him know, and he would respect that.

"I told him that wasn't true, and I explained the situation, and he just got annoyed. Wondering why I was so insistent on wanting to go help even when it was dangerous. He said I needed to value my life more because I have a daughter to worry about, I started to explain that I couldn't live with myself if those vampires had hurt you all, and I'd have to one day explain to Hope that I sat back and did nothing while it was happening just because it would have put me in danger, even if I would have been capable of stopping any harm from coming to you guys.

"From there, the argument just got worse. I lost my temper and said that he'd only just mentioned he wanted to spend Thanksgiving with me in the city that very morning, which was the only reason I made that promise, and then I said that just because he chose to ignore his family on Thanksgiving, didn't mean I would do the same. I realized how cruel that sounded and I tried to apologize, and then we were just hissing at each other about how we didn't communicate enough about whether we'd be celebrating in the Bayou with Hope or by ourselves, and just... he said I made it very clear that I didn't feel entirely comfortable spending Thanksgiving with him."

Hayley rubbed her forehead, looking down at Hope. "And then, he asked why I hadn't stayed at the Compound if I wanted to help so bad. I told him that you insisted I go home and be safe, and I listened. He said something like, 'if the woman you love, the one you always care to listen to, told you to stay put, why are you trying to eavesdrop on their conversations, looking for an excuse to leave?' Then I tried to tell him that I don't..." she swallowed hard. "I..."

"That you don't love me," said Eisa quietly. "Continue."

"No," said Hayley, shaking her head. "I told him that... I don't like to listen when someone I love tells me to leave them behind. And he just... he stopped, and he asked if I'm still in love with you, and I told him that he knew that when he married me, and he just kept asking how that's still possible, when he's heard me complain about how much you sleep around."

"Well, you can complain," said Eisa, trying to pretend she wasn't mildly offended. "But I will continue to sleep around until the coast is clear and until I'm in a stable relationship that requires the utmost loyalty. I'm proud of my body and I like to enjoy myself."

"I know that," said Hayley. "I know, because when you and I started really getting to know each other... you didn't sleep with anyone for over a year. Really, not until after what happened with Dahlia, if I'm remembering correctly. My complaints... are all out of jealousy. I... I hate seeing you with other people. And knowing so many of them adore you, and are available to you, and giving you what I can't... it drives me crazy.

"He was saying how I shouldn't be judging. He said you were at perfect liberty to do it, and I said yes, you were, but it was unpleasant hearing about it. He felt hurt when he realized that every time I've ranted to him about you, it hasn't been because I've grown to dislike you or anything— it's because I'm furious that I can't be with you. He started to cry, saying he didn't want to be the second choice. He 'didn't want to be competing for his own wife's affections with a woman who would win every time.' So he just... left. He took off to the Bayou and I didn't follow after him."

She got up before Eisa even got a chance to respond. "I really should go, I've said enough, and you probably have other things to be worried about, instead of my dumb drama..."

"Sit," beckoned Eisa, lowering her back into her seat. "All is well now."

"Is all really well? There is always a new danger, and I can't imagine that it's settled down just now."

"It is all well. For the most part."

"How can you be sure?"

Eisa started to explain, "Nik got Cami back after only a bit of difficulty; he has her at the Compound with Isela. He also has the Serratura, and Stefan Salvatore is on his way with one of the Heretics to try and disable it. Meanwhile, Marcel is helping Davina out after she got shunned by her Coven, but at least, it leaves Tristan unable to recruit her, because he doesn't know that some power lingers in her. He thinks her useless, but she actually isn't."

Hayley shook her head, overwhelmed with all the information. "Wait, wait, what happened with Cami?"

"Oh, well, Nik, Lucien, and— I should mention that Rebekah went with them— got to the penthouse just as the little bitch tried to kidnap Cami to hurt Nik. It seems she went to Lucien's penthouse to get the Serratura before he could give it to our family. Instead, she found Cami there, and she wanted to take her, to hurt Nik. My siblings got there at the perfect time. They easily got Cami away from Aurora, and according to my baby sister, it all made the little brat cry.

"She was bawling about how she couldn't believe that Rebekah of all people would prefer to see her brother with Cami instead of Aurora. Rebekah said something along the lines of her never having wanted to turn Aurora in the first place, because she never quite liked her for the part of 'sister-in-law.' You can imagine how that went. They got lucky, because they were able to go into Aurora's mind, and they found out that she'd already compelled Cami to kill herself."

Hayley's eyes went wide. "She'd done what?"

Eisa sighed gravely. "Yes, it would seem Aurora had compelled her to drink her blood, kill herself, and be turned into a vampire on the day she knew for certain that Niklaus loved her. Their first 'I love you's' would have been marred with tragedy. Nik and Rebekah got Aurora to undo the compulsion. She got away, unfortunately... Lucien kept them from killing her. We'll locate Aurora soon. No doubt, Tristan had her committed again. He's prancing around with The Strix, business as usual. He'll give in. He can't tolerate faking kindness toward me for this long."

Hayley let out a breath of relief. "Well... it does seem to have all gone okay. Poor Davina, though..."

Eisa nodded solemnly. "I'll be off to see her soon. I need to make an offer."

"An offer about what?"

"To become one of my personal witches. I'd give her the protection she needed, at the small price of helping me with time to time. Given her history with Nik, I wouldn't ask her to do any spells that would benefit only him. I would like her to be the one to bring Kol and Finn back to life. I would like to speak to her about a spot in The Strix Coven, as well. She has the power for it. The wits. I tend to start off with new witches anyway. Aya told me that Tristan's been chatting up all the girls that help there currently, no doubt to get them to tell him anything I demand of them. I need to put in new faces, faces that will be loyal to me."

"I don't think Davina will accept to being your personal witch, but she might want to be part of The Strix now that Marcel is a member, and you're protecting them."

Eisa giggled lightly. "Well, if she becomes part of The Strix, she'll be like a personal witch to me anyway." She knelt down, handing Hope one of her toys. "She grows bigger everyday. Those eyes she has are just beautiful. It's one of the features Nik was always proud of, in himself. Your eyes are rather nice, but I admit, it's nice to see my niece bearing the eyes of the North East Atlantic wolves, while she bears the birthmark of the Crescents."

"It's a cute touch, to show that she comes from two big name packs," said Hayley, with a slight smile. "Even if they're enemies, or whatever... I think Klaus mentioned that at one point."

Eisa tilted her head a bit, glancing at her. "Jackson needs reassurance. The sort that can only come from you seeking him out, to show that you care. I must ask, do you love him? Not because I wish to know, but because he needs to know."

Hayley swallowed the lump in her throat. "I do love him. He's my family, too. It's mostly platonic. Only a tiny bit romantic. Maybe a little more sexual. Nothing close to the way he loves me. And I guess that's what... scares me. I'm loved wholeheartedly by two people in my life and I'm hurting the both of you by having made this choice."

Eisa half-smiled. "I don't know how many times I have it left in me to say this, but he is the better partner, Hayley. Right now, your husband needs to know that you want what you two have to last. He needs to know you love him, even if it's not in the same way you love me. One day, maybe in the distant future, I will stop giving you the 'mournful doe eyes' as Nik calls it. I'll work out my feelings, and things will truly be... over. We'll just be friends, and family. We have our immortality, and the time to fix ourselves after what we had. He's mortal, and for him, this time is precious. He needs to know it all as soon as possible. Every last feeling. Honesty is something he values, and if you don't bring it... it will only get worse."

At the very least, things didn't immediately get worse.

Christmas came around, and the best present was getting the Serratura rendered useless. This, of course, was kept secret from The Strix— even from Aya, since Eisa suspected Tristan would soon learn that she was being compelled.

"What's so urgent?" asked Eisa, when she found Hayley had asked her to come to the courtyard.

"I don't know," said the hybrid, holding out her phone. "Jack just said to wait for him here, and— oh my god!"

Jackson rushed in, carrying a near-unconscious and very beat-up Freya to the couch. Eisa immediately dropped to her sister's side, examining her broken arm as the wolf said, "She got jumped. Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies."

"The Strix," figured Eisa. "Elijah's sirelings, certainly. The ones I haven't yet won to my side." She bit into her wrist, pushing it against Freya's mouth and healing her.

"Kind of hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?" Hayley said to Jackson, causing the wolf to huff slightly.

"They took the Serratura," Freya panted as Rebekah came rushing downstairs.

"It doesn't matter, Sister," said Rebekah, dropping to her knees at her side. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, but, they'll know that we deactivated it. They could resort to more desperate measures. Our advantage was knowing everything they did not. And now..."

Freya suddenly slumped forward, and Rebekah managed to catch her before her head hit the coffee table in front of her. "What the bloody hell?" she asked, still able to smell the trace of blood on Freya's lips. "Did you not give her enough blood?"

"I drained almost a quart into her mouth," said Eisa, frowning and leaning Freya back. "Hold on, what's this?" She swept Freya's hair to the side, noticing a rather thick and deep puncture wound. "Oh, no..."

"Those poison rings," mentioned Rebekah knowingly as she bit into her own wrist, then started to feed her sister her blood. "The ones you..."

"The ones I created," mumbled Eisa guiltily. "The ones I created for The Strix, specifically. They weren't just trying to take the Serratura. They were trying to kill her. They found the fake deed. They think Freya owns the house, and they're trying to get in."

Freya awoke with a gasp, looking dazed as she opened her eyes. "Are you okay?" asked her sisters frantically. The witch groaned. "I feel weak..."

"We have a bit of time before the poison really starts to kick in," said Eisa. "I taught them only the slow-acting forms of it, so that it could maximize the suffering of any enemies. I can make the antidote, but I don't have the materials handy." She pulled out her phone to text Klaus a list, since he was already out and about. "Nik can get me some of the materials. Aya, others. Come, Freya, we should get you to your room to rest."

She picked her up gently, cradling her head before carrying her to her bed.

"You needn't stay at my side," whispered Freya as Eisa dabbed her forehead with a wet cloth. "Everyone is decorating and preparing for our dinner tonight, and you're here..."

"Shh, shh, shh," whispered Eisa. "I don't like decorating anyway. Or cooking, really. When you're better, I'll go put on something, and gather the presents I got."

Freya coughed a bit. "What... did you get everyone?"

"Ah, it won't be special if I spoil it, you know? Vampire hearing, and all that."

"Mmm... fine. What did you get Hope? She won't understand, if she hears."

Eisa smiled. "Well, since Elijah got her a bicycle, and Nik got her one of those little cars... I got her the safety equipment. Helmet, and all that. She may have healing powers, but a child that small could still get a nasty bump on her head. Rebekah got her more clothes this time, therefore, I purchased accessories. Little headbands and fuzzy hats and some jewelry that will be perfectly child-friendly. When she's older, she can have every vintage bit of clothing I own. It'll be the new style."

Freya reached her hand out, and Eisa took it. "You're happy," mentioned Freya. "At least... happy as you can be, considering. It's good to see you this way. To spend the holidays with you." She cleared her throat, patting her chest before saying, "One hundred years, I snuck into a Christmas ball here. I wanted so much to be a part of it, but I thought I was forever fated to be an outsider, always looking in. I know this isn't set to be your most elegant family Christmas, but it's already been the best one I've ever had. And I say that while I lay, temporarily dying."

"Freya," whispered Eisa, leaning down to press her forehead against her sister's hand. "It's the best one we've ever had, and the tree hasn't been completely put up yet. Give yourself more credit. You've made our lives better. Even if we weren't as accepting at first. I don't think I ever apologized for those horrible things I said in the Lafayette Cemetery."

The eldest sister shook her head. "I deserved them. What matters now is that we moved on. And soon, we will put this prophecy to rest."

There was a knock on the door, and Isela came in with some tea, which she carefully put to Freya's lips, so the witch could drink. "Good news," said the younger witch, "Klaus and Aya will be here soon, with the antidote's ingredients." She looked to Eisa. "I sent out the messages, as instructed."

"Messages?" asked Freya, raising a brow.

"I invited Marcel, Davina, and Josh to dinner," said Eisa. "I hope no one minds. I simply thought it right to include them. The first are each in love with one of our siblings. And Josh, well, he's a sweetheart, and after Aiden passed, he hasn't anyone to spend the holidays with. At least, it will fill the table, since Hope won't be here until much later..."

"Hayley and Jackson are spending the night here," Isela piped up, making Eisa look surprised. "She'll be there the whole time."

"Y ese milagro?" she told Isela, making the witch giggle.

"I don't speak Spanish," mentioned Freya. "What did you say?"

"Basically that it's a miracle, hearing that Jackson is willing to spend a holiday with us."

When the antidote arrived, Eisa made a beeline for her loft. Picking out the nicest green dress she had (one that was a bit more modest, since she didn't want Jackson glaring too much), she gathered the presents for everyone, and returned to the Compound to help her sisters finish setting out the food.

At the table they sat, all fourteen of them chatting with one another, listening to the gentle Christmas music in the background. It was one of those rare moments where everything was truly alright, a moment made into a glorious memory that could be looked back on, when difficult times arose.

Klaus and Cami were holding hands under the table. Davina was smiling as she and Josh teased Marcel and Rebekah, who both shared a mutual dislike for a few of the side dishes. Isela and Elijah were leaning close to one another, in their own world, oblivious to the conversations around them. Hayley and Jackson looked happy, speaking with Freya about Hope. Aya, who of course had been invited, was looking more comfortable than she had in awhile.

"Your first Christmas with my family since eight hundred years ago," mentioned Eisa once they all went off to different parts of the ballroom to chat. "Did you enjoy it?"

"I was surprised you asked me to come," said Aya. "I figured you would wish to spend the holiday with just family."

"You are family," said Eisa, slipping her palm into hers. "I must apologize, Aya. All I've done is... use you, really. Slept with you. Kept you compelled. Asked you for favors."

Aya shook her head. "Eisa, I knew from the beginning that I wished to be loyal to you and only you. You're the one I can always let my guard down for. I neglected to wear vervain because I wanted to be an asset, to work alongside you, to prove to you that I would never bring you harm. I knew that we would not be partners again... not in the way we were. And I'm alright with that.

"In eight hundred years, much has changed. What has not is my affection for you. Whether you reciprocate it or not. You were, first and foremost, my friend. My sire. I would do it all over again. You're not using me, Eisa. You're making me feel more alive than I've felt in centuries. I turned to be with you. I joined The Strix to be your general. I've felt this emptiness, without you. And even now, with the little we have, I am satisfied. And I am willing to wait until the day you... move on from her."

Eisa brought her hand up, kissing it. "I should still be apologizing. I should be over her already, and I am not. I'm only continuing to ruin her marriage, and I'm keeping you from being truly happy."

Aya sighed. "The way you look at her, Eisa... you looked at me that way, once. She's a lucky woman. I'm happy having even a fraction of your love. She's good. She deserves a fraction too, even if her fraction is larger."

"Neither of you seem to understand what a terrible person I am. I'm bad for the both of you, and you both cling to me as if I were your only reason for living."

"Don't flatter yourself that much," teased Aya. "You're not my only reason for living." She leaned back. "When we've eliminated this threat, you can make it all up to me. I wish to travel. Really, travel. Not just move around with The Strix on business matters. I've never given myself the leisure to explore and enjoy. I wish for you to show me the world the way you've come to know it. All the pleasures and the beauty. I wish for you to take me to the beach just for a day of sun, even if I despise the sand and the water. I wish to zipline, and feel like a bird in the air. Of all the powers we vampires have, I wish we could truly fly."

"I will make it up to you," Eisa promised. "I'll take you to Manosque. It's Elijah's favorite place, and he once took me there when I was feeling down, and I came to love it quite a bit. You would not believe how much good food I ate while I was there. Then, we'll go somewhere with a jungle, so we can soar over the trees. After that... you pick. We'll go anywhere your heart desires."

"That sounds rather nice," said Aya, leaning into her. "I request for you to get us a private tour of the Coliseum, so you may make love to me on the stage there."

"Naughty girl," said Eisa, putting her hand on Aya's thigh. "I could compel an audience to sit there and watch."

"Eisa, your siblings are going to hear," said Aya now more shyly, tilting her head to the side as the Original kissed her. "Oh, well, they might not..."

Eisa's eyes flickered up, and she smirked, seeing Elijah and Isela's lips locked beneath some mistletoe. Rebekah and Marcel were playing charades with Davina and Josh. Klaus and Cami were on the other side of the tree, dancing to the music, where no one could really see them. Hayley and Jackson were opening Hope's presents with Freya's help.

"Everyone," said Rebekah after a while, once they were all starting to get more tired. "Before we start to turn in for the night, I'd like for us all to go to the courtyard." She gestured to the open doors, toward a large metal bowl with burning wood.

"Oh, no!" said Klaus, like a grumpy child.

"Yes, I know it's not exactly a bonfire, but I improvised!" said Rebekah happily. "Come on, it's tradition!"

"Tradition?" asked Cami, who didn't know about this.

Klaus sighed before telling her, "We write our wishes and then burn them for luck. Strangely, I don't recall wishing for an influx of enemies, and yet, year after year..."

Everyone laughed, and Elijah held up his drink before downing what remained. "How odd. Forever on Santa's naughty list."

"I was thinking," said Freya, as they started to walk to the bonfire. She gripped her pendant. "Everyone should get to join, even if we won't say our wishes out loud."

Eisa watched as, after chanting a quick spell, the figures of Kol and Finn appeared on the other side of the bonfire, causing the siblings to smile.

"They're not flesh and blood," said Freya sadly as Rebekah passed around paper and pencils. "But at the very least, they can be here with us."

"Don't worry about us, Sister," said Finn, who was actually smiling at the sight of all of them gathered there. "We'll be glad, just watching."

In hindsight, Eisa would look back on this as one of the last times that the family was truly whole and happy. Nearly every last Mikaelson sibling there, all surrounded by those they loved. Kol and Finn were able to chat with them, even if they could not embrace. It was good, just to hear their voices. To be able to inform them that soon, they would be resurrected. That everything was starting to go their way.

Happiness never lasted long where their family was concerned.

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