Our Little Secret....s

By RomanoffxxMaximoff

364 10 6

Victoria Louise Carter is starting at a new school in New York. She never knew her father and after her mothe... More

Chapter 1: A Fresh Start
Chapter 3: New Friends & Complications
Chapter 4: Start of the trip
Chapter 5: Mystery clothes
Chapter 6: Miss Stark
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday?
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: Barely Breathing
Chapter 10: Caring more than I thought?

Chapter 2: Familiar Faces

39 1 0
By RomanoffxxMaximoff

*Vic's pov*

Parker climbed through the window first then I followed sitting on the window sill.

'See I told you he comes through the window' A women with long brown hair and glasses said. Holy crap was she good looking.

'Apparently with girls' The man in the suit replied back with a smirk.

I studied Parkers facial expressions and he looked a little embarrassed but also shocked like he wasn't expecting these adults to be standing in his room. I took another glance over to the man who was now looking through Parkers draws. I had seen this man before but where? Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks, I took out a photo from my pocket that had my mum, a scrawny soldier and the guy who was standing in front of me. It wasn't an exact look alike but you could tell they were related.

'Ok well this is awkward and a little creepy that your girlfriend is staring at me Pete' The man piped up again.

'Oh she's not my-' 'God no' Parker and I had begun before the lady had a smile plastered on her face saying 'sure you're not.'

'Aunt May!' Parker piped up trying to not seem embarrassed but he wasn't doing a very good job.

'Miss uh-' I started before the lady cut in.

'Call me May'

'Ok, May, Parker and I are just friends. I moved here yesterday plus he has a crush on this chick called MJ' Peter turned around and punched me in the shoulder and pulled a how do you know that/shut up face. Luckily for me he doesn't know how loud his thoughts are.

'Peter you should bring her around more often, I like her' May said walking into the living room with everyone following in pursuit.

May and the man in the suit sat down on the lounge whilst Parker sat on the chair and I sat on the arm of the chair.

'Mr Stark why are you here, not that I don't want you to come over' Parker started to ramble before the Stark guy went back to the other room and Peter followed him in.

*Peter's pov*

'Alright kid-' Mr Stark started.

'I'm 18 now not a kid! ' I said crossing my arms, annoyed that Mr Stark still thinks I'm a child.
[DISCLAIMER:Peter will be 18 in this]

'Well I came around to tell you that the suit advancements are finished'

'Yes! Finally, when can I test it out?'

'Now I'll tell your hot Aunt May that, we need you at the Stark internship'

Mr Stark had finished talking and I was grossed out at the fact he thinks my Aunt is hot. We were now walking back out to the living room.

*Vic's pov*

'So, what's your name honey?' May asked inquisitively.

'I'm Victoria Carter but I prefer Vic or Tori' I replied back.

'Well what brings you to New York?'

'Oh, uh family' Please don't ask where they.

'Are your parents at work?' Shit.

'My Foster carers are, yes'

'If your Foster parents ever get to much you are welcome to stay with us.'


Ok not what I was expecting but it's nice for a change instead of people telling me how sorry they are and how they say I bet you miss your real parents a lot.

Whilst May was telling me all these embarrassing stories about Parker I decided to look up 'Stark'. According to the Internet, Anthony Edward Stark is a founding member of the avengers Who the hell are they. He was the former CEO of Stark Industries before handing it over to his assistant Pepper Potts and is self-described as a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

Jeez BIG ego MUCH. As May was about to tell me about Parkers fifth birthday party the guys walked back in the room.

'May I need to borrow Peter for his Stark internship, thanks bye' Anthony gave a quick wave hurrying towards the door.

'Wait! Take Victoria with you, she' s a smart kid, surely there's something she could do there' May said as Anthony turned back around rubbing his forehead.

'Ughh if its fine with your parents I guess but don't expect to do anything special ok?' I nodded and got up from the chair, walking out the door with the guys.


I took in the sites as we rode through New York City in the most expensive and flashy looking car I have ever seen. It certainly fit Stark's ego.

About 20 minutes later we arrived to a tower with an A? Hanging on the outside in blue. We parked outside and walked up to the doors as a hand sensor popped out. Anthony put his hand on the sensor and a robot said 'Welcome back Mr Stark'.

'It's good to be back JARVIS, tell Pepper to tell Witc-uh I mean Maximoff to start cooking dinner and set an extra plate for Peters friend.' Before I could even protest about dinner, JARVIS had already accepted the order and...left?

We walked through various halls  before Anthony pointed towards a living room.

'uh-whats your name again?' Anthony questioned.

'Victoria Carter' I replied back.

'Sit on that couch and don't move till Peter and I are done, got it?'

'Oh goody, my favourite past time'

'Hey! Don't go stealing my sarcasm'

'Got it, thanks Anthony' Stark turned around and looked visibly disgusted at what I just called him. Was he not used to his own name?

'Tony, call me Tony ok?' I nodded towards Tony's direction before turning around and walking towards the lounge room.

*3 hours later*

Holy crap this is how I die, of bloody boredom. I started to fiddle with my fingers as my phone had died and the only thing I had were some anti-depressants in my jacket pocket. Screw this. I got up and started to follow the smell of food, whatever it was, I was intrigued to find out. I finally found what was a massive kitchen and walked towards the stove where a pot was sitting.

I grabbed a spoon that was on the counter top and took a small sip. Paprikash! One of my many Foster homes had made this every Wednesday and god was it good but this one could use a few spices.

'Who the hell are you?' I heard a voice say from behind me. Shit, well Tony's gonna kill me for moving off of the couch.

I turned around and my eyes landed on a women.

'Are you gonna answer my question?' This time when she spoke a bit of an accent came through.

'I uh-my name is um it's uh' What the hell I never stutter what is going on with me. 'Vic-toria, I'm Victoria Carter'

'Well what are you doing here and why are you touching dinner?'

'Tony, I came here with him and Peter'

'Oh, so you are Peters little girlfriend' I swear if one more person says I'm Parkers girlfriend I might throw up, not that he's not hot I'm just over boys?

'God no, Parker and I are friends, I just moved here'

'Girlfriend?' I choked on air trying to process what this mystery woman just said.

'I-no I'm not in a relationship' Victoria get yourself together your practically drooling over her.

'Cool, well since you're staying for dinner you can help set the table.'

A few minutes later I had set the table and the mystery woman put food on them.

'Hey, so uh what's your name?' I asked shyly

The woman let out a giggle at my awkwardness and god was it cute, 'It's Wanda, Wanda Maximoff.'

I was about to speak again when a blonde man walked in.

'Wanda this smells amazing tha ks for cooking tonight' Wait hold on this man-he is extremely familiar like I've seen him before.

Whilst I was contemplating through my thoughts more people started to walk in the room and fill up the chairs. Parker was one of them so I went and sat beside him at the table. As everyone made small talk with one another talking about their days  I sat there silently looking at the picture in my lap. The man in between my mum and the guy who looks like Tony was the same exact person who was sitting on the other side of the table a few chairs down, minus the height and muscles but this was definitely the same person.


Hope you are enjoying the story so far, sorry if there's mistakes through this chapter I just wanted to get it posted.

Anyways here it is :)

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