Emotionless Deku

By Soulless_Author06

211K 4.1K 1.6K

izuku midoriya wasn't just born with one quirk but two both upgraded versions of his parents quirks but foll... More

the beginning
Entrance exams
class 1-A/ battle training
class rep / sleepover
USJ Attack
brothers/ internships
Two Heroes
hero pairs
training camp
The Kamino incident
UA Alliance
new look
Class 1-a karaoke night
im sorry
polygamous relationship
Toga and Uraraka
Kyouka and Momo
toru and mina
Hero license exams
brotherly fight
The big three
work studies
Yakuza Raid
Cultural Festival
Heroes Rising
Quick stories
New Work studies
World Heroes Mission
Family Bonds
The beginning of the end
Endeavor Vs Shigaraki
Deku Vs Shigaraki
Deku vs. lady Nagant
moving forward
Deku Vs Class 1A
back home

sports festival

9.3K 185 59
By Soulless_Author06

Izukus pov

Okay since the whole USJ thing we were told that we needed to prepare for the sports festival and we only had 2 weeks to do so

Day 1

Me: okay guys I'm going to wear this blindfold while you all attack Me

Momo: Are you sure izu?

Toru: yeah what of we hurt you?

Me: that's the point of this so in the future I can use my danger sense

I put on the blindfold and immediately dodged something I suspect tsus tongue

This think kinda works like a sonar

Three to my left

Two to my right

And one behind me

I put my hands in my pockets and started dodging

(Like this)

After about 20 minutes of this we decided to call it a day

Then I got home where toshi decided he was gonna help me with more training

So for the rest of the week we worked on black whip because I can't use it on command well... unless in a fight or I'm embarrassed

Week 2 day 1

Toshi: so you say you need a strong emotion right?

Me: yeah why?

Toshi: kid I want you to try thinking of that day

I knew what day he meant

Me: well I've seen that memory so much that I don't know...

Toshi: just try kid

I closed my eyes and aimed my arm and thought of that day the image of his smile... made me sick? I think

I opened my eyes only to see a tiny whisp of black whip  come out

Toshi: hmm

???: bunny!

I turned my head to see where it came from

Me: hey toshi you hear that?

Tohi: what

Me: A women just now she said... bunny

Toshi: okay...

Me: that was my moms pet name for me cuz of my over abundance of energy

Then it hit me

I closed my eyes aimed my arm and remember something


Mom: good morning bunny!

Me: morning mommy!

Mom: Are you ready for your first day if school?

Me: yeah! I mean I'm a little scared and I kinda wish dad was here but it's okay!

Mom: who knows maybe when your dad gets back he'll see you with all the girls in your class!

Me: Mom I'm too young to date!

Mom: I know but look at my cute little bunny when you grow up your going to be so handsome!

*End Of Flashback*

He little did Mom know I'm close friends with all the girls in my class

Man they all make me feel so warm... I swear there's a word for it

I opened my eyes to see success

I had four whips from each knuckle

Toshi: yes! So the memory worked?

Me: no I just started thinking of mom and...

Toshi: what?

I felt my face get warm

Me: the girls in my class

Toshi: Oh so you must really like them huh? Hell maybe you live them!

Me: I don't know

Toshi: okay how do you feel when you're with them? Or is it one in particular?

Me: well whenever I'm around them I feel warm and tingly

Toshi: yup that sound like love! But to be sure have a private training session with each of them!

I agreed and came to the conclusion they all make me feel like this but do I love them?

*time skip*

Right now we're all waiting for this thing to start I currently have my hair in a bun

(Like this)

Then Todoroki came up to me

Todoroki: look Midoriya I'm telling you right now I'm gonna beat you and all your strength

Me: looks like someone's got issues

This got some laughs

Todoroki: seriously it's not personal just need to show someone my strength

Before I could respond we were being called out...jeez why do I feel like helping him?

After the whole introduction

Midnight: Would the devilishly handsome Izuku Midoriya come day a few words since you  got the most points in the entrance exams!

I went up and felt so many eyes on me

Me: Well I guess I would just like to say do your best

Midnight: Is something wrong?

Me: sorry just not good with emotions

After a bit It was time for the obstacle race

I should give others a chance let's go at 10%

As we started I left everyone in the dust and encountered the zero pointers

I decided to only take down one by going through the head

Then came the rope walks I just jumped over them

And finally the mine feild

I was ahead so I decided to make it interesting

I used black whip to scoop up 20 mines when I was done kacchan and Todoroki were halfway across

I jumped and used an air bullet on the mines and I went flying

Next thing you know I'm right next to the pair so I used an air bullet inbetween them causing another explosion

When I landed I ran and got first place

(The calvary battle is the same as cannon except they never lost their points)

It's lunch time and the girls invited me to go with them

But Todoroki wanted to talk

After him accusing me of being allmights secret love child he told me about his parents but also that basically he's gonna hold back.

Hell never be whole if he only uses one half...this is gonna be annoying

As we waited for the challenge before the individual battles the girls came out in cheer leader outfits

Kacchan: hey deku you fall or something? Your nose is bleeding!

I noticed and wiped It off damnit all might  what have you done to me?

Now it's me against shinzo thankfully ojiro gave me a heads up about his quirk

Shinzo: so you gonna beat me with those crazy quirks of yours?


Shinzo: oh so that ape told you how my qui-

I put my hand over his mouth

Me: listen to me we are gonna fight no quirks equal chance let's see if you have something other than your quirk because if not how could you be a hero?

I took my hand off

Shinzo: but your bigger than me it's not a fair fight

Me: the smaller guy always has and advantage or tw-

Shinzo: gotcha! Now go out of bounds

As I started walking I heard the girls telling me not to

Then I saw them the vestiges of one for all most of them were like shadows...Exept a woman she looks so familiar

I stopped walking she put her hand on my face

???: oh bunny your mom would be so proud just know I am. Now this might hurt a bit but it's gonna be super cool! And remember to smile!

In that instant I broke two of my fingers sending me flying but mid air I stopped I was...FLOATING?

As I went down I stood in front of a stunned shinzo

I punched him in the gut and flipped him out if bounds

Me: hey I want to see you next year and we're gonna have a real fight

Shinzo: but my quirk-

Me: look at erasurehead he basically fights quirkless and he's a great hero

Then I left

After momo lost her fight I sat next to her

Me: hey momo... I'm not good at this but... you did great out there I'm pretty sure if it was anyone else against tokoyami they wouldn't have lasted half as long

Momo: thanks...

Then she kissed my cheek God it's hot today

I was so worried for ochakos fight mostly because kacchans the type of guy to hurt her on purpose

Honestly though she suprised Me with her plan

When I went to see her she was all sad that she lost. What's worse is I could tell she was gonna cry

Okay this is so stupid! But Fuck it!

Me: hey ochako you did awesome out there and...

I kisser her cheek

Me: you can train with me whenever you want

As I was leaving the room I bumped into endeavor

Endeavor: Ah your fighting Shoto!

Me: yeah and?

Endeavor: don't hold back shoto needs to learn to use his flames the little brat is in his rebellious stage

Me: y'know your an ass but I agree he'll never be himself until he accepts that side of him

When I got out the crowd went wild

Midnight: now the two hottest boys in class 1-A! Shoto Todoroki! and Izuku Midoriya!

Shoto started with an Ice attack I flicked it with 5%

He did this three more times until

Todoroki: Why are you holding back!

Me: what do you mean?

Todoroki: yo have so many quirks this isn't even your full strength!

Me: well your holding back

Todoroki Shot and ice berg half the size of the arena I just gave it a 5% bitch slap

Me: your trembling if you keep this up your going to hurt yourself. If you use your other side it'll even out

Todoroki: did My father put you up to this?

Me: no he tried but there's something you need to understand this fire is yours not his its in your blood! Like what kind of hero do you want to be?

He paused for a moment and looked at his gand then the flames appeared

Todoroki: y'know your chances of winning are lower now right?

Me: eh I don't really care just helping a friend

I charged up full cowiling at 30%

(The clash was the same)

When the smoke settled Todoroki looked to see me in the middle of the arena with black whip tendrils coming out of my back keeping Me in place

Midnight: shoto Todoroki is out of bounds izuku Midoriya wins!

The whole arena gasped when I realized... I was shirtless and I didn't cover my scars today



Everyone was shocked I just walked to Todoroki and said

Me: hey wanna get some lunch after this?

He agreed

But then I remembered I have one more fight...kacchan

It was finally time

We charged at eachother

(Similar to this except he doesn't blow deku away)

As we were in the air I made him think I was gonna kick him instead I punched him and saw this as my chance

I used black whip and shot him our of bounds winning the match

As we were given our medals I saw iida leave when I asked ochako she said something about stain the hero killer and his brother

Y'know stain reminds me of someone I used to know...

A/N: AAAAAHHHHHHH so many words I've been working on this for days but hey it's done enjoy it!

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