[project sekai -x reader- one...

By wxsRin

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!REQUESTS OPEN! a oneshot book of project sekai characters x reader :D More

request page
Hey! I didn't mean it ! [ Shinonome Akito x reader]
let me help please[Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
I'm sorry I took so long [Akito x reader x Tsukasa]
even when you forget your own name , I'll love you.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]
you don't need to be afraid anymore , I'm here now.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]
even with your people allergy[Kamishiro Rui x reader]
for all you are[Shinonome Akito x reader]
he had died .[Kamishiro Rui x reader]
the nightmare transforms into a dream .[Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
you just keep making me fall for you .[Shinonome Akito x reader]
this isn't what you wanted . [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
this is what you wanted . [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
the lovers voices wouldn't reach each other . [Aoyagi Touya x reader]
wonderhoi ☆ to you too Emu[Ootori Emu x reader]
he was at the Sister's mercY ∞ [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
that must be the Vampire's pathoS [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
you really are a princess . [Azusawa Kohane x reader]
you would go anywhere . [Aoyagi Touya x reader]
you do this every year . [Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
nice to meet you too , dear soulmate .[Kusanagi Nene x reader]
was to die . [Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
I hope you enjoyed the date dear . [Shinonome Akito x reader]
I've found you again , my princess [KAITO x reader]
so please continue to teach me words as always. [Kamishiro Rui x reader]

the flowers corrupted the girl.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]

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By wxsRin

your pov

today was the day .

you were going to tell him today .

see .

you'd fallen for a classmate and childhood friend of yours .

Aoyagi Touya .

just the thought of him .

it flushed your face .

gave you butterflies .

and made your heart pound so hard you could hear it .

all in all .

you are madly in love with him .

and were going to tell him such .

Mizuki had helped you choose a way to accessorize your uniform .

best of all ?

didn't break dress code .

class felt like it dragged on for hours .

by the time break arrived you were having second thoughts .

but you couldn't back down .

that was  dumb .

you'd been hyping yourself up for so so long .

and so , you took off .

it wasn't hard to find him .

he was in the courtyard , talking to An and Akito .

they both knew of your affection held for the split haired boy .

and both encouraged you to tell him .

so , with a deep breath , you tap his shoulder .

he turns to face you .

your words caught in your throat .

he's so attractive .

An gives you a double thumbs up .

Akito gives you a smirk and a reassuring nod .

deep breaths .

in .

one .

two .

three .

out .

one .

two .

three .

" Touya ? "

he hums in response , telling you to continue .

" I . . . "

An looks ready to burst .

" I love you Touya ! "

what an idiot you are .

An and Akito are celebrating .

they can't see the cold , hard glare he's giving you .

it made you want to curl in a corner and cower .

" you should know I could never love someone like you . "

you give a frail nod .

hah .

hahaha .

what a fucking idiot .

you'd just thrown your childhood friendship away 

over some silly crush that'll go away .

fucking idiot .

you turn and run .

running from your problems again .

how immature .

how fucking childish .

that's how you felt .

like a little kid .

hiding away from the world .

"hm ? what's wrong my dear (Y/N) ? "

great .

your brother was going to see you weak and heartbroken .

maybe .

maybe he could give you solace .

you throw yourself onto him , crying into his shirt .

" hey hey , what's up princess ? "

you sob harder .

" oh Rui why am I so stupid ?! "

you hear him sigh .

" my dear precious sister , you aren't stupid . "

he gently sways with you in his arms .

" you're related to me , there's no way your stupid . "

you look teary eyed at the purple haired male .

" but I am ! I- "

" no . "

" big bro I ruined everything ! I told Touya how I feel ! "

you can tell he's smiling like normal .

" (Y/N) . he's the idiot . you're the most wonderous girl I know . "

you pout .

" you HAVE to say that though your my brother . "

he shakes his head . 

you sigh .

you aren't gonna win this argument .

you cough into your hands .

feeling as though something is stuck inside your throat .

Rui rubs your back comfortingly .

once you believe the foreign object is out , you look into your hands .

what .

the .

actual .

fuck !?

a bloody mess was what you saw .

and there .

in the palms of your hands .

was a flower bud .

stained in blood .

your blood .

you look to Rui , distressed and bewildered .

he seemed sorrowful .

did he understand why you had just hacked up blood and flowers?

" (Y/N) . . . "

he sounds so broken .

" bro ? what is it ? "

he takes a deep breath . 

he's struggling to word it correctly .

" hanahaki . "

what .

what the fuck is that ?

you were about to voice your confusion .

but he stops you , explaining .

" Hanahaki is a disease .

one where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs , 

which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated . "

so you were going to die ?

 " There isn't a set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months

just until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed .  "

so you either do what's probably a costly surgery , or just die .

there's no way Touya would love you back after all .

" There isn't a set flower that blossoms in the lungs .

 but it is usually the enamoured's favourite flower . "

pink carnations .

white lilies .

Touya had two favourite flowers .

great .

"it can be cured through surgical removal of the plants' roots , 

but this excision also has the effect of removing the patient's capacity for romantic love . "

so .

if you did spend a shit ton of money on surgery .

you'd never love again ?

" It may also erase the patient's feelings for and memories of the enamoured . "

forget Touya ?

at that moment in time .

didn't seem too bad an idea .

 " It can also be cured by the reciprocation of the victim's feelings . "

impossible .

" These feelings cannot be feelings of friendship but must be feelings of genuine love . "

yep .

you're fucked .

absolutely screwed .

" The victim may also develop Hanahaki Disease if they believe the love to be one-sided but once the enamoured returns the feelings, they will be cured . "

he told you himself there's no way he could love you .

" other symptoms can be fever, uncontrollable shaking, loss of appetite, low body temperature, flowers breaking skin and hallucinations . "

doesn't this sound great !? 

" Even after curing , with or without surgery , there can be irreversible damage to the lungs and , although very rare , in some cases the disease cannot be cured . "

so you could spend loads of money .

and still be dying ?

you could tell it broke your brother .

his voice wavered telling you .

he himself was shaking .

you give a small smile .

hugging him .

" I'll be ok Rui . I promise . "

that was almost a month ago .

you were , 

of course ,

very wrong .

every few days it got too much .

you'd have to stay in bed , resting .

the flowers just kept growing .

but this ?

this was the worst you've been through .

you'd woken up like normal .

but you couldn't see a thing .

had you gone blind ?

your hands shot to your face .

flowers .

you could feel the carnations .

and the lilies .

yea you knew they could grow through your skin .

but this ?

this was too much .

at least it meant no more hallucinations .

they'd made you look insane .

you felt somewhat ok today,

unlike the past week ,

 so decided to go to school .

you'd need alot of help to do that .

" Rui ! "

you call to your brother .

five .

four .

three .

two .

one .

bang .

you heard your brother enter .

and the gasp of shock and terror .

" (Y/N) !? "

you giggle .

" that's me . "

he sighs , chuckling slightly .

" let me guess . you wanna go to school ? "

you nod , grinning .

" how did you know ? "

" because you're that stupid . "

you simply smile .

he passes you your uniform , helping you change .

you were so grateful for him .

he puts bandages over your flowery eyes .

" don't want anyone being a bitch to you dear sis "

you smile .

" let's go ! "

" breakfast first (Y/N) "

you shake your head .

he sighs .

" not hungry again ? "

you nod .

he gently takes your hand .

the two of you head to school , somehow maintaining your usual bond .

your brother was an angel really .

he sat you at your desk in 1-C so you didn't get hurt .

he kisses your head gently .

" see you at break princess "

you giggle .

" don't- "

" you'll see me but I won't see you . "

he chuckles , mumbling .

" gods sake . "

you hear him walk off .

a soft sigh leaves your lips .

your body trembles badly .

doesn't help you felt freezing .

and the hunger pains .

god the hunger pains .

but whenever you sat to eat , you couldn't .

you felt sick at the thought of eating .

you'd been living off of bread for the past month .

all in all .

it was hell .

" . . . (Y/N) ? "

what .

what's he doing here ?

he's in 1-B .

wait .

Akito sits right next to you .

how could you forget ?

Touya spends his morning time with Akito .

it was originally in his class .

but Akito must've told him to come to his class .

you've been ill for a week .

that would be why .

" what happened ? " 

he broke you from your thoughts .

" what do you mean ? I'm fine . "

sometimes .

lying is ok .

especially since you don't want to hear lies .

ironic .

lying so you don't get lied to .

" (Y/N) then explain the bandages . "

hm .

" I fell . "

hah .

haha .

lies are so humorous don't you think ?

or is that just you being delirious ?

" and need bandages for all your eyes ? "

you nod .

you can't see him .

obviously .

but you can tell he's irritated with you .

oh well .

you have every right to bug him .

he's killing you for heavens sake .

speaking of .

hearing him walk off sent you into a hacking fit .

during lesson , Akito taps you .

you didn't know it was him at first .

and so .

you jumped a fucking mile out of fear .

you heard him chuckle to your right .

so you flipped him off .

" what's with the bandages ? "

you shake your head .

" tell you at break . "

he hums in agreement .

" maybe explain everything weird going on with you ? "

a soft sigh .

you nod .

nothing else you could do .

break rolled around sooner than you wanted .

you hear Akito scrape his chair up to your desk .

" go on . "

deep breaths .

Rui was on his way soon , so you could do this .

you remove your bandages .

" . . . what the fuck . "

you heard Akito mumble .

you let out a light giggle .

unaware of watching eyes .

" hanahaki . "

Akito only utters a small " what ? "

you softly sigh .

" I'm dying Akito . "

and so .

you explained what it was to him .

well .

tried .

two voices .

yelling .

actually .

one was yelling .

the other seemed to be trying to quietly defend themselves .

the yelling was Rui .

without thinking .

you stand .

rushing and gripping his jacket .

" big bro calm down ! "

he pauses his yelling to sigh , rubbing your head .

" (Y/N) I have every right to yell at this asshole . "

he cups your face in his hands .

" look at what he's done to my precious baby sister . "

that meant .

Touya .

Touya had seen your .

your .

disgusting state .

how unsightly you must be .

coughing .

ow .

it hurt badly .

Rui simply held you close .

he knew you didn't want fake words of comfort .

you just wanted to know he's there .

once your coughing calmed .

he lifted you .

he wasn't going to keep you here with how badly your condition is .

two more weeks had passed .

Rui essentially kept you on bed arrest .

literally .

you tried standing up ?

the world was fucking ending according to him .

it amused you .

even as you got weaker and weaker .

sicker and sicker .

you were still cheery .

still happy .

Rui was glad that you hadn't let you lose yourself to the disease .

today was the first day he returned to school .

you sighed softly .

standing , albeit shakily , you change into a dress .

that way you knew it didn't look too bad .

you could feel each and every flower along you fragile , (S/C) skin .

you wandered the woods near your home .

until you couldn't anymore .

your body physically gave up .

you slumped against a tree .

weak .

" (Y/N) ! "

someone was calling your name .

who ?

who would call your name so desperately ?

it wasn't Rui .

he was the only voice you recognised now .

the person knelt beside you , holding you close .

" (Y/N) , please stay . I love you . "

Touya . 

Aoyagi Touya was the one holding you so tenderly .

but .

alas .

he was too late .

that was the last thing you heard .

if only he didn't listen to his father .

if only he had told you the truth that day .

that he loved you back .

hah .

but he didn't .

the father corrupted the boy .

the flowers corrupted the girl .

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