[project sekai -x reader- one...

By wxsRin

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!REQUESTS OPEN! a oneshot book of project sekai characters x reader :D More

request page
Hey! I didn't mean it ! [ Shinonome Akito x reader]
let me help please[Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
I'm sorry I took so long [Akito x reader x Tsukasa]
even when you forget your own name , I'll love you.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]
you don't need to be afraid anymore , I'm here now.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]
even with your people allergy[Kamishiro Rui x reader]
for all you are[Shinonome Akito x reader]
the nightmare transforms into a dream .[Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
you just keep making me fall for you .[Shinonome Akito x reader]
the flowers corrupted the girl.[Aoyagi Touya x reader]
this isn't what you wanted . [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
this is what you wanted . [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
the lovers voices wouldn't reach each other . [Aoyagi Touya x reader]
wonderhoi ☆ to you too Emu[Ootori Emu x reader]
he was at the Sister's mercY ∞ [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
that must be the Vampire's pathoS [Kamishiro Rui x reader]
you really are a princess . [Azusawa Kohane x reader]
you would go anywhere . [Aoyagi Touya x reader]
you do this every year . [Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
nice to meet you too , dear soulmate .[Kusanagi Nene x reader]
was to die . [Tenma Tsukasa x reader]
I hope you enjoyed the date dear . [Shinonome Akito x reader]
I've found you again , my princess [KAITO x reader]
so please continue to teach me words as always. [Kamishiro Rui x reader]

he had died .[Kamishiro Rui x reader]

2.7K 40 188
By wxsRin

your pov

huh ?

where were you ?

it was a colourful place .

oh .

oh oh oh !

Len wasn't far off , he could explain .

Len's your vocal partner , so you were both quite close .

he sees you , a smile spreading on his face .

" hey (Y/N) ! I didn't know you were here ! "

you give a nervous laugh , rubbing the back of your neck .

" I just kinda manifested . where are we ? "

he smiles , doing a grandeur gesture with his arms .

" welcome to the wonderland sekai ! "

wonderland ?

weren't you meant to be in the abyss sekai ?

the one with the underground circle ?

you scrunch your face up .

" why am I here ? I'm meant to be elsewhere I think . "

he shrugs .

" no clue . you're here now any way , so let's go meet the group you're gonna be working with . "

you nod .

" which other virtual singers are here ? "

he chuckles .

" there's me , you , Miku , Kaito and Meiko . "

another nod .

he gestures for you to follow , and so you wandered behind him .

he took you to a place with about , seven people ?

yea .

seven .

three of which you knew to be Miku , Kaito and Meiko .

the other four ?

zero fucking clue .

they all stare at you .

Miku's smiling .

Kaito's confused .

Meiko looks like a proud mum . 

wait she always looks like that .

the pink haired girl was staring with a wide smile .

the blonde boy was angry ??

the green haired girl was watching intently .

the purple haired boy seemed amused .

you grin , jumping up happily , arms wide , you take a courtesy .

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N)  !it's a splendid day to be here! I'm happy to meet you all ! "

you straighten your back , grinning , winking , sticking your tongue out slightly .

Miku was the first to react , launching herself at you .

" (N/N) !! I missed you !!! "

you giggle .

" missed you too meeks . your crushing me . "

she climbs off .

" your just in time (Y/N) , we were all discussing the next song plans . "

Meiko was of course expecting you to work .

right after what was essentially a rebirth .

" introductions first maybe ? I don't know these people hehe~ "

alright .

after introductions , you knew names .

the pink haired girl was Ootori Emu .

blonde angry boy was Tenma Tsukasa .

green haired girl was Kusanagi Nene .

and the most interesting to you , was the purple haired male , known as Kamishiro Rui .

why was he interesting ?

because he was apparently working on bodies for the others so they could be in the physical world .

how cool is that ?

ah .

right song plans .

you had a few ideas .

sweet magic , or maybe party x party .

either worked .

maybe both ?

it wasn't long before both songs were planned out .

you and Len would keep your roles as bard and gunner in party x party .

it made sense for him to be with you in your first song , you were a pair after all .

Rui would be the merchant .

Nene the dancer .

Tsukasa the bartender .

and Emu as the novice .

it all worked out well .

the song ended up being a success !

how great is that ?

well .

it should be .

but .

you felt all wrong .

every emotion you displayed was just you acting .

your joy ?

fake .

you had no heart .

a lonely entity .

created by a lonely man .

you knew why you had manifested here .

Kamishiro Rui .

he didn't seem lonely , yet he was why you were here .

you could tell .

your an entity , born from his feelings .

you spoke to him daily .

Len and Miku taught you how to using his phone  .

so you kept him company .

and in turn , he kept you company .

'twas bitter sweet in a way .

all your other programs ran fine .

the only one that didn't , was your heart .

you were alone in the wonderland sekai today .

you only had wonderland x showtime to help , whilst the others had other bands to assist .

so there .

alone in such a colourful sekai .

sat a lonely girl .

wishing she could understand .

you only wanted to understand others feelings .

oh ?

Rui sat beside you .

something is bugging him .

" what's wrong ? "

you tilt your head .

" I need to tell you something (Y/N) "

huh ?

what on earth could he need to tell you ?

" I know you won't understand , but I love you . "

love ?

wasn't that the emotion where you felt overly attached to someone ?

the one where your face goes red at the thought of the person ?

the one where you feel butterflies in your stomach ?

the one where you felt your heart speed up ?

that's why you couldn't understand .

you had no heart .

you simply nod .

" I'm sorry . I cannot feel the same as you . "

he was the only one who knew about your missing piece .

that meant he knew you weren't sorry .

you physically couldn't be .

" it's alright . "

he smiles .

it's not his usual , playful cat grin .

it was what seemed to be a genuine smile .

" I'll keep working on getting you heart to work . "

he'd been trying to fix it ever since you told him .

you nod .

" thank you . "

you look at him with a smile .

" no problem . "

deep down , you knew he was upset  .

rejection was supposedly one of the worst feelings a human could experience .

you should've faked it .

but he would know .

that would probably hurt him more .

you were alone again .

Rui had excused himself not long after the encounter .

you made a wish .

a wish to understand what he was feeling .

a wish to understand why he worked so hard making your heart .

you sat for days .

longing for understanding .

Rui hadn't visited you for weeks now .

you felt lonely .

huh ?

what .

what's that feeling ?

pounding .

pounding ?

what the hell was pounding ?

you could hear it in your ears .

and you could feel it .

somewhere .

your chest .

you place a hand to your chest .

you could feel it .

beating hard .

what was it ?

could it be ?

no .

no don't talk stupid .

what ?

you felt something drip onto your hand , that was still on your chest .

tears ?

but .

that would mean the thing beating hard against your chest .

was your heart ?

it wasn't possible.

a quickening miracle .

why won't the tears stop ?

your eyes felt sore from wiping the tears oh so desperately .

why won't they stop ?

why ?

why ? why ? why ? why ? why ? why ? why ? why ?

your body trembles .

why do you shake so ?

is it because of the accelerating beat ?

is this truly the heart you had longed for ?

you understood .

you understood how Rui felt .

just the thought of him brought a smile to your face .

was this love ?

you missed him .

your heart .

it longed for him .

you decided to go see him .

your hologram self stood from his phone .

it was on his desk , and he was sat .

he seemed focused .

maybe you shouldn't disturb him .

" (Y/N) ? "

oh .

he's noticed you .

never mind leaving .

" It's a miracle Rui ! "

he looks at you confused .

" I can finally speak these words . words of truth . so I'll dedicate them to you . "

your face lights up happily .

" meet me in the wonderland sekai please . it's important . "

you return to the sekai , and wait patiently .

soon , Rui was stood before you .

looking at him , you finally realised just how attractive he was .

the heart .

your heart .

it was accelerating again .

you gently held his hand in your own , placing it to your chest .

his face flushed red .

oh right .

humans consider chests to be lewd .

but you knew no other way to show him .

his face seems confused , before he smiles .

" that's your heart , isn't it (Y/N) ? "

you nod with a smile .

" I can speak truthfully now . and I want the first words of truth I offer you to be my emotions . "

he simply nods , telling you to continue on .

" thank you for bringing me into world . thank you for the days we've spent together . thank you for all you've given me . "

you smile , pulling him close .

" thank you for showing me how to feel . I love you . "

Rui simply grins his usual Cheshire cat grin , tilting your head to him and kissing you .

it was a soft , sweet kiss .

if only it could last forever .

for what felt like hours , the two of you stood in a close embrace .

he had told you how to be happy .

the sorrowful things you knew of .

simply vanished in that moment .

you had begun to realise .

the reason you were born .

surely it was lonely to be by oneself .

yes .

the first miracle was that you were born .

the second miracle was the time you had spent together .

the third miracle had not yet happened .

your voice .

the message it carries .

it will be carried on for thousands of years .

an angels voice of the future .

a song sang from the heart .

a story told from a bereaved heart .

" the first miracle was her very existence .

the second miracle was the time she and I spent together .

the third miracle was a truly sincere heart .

the fourth miracle isn't needed .

the fourth miracle I didn't need .

the miracle of her heart lasted but a moment .

the heart was far too big for her .

unable to withstand that weight .

(Y/N) shortcut .

in my arms .

never to move again .

however her face .

her face was filled with a smile .

she looked like an angel . "

you had passed the gift of solitude back to Rui .

but .

he had told your story .

and then he simply .

simply vanished .

no one heard from him since then.

many believe he had died .

his heart broken from the loss of the one who understood him .

it simply , stopped working .

neither you nor him could withstand the weight of your hearts .

she had short circuited .

he had died .

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