Fate Has Other Plans

Oleh nic275

1.2M 36.3K 5.2K

What happens when you think that you've found your forever, your life and husband . But he turns out to be a... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Meet the character's
Author's note and comments
Meet the characters part 2
Message to Ya'll


14.8K 441 78
Oleh nic275

Thirteen years later

"Good morning mam." Ace says . It's amazing how this almost fifty year old man still looks sexy and young.  He looks like he is in his late thirties .

"Morning sir." I reply , a smile on my face showing how truly excited I am .

"Can we get out of bed now?" He asks . I look at him , and nod . We have to , we have kids whom we have to drag out of bed and to school .

Ace heads downstairs and prepares breakfast .

My hand reaches up to the door of my sixteen year old son .

"Hero , wake up . You need to prepare for school." I say knocking. 

Who would believe? Just yesterday  , Hero was three . And I was running around , begging him to put his pants on.

"I'm up mom!" He yells from his bathroom .

He's always been the time keeping one . Never late in his entire life .

My body turns to the room adjacent to Hero's and I knock,  having two kids is a damn struggle.  Especially waking them up .

"Kylie , get your butt out of that room now! I know Hero woke up!" I yell to my daughter .

Yep , it's a baby girl .

Just like with Hero, we didnt want to find out the gender pre birth . Although , Ace kept on insisting that it was another boy .

When she was born , I swear I was having a moment of confusion . I thought that my live had reached its limit , but it sky rocketed.

Her beautiful eyes , just like her brother's are big and beautiful . She has this ability to just look at you and you'll be calm , her eyes are hypnotic.

She's thirteen now and quite the hand full.  Both Hero and Kylie attend a local  school.

We drive them to and from school . They do get alot of stares because of that , we insisted that Hero would get his car during his senior year which is next year.

"Mom , do you mind if I catch a ride with Megan today?" He asks .

Kim bought Megan a car this year , she says it's because she's  tired of driving a grown ass woman to and from school .

"Yes , you can do that.  But have breakfast first. " I say . There is a silent knock on the door and soon Megan enters .

"Good morning auntie Cass , good morning uncle Ace . " she says then waves to my children.

Ace does his signature nod and I smile.

"Good morning Meg , have a seat.  Hero had to have breakfast first. " I say patting the seat next to me which is parallel to Hero's seat .

The entire time , I watch the two exchange stares . Hero states at Megan , his cheeks are crimson when I catch him staring . He smiles and continues with his meal.

"Can we go now?" He asks .

I nod and he stands quickly . I don't miss the way they hold hands when they walk out. 

"Fetch your stuff." I tell Kylie as we begin clearing the table .

She nods and heads up stairs , obedient little girl.

"They're dating." Ace says .

I nod , I didnt think he'd notice but clearly he did .

"Yep , I didnt think you'd see." I say.

"Who could miss the eye contact between the two? And that boner when he stood . Even Ky saw them." He says smiling.

After clearing the table , we drive our daughter to school. Just like all the other times , Ace kisses her forehead and walks into school .

Does it affect me how much my children are closer to they're dad than me? Definitely,  I'm jealous.

But we do get along pretty well. 

"What are we doing today babe?" I ask him .

We don't necessarily have to go to work . We have people who manage the companies for us but if we want to , we do go.

"I was thinking maybe some work? I have a few contracts to look at . And you have that Paris project coming up ." He reminds.

Since we did so well with Jason's company in France , we were just tempted to spread a little further.  The past thirteen years , we spread through the entire Europe . And our businesses are doing extremely well .

The drive to the company is really just relaxing,  Ace's grip on my thigh is calming and just being alive in every waking moment is perfect .

My office is filled with picture of my kids and my husband.  You'd swear that is a picture gallery and not the CEOs office .

The Hawaiian project was such a success that it made Bernett Industries the most successful business in the world till date. Being worth over a trillion dollars.

The entire time at work, I wonder what my children might be up to at that school.

Kylie sometimes worries me , it's as if she just wants to have fun instead of studying .

She reminds me of Crystal back in high school , and I dont want my daughter to end up as a single parent of two .

And the first being a product of teenage pregnancy and somebody else's husband.

I know that I've taught my children well.  I can see through the respect that Hero gives Meg .

He respects her . And that's big.

Kylie is still young,  I'll give her that . And she is still going through adolescence. 

But I know that when the te comes for her to woman up,  she is going to be headstrong and smart .

I just pray that they dont make the same mistakes their father and I did .

Soon it's time to go back home.  Yep,  the day goes by that fast.  One minute you're going in your office to start working .

Your mind wanders to your children then boom , you have to get back home .

I wait in the car as Ace sexy struts into the vehicle.

He plants a kiss on my forehead and begins driving .

"How was work." I ask placing a hand on his thigh .

"It was hectic , I have to come in tomorrow again . You want to come with me?" He asks smiling.

"What would be the purpose of staying home if you aren't there to stay with me?" I ask and he chuckles.

He sends a text to someone when we hit the red lights. 

And then begins driving . The drive is a bit long , and before I can take into consideration as to where we're going.  I realise that it's dark outside.

"Ace where are we going?" I ask him .

I dont see his reaction but I know that he just chuckled.

"Shh , you're going to ruin the surprise ." He says .

He drops his hand on my thigh as a sign of reassurance.

And suddenly,  he stops the car near some fenced yard with a few other cars near it .

He asks me to get out of it .

"Ace what's happening." I ask .

He says nothing , just pulls me toward a familiar gate.

Hs gets to it and nods to the guard standing there .

What the fuck are we doing at the prison?

We walk past all the bushes that we had to walk past when we were released . Its alot scarier when it's dark.

He holds my hand and makes sure that I'm at close proximity with him . He pushes his legs to walk faster and mine too .

Soon I see beautiful lights .

It's the behavioral correction center. 

It looks amazing . The moment we set foot on the concrete ground , I hear a loud yell.

"Surprise!!" My body jerks at the sound and I immediately recognize all the faces .

Isa,  Anthony , old man Jay , the guy who used to paint . So many more people who were released .

Old man Jay now looks like someone who should be called old man Jay.  He has wrinkles on his wrinkles.

"Cassiey , its been long Hey?" He says as he embraces me.

"Old man Jay." My voice sounds so much in shock.

I embrace everyone , and make small talk with them .

Turns out life is going good on their sides too and they plan on making they're lives even better than is now .

Anthony and Isa are married . Glad she didnt kill him by the way .

Isa is poison Ivy.  Really pretty but equally as dangerous .

There is a loud sound , that sounds like metal connecting to glass .

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

We all turn and I'm almost in shock to realise that its Ace who did that .

The same Ace who is extremely shy to even blink when he is with people.

"I'd like to say a few words ." He says .

My eyes train to him and I smile in reassurance.  I like that he is trying to get out of his comfort zone.

"Um, there's a woman , in this crowd whom I'd like to thank .

About twenty one years ago,  I was locked up in here . In hopes that I'd be released and head back home to the reason why I was here . Melanie .

I couldn't open up to anyone . I enjoyed solitude and I avoided things like this , standing infront of people and talking ." He says and we all chuckle .

"I met this wonderful young woman . Although at that time , she was petty and stubborn and just alot.  I wanted to stay the fuck away from her .

But something pulled me to her , something about the way she also didnt want anything to do with me drew me to her.

Spending time with her , became my favourite thing to do here in prison . Old man Jay can testify to that." He says .

"Yes I can , lord knows how many times you stood me up just to go and watch stars with her." Old man Jay says and everyone chuckles .

"Every day grew increasingly amazing. She became the most important person in my life .

Seeing her smile felt like an achievement for me , because that's all I wanted to do , to make her happy .

It lid up my world when she laughed , even though she likes to push me when she laughs , I love it .

How open and opinionated she is intrigued me , it was and is annoying sometimes but I just love to get a view of what's going on in her head .

She is extremely sarcastic and petty.  I've seen her do things I thought only three year olds do . Literally stuck her tongue out .

But all those , are what made me love her . Spending time with her , made me fall inlove with her daily .

The day I got released, I was so happy that she was the one waiting there to pick me up. She bought me all these stuff and gave me a job .

She cared for me even when it was hard to do so myself . She was generous enough to share her home with me  .

She became my wife and I knew that I was fulfilling my purpose on this earth .

Waking up next to her and falling asleep with her in my arms became my favourite parts of the day.

When she gave me our first blessing , which was our son Hero. I dont know how to describe the feeling.

I suddenly loved her more than the word could ever mean  . She gave me life , the beautiful little boy grew up to be just like her .

She gave me a wonderful daughter whom is cheeky and petty just like her . And I love my children very much . Although they're a hand full .

She's taught me kindness , love,  peace , happiness , hard work  , determination,  calm , life . She's taught me to forgive , to learn , to be considerate .

She gives me reason  everyday to wake up and go to work . I want to give her the world that she deserves .

Cass , I brought you here today because this is where we met . This is where it all started , this is where we laid a foundation to this beautiful gift of God that we've built today.

I know that you probably have forgotten because of how hard you work . But happy anniversary baby , I love you so much." He says then he walks over and kisses me with so much passion.

I hear cheers and claps,  more than the people were before.  When I look , I see Kim , Beth,  Mike , Dale .

Is it really the first of May today? I'm so behind when it comes to dates .

"I love you so much ." He says kissing me temple.

I thought that after being run over by Jason, being his fool and all that I'd never find peace .

I thought that I'd always be stuck on him, because he had built me . But of course that was not the case .

In prison,  I met one of the best people I'd ever met .  And he loved me, he took me in , mess and all that I am .

He chose to love me , to live me through all the imperfections that I have to offer .

He looked at me and unlike everyone else , he didnt see defeat or loss . He saw an opportunity to help raise me back .

We became each other's back bones.  Today we're parents of two amazing children . There is no other way I'd have it .

Although fate pulled a few twists on us , we always won .

People who deserved revenge , got it and those who deserved a happily ever after .

I always thought that I'd die alone with twenty five cats after being released from prison .

But fate pulled its strings and here I am , a mother of two . I wouldn't have it any other way .

Fate did have other plans , and they worked out really great for me .

As for me , Cassandra Bernett , I look forward to my forever with my husband and children.

Author's note.

Cant believe that Fate Has Other Plans  has finally came to an end😭😭😭😭😭

Writing this book has been an emotional roller coaster . I'm proud of myself,  because I achieved so much at the age of 16 . It was not easy tho , with school and pressure to do well , I thought that I wouldnt make it through. Thank you for all your support with the book . I'm starting with editing next month , which means there'll be additions to the chapters and they'll all be longer , so stay tuned , there might be something new😚❤

For the last time in this book.😭😭💔

Vote , comment and recommend 💖😻

Nic275 🧚‍♀️💍❤

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