The Winds of the Past [Rune F...

By Halcyon_Eve

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Based on the video game Rune Factory 4. A Wattpad Featured Fanfiction 2015-2016. After a terrible accident de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 54

224 8 3
By Halcyon_Eve

Empty, lifeless, sea-green eyes, thickly fringed with dark green lashes, stared skyward. I gathered her up in my arms, the aching emptiness consuming me from within as I howled my grief to the universe.

I awoke with a start and found that I'd fallen asleep with my head resting on her chest, where, to my immeasurable relief, her heart beat even more strongly than the last time I'd listened. Her hand was still clasped in mine—even in sleep, neither of us had let go of the other. I sat up, and looked into a pair of stricken azure eyes staring at me from across her bed.

"Will... will she be okay?" Leonel asked in a barely audible whisper.

I smiled sympathetically at him as I nodded. "Yes. She just needs rest—lots and lots of rest—right now. But she's going to be fine."

His shoulders slumped as he breathed a sigh of relief. "She... she saved me. Even though I said I hated her, she still saved me. That big dragon was... it was going to eat me. I was so scared, I couldn't even move."

I hadn't noticed him there before, but now I saw Barrett leaning against the doorway, watching his son. He walked over, crouched down next to him, and put his arm around the boy's thin shoulders. Leonel leaned against his dad, then continued, hesitantly. "She ran right between me and the dragon just as it was about to bite me. That... that's the last thing I remember until I woke up when you were running down the street, carrying me here."

I nodded. "You blacked out. Perfectly reasonable thing to do under the circumstances."

"That dragon... it almost killed her, didn't it? And it would've been all my fault if she'd died. Why'd she do it? Why would she risk her life like that, after I was so mean to her?"

"Because she cares," I replied simply, glancing down at my sleeping wife, my heart full to bursting with my love for her.

He blinked in surprise at my reply, and thought for a minute. "Mom was wrong about her," he said matter-of-factly, looking up at his dad.

Barrett hesitated, then nodded. "Yes. She was wrong." He sighed, then stroking Leonel's hair, he said, "You're old enough, son, to know that sometimes people would rather believe a lie than accept the truth. And that's what happened with your mom. It was just easier for her to blame Avani, even though she was innocent, than to deal with the real problem."

"What was the real problem, Dad? Why couldn't you and Mom stay married?" he asked, a little tremulously.

Staring over Leonel's head at nothing, Barrett didn't answer right away. After a few minutes, he closed his eyes and said, "In the end, we just couldn't be happy with each other. So your mom decided to leave, to be free to find happiness on her own."

"I guess that's why she married Marco, isn't it? Because he makes her happy?" Barrett nodded, and he looked at his dad curiously. "What about you, Dad? Are you happier now, too?"

Barrett looked in surprise at him. "I... don't know, son. I haven't figured that out yet." Then he ruffled the boy's hair and stood up, saying, "Come on. You've had your visit, now let's go and let Avani sleep in peace. You can talk to her when she's awake and stronger."

Leonel nodded and rose, and they quietly left, raising their hands to me in silent farewell.

All in all, Avani slept for thirty-nine hours. I stayed by her side the whole time, waiting and watching as her wounds mended. I could, of course, have simply healed her once my energy had replenished... but after consulting with Jones and Nancy, I decided against it. She'd clearly been through quite an ordeal, though we didn't yet know the details, and allowing her a period of rest and recuperation seemed wise. Magic could mend wounds, but it couldn't take the place of sleep. So I kept watch over her for a night and a day and another night as she slept and recovered, her bruises darkening even more dramatically before beginning to fade, the stitched-up gashes closing, the swelling going down.

When she finally awoke, she opened her eyes and looked around, confused by her surroundings. Then she saw me and relaxed as I smiled down at her. "Welcome back, My Lady," I said, giddy with relief.

She closed her eyes again for a moment, then smiled back at me, saying in a hoarse whisper, "I'm home, Leo."

My throat constricted at her response, leaving me unable to voice any of the millions of things I wanted to say to her, so I made do with simply holding her as tightly as I dared.

It was a couple more days before she was allowed to go home, and she spent a great deal of that time asleep. But by the time she was released from the clinic—with strict instructions to stay in bed and rest for another day or two—she was at least able to eat simple foods such as broth and porridge and to walk around, though she moved slowly and still needed a little help from time to time.

Back in our home, I tucked her into bed and stayed close by, waiting on her myself while she continued to recuperate. Not being much of a cook, I made arrangements with Clorica and Porcoline to send in meals for us. In addition, many of the townsfolk stopped by, bringing us meals and looking in to see how she was doing. It seemed that word of her adventure had spread quickly.

The first evening back in our home, after things had settled down a little, Barrett stopped by with his kids. Yuri was distraught to see her beloved princess so badly hurt and bed-ridden, but Avani invited her to climb up onto the bed and cuddle up with her while they visited, which cheered them both. Barrett, too, looked concerned, though he seemed relieved that she'd improved as much as she had since he'd first seen her after her ordeal.

Leonel, though, hung back a little, shy and uncertain. Avani saw him half-hidden behind his dad, though, and called to him. He stepped up to her bedside, although he kept his eyes on the floor. She looked him over, then reached an arm out and pulled him closer for a hug. "You look much better—I'm so glad. How do you feel?" she asked him, looking into his flushed face.

A little tear escaped the corner of his eye, and he mumbled that he was fine in reply. A sob caught in his throat, and then he threw his arms around her neck, unconscious of the pain his embrace caused her. She only reached out and patted his back, though, and gave no more indication than a wince of her discomfort as she soothed him.

"I-I'm so sorry," he said, his voice choked with sobs and muffled as he buried his face in her shoulder. "My mom was all wrong about you. I shouldn't have listened to her. It's all my fault that you got hurt so bad. I should have believed Dad—and you."

"It's okay, Leonel," Avani reassured him. "I'll be fine in a few more days, you'll see. I'm sure I look worse than I feel right now. Don't blame yourself—you couldn't have known. She's your mother, after all, and it's only right for you to love and respect her. I'm sure she didn't mean to cause any harm." He sat up and sniffled loudly as he nodded. "So are we friends now?" she asked him with a smile.

He smiled back at her through his tears, and nodded. "Friends!" he exclaimed. He bumped fists with her, then stood up and looked at his dad, who smiled and gave a satisfied nod of his head as he reached out to tousle the boy's hair.

Avani looked over to me, smiling. "I could be mistaken," she said, "But I think we have the fixings for hot chocolate out in the kitchen. I think there's even some whipping cream. If you wouldn't mind, Leo?"

I grinned at her, reaching for Yuri and lifting her up. "I think I can just about handle that." As I took the kids into the kitchen to make them hot drinks, Barrett grabbed the chair I'd placed near the bed and pulled it over to sit down by her side.

While I heated the milk, measured the sugar, and shaved the block of chocolate, Leonel read to Yuri from a book of legends that I'd left sitting on the bedside table. Meanwhile, Barrett talked with Avani, thanking her for rescuing his son and discussing his recovery. I finished making the hot chocolate and topped it with dollops of freshly whipped cream, serving it to the children along with a few cookies from a plateful we'd been given earlier that day. I left them sitting at the kitchen table with their snacks and began to return to Avani's side, when a snippet of conversation made me freeze. It was too low for the children to hear, even if they'd been listening, but with my extra keen hearing, I could make out their words as clearly as if I was standing next to them.

"You know," Barrett was saying, slowly, "what you told Leonel the other day wasn't entirely true."

"What?" she replied in surprise. "What did I say? I don't remember saying anything untrue, and I certainly didn't intend to...."

"You said that we were fond of each other, but only as friends and nothing more."

"Yes... but, that is true, isn't it? I'm fond of you, anyway, and I consider you to be a very good friend." Her voice sounded puzzled, but I could see where this was headed and I tensed—it was something I'd known for a long time, though I'd never expected him to come right out and admit to it.

"I know... that part was true enough. But... it's not mutual."

"It... it isn't? Barrett, I... I don't know what to say. I thought we were friends," she said in a wounded voice, sounding as if she was about to cry.

"No—that's not... I mean, you aren't only a friend to me. You're so much more. After... after that night with you, I... well, I never told you before, but I fell in love with you. Don't worry," he added, interrupting her startled exclamation, "I know it's not mutual. And that's okay—I'm not asking or expecting anything from you. You've already given me so much as it is. But after... after you risked your life to save Leonel, I... I just couldn't keep it from you any longer. I had to let you know. I've accepted that you don't reciprocate, that you're very much in love with Leon, and he with you. And I wish you nothing but happiness with him. It's clear to me that you are both good for each other, and I'd never try to come between you. Still... I've just had enough of deception, I suppose."

"But, then... how...?"

"Nothing's changed, Avani. You and I are still friends, and I hope we always will be." I could hear the chair creaking as he rose, then he continued. "Leonel asked me earlier, what about me—if I'm happier now. I hope to be, someday—as happy as you and Leon are. You set me free from my past, and that has given me hope for my future. Thank you, for all you've done—for me, and for my family."

I heard the sound of a kiss, and I strolled out as nonchalantly as I could muster, just in time to see him kissing the top of her head. Both turned and looked as I walked over, Avani with a radiant smile, and Barrett with a slightly self-conscious flush spreading across his cheeks.

They left soon afterwards, once the kids had finished their cookies and hot chocolate. Avani looked at me as I sat down in the chair next to her, the book of legends in my hands as I prepared to settle down to read while she rested. "I know you heard what Barrett said," she commented matter-of-factly.

I nodded, smiling a little ruefully at her. "Were you really unaware of his feelings until now, My Lady?"

She blushed and looked away, a pained look in her eyes. "I honestly had no idea. Not even a teensy hint of a clue. I really thought we were just good friends."

"And so you are, beloved," I replied, stroking her hair. "Look at you and Dylas. You were lovers for years, and he loves you still. Yet despite that, you two are very good friends. In fact, he's your best friend, isn't he? Apart from yours truly, of course," I added with a grin.

"I... I guess that's true. I suppose I just need to get used to the idea. If he's felt this way all along.... I wonder why he felt he needed to tell me that now, of all times? Why wait until I'm married?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Would it have changed anything if he'd admitted his love for you before we married?"

"Well, no... of course not."

"Then what difference does it make when he spoke? Perhaps he waited so that you wouldn't feel that he was pressuring you into reciprocating. Perhaps it was just as he said—he finally grew tired of the pretense, of not being honest about his feelings. Or perhaps it was just that, having come so close to losing you, he felt that he needed to say something while he could. Because, after all, life is uncertain, and even the mightiest among us are not infallible."

She looked a little pale. "Was... was it really that bad? I mean, was I really hurt that badly? No one seems to want to tell me. I don't remember much after...." She shivered, and her eyes grew large and dark as she thought back.

I set my book aside and slipped into bed next to her, holding her in my arms to comfort her. "Shhh, you're safe, My Lady. You're recovering quite admirably, and you'll be back up and leaping into the fray again in no time at all." She lay back down and cuddled up to me, resting her head on my lap and closing her eyes while I gently stroked her hair. She didn't sleep, though, so after a minute, I asked with some hesitation, "What did happen, My Lady? How did you come to be hurt so badly? Do you feel like talking about it?"

She lay quietly for a few minutes, then without opening her eyes, she reached for my other hand as she spoke in a low voice. "I'd rushed on ahead of you, as you may recall, and found the grimoire just about to pounce on Leonel, who was already injured and frozen with terror. So I dove in between him and the dragon, too quickly for it to change its course. My interference prevented it from reaching Leonel, at least, but it was enraged at being denied its prey. After you took Leonel and left... it turned on me with a fury like I've never seen from one of its kind before. It cast spell after spell at me, so I was kept busy dodging wind blades and tornados and meteor showers. Then, while I was distracted with all that... it blindsided me with its tail. It knocked me flying, and I crashed into one of the stone pillars. I had just enough strength left to cast Prism— luckily, light spells are its greatest weakness—just as it flung itself onto me, ripping and tearing at me with its fangs and claws. The barrier sliced through its defenses and flung it across the terrace, but by then I was too badly hurt—I couldn't move or even cast escape. I tried, and I just couldn't formulate the words. The last thing... the last thing I remember was wishing I'd had a chance to say goodbye to you... then the next thing I knew, I was waking up, and you were by my side."

I squeezed her hand, unable to speak for some time. Before I regained the use of my voice, she fell asleep, curled up snugly against me, her head still on my lap as I continued stroking her hair.

After another three days, Avani had recovered enough to be up and about, and with Jones' approval, I completed her healing with the use of magic. Barrett's children were in town for another ten days after that, and they were frequent visitors—both of them—for the remainder of their visit. Avani delighted in teaching them farming skills, playing with them with her pet wolves, taking them for rides on her assorted tame monsters, and even teaching Leonel the rudiments of sword-play. Yuri, of course, was too young for combat training just yet, so instead, Avani took her up to her crafting room one day and spent the afternoon showing her how to make simple jewelry and other accessories.

When they came to say goodbye the day they were to return to their mother's house, Avani presented Leonel with a handsome short sword and shield that she'd made especially for him, and she gave Yuri several accessories—some that she'd made for the child, and others that she'd helped Yuri to make. The little girl squealed with glee at the little velvet pouch of treasures, and Leonel's eyes shone as he admired his gifts. Hugs were exchanged—and a few kisses, as well—and promises of future visits were given and accepted. Then Barrett pulled his reluctant children away, smiling as he waved and called out a farewell as they headed towards the airship.

I looked down at my wife and was surprised to see tears in her eyes. "My Lady? Is anything the matter?"

She shook her head and brushed her hand across her eyes, wiping away the traces of tears as she smiled at me. "No... nothing's wrong exactly. I'm just going to miss them, that's all. They really livened things up... didn't they?"

I smiled at her as we turned and walked back into our chamber. "Are you bored already, my love?"

"No, just...." She sighed. "I don't know, it just feels like something is missing... something that I didn't even know was missing before, but now I can't stop feeling that there's an... an emptiness that wants to be filled."

I gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze, for I felt the same way.

The next morning, I woke early. Sitting up and stretching, I looked down at my wife. She still slept more than was usual for her—although recovered from her injuries, she still was recuperating from being so completely and utterly drained of energy. However, she was nearly back to her old self, and I was thankful each morning that I awoke to find her still at my side, hale and hearty and as beautiful and incredible as ever.

She stirred as I watched her, and opened her eyes to find me smiling down at her. As I reached out to stroke her cheek tenderly, suddenly everything fell into place—the vague sense of emptiness, that something was missing... I understood it all in a flash of insight that nearly took my breath away.

Still smiling at her, although my heart was pounding from my epiphany, I said as calmly as I could, "Good morning, My Lady. I have some trivia and a little quiz for you. Care to play?"

She sat up and leaned against my shoulder. "Oh? Sure, what is it, Leo?" she replied with a sleepy yawn.

"Let's begin with the trivia. Did you know that I happen to be very fond of children?"

"I had noticed that," she grinned, "from the way you played with Barrett's kids. I'll never forget you having a tea party with Yuri while I was busy teaching Leonel how to handle a sword, or the rapt attention in Leonel's face when you regaled him with stories from your own time. And let's not forget the way you let them climb all over you, tickling you—especially your ears!"

I winced at the memory of that particular romp—it had been so... undignified. "Let's perhaps forget that last one," I said with a smile. "Anyway, now for the quiz. It's only one question. Answer yes or no: Do you want to have children?"

She looked up at me in startled surprise for a moment as she considered my inquiry. Then her face relaxed into a wide grin as she again leaned against me. "Yeah... yeah, I do. Millions of them!"

I cleared my throat. "Hmm, I don't know about millions...." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me as I looked down into here eyes. "Well, My Lady, how about it, then? Will you do me the honor of bearing my children?"

"I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have a family with," she said with a giggle. "Do you think they'll inherit your foxy ears and tail? That would be just too adorable!"

"You can laugh, but I'm completely serious," I replied, stroking her cheek. "I want you to be the mother of my children." With that, I began to kiss her. "So just in case you've forgotten, let me remind you how it works," I whispered into her ear, drawing her back down in my arms.

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