Renesmee (Fanfic)

Da Bina_Mtz

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Fan Fiction Written By: Bina Mtz A continuation fanfic from Stephanie Meyer's 'Twilight Saga' ... Altro

Chapter One - Six Months Old
Chapter Two - Grandpa Knows
Chapter Three - New Power
Chapter Four - Temper Tantrum
Chapter Five - One Years Old
Chapter Six - Party
Chapter Seven - Snowmen & Snow Castles
Chapter Eight - Thanks to be Giving
Chapter Nine - A Conning Smile
Chapter Ten - Punishment
Chapter Eleven - Second Christmas & New Year
Chapter Twelve - Fallen Ill
Chapter Thirteen - Surprise Phone Call
Chapter Fifteen - Explanations & Decisions
Chapter Sixteen - The Beginning of Change
Chapter Seventeen - Mourning
Chapter Eighteen - Journey
Chapter 19 - MONSTERS
Chapter 20 - Speak of the Devil
Chapter 21 - The Waiting Game
Chapter 22 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 23 - Two Years Later
Chapter 24 Age Seven
Chapter 25 - Happy Birthday To Me
done for now
Who's Ready for the Story to continue?

Chapter Fourteen - Unwanted News

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Da Bina_Mtz

Chapter Fourteen

Unwanted News

I was elated to hear that my Grandma Renee would know of me and of my family but then the realization hit me. It hit me hard.

I gasped, "But she can't know. She would be in danger and her life would be threatened and the Volturi would," I was nearly crying when Ayah interrupted me.

"Sweetheart, her life is already threatened. She has very sad news to tell your family. Your Mother won't be able to handle the news and will ask your family to tell her the truth and ask her if she wants to change."

I was shocked and scared. "What news," the words barely whispered out of my mouth.

"She has cancer and not very long to live; doctor's told her she could recover, but from what I know she only has three months."

I began to cry. I couldn't even bare to think about my Mommy being sad.

"Is she going to be like Mommy and live with us too?" Maybe this wouldn't be half bad. I would have two Grandmothers'.

"She must make that decision herself."

I sighed heavily thinking of all the possibilities. I didn't know whether to cry or be mad or go tell Mommy and Daddy. Meantime, I just sat in front of the fire holding my knee's up to my chest.

I was feeling a little overwhelmed actually, very overwhelmed. This was too much but I knew it would all be over soon and turn out for the best, at least I hoped it would.

After a few hours of contemplating the future I finally returned to the main house. Mommy and Daddy hugged me tightly and then handed me off to the rest of the family for hugs.

I blocked my mind from Daddy because I was going to let Renee tell them. It was only three days until she was here, how hard would it be to keep it a secret that long?

I didn't bring the subject of me meeting Grandma Renee again and Daddy often thought that was out of character for me. Usually, I was relentless until I got my way which, he said I got from Mommy.

Once Daddy, Mommy and I were alone in the kitchen I apologized. "I'm sorry for my behavior. I hope you forgive me."

They both hugged me again.

"And thank you for allowing me to have quiet time alone for a few hours. That really helped."

"You are growing up so fast we are having a hard time keeping up and that was a very hard thing for both of us to do. You don't know how badly we were ready to run after you," Mommy said softly.

Daddy's thought gave him away. Mommy had to literally beg him to stay and give me some space. Daddy was going insane waiting for me to return.

Mommy heated me up another bowl of soup that Grandmaw made me. I was so hungry that I ate two full bowls again.

Uncle Emmet called me a little piggy and Daddy nearly tore his arm off. Daddy sure was being touchy. Maybe it was because Mommy was worried about the visit with Grandma Renee.

It was strange to know that I was the only one with the knowledge of Grandma's fate. I was sort of nervous. I didn't know how my Mommy would take it if Grandma decided not to be turned. I knew we would all be sad but it would be Grandma's decision and not ours.

I sighed as I sat down in the living room. Daddy looked to me questioningly and I could hear that he was prodding my mind for answers. I was so glad that I could block him out.

I wondered what the explanation would be to Grandma's husband Phil if she decided to join us but I didn't want to worry about that too. I was sure that Mommy, Daddy and Grandpaw would come up with something.

Jacob called me on the phone and we talked for hours. I missed him so much and was anxious for him to come over again. I told him he should try some of the soup Grandmaw made for me and he said that he would. Daddy was nice enough to run some over to him while we were still on the phone with each other.

Daddy heated it up for him and then came back home.

"Hey, this smells pretty good," Jacob said over the phone. I heard him sip some from a spoon. "What's in this? It is great!"

"It's mountain lion meat and all of its blood," I said excitedly. I was happy he liked it but then I heard him gagging and spitting. "Jacob? Are you alright?"

Daddy was laughing now and I looked at him with a mixed expression of a scowl and confusion.

"Um, yea Ness, I'm good. Just swallowed wrong," he coughed a little more. "Thanks Nessie and tell Esme it was delicious."

Daddy was still laughing. I gave him an evil eye and then smiled. He was being silly because he knew Jacob would do that after he found out what the soup was made of.  I rolled my eyes as Uncle Emmet began to laugh crazily after Daddy told him what Jacob did.

Jacob wanted to come over so badly but he still had the shivers and didn't want to get me sick again; even though I got over it in a matter of hours. I wished Jacob could get over it that fast too but he wasn't half vampire.

I sighed with Jacob.

The day Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper arrived home Jacob was finally well enough to come over for a visit. I was so happy. I finally had Jacob, Alice and Jasper back.

The snow had piled up higher and was so deep that I had to stay on the porch or I would literally get lost in the white sea of snow. I had hugs and kisses for all of them. Not so many for Jacob though because I knew Daddy would be upset.

After greeting Alice and Jasper home all the adult's disappeared into the dining room to discuss the Renee situation.

She would be here tomorrow morning and then things would change. I saw that Aunt Alice had incomplete visions of Renee being sad over something but didn't have the specifics.

At least she didn't know I knew those specifics. I was glad she didn't know I knew more than she did.

Jacob and I played Wii as their meeting went on for hours. Jacob had to eventually leave for patrol again but everyone was still busy discussing how they were going to pull off Mommy's human look.

Since it had gotten pretty late, I curled up on the couch and fell asleep. Aunt Rosalie woke me that next morning and I looked around for Mommy and Daddy.

"Where are my Mom and Dad?"  

"They left already to go pick up Renee sweet heart. I'm sorry. I told them they shouldn't do it like this but they didn't want to see you upset before they left in case you wanted to go with them." She sat next to me and put an arm around my tiny frame.

I shrugged and sighed, "Nothing new Aunt Rose." I was severely disappointed. I would have gotten over my issues of not being able to go if they woke me to say good bye but now I felt that much more upset towards them. Not trusting me to not throw a fit.

"We need to get you ready." Rosalie said as she stood up.

I heard her thoughts on how she had to get me to Jacob's house; a task she wasn't looking forward to. She also thought I would put up a huge fuss but I surprised her there. I knew it wouldn't be long before I could return and meet Renee.

I had my own privileged information and felt deviously proud of it too.

I cleaned myself up and Rosalie ran with me to Jacob's who was waiting anxiously on his front porch.

"Rose," he nodded to her plainly; a very plain thanks for bringing me.

"Mu... Jacob," Rosalie still had her issues with the pack.

I rolled my eyes at her while I hugged her goodbye.

"I will see you as soon as I can, ok!" she said before turning and running away. She was happy she could finally breathe fresh air again.

I had to laugh at her thoughtfully rude remark. Jacob knew I heard something condescending in her thoughts and wasn't in the mood to hear it. He was grateful she was at least a little hospitable towards him. Not very much if you ask me...

Jacob and I went in to say hi to Billy and then we went all over La Push.

I got to visit Claire at her Mommy's house. She wanted to come with Jacob and me but Quill was coming over to play with her later on so she stayed home.

We went to the tiny store and said hi to everyone in there while Jacob bought us a drink.

As we walked through the town/neighborhood we waved and said hello to everyone we ran across. Then Jacob took me to Emily's. We gave each other great big hugs. She missed me a lot. I would have to come more often; I promised myself.

Her home was always so warm and airy. The smell of fresh baking bread and muffins drifted throughout the entire little house. She kindly offered me some but I kindly declined. Jacob scarfed down two muffin rolls before Emily even offered him some.

"Jacob that was rude," I scolded him.

Emily laughed as I got on to Jacob. His mouth was full as he tried to speak with his hands. He apologized as soon as he swallowed the muffins and I dragged him out of Emily's so he wouldn't steal anymore. We said good bye and then walked along the beach.

Low tide had left small tidal pools scattered on the beach. They were teeming with life. I loved watching the tiny world in the puddle.

I poked at a few fish and they swam in circles realizing they had nowhere else to go. All the beautiful colors mixed so elegantly with the water sparkling in the little rays of sun that peeked through the clouds.

Jacob stood quietly watching me and smiled at me as I splashed a little water on him. We continued down the beach and I picked up several beautiful shells. Jacob offered to hold them for me so by the time I was done finding shells, his pockets were packed full.

Then my cell that he was holding for me, in his pocket, rang. I giggled as he had to dig it out from under all the shells. He handed me back the shells so he could get to it and answered the call.

"Hello. Yes, of course, she'ss right here." Jacob looked to me with wide eyes and a confused look. He shrugged his shoulders telling me he didn't know what was up.

I handed him the shells back and took the cell, "Hi Aunt Alice." I said all innocently.

"Renesmee, why didn't you tell anyone?" she berated me over the phone.

"Tell you what Aunt Alice," I said childishly. I wasn't going to admit anything. Not yet at least.

"You know what young lady, don't play coy with me. You knew Renee would find out about us as vampires because I just had a vision of you showing everyone a memory." She was very upset now. "Tell Jacob to bring you home so you can show me everything you know."


"Renesmee," she raised her voice higher and louder than she ever has to me; I was shocked. "Put Jacob on the phone."

I handed him the cell and shrugged my shoulder while shaking my head.

"Hello?" Jacob looked to me as he listened to Alice. His eye brows raised then fell. I could hear how he was sad that I had to go now.  

Alice was telling him which door to enter but he couldn't come in because she needed to be able to see. Jacob gave me the cell back again and this time I didn't say a thing. I just listened.

"When you get here I need you to go straight to my room," her voice was at least calmer now.

"Ok," I ended the call and sighed. "Gonna change to a wolf and give me a ride?"

"Nah, I'll just run with you."

"Alright," I forced a smile.  

We took off towards the house; both of us were sad that our time together was cut short. Jacob was quiet most of the way until he said we should take a longer way around to the kitchen door so we weren't seen from the living room. He stopped at the tree line and said goodbye.

"I'll see you later Ness." He looked so sad but put on a small smile for me.

"Ok, Jacob. I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time at the beach." I took his hand. "But we can do it again as soon as this is all done," I tilted my head towards the house.

"I know. See you later," he said again before pulling his hand out of mine and running off.

I headed through the kitchen and up the stairs to Alice's room. She was with everyone out front welcoming Renee to the house.

I watched through everyone's thoughts as they surveyed Grandma's pale skin. Alice hadn't said anything yet and they were already suspecting something was wrong with her. 

I realized Alice's vision didn't give her much information. She only saw Mommy telling her what they were and then introducing me. She also had a vision of Ayah telling me that Renee would learn of us. At least that vision was short on information too.

Daddy heard me shuffling around in Alice's room and looked to her with shock.

'It's ok Edward. I told her to come home. I need to talk to her,' she thought to Daddy then she showed him her visions.

I shook my head to myself. Why did she have to show him that?

After everyone was inside the house and sitting down talking with Renee, Alice and Daddy excused their selves. Grandmaw Esme went to the kitchen to fix Renee a glass of iced tea.

I was wide eyed when Alice and Daddy flitted swiftly into the room. They were so concerned and a little angry to the point they sped inhumanly up the back stairs so no one from the living room could see them.

"Spill," Alice spat.

"Spill what Aunt Alice. You had the vision."

"Renesmee, don't act like that, please tell us everything you know," Daddy whispered with an upset tone.

"You're all about to find out," I eyed towards the door. 

They listened with me and realized, Mommy and Renee were alone in the living room.

We all could hear the rubbing of fabric together as Renee scooted closer to Mommy.

Daddy and I both saw Mommy through Renee's eyes as her demeanor stiffened as she realized her Mother was fixing to tell her something.

Aunt Alice could only hear what they were saying so she kept trying to see into the future for more information.

Renee took Mommy's hand into hers and patted it before looking up to her eyes. Her thoughts barely noticed the cold hard hand she held. "Bella, I'm so happy to see that you are happy and very well taken care of."

"Mom," Mommy whispered a little confused.

"Bella, I have something I need to tell you... I... just found out two weeks ago and well, it isn't good news," she took a deep breath in before saying what she needed to say. "I have breast cancer Baby."

"No, Mom," Mommy gasped as she shook her head a little too quickly.

Renee got concerned that Mommy was about to faint from the news but of course she didn't know yet about vampires.

Mommy's breath caught and she wanted to cry. "But you can be healed from it right? Chemo and all that kind of stuff," Mommy was frantic trying to come to grips with this.

"I have to have surgery in two weeks to have them both removed. That is why I wanted to be here now and tell you in case I don't make it through the surgery."

Mommy leapt forward taking Renee into her arms. She hugged a little too tightly and Daddy had to rush down to help her.

"Wow Bella," Renee gasped for breath. "When did you get so strong?"

Daddy held Mommy in his arms after she let go of her Mom. She shook her head as she buried her face into his chest.

Finally Mommy relaxed enough to sit back down and continue to talk. Daddy tried to leave them alone but Mommy held his hand refusing to let it go.

"What's the percentage of your recovery?" Mommy finally spoke.

"35% Bella; I know this is hard. Phil took it hard too but only after I couldn't speak for three days after finding out myself. He finally demanded me to tell him what was wrong and when I did he collapsed to the floor," Renee began to cry now.

Mommy went to sit by her and Daddy excused his self again. He got the glass of ice tea for her and then after giving it to her he came back upstairs to Aunt Alice's room.

Alice sat stunned and silent on her bed as Daddy came in.

"Call Carlisle and ask him if he can come home. Bella shifted her shield out to tell me she needs to speak to the family."

We both snapped our heads to look at each other and then back to look at Daddy.

"You call him Edward," Alice whined.

"I need to get back down stairs Alice," Daddy spoke through his clenched teeth.

Alice just shook her head at him saying she just couldn't.

Daddy finally dialed Grandpaw his self. On his way back to Mommy he asked him if he could come home and told him why we needed him. Grandpaw said he was on his way and Daddy joined Mommy again.

I sighed as I climbed on to the bed with Alice.

"Renesmee," Alice spoke real softly.

"Yes Aunt Alice."

"Please tell me."

I sighed and nodded my head. "She has to choose," was all I said because that was all I knew.

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